1919 - The Great Pyramid Witness

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·The Great Pyram~ W~tneas aJtl.. :·.

BiLlical Plan of Salvation -... :.·· .......

Mortem Edgar . . ... :· ·. :· . .. - . .

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The Great Pyra~~d W~tness and the • •• •

B;I,I;cal Plan of Salvat~on

lsa~ah 19: 19, 20

Morton Edgar Author of "Mythology and the Bible,"

"The Great Pyramid and the Bible," "Faith's Foundations," "Prayer and the Biule,'' "Great Pyramid Passages," etc.

" ... no room for doubt that the same divine inspirer of the prophets and a.pestles inspired this 1 Witness ' also ''-Charles T. Rzu;sell

( Copyr~g1t)

2!d (S cents) per copy 2/ - (SO cents) per dozen

Morion Edgar, 224 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scot/am{

The Great Pyram~d W~tness Being a defen ce nf Brother R11!lsell's inferpreintion of Isaiah 19: 19, 20, and

a Reply lo lhe chn1·J1es nitrtlct a,eninst the in.spired leslimo11y of the Lord's Slone Witn<1!1.~. /he Greni Py rumid, in the 1 Sih November 1928 issue of i11t! "ll7'alch Tower."

BROTHER RussELI, first drew the attention of nearly all of us to the message of the Great Pyramid, as he firmly believed that this huillllng is the "Altar" and " Pillar " spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, and which, according to the prophet, was destined to he for a " Sign " and for a " Witness " to the Lord of hosts in "that day "-Isa. 19: 19 , 20: Ads 7: 3 1.

T his belief of Brother Russell is presented in the thlrJ volume of " Studies In the Scripture.~," first issuc1t in 18!1 I , m11I still puhllshed hy the Society which he foumlc<l. Brother Russell <l ied on a 1st l ktoher, 191 Ii; and only one monlh before he die1J he wrote a new preface lo hi~ third volume, in which he reiterated his implicit faith in the Pyramid's Divine orl).!ln and inspi red message to mankind. But, strange lhoui;?h it is, enllrcly contrary views are now heing presented by the "Society." Every proof at.lvam:cd hy the writer of Vol. Ill. "Studies" in support of hi;; claim is denied in the most ahsolule way, without the least attempt to temper the denial, es11ecially in an ;irticle in the Society's perioJkal, "The Watch Tower , '' issu<?cJ 15th Novemher, 1H28. In consequence many readers of Brother Russell's writin.l!s are cJisturhed, and queries are con;;tantly being addressed to us, and we are asked to express our opinion.

To remind ourselves what Brother Russell thoui:iht of the Great Pyramid and its testimony we shall quote a few sentences from h is third volume :-

" It should be remembered that, aside from the Great Pyramid here referred to, there are others, some of stone and some of brick; but all of them are mere attempts to copy It, and are in every way inferior, in size, accuracy, and internal arran,l!ement. And it has also been demonstrated that, unlike the Great Pyramid, they contain no symholic features, hut were evidently desli:ined and used as sepulchres for the royal families of Egypt.

"The Great Pyramid, however , proves to be a storehouse of important truth, scientific, historic, and prophetic, and Its testimony is found to be in perfect accord with the Bible, expressing the prominent features of ils truths In beautiful and fittinl? symbols. ll is by no means an addition to the written revelation : that revelation Is complete and perfect, and needs no addition.

" But It is a stroni;? corroborative witness to God's plan; and few students can carefully examine it, markin)t the harmony of its testimony with that of the written Word, without feeling impressed that Its conslruction was planned and directed by the same divine wisdom, and that it Is the pillar of witness referred to by the prophet In the above quotation "-Isa. J 9: 19 , 20.

"This ancient structure heinJ? repeatedly referred to In the Scriptures, we cannot douht that, if questioned, this ' Witness' of the Lord in the land of Egypt will hear such testimony as will honour Jehovah, and fully correspond with His writ ten Word. We Um~ introduce this 'Witness ' because the Inspiration of Its testimony will doubtless be as much disputed as that of the Scriptures, by the prince of darkness, the god of this world, and those whom he blinds to the truth."

In the 10th paragraph of the opposing "Watch Tower" article, special emphasis Is laid on the Lord's command lo the nation of Israel, who were hound under the law, not to make likenesses of anylhing in heavcn-Exod. 20: 4. As the " plan of salvation " is a heavenly plan, so, this article informs ui;, God would not have " contradicted " his own law hy making a " likeness " of !his plan


in stone-that is, in the Gre;il Pyramid. llence, the T.ord could not hilve clc~l!!ncd the Grcill l'yr;imhl. This rc;isoninJ.! is n!)!ilrtlcd as lcndin)! J,!reillly In support !he main theme of lhe arliclc, namely, lh:il lhc Pyr:imi<I w;1s 1lesi).lnc1l by !he 1lcvil.

To refute this unscriµlural d;iim we need only lo direct attention to the wn ­strudion of the T;ihcrnaclc and lhe Temple, bolh made in the likenesse~ <)f "p:1lkrns ·• desi,!!ned hy Cm!, anti holh 1lcpicllnJ.! fc<1lurcs of the Loni's plan nf salv;1lion-ExoJ. 25: !) ; llcb. 8: 5: \.!: 2~, 24; 1 Chron. 28: 11- 19.

The sole reason why Got! forbade his people lo m:ike " likenesses " is slated in Exnd. :rn: 5, n;imcl)', "Thou sh;11l not how tlown thyself lo lhcm, nor ser\'e lhl.'m." l\n1I this applieil nol only to thin!!s in heaven, hut also to lil;enesses ·of ;mylhin,:? on earth or in the sea.

Now, when Cod commanded Moses, ;incl aflerwarcls navld, in their ·constrnc­lion o( !he T;1hernacle and Temple ln make cherubims, Oowcrs, pome)!ranall::;, o~en, all likenesses of lhh1i!s in heaven an,I e;irlh, was he dclihcrakly contr;1. <lktin,:? his own lm11'?-See Exotl. 25: 1~- ·10; 21i: 1; 2:-i: 33; 2 Chrnn. :·I: 3-17; -t : 1- 15. If we made lhc mistake of :;upposin).! so it wo11l1I he hei:ause \\'C

nt'~!lecle1l to tlividc ariJ!hl lhc Word o( lrulh-2 Tim. 2: 1!1- 19. We have direct Scriptural ;:mthnrity for deniclin).! thin.l!s pcrlninin~ tn the:

Lord's pl;:in of ~alv<ilinn on charts aml on dias;!r<1ms. This ;mthnrily is J.!i\·en us in llah:1kk11k 2: I, .2. On the slrcn;~lh of this Scriplurc. firnlhcr l{11%el l 1lrew his d1;11·1 nf lhc ar.cs, J!iven In Vol. I. "Sl udics," whid1 h;is hecn a J,!rc:1t hlcssi111! lo very many of the Lord's people in cn<thlin).! llwm to J,!rasp the k;1d1in.!! o( !he llihle.

The passa)!e and chamher system of !he Loni';, stone Wilness in E,:?ypt, how­cwr, is a more convindni,r way of 1lepiclins;! thc;;c tl:i11/,!s, for it slwws lhc plan of God in <tclinn-lhc l >csccntling Passal!c rcprcst11ts thc 1lnwnwiml course uf mankind lo death, !he Asccntlin,:? P;1ssa;.!cs lhe upward w<1ys to life, and the npt·n "Wedi-Shafi" (by which nlonc access r;in he gained lo lhc upper pass0t;!cs from the Oc~cenilinJ! Passas:!e) symholises lhc 1.1nsom-sacrilicc of Jesus Chrisl, f:tilh in which alone can cnahle us lo escape death and alt<Jin In life.

The Pyr;imid's method of pnrl rilyin,!! the plan of lhe aj:!es is also chronoln~ic:il, for lhe mcasurementi: of the pa~~n,!c-W<1)'$ $how lhe ch1ralions of the \'ari1111:' A,:?es, and the many t imes or sc:i~nns inlo which the Loni's plim is ili\'ideil. TIH: Great Pyrami1l is lhe method lhat the Lord llimself :lllnptcd ln make Iii,; .(!rand plan of the a)!es "plnin upon tahlcs" of slo11e, th;1t W<' whn read it m;1\' n111 for lhe prize of the high callinJ,! in Chris! Jc~us. It is very cvitlenl lhat no one nce1l apofoJ.!i7.c for teaching lhnl the Loni's "i!la1l tidin:!s of grc;it joy, whkh shall he to illl people," was oullined hy Il im in the l\ymhols anil 1m·;1:11rcs 11f Ilic


Creal Pyramid, centuries hefnre He sent Ills an,qel to the shepherds in the field of Rclhlchcm-Lukc 2 : 8 - 1-1.

At the hej!innin)! of lhe 1 2 th piantt(rnph in the "W;itd1 Tower" article is the followinJ.! quotat ion:-" The Great Pyramid of Cizeh is strong cnrrohoralive proof of God's plan as i;cl forlh in llis Word." These wonts are lhe expression of Brother lhtsscll's w nviclic11n: hu t lhe article goes on to deny this expression of faith, stalin)! that CnJ',; \Von! needs no corrohorallve proof. The fact still remains, holl'cver, th:at Cocl has hail, and continues In have, I Jis witnesses; anti all of them, he they animate nr inanimate, must of necessity corrohorale some part at least of llis Wort!.

f.fany things were written in lhe law of Moses, in the prophets, and In the psalms concernini.i Jesus Chri'sl, ancl wh en in clue lime lie, lhe "faithful wit­ness," came iand (ulfilfocl lhe thin)!:; spoken, lie wa5 llhnself a "corrohor:1tive wi tness" to the lruth of Jehovah's Wonl-1.uke 24: 2!'i-27, '14-.1f\.

Ever since Jnhn T;iylor, whrn;e work is cl le.t hy Rrolher Russell, first drew ilthmtinn to lhe !'acrctl na lurc of the Great Pyramid, the presentation of lhe monument's testimony h;is hcen rcsolulcly opposed. P roh:1hly lhls is to he ei.:redcc.1, :i llhom!h It is wnrf hy of nnlc fh;i l lhc 011posers ilre often sln,l!ul;ir fol' their spirit of hillemcss, ilml even anlmu-;ity. The aflacks il,l!ilinsl lhe h1>piratl1m of the testimony of the Loni's s tone \.\li lness i111ll those \\'ho bel ieve in this tcsllnumy Is m11ch m1 a p:ir wit h those that h;,vc hecn w;i~ed C11l1al11sl the Loni's written \ Vnrd anti ilfl who have faith In it.

Nevertheless it is true th;it the Creal Pyramid has :ilrcady provecl lo be a Si~n and Witness, lcsfifyin).! lo the lrulh of the Rihlical rtan of sal\'alinn: ;iml none of the specious 11r::!11ments cllrccle1l il)!ainsl this foct c;in move lhose who, like Brother Russell, understand it-Sec what Brn!hcr Russell says in lhc last foul' lines of Vnl. JI . "Slmlies." \Ve realise lhal 011r heavenly Father tines nolhin~ unnecessarily, ;md He must therefore h;ive lrn1I J!nod reason in lh11s prnvldinS! lhe a1lclccl testimony of the i\ll;ir ;me! Pill;ir in Egypt.

(f we accepted the refere1nccs to lhe Wor1l of God In the 1191h Ps;ilm In ;, literal way, il would seem th;it lhc live hooks of Moses. known as the "Penta­teuch," with the atldition of llhe hqok of Jnh, were <alnne sufficient for the c:hild nf Goel, even tho111!h other writinl.!~ nf the Scriptures were atlclecl suhsequently. \Ve are aware that the l's;ilmist'i; worats were, in the fuller sense, prophetic, anrl intendecl hy Gml lo inchaclc all later inspire~! utterances. Jnst so, anil the Great P yramid is ;1fso prophetic, a~; h;is hecn ahnn1lanlly demnnslrnlerl.

F.rected twenty years hcfn1re /\hraham was horn, 11nd over live h11ndred years heforc the 1.?ivinn nf the li1w throui!h Moi;es, this " Miracle in Slcml!" foretold all lhe details of the Lord's 1rl1m of s11lvalion and plan nt the ages. The Lord there wrote His purposes hy ml!ans of symhols aml measures, lo show thnt ;ill llis works were known to Him from t he he)!inninJ! (Acts 15 : 1 8): :mil we, llis children, are en11hle.I to rend these sl)!ns and symhols hy the cnli.l!hfenment of the Holy !411irit. For the lan~11a1~e of the Spirit is the lanJ?t1<1J?c of symhnls, without which much of the '.Word nf Coe! cannot he comprehended-John 6: 48-n~.

In a sense it is the testimony of the P~·ramid tlrnl is corroborated hy the Oihte and the facts of history, for lit is now seen lo cont;iin the outl ine of these thin$!:;. Events 11erlainlnst lo Cocl's pl:in do nnt " happen" hy ch;,nce, hut nil was fnre­arransted; and the testimony nf the P yramhl is witness lo this truth. Thus our faith and confidence In the Loni is incrc11sed.

And it Is not that God rE~qulres ii corrohoration of His Word, hut that He foreknew we would; and He has therefore graciously granted it, telllng us where to look for it-faa. 19: 19, 20. fie foreknew lhat there wo11lcl he many who would profe..~s to internrct tllr. Wnrd and leach that His "plan" w;i:; tlius amt so. And He foreknew th;it Spirit ism, Christian Science, Evolul ion, all of which chmy the necessity for the ransom-sacrifice of l!is clear Son Jesus Christ, would incre:isc and deceive many.

He therefore desli:inecl ancl camed to he huilt a stone Sii:?n and Witness lo Himself, which, like the words nf the visions of Oaniel, was "sealed up" uni ii the " time of the end." Tliacn, in the time nf the end when its testimony was necessary to confirm the interpretation of llis wrillen Word hy His wise and

faithful servant (whom He also foreknew and foretold-Matt. 24: 45-4 7), this stone " V/itness " would yield Its :;ecret. That Is why we nr<: now :ihle to 1ledphci· !he hidden messane contained in the Great Pyramid. 'fhis mess;i).!c proves lhe <thsolute necessity for the ransom-,;acrlficc of Jesus Christ.

There are many syst~ms of chrono!oqy, e'·cn m;iny purpnrt!nl? lu he hase,I upon the Word of God. But there is only the one syslcm that nj!rees with lhe time-measurements of the Pyramid, and th;1t is !he Bible 1111e drawn In our allcntinn hy Brother Russell in his "Studies in lhe ~cripturcs." He was :1lone in his presentation of this chrnnoloqy, and the Scriptural time-features based upon it: for all other commenl:ilors have reasoned th:it they should not accept !his Bihle chronolo):!y.

But Brother Russell, percelvlnJ? that every link in this chronoln!!ical chain is directly hased upon Bihle st;itements, jullJ!eil that It must he ris:ht; anil llrnt hi,; jml).!ment was correct is provetl hy the accurate tlme- measuremenls in the T.oril',; stone Wilnes!\. And the.~e meMurcment:. In the PH:1mitl are in thcm:.elvcs proved accurate by the exact "scientific " features. The word scientific ha:. hc<·n applic,t In those features which reveal th;1t the nesi!!11cr of the huihlfng knew of the precise numher of days in lhe year, the year on which hi~lory is hasc.I. He also knew the exact 11imcn;.ions nf lhc earth nn which mankind has his hcing. and acts nut his foreknown hl:.lnry and ilppolnlcil !irr.cs-:\ cls 17: '.?o. There is nl)lhing hid from Him wilh whom we have lo do.

The proportionate feature!\ In the stone Witness rrnve lhnt It is all the one $!rilllll dcsi$!n, harmonious wllhin 11:.elf, harmoniom wilh the earlh on which it sta111l!\, harmn11in11:. with the hi,;lory of man on e:wth. an11 hannonlnn,;; wilh lhe Word of God which lells of thc f:ill of m;in nnd his ultimate redemrtinn thrm1t!h the Son of God. And if n11y can hrinJ! him;.elf lo ima;!ine that nil lhi:. is lhc product of the "father of lies," Salan, he has our compassion. For we al,;n were In darknei;s until Cod In me1·cy heard our cry, which c:ime from our heart in :ill sincerity, anti delivered 11~ from the power of darlrnc:.s ;in1l trani:.lale.t us i11ln the mngdnm of His de;:r ~nn. Then, our eyes of 1m,1erst:1111llnt! hcli11! enli)lhkned, we saw thnt it w;is hv llim, the Rem of God, that n11 lhint!s in hcaYC'n and cnrth, visihlc and invi,;ihlc, were m;hle , aml !hilt hy llim all lhini!s rnnsi~l-John 1: 3; Col. 1: 13-17,

The heavenlv Father tloe.~ nnt :ihnnclon His children who earnestly tlesire. lo clini:( dose to His Word of trnlh hv which they were hel!otten, and .hY which , :tlso, lhcy :ire nonrishecl and sanclified-Jame;; 1 : lR: 1 Pct. 1: :?2. 2il: John 17: 14 -17: EJ'h. 5: 26. Tht> ;uhkd witness of the Pyrami1l's lesl imf)nV slrcn~lhcns our confitlencc lh;it we have intlcctl the correct inlcrpn:lalion of llw Word.

That Gntl doe$ not withhold cnrrohora!lvc evidence when necessary ii; con­clusiYcly proved in !he Scriptmc~. The apostles nncl discfples mi~~ht have known from lhe Scriptures alone that their hC'lovctl l'fosler must hnve ri~en from the tlc:ul the third dav nfter Hi~ crucilhinn, hut the writer nf ·"ct~ tlcclnrc~ lh:ol "rte showed Himself alive after his p:issinn hv many infallihlc flronfs "-!\els 1 : 1 <L llfany infallihle proofs were $!r<inlcd to !hem. that fhl'ir failh mi)!ht he unoucstion­inq: ancl the same Loni now, in h i.<. lnvinj!kind1o~ss, qr;inl·s to us the inf:1Jlfhle teslimnny of his stone Witness in addition to Hi~ inf;illihle Word, 'th;1t we m:ty have full assurance of faith.

