[1C5]Lessons from developing a web browser for raspberry pi

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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DEVIEW 2014 [1C5]Lessons from developing a web browser for raspberry pi



Lessons from developing a web browser on Raspberry PiDEVIEW 2014ChangSeok Ohchangseok@gnome.org


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About me

ChangSeok Oh

• IRC nickname : changseok

• Opensource hacker : WebKit committer, GNOME foundation member

• Affiliations : Collabora Ltd. (past SAMSUNG Electronics)

• Experience : SAMSUNG SmartTV, TIZEN, SmartTV Alliance SDK, WebKit-clutter, Raspberry Pi etc.

DEVIEW 2014 3 http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2014/05/07/the-truth-behind-open-source-apps/

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Optimization is EVERYWHERE.

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Do developers ever have enough memory and performance? We are always hungry.


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• Dictionary definition

‣ Make the best or most effective use of a situation or resource

‣ In short, Improve performance & Use resources efficiently

• Usually difficult and tedious works

• Depends on developer’s experience & know-how


1. Using a better hardware including a faster CPU/GPU & more memory

2. Parallel programming to take advantages from multi-core CPU

3. Utilizing a GPU through OpenGL/ES to improve rendering performance.

4. Just turning off the screen and going outside to play…?

Possible approaches


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But what if you can’t do them all?


• Old single core CPU

‣ ARMv6, 700MHz

• Very limited system memory

‣ 512MB shared with GPU

• Not redundant storage

• Bad OpenGL ES integration with windowing system.


Raspberry Pi is a good example for such a poor environment

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All problems come from here


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FWIW, Raspberry Pi needs a fast modern browser.

Extra information

Raspberry Pi already supports many browsers though…


Lynx …

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A modern & fast HTML5 browser

• Multi-Tab browsing

• HTML5 & CSS3

• HTML5 Video/Audio support (YouTube should run well)

• Responsive user interface

• Low memory footprint

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We’ve improved WebKit1 + Epiphany

• Progressive tiled rendering for smoother scrolling

• Avoid useless image format conversions

• Disk image cache

• Reduction of the number of memory copies to play videos

• Memory pressure handler support by using cgroup

• Better YouTube support including on-demand load of embedded YouTube videos for a much faster page load

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We’ve improved WebKit1 + Epiphany

• Faster fullscreen playback using dispmanx directly

• Hardware decoding of image & video through OMX

• Hardware scaling of video through gst-omx

• More responsive UI & scrolling even under heavy load

• Memory & CPU friendly tab management

• Startup is 3x faster

• Javascript JIT fixes for ARMv6

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• Scrolling doesn’t block even if the content is not available, instead we fill the area with a checkered pattern.

Progressive tiled rendering for smoother scrolling

18 http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2011/06/progressive-rendering-via-tiled-backing-store.html




JPEG(16bit)JPEG(32bit) Videos(32bit)

PNG(32bit) GIF(32bit)


• Try to use internal buffers which use the same depth, 16 or 32 bits to prevent format conversions

‣ Raspberry Pi uses 16bit depth(RGB16_565) buffer as default.

‣ Basically images (JPEG, PNG, GIF) and video were decoded into 32 bits depth (ARGB32) buffers.

‣ By using same depth, we could use cairo image surface which can be painted quickly to the target.

Avoid useless image format conversions


GtkWidget (16bit)



• We enhanced the disk image cache module of WebKit for the POSIX system.

• Decoded images are kept int memory mapped files as caches

• Saved CPU by avoiding multiple decodings

• Saved memory by using local disk space

• Not a magic wand : Big image over 20KB, Animated GIF

Disk image cache


Local disk space

Decoded image

Physical memory


• The video needs to be blotted on screen and that involves memory copies for no reason.

• If cairo surface of backingstore is a system memory then cairo creates an additional surface which wraps a shm pixmap and copies into this pixmap before copying into the final drawable.

‣ cairo_surface_create_similar

• When GdkWindow has already a cairo surface which wraps a X drawable, it is friendly to cairo image surfaces.

‣ Ensured that by calling gdk_cairo_create

‣ cairo_surface_create_similar_image

• When used correctly we can prevent cairo from calling XShmCreatePixmap at every copying the backingstore to the window.

