19th century art

Post on 11-May-2015

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19th Century Art

Neoclassicism (Brains rule!)

Romanticism (Emotions rule!)

Pre-Raphaelism (Medievalism rules!)

Realism (The Real World rules!)

Impressionism (Capturing the moment rules!)

Post-Impressionism(Expressive brushstrokes rule!)

Pointillism (Dots rule!)

Art Nouveau (Curves rule!)

Neoclassical(Brains rule!)

Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Socrates, 1787

Romanticism(Emotions rule!)

J.M.W. Turner, Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth, 1842

Romanticism(Emotions rule!)

Francisco de Goya

Saturn Devouring His Son,


Romanticism(Emotions rule!)

Neuschwanstein Castle, 1869-1886

Pre-Raphaelites(Medievalism rule!)

John William Waterhouse, The Lady of Shalott, 1888

Realism(The Real World rules!)

Jean-Francois Millet, The Gleaners, 1867

Impressionism(Capturing the Moment rules!)

Edouard Manet, Le Bar de Folies-Berger, 1881

Impressionism(Capturing the Moment rules!)

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, The Luncheon of the Boating Party, 1881

Impressionism(Capturing the Moment rules!)

Edgar Degas, The Dance Class, 1875

Impressionism(Capturing the Moment rules!)

Claude Monet, Woman with a Parasol, 1875

Impressionism(Capturing the Moment rules!)

Impressionism(Capturing the Moment rules!)

Claude Monet, Woman with a Parasol, 1875

Post-Impressionism(Expressive Brushstrokes rule!)

Paul Gaugin, Arearea (Joyousness), 1892

Post-Impressionism(Expressive Brushstrokes rule!)

Paul Gaugin, Arearea (Joyousness), 1892

Post-Impressionism(Expressive Brushstrokes rule!)

Vincent Van Gogh, Self-Portrait, 1889

Vincent Van Gogh, Bedroom in Arles, 1888

Vincent Van Gogh, The Cafe-Terrace at Night, 1888

Vincent Van Gogh, Still-Life (Vase with 12 Sunflowers), 1888

Vincent Van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889

Vincent Van Gogh, The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890

Pointillism (Dots rule!)

Pointillism (Dots rule!)

Georges Seurat, Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884

Art Nouveau (Curves rule!)

Gustav Klimt, The Kiss, 1907

Art Nouveau (Curves rule!)