\Ve rea.t that God, after He m;iile definite prnmise to !\hr;ih;im, "cnnfirml'•I ii hy an oath." Rut, it mii?ht he ohjC'clctl. a prnml,;e from the !!rc:il Jchnv:oh is all that is necessar~'. ;ind lhere w;is n'l need for Him tn rnnfirm ii hy an oi'lh. nut Cod lhoui?ht otherwise: ancl lhe writer of Hehrews exphiins that it w:is hecau~c He was willinJ! "more abundanlly" to show to us. the "hC'ir,; of rromise." the "immutahility of TJis counsel '' that He llH1$ houn1l Himself to fulfil Hii; promise­., That hy ltl'O immnlahle thin!.!$. in which it was impossihlc for Cncl to lie. we mit!hl h;:ive stronl! consolation. who have Ocd for rcfu!!c lo lay hnl<l upn11 the hnpt· set hefore us "-ITeh. o: 13-20.

After the flnod. Goel eslahlil\hed a co\'ena11t wilh Noah and his i:ons, :iml wilh all Ocsh . To confirm the lrnlh of this r1wc11anl lie rnrnted a "token " nr sl!!n. which we cnn ~till sec-Gen. !I: 8-17. \\'as !his lokcn or si.t!n nccc>sary when lie had alre<1dy made Tlis covenant with Nn:ih? It i,; nnt for 11s to f1Ucstinn it;



Gr.rnifto H~nd!liont' nf nn E!!YJ'linn Py1·nmic1 (found in Dnsh11r) It is ul1011/ four nnrl <l 111•~(.{N•I high, nm/ i~ heu11li.fnlly pnli.,/u·d

and inscrilitcl. Nnw in Cui1 o M11sr11m . ( Plinlo bv Mnt tnn Eolgt11•,)

for God 1lcJiJ.?hls to c;ill forth lhe follh and love of all llis people, anti therefore )!rants us still further cnrrohorative proof~ of the truth or llis wont. \\'ilh flim it is such a little lhini;?: hut with us It means l\O much.

II Is saitl in this opposinR "Watch Tower" nrtlcle that "Nowhere Is It written In Cod's Wonl that a slr11ct11rc nf ~lune, or ;my other ohjcd, is to be a J.!11iile fnr lhc chi hi nf Go1l."

But the \Vonl of God Is replclc with t)'JlCS ;iml illustrntlons h;iscil upon every kintl of ohjecls. The symhols and ~i)lns of the hook of Revelation. anti the parables of our 1.ord, scrw.t a ilouhlc purpose, namely, to hitle thc tead1inJ? of the Wonl from the conlcn1inus anti unhl!licvinJ.!1 and to J!'uhle the meek into a full nnderslandinJ.! of God's plan-Matt. 13: 10-17, 34 - 3(), 51-53; Psa. :.!5 : !:! ; Isa. 61 : 1. The Great Py ram it! Is in reality a parable, not unJerstnoLI hy unhelievers and mockers, hut clearly rend 1md appreciated hy the Lortl's little ones,

It 15 also Implied that an <1ltar c:mnnt he used for a witness, hut only for sacrifice. However, no matter how the words of the prophet Isaiah (19: 19, 20) are interpreted, he says tlwt thl:; " Altar " is a " Pillar 1

11 an1l that it i~ intended to he for a " Sil!n " and for a " Witness to the Loni of hosts in lhe lanil of fo:l!ypt.

It Is evident that this is a peculiar kintl of an altar, and not the usual kind for sacrifici;il purposes. The Creal Pyramid, complete with its to11stone (for It had a topstnne, as had all the other pyr;1111hls, some of which are now in museums), rerresents the Christ complete, hca,I ;uHI hrnty. /\nil as •nur l.nnl quoted Psalm 118: 2:.!, "The stone which lhe hnilth:rs refused is hernme the heail stone of the corner. This is the Loni's doinS?: it ii; marvellous in our eyes," and applied It to llim:1elf1 Tie there showed th;1t lie 1mdcrslond that Tll! must first he rejected hy the rulers of the people (whom lie ;1tldresse1I as " you huihlcrs "), but that afterwards his heavenly Father would rai~e llim from the dead anil make llim head over all. He knew, in other words, that It would he ;ifler His sacrifice was accomplished th;it lie would he exalted In hc,omc the "head slone of the corner ''-Matt. 21 : 42-44: /\ds 4: t 0-12.

Sn wilh the hody-mcmhcrs of Christ, the "livini;?-stone!'." hnilt up In line with their heavenly head -stone, each must first he rcjcctc1l and 1-!0 Into their sacrificial death, spoken of in the Scriptures as heinJ.1 " planted together in the likeness of llis dealh," that they may share with llim In His resurrection-Rom.


6: 3-5. "That I may know him, and the power or hi!> resurrection, amt I fellowship of his sufferings, heing ma1!e conformah!c unto his death; If hy ~ means I might attain unto the resurreclinn of lhc dead "-Phil. 3: 10, l These words of the apostle Paul arc echoed in the heart of every nne of t followers of Chri't; and when resurrected these " livin~-stones" become part Jehovah's great Spiritual Pyramid, of which the stone l')'l'itml.1 in Bgypt is lii.iure. Therefore the Great Pyramid Is, In a sense, a prc-ilrran,.red memori; altar of the "better sacrifices" of Jesus Christ nnd his umh:r pries!hood-1 p, 2; 5, 9.

/\s the Great Pyramid In Egypt contains the Lord's p!<1n of salvation, so t exalted Spiritual Pyramid will be the ever-livini.t cmhoclimenl of lhis plitn. Wilh the Christ, head and body, likened lo "stones" hull! together, all knowledge w

·reside that will helP. the world to esc;ipe sin and its re>ulls, and attain to Ii everlasting. The Christ is in the s;ime way the spiritual fulfilment of the tempi hut there are important illustrations In the Pyramitl nnl foullll in lhc lcmplt?, there are in the temple nol found in the Pyrami1l. Bolh arc required, and hn are used by the Holy Spirit to teach the Lord's people.

A more Scriptural figure for makln,:i plain lhe " vision " of the plan of C< lhan that of the f')·ramid cannot he fount!: and for this reason Brother Hussl ll!•ed It in his Vol. I. of "Studies." Only those hli111lcd hy the atl\•crsary c~ foil to see this beautiful illustration of lhe one-ncss of the Chris\, and of II ahsolute pre-eminence of our Loni ;is rcpresente1l hy the l<•pslnnc.

None can take the place of the risen Jesus Christ; neither can he occupy less exalted place. So with lhc head corner stone of the Pyramid, ii Is olwio11 !hill none of the other stone!\ t:an t<ike It:; Jllace, and It itself ciinnot he huilt int a lower position. And as the topstone points upwanl, so Christ Jesus cvl gives the glory to Cm! over all As the Author of Salvi1li1111.

While in course of construction the topstone of the P)·rnmid would stand a a model of the completed huildinJ,?, hut hecnuse of its unique shape ils purpos would he misunder~tood hy the unlnslructell , or •• disohctlient," workmen. B llwsc It woultl he refused :iml rcjcded, fnr lhey would find no pl:1ce fnr ii. Bu In those who knew its ullim;ilc purpose lhc headstone w1111ld i111lcctl he prednu~ and their helicf in ii woulll one day he vi11dkalc1l when ii w;1s dcm1111i;lralcil .lh;i this hitherto "Llisallowed" stone was tht: only one lhat could crown the wlwl• lntilcling. .

Tlnt5 we read: "Wherefore :1lso it is rnnlninetl in the Scriptures, l1chnl1I l:1y in Zinn l:i symhnl of the spiritual Zion, the Chrisl I a chief corner stone elect, precious: <inti he thal hclievclh on llim shnll nul he conf111111tlc1l. llnlo ym lherefnn: which hclicvc he is prccinus: hu~ unto them which he 1lisohetlient, thc slone which lhe huiltlcrs 1lisallnwctl I refused, rcjc:dctl J. Ilic s;m1c is m;1tle th~ hl'ad of the corner, ;md a slnne 11( stumhlinj!, anti a rn.:k of nffcni:c, even to thcrr whid1 slumhlt: al the word, hcin~ tlis11b1:tlicnt: whcreunlo also they wen appointed "-1 Pct. 2: 4-8.

The apostle, hy inspirntlon, smv thnt the OIJ 1'e::tnrr.cnt Scripttn·es which he quotes, one in the Psalms (1 18: 22), and lh t> others in Isaiah (8: J 4, 1 !l: 18: Hi), were referring lo the one s tone, and that this stone reprei;ented Jc::us Christ. To those who arc oheillent this stone !.; prc..:ious, anti the Scripture in ls;iiah 28: 16 ls <1p11llc;ihle I<• lhcm. To the disuhcdienl, "" the nlfll·r hand, lh<.. ::lone is i1 stumhlh1)!-hfnck anti roo:k of offence, hc.-au::l· lhl'\' ca1111ol 1111lkrsl:111.t its purpMC: and lo I his tlisnhcdicnt class lhe nth er Scriptures· apply, :HHI wcri: s11 i1Pl'lic1l hy our Lord Himself, and hy Pelt·r- M:itl. :.! I : l\:.!-..\ .1: J\d5 I\: 11. /\s is nhvious, ii is only in lh~ he;11lslo11c nf the l'yr:uni.t thal these kxt5 c;111 find fulfilmcnl , for no i;inglc slnnc in lhc temple could give any appc.tr<:nt reasonahle excuse to the " huilders " to he offended at it, anti reject it.

Common architecture furni~hc5 no pre-eminent cornt·r or cnrncr-slnne, :11111 In re~;iril any one stone in 511d1 a hnitdinJ.! as the .. d1irf .. i~ a mt·rc co11-venlio11allsm wllhonl reality in fad. The llihlc .J11t'" not so rcf.:r lo 1111r l.or.J, for Ills prc-emincno:e is re;,I. Th.:re can he 1111 hca.I curnt·r st1111t· withnnt the l')'ramit.J; that edifice alone has ~nch ;1 heat!, a corner stone un:q11cl)' an1I indis­pulahly the chief. It is the slont! that sl;inds Iowan! heaven f1Jr everv nthi.-.r stone in the building, a heavenly "founJalion '' towar,1 which ;ill tl1c olliers ilrC


allractcJ. To lls Jomlnant angles lhc whole monument must conform, that all lhc lmih!ing may he "filly framcJ lo)!clhcr.'' In this highly exalted IOtlSlonc lhc entire l'yramhl h;1s Its h1111J of pcrh:dncss, its shl!llcr, and its crown. Ahout $ud1 ima).!cry lhcn: should l>c no 4ucslio11, especially no 4uc:1lio11 umunJlsl those whn cl;oim Jcsu~ Chrisl as their llca<l anol Ma~lcr. In illf the richness of lhc s~riflfun.:s thcrc is not ii more l!Xlll'cssive •uHI significant symhol of the Chri~t, he;1d and holly, than lhc Pyramhl. This is lhc Lord's 1loi11g; ii is marvellous in our eyes I

As for an ;1llar being used for a " wilness," and not fur sacrllke, sec Jo:1hua :.!i: l6, 'l..7, ~!~-··Lei us now 11repare lo huild us an altar, nut for burnt of!i:ring, nur for sa.:rificc: hul that it may he a witness hclween us ilnJ you, amt our j.!cncralions afler us ... and the children of Hcuhcn aml the children of G;id called the ;illa1· Ed: for it slwll he a witness hclwccn us that the Lord Is Gull."

The golden ;1ltar In the tahemadc and h:mple w;is not used for sacrifices, hut for ;111ulhcr 1rnrpose: " 1\ml thou shall make an altar lo burn incense upon. • . . Y c shall offcr no strange incense tl11.:rcon, nor burnt .sacrifice, nur meal offcring "-Exocl. 30: 1-10.

While lhe " altar to the Loni in the mid,;t of the hmll of E1m1t " was to be for a Sii.tn and \Vilncss, yet thc prophet ls;1tuh J.lucs on lo s;1y: " ,\nd the Loni shall be k11own in l~i.!Yt>l, anJ the EJ!yplians shall know the Lnn.1 in lhal Jay, and shall do s;1Critkc and obl;ilion: yca, lltcy shall vuw a vow unto the Lord, and perform it "-Isa. l9: 21.

This prophecy seems to he in rccosinition of ;iclual anim;il sacrifices lh;it were orrcrial when lhc Greoit l'yr;1mhl, the ,\ltar -i'illar uf whkh hc spc<1ks, was bcini.: crc.:tcd, ;111<1 whl·n it was c.:umpldcd. For there w<1s a lemplc attad1eJ to the Pyramid on the c<1sl base, lhe foundations of which can he lraccJ, ;in1I in thin w;1s an altar fur animal s;11:rifices. The law of Mnscn di1I not urigilwle sacrifices of ;mlmals, for ii Wil~ ;111 olJ p;1trlarch;1I custom connected with lhe worship of C.:011, lnst:mces of which hegun right from lhc lime nf /\hel. This is sup11orlt!d hy the hlst11ric;1I ;u:cuunl o( the Shepherd l\in;.!!\, lhe maslcr-huihlcrs of lhe Pyramid, whose chief, namcJ l'hilills, is said lo have "fed his llnd;s " near the l'yramiJ ~1·hile ii was hcin)! <:reeled.

When the world (Ei!YPli:in:;) realise the importance of the Loni's Altar-Pillar in the land of E;.!)'pt, ;ind sec h11w ii i-> serving as a sil!n and witness to llim, they arc reprcsculcd as offcriuJ.! s;1crifi.:cs to the l.11nl. Bui ii \\'ill 1111t lhcn he the sacrifices 11f animals, hut the sacrifice,; uf 111•;1isc anti lha11kssiivi11g 11'hcn lhcy umlcrsland all I hat the l.ord lrns Jone for them. The Psalmist declares: '' () 1.nrd, 111>e11 thou my lips; and my mouth shal I show forth thy praise. For thou desires! 11111 sacritkc; else would I J.lh•e it : lhuu dclighlcsl not in hurnl offerin).!. Thc sacri(iccs of Cud are ;i hrnkcu spirit: ;, hrukcn anti a cont rile heart, () Guel, thou will nut 1les11Ise " - l'sit. '1.7: Ii; 51 : 15- 17; Phil. 4 : I 8; I leh. J 3: I !i, lll.

Thill the .. Pillar" spoken of In lsit. I !J: 19 cm111ol he taken 111 symhulisc t1 pill;1r in the temple is proved hy the tlislinclivc llehrew worJ fr11m which it is translalcd. ,\ reference 111 a Concnrdancc will show lhc s tu~ll'11t that tl1i:r. word means a Pillar 11f \\Illness, a Jllemnrial Mu1111mct1t - Scc .Gen , <!8: IS; :rn: :w; Exml. :?II : 4. Bui for the pill;irs it1 lite li.:m11lc, and tahcrnadc, a different llchrew word is used, as dcnolinu pill;1rs for SUP1>orling the structure-Sec Exmf. :.w; 32; J Killj!S 7: fl.

In this '' \V;itch Tower" article it is s;1id th;it God woulll nut use "stone" lo be a witne~s. flcre al!ain ii is wronl!. for see Joshua :!4: 26, 27,-Joshua set up ;i "s.!re;1t stone" ils a witness, because, said he, " it hath heard illl the words uf the Lord which he spake unto ns; it shall therefore he a witness unlo you, lest ye deny your Gnu."

It was ne;ir lhe sanctuary (tahcrnacle) of the f.ord that this i.treat stone witness was "set up." But as the sanctuary and its priesthood anti the "Pet1lateuch " and hook nf Job were all in use then, what need was there for Joshua to set up this greitl stone witness 7 and then explain lo the people that he hat.I Jone so


"lest ye deny your Cod." Thir. dcmonslralcs lhe "m<mifold wisJom '' of Cotl, anJ the "Jivcrs manners" in whkh he speak!\ lo Uis people.

Nole, loo, that Joshua said lhill this great stone witness had "heard" nil lhc worJs of the Lord, and that therefore il was a fit "witness" I Well, Brother Hussell claimed nothin!l le~s lfor 1111: grc;1l stone witness in t::.:ypt, thal It loo had "heard" all the words of the Loni which lie sp;ike pertaining lo llis plan of sulvi!llon. ,\nJ It has not been so "dcaJ" hut that It lws been able to repeat It> ns, now, those things that it heard, hy means of ils language of symhol~ aml me;isurcs, lest we shouhl deny our Cod.

Moses was given "lwo tables of testimony, lahles of stone, wrillcn with the finger of CoJ "-Exo·d. 31 : ll8.

Joshua was commanded hy Cod to set up twelve st011es from the bed of lbc Jordan, and said : "These stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever "-Joshua 4: 1-7.

Jacob used a stone to slleep on, a1hl afterwards set It up as a pillar of wilness-Cen. 28: 10-21.

When Jacob nnd Laban had set up a stone as a pilh1r. anc.l also built up a ''heap" of stones, Laban 1mid to J;1coh: "Behold this heap, an<l behold thi,; pillar, which I hnve cast up between me and thee; this hca!l he witness, <m<l this pillar be witness ' ' -Gen. 31: 44-52.

When lhe Philistines were suhdued before Israel, "Samuel took a stone, nnJ set ii hldween Mizpch an<l Shen, and callctl the nnmc of it Ebenezer, sayinl!, llithcrto hath lhc Lord helped us ''-1 Sam. 7: 12, 18. Ehcnezer means" ston.: uf help."

\Ve see from these aml 11! her examples that It w;is the common practice for lhc J.oril'i; people lo set up stonei;, nml heaps of stone.«, lo sen•e ns wilncsi;C! .111tl memorials. It would lh1ercforc he sln111).!e indeed if God, the j:!rcal Crcalm anJ Orli:inator of all things, should nol llimsclf have a stone wiln<:~s an. memorial. And If we were ni:>I quile certain, on the strenglh of the Word 0 1 God, that the Creal Pyramid is I lis \\lilncss, we wo11ltl he juslltied In lookin1 for such a \V itness of stone.