• Available from gtk+3.10

Reduction of the number of memory copies to play video


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Cairo surfaces for TBS

Cairo surface for video

gst buffer


SHM pixmap GtkWidget

Cairo image surfaces for TBS

Cairo image surface for video

gst buffer



• Control groups(cgroups) is a Linux kernel feature to limit, account, and isolate resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O etc) of process groups.

‣ Merged into kernel version 2.6.24

‣ Resource limiting : groups can be set to not exceed a set memory limit

‣ Prioritization : some groups may get a larger share of CPU or disk I/O throughput

‣ Accounting : to measure how much resources certain systems use

‣ Control : freezing groups or checkpointing and restarting.

• We implemented memory pressure handler for POSIX systems in webkit by using cgroups.

• When the RPi system goes under pressure of memory, we free all unnecessary cache and memory and also run garbage collector to avoid OOM according to a pressure level.

• Not a magic wand : If the OOM is caused by other applications, not browser?

Memory pressure handler support through cgroups



• HTML5 video is required.

• YouTube has its own heavy UI

• Inject some simple javascript code which gets the URL for video stream and create a <video> for it.

• Get thumbnails through YouTube Data API, and get video with a similar way with the youtube-dl

• This allow us to block some extra JS on YouTube that was using a lot of CPU

• Block the comment section on YouTube since it took 30 seconds to fully load.

• Embedded YouTube video took too much time to load as well.

• We just load a fake placeholder showing the thumbnail and a fake play button.

• When a user clicks on it, the real video is actually loaded. This made loading pages with a lot of videos much much faster.

Better YouTube support


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Mouse events are swallowed by this element because of StackingContext!

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<body> <div id=“div1” style=“z-index:5”></div> <div id=“div2” style=“z-index:2”></div> <div id=“div3” style=“z-index:4”> <div id=“div4” style=“z-index:6”></div> <div id=“div5” style=“z-index:1”></div> <div id=“div6” style=“z-index:3”></div> </div> </body>

Stacking Context


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<div class=“html5-video-container” style=“z-index:900”>

<video style=“z-index:auto”>

<div class=“html5-video-controls” style=“z-index:940”>

<div class=“html5-video-player”>

<div class=“html5-video-info-panel” style=“z-index:960”>

ShadowRoot (Container node)

MediaControls (HTMLDivElement)

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<video width=“xxx” height=“yyy” src=“A video URL extracted from youtube” controls />

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1.Show a thumbnail and a fake play button 2.On click, inject the video wrapper 3.and then actual video is loaded. !Pretty useful for heavy pages embedding many YouTube videos.

var posterData = download_webpage( 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/' + this.videoId + '?v=2&alt=json');

url ='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=' + video_id + '%s&gl=US&hl=en&has_verified=1'; video_webpage = download_webpage(url);


• Fullscreen mode is a very independent feature.

‣ It just shows video and controls.

‣ Need to do nothing except copying decoded video frame and drawing controls if necessary.

‣ Do not need to update backingstore at all under fullscreen mode.

• Dispmanx

‣ A subset of VideoCore library

‣ A windowing system in the process of being deprecated in favor of OpenWF

‣ Provide useful APIs like creating comprehensible layers to GPU, scaling/moving the layers etc.

• We directly wrote a video raw data into a dispmanx plane and scaled it to fit in with a screen through GPU.

• Not updating backingstore and scaling video through GPU allow us to save CPU very much.

• A fake cursor required since the bad integration of a GPU plane into the windowing system.

Faster fullscreen playback using dispmanx directly


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Cairo surface in GtkWidget. Absolutely hidden by Video plane. So we don’t need to update at all.

Dispmanx plane 1 Filled with a video draw data. Scaling is performed by GPU

Dispmanx plane 2, 3 Filled with a controls images


Cursor Dispmanx plane 4 A fake cursor image


• Raspberry Pi supports OpenMAX (shortened as “OMX”)

• OpenMAX

‣ A set of C-language programming interfaces that provides abstractions for routines especially useful for audio, video, and still images processing.

‣ Provide 3 layers of interfaces: AL(application layer), IL(integration layer) and DL(development layer)

• Especially OpenMAX DL is useful to decode image and video.

