17 simple ways to increase website traffic

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Introduction – Website Traffic Generation

● If you have a business website, the most important thing that you

should aim for is to generate more web traffic.

● If you could increase more traffic for your website, half of your work

is done there itself.

● Being a marketer/business owner you should take every possible step

to increase traffic to your website.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Advertise it well

● The first and foremost thing for any business is to advertise its website through

various means.

● Whether you are going for paid search, social media advertising or display

advertising, make sure that you reach your customers without fail.

● Choose your medium of advertisement wisely as you are not looking for traffic

only but conversions too.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Get More Social

● Become active on various social networking sites.

● Just producing a great content is not good enough, you have to make sure that

people do read it.

● Rely on social media channels for right promotion of your content.

● Use various sites like Twitter, Google+ and Instagram depending on the content

and target audience.

● Right use of social media platform can help you gain more traffic.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Blend It Properly

● There is no one-size-fits-all philosophy for proper marketing of your website.

● You can use various content depending on the medium of promotion you are

going for.

● To make it appealing and interesting for your readers use different content that

vary in length and format according to the site where it is posted.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Write Irresistible Headlines to draw visitors

● Even the best content with the most comprehensive information within it will

go unread if it lacks a proper headline.

● A compelling and interesting headline is necessary for your content in order to

encourage readers to go through your content.

● You need to write proper headlines for all your content so that it generates

greater traffic for your website.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

On-Page SEO is very Important

● Go for a well-planned SEO strategy for On-page optimization.

● Make sure that all the tags, keywords and meta description is present there.

● Try to target long-tailed keywords as it can fetch you more web traffic.

● By targeting long-tail keywords you can make yourself visible to majority of web

searches all over the world.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Start Posting as a Guest Blogger

● Rely on guest blogging for bringing more visitors towards your website.

● If you can secure a position as a guest blogger on a reputed site, there is nothing

better than that.

● Post your blogs on these sites to give your readers latest and original content.

● Do not fall for spammy tactics as you may find many sites going for not so ethical

practices which can lead to penalty.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Go For Referal Traffic

● Instead of going after other website for getting links, try to do something which

will make them ask for a link.

● Create such amazing and trustworthy content that you will get request from others

for getting links from your site.

● Get the maximum referral traffic from the links you will send to others.

● This referral traffic will lead to more customers on your website.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Get Connected with LinkedIn

● The world's largest professional social network has also become a publishing

platform for all business websites now.

● You can post various content about your products and promote them on this hugely

followed website.

● You will surely boost traffic to your site along with increasing your industry profile

by being active on LinkedIn.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Use Schema/Microdata

● Always incorporate schema/ microdata so that search engine bots can easily find

and index your pages on the internet.

● Your web traffic will surely increase as search engines will easily index your pages.

● It can also result in rich site snippets to improve your click-through rates.

● Use this properly so that all your pages are indexed and shown by the search



Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Link Internally for better result

● Work on a proper internal linking structure so that all the inner pages of your

website are properly visible to your visitors.

● Always tap on the opportunities where you can add internal links in your content.

● Beside helping with SEO, it will also enhance the user experience which in turn will

lead to more web traffic on your website.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Email Marketing can be useful

● You can use Email marketing as an important tool for your website promotion.

● Use emails to reach out to your actual and potential customers so that they are

aware about your products and services.

● Never use this tactic excessively by sending relentless emails to people.

● Any query or question should be quickly taken care of.

● This will help in boosting your website traffic


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Responsive Site

● With the world going mobile, more than 40% of your visitors are visiting your

website through smartphones.

● You must go for a responsive website so that you do not miss on any visitor.

● You will have to make sure that your website is accessible and functional on any


● Be it smartphones, tablets or desktop your site should run on any and every device.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Loading Time should be less

● Your visitors will surely move to your competitors if your site takes too long to load.

● If your site's loading time is more, you should be ready for a much higher bounce


● Optimize everything that is present on your website right from the content to


● Use seo-optimized elements to decrease the load time.

● The faster your site loads, better it is for you.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Community Platform

● Build a community for your website so that your visitors, friends and colleagues

can connect with you.

● Go for a robust commenting system with the help of a third-party to make your

website more engaging and interactive.

● There is nothing better than a comment sharing platform for your visitors.

● It will help you in getting their views, feedbacks and suggestions for further



Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Comment Sections can give you visitors

● Follow other commenting platforms and put your valuable insights on them so that

you make a mark for yourself.

● Though it might not give you immediate results but gradually you will get traffic

towards your website.

● Your comments and postings should be of high quality and relevant to the said


● People will visit your site provided they find your posts worthy.


Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Rely on Analytics Data for proper planning

● Track all your website performance information through Google Analytics.

● Use this tool for proper managing and controlling of your promotional and

content strategies.

● You can check which posts or pages are visited maximum number of times and

can strategize accordingly.

● Proper utilization of this tool will lead to driving more traffic towards your



Website Traffic Generation - Checklist

Use Aggregator Sites

● Submit the link of your website on various aggregator sites like Reddit and other

similar sites.

● Do not over do it by submitting it again and again as it could lead to spamming.

● These sites have tech savvy and intellects who will flock to your website if they find

the content informative


Who we are

● Smartinfosys.net is a leading website development and corporate branding

company that has been on the scene since 2001.

● Our tagline "Empowering People and Business" well expresses our mission of

providing highly functional & affordable websites & PHP based web applications

to empower personal and business processes.

● No matter what stage of development your business, we've been there!


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