1\lso we recall how Jesus, when lhe scribes and Pharb•ees complained to lffn :dmul llis followers, au"wen!d: ·• If these ,;hlllild lwhl their peace, the stone would immediately cry oul ' "!-Luke 1!1: 40. Evltll.!ntly stone~ are not st ·• tlead" as they seem I t\ml if John the Baptist 11·as justilied in saying 11 crrin)! lsrnel: '' Gnd is 11hlc •flf lhesc stones lo ral,;e up d1il,fre11 unto 1\hr;ih;im' (Luke 3: 8), so Brother l<m•scll wa> much more juslilicd in snyin/,! that Go• w;1s nul only <thle lo rni,;c u11 lo I limsclf a "spl!akins.!" Wltnc>s with lh stones in EJ.!)'pl , hul lhal lie iii.I 110 so in lhc Grc:1l l'yr;1111itl.

l<eganling llw need of this added l'yrnmid \Vilm:ss, lo slren)!lhcn our fail .11 I his lime, Brnthcr 1<11ssell s;1ys: "\\'c Sl'c th;1l !his slnrc-housc (1f know lctl~'.I! f lhc Great l'yr:imid]. 'like the major part of lhc Bihlc ~lore, wa,; kc1 111111111~ely sc<1lc<I until its l<~slimony sh1mltl be needed am! appreciated. Dill this imply lh<il lls i:reat /\n:hilcd knew thal a time would come when its lcsl t 1111111)' woulil he necessary'! Jn other words, lhnl a lime wouhl ..:mne when God writlen Wnrd woul.I he li~htly esteemed, ;111.t even llis very existence quc::.ti11111.!1I ,,·hen human philosophy, 11111ler lhc n;mie o( sdenct:, woultl he lauded, and C\'C1 prnpnsilion suhjcdcil In ils l•csls '! !las Cml .f::citlcd lo prove Himself <ind II wi~tl•1m hy those very lcsls 0! :-;n it wt1111,1 il(l(lcar. This slrudure will yet cm fuun.I lhc wisdom of lhc wi!;e :1~ i.1 • \V ilncss' tor the Lor.I of ho;;ts, ' in lh tlay,' which Is alrcildy begun."

Joh 38: 1-7 is quoted in 11he "Tower'' article, hut Tlrnlher Russell ~h·cs ll trnc expl<11rnlinn in Vol. Ill. "Slutlics," 11aJ,!e :118. II h; well k1111w11 th al ll Lord, while primarily speakin:i:? of the earth, i:> also spenkin)! of the structure of ll)'ramitl. The reference Lo " ;;ockct-fmm,l;itions" rarticulnrly idt:ntifics lite Cre l'yramltl of Glzeh, for only in this Pyr;imhl arc there sncket-foundalions "ma• lo sink" into !he rrn:k-vcrs<c fi, m;n·gin:il reading. The 1 lchrcw wonl lrnnslal• " fo11nd;1tions" or "sockets" in lhe (;th verse is n ,(istind ive wont, usctl wit• speakinS? of the "sockets' ' of the lllher11aclc-!'\ce chapkrs 2<' to -1<> of Exn.11 IL is a different wort! from that lrnnslatcd ·• fo11ntlalions" in the 4lh verse. .\s sludents of Cod's Word arc aware, this couplins;! togclher of the cnrth and l


i' . . . . . , ...

C real Pyramid hy the l.orJ, when addrcssin).! Jnh, is full of sil(nific:incc. ll is rcco).lnisell that the dimension,; and weight of the l'yramlcl il.llrec, propurlionatcly, with the dimensions and weight of the earth; and there arc numerous other con­ned ions of a simil<ir scientific nature.

We sec in !he :lOlh para,gr;iph of lh is op1msilion " W;1tch Tower" arth:lc tha t the unique ge11).!r;1 phkal sil11;11ion uf lhc 1.ur.J's slnnc Witness in E).!ypl is rderrctl to. T he "in).!enious method of drawinlJ lines" there so rnnlcmpt uously spoken nf is not the invcnliun of man; hut these lines, drnwn on lhc map of l~l!YJlt, arc stricll)I accor.Jing tu the physkal fc:1lurcs of the land. f\s) Cud is lhc Creator uf heaven a111I c:irth, il is ohvinrrs that il was lie who arr;111gc<I the c11nf1J.lurali11n uf the lanJ of Eg)·pt , the <'Ollltl r y in whkh he lntcn1lc1I to set up his sl11nc SiJ.!n and \Vilncss.

II is h<:cause uf the tlis l lnct ive sh;11ic of the l:ind of EJ.!ypl, l11.: n11111:J in hy the desert, and rnl1iv:1tcJ only where the waters of the Nile "m re01d1, lh;1t ii is pussihle for the peculiar conditions mcnlioncd hy l~ai;ih (19: HI) In he fulfilled. By these physii:;1I facts the Grc;al l'yrami<l, slanilin1~ where ii docs, fulfils the relfuircments 11f lhc prophet's Jc.~criplion, hy heinJ.! huill at lhe very hciriler of the land, while at the same lime in the very mii.lsl of il.

ll is at the hnrdtr, hecause it stani.ls righ t a l the eds.(e of the llcsert, and at the ell.Ile of the fertile land,-preciscly on the Lwnler-line, whkh is n rhys ical hnnlcr- linc defined hy physical J.!coJ.!raphy, and nol an imaJ.!inalive polilk;il horder-line ;1rr;111)!e1l hy man. T hus wc sec lite wis,loru of the I.uni, for this hurJer is perpetual, a11lt cannot he ovcrloukcd or iJ.!norc,I; whereas the hor<tcr hclwccn EJ.!ypl and the Sudan is merely a convenient arranJ.?cmcnt of )!nvcrnmcnls, and m ay he ahnl islu:il at will.

Also, t he Loni's stone Witness is in the " midst" of the land of EJ!ypl, because it stands r ight a t Lhc natural junction helween lower :inJ upper EJ?ypt. l\nJ neither is th is an arranj.!emcnt of man, hu t of Him who crcalcLI the e:ir th . For th is point of juncture is clearly 1\cf111cd anil cannnl he m ist;iken. From here, where the l'yram iil slantls, lower EJ.!)'pt spn:;uts out nurlhwanl in a delta, like a fan, watered hy the various hr;mchcs uf lite Nile; Whl·rcas upper EJ.!ypl is a narrow st rip of cultivated lanJ followin.ll the cnur5e of the Nile southward.

T he C r eal Pyr;imid , s tandinl! thus in the midst of EJ:ypt, can he ~een clearly


from many miles around, and none pas-.sing from luwer to upper Egypt, or ( upper Lo lower Egypl, can fai l to see it.

The physical feat ures of the lan tl of EJtypt , also, demonstrate that the st Wilne$s ::.lands in the )!eomclrlcal mid~t. the csad ccnlrc rcrn)!ni>ell hy I; sun·eyors. It was, indeed, a surveyor (Mitchell of thc United Slates of ,\ m~ Co;ist Survey J>epartmenl) who discovered this rcm:irkahle !lCOmetrical cenln lower Egypt. NolicinS{ that the sea coast-line of gin·pt is a quarter ch J\lilchell sought for the centre of this circle and found il marked by the C Pyramid.

These physical features of the land of f:,l!ypt, on which the drawn lines hascd, ;ire heyond the power of man to !lains;ay. Ami no child of the LorJ whom lie has JlranteJ the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound m coulJ desire to deny this beautiful fulfilment of the words of God, spoken the mouth of his prophet Isaiah-Isa. 19 : 19, 20.

Then there Is the other line, which connects the 1.onl's stone Witness • the city of Bethlehem, the foretold place of our Loni's hirth. This alsc: ..:onvincinj!, anti appealed lo Urothcr Russell when he was informed <cboul In hi$ ;1cknowled)!cmcnt he r eplied: "Your application of the an,l!le of p<issag-es in the Creal Pyramid is a new thou)!hl, and a,; it points out so esa lhe cil)' of Bethlehem, we rcj?ard It wilh favour, ancl are im:lineJ lo accept i a proper ;1pplh:11lion anJ further verilicalion of the te,;timon)' of the l'yrami1 Yours in the love and servke of our R c.:<l<:tmer itnd l\in).!, C. T. Russcll."

The " angle" to which Brother Russell referred is shown b)' the straight running dirtclly between the l')•ramill and B<:thlchem. For this line "desccnc geoJ.?nirhkally, from Bethlehem south-westward to the Pyramid , al the same a1 esal'l iy as the Entrance 1'•1~~agc in the Pyr;cmill Jcscends into the nKk. T he 11ifil"<lllc:e of lhi,; "an)!11lar" c:nn11cclini1 is seen whc11 it is remcmhcrc1l that I.err.I , when :1 chl11l, w;1s c:irrie<I "down " in lo EJ.?ypl from Befhlehem; and the l'yramiJ, which marks the '' midst " of Egypt, is the symbol of our Loa i\lalt. 2 : 1-15.

;'\lso, the actual dist;111ce hetween the Pyramid anti fklhlehem, when rcckn in l'yramhl units of meawrc (lhc l'yrilm iil c11hil), ic)!recs with the cs;1ct perioc '..! I :{~ years hdwccn lhc h11ihling of the Pyrnmid and the hlrlh of 1111r I.on lklhlchcm. J\11d hy :inother l'1111ncdcll mcas11rcmc11l lhis llisl:cncc ;1lsn. ;1}!1 with the further pcriotl of I !ll 5 yc:1rs helween the birth of Jesus who was hnrc "1\1111{ of the Jews" anil the eml nf "Ccnlilc Times" in 191·1 ,1\.D., when look 1111 his )!real power an1l hcg;m to reign.

These ·• .:oi11l:i1lcm:c~" of pla..:c an<I lime cnn11ol he "c:hanc:e" coin.:idt·n The gco)!raphk;tl posilicms nf the l'yr;cmhl ;m.I of Bcthll'11c111 :ere cx;1dly li;o.; c, yil'l,J the "icngular " c11111H!dio11 i1111I lhe prcdsc necc~sary di~t;cnce hl'I wccn. , lltc,;c yicltl lhc l ime-me:1s11rcme11ls that a)!rce with lhc lhrcc prnmincnl d;1 '.!I '10 ll.t.:. fur lhe huihlinl! of the l')·rnmid, 2 ll.t:. for lhc birth nf our l.01« llclhlchcm, <tthl 1914 ,\,II. fnr the heginning 1if the rci;!n of our Lord on:r lhe earth, of whkh Egypt is a S)'tnhol.

llnlcss the Loni Mimsclf had cunnc.:le<l lhcse lhings, ;111 in pcrfcd agrec:n· with his \Vonl of Truth, such hi1rmony c11ul.I not h;1\'c hccn possihle ;, :111d t \\'hh:h ''God hath joined to!,!clher, let not m:m !'Ill asunder"!

We cannot hut feel sorry for ll10se wlm, !•i\\' inl! once 1111dcrslrn11I ;11111 a..:cl:I lhcsc facts, h;wc now lurneJ their ha.:ks 1111 1110·111, 011111, t.·\'l·n w11r::c. pr<:lt·ncl I stc<'h harnmn)• and forcknowtcd1!c, SUlh power :end wis,trnn. is of lhc E'·it I 11 May the Lord upcn their eyes in time lo sec ll ll'ir p11$il i11 11 of llangcr.

The keynote 11f I his "W:1tch Tower" article b; i11 paragr;1ph 1 II, in which itrc Iott! ! hill if ;my claim lh<1I the Grc;ct l'yr•cmitl w41s Je~i).!1H:d hy Got!, l I hc huruen nf proof r cst:; wilh them, e tc .. -and lhis in face of l he mn11y rrc a.:.:umul;1tcd <111<1 p11hlishcd hy patient Bi'•lc slmil-11ts for lhc p:cs l twn 1?ennali1 an.I which ;ere ,;lilt in\'t:sli .~alcd :111.t ;1c.:cPlctl hy all who lm•c the trulh . II is wilhnut si1?11if1ca11ce th;ct 11011e of lhe fc:1l111'es that prn,·e lhe lli,·ine .\ 11lhor~hi1 : the tlcsi)!n of the l'yramld is t1111ched 11p1111 in ll1e arlidc. This is hl"·aus.: recital of ;111y of these numerous fc;1lurcs tlcmn11slr;1fe,; its rcason;ihlenc:~,; ; harmony with Scriplural truth.


In the litth para).lrnph the sh1lcme11t is made that '' nowhere in the \".'onl uf GoJ is the Pyr<imitl o{ Gizch either t.liredl)• or lniliredly mcnliontal."

T he lirsl thin~ lh;1l must ~trike an)'Dlle, when they i::izc upon this pronounce­mcnl, is its <ihsolute direct ilcniill lo n l her paragraphs, ;is, fo r insl;1111:e-" This ;111dcnl slnu:turc l11:i11g thus rcpcat<:illy referred lo in lhe · Scriptures"; anil " Jehovah will show himsdr a i.ircal Savior; anJ l ie h11s a lready prepared th~ Creilt Pyramid as Jlilft or Mis inslrumenl allly for i:nnvincini: lhe world u( his wis1lom, foreknnwled~e. aml jlrnc:e "; "the additiu11;1I conohoralive evhh:nc:e ~ivcn hy the Greil! l'yramiil to the wrillcn Word nf Go,J will he a fresh cause of rcjuidng tu lhe saints'' ; "The le5limnny or this pe.:ull<ir and remarkable witness will ~ivc to m ankiud fresh J,!round for faith and lfwe anil zeal." The5e, and other expressions like lh1:m, appear In Vol. Ill. of "Studies in the Scriptures," specially recommen.lc1t lo seekers after lrulh on page 3!11 of lhe s;ame issue uf the " Watch Tower " in " 'hich paragr;1ph 1.1 o.:curs ! It :ilso convc:nicnl ly il?nores lhe comments in lhc lalcsl ( t !l~8) edilinn of" The llarp of Go1I," tlil)!c l!J2, pilr. :J t 7, wt11:re , ilfler 411111i11~ I l'ct. :l: !) . 7, ii says:-" The o ther members of lhc hmly, then, musl he hull! up ln1n Chris! lo conform lo that chid corner~lune, whii:h is ilhL~lralell hy the Gn:;1I i')T<1mid in Egypl. Sec lsai;ih 1 !I: 1 !J."

/\s for the '' lrnnlcn " of proof, !his is u111louhteJly lipun those devotees who claim Satan 1lS the iles ii;!ner and lll11Slcr ·h1tildcr or lhe l'yr;imirl . They have l<1ke11 this hurdcn 11p1111 thcmselvc$, to lea.:h lhe child ren 11f the hell\'cnly Father th:1t Salim nol only k11cw the secrets of the Suiµ lura l pl<m of salvation, und all the timc-proplwdes anJ general tlm1:s :111.i :>casuns cw111o:cte1! with this plan, hut lhal he, lhc " fJrinc e of darkness," (l(>sscsscd lhc wlsdum and forelrnuwledgc necessary In incorporate them in a stone lrnil1lin)!, and hi.le them there for four thnusand ycars.

Hui lhcy will never provc il, for the Si:ripl ures munifi.:sl that the /\lmi!lhly God alonc possessc1I the knowlcd).!c now found lo have hccn hullt into this Miracle in stone.

When Jesus Christ praycJ lo llis Fill he r, lie s;lfd: " I thank thee, 0 Father, Lord n( heaven <ind earth, hccau:;e thou h:isl hid lhesc lhings from lhc wise iln<I prudent, <11111 hast rcve;1h:tl I hem u11lo h.1hi:s. E\'llll so, F;1lhcr: fnr i:.n il seemed J!llnd in thy siJ.?hl "-r>fatl. 11 : :.!!i, :!I;. \\'e can th ink or lhe Evil One as heing "wise ;met prutlcnl" in the sense !hill 111rr l.onl here mean!, h11l not as unc lo whom the heavenly Filthcr would permit liis sccrel J'. lo he known.

The apostle 1';1111 sa)'5: "\Ve s1wnk the ll'i :>1lom of God in a mystery lsci:rel]. even lhc hidd~·n wis1h.m, whkh God unlaim:cl hcfor1: lhe world unlu our glory: wh i.:11 111111e nf lh.: priun-,, nf lhis 1mrld knew: for hail I hey k1111w11 ii lhcy W(1u ld 11111 h,l\'C audlicd lhe Lord 11f ).!lur)' "- l Cur. :.! : 7, H. The "Well-Sh;1H" in Ilic l'yramid :>)'lllhnlis{·s lhe 11l·alh ilnd n:surredi1111 of 1111r l.11rcl, the n11ly avenue In hf..: 011 any pl:111c for lhc falll-n r;ke. i'or lhc Firs! :\s\'cr11lit1;! l'assa.14.c (lhc l.;1w 1\J!c 11r lsr;11:I) is rc111lerell ln111a;s;il•lc hy !hi.: "Gr;11il tc l'lug" (lhe pcrfcd Law 11f Gud, which 1111 imporfcct nrn11 can pass), amt the refore the Well-Shaft i;1 lhe 1111ly open way of acctss to the upper parts of lhc l'yrami1I. S;t1;111, who is ,·ailed "lht: prim·c of lhi5 world," could 1101 lh1:rcforc hOl\'e uriginalell lhc symbol of lhc Well-Sh:ifl, nol lmowin;.! the send of Christ i:rucifie,1-1 Cor. 1 : :.!3.

The prophet J);in io:I r.n111!ht to 11nde rsl;1ml thnse thinl!s which Gml hail com­m11nicate1I tu him, hut lht: <111J.!cl answered: "Gn thy Wily, Daniel: for lhc wonls arc rlo$c.I up ;11111 :<1:.ded lll l lhe time of lhc en.I. M<rn)' shall he purified, and ma.le while, an1l tried; hnt the wlckc.I $hilll do wickedly: a11d none nf the wicked shall nndcrstand; hut the wi!'c shall 1111 1lcrstaml "-Dan. 12: 4, 9, JO. T hns Sal;m never unilerslood God's plan, and c;111n11I 11ndersl;md even now.