‣ AC : Audio Codecs (MP3 decoder & AAC decoder components) - Can’t because of licensing issue!

‣ IC : Image codecs (JPEG components) ‣ IP : Image processing (Generic image processing functions)

‣ SP : Signal Processing (Generic audio processing functions)

‣ VC : Video Codecs (H.264 & MP4 components)

• JPEG is decoded with OMX in WebKit

• Gst-omx is used to decode video with OMX in gstreamer.

‣ http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-omx

Hardware decoding of image & video through OpenMAX



• Often the video in web is not displayed at its natural size. It needs to be scaled.

• We enhanced gst-omx to scale the video through OMX as well.

Hardware scaling of video through gst-omx


<video width=“760” height=“340” controls>


• Progressive tiled backing store.

‣ Progressive tile base rendering on scroll as like mobile browsers do

‣ We can reduce an absolute amount of drawing with TBS so UI event could have more chances to be handled.

• Suspend javascript and animation while scrolling

‣ WebKit1 is single threaded for JS and rendering single process so that we could not get the scroll events while JS is running.

‣ But this is not perfect yet since we could not stop running javascript functions

• Tune priorities among events

‣ Make sure the handling of the UI event is higher priority than other things.

‣ Tweaking event priority should be conducted very carefully. It’s quite conditional.

‣ ex) Wiggling a mouse may make drawing events fall into a starvation.

More responsive UI and scrolling even under heavy load



• Unload tabs if too many(more than 3) are in use.

• Slow down javascript on background tabs.

Memory & CPU friendly tab management



• Optimized Adblock

‣ Adblock is built in Epiphany. It’s loaded automatically when startup.

‣ Use regular expressions only when needed.

‣ Reuse parsed regular expressions instead of recreating the same one every time.

‣ Asynchronously load filters for Adblock.

‣ Avoid running the converter tool used to convert epiphany config files from one version to another if not needed.

Start up is 3x faster



• Backported latest JIT related changes into our working WebKit.

• Bug fix for ARMv6

Javascript JIT fixes for ARMv6


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• Measuring cpu, memory and time will show you a way to go.

• Profiling quite depends on developer’s experience.

• Do not hesitate to share your know-how with your colleagues.

• Do not be afraid of learning new tools.

• Ex) perf tool is very useful on linux. ‣ Install relevant debug packages

‣ sudo apt-get install linux-tools ‣ sudo perf record -a -g -o perf.data ‣ sudo perf report -g -i perf.data

Lesson 1. Profiling, Profiling & Profiling


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Debug package missed


ARMv6 is not a popular AP nowadays. Nobody cares. BUT…

• You’re not only guy concerning the problem!

• JIT compiler enabled on ARMv6

• Optimized pixman and libav for ARMv6

Lesson 2. Keep watching upstream



• Direct painting, not to use a timer based drawing mechanism.

• Disk image cache

• Reduction of the number of memory copies to play video

• Unique feature, fullscreen mode

• Avoid useless image format conversions

Lesson 3. Suspect useless, stupid and repeated things



Lesson 4. Just In Time


• Progressive tiled backing store.

• Suspend javascript and animations if necessary.

• Optimized Adblock


• Used mobile version pages for some sites.

• Better YouTube support by injecting custom video tag wrapper.

• Faster fullscreen video.

Lesson 5. Hackish but feasible then O.K



• Disk image cache

• Trade-off between memory and local disk space.

• OMX(OpenMAX) for decoding video and images

• Decode video through GPU, not CPU

• OMX for scaling video and images

• Scales videos through GPU, not CPU.

Lesson 6. Utilize all available resources in the platform



• Throttle video fps up to 30fps.

• Tune priorities among events

• Memory pressure handler by using cgroup

• Unload tabs if too many are in use.

• Slow down javascript on background tabs.

Lesson 7. Careful resource reallocation


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• Optimization is literally finding the best solutions to fit your purpose or platform.

• It depends on your situation so it could be various ways

• SW engineer should not expect a better hardware to do anything instead of you.

• No magic, No universal solution for optimization

• Imagine your own way, don’t be afraid of trying your idea.

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Thank you