Prominent amonJ.! the lhinJ.!s conlaind in lhe hook of Daniel are the prophclic periods, 1 enchin1i from l);micl 's time lo lhc r1rst illl\'t:nl of the Messiah, an.I rii.:ht thrn11)!h lhc Cospi:I /\i.:c to \111: sc.: ·11111 iHlvenl. ;\II of these "di1)'S" nl Daniel arc imli.:atetl i1crnrall'ly hv !he timc-1111;;1,;nrements in the l'rramhl. 1\s "tl1al wi.:ked one" could nol h~vc k1111\\'n whal \\'<IS cnnlaine.I in Ilic sc;ile;I hnuk or f);rnil'!, h t: conlif no( h;ivc pul the \'lllTl'~f'lllhlinJ.( limc ·nll·as11rt•m1:11ls in lhe l'yr;m1hl. Still less rnultl Salan havc k1111wn lhi:se lhin;.:s !hill Cod inlcnde1l lo c11mnrn11kale lo his prophet si~lccn hu111lr.:d )•cars aflcr lhc l'yrilmiil w11s huill. Tn cl:1im olherwi'e is to make vo id the \.Vonl of t:oil.


The claim lhal Satan " would put some truth '' into the l'yrnmid in order In lki:e:ivc the Lor.l's people is contr;ir y to the Scriptures, 'l'rulh can ne\·er Jeccive the Loni's pen11le; and the "father of lks •· i:ould not pul " truth" into the l'yramid, for, J"sus tells us, "there is no trnlh in him "-John 8: IJ4.

We are tohl in this article th;it we shuuld not ;1ccept the P)·ramid's testimony, because this huildini;i is usell b)' olhcrs to suppurl their wrong theories. IL is ohvioui; that this same objection could apply also lo the Bible. Bul the ch ilJ nf Cod does not reject the Uihle on thl~ account; und neither will he, nor due;; he, rcjl!d the testimony of the Lord's stone \'.'ilness, lhunl,!h others ma)' misuse an.I miscall IL.

When Jesus Christ sa id to his disciples, " It 1~ not for you to know the time~ or the seasons which the Father ha th put in his own power " (Acls 1 : 7), Wt thereby know that the Father did nol revea l them In, or p1<rmil them lo come II the knowledge of, His great atlversa111, the folher of lie" and murJerer uf tht lrnm<in race. 1\nd when Jesus w;is ;asked hy Il ls di:;clplc~. "Tc.di us. when ~hal these lhin~s he~ illlll wh<i l shall he the si)!n of thy presence, an.I of lhe end or the age?" lie answcreJ: "(lf thal day and lh;1l hour lrnowelh 110 man, 110, not lhc angels which arc in heaven, neither the Son, hut lhe Father "-,'fall. 24: 3 3fi-3!J; Mark 13: 32. None of lhe :m;.!cls knew, ;11111 neitht:r did our Lem! llim· sdr. llow then could Satan have known, :1s claimed in this llrl klc 1

For if Satan desii;inetl lhe P)•r;1mlil (,;o that il "may he called Satan's Bihlc ;ind not God's stone witnes~ "-sec par. :17 in the arliclc), thel\ Ile m11~l IH\\'t known, anJ foreknown, all of lhe 1m,mlne11l dates connected \\' ith Cntl's Plan u the Ages, for they are all inclicatc,t in ii hy the lime-me:1s11remcnts. This i: declared in Vol. VII. ot "Sl1ulh.:,; in lhe Scriptures," pa)!c liO. (Thi,; 7th \'Ol11m• of "St udies" is printed i11 d).(ht lan~uaj.!~s, aad is speclall)' rc:cnmmcndcd In al si:ekcrs llfler truth in the s;1me issue ,,f the "W<1kh Tum::r" in which lhc arlicl reputliat in~ the te~limony of the l')•rami.t appears.) J\. lon)! lisl nf prom incn dates cnverin)! the whole period of the plan of GnJ, from the tall of All;1m t1 the reslorntion of the L>ominion to manl<i1hl, is presented on p;1j.!e 60 of lh· $Cvenlh volume. /\ii of l11c$C ;1rc lhert: said lo he <1ulhenlk Scriptural elate~ :111d all of them arc clahnt1I io he accurately Coreshrlll'n in the timc-mca~urcmcnt 11( the Great l'rra111i1I. \Ve ;arc now "inslruclccl" lo hclic,·e that lhcy 11·t·rc a f'lll in the i')'r;t111id hy the "f;1lher of lies·· t

Tu say lhat 5ulan sci up lhc Creal Pyramid in Eg)•pl is nol ;1i:cordi11).! t lhc Scriptures; for lhc prophet of the I.on! dt:clarcs th;it it 11•;is lhe ".lti).!ht t:nil, lhc Loni o( hnsls ... whkh hast sd sij.!n,; :.nd wn11t1crs in' the l:mcl 1 l·:).!~'l•l, cvc11 unto I his cl;1y "-Jcr. 3~ : 17 ·:!O. II is e\'itknl lh:1 l S;1l;i11 ha nolhin:.! In 1lu with it.

,\ :<c11lcncc i11 •1wrni.:r:1ph :M 11( lhc 11rl ide n'ii.b: "The itn.:at C11d of iu~li• ;111<! lo\'c \'111111.1 1111! c reel ;1 slrndurc: whid1 11·mtl1l result l!i lite uppr1::,~ i11t1 1

>l;1vcs :111ll l ite Weill lnss of life."

\Ve c;m inrn~ine we <ire li,; tc11i 11i.r to lhc words of "hi;!hlr 1Tilfcs" ! .\1111111

o ther ohjedions lhc higha critics s;iy: "J( thl· Bihlc God is ;1 C11,t of Inn! ;111 j11slire, a:; }'011 dnim, he wouhl not ha \'c clcslroycii lhc poor helpless world in th 1101111." " ,\ t:oil nf justice ;uHI love wCJ11ld 1~ .• t have commanded l\in!! ·S:111I 1 s lay the Am;1lekites, as the Bihle lleclares: ' Now 1!0 smite Amalek, ;ind ul I ~r1 ,kstruy ;tll th:il they have, and spare them n1i!: hut slay hnlh nrnn allll wo111;11 infanl an1! suck!in)!, ox an1! sheep, cam el ;111d ass' "-1 Sa111. 1 !) : :L

In annthcr sentence in the 3 4U1 par:i).lraph we read: " IC thal work was ,i,,,· hy human hands or human power, !hen it must have hcen .tone hv men who we. ~l;wes." Then ii continues: "Thal hcing lrul:, wilhnul a tlouhi manv of thi:: died from exhaustion or ffnm hcing cruell y driven fo t he t;isk.'' \Ve arc informl that Cntl '"ciultl never think of t'mploying sl;ives tn do any of his wnrk, hut Iii. ;1s Sil l·an is the l!rcat opprcs:<or it fol111\\'s, lngk;ill\', th;1( the Great l'w;imid w; huilt hy the devil I · ·

We rcft1Sl' In he carried away hy Ibis kind nf Ingle. It i:< false rc;isimin hecause contrary lo Scriptures amt 11::Jsi1le lhc f;11: ls of hisl11r)' . Th.: rn·111·t1.; , history ded;1rc Iha! the inv;ulini.: "~lh:;1her1I l\i111!s," lhe m:isler-h11iltk1» 11( 11 Pyramid, who easily subdued the Egyptii111s hy t heir power ·•without a bal tk


immc1lh1tcly closed lhe Idolatrous te11111lcs of the li1111l anti stopped idolatrous worship. The rommu11 11cople therefo re were lihe1-;1 led from lhc homlagc uf their itluls and priesthrnul; anti this "rdurmali1m " mu~t have proved a real hlessi11J!. The Jepuscd pricsll11111d, of .:oursc, did not wckume this interference with their lih1:rtiel\, and llrnl is why lh1: p ricslhnnd of suhse4uenl dynaslics, according to the account of llcroduh1s, calumnia lcll the memory of !he powerful but peaceful Shcph<:nl l\i11i;s, ju:;t ii$ this "Walch Tnwi:r" itrlidc docs,

Ry e11listlng the people lo erect the Crc;it Pyramid the Shepherd l\ini?s en­richc1I the !anti, even ;is the creeling of the Temple i11 Jerusalem enriched l'alc.~line. J\nd the people were not cruelly drive11 lo the task, hut, on the con ­trary, they were relieved every three monlhs ilccnrdinl{ lo the historicnl records. This was the melhud :itlopletl hy Sol11mo11 in lhe huildlng of the Tcmple-1 l{ings 5:13- l R.

The nation of Israel was developed in s lavery in lhnt very land wherein Cod's stone Witness sl;m1ls-Exnd. J : 11 - 14. This oppression of l sr;icl h)I the Es.!>·pti;ms occurred ahnul live cenluric,;. afler lhe huilding of the Pyrnmid. Moses conltl not un1lcrsl;1111I why the Lord hat! hrou~ht his people umler hon<lage to cruel taskmasters; an1I he cried ; " I.or.I, wherefore has! lhou so evil entreated this people'( "-Exo11. !) : 2:.!, 2:1. But Gt>d l1i1<l foretold this affliction when m;ikin).! his promi:;e lo 1\hrah<im, and had arra11).!c1I fnr it as part nf his plan to Jevc:lop his chosen 11<11io11 an.I weld it lo)!clher-Gen. 15: 13, 14.

Thus we see !hat our hc:;1venly Falher, our Got! of love, wisdom, justice, and power, docs mnn)' slran).!e ads lo hrinl{ honour tu His Nnme-l~xocl. 9: 35; lleh. !J; 17. His inslructctl children .:a11 sec hy faith lhc entire plan of salvation complete. But t he worldly min<I c;mnol undcr:;la111I, ;uul are apt lo jud)!e the Almi).!h ly from their uarrnw ''icwpninl- ba. !'i!;: 8, H. The time is cominl{, how­ever , when the C)"CS of the people will he opened, when <ill evil systems and orj.!;misalions !hat have slnnd hclween lhem aml the truth arc swept away.

It is not nccessar)' lo suppose that the ;1cl ual huihlers of the Pyrnmicl knew the true purpose of ii: for neilher ditl Moses nur Davitt know of !ht Inner mc;rnin)! of their struclmes. II wa;; nnl until lhe ;,.!vent of Jesus Christ thal Gnd grn11l<:tl this insfj.!hl. Therefore He tlitl not sp<:ak lo Moses ;1hnul the 11urpo>c of lhe C:rcal f'yr:1m id, for this knowlc1lj.!e was not then necessary or due.

The same ;1ppli<:s lo Jc;;us :11111 lhe apostles: ii was not neccssnry for them lo know ;1h11ul lhc dcl;iiletl mcasuremcnls und symholisms of the l'yramitl, ;1llhu11gh lhcy undcrslon.! lhe lmp11rl;111re of the hcatlslonc, from whkh they drew valuahle lcssons-1\foll. :!I : I\:! '1!l; 1\d;; o1: 111- 12.

Wh ile the tlclailcd lcad1i11g of the l'yramitl cnultl m il he umlcrstood in times p:isl, n1:vcrlhele:;s ii w;1s re\'<:illed lu l>avltl, and later tu lsai;1h, lh;it lhis hulltling held a message. For lhe accnunl of lhc wnslruclinn of this, the chief of lhc ancient "Seven \A/011.!crs," w;1s handed t:own throuj.!h the centuries. We have seen that ll;ivid spnkc uf a h<:ad curncr stone, which at lirsl was rejected hy the huiltlers. Then he ad,ls: "This is the day which the Loni h;ilh made; we will rcjoit:i: aml he gl;1tl in ii. Save now, I hesccch lhee, 0 Lnnl : <) 1.onl, I hcsecdt thee, ;;end now prosperity. Blessed he he !hat cometh in the n:imc of the Lon.I" - Psa. 118: 22. :.u;.

When Jesus rod<: into Jerusalem a~ l\ing, in fulfilment nf the prophecy of Zed1:iriilh IZedl. !l: !) : illatl. 2 1 : '1 - !l), the nrnltit111le i:rie1I, " llnsanna In the son of l>avitl: lllc;;se1I is he llwt rnmelh in the name of the l.nrd; llosann:1 in the hi)!hest." They l hou~hl th1: Lord now would send the long promised prosperity.

Bui Jc.~us knew lie must firs! he rcjcclccl hy !he rulers, before he could be exalted anti senJ prospi:rily-1.uh :lit : I !1-27, '1'1--18. Th1:rcforc, when con­fmnlinl{ t he ruler,; ;1 lilllc l<1lcr. he ;ultl ressetl In lhem these olhi:r words or the l's;1lmisl : "The stone which t he h11ihlcrs rcjcdetl, the same is hccome the head of the curner "-M<ill. 2 1 : '12-'1'1. i\1111 then. knowin/.! lhal he w;is ahnul lo he rejected anti slain, he wepl over Jenrs;tli:m, s;1yi11)!: "Bchnhl, your house is left unlo you Jesnlate. For I say 11nt11 you, Ye sh;1ll nol see me hencefor th , till ye shall say, Blessed ls he thal cometh in lhc name of the Lord "-Malt. 23: 37-39. This time, please Cod, is now at the tloor, when they will recognl1e


Him whom they rejected, and real ise that He is the J!re;iter Son of David, wht comes in the name of Jehovah with restitution, blessings, and prosperity-Acts 3 :.w, 21.

The ;iposlle Peter tells us th;it the spirit of prophesy in lhe holy men of olt " IC!\lifieJ. heforehand Ille t1ufferinl!S of Chri$t, and the glory th:.st should follow ' -1 Pet. 1: 11. For this re;1son, therefore, ls;iiah was enahled lo discern huv lhe Altar-Pillar in Egypt would serve as a Sitrn and W itness lo the Lord of hu,;t,; in line with the Psalmist's words re)!ar<lin/.! lhe rejected, lhcn exulted, head$l<m• -Isa. 9: 6, 7;. l !l: 19, 20: S3: :I: Luke 1 : :~o-:~3; 2: 25-:38.

It is objected that the 1norhet l sniah cnnnot refer to a Si,!!n and Witness o !\lone In the literal land of Egypt, hccausc, jnst pre\'ious to this reference lo lh• altar aml plllar, he says, " In that day shall five cities In the land of Eitnit spcal the l;m).!ua).!e of Canaan, an1I swi:ar to U1e Lord of hosts: one shall h.: c;1lh.:1 the city of destruction "-The city or lhe sun-Isa. l 9 · l S. IL is conlen1letl Iha there :ire no such cities in F,p,ypl lo-day.

We note, however, that in the same chapter !he rrophet says: "In th;it .Ia: shall there be a highway out of E,!!ypt to /\;;syria, aml the Assyrian shall comr into E~ypt, and the E;:?yplian inlo Assrria, and the Euyptinns sh;il l ;;erve will the Assyrians. In that day shnll Ism el he a third with Ei.!)'pt and with Ass)Tia even '' lilessin,I! in the mi1lst of the lnml: whom the Lord of hMts sh;ill hll'ss sayin~. 131es'se<l he Eizypt my people, ;iml Assyria the work of my hands. ;1111 Israel mine inherlta11cl! "-Isa. 19: 2:3-25.

When the Loni reP.athers his people hrael from the lands of their cnpti\'il)' includin!? the grave, l;;r;iel ,,ill he his lnherilnnce. So also will Enypt he r;all c1 his people, and Assyria the work of his h<inds-Sec ;llso l-:7.ck. 1 (): 5:1-fi:l. Tl11 Psalmist tlcclares: "Am!lnJ! lhe uods there i;; none like unto thee, n l.nrd neither are there any works like untn th y works. ,\II n;11im1s whom thou ha~ made shall come and worship hcfore lhec, 0 Lord; amt shall glorify thy 11ame For thou art i.?reat, ancl doest 11·on1trnns things: thou art Got! alone "-P ;;a 8G : 8- 1 O. The Lord also srcaks of !he time when Tie will " hrin).! <1).!nin lh1 captivity" of lhe na tions of !llo:ih, Am11n, Elam, Sotlnm, :iii.I Samaria-Amos !I 14, 1 !'i; Jcr. 48: 47; 4!l: 6 , :l!l.

These, and m;my other !'crlpturcs, show lhnt Cod is the. Cod of nil nations and that all owe their existence tn IJlm ;ilnne-Acls 17: 24-'.!6. Ami. howcvc·1 God mny hnvc used the various nations in an illuslrntlvc or symholh:al w;1>" ir connection with lhc forthtellin,!! of 1kt;iils nf his pl;m of the il:!cs, nml fnr lih in;;truclion of his spedal chriscn rcoplc, hn th fleshly an1l spirilu:1I. lht.,;c nali1111· still h;ivc their idenlily, aml will he rcslnrc,1 lo tht:ir former cst;llcs whcn L'hri ,: t rei)!ns over 1111 the earth as l\inir. ;1s Jehovnh 1terlarctl, " ,\sk of me, ;iml I ;;hal )'.lf\'e thee the hcilthcn for thine inhcrilance, and lhe ultcrmost parts of lhc cartl· for thy possession "-Psn. 2: fl.

\<\' hen the Lord, then, is !{in~ over all the e;irth. and Jsr;icl is the thir<l with Ei:iypl :ind 1\ssyria and n hles~in).! in lhc midst of the land. the prophecy o f lh l five cities will he fulfilled. In lhc mcanlime the prophecy of the "hh.!hway" ii fulfilled in the rnilwny: and I his is n remnrkahle fulfilment of ;in a,!.!c-1011!.! pro­phecy lhal always seemed impossible. But lhc J!reat World \Var th:it hrnkc nut suddenly in 191'2 (one of the prominent lf;ite~ lndicaletl hy the 1.oril's stone \\'it· ncss, and deciphered there many ye;irs pre,•im1sly hy c11rcful students of thl Wont), ma1lc this seemin,!!ly impossihlc fulfilmen t l'Omc to p;i~~ .

T.he~ we have the Gre;it Pyramid fn the lan,I nf Egypt. which fulfils mn~t convmcmJ!ly the )1rophecy of the nll;tr nml )lillar, and which. ;is the Loni inknd<·il it. should, i~ wilncssinl! lo lhe Lord's people ancl the worhl. "fnr wllilt if smm 1hil not helteve? ;hall their unhelicf make the failh of Coil \\'ilhflut c:ffcd? " ­Rom. 3: 3. We arc i.?latl to know that nolhinl! <::111 s lop this wi l11 css ing. for ii is the J.orcl 's 1loin}.! and nn1 m;rn':: . A:: Hrnlhcr 1~11~~1: 11 cx"1;1im::. wilh rn11virli11 11 anti joy in which we share, '' f.n. the vcr\' stnncs of this C:n·al Pvr;imitl of 'l'l',;li · mony arc cq•ini.? oul in no uncertain tnnc$. E\'t'r\' inl'h of lhis ni:1,;sin· ~lru• l11n is ci<1q11enlly rwocl:iimin.I! the wisdnm and pml'l·r a1i,1 ).!r:1cc nf nur C.ntl."

"Such testimony woulcl he peculiar :inrl ~trikin!' indcctl, cvcn if there \l'l'l'l

no Scriptures found to hear on the snhjcds cx;1minc.I; hut when lhc ~niptun:<

I 5

had already clearly and positively declared to us these same circumstances and dales , hdorc the P>·rnmid's tesllmuny was heard, its won1lerful agreement with and con·ohoratinn of the ~:imc hecome duuhly sil!nilicant a1HI slrikinJ.1. Now, when lhc worl1lly-wisc arc rcpniliall111t C11.t's \.\lord as 'ohsolclc' and '1m­sdc11tilic,' to have this stone ' Witness ' spc<ik, and cnrrohorale the testimony of the Blhlc, Is truly astoundlnit.

" To he:ir its testimony as to man's fall nt the very lime that the worldly­wise ;ire dalmin,I! tlrnl man never was perfect, never was in God's image, and consequently never fell from ii, Is rcmarkahle. To hear its testimony that nnne cnuhl enter the Cospel hi1th- callln,1? lo lhc divine nature, or the slate of human ju~t iii cation an1I life throu,l!h the I.aw Covenant passauc-way I the First .o\scendlnu Passai;!e, whkh symhollses lhe Law A.l!e f. al a time when so many are preachin.I! that the Law of Moses [man's own efCortsl is l!1c only way lo life, is certainly ,l!ralifyin,I!. Surely In lhe Creat Pyrami1I •the invlsihle things £plansl of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen; helng understood hy he thin)ls that arc made '-Rom. J : 20.

"Some may scoff at the testimony of this stone ' Witness.'" continues Brother Russclf, ";1s they also scoff at God's wril1cn \Vord; hut to their scoffa we a11swer: Account for this Jleculiar fitness of lhin,l!s, or el$e venture to prophesy 11f the future , and see how your prorhesics will result. T'rove to us that it requires no i11spiratiun lo forelclf (11t urc C\'ents. Rhnw us a sampll' of worldly wi~.tum. ' Produce your cause, imilh the Loni; hri111? forth yonr ,;t·ronJ? reasons, saith the !\in.I! of Jacoh. Let them hrln)l them fnrth an,1 shuw us what will harpcn: lei them show the former lhin)!s, what they he, that we may consider lhc:m :md know the latter encl of them; or declare to us lhint.(s to come. Rhow lhe. lhln)ls that arc to rnmc hercafltr, that we may know that ye ;ire i.:ods' (miuhty ones)-l~n. -11 : 21-2:·!."

While the Lord, the Creator of heaven anti earth, thus challenJ?es the worldly­wise lo prove that they are ahle lo foretell future history, shall we nevertheless contend that Satan, the father nf lies, coultl do so? This Is what the "W:1lch Tower" arlicle cnnll'ncls for, claimini;? that S:itan foreknew every prominenl event and date in mankind's history perlaini11t.( lo lhc nulworkh11? of Go.l 's plan of lhe at.(es, indudlnl! thnse nf the advents of our J.onl and the mystery of Christ. The children of Cocl are even challent.(ccl lo prove their Scrh1tural claim !hat their heavenly fo'alhcr is the only one who could have fnre-arrnnged these thint!s which He hill from a.Qcs and ,l!eneralions, 01ml therefore the only one who could have fore~howll them in l'lle Great Pyrnmhl, where they are now clearly to he reacl.

P;iraJ?raph 39 of the "Tower " article says: "It has always heen Satan's pur­pose In Cleal! himself and to push Jehovah out o( si)!ht." The obvious r~ly to this somewhat crude exrression Is lhat, no matter how much Sat;in m;iy have "pur)losed" to exalt himself, he never clicl and never can "push Jehovilh 0111 of si,l!ht,'' neither in a literal nor in a spiritual sense. On the contrary, !he Scrip­tures cleclare of Jehovah, "Verily thou art il God th:it hi.lest thyself, 0 God of Israel, the Saviour "-ha. 45: 15. Satnn has no volition in the matter, neither' helm! ;ihle to " rush " Coe! out of the sii;iht of those who have the seeln,1! faith nnr to reveal Cm! lo the unhelicvin,1?-Luke 10 : 21, 22. Of !11oses we read lh:it, " hy faith he fnrsonk Esiypt, oot fearin)! the wrath of the kin)!: for he en1t11red, as sceinl? him who Is invlsihle "-lleh. 11 : 27. fo'ailh ciln see ri,l!ht lhrnu11h "clea1l stone"! Rut Sat;m, the J.!OJ of this worlil , is permitted lo " blind the minds " of them which hcl icvc not, " lest the li)!ht of the )!lorious ,l!osrcl of Christ, who is the imat.(c of God, should shine unto them "-2 Cor. -1: 1-6. This Is nnl Satan's arr:tn)!ement, hut Cod's pnrpose, ns cxplainc1I hy Jesus Chris I- Mark 4 : 10- 12: Rom. 1 I : 8-10.

We are not to make the mistake of s11pposln.1? th;it the Plclades were in line with !he Ascenclin,I! Passaiies :tt the lime when the Pyr:tmicl was huill. Jn quotinl! from the well-known work nf the Rev. Joseph Scl!;s, Brother Russell rrescnls lhn correct unclerstan1ll11i.?-Sce Jlilt.!e ::\27 of Vol. Uf. "Sll1Lllcs." On loiter con­sideration Professor C. Piaz;d Smyth a)lrced that, nnt 2170 n.c .. hu t 21-10 n.c. was the d;ile of the erection of lhc Pyramid. On the Autumnal F.quinox of the year 21'10 n.c. l\lpha Oracnnis, the "North Siar" of that epoch, shone


tllreclly down the DescendlnJ? Pa5saJ?e, while the Pleiades were ex<ictly on 11 mcrri1/io11 of the Pyr<imid. The AsccmlinJ! P<issajlcs pointc1l to this ntcrhti;i hut not lo the Plci;ules. lnslc;i1l. the "srnred lines" drnwn 1111 lhc walls nf II t>esccndinJ.! l'assai.:c, which hy an cxilcl timc-mcasurcmcnl mark lite dale :.! 1 · o.c., pointed tlirettly upw;ml lo )he Plciades al this p;irlicular ll<tlc, 21/tO n. -See Vol. II. "Great P yr<imid Pas5:tJ.!cs," Section 31.

The words of ls<1iah, "Woe lo them that ~o down to EJ?ypt for heir•· (f:: 31 : 1), are in this "\Vatch Tower'' article applied literally, as app;irently warnini;: lo any who think of J,!oinJ.! to the Lnrtl's stone Witness in J·:gwl' for II purpose of finding in what way this Altar-l'illnr lcslilics lo the Lord of hosts. B the prophet ,:?ocs on lo say: " And stay on horses, and trust in charinls, hccau they are many; and in horsemen, hccau~e they arc very slrnnJ.!: hut they In• not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord."

Brother Russell expl;ifns the whole p;i~sa,gc in his P yrnm i<'I chapter, pa.J?c 31 The " horses " anti "hor$emen " are wronf,! doctrines and folsc lenders, an1l t' ·• chariols" are worlclly nrJ!:misations. These all claim to he doc trines an<'I lead( an<'I orjlanisatinns of the Lord. but Cod warns ns a:!ainsl puttini.! our lrusl them, heca11se they are of " r.J.!ypt," the world.

In his volume~ of "Stmlies in the Srriplures" Rrnlher Ru~>ell teaches ve clearly how to distln,!!ulsh helwccn the 1\in:!ilnm of Cnd illhl the "f"m't•r darkness." lie shows how the many evil systems of !his "prcsi:nt c1·i1 worl<l •· . combine In make up the kln!;!dom of th e "prince <•f <l:irkne;s."' Je.:elvin~! ma into thinkinJ? that their p;irt icular "system " or "nr:!:inisat ion "' is free from h Satan's, influence. There is unly the one safe course for the cliil,Jren nf C11 namely, In he clear of illl ,.. ystcms or secls or or:.ia11i~;ilinns l"h:1IH1~vcr. and joined ln11ivld11ally to Christ :11> mcmhcrs in p;1rtic11lnr of I Tis hn1ly- l Cor. 1: 12-27. .

"We hope and labour," s<1fd Rrolher Russell, "that the ,:!ond work of refnrr in.I! and protestinJ? af?ilinst enor may f.!O on and on until e:id1 individual Christi will res t his faith (not in a 'tenominat ion, l:irne or small} but personnlly ii' i111llvidually In the Redeemer, a nd he united In Christ Jesus, the Hea1l, as memhcr of his holly-the only true Church .... Such a splillin~ up of crcc­and systems hn~ heen neccs,;;iry to set free the Lonl's •sheer.' to prer;ire cleilnsed s;mctuary class truly united to Christ."

" StandfnJ! thus free, m.1trammcled hy human cree,ls :incl homl:ti?es, hut pe snnalfy united to· Christ each will find In the others ' members of the hrnly Christ,' ;ind affinity, fellowship. and love will unite them in the only 'unin1 that is not Injurious-union in Christ, In whom. ;is livin!! 'hrnnches • in the \'ir each ls pcnon:illy united." Each one of these followers nf .Je~11s Chrisl c;in clil God as his Father: and it is lie, nnd not ;iny " ori;?anisation." who " hath clcliver us from the power of darknes1<, and hath lr:m~lilte.l us into the ldn;~tlom 11( I de;ir Son"-Rom. 8: 14-17; Col. 1: 12-14.

Brother Russell impresseCI upon us frr>m the Word of Cod, nn<'I desirc1I us comprehend dearlv, thnl the l\in.J?<'lom of Cod' s denr Son is ;in invis ihle l\in Clnm, not seen of men. \Ve are "citiz1::ns" of this heavenlv l\inir.tnm ;1 1

"amhassadnrs for Christ," and to U$ this is r.-:ul: !ml to others it 0

is not' so. as I apostle John declares: "The world knnweth 11~ not. hecausc il knew him not " 1 John 3: 1. Our Lord's reply to the wom.m n.f Samaria prove~ cnnclmiv' that there is now no vi.~ihTcr place where His followers c:m re111lc.- acceplafllt· sc vice anti worship In their heavenly ·Father-John II : 19-:!-1.

The wom:m said: "Our fothers worshipprd in this mnunl:lin rcerizim 1: "' ye say, thnl in Jerusnlem is the pl:iC"e where men ntti!h l In wor~hip." Jc~ nnswcretl: "\\Tuman, helievc me, the hour come-Ill', when ye ~hall ncilhcr in ti mountilin, nor yet in Jenr$nlem. wor~hip the Falher . . . the trnc, wor~hippe ~hall worship lhe Father in spirit and in truth : for th<' P:>thcr seckcth ~uch wori;hip him. God Is " Spirit ; nncl they lhill wor~hip him mu"! wor~hip him 5J>lrll and in lrulh." '\Ne who :ire hci!nltcn of the ~piril arc: chil1lrc11 of I heavcnl)' Father. \Ve ;ire nol lhl· .. d1iltfl"t"ll .. nr :my 1·i,;ihlc or:!:111bali11n.

The wonl "or1?11ni~ntinn" tine,; nnl or~nr in fl1 c Blhlc. ;on1l ifs 11,;~' ;q•I mi~len<I. The Scripturnl word i~ "kin*lom": and nnr l.nnl 1fislinclf\· ~;1i<I lh "the kinS?<lom of God cometh not wilh nhscrvafion "-with 1•11fward ~how

17 .

Luke 17 : 20. Therefore there Is no " visihle organisation of God on earth," as is claimed by some to !heir undoing.

How often Brnlher lfossell warned us agalnst this very thing, and how foolish we shall he If we do not heed his warning. We shall indeed be foolish if we claim that " only throu)lh our system or 1irj!anisalion will lhe heavenly Father accept praise and service"; for I his would make It appear necessary for every spirit-heiiotten child of God to "bow the knee" lo the few who have constituted lhemselves heads of the orf,!anisalion. The ;1pMlh: shows that It is only lhe carnal, fleshly mind that Is deceived by such unscripturnl claims-1 Cor. 3: 1-6, 18-23.

We must never forget the example of lhe apostate church, the "mystery of iniquity" of which Satan is the lnslig;itor (2 Thess. 2: 7-H), and which deceived the whole world to such an exlent lhal al last the most arrogant of all the popes, Boniface VIII., fell called upon lo issue his famous (or Infamous!) "bull," Unam Sanctum, which contained the preposterous claim: "We cteclare, determine, an<l decree, that it is aJ>solulcly necessary lo salvation, that every human beini.? should he suhject to the Roman pontiff " I

Hi~lory shows that this marked the first beginnings of the downfall of the ·•Holy Roman Empire." When lhe peak of arrng:m<:e is reached, then hci:iins the decline, whkh ends in utter destruction. This is the law of the Lord, "for who­soever ex;iltcth himself shall he ahase.t; anil he that humhlclh himst:lf shall he exallcil "-1.ukc I '1 : 11. /\nil whi le we rent! in lhc worl1l's news thal "The l'upc has ai.?ain hecomc a tcmpor;il sovcrcij.!11" (lhc "solemn treaty" hclwt•cn lh;: Vatican and lhe lt;ili;in j.!ovcrnmcnt, whkh makes the Pope once more a kini.? in his own right, wus si~ned on l 1 lh February, 19'.m), we know thnt this is only 11reparalory to the final destruction-Rev. 17: 11-18; 18: 21.

To apply Isaiah's words (Isa. 31 : 1) In a literal way is evidently not Scrip­l11r:il , for then God would nut have s<:nt Ills angel tu appear to Joseph in a 1lrcam, lo w<irn him ahout llerocl's inlcntions_:Malt. 2: 13- 15. When Jo~eph look lhe 'hild J<:sus and his mnlher by nii.?hl ;111d dl!parlcd into Ei:?>'rt, according to Co<l's instruclions, he wcnl there for help, lo escape the woe that Herod broui.:ht upon Bethlehem-Matt. ~ : l fi.

Therefore when the prophet Isaiah, in anolhcr of his prophecies, directs lhe attention nf the Lord's chil.tren lo an i\llar aml a Pillar in the land of E)?Y(11, anti !ells us , hy lhe spirit of ins11iration, !hill this Altar-Pillar is to he for a Si!!n and for a Wilness to lhe Lord of hnsls, we du well, if we are wise, to pay heed In llis words. /\s is In he exrecktl, S;it;111 and his deluded followers will do all in their pnwcr to divert alfenlion from !his Si)!n ;11111 \Vilness, as Brother Husscll furew;,rncd us. The l.nnl's people ;ll'c not inlcresled in the sphinx, for ihey know ii is hul a "dumh hlol " - lfom. 8: ~- Uul as for lhe Great P yramid il is different, for they have "heard" Its stones "cryini? out In no uncertain tones." "

" Firmly incased in this solid rocky structure," concludes Brother Russell, "heyond the power of nature's storm~ or of the ruthless hami of the destroyer, the outline drawings of God's j!reat plan have stood for four thousand years, pre­pared tu i:?ive their teslimnny ;it the lime appoinlc1I, in corrohoralinn of the simi­larly reve;ilecl, hut for ages hidden, testimony of the sure Word of Prophecy." " Men may sneer, hut they cannot laui:ih down this miiihty st ructure, nor scoff nut nf ii the angles, proportions, measures, nature references and sacred correspon­dences which ils Maker Rave It. Here I hey are h\ all their speaking sijlnificance, stuhhnrn an.! invincihle beyond all power lo suppreS!\ them."

We recommend a careful study of lhc chapter on the Pyramid hy Brother Russell, comparin~ the expl;malion J?iven there wilh the Scriptures died. Su.-h study as this is time well spent, for it gives all who desire truth a clear )?rasp nf lhe Scriplurnl plan of salvation as it is In Christ Jesus. We must clrnw attention lo lhe foci, however, that the measuremenls uf lhc passage-ways require now In he amendc:d, for when Ornther Russell wrote his chapter on lhe ryramld al the end 11( Vnl . 111. "Sludles in the ~criptures ·• nearly forly years ai<o, lhc lrne me;i­sures of some p;1rls, especially of lhc Ocscen,ling Passage :mcl " Pit," were 1111! known. Professor C. l'iazzi Rmylh never went down the lower reach of the De~cendin~ Passage, and Professor Petrie ditl not measure il carefully, as he himself confesses.

/\fler we visited the Pyramid in 1909 and 1912, when we me;isurecl every part


carefully, we published the correct measurements in Vol. II. of "Great Pyramid Passages" In 1913 ; and Brother Russell acknowledged the necessary amendments to his figures by specially recommemlin!! this volume to all " Watch Tower" readers, just as he bod previously, in 1910, recommended Vol. I. of "Great Pyramid Passages" in the "Watch Tower." Also in the Watch Tower Society's other perlodkal, "The Golden Age," these two volumes of "Great Pyramid Passages" are specially recommended to all careful students of God's Word; and the article on the Pyramid in the 21st May, 1924, issue makes use of our cor­rected measurements, and time-measurements, and many of the diagram,; (this article on the Pyramid was so much appreciated that it had to he reprinted, in the 21st December, 1924, issue of "The Golden Age").

All such works on the testimony of the Lord's stone Witness, corroborative of the Scriptural plan of salvaticm, are most helpful to the Lord's people. For we know that at this time, as never heforc?, people are on the one hand turnlns: to Spiritism, and on the · other han1I to Evolution, ;111d hoth of these snares of the adversary are utterly refuted in the teachln!! of the Lord's stone Witness. Neither should we allow ourselves to be turned aside from this grand truth that we have received, even though it Is inevitable that we shall be misunderstood, and have to suffer; tor let us remember the words of Jsa. 57 : 2, and Rom. 10 : 15.

Our Lord gave us comfort when he said : " Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you. and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and le.ap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great In heaven: for in like manner did their fathers to the prophets "-Luke 6: 27-38. "Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is r.•1t greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you: if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also .... Rut this cometh to pass, that the word mi,c!ht he fultilled that Is written in their law, They hatetl me without a cause "-John 15: 17-37; Matt. IO: 24, 25. " Hear the word flf the Lord, ye that tremhle ill his word; your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let the T.nrd he j.!lnrHicd: hut he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed "-Isa. 66: 5.

NOTE.-The two volumes, "Great Pyramid Passa,(!es," which were specially recommended by Brother Hussell lo all his readers in the " Watch Tower." and recommended also in all editions of Vol. VTI. ot " Studies in the ~cripturcs." as well as in other issues of the "Watch Tower" and " Colden Age'' at various times, are still in print and sHll procurable. Address cr.quiries to !11orton Ed~ar, 224 West Regent Street. Glas,l?ow, Scotland.


i ........................................ 40 ...... .


!..3.~.~'.'..~.~~~.='.~.~~.·~~:.~ ..

The Great Pyramid Witness

and the Biblical Plan of Salvation

Isa 19:19, 20

Morton Edgar Author of "Mythology and the Bible" "The Great Pyramid and the Bible," "Faith’s Foundations," Prayer and the Bible," "Great Pyramid Passages," etc.

"...no room for doubt that the same divine inspirer of the prophets and apostles inspired this ‘Witness’ also"-Charles T. Russell


2 1/2 d (5 cents) per copy 2/- (50 cents) per dozen Morton Edgar,

224 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland

The Great Pyramid Witness

Being a defense of Brother Russell’s interpretation of Isa 19:19, 20, and a Reply to the charges made against the inspired testimony of the Lord’s Stone Witness, the Great Pyramid, in the 15th November 1928 issue of the "Watch Tower.

BROTHER RUSSELL first drew the attention of nearly all of us to the message of the Great Pyramid, as he firmly believed that this building is the "Altar " and "Pillar " spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, and which, according to the prophet, was destined to be for a "Sign" and for a "Witness" to the Lord of hosts in "that day"-Isa 19:19, 20; Ac 7:31.

This belief of Brother Russell is presented in the third volume of "Studies in the Scriptures," first issued in 1891, and still published by the Society which he founded. Brother Russell died on 31st October, 1916; and only one month before he died he wrote a new preface to his third volume, in which he reiterated his implicit faith in the Pyramid’s Divine origin and inspired message to mankind. But, strange though it is, entirely contrary views are now being presented by the "Society." Every proof advanced by the writer of Vol. III, "Studies" in support of his claim is denied in the most absolute way, without the least attempt to temper the denial, especially in an article in the Society’s periodical "The Watch Tower," issued 15th November, 1928. In consequence many readers of Brother Russell’s writings are disturbed, and queries are constantly being addressed to us, and we are asked to express our opinion.

To remind ourselves what Brother Russell thought of the Great Pyramid and its testimony we shall quote a few sentences from his third volume:—

"It should be remembered that, aside from the Great Pyramid here referred to, there are others, some of stone and some of brick; but all of them are mere attempts to copy it, and are in every way inferior, in size, accuracy, and internal arrangement. And it has also been demonstrated that, unlike the Great Pyramid, they contain no symbolic features, but were evidently designed and used as sepulchres for the royal families of Egypt.

"The Great Pyramid, however, proves to be a storehouse of important truth, scientific, historic, and prophetic, and its testimony is found to be in perfect accord with the Bible, expressing the prominent features of its truths in beautiful and fitting symbols. It is by no means an addition to the written revelation: that revelation is complete and perfect, and needs no addition.

"But it is a strong corroborative witness to God’s plan and few students can carefully examine it, marking the harmony of its testimony with that of the written Word, without feeling impressed that its construction was planned and directed by the same divine wisdom, and that it is the pillar of witness referred to by the prophet in the above quotation"-Isa 19:19, 20.

"This ancient structure being repeatedly referred to in the Scriptures, we cannot doubt that, if questioned, this ‘Witness’ of the Lord in the land of Egypt will bear such testimony as will honor Jehovah, and fully correspond with His written Word. We thus introduce this ‘Witness’ because the inspiration of its testimony will doubtless be as much disputed as that of the Scriptures, by the prince of darkness, the god of this world, and those whom he blinds to the truth."

Answers to Opposition

In the 10th paragraph of the opposing "Watch Tower" article, special emphasis is laid on the Lord’s command to the nation of Israel, who were bound under the law, not to make likenesses of anything in heaven-Ex 20:4.

As the "plan of salvation" is a heavenly plan, so, this article informs us, God would not have "contradicted" his own law by making a "likeness" of this plan in stone-that is, in the Great Pyramid. Hence, the Lord could not have designed the Great Pyramid. This reasoning is regarded as tending greatly to support the main theme of the article, namely, that the Pyramid was designed by the devil.

To refute this unscriptural claim we need only to direct attention to the construction of the Tabernacle and the Temple, both made in the likenesses of "patterns" designed by God, and both depicting features of the Lord’s plan of salvation-Ex 25:9; Heb 8:5; 9:23, 24; 1Ch 28:11-19.

The sole reason why God forbade his people to make "likenesses" is stated in Ex 20:5, namely, "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them." And this applied not only to things in heaven, but also to likenesses of anything on earth or in the sea.

Now, when God commanded Moses, and afterwards David, in their construction of the Tabernacle and Temple to make cherubims, flowers, pomegranates, oxen, all likenesses of things in heaven and earth, was he deliberately contradicting his own law"-See Ex 25:18-40; 26:1; 28:33; 2Ch 3:3-17; 4:1-15. If we made the mistake of supposing so it would be because we neglected to divide aright the Word of truth-2Ti 2:15-19.

We have direct Scriptural authority for depicting things pertaining to the Lord’s plan of salvation on charts and on diagrams. This authority is given us in Hab 2:1,2. On the strength of this Scripture, Brother Russell drew his chart of the ages, given in Vol. I, "Studies," which has been a great blessing to very many of the Lord’s people in enabling them to grasp the teaching of the Bible.

The passage and chamber system of the Lord’s stone Witness in Egypt, however, is a more convincing way of depicting these things, for it shows the plan of God in action-the Descending Passage represents the downward course of mankind to death, the Ascending Passages the upward ways to life, and the open "Well-Shaft" (by which alone access can be gained to the upper passages from the Descending Passage) symbolizes the ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, faith in which alone can enable us to escape death and attain to life.

The Pyramid and the Plan of the Ages

The Pyramid’s method of portraying the plan of the ages is also chronological, for the measurements of the passage-ways show the durations of the various Ages, and the many times or seasons into which the Lord’s plan is divided. The Great Pyramid is the method that the Lord Himself adopted to make His grand plan of the ages "plain upon tables" of stone, that we who read it may run for the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus. It is very evident that no one need apologize for teaching that the Lord’s "glad tiding of great joy, which shall be to all people," was outlined by Him in symbols and measures of the Great Pyramid, centuries before He sent His angel to the shepherds in the field of Bethlehem-Lu 2:8-14.

At the beginning of the 12th paragraph in the "Watch Tower" article is the following quotation:—"The Great Pyramid of Gizeh is strong corroborative proof of God’s plan as set forth in His Word." These words are the expression of Brother Russell’s conviction; but the article goes on to deny this expression of faith, stating that God’s Word needs no corroborative proof. The fact still remains, however, that God has had, and continues to have His witnesses; and all of them, be they animate or inanimate, must of necessity corroborate some part at least of His Word.

Many things were written in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the psalms concerning Jesus Christ, and when in due time He, the "faithful witness," came and fulfilled the things spoken, He was Himself a "corroborative witness" to the truth of Jehovah’s Word-Lu 24:25-27, 44-48.

Ever since John Taylor, whose work is cited by Brother Russell, first drew attention to the sacred nature of the Great Pyramid, the presentation of the monument’s testimony has been resolutely opposed. Probably this is to be expected, although it is worthy of note that the opposers are often singular for their spirit of bitterness, and even animosity. The attacks against the inspiration of the testimony of the Lord’s stone Witness and those who believe in this testimony is much on a par with those that have been waged against the Lord’s written Word and all who have faith in it.

Nevertheless, it is true that the Great Pyramid has already proved to be a Sign and Witness, testifying to the truth of the Biblical plan of salvation; and none of the specious arguments directed against this fact can move those who, like Brother Russell, understand it-See what Brother Russell says in the last four lines of Vol. II, "Studies." We realize that our heavenly Father does nothing unnecessarily, and He must therefore have had good reason in thus providing the added testimony of the Altar and Pillar in Egypt.

If we accepted the references to the Word of God in the 119th Psalm (Ps 119) in a literal way, it would seem that the five books of Moses, known as the "Pentateuch," with the addition of the book of Job, were alone sufficient for the child of God, even though other writings of the Scriptures were added subsequently. We are aware that the Psalmist’s words were, in the fuller sense, prophetic, and intended by God to include all later inspired utterances. Just so, and the Great Pyramid is also prophetic, as has been abundantly demonstrated.

Erected twenty years before Abraham was born, and over five hundred years before the giving of the law through Moses, this "Miracle in Stone" foretold all the details of the Lord’s plan of salvation and plan of the ages. The Lord there wrote His purposes by means of symbols and measures, to show that all His works were known to Him from the beginning (Ac 15:18); and we, His children, are enabled to read these signs and symbols by the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. For the language of the Spirit is the language of symbols, without which much of the Word of God cannot be comprehended-Joh 6:48-63.

The Testimony of the Pyramid

In a sense it is the testimony of the Pyramid that is corroborated by the Bible and the facts of history, for it is now seen to contain the outline of these things. Events pertaining to God’s plan do not "happen" by chance, but all was fore-arranged; and the testimony of the Pyramid is witness to this truth. Thus our faith and confidence in the Lord is increased.

And it is not that God requires a corroboration of His Word, but that He foreknew we would; and He has therefore graciously granted it, telling us where to look for it-Isa 19:19, 20. He foreknew that there would be many who would profess to interpret His Word and teach that His "plan" was thus and so. And He foreknew that Spiritism, Christian Science, Evolution, all of which deny the necessity for the ransom-sacrifice of His dear Son Jesus Christ, would increase and deceive many.

He therefore designed and caused to be built a stone Sign and Witness to Himself, which, like the words of the visions of Daniel, was "sealed up" until the "time of the end." Then, in the time of the end when its testimony was necessary to confirm the interpretation of His written Word by His wise and faithful servant (whom He also foreknew and foretold-Mt 24:45-47), this stone "Witness" would yield its secret. That is why we are now able to decipher the hidden message contained in the Great Pyramid. This message proves the absolute necessity for the ransom-sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

There are many systems of chronology, even many purporting to be based upon the Word of God. But there is only the one system that agrees with the time-measurements of the Pyramid, and that is the Bible one drawn to our attention by Brother Russell in his "Studies in the Scriptures." He was alone in his presentation of this chronology, and the Scriptural time-features based upon it; for all other commentators have reasoned that they should not accept this Bible chronology.

But Brother Russell, perceiving that every link in this chronological chain is directly based upon Bible statements, judged that it must be right; and that his judgment was correct is proved by the accurate time-measurements in the Lord’s stone Witness. And these measurements in the Pyramid are in themselves proved accurate by the exact "scientific" features. The word scientific has been applied to those features which reveal that the Designer of the building knew of the precise number of days in the year, the year on which history is based. He also knew the exact dimensions of the earth on which mankind has his being, and acts out his foreknown history and appointed times-Ac 17:26. There is nothing hid from Him with whom we have to do.

The proportionate features in the stone Witness prove that it is all the one grand design, harmonious within itself, harmonious with the earth on which it stands, harmonious with the history of man on earth, and harmonious with the Word of God which tells of the fall of man and his ultimate redemption through the Son of God. And if any can bring himself to imagine that all this is the product of the "father of lies," Satan, he has our compassion. For we also were in darkness until God in mercy heard our cry, which came from our heart in all sincerity, and delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son. Then, our eyes of understanding being enlightened, we saw that it was by Him, the Son of God, that all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible, were made and that by Him all things consist-Joh 1:3; Col 1:13-17.

The heavenly Father does not abandon His children who earnestly desire to cling close to His Word of truth by which they were begotten, and by which, also, they are nourished and sanctified-Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:22, 23; Joh 17:14-17; Eph 5:26. The added witness of the Pyramid’s testimony strengthens our confidence that we have indeed the correct interpretation of the Word.

That God does not withhold corroborative evidence when necessary is conclusively proved in the Scriptures. The apostles and disciples might have known from the Scriptures alone that their beloved Master must have risen from the dead the third day after His crucifixion, but the writer of Acts declares that "He showed Himself alive after

his passion by many infallible proofs"-Ac 1:1-3. Many infallible proofs were granted to them, that their faith might be unquestioning; and the same Lord now, in his lovingkindness, grants to us the infallible testimony of his stone Witness in addition to His infallible Word, that we may have full assurance of faith.

We read that God, after He made definite promise to Abraham, "confirmed it by an oath." But, it might be objected, a promise from the great Jehovah is all that is necessary, and there was no need for Him to confirm it by an oath. But God thought otherwise; and the writer of Hebrews explains that it was because He was willing "more abundantly" to show to us, the "heirs of promise," the "immutability of His counsel" that He thus bound Himself to fulfil His promise-"That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us"-Heb 6:13-20.

After the flood, God established a covenant with Noah and his sons, and with all flesh. To confirm the truth of this covenant He granted a "token" or sign, which we can still see-Ge 9:8-17. Was this token or sign necessary when He had already made His covenant with Noah? It is not for us to question it; for God delights to call forth the faith and love of all His people, and therefore grants us still further corroborative proofs of the truth of His word. With Him it is such a little thing; but with us it means so much.

It is said in this opposing "Watch Tower" article that "Nowhere is it written in God’s Word that a structure of stone, or any other object, is to be a guide for the child of God."

But the Word of God is replete with types and illustrations based upon every kind of object. The symbols and signs of the book of Revelation, and the parables of our Lord, served a double purpose, namely, to hide the teaching of the Word from the contentious and unbelieving, and to guide the meek into a full understanding of God’s plan-Mt 13:10-17, 34-36, 51-53; Ps 25:9; Isa 61:1. The Great Pyramid is in reality a parable, not understood by unbelievers and mockers, but clearly read and appreciated by the Lord’s little ones.

It is also implied that an altar cannot be used for a witness, but only for sacrifice. However, no matter how the words of the prophet Isaiah (19:19, 20) are interpreted, he says that this "Altar" is a "Pillar ," and that it is intended to be for a "Sign" and for a "Witness" to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.

It is evident that this is a peculiar kind of an altar, and not the usual kind for sacrificial purposes. The Great Pyramid, complete with its topstone (for it had a topstone, as had all the other pyramids, some of which are now in museums), represents the Christ complete, head and body. And as our Lord quoted Psalm 118:22, "The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes," and applied it to Himself, He there showed that He understood that He must first be rejected by the rulers of the people (whom he addressed as "you builders"), but that afterwards his heavenly Father would raise Him from the dead and make Him head over all. He knew, in other words, that it would be after His sacrifice was accomplished

that He would be exalted to become the "head stone of the corner"-Mt 21:42-44; Ac 4:10-12.

So with the body-members of Christ, the "living-stones" built up in line with their heavenly head-stone, each must first be rejected and go into their sacrificial death, spoken of in the Scriptures as being "planted together in the likeness of His death," that they may share with Him in His resurrection-Ro 6:3-5. "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead"-Php 3:10-11. These words of the apostle Paul are echoed in the heart of every one of the followers of Christ; and when resurrected these "living-stones" become part of Jehovah’s great Spiritual Pyramid, of which the stone Pyramid in Egypt is a figure. Therefore the Great Pyramid is, in a sense, a pre-arranged memorial-altar of the "better sacrifices" of Jesus Christ and his under priesthood-1Pe 2:5, 9.

The Lord’s Plan of Salvation

As the Great Pyramid in Egypt contains the Lord’s plan of salvation, so the exalted Spiritual Pyramid will be the ever-living embodiment of this plan. Within the Christ, head and body, likened to "stones" built together, all knowledge will reside that will help the world to escape sin and its results, and attain to life everlasting. The Christ is in the same way the spiritual fulfillment of the temple; but there are important illustrations in the Pyramid not found in the temple, as there are in the temple not found in the Pyramid. Both are required, and both are used by the Holy Spirit to teach the Lord’s people.

A more Scriptural figure for making plain the "vision" of the plan of God than that of the Pyramid cannot be found; and for this reason Brother Russell used it in his vol. I of "Studies." Only those blinded by the adversary can fail to see this beautiful illustration of the one-ness of the Christ, and of the absolute pre-eminence of our Lord as represented by the topstone.

None can take the place of the risen Jesus Christ; neither can he occupy a less exalted place. So with the head corner stone of the Pyramid, it is obvious that none of the other stones can take its place, and it itself cannot be built into a lower position. And as the topstone points upward, so Christ Jesus ever gives the glory to God over all as the Author of Salvation.

While in course of construction the topstone of the Pyramid would stand as a model of the completed building, but because of its unique shape its purpose would be misunderstood by the uninstructed, or "disobedient," workmen. By these it would be refused and rejected, for they would find no place for it. But to those who knew its ultimate purpose the headstone would indeed be precious, and their belief in it would one day be vindicated when it was demonstrated that this hitherto "disallowed" stone was the only one that could crown the whole building.

Thus we read: "Wherefore also it is contained in the Scriptures, Behold I lay in Zion [a symbol of the spiritual Zion, the Christ] a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded. Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed [refused, rejected], the same is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed"-1Pe 2:4-8.

The apostle, by inspiration, saw that the Old testament Scriptures which he quotes, one in the Psalms (Ps 118:22) and the other in Isaiah (8:14, 15; 28:16), were referring to the one stone, and that this stone represented Jesus Christ. To those who are obedient this stone is precious, and the Scripture in Isa 28:16 is applicable to them, To the disobedient, on the other hand, the stone is a stumbling-block and rock of offence, because they cannot understand its purpose; and to this disobedient class the other Scriptures apply, and were so applied by our Lord Himself, and by Peter-Mt 21:42-44; Ac 4:11. As is obvious, it is only in the headstone of the Pyramid that these texts can find fulfillment, for no single stone in the temple could give any apparent reasonable excuse to the "builders" to be offended at it, and reject it.

Common architecture furnishes no pre-eminent corner or corner-stone, and to regard any one stone in such a building as the "chief" is a mere conventionalism without reality in fact. The Bible does not so refer to our Lord, for His pre-eminence is real. There can be no head corner stone without the Pyramid; that edifice alone has such a head, a corner stone uniquely and indisputably the chief. It is the stone that stands toward heaven for every other stone in the building, a heavenly "foundation" toward which all the others are attracted. To its dominant angles the whole monument must conform, that all the building may be "fitly framed together." In this highly exalted topstone the entire Pyramid has its bond of perfectness, its shelter, and its crown. About such imagery there should be no question amongst those who claim Jesus Christ as their Head and Master. In all the richness of the Scriptures there is not a more expressive and significant symbol of the Christ, head and body, than the Pyramid. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes!

As for an altar being used for a "witness," and not for sacrifice, see Jos 22:26, 27, 34-"Let us now prepare to build us an altar, not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice: but that it may be a witness between us and you, and our generations after us...and the children of Reuben and the children of Gad called the altar Ed: for it shall be a witness between us that the Lord is God."

The golden altar in the tabernacle and temple was not used for sacrifices, but for another purpose: "And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon....Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt sacrifice, nor meat offering"-Ex 30:1-10.

While the "altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt" was to be for a Sign and Witness, yet the prophet Isaiah goes on to say: "And the Lord shall be known in Egypt,

and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation: yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it"-Isa 19:21.

This prophecy seems to be in recognition of actual animal sacrifices that were offered when the Great Pyramid, the Altar-Pillar of which he speaks, was being erected, and when it was completed. For there was a temple attached to the Pyramid on the east base, the foundations of which can be traced, and in this was an altar for animal sacrifices. The law of Moses did not originate sacrifices of animals for it was an old patriarchal custom connected with the worship of God, instances of which began right from the time of Abel. This is supported by the historical account of the Shepherd Kings, the master-builder of the Pyramid, whose chief, named Philitis, is said to have "fed his flocks" near the Pyramid while it was being erected.

When the world (Egyptians) realize the importance of the Lord’s Altar-Pillar in the land of Egypt, and see how it is serving as a sign and witness to Him, they are represented as offering sacrifices to the Lord. But it will not then be the sacrifices of animals, but the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving when they understand all that the Lord has done for them. The Psalmist declares: "O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall show forth thy praise. For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it; thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise"-Ps 27:6; 51:15-17; Php 4:18; Heb 13:15, 16.

That the "Pillar" spoken of in Isa 19:19 cannot be taken to symbolise a pillar in the temple is proved by the distinctive Hebrew word from which it is translated. A reference to a Concordance will show the student that this word means a Pillar of Witness, a Memorial Monument-See Ge 28:18; 35:20; Ex 24:4. But for the pillars in the temple, and tabernacle, a different Hebrew word is used, as denoting pillars for supporting the structure-See Ex 26:32; 1Ki 7:6.

More Answers to Opposition

In this "Watch Tower" article it is said that God would not use "stone" to be a witness. Here again it is wrong, for see Jos 24:26, 27, —Joshua set up a "great stone" as a witness, because said he, "it hath heard all the words of the Lord which he spake unto us: it shall therefore be a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God."

It was near the sanctuary (tabernacle) of the Lord that this great stone witness was "set up." But as the sanctuary and its priesthood and the "Pentateuch" and book of Job were all in use then, what need was there for Joshua to set up this great stone witness? And then explain to the people that he had done so "lest ye deny your God." This demonstrates the "manifold wisdom" of God, and the "divers manners" in which he speaks to His people.

Note, too, that Joshua said that this great stone witness had "heard" all the words of the Lord, and that therefore it was a fit "witness"! Well, Brother Russell claimed nothing less for the great stone witness in Egypt, that it too had "heard" all the words of the Lord

which He spake pertaining to His plan of salvation. And it has not been so "dead" but that it has been able to repeat to us, now, those things that it heard, by means of its language of symbols and measures, lest we should deny our God.

Moses was given "two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God"-Ex 31:18.

Joshua was commanded by God to set up twelve stones from the bed of the Jordan, and said: "These stones shall be for a memorial unto the children of Israel for ever"-Jos 4:1-7.

Jacob used a stone to sleep on, and afterwards set it up as a pillar of witness-Ge 28:10-21.

When Jacob and Laban had set up a stone as a pillar, and also built up a "heap" of stones, Laban said to Jacob: "Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have cast up between me and thee; this heap be witness, and this pillar be witness"-Ge 31:44-52.

When the Philistines were subdued before Israel, "Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us"-1Sa 7:12, 13. Ebenezer means "stone of help."

We see from these and other examples that it was the common practice for the Lord’s people to set up stones, and heaps of stones, to serve as witnesses and memorials. It would therefore be strange indeed if God, the great Creator and Originator of all things, should not Himself have a stone witness and memorial. And if we were not quite certain, on the strenth of the Word of God, that the Great Pyramid is His Witness, we would be justified in looking for such a Witness of stone.

Also we recall how Jesus, when the scribes and Pharisees complained to Him about His followers, answered: "If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out"!-Lu 19:40. Evidently stones are not so "dead" as they seem! And if John the Baptist was justified in saying to erring Israel: "God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham" (Lu 3:8), so Brother Russell was much more justified in saying that God was not only able to raise up to Himself a "speaking" Witness with the stone of Egypt, but that He did do so in the Great Pyramid.

Regarding the need of this added Pyramid Witness, to strengthen our faith at this time, Brother Russell says: "We see that this store-house of knowledge [the Great Pyramid], like the major part of the Bible store, was kept purposely sealed until its testimony should be needed and appreciated. Does this imply that its great Architect knew that a time would come when its testimony would be necessary? In other words, that a time would come when God’s written Word would be lightly esteemed, and even His very existence questioned? When human philosophy, under the name of science, would be lauded, and every proposition subjected to its tests? Has God decided to prove Himself and His wisdom by those very tests? So it would appear. This structure will yet confound the wisdom of the wise as a ‘Witness’ for the Lord of hosts, ‘in that day,’ which is already begun."

Job 38:1-7 is quoted in the "Tower" article, but Brother Russell gives the true explanation in Vol. III, "Studies," page 318. It is well known that the Lord, while primarily speaking of the earth, is also speaking of the structure of a pyramid. The reference to "socket-foundations" particularly identifies the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, for only in this Pyramid are there socket-foundations "made to sink" into the rock-verse 6, marginal reading. The Hebrew word translated "foundations" or "sockets" in the 6th verse is a distinctive word, used when speaking of the "sockets" of the tabernacle-See chapters 26 to 40 of Exodus. It is a different word from that translated "foundations" in the 4th verse. As all students of God’s Word are aware, this coupling together of the earth and the Great Pyramid by the Lord, when addressing Job, is full of significance. It is recognized that the dimensions and weight of the Pyramid agree, proportionately, with the dimensions and weight of the earth; and there are numerous other connections of a similar scientific nature.

We see in the 20th paragraph of this opposition "Watch Tower" article that the unique geographical situation of the Lord’s stone Witness in Egypt is referred to. The "ingenious method of drawing lines" there so contemptuously spoken of is not the invention of man; but these lines, drawn on the map of Egypt, are strictly according to the physical features of the land. As God is the Creator of heaven and earth, it is obvious that it was He who arranged the configuration of the land of Egypt, the country in which he intended to set up his stone Sign and Witness.

It is because of the distinctive shape of the land of Egypt, hemmed in by the desert, and cultivated only where the waters of the Nile can reach, that it is possible for the peculiar conditions mentioned by Isaiah (19:19) to be fulfilled. By these physical facts the Great Pyramid, standing where it does, fulfils the requirements of the prophet’s description, by being built at the very border of the land, while at the same time in the very midst of it.

It is at the border, because it stands right at the edge of the desert, and at the edge of the fertile land, —precisely on the border-line, which is a physical border-line defined by physical geography, and not an imaginative political border-line arranged by man. Thus we see the wisdom of the Lord, for this border is perpetual, and cannot be overlooked or ignored; whereas the border between Egypt and the Sudan is merely a convenient arrangement of governments, and may be abolished at will.

The Lord’s Stone Witness

Also, the Lord’s stone Witness is in the "midst" of the land of Egypt, because it stands right at the natural junction between lower and upper Egypt. And neither is this an arrangement of man, but of Him who created the earth. For this point of juncture is clearly defined and cannot be mistaken. From here, where the Pyramid stands, lower Egypt spreads out northward in a delta, like a fan, watered by the various branches of the Nile; whereas upper Egypt is a narrow strip of cultivated land following the course of the Nile southward.

The Great Pyramid, standing thus in the midst of Egypt, can be seen clearly from many miles around, and none passing from lower to upper Egypt, or from upper to lower Egypt, can fail to see it.

The physical features of the land of Egypt, also, demonstrated that the stone Witness stands in the geometrical midst, the exact center recognized by land-surveyors. It was, indeed, a surveyor (Mitchell of the United States of America Coast Survey Department) who discovered this remarkable geometrical center of lower Egypt. Noticing that the sea coast-line of Egypt is a quarter circle, Mitchell sought for the center of this circle and found it marked by the Great Pyramid.

These physical features of the land of Egypt, on which the drawn lines are based, are beyond the power of man to gainsay. And no child of the Lord, to whom He has granted the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind, could desire to deny this beautiful fulfillment of the words of God, spoken by the mouth of his prophet Isaiah-Isa 19:19, 20.

Then there is the other line, which connects the Lord’s stone Witness with the city of Bethlehem, the foretold place of our Lord’s birth. This also is convincing, and appealed to Brother Russell when he was informed about it. In his acknowledgement he replied: "Your application of the angle of the passages in the Great Pyramid is a new thought, and as it points out so exactly the city of Bethlehem, we regard it with favor, and are inclined to accept it as a proper application and further verification of the testimony of the Pyramid.—-Yours in the love and service of our Redeemer and King, C.T. Russell."

The "angle" to which Brother Russell referred is shown by the straight line running directly between the Pyramid and Bethlehem. For this line "descends," geographically, from Bethlehem south-westward to the Pyramid, at the same angle exactly as the Entrance Passage in the Pyramid descends into the rock. The significance of this "angular" connection is seen when it is remembered that our Lord, when a child, was carried "down" into Egypt from Bethlehem; and that the Pyramid, which marks the "midst" of Egypt, is the symbol of our Lord-Mt 2:1-15.

Also, the actual distance between the Pyramid and Bethlehem, when reckoned in Pyramid units of measure (the Pyramid cubit), agrees with the exact period of 2138 years between the building of the Pyramid and the birth of our Lord in Bethlehem. And by another connected measurement this distance also agrees with the further period of 1915 years between the birth of Jesus who was born as "King of the Jews" and the end of "Gentile Times" in 1914 A.D., when he took up his great power and began to reign.

These "coincidences" of place and time cannot be "chance" coincidences. The geographical positions of the Pyramid and of Bethlehem are exactly fixed to yield the "angular" connection and the precise necessary distance between. And these yield the time-measurements that agree with the three prominent dates, 2140 B.C. for the building of the Pyramid, 2 B.D. for the birth of our Lord in Bethlehem, and 1914 A.D. for the beginning of the reign of our Lord over all the earth, of which Egypt is a symbol.

Unless the Lord Himself had connected these things, all in perfect agreement with his Word of Truth, such harmony could not have been possible; and that which "God hath joined together, let not man put asunder"!

We cannot but feel sorry for those who, having once understood and accepted these facts, have now turned their backs on them, and, even worse, pretend that such harmony and foreknowledge, such power and wisdom, is of the Evil One! May the Lord open their eyes in time to see their position of danger.

The keynote of this "Watch Tower" article is in paragraph 14, in which we are told that if any claim that the Great Pyramid was designed by God, then the burden of proof rests with them, etc., —and this in face of the many proofs accumulated and published by patient Bible students for the past two generations, and which are still investigated and accepted by all who love the truth. It is not without significance that none of the features that prove the Divine Authorship of the design of the Pyramid is touched upon in the article. This is because the recital of any of these numerous features demonstrates its reasonableness and harmony with Scriptural truth.

In the 14th paragraph the statement is made that "nowhere in the Word of God is the Pyramid of Gizeh either directly or indirectly mentioned."

The first thing that must strike anyone, when they gaze upon this pronouncement, is its absolute direct denial to other paragraphs, as for instance-"This ancient structure being thus repeatedly referred to in the Scriptures"; and "Jehovah will show himself a great Savior; and He has already prepared the Great Pyramid as part of His instrumentality for convincing the world of his wisdom, foreknowledge, and grace"; "The testimony of this peculiar and remarkable witness will give to mankind fresh ground for faith and love and zeal." These, and other expressions like them, appear in Vol. III of "Studies in the Scriptures," specially recommended to seekers after truth on page 351 of the same issue of the "Watch Tower" in which paragraph 14 occurs! It also conveniently ignores the comments in the latest (1928) edition of "The Harp of God, " page 192, par. 317, where, after quoting 1Pe 2:5-7, it says:—"That other members of the body, then must be built up into Christ to conform to that chief cornerstone, which is illustrated by the Great Pyramid in Egypt. See Isa 19:19."

As for the "burden" of proof, this is undoubtedly upon those devotees who claim Satan as the designer and master-builder of the Pyramid. They have taken this burden upon themselves, to teach the children of the heavenly Father that Satan not only knew the secrets of the Scriptural plan of salvation, and all the time-prophecies and general times and seasons connected with this plan, but that he, the "prince of darkness," possessed the wisdom and foreknowledge necessary to incorporate them in a stone building, and hide them there for four thousand years.

But they will never prove it, for the Scriptures manifest that the Almighty God alone possessed the knowledge now found to have been built into this Miracle in stone.

When Jesus Christ prayed to His Father, He said: "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight"-Mt 11:25, 26. We can think of the Evil One as being "wise and prudent" in the sense that our Lord here meant, but not as one to whom the heavenly Father would permit His secrets to be known.

The apostle Paul says: "We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery [secret], even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory"-1Co 2:7, 8. The "Well-Shaft" in the Pyramid symbolizes the death and resurrection of our Lord, the only avenue to life on any plane for the fallen race. For the First Ascending Passage (the Law Age of Israel) is rendered impassable by the "Granite Plug" (the perfect Law of god, which no imperfect man can pass), and therefore the Well-Shaft is the only open way of access to the upper parts of the Pyramid. Satan, who is called "the prince of this world, " could not therefore have originated the symbol of the Well-Shaft, not knowing the secret of Christ crucified-1Co 1:23.

The prophet Daniel sought to understand those things which God had communicated to him, but the angel answered: "Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand"-Da 12:4, 9, 10. Thus Satan never understood God’s plan, and cannot understand even now.

Prominent among the things contained in the book of Daniel are the prophetic periods, reaching from Daniel’s time to the first advent of the Messiah, and right through the Gospel Age to the second advent. All of these "days" of Daniel are indicated accurately by the time-measurements in the Pyramid. As "that wicked one" could not have known what was contained in the sealed book of Daniel, he could not have put the corresponding time-measurements in the Pyramid. Still less could Satan have known these things that God intended to communicate to his prophet sixteen hundred years after the Pyramid was built. To claim otherwise is to make void the Word of God.

Truth in the Pyramid

The claim that Satan "would put some truth" into the Pyramid in order to deceive the Lord’s people is contrary to the Scriptures. Truth can never deceive the Lord’s people; and the "father of lies" could not put "truth" into the Pyramid, for, Jesus tells us, "there is no truth in him"-Joh 8:44.

We are told in this article that we should not accept the Pyramid’s testimony, because this building is used by others to support their wrong theories. It is obvious that this same objection could apply also to the Bible. But the child of God does not reject the Bible on this account; and neither will he, nor does he, reject the testimony of the Lord’s stone Witness, though others may misuse and miscall it.

When Jesus Christ said to his disciples, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power" (Ac 1:7), we thereby know that the Father did not reveal them to, or permit them to come to the knowledge of, His great adversary, the father of lies and murderer of the human race. And when Jesus was asked by His disciples, "Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy presence, and of the end of the age?" He answered: "Of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father"-Mt 24:3, 36-39; Mr 13:32. None of the angels knew, and neither did our Lord Himself. How then could Satan have known, as claimed in this article?

For if Satan designed the Pyramid (so that it "may be called Satan’s Bible, and not God’s stone witness"-see par. 37 in the article), then he must have known, and foreknown, all of the prominent dates connected with God’s Plan of the Ages, for they are all indicated in it by the time-measurements. This is declared in Vol. VII of "Studies in the Scriptures," page 60. (This 7th volume of "Studies" is printed in eight languages, and is specially recommended to all seekers after truth in the same issue of the "Watch Tower" in which the article repudiating the testimony of the Pyramid appears.) A long list of prominent dates covering the whole period of the plan of God, from the fall of Adam to the restoration of the Dominion to mankind, is presented on page 60 of the seventh volume. All of these are there said to be authentic Scriptural dates, and all of them are claimed to be accurately foreshown in the time-measurements of the Great Pyramid. We are now "instructed" to believe that they were all put in the Pyramid by the "father of lies"!

To say that Satan set up the Great Pyramid in Egypt is not according to the Scriptures; for the prophet of the Lord declares that it was the "Mighty God, the Lord of hosts... which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day"-Jer 32:17-20. It is evident that Satan had nothing to do with it.

A sentence in paragraph 34 of the article reads: "The great God of justice and love would not erect a structure which would result in the oppression of slaves and the great loss of life."

We can imagine we are listening to the words of "higher critics"! Among other objections the higher critics say: "If the Bible God is a God of love and justice, as you claim, he would not have destroyed the poor helpless world in the flood." "A God of justice and love would not have commanded King Saul to slay the Amalekites, as the Bible declares: ‘Now go smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’"-1Sa 15:3.

In another sentence in the 34th paragraph we read: "If that work was done by human hands or human power, then it must have been done by men who were slaves." Then it continues: "That being true, without a doubt many of them died from exhaustion or from being cruelly driven to the task." We are informed that God would never think of employing slaves to do any of his work but that as Satan is the great oppressor it follows, logically, that the Great Pyramid was built by the devil!

We refuse to be carried away by this kind of logic. It is false reasoning, because contrary to Scriptures and outside the facts of history. The records of history declare that the invading "Shepherd Kings," the master-builders of the Pyramid, who easily subdued the Egyptians by their power "without a battle," immediately closed the idolatrous temples of the land and stopped idolatrous worship. The common people therefore were liberated from the bondage of their idols and priesthood; and this "reformation" must have proved a real blessing. The deposed priesthood, of course, did not welcome this interference with their liberties, and that is why the priesthood of subsequent dynasties, according to the account of Herodotus, calumniated the memory of the powerful but peaceful Shepherd Kings, just as the "Watch Tower" article does.

By enlisting the people to erect the Great Pyramid the Shepherd Kings enriched the land, even as the erecting of the Temple in Jerusalem enriched Palestine. And the people were not cruelly driven to the task, but, on the contrary, they were relieved every three months according to the historical records. This was the method adopted by Solomon in the building of the Temple-1Ki 5:13-18.

The nation of Israel was developed in slavery in that very land wherein God’s stone Witness stands-Ex 1:11-14. This oppression of Israel by the Egyptians occurred about five centuries after the building of the Pyramid. Moses could not understand why the Lord had brought his people under bondage to cruel taskmasters; and he cried: "Lord, wherefore hast thou so evil entreated this people?"-Ex 5:22, 23. But God had foretold this affliction when making his promise to Abraham, and had arranged for it as part of his plan to develop his chosen nation and weld it together.-Ge 15:13, 14.

Thus we see that our heavenly Father, our God of love, wisdom, justice, and power, does many strange acts to bring honor to His Name-Ex 9:35; Heb 9:17. His instructed children can see by faith the entire plan of salvation complete. But worldly minds cannot understand, and are apt to judge the Almighty from their narrow viewpoint-Isa 55:8, 9. The time is coming, however, when the eyes of the people will be opened, when all evil systems and organizations that have stood between them and the truth are swept away.

It is not necessary to suppose that the actual builders of the Pyramid knew the true purpose of it; for neither did Moses nor David know of the inner meaning of their structures. It was not until the advent of Jesus Christ that God granted this insight. Therefore He did not speak to Moses about the purpose of the Great Pyramid, for this knowledge was not then necessary or due.

The same applies to Jesus and the apostles: it was not necessary for them to know about the detailed measurements and symbolisms of the Pyramid, although they understood the importance of the headstone, from which they drew valuable lessons-Mt 21:42-45; Ac 4:10-12.

While the detailed teaching of the Pyramid could not be understood in times past, nevertheless it was revealed to David, and later to Isaiah, that this building held a message. For the account of the construction of this, the chief of the ancient "Seven

Wonders," was handed down through the centuries. We have seen that David spoke of a head corner stone, which at first was rejected by the builders. Then he adds: "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord: O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord"-Ps 118:22-26.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem as King, in fulfilment of the prophecy of Zechariah (Zec 9:9; Mt 21:4-9), the multitude cried, "Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest." They thought the Lord now would send the long promised prosperity.

But Jesus knew He must first be rejected by the rulers, before he could be exalted and send prosperity-Lu 24:19-27, 44-48. Therefore, when confronting the rulers a little later, he addressed to them these other words of the Psalmist: "The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner"-Mt 21:42-44. And then, knowing that he was about to be rejected and slain, he wept over Jerusalem, saying: "Behold, your house is felt unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord"-Mt 23:37-39. This time, please God, is now at the door, when they will recognise Him whom they rejected, and realise that He is the greater Son of David, who comes in the name of Jehovah with restitution, blessings, and prosperity-Ac 3:20, 21.

It is objected that the prophet Isaiah cannot refer to a Sign and Witness of stone in the literal land of Egypt, because, just previous to this reference to the altar and pillar, he says, "In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the Lord of hosts; one shall be called the city of destruction"-The city of the sun-Isa 19:18. It is contended that there are no such cities in Egypt to-day.

We note, however, that in the same chapter the prophet says: "In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be a third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land; whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance"-Isa 19:23-25.

When the Lord regathers his people Israel from the lands of their captivity, including the grave, Israel will be his inheritance. So also will Egypt be called his people, and Assyria the work of his hands-See also Eze 16:53-63. The Psalmist declares: "Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works. All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone"-Ps 86:8-10. The Lord also speaks of the time when He will "bring again the captivity" of the nations of Moab, Amon, Elam, Sodom, and Samaria-Am 9:14, 15; Jer 48:47; 49:6, 39.

These, and many other Scriptures, show that God is the God of all nations, and that all owe their existence to Him alone-Ac 17:24-26. And, however God may have used the

various nations in an illustrative or symbolical way, in connection with the forthtelling of details of his plan of the ages, and for the instruction of his special chosen people, both fleshly and spiritual, these nations still have their identity, and will be restored to their former estates when Christ reigns over all the earth as King, as Jehovah declared, "Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession"-Ps 2:8.

When the Lord, then, is King over all the earth, and Israel is the third with Egypt and Assyria and a blessing in the midst of the land, the prophecy of the five cities will be fulfilled. In the meantime the prophecy of the "highway" is fulfilled in the railway; and this is a remarkable fulfilment of an age-long prophecy that always seemed impossible. But the great World War that broke out suddenly in 1914 (one of the prominent dates indicated by the Lord’s stone Witness, and deciphered there many years previously by careful students of the Word), made this seemingly impossible fulfillment come to pass.

The Altar and Witness

Then we have the Great Pyramid in the land of Egypt, which fulfils most convincingly the prophecy of the altar and pillar, and which, as the Lord intended it should, is witnessing to the Lord’s people and the world. "For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?"-Ro 3:3. We are glad to know that nothing can stop this witnessing, for it is the Lord’s doing and not man’s. As Brother Russell exclaims, with conviction and joy in which we share, "Lo, the very stones of this Great Pyramid of Testimony are crying out in no uncertain tones. Every inch of this massive structure is eloquently proclaiming the wisdom and power and grace of our God."

"Such testimony would be peculiar and striking indeed, even if there were no Scriptures found to bear on the subjects examined; but when the Scriptures had already clearly and positively declared to us these same circumstances and dates, before the Pyramid’s testimony was heard, its wonderful agreement with and corroboration of the same become doubly significant and striking. Now, when the worldly-wise are repudiating God’s Word as ‘obsolete’ and ‘unscientific,’ to have this stone ‘Witness’ speak, and corroborate the testimony of the Bible, is truly astounding.

To hear its testimony as to man’s fall at the very time that the worldly-wise are claiming that man never was perfect, never was in God’s image, and consequently never fell from it, is remarkable. To hear its testimony that none could enter the Gospel high-calling to the divine nature, or the state of human justification and life through the Law Covenant passage-way [the First Ascending Passage, which symbolizes the Law Age], at a time when so many are preaching that the Law of Moses [man’s own efforts] is the only way to life, is certainly gratifying. Surely in the Great Pyramid ‘the invisible things [plans] of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen; being understood by the things that are made’-Ro 1:20

"Some may scoff at the testimony of this stone ‘Witness,’" continues Brother Russell, "as they also scoff at God’s written Word; but to their scoffs we answer: Account for this peculiar fitness of things, or else venture to prophesy of the future, and see how your prophesies will result. Prove to us that it requires no inspiration to foretell future events. Show us a sample of worldly wisdom. ‘Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reason, saith the King of Jacob. Let them bring them forth and show us what will happen; let them show the former things, what they be, that we may consider them and know the latter end of them; or declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are god’ (mighty ones)-Isa 41:21-23."

While the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, thus challenges the worldly-wise to prove that they are able to foretell future history, shall we nevertheless contend that Satan, the father of lies, could do so? This is what the "Watch Tower" article contends for, claiming that Satan foreknew every prominent event and date in mankind’s history pertaining to the outworking of God’s plan or the ages, including those of the advents of our Lord and the mystery of Christ. The children of God are even challenged to prove their Scriptural claim that their heavenly Father is the only one who could have fore-arranged these things which He hid from ages and generations, and therefore the only one who could have foreshown them in the Great Pyramid, where they are now clearly to be read.

Paragraph 39 of the "Tower" article says: "It has always been Satan’s purpose to exalt himself and to push Jehovah out of sight." The obvious reply to this somewhat crude expression is that, no matter how much Satan may have "purposed" to exalt himself, he never did and never can "push Jehovah out of sight," neither in a literal nor in a spiritual sense. On the contrary, the Scriptures declare of Jehovah, "Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Savior" -Isa 45:15. Satan has no volition in the matter, neither being able to "push" God out of the sight of those who have the seeing faith nor to reveal God to the unbelieving- Lu 10:21, 22. Of Moses we read that, "by faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible"- Heb 11:27. Faith can see right through "dead stone"! But Satan, the god of this world, is permitted to "blind the minds" of them which believe not, "lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them"-2Co 4:1-6. This is not Satan’s arrangement, but God’s purpose, as explained by Jesus Christ-Mr 4:10-12; Ro 11:8-10.

Other Pyramid Expositors

We are not to make the mistake of supposing that the Pleiades were in line with the Ascending Passages at the time when the Pyramid was built. In quoting from the well-known work of the Rev. Joseph Seiss, Brother Russell presents the correct understanding-See page 327 of Vol. III, "Studies." On later consideration Professor C. Piazzi Smyth agreed that, not 2170 B.C., but 2140 B.C. was the date of the erection of the Pyramid. On the Autumnal Equinox of the year 2140 B.C. Alpha Draconis, the "North Star" of that epoch, shone directly down the Descending Passage, while the Pleiades were exactly on the meridian of the Pyramid. The ascending Passages pointed to this meridian, but not to

the Pleiades. Instead, the "scored lines" drawn on the walls of the Descending Passage, which by an exact time-measurement mark the date 2140 B.C., pointed directly upward to the Pleiades at this particular date, 2140 B.C.-See Vol. II. "Great Pyramid Passages," Section 31.

The words of Isaiah, "Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help" (Isa 31:1) are in this "Watch Tower" article applied literally, as apparently a warning to any who think of going to the Lord’s stone Witness in Egypt for the purpose of finding in what way this Altar-Pillar testifies to the Lord of hosts. But the prophet goes on to say: "And stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord."

Brother Russell explains the whole passage in his Pyramid chapter, page 316. The "horses" and "horsemen" are wrong doctrines and false leaders, and the "chariots" are worldly organizations. These all claim to be doctrines and leaders and organizations of the Lord, but God warns us against putting our trust in them, because they are of "Egypt," the world.

In his volumes of "Studies in the Scriptures" Brother Russell teaches very clearly how to distinguish between the Kingdom of God and the "power of darkness." He shows how the many evil systems of this "present evil world" all combine to make up the kingdom of the "prince of darkness," deceiving many into thinking that their particular "system" or "organization" is free from his, Satan’s, influence. There is only the one safe course for the children of God, namely, to be clear of all systems or sects or organizations whatsoever, and be joined individually to Christ as members in particular of His body-1Co 12:12-27.

"We hope and labor," said Brother Russell, "that the good work of reforming and protesting against error may go on and on until each individual Christian will rest his faith (not in a denomination, large or small) but personally and individually in the Redeemer, and be united to Christ Jesus, the Head, as a member of his body-the only true Church...Such a splitting up of creeds and systems has been necessary to set free the Lord’s ‘sheep,’ to prepare a cleansed sanctuary class truly united to Christ."

"Standing thus free, untrammeled by human creeds and bondages, but personally united to Christ each will find in the others ‘members of the body of Christ,’ and affinity, fellowship, and love will unite them in the only ‘union’ that is not injurious-union in Christ, to whom, as living’ branches’ in the Vine, each is personally united." Each one of these followers of Jesus Christ can claim God as his Father; and it is He, and not any "organization," who "hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son"-Ro 8:14-17; Col 1:12-14.

Brother Russell impressed upon us from the Word of God, and desired us to comprehend clearly, that the Kingdom of God’s dear Son is an invisible Kingdom, not seen of men. We are "citizens" of this heavenly Kingdom and "ambassadors for Christ," and to us this is real; but to others it is not so, as the apostle John declares: "The world knoweth us not,

because it knew him not"-1Jo 3:1. Our Lord’s reply to the woman of Samaria proves conclusively that there is now no visible place where His followers can render acceptable service and worship to their heavenly Father-Joh 4:19-24.

The woman said: "Our fathers worshipped in this mountain [Gerizim]; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." Jesus answered: "Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet in Jerusalem, worship the Father...the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." We who are begotten of the Spirit are children of the heavenly Father. We are not the "children" of any visible organization.

The word "organization" does not occur in the Bible, and its use is apt to mislead. The Scriptural word is "kingdom"; and our Lord distinctly said that "the kingdom of God cometh not with observation"-with outward show-Lu 17:20. Therefore, there is no "visible organization of God on earth," as is claimed by some to their undoing.

How often Brother Russell warned us against this very thing, and how foolish we shall be if we do not heed his warning. We shall indeed be foolish if we claim that "only through our system or organization will the heavenly Father accept praise and service"; for this would make it appear necessary for every spirit-begotten child of God to "bow the knee" to the few who have constituted themselves heads of the organization. The apostle shows that it is only the carnal, fleshly mind that is deceived by such unscriptural claims-1Co 3:1-6, 18-23.

We must never forget the example of the apostate church, the "mystery of iniquity" of which Satan is the instigator (2Th 2:7-9), and which deceived the whole world to such an extent that at last the most arrogant of all the popes, Boniface VIII, felt called upon to issue his famous (or infamous!) "bull," Unam Sanctum, which contained the preposterous claim: "We declare, determine, and decree, that it is absolutely necessary to salvation, that every human being should be subject to the Roman pontiff"!

History shows that this marked the first beginnings of the downfall of the "Holy Roman Empire." When the peak of arrogance is reached, then begins the decline, which ends in utter destruction. This is the law of the Lord, "for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted"-Lu 14:11. And while we read in the world’s news that "The Pope has again become a temporal sovereign" (the "solemn treaty" between the Vatican and the Italian government, which makes the Pope once more a king in his own right, was signed on 11th February, 1929), we know that this is only preparatory to the final destruction-Re 17:11-18; 18:21.

To apply Isaiah’s words (Isa 31:1) in a literal way is evidently not Scriptural, for then God would not have sent His angel to appear to Joseph in a dream, to warn him about Herod’s intentions-Mt 2:13-15. When Joseph took the child Jesus and his mother by night and departed into Egypt, according to God’s instructions, he went there for help, to escape the woe that Herod brought upon Bethlehem-Mt 2:16.

Therefore when the prophet Isaiah, in another of his prophecies, directs the attention of the Lord’s children to an Altar and a Pillar in the land of Egypt, and tells us, by the spirit of inspiration, that this Altar-Pillar is to be for a Sign and for a Witness to the Lord of hosts, we do well, if we are wise, to pay heed to His words. As is to be expected, Satan and his deluded followers will do all in their power to divert attention from this Sign and Witness, as Brother Russell forewarned us. The Lord’s people are not interested in the sphinx, for they know it is but a "dumb idol"-Ro 8:9. But as for the Great Pyramid it is different, for they have "heard" its stones "crying out in no uncertain tones."

"Firmly incased in this solid rocky structure," concludes Brother Russell, "beyond the power of nature’s storms or of the ruthless hand of the destroyer, the outline drawings of God’s great plan have stood for four thousand years, prepared to give their testimony at the time appointed, in corroboration of the similarly revealed, but for ages hidden, testimony of the sure Word of Prophecy." "men may sneer, but they cannot laugh down this mighty structure, nor scoff out of it the angles, proportions, measures, nature references and sacred correspondences which its Maker gave it. Here they are in all their speaking significance, stubborn and invincible beyond all power to suppress them."

Pyramid Measurements

We recommend a careful study of the chapter on the Pyramid by Brother Russell, comparing the explanation given there with the Scriptures cited. Such study as this is time well spent, for it gives all who desire truth a clear grasp of the Scriptural plan of salvation as it is in Christ Jesus. We must draw attention to the fact, however, that the measurements of the passage-ways require now to be amended, for when Brother Russell wrote his chapter on the Pyramid at the end of Vol. III, "Studies in the Scriptures" nearly forty years ago, the true measures of some parts, especially of the Descending Passage and "Pit," were not known. Professor C. Piazzi Smyth never went down the lower reach of the Descending Passage, and Professor Petrie did not measure it carefully, as he himself confesses.

After we visited the Pyramid in 1909 and 1912, when we measured every part carefully, we published the correct measurements in Vol. II of "Great Pyramid Passages" in 1913; and Brother Russell acknowledged the necessary amendments to his figures by specially recommending this volume to all "Watch Tower" readers, just as he had previously, in 1910, recommended Vol. I of "Great Pyramid Passages: in the "Watch Tower." Also in the Watch Tower Society’s other periodical, "The Golden Age," these two volumes of "Great Pyramid Passages" are specially recommended to all careful students of God’s Word; and the article on the Pyramid in the 21st May, 1924, issue makes use of our corrected measurements, and time-measurements, and many of the diagrams (this article on the Pyramid was so much appreciated that it had to be reprinted, in the 21st December, 1924, issue of "The Golden Age").

All such works on the testimony of the Lord’s stone Witness, corroborative of the Scriptural plan of salvation, are most helpful to the Lord’s people. For we know that at this time, as never before, people are on the one hand turning to Spiritism, and on the

other hand to Evolution, and both of these snares of the adversary are utterly refuted in the teaching of the Lord’s stone Witness. Neither should we allow ourselves to be turned aside from this grand truth that we have received, even though it is inevitable that we shall be misunderstood, and have to suffer; for let us remember the words of Isa 57:2, and Ro 10:15.

Our Lord gave us comfort when he said: "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in like manner did their fathers to the prophets"-Lu 6:27-38. "Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you: if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also, ... But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause"-Joh 15:17-37; Mt 10:24-25. "Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name’s sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified: but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed"-Isa 66:5.

NOTE.-The two volumes, "Great Pyramid Passage," which were specially recommended by Brother Russell to all his readers in the "Watch Tower," and recommended also in all editions of Vol. VII of "Studies in the Scriptures," as well as in other issues of the "Watch Tower" and "Golden Age" at various times, are still in print and still procurable. Address enquiries to Morton Edgar, 224 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland.