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To fulfill the requirements for Degree of Bachelor of Medicine

By :

Uthaya Kumar NallayanNIM : 0810714039












SRN : 0810714039

Has been examined on:Day: Friday

Date: 20 January 2012

and declared to pass by:

Examiner I,

Dr.dr.Retty Ratnawati,M.ScNIP: 19550201 198503 2 001

Examiner II / Supervisor I, Examiner III / Supervisor II,

dr.Triwahju Astuti Sp,P,MKes dr.Maimun ZulhaidahA,Mkes,SpPK NIP: 19632210 199601 2001 NIP: 19700526 199702 2005



First of all, I would like to thank God for blessing me to finish up my Final

Assignment to fulfill the precondition to achieve Medical Degree in Medical Faculty,

Brawijaya University. My title of final assignment is “THE NUMBER OF NEUTROPHIL



Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank everyone whom always gives me

support and encouragement throughout my Final Assignment. I would like to thank :

1. Dr.dr Karyono Mintaroem, SpPA, as the Dean of Medical Faculty, Brawijaya

University for providing the facilities in Medical Faculty, Brawijaya University.

2. dr.Triwahju Astuti Sp,P,MKes as my first facilitator who spent her precious time

despite of her busy schedule helping and always supporting, advising and

correcting to make my research better.

3. dr.Maimun Zulhaidah A,Mkes,SpPK as my second facilitator who is full of

graciousness and willing to spend precious time for my final assignment and

providing necessary corrections.

4. My examiner, Dr.dr.Retty Ratnawati,M.Sc. who made me think out of the box

with her interesting questions and ideas relating to my thesis, and examining

my research with a smile.

5. My research advisor, dr Andreas Infianto, for helping and correcting my

mistakes despite of his busy schedule.

6. All the staffs in Respiratory Department and Pathology Clinic Laboratory of

Saiful Anwar who really helped a lot.


7. My wonderful group mate, Kaviprathaa for always being there for me and

lending her help in completion of this thesis.

8. My family for their support, undying love and sacrifices. My heartfelt gratitude

goes to my parents Nallayan and Kaliammal as well as my three siblings,

Suresh Kumar, Balasubramaniam, Thunesh Kumar.

9. My dearest brother, Thunesh for the constant support and encouragement

through the thick and thin of my research.

10. All my friends whom never failed to lend a helping hand when I needed them the


11. Final Assignment Team.

12. Those whom helped me directly and indirectly in completing this study.

Last but not least, I hope that my research will provide a great beneficial contribution

to society in the future. To accomplish that, I need critics and comment from everyone

who read my final assignment. Thank you very much.

Malang, February, 2012

Uthaya Kumar Nallayan



Nallayan, Uthaya Kumar. 2011. Perbedaan jumlah neutrofil dalam induksi sputum perokok non symptomatis dan perokok emfisema berdasarkan gambaran radiologis.Tugas akhir Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing: (1) dr.Triwahyu Astuti Sp,P.MKes (2) dr.Maimun Zulhaidah A,Mkes,SpPK

Rokok dengan kandungan radikal bebasnya dapat menyebabkan berbagai kerusakan di paru dan saluran nafas. Keadaan inflamasi yang terus menerus dapat berpengaruh pada keseimbangan neutrofil di alveoli pada perokok dan seterusnya dapat melandasi patogenesis terjadinya emfisema paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah neutrophil dalam sputum pada perokok non simptomatis dan perokok dengan emfisema paru yang dipilih dengan menggunakan gambaran radiologis.Desain penelitian adalah Observational Cross Sectional dilakukan secara in vivo pada manusia. Terdapat 4 kelompok yang masing-masing terdiri dari 10 subyek yang dibahagi menjadi perokok ringan, perokok sedang, perokok berat dan untuk perokok simptomatis peserta yang dipilih adalah perokok berat dengan emfisema paru berdasarkan gambaran radiologis. Pada setiap subyek dicatat data klinisnya (darah lengkap, EKG, foto thoraks, spirometri) dan diambil sputum dan sampel darahnya sebanyak 5 ml untuk mengetahui kondisi badan peserta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahawa hanya kelompok perokok simptomatis dengan emfisema paru yang memberi hasil signifikan (p<0.05) dan rerata jumlah neutrofil dalam kelompok lain tidak memberikan perbedaan yang bermakna. Di samping itu, berdasarkan Pearson test menunjukkan bahawa derajat merokok tidak mempengaruhi jumlah neutrofil pada sputum induksi perokok. Oleh yang demikian, kesimpulan daripada penelitian ini adalah, merokok akan meningkatkan jumlah neutrophil di alveolar tetapi derajat merokok tidak mempengaruhi jumlah neutrophil di alveolar yang ada di dalam sputum seseorang perokok.

Kata kunci : Rokok, neutrofil di alveolar, emfisema paru



Nallayan, Uthaya Kumar. 2011.The Number of Neutrophil in Sputum induction of Asymptomatic Smokers And Smokers With Pulmonary Emphysema Based on Radiologic Findings Final assignment Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing: (1) dr.Triwahyu Astuti Sp,P.MKes (2) dr.Maimun Zulhaidah A,Mkes,SpPK.

Cigarette contains various substances and free radicals that may be harmful to the smoker. Continous and progressive state of inflammation cause the recruitment of Neutrophil in alveolar in the smoker and this induces the pathogenesis of the pulmonary emphysema in the smoker.The study was aimed to determine the correlation of smoking with the number of neutrophil in alveolar that are recruited in the smokers. This study was a Cross Sectional Observational study which was carried out in vivo in humans. There were four groups each consisting of 10 patients where the asymptomatic smokers are grouped into three different groups which were classified as mild, moderate and severe smoker and the fourth group was the smoker with pulmonary emphysema based on radiologic findings. In each patient recorded the clinical data (complete blood count, ECG, chest X-ray, spirometry), sputum and 5ml of blood samples were taken. Based on the study, only the smoker with pulmonary emphysema group gave a significant result (p<0.05) whereas the other groups have an average distribution of neutrophil approximately the same. Despite of that, based on the Pearson test that was done to identify the correlation of smoking with the number of neutrophil, it revealed that, the stages of smoking are not proportional to the number of neurophil in the sputum induction of the smoker.Therefore, based on this study, it can be concluded that, smoking will increase the number of neutrophil in alveolar in the smoker but the stages of smoking has no effect on the number of neutrophil in alveolar from the sputum induction of the smoker.

Keywords: Cigarette, neutrophil in alveolar, pulmonary emphysema




Title ……….....................................................................................................................…. i

Certification page................................................................................................................ii


Abstract ……......................................................................................................................v

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................vii

List of Figures.....................................................................................................................x

List of Tables.....................................................................................................................xi

List of Appendixes............................................................................................................xii

List of Abbreviation…………………………………………………………………………….xiii


1.1 Background............................................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of Study Problem...................................................................................4

1.3 Objectives of the Study...........................................................................................4

1.3.1 General Purpose............................................................................................4

1.3.2 Specific Purpose............................................................................................4

1.4 Significance of the Study........................................................................................5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Smoking................................................................................................................6

2.1.1 Smoker Classification...................................................................................6

2.1.2 The Composition of Cigarette.......................................................................7

2.1.3 Factors that influence a person to smoke.......................................................7

2.1.4 Complication of Smoking...............................................................................8 Chronic Diseases...............................................................................8 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease..........................................10 Emphysema......................................................................12 Chronic Bronchitis............................................................14


2.1.5 Management of Smokers……………………………………………………. .15 Drug Therapy…………………………………………………………...15 Non Drug Therapy ……………………………………………………..18 Combination Therapy……………………………………………….....18

2.2 Neutrophils…………………………………………………………………………….19

2.2.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..19

2.2.2 Classification……………………………………………………………………20

2.2.3 Mechanism of Production and Regulation………………………………….21

2.2.4 Biological Function of Neutrophil……………………………………………24

2.2.5 The Role of Neutrophil In Pulmonary Emphysema………………………..28

CHAPTER III CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS3.1 Conceptual Framework........................................................................................31

3.2 Hypothesis of the Study.......................................................................................32

CHAPTER IV METHODOLOGY4.1 Study Design........................................................................................................33

4.2 Population and Sample of Study..........................................................................33

4.2.1 Population....................................................................................................33

4.2.2 Sample Size.................................................................................................33

4.2.3 Sample Size Estimation...............................................................................34

4.2.4 Sample Statistic...........................................................................................35

4.3 Location and time of study...................................................................................35

4.3.1 Place of Study..............................................................................................35

4.3.2 Time of Study...............................................................................................35

4.4 Variable................................................................................................................35

4.4.1 Dependent Variable....................................................................................35

4.4.2 Independent Variable.................................................................................36

4.5 Inclusion and Exclusion criteria of the Study........................................................36

4.6 Operational Definition...........................................................................................37

4.7 Instruments...........................................................................................................38

4.7.1 Studies Tools and Substances...................................................................38

4.8 Study Work Plan...................................................................................................39

4.8.1 Sputum Induction.......................................................................................39

4.8.2 Sputum Decontamination and Centrifugation..............................................40


4.8.3 Neutrophil Counting....................................................................................40

4.9 Study Framework.................................................................................................42

CHAPTER V RESEARCH RESULT5.1 Subject and Study Location.................................................................................43

5.2 Characteristic of the Subject................................................................................43

5.3 Characteristic Of Supportive Examination Data of Subject..................................45

5.4 Neutrophil Counting in the sputum induction of the Subjects................................46

5.5 Data Analysis........................................................................................................47

5.5.1 Normality Test..............................................................................................47

5.5.2 Neutrophils Comparative hypothesis with using Mann Whitney U Test........47

5.5.3 One way Anova Test....................................................................................48

5.5.4 Correlation Test of Different Stages of Smoking..........................................48


6.1 Characteristic of Study Subjects...........................................................................50

6.2 Neutrophils Counting in the Sputum Induction......................................................51

6.3 The Correlation between smoking stages and number of Neutrophils..................52

6.4 The Weakness of The Study.................................................................................53

CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION7.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................54

7.2 Suggestion...........................................................................................................55

LIST OF REFERENCES…..............................................................................................56


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY…………………...............................………….……...…66




Figure 2.1 The common adverse effect of smoking……………………………...…….10

Figure 2.2 A thin section of lung tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin……….. 13

Figure 2.3 Histopathology Sample of chronic bronchitis………………………………15

Figure 2.4 Bacterial phagocytosis and destruction by a neutrophil …………………28

Figure 2.5 Pathogenesis of emphysema and smokers .........................................30

Figure 3.1 Conceptual Framework of Pathogenesis of emphysema and

association of Neutrophil………………………………………………………31




Table 5.1 Characteristics of study subjects in each group............................................44

Table 5.2 Characteristics Of Supportive Examination Data of Subject.........................46



Table 1 Test of Normality………………………………………………………………...59

Table 2 Test of Homogeneity of Variances……………………………………………60

Table 3 One Way Anova Analysis………………………………………………………60

Table 4 Mann-Whitney Test……………………………………………………………...61

Table 5 t-Test………………………………………………………………………………62

Table 6 Correlations………………………………………………………………………63

Table 7 Raw Data………………………………………………………………………….64


List of Abberviation

SGOT : Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase

SGPT : Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase

ANOVA : Analysis Of Variance




1.1. Background

Tobacco use is responsible for more than 5 million deaths per year and is the

leading preventable cause of premature death worldwide. Tobacco companies have

gradually shifted their market from high-income to low-income countries, where many

people are poorly informed about the health risks of tobacco use and anti-smoking

policy is relatively weak.Few examples of such countries are Indonesia,India,and

Vietnam (Charlesworth et al., 2010).

The smoking exacerbates the effects of poverty, as expenditures for tobacco

may divert household income from food, clothing, housing, health and education. The

amount of money spent on tobacco is especially problematic in low-income countries.

For example, in Vietnam in 1996, smokers spent an average of $US 49.05 on cigarettes

per year, which was 1.5 times that spent on education, five times that spent on health

care and about one-third that spent on food per capita in the household each year. In

the poorest households in Indonesia, more money was spent on tobacco than on

education and health care combined. Indonesia is the fifth largest market for tobacco in

the world, with 182 billion sticks consumed per year. The absolute domestic

consumption of tobacco increased by 159% between 1970 and 1980, coincident with

the mechanisation of the cigarette industry in Indonesia in the early 1970s (Semba et

al., 2006).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Tobacco Atlas of the year

2004,, smoking can be classified into few lucid types such as manufactured cigarettes


consist of shredded or reconstituted tobacco processed with hundreds of chemical,

Bidis consist of a small amount of tobacco, hand-wrapped in dried temburni leaf and

tied with string ,Cigars are made of air-cured and fermented tobaccos with a tobacco

wrapper, and come in many shapes and sizes, from cigarettesized cigarillos, double

coronas, cheroots, stumpen, chuttas and dhumtis. Kreteks are clove-flavoured

cigarettes. Pipes are made of briar, slate, clay or other substance and tobacco is

placed in the bowl and inhaled through the cigarettes, sometimes through water and

lastly sticks are made from sun-cured tobacco known as brus and wrapped in cigarette


Smoking is known to have a major impact on human health, adversely affecting

almost every organ. Exposure to cigarette smoke increases the risk of many diseases,

including a wide range of cancers (from lung to pancreatic cancer), cardiovascular

diseases (including atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease), a range of respiratory

diseases (including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia), as well as

various other adverse health effects such as increased risk of cataracts, infection and

poor wound healing, and is generally detrimental to the overall health of individuals who

smoke (Semba et al., 2006).

Emphysema is defined pathologically as an abnormal permanent enlargement

of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, accompanied by the destruction of

alveolar walls and without obvious fibrosis. Inflammatory response is normally amplified

in emphysema The inflammation is further amplified by oxidative stress and protease

production and this suggest the increase of macrophages in smokers. Oxidants are

produced from cigarette smoke whereas proteases are produced by macrophages. This

leads to a protease-antiprotease imbalance that leads to destruction of elastin and other


structural elements. This is believed to be central in the development of emphysema

(Demirjian, 2011).

Neutrophils play a major role in defense mechanism in a person’s immune

response. Neutrophils are considered to be central to the pathogenesis of most forms

of acute lung injury (ALI). For the sake of clarity, neutrophil involvement in ALI can be

conceptualized as consisting of sequential stages, beginning with their sequestration in

the pulmonary microvasculature, followed by adhesion and activation, and culminating

in the production of a microbicidal or effector response, such as the generation of

reactive oxygen species or release of proteolytic enzymes. Great strides have been

made in elucidating these various stages of neutrophil involvement. Recent studies

have focused on the intracellular signaling pathways that govern neutrophil activation

and have elucidated complex cascades of kinases and other intracellular signaling

molecules that allow for amplication of the neutrophil response, yet simultaneously

confer specificity of a response. Inflammatory response in ALI may initially be adaptive,

such as the pivotal role played by neutrophils in a bacterial or fungal infection.

Ultimately, it is the persistence or the dysregulation of neutrophil activation that may

lead to ALI (Lee and Downey, 2001).

Smoking tobacco has done a vast majority of harmful effect to the mankind.

Research about smoking and adverse effect of smoking should be encouraged and

done more frequently from now on because it may save millions of lives. I am very

intrested to be a part of the research which might help to find the corelation of smoking

and adverse effect which will be useful in curing and decreasing the death toll because

of the smoking.


1.2.1 Statement of Study Problem

The problems to be solved in this study are,

1) Does smoking increase the number of neutrophil in alveolar of the smokers?

2) Are there any differences in the number of neutrophil in alveolar according

to different stages of smokers?

3) Are there any differences in the number neutrophil in alveolar of smoker with

pulmonary emphysema and smoker without pulmonary emphysema?

1.3.1 Objective of the Study

1.3.2 General purpose

Generally, this study is conducted to determine the influence of smoking

towards the number of neutrophil in alveolar of the smokers.

1.3.3 Specific purpose

1. To determine the number of neutrophils in mild, moderate and severe


2. To find out the difference in neutrophils number in pulmonary emphysema

smoker and non-pulmonary emphysema smoker.

3. To determine the correlation of stages of smoking to the body mass index

(BMI) of the smokers.

4. To determine the correlation of stages of smoking to the age of the smokers.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Benefits of this study are:


1. Can be used to give information to the smokers about the risk factor of

smoking to the development of emphysema and eventually can promote

smoking cessation to the smokers.

2. Can be used to study the long term effect of smoking in chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease such as, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

3. Can be used to compare the difference in neutrophil count in smoker with

pulmonary emphysema and smoker without pulmonary emphysema.




2.1 Smoking

2.1.1 Smoker Classification

Smokers can be classified according to the Brinkman index (BI), which is

defined as numbers of cigarette smoked per day times smoking years which can be

categorized into mild,moderate and severe smokers. A mild smoker has Brinkman

Index value of 1 to 199, moderate smokers with a value of 200 to 399 and severe

smokers with a value of 400-599 (Kume et al., 2009).

Besides that, smoker also can be classified according to Indrayan’s smoking

index where it is measured according to the number of cigarretes per day and duration

of smoking. A person’s amount of smoking may also vary from time to time. A measure

could be the total number of cigarettes smoked so far in life. This number is given by

S1 = n1x1 + n2x2 + ... +nK xK,

where nk (k = 1, 2, …, K) cigarettes per day (intensity) are smoked for xk years

(duration). This is more exact than pack-years generally used for smoking. For an

example,S1 suffers from the same demerit as the pack-years, namely that smoking 10


cigarettes a day for 25 years is the same as smoking 25 cigarettes per day for 10 years

(Indrayan, 2008).

2.1.2 The Composition of Cigarette

The tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide content of cigarettes varies markedly

according to the different brands and types of cigarettes. For example, carbon

monoxide content in cigarettes can vary from less than 0.05 to 3.0 mg per cigarette.

This difference would affect the intravascular levels of carbon monoxide and

carboxyhemoglobin and would therefore affect the degree of any presumed

pathophysiologic effect on the arterial walls but, this effect is difficult to quantify, since

tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine levels determined by the amount of smoke that the

smoker takes in. Therefore it depends on how they smoke their cigarettes. The amount

of tar and nicotine a smoker actually gets can also increase if the smoker blocks tiny

ventilation holes in cigarette filters that are designed to dilute smoke with air. In

addition, many smokers of low tar or light cigarettes compensate by taking deeper,

longer, or more frequent puffs from their cigarettes and causes more harm to the

smokers eventually (Schillinger et al., 2004).

2.1.3 Factors that influence the person to smoke

There are many reason for a person to smoke, but the main reason a person

tend to smoke throughout his life is because of dependency or in other word, addiction.

The cigarette-dependence process, like other pathogenically induced diseases, is

influenced by host or individual factors, environmental factors, and the level of exposure


to the pathogen. Initiation is often mediated by a variety of social and cultural factors.

However, over time the reinforcing effects of the drug strengthen and the individual's

control over use weakens. Although other factors continue to operate, cigarette

dependence is powerfully and critically driven by the positively and negatively

reinforcing effects of nicotine .Like other drug dependencies, nicotine dependence is a

"progressive," "chronic," "relapsing" disorder. Mean age of cigarette smoking onset is

13-14 years. The level of nicotine dependence in adults is inversely related to the age

of smoking initiation according to the diagnostic criteria of the American Psychiatric

Association (Henningfield et al., 1999).

According to the WHO Tobacco Atlas year 2002, the teenage smoker, in

contrast to the middle aged chronic smoker,experiences primarily the pleasant effects

of smoking. In fact,impairment of pulmonary function can be demonstrated in teenage

smokers but only by rather subtle tests . By middle age and older these differences are

more pronounced .The pathological changes induced by smoking in various parts of the

body slowly accumulate over time measured in years and decades and if death occurs

in middle age or later these can be fairly easily identified by the pathologist. Every child

should know that smokers’ lungs are darker than non-smokers’ because smoke

residues accumulate there.

2.1.4 Complication of smoking Chronic Diseases

Several components in tobacco smoke contribute to its cardiovascular harm.

Substances such as carbon monoxide reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood

cells, thus forcing the circulatory system to increase its efforts to deliver needed oxygen

to all cells of the body while also predisposing the heart to rhythm disturbances.


Oxidizing chemicals, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cause inflammation

and can lead to atherosclerosis. These same oxidizing chemicalscan cause endothelial

dysfunction and promote vascular damage. Other toxins in tobacco smoke are

thrombogenic and can increase platelet adhesiveness, predisposing to clot formation

within the vessel. Nicotine itself has some modest physiologic effects on pulse, blood

pressure, and vascular tone. However, these are mild in comparison with the other

cardiovascular effects of the numerous other toxins . However, despite the degree to

which smoking leads to coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease,

cessation treatment is still not widely implemented (Burton et al., 2007).

Besides that,smoking also has high relation with kidney disease. Cigarette

smoking has been reported to exacerbate existing diabetic and non-diabetic kidney

disease and may also be an etiologic factor triggering the onset of proteinuria and

reduced renal function. Despite the recognized relationship between cigarette smoking

and kidney disease, it is unclear whether smoking cessation or reduction can attenuate

the progression of renal injury in CKD (Burton et al., 2007).


Figure 2.1 Common adverse effect of smoking (Morrow, 2007). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD )

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of disability

and death worldwide. Many research and studies have indicated that long term use of

smoking is highly related to serious respiratory complications such as chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD) is estimated to affect 32 million persons in the United States and is the fourth

leading cause of death in this country (Vogelmeier et al., 2011).

Patients typically have symptoms of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, but the

classic triad also includes asthma which reversible compared to the first two diseases

mentioned earlier which cannot be reversed. Exacerbations of COPD indicate

instability or worsening of the patient’s clinical status and progression of the disease

and have been associated with the development of complications, an increased risk of

subsequent exacerbations, a worsening of coexisting conditions, reduced health status


and physical activity, deterioration of lung function, and an increased risk of death.The

prevention of exacerbations therefore constitutes a major goal of treatment (Mosenifar,


Pathophysiology of the development of COPD occurs in the large (central)

airways, the small (peripheral) bronchioles, and the lung parenchyma. The normal

inflammatory response is amplified in persons prone to COPD development. The

pathogenic mechanisms are not clear but are most likely diverse. Increased numbers of

activated polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages release elastases in a

manner that cannot be counteracted effectively by antiproteases, resulting in lung

destruction. Increased oxidative stress caused by free radicals in cigarette smoke, the

oxidants released by phagocytes, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes all may lead to

apoptosis or necrosis of exposed cells. Accelerated aging and autoimmune

mechanisms have also been proposed as having roles in the pathogenesis of COPD.

Cigarette smoke causes neutrophil influx, which is required for the secretion of MMPs;

this suggests, therefore, that neutrophils and macrophages are required for the

development of emphysema (Mosenifar, 2011).

Most patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) seek medical

attention late in the course of their disease. Patients often ignore the symptoms

because they start gradually and progress over the course of years. Patients often

modify their lifestyle to minimize dyspnea and ignore cough and sputum production.

With retroactive questioning, a multiyear history can be elicited.Patients typically

present with a combination of signs and symptoms of chronic bronchitis, emphysema,

and reactive airway disease. These include cough, worsening dyspnea, progressive

exercise intolerance, sputum production, and alteration in mental status. Symptoms of

COPD are such as productive cough or acute chest illness, breathlessness, wheezing.


Systemic manifestations (decreased fat-free mass, impaired systemic muscle function,

osteoporosis, anemia, depression, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, left-sided

heart failure. A productive cough or an acute chest illness is common. The cough

usually is worse in the mornings and produces a small amount of colorless sputum

(Mosenifar, 2011). Emphysema

Emphyesema is defined as a chronic disease characterized by destruction of

the alveolar walls, with subsequent abnormal permanent enlargement of the respiratory

air spaces. Progressive breakdown of elastin in the lung parenchyma is a key feature in

the pathogenesis of emphysema. The major known cause of emphysema is cigarette

smoking, but the initiating elastinolytic factor in smoking-induced emphysema is still not

clear. The other known cause of emphysema is a genetic deficiency of a1-proteinase

inhibitor, an inhibitor of neutrophil elastase. In a1-proteinase inhibitor deficiency-

associated emphysema, lung elastin breakdown is undoubtedly triggered by the

unopposed action of neutrophil elastase due to the insufficient levels of its inhibitor in

the bronchoalveolar epithelial lining . In cigarette smoking-associated emphysema,

there is debate whether increased macrophage and/or neutrophil elastinolytic activity

within the alveolar matrix, resulting from a smoking-induced accumulation of

macrophages and neutrophils in the lung, may be responsible for the elastinolytic

damage (Foronjy et al., 2010).

The 3 described morphological types of emphysema are centriacinar, panacinar,

and paraseptal. Centriacinar emphysema begins in the respiratory bronchioles and

spreads peripherally. Also termed centrilobular emphysema, this form is associated with

long-standing cigarette smoking and predominantly involves the upper half of the lungs.


Panacinar emphysema destroys the entire alveolus uniformly and is predominant in the

lower half of the lungs. Panacinar emphysema generally is observed in patients with

homozygous alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency. In people who smoke, focal panacinar

emphysema at the lung bases may accompany centriacinar emphysema. Paraseptal

emphysema, also known as distal acinar emphysema, preferentially involves the distal

airway structures, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs. The process is localized around

the septae of the lungs or pleura. Although airflow frequently is preserved, the apical

bullae may lead to spontaneous pneumothorax. Giant bullae occasionally cause severe

compression of adjacent lung tissue (Demirjian, 2011).

Figure 2.2 A thin section of lung tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin The

individual suffers from emphysema (Demirjian, 2011). Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is defined clinically as cough with sputum expectoration for at

least 3 months a year during a period of 2 consecutive years. Chronic bronchitis is

associated with hypertrophy of the mucus-producing glands found in the mucosa of

large cartilaginous airways. As the disease advances, progressive airflow limitation


occurs, usually in association with pathologic changes of emphysema. This condition is

called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic bronchitis is a clinical syndrome

defined by chronic sputum production,and it is associated with periodic exacerbations in

which the patient experiences a worsening of respiratory symptoms (Saetta et al.,


Chronic bronchitis is associated with excessive tracheobronchial mucus

production sufficient to cause cough with expectoration for 3 or more months a year for

at least 2 consecutive years. The alveolar epithelium is both the target and the initiator

of inflammation in chronic bronchitis. A predominance of neutrophils and the

peribronchial distribution of fibrotic changes result from the action of interleukin 8,

colony-stimulating factors, and other chemotactic and proinflammatory cytokines.

Airway epithelial cells release these inflammatory mediators in response to toxic,

infectious, and inflammatory stimuli, in addition to decreased release of regulatory

products such as angiotensin-converting enzyme or neutral endopeptidase. Chronic

bronchitis can be categorized as simple chronic bronchitis, chronic mucopurulent

bronchitis, or chronic bronchitis with obstruction. Mucoid sputum production

characterizes simple chronic bronchitis. Persistent or recurrent purulent sputum

production in the absence of localized suppurative disease, such as bronchiectasis,

characterizes chronic mucopurulent bronchitis (Fayyaz, 2011).


Figure 2.3 Histopathology sample taken from a chronic bronchitis patient

showing goblet cell hyperplasia (Demirjian, 2011).

2.1.5 Management of smokers

Smokers move through stages in relation to quitting: of precontemplation,

contemplation, readiness then action, followed by maintenance or relapse. Many move

through this cycle several times before they finally quit, while others report they found it

easier to quit than they expected. These stages are influenced by increased costs from

tax increases or reduction of smuggling, illness in the smoker, family or friends dying

from tobacco, the media, health profession, bans on promotion, creation of smokefree

areas and, while most smokers still quit on their own, availability of support and

treatment. There are now techniques to assist those who want to quit smoking,

although these are not available in all parts of the world: social support, clinics,

quitlines, internet sites; skills training; nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and other

pharmaceutical treatments (Crapo et al., 2004). Drug Therapy (Pharmacotherapy)

Drug therapy can be further categorized into pharmacotherapy, which comprises

four nicotinic group such as, nicotinic gum, inhaler, nasal spray and patch, whereas,

non-nicotinic agent is Sustained- Release Bupropion( bupropion SR) (Crapo et al.,


Nicotinic gum, it is given in a flexible dosage according to specific cravings of

the smokers. An individual who smokes 1 pack per day should use 4-mg pieces. The 2-

mg pieces are to be used by individuals who smoke less than 1 pack per day. Instruct

the patient to chew hourly and also to chew when needed for their initial cravings for 2


weeks. Gradually reduce the amount chewed over the next 3 months. Proper

information should be given about the usage of the gum such as avoid drinking liquids

while chewing the gum and using gum within 15 minutes of drinking acidic

beverages(e.g., cola, coffee, citrus juice) may reduce the effect by decreasing the

absorption of the nicotine (Crapo et al., 2004).

The nicotine inhaler, also nicknamed "the puffer" is a thin, plastic cartridge that

contains a porous nicotine plug in its base. By puffing on the cartridge, nicotine vapor is

extracted and absorbed through the lining of the mouth. Each cartridge delivers up to

400 puffs of nicotine vapor. It takes at least 80 puffs to obtain the equivalent amount of

nicotine delivered by one cigarette. The inhaler mimics the habitual hand-to-mouth

action but without combustion, the smoker is not exposed to carbon monoxide, tar or

other carcinogens that can be found in tobacco smoke. Few reported side effects from

the inhaler are,coughing,rhinitis,and local irritation of the mouth and throat (Crapo et al.,


The patch is a nicotine delivery system that was developed in part because of

the difficulty in the patients to optimize the usage of nicotine gum. It is applied on the

non hairy surface of the skin and absorbed readily through the skin and distributed

throughout the body, reducing withdrawal symptoms and the craving for tobacco.

Transdermal nicotine patches are available readily for replacement therapy. Long-term

success rates are 22-42%, compared with 2-25% with a placebo. These agents are well

tolerated, and the adverse effects are limited to localized skin reaction. Nicotine

replacement therapy patches are sold under the following trade names such as

NicoDerm, Nicotrol, and Habitrol. Each of these products is dosed with a scheduled

graduated decrease in nicotine over 6-10 weeks (Crapo et al., 2004).


The nicotine nasal spray is the strongest form of nicotine replacement therapy,

which is particularly useful and effective for highly dependent heavy smokers who

cannot give up by any other means. The reason that the nasal spray is so much more

effective is because of its fast action. Once the nicotine has been administered, it enters

the bloodstream and reaches the brain within 10 minutes. Other methods take much

longer. This method also most realistically mimics the fast "hit" obtained when smoking

a cigarette. This makes it much easier to control and satisfy cravings if they suddenly

arise.However it has highest level of side effect compared to other nicotine therapies

which about 94% of the users reporting nasal irritation of moderate to severe intensity

during initial use (Crapo et al., 2004).

Bupropion SR is the only nonnicotine pharmacotherapy to be approved by Food

and Drug Administration (FDA) to date. This atypical antidepressant will block the

reuptake of dopamine or norepinephrine in the brain.This therapy is initiated 1 to 2

weeks before the the quiting date and started with a dosage of 150mg in the morning

for 3 days and then increased into 150mg twice a day for up to 3 months following the

quit date.Bupropion is contraindicated to patients with seizure or eating disorder,who

took monoamine oxidase inhibitor within the previous 14days.Commonly reported side

effect are insomnia and dry mouth.It is also sometimes be beneficial in treating patients

with depression history (Crapo et al., 2004). Non Drug Therapy

There are a wide variety of non drug therapy can be given such as affect

management, diet programs, hypnosis, acupuncture, social support, and sensory

deprivation. Self-help materials such as pamphlets, manual , and audiotapes and

videotapes were found to be a marginal effective method. Individual counseling from a


smoking cessation specialist may help smokers to make a successful attempt to stop

smoking by doing intra treatment such as communicating encouragement and concern

to persons quitting while allowing them to speak openly about their experience and

extra treatment social support, where, the clinician identify friends or family members

who may be sources of support (Crapo et al., 2004). Combination therapy

The best therapy to those who motivated to make a serious quit attempt would

be a combination of drug therapy and basic counseling which may give favorable result

by increasing long term cessation to three to four times from what they would without a

treatment (Crapo et al., 2004).

2.2 Neutrophils

2.2.1 Introduction

Neutrophil is a large numbers of polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN)

granulocytes are rapidly recruited from the bloodstream to the site of infection or injury

via transmigration through the vascular endothelium. Neutrophils constitute the ’’first

line of defense’’ and are considered as primary effector cells in infectioninduced acute

inflammatory reactions where they serve to destroy invading pathogens. Neutrophils

are inherently short-lived cells with a half life of only z6-10 h in the circulation and

rapidly undergo spontaneous apoptosis . In infected tissues their apoptosis can be

delayed both by microbial constituents and by proin- flammatory stimuli . Finally,

however, tissue neutrophils die in large numbers. Because uncontrolled release of toxic

substances from dead neutrophils can propagate the inflammatory response leading to

tissue destruction, recognition of dying inflammatory neutrophils has a critical function


for the resolution of the in- flammatory response. It leads not only to the removal of the

inflammatory cells themselves, along with anything they have ingested, but also to the

generation of anti-inflammatory mediators that shut down the on going inflammation

(Esmann et al., 2010).

Though neutrophils are short lived, with a half-life of four to ten hours when not

activated and immediate death upon ingesting a pathogen, they are plentiful and

responsible for the bulk of an immune response. They are the main component of pus

and responsible for its whitish color. Neutrophils are present in the bloodstream until

signaled to a site of infection by chemical cues in the body. They are fast acting,

arriving at the site of infection within an hour (Esmann et al., 2010).

Before ingesting invasive bacteria, neutrophils can release a net of fibers called

a neutrophil extracellular trap (NET), which serves to trap and kill microbes outside of

the cell. When neutrophils ingest microbes, they release a number of proteins in

primary, secondary, and tertiary granules that help kill the bacteria. They also release

superoxide, which becomes converted into hypochlorous acid, or chlorine bleach, which

is theorized to play a part in killing microbes as well (Esmann et al., 2010).

2.2.2 Classification

Neutrophil granulocytes are subdivided into segmented neutrophil(segs) and

banded neutrophil (band). The segmented neutrophil term is derived from the

multilobed nature of the cell’s nucleus. Generally, neutrophil nuclei exhibit 3-5

segmented lobes (Witko et al., 2000).


A second characteristic of functional importance is the large number of

cytoplasmic granules. Three types of granules are present in the cytoplasm of

neutrophils :

- Small, specific granules (0.1 µm in diameter)

- Larger azurophilic granules (0.5 µm in diameter)

- The newly discovered tertiary granules

Specific granules contain various enzyme and pharmacological enzymes and


agents tahat aid the neutrophil in performing its antimicrobial functions. Azurophilic

granules are lysosomes, containing acid hydrolases, myeloperoxidase, the antibacterial

agent lysozyme, bactericidal permeability increasing protein, cathepsin G, elastase, and

nonspecific collagenase. Tertiary granules contain gelatinase and cathepsins as well as

glycoproteins that are inserted into plasmalemma (Esmann et al., 2010).

Besides that, like segmented neutrophil, the term banded neutrophil is derived

from the cell’s characteristic nuclear staining. The nuclear material is in simple U-

shaped pattern. The banded is an immature cell on the way to becoming a mature

segmented neutrophil. When there is demand for neutrophils because of an infection or

chronic cell damage, the bone marrow is stimulated to release its supply of

mature(segmented) and some immature(banded) cells. Generally, in the presence of a

long term bacterial infection or chronic tissue necrosis. The level of “bands” reported in

CBC increases (Anderson, 1999).

2.2.3 Mechanism of production and regulation


Neutrophils are produced in the marrow, where they arise from progenitor and

precursor cells by a process of cellular proliferation and maturation. They differentiate

from the pluripotential stem cell through a series of progressively more committed

progenitor or colony forming units, including the granulocyte-monocyte colony forming

unit and the granulocyte colony forming unit, which give rise to neutrophils. The early

progenitor cells cannot be recognized under the microscope but can be identified by

marrow culture. The earliest microscopically recognizable neutrophil precursor is the

myeloblast. From there, the formal sequence of precursor development is myeloblast

promyelocyte myelocyte metamyelocyte band neutrophil segmented neutrophil. The

term granulocyte often is loosely used to refer to neutrophils but strictly speaking

includes eosinophils and basophils. Eosinophilic and basophilic granulocytes develop

from progenitors in a manner analogous to the neutrophils, although commitment to

neutrophilic, eosinophilic, or basophilic development probably is established at an early

progenitor stage (Williams, 2007).

The normal human neutrophil production rate is 0.85 to 1.6 x 109 cells/kg/day.

Mature neutrophils are stored in the marrow before they are released into the blood.

They leave the circulation randomly, with a half-disappearance time of approximately 7

hours. The cells then enter the tissues and probably function for 1 or 2 days before their

death or loss into the gastrointestinal tract through mucosal surfaces (Williams, 2007).

The humoral regulators involved in granulopoiesis have been defined by in vitro

culture systems. Originally identified by their ability to stimulate colony formation from

marrow progenitor cells, the hemopoietins (cytokines) came to be called colony

stimulating factors (CSF). With regard to neutrophil production, at least four human

CSFs have been defined. Granulocyte-monocyte colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is

a 22,000 relative molecular mass (Mr) glycoprotein that stimulates the production of


neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)

has an Mr of 20,000 and stimulates only the production of neutrophils. Interleukin-3 (IL-

3), or multi-CSF, also has an Mr of 20,000 and acts relatively early in hematopoiesis,

affecting pluripotential stem cells. Finally, stem cell factor (also known as c-kit ligand or

steel factor), with an Mr of 28,000, acts in combination with IL-3 and/or GM-CSF to

stimulate the proliferation of the early hematopoietic progenitor cells. In addition to their

effects on neutrophil precursors, G-CSF and GM-CSF act directly on the neutrophil,

enhancing its function. These cytokines regulate the production, survival, and functional

activity of neutrophils. The mature neutrophil lacks IL-3 receptors and thus is not

affected by IL-3. However, IL-3 receptors are present on mature eosinophils and

monocytes. IL-3 is produced by activated T lymphocytes and thus is expected to have a

physiologic role in circumstances of cell-mediated immunity. GM-CSF also is produced

by activated lymphocytes. However, like G-CSF, it also is elaborated by mononuclear

phagocytes and endothelial and mesenchymal cells when these cell types are

stimulated by certain cytokines, including IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor, or bacterial

products, such as endotoxin. Stem cell factor is secreted by a variety of cells, including

marrow stromal cells, and affects the development of several kinds of tissues (Williams,


The activities of exogenously administered biosynthetic (recombinant) human G-

CSF and GM-CSF in humans are well documented. G-CSF administration rapidly

induces neutrophilia, whereas GM-CSF causes an increase in neutrophils, eosinophils,

and monocytes. GM-CSF cannot be detected easily in normal plasma; thus, its role as

a day-to-day, long-range modulator of neutrophil production is uncertain. Mice in which

the GM-CSF gene is "knocked out" have generally normal hematopoiesis but show

macrophage abnormalities, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, and decreased resistance


to microbial challenge. However, G-CSF appears to be a critical regulator of neutrophil

development, as giving an animal an antibody to G-CSF leads to profound

neutropenia.The G-CSF knockout mouse shows severe neutropenia.Neutropenia that

results from a production disturbance, such as exposure to cytotoxic drugs, is

associated with high circulating serum concentrations of G-CSF (Williams, 2007).

2.2.4 Biological Function of Neutrophils

Neutrophils phagocytose and destroy the bacteria by the help of the their

various granules. Neutrophil interact with chemotactic agents to migrate to site of

infection. They accomplish this by entering postcapillary venules in the region of

inflammation and adhering to the various selectin molecules of endothelial cells of this

vessels by use of their selectin receptors. The interaction between the neutrophil’s

selectin receptor and the selectin of the endothelial cells cause neutrophils to roll slowly

along the vessels endothelial lining. As the neutrophil are slowing their migrations,

Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induce the endothelial cells to

express intercellular adhension molecule type 1 (ICAM-1), to which the integrin

molecules of neutrophils avidly bind (Kerrigan et al., 2009).

When binding occurs, the neutrophils stop migrating in prepartion fot their

passage through the endothelium of postcapillary venule to enter connective tissue

compartment. Once there, they destroy the infected cells by phagocytosis and by

release of hydrolytis enzymes (and respiratory burst). In addition, by manufacturing

and releasing leukotrienes, neutrophil assist in the initiation of the inflemmatory process

(Doan et al., 2008).

The sequence of event as follows:


1. The binding of neutrophil chemotactic agents to the neutrophil’s plasmalemma

facilitates the release of the content of tertiary granules into extracellular


2. Gelatinase degrades the basal lamina, facilitating neutrophil migration.

Glycoproteins that become inserted in the cell membrane aid the process of


3. The content of the specific granules are also released into the extracellular

matrix, where they attack the invading matrix and aid neutrophil migration.

4. Microorganisms, phagocytosed by neutrophils, become enclosed in

phagosomes. Enzymes and pharmacological agents of the azurophilic

granules are released into the lumina of these intracellular vacuoles, where

they destroy the ingested microorganisms. Because of their phagocytic

functions, neutrophils are also known as microphages to distinguish them from

the larger phagocytic cells, the macrophages.

5. Bacteria are killed not only by the actions of enzymes but also by formation of

reactive oxygen compounds within the phagosomes of neutrophils. These are

superoxide, formed by the action of NADPH oxidase on oxygen in a

respiratory burst; hydrogen peroxide, formed by action of superoxide; and

hydrochlorus acid(HOCL), formed by the interaction of myeloperoxidase(MPO)

and chloride ions with hydrogen peroxide.

6. Occasionally, the contents of the azurophillic granules are released into

extracellular matrix, causing tissue damage, but usually catalase and

gluthione peroxidase degrade hydrogen peroxide.


7. Once neutrophils perform their function of killing microorganisms, they also

die, resulting in formation of pus, the accumulation of dead leukocytes,

bacteria, and extracellular fluid.

8. Not only do neutrophils destroy bacteria, they also synthesize leukotrienes

from arachidonic acids in thier cell membranes. These newly formed

leukotrienes aid the initiation of the inflammatory process (Doan et al., 2008).

Phagocytosis of neutrophils involve cell surface receptors associated with

specialized region called clathrin coated pits. The mechanism of phagocytosis

involves :

a) Recognition and attachment of microbes by phagocytes.

Phagocytosis is initiated when a phagocyte binds a cell or molecule that has

penetrated the body’s barrier. The binding occurs at various receptors on

phagocyte surface. These include PRRs(including TLRs) that recognize microbe

related molecule, complement receptors(CR) that recognize certain fragments of

complements (especially C3b) that adhere to microbial surfaces, Fc receptors

that recognize immunoglobins that have bound to microbial surfaces or other

particles, scavenger receptors, and others.

b) Ingestion of microbes and other materials :

Following attachment to the cell membrane, a microorganism or foreign particle

is engulfed by extensions of the cytoplasm and cell membrane called

pseudopodia and is drawn into the cell internalization or endocytosis. In addition

to phagocytosis, dendritic cells can extend plasma membrane projections and

encircle large amounts of extracellular fluids to form cytoplasmic vesicles

independent to cell surface attachment. Once internalized, the bacteria are

trapped within phagocytic vacuoles or cytoplasmic vesicles within the cytoplasm.


The attachment and ingestion of microbes trigger changes within the phagocyte.

It increases in size, becomes more aggressive in seeking additional microbes to

bind and ingest, and elevates production of certain molecules. Some of these

molecules contribute to destruction of the ingested microbes; others act as

chemotactic agents and activators for other leukocytes.

c) Destruction of ingested microbes and other materials:

Phagosomes, the membrane bound organells containing the ingested

microbes/materials, fuse with lysosomes to form phagolysosomes. Lysosomes

employ multiple mechanisms for killing and degrading ingested matter. These


Lysosomal acid hydrolase, including protease and nucleases.

Several oxygen radicals, including superoxide radicals,

hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radicals, that are

highly toxic to microbes. The combined action of these

molecules involves a period of heightened oxygen uptake known

as the oxidative burst.

- Nitrous oxide (NO)

- Decrease pH

- Other microbial molecules

d) Secretion of cytokines and chemokines :

Once activated, phagocytes secrete cytokines and chemokines that attract and

activate other cells involved in innate immune responses. Cytokines or chemical

messengers such as interleukin-1(IL-1) and interleukin-6(IL-6) induce the

production of proteins that lead to elevation of body temperature. Other

cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor-α(TNF- α), increase the permiability of


local vascular epithelial to increase its permiability and enhance the movement

of cells and soluble molecules from the vasculature into tissues. Still others,

such as interleukin-8(IL-8) and interleukin-12(IL-12) attract and activate

leukocytes such as neutrophils and NK cells (Doan et al., 2008).

Figure 2.4 Bacterial phagocytosis and destruction by a neutrophil (Doan et al.,


2.2.5 The Role Of Neutrophil in Pulmonary Emphysema

When oxidant from cigarrete smoke is exposed to the lungs, macrophage will be

activated causing, histone deacetylase-2 to be inactivated, shifting the balance toward

acetylated or loose chromatin, exposing nuclear factor B sites and resulting in

transcription of matrix metalloproteinase-9, proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 8 (IL-

8), and tumor necrosis factor(TNF). This will lead to neutrophil recruitment (Longo et al.,


CD8+ T-cells are also recruited in response to cigarette smoke and release

interferon inducible protein-10 (IP-10, CXCL-7) that in turn leads to macrophage


production of macrophage elastase [matrix metalloproteinase-12 (MMP-12)]. Matrix

metalloproteinases and serine proteinases, most notably neutrophil elastase, work

together by degrading the inhibitor of the other, leading to lung destruction. Proteolytic

cleavage products of elastin also serve as a macrophage chemokine, fueling this

destructive positive feedback loop that lead to emphysema (Longo et al., 2011).

Collagen turnover in emphysema is complex. The three collagenases (MMP-1,

MMP-8, and MMP-13) that initiate the cleavage of interstitial collagens are also induced

in both inflammatory cells and structural cells in emphysema. While collagen is

disrupted as alveolar units are obliterated, overall there is a net increase in collagen

content in the emphysema , with prominent accumulation in the airway submucos

(Longo et al., 2011).


Figure 2.5 Pathogenesis of emphysema and association of neutrophil (Longo et

al, 2011).




Figure 3.1 Conceptual Framework of Pathogenesis of emphysema and association

of macrophage













1-AT deficiency

Related To Macrophage Profile

Indirectly related to Study

CD 8+ Cells


3.1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Long term smoking is directly related to emphysema. Under normal

condition,alveolar macrophage will patrol the lower airspace but when chronic exposure

to smoking occurs, it will activate the alveolar macrophages and

subcequenly,macrophages will accumulate in the alveolar area.This is due to the

oxidants produced by cigarettes. Activated macrophages will release several chemical

substances such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha1 (TNF-1), interleukin-8 ( IL-8), and

protease.This will lead to the neutrophil recruitment. Accumulated neutrophils will play

its role by further activating macrophages to produce excessive protease.This will

cause protease and anti protease imbalance. that leads to destruction of elastin and

other structural elements which cause recurrent inflammation.This mechanism will lead

to irreversible enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles. This

parenchymal lung damage will cause the breakdown of elasticity and loss of fibrous

and muscle tissue, making the lungs less compliant or in other word,emphysema is

occured in the person.

3.2 Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the summary of problem and study purpose, the hypothesis is,

1) Smoking will increase the number of neutrophil in alveolar in the smokers.

2) The number of neutrophil in alveolar will be increased by the three degree of

smokers, that are mild, moderate and severe smokers.

3) There is a difference in neutrophil count in the alveolar between

asymptomatic smoker and smoker with pulmonary emphysema.




4.1 Study design

This study was a laboratory observational study with a study design of cross

sectional of the group’s posttest only on smokers without any other systemic

complication (mild, moderate, severe) and smokers with pulmonary emphysema

without any other systemic complication. The purpose of the study is to observe

the effect of smoking on the level of neutrophil among different groups of


4.2 Population and Sample of Study

4.2.1 Population

The study populations were smokers from 4 groups which composed of 3 types of

smokers and have the following requirements:

Mild smokers ( Brinkman Index : 1 to199 )

Moderate smokers ( Brinkman Index : 200 to 399 )

Severe smokers ( Brinkman Index : 400 to 599 )

Smokers with pulmonary emphysema

4.2.2 Sample size

The sample used was sputum collected from the four groups. The groups were

asymptomatic mild, moderate and severe smokers according to the Brinkman

Index and the fourth group is smokers with pulmonary emphysema. The criteria

for the fourth group were chest x-ray with a posteroanterior (PA) position.


4.2.3 Sample size estimation


= sample size

= standard deviation

= absolute accuracy of the different levels mean value (0.5)

= z value at alpha 5% is 1.96


(Hamilton, 2009).

Rounded to the nearest value it will be 10.

The total samples were taken from ten persons in each group and we had 4

groups as a sample. So, the total sample for the study would be forty.

4.2.4 Sample statistic

The statistic that was used for this observational study is Anova, because it uses

logical extension of T test. Since we have data from four independent groups.

Anova would be the best method to calculate the statistic. The observations was

independent which means the value of one group is not correlated with the other


group, therefore, the observation in each group was normally distributed and the

variance of each group was equal to the that of any other group (homogeneity of


4.3 Location and time of study

4.3.1 Place of study

The study was carried out from the smokers around the RSSA and also smokers

with emphysematous lung disease who came to RSSA as outpatient.

The research was done in Respiratory Department and Central Laboratory of


4.3.2 Time of study

Research was done at the estimated time of thirty days.

4.4 Variable

4.4.1 Dependent variable

Dependent variable in this study was the level of neutrophil in the sputum that

was collected from four different types of comparison groups.

4.4.2 Independent variable

The independent variables of this study consist of four groups that were the


Group 1 : Mild smoker without any other systemic complication.

Group 2 : Moderate smoker without any other systemic complication.

Group 3 : Severe smoker without any other systemic complication.


Group 4 : Smoker with pulmonary emphysema without any other systemic


4.5 Inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study

Inclusion Criteria :

- Male

- Smoker

- 45- 75 years old

-Smoker with pulmonary emphysema is chosen based on a radiologic findings

- ECG in a normal range

Exclusion Criteria :

- COPD patient with acute exacerbation

- Female

- With a sign of cor pulmonale

- Heart attack, tuberculosis, Asthme bronchitis, Hypertension

4.6 Operational Definition

i. Neutrophil is a a polymorphonuclear granular leukocyte having a nucleus

with three to five lobes connected by threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm

containing very fine granules which involves in phagocytic process.

ii. Smoker is defined as the person who knowingly smoke the cigarette by

inhaling and exhaling the cigarette smoke with minimal cigarette smoking

one per day.


iii. Mild smoker is categorized according to the Brinkman Index by multiplying

number of cigarettes smoked per day with years of smoking and the

score should be 0 – 199.

iv. Moderate smoker is categorized according to the Brinkman Index by

multiplying number of cigarettes smoked per day with years of smoking

and the score should be 200 – 599.

v. Severe smoker is categorized according to the Brinkman Index by

multiplying number of cigarettes smoked per day with years of smoking

and the score should be more than 599.

vi. Brinkman Index is multiplying number of cigarettes smoked per day with

years of smoking.

vii. Non symptomatic smoker is a person that inhales and exhales cigarette

smoke purposely without any clinical findings in the respiratory system.

viii. Non smoker is a person who does not smoke and neither family member

nor working colleague smokes and exposed to cigarette smoke less than

eight hours per week.

ix. Positive control smoker is a person that inhales and exhales cigarette

smoke purposely and has x-ray findings of pulmonary emphysema.

x. Passive smoker is a person that exposed to cigarettes smoke emitted

from cigarettes smoke by other person for more than four hours per day.

xi. Pulmonary emphysema is described radiologically as an abnormal

permanent enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles,

that the x-ray image shows an appearance of hyperlucent and

hyperinflation at both the lungs.



4.7 Instruments

4.7.1 Studies Tools and Substances

40 pieces of sterile disposable plastic pots for sputum collection

Sticker labels

1 unit spirometry equipment (nebulizer ultrasonic)


2 fl 3% Nacl

NaOH 4%

Water bottles

Laboratory request form



10 ml syringe

15ml centrifuge tube

Tube rack

Pasteur pipette

Biosafety Cabinet class II

Vortex mixer


Bio contained centrifuge 3000g

Sysmex XT-2000i Hemoanalyzer

Computer with monitor


Tissue paper

4.8 Study Work Plan


4.8.1 Sputum Induction

i. Detailed information and instruction to the subject were given and

consent to the procedure was taken.

ii. The safety of the equipment was checked and the ultrasonic nebulizer

was prepared (output approximately 1ml/ min)

iii. Subjects were asked to rinse their mouth using hypertonic saline solution

(NaCl 3%) and asked to breathe through the nose in order to avoid

contamination of saliva. Saliva removed prior to begin the sputum

induction procedure.

iv. Subject was asked to cough and throw up the sputum, firstly in the fifth

minute and the secondly at tenth minute.

v. Sputum collected in container with subject’s name label on it.

4.8.2 Sputum Decontamination and Centrifugation

i. Collected sputum was mixed with sodium hydroxide (NAOH) 4% in a ratio of

(1: 2) and fastened firmly.

ii. The sample was mixed gently with vortex mixer and placed in temperature

of 15 °C room temperature to stimulate homogenization.

iii. Centrifugation was done at 3000 x g for 15 minutes.

iv. The aerosol was left to become sediment for 10 minutes.

v. Supernatant was removed.

vi. Distilled water was added up to the 15ml.

vii. The solution was centrifuged again at 3000 x for 15 minutes

viii. The aerosol was left to become sediment for 10 minutes.


ix. Supernatant was removed and the homogenized sample kept to do

neutrophil counting through sysmex-XT hemoanalyzer.

4.8.3 Neutrophil Counting

i. Sysmex XT-2000i hemoanalyzer was turned on.

ii. Computer CPU and printer were turned on too.

iii. QC *QC analysis click * select a QC file to be executed, press OK * Enter

the e - check that has been in homogenization into the sample probe. *

Press Start. * Make sure the QC results in target and click Accept. * To see

the QC chart, graph and select the desired type.

iv. The sample was ran according to the instruction below:

Perform first order on the work list

Enter Number and type of test sample

Enter the patient ID and patient data (if any)

Click Save

Click Manual

Type of sample Number (adjust to the work list)

Press OK

Enter been homogenizing samples into the sample probe


v. Results can be viewed by clicking on the Explorer or the Data Browser

vi. Switch off the appliance:

Click shut down on-screen menu

Enter Cell clean the sample probe into

Press the START 1 (one) time


Wait until the process is complete, then turn off the equipment and


Click START on the Windows program

Click shut down

Turn off the monitor and printer


Figure 4.1 Study Framework

4.8 Study Framework



Mild Smokers

(10 Subjects)

Moderate Smokers

(10 Subjects)

Severe Smokers

(10 Subjects)

Smokers with pulmonary

emphysema based on radiologic findings

(10 Subjects)

Sputum samples were collected from each group using sputum pot

Collected sputum Mixed with NAOH 4% in a ratio of (1 :2) for decontamination

Centrifugation is done at 3000 x g for 15 minutes

Supernatant is removed, add distilled water up to the15ml

Centrifugation is done at 3000 x g for 15 minutes


Sysmex XT-2000i instrument


Result been recorded according

to the group

(A) Smokers with Pulmonary Emphysema

(B)Mild Smokers

(C) Moderate Smokers

(D) Severe Smokers


5.1. Subject and Study Location

There were 42 subjects been given informed consent about the purpose,

procedures and the approval letters to be signed. Two subjects were excluded, one due

to pulmonary tuberculosis lesion from radiological study and the other due to lysis of

blood plasma obtained. So, we used 40 subjects to study and they have been divided

into 4 groups. Where 10 subjects of light smoker, 10 subjects of moderate smokers, 10

subjects of severe smokers and lastly 10 severe smokers with pulmonary emphysema.

5.2. Characteristic of the subjects

The numbers of subjects of this study are 40 people and all are male. The mean

age of the subjects of the study was 60.78 + 7.82 years with the youngest age range 46

years old and the oldest is 77 years of age as shown in the table.


Table 5.1 Characteristics of study subjects in each group

Characteristic Mild Smokers (n = 10)

Moderate Smokers (n = 10)

Heavy Smokers (n = 10)

Smokers with Pulmonary Emphysema (n = 10)

Age (Years) 53,60+6,68


63,80+ 6,61

67,40+ 4,29

Occupation1. Retired PNS2. Retired TNI/Polri3. Private Lecturer4. Farmers5. Enterpreneur6. Salesman7. BUMN (PDAM/PLN)8. Security Guard





Jenis Rokok1. Clove Cigarettes2. Filter and Filter Clove Cigarettes3. Hand-rolled Cigarettes4. Clove Cigarettes and Filters





Brinkman Index (Cigarettes/year) 145,8+63,3

366,8 +87,9

819,8 + 224,97

845,40+ 213,18

Body Mass Index1. Underweight (< 18,5 kg/m2)2. Normal (18,5-24,9 kg/m2)3. Overweight (> 25-29,9 kg/m2)

BMI (kg/m2)


23,50+ 3,86


24,70+ 3,38


22,70+ 3,84


20,20+ 4,07

Data on the total and the mean (SD)

From the characteristic of the subjects of the study, the average age of the mild

smoker is between 46 to 63 and moderate ranges from 48 to 67, followed by severe at

57 to 77 and pulmonary emphysema group which has a age range of 61 to 73 years


Most of the candidates taken for the research are retired PNS. Most usual type

of cigarette smoked by study subjects are a mixture of clove cigarettes and

filters (alternate) as much as 80% (as shown in the figure) the mean of the


Brinkman index, in the smokers with pulmonary emphysema group is at a number of

845.40+ 213.18 cigarettes / year, in the group of the mild smokers is

about 145.8+ 63.3 cigarettes /year, in the group of moderate smokers is about

366.8 + 87.9 cigarettes/year, in the group of severe smokers is

819.8 224.97 + cigarettes/year. The mean Brinkman index in all study subjects

are 544.45 + 344.90 cigarettes/year.

From the subjects of the study  Brinkman index from the mild smokers

range from 10-192 cigarettes / year (p <0.05), moderate smokers in the group with

a range of 230-468 cigarettes / year (p <0.05), a group of severe smokers with a range

of 630-1152cigarettes / year (p <0.05) and in the fourth group with a range of 640-

1120 cigarettes /year (p <0.05) as shown below.

Throughout the period of the samples were taken, subjects did not show any

adverse effect based on the anamnesis, physical examination and additional

examination that was done here. Similarly, most of the vital signs such as blood

pressure, pulse rate and respiratory rate was normal during the time samples were

taken. The mean body mass index or Body Mass Index (BMI) of study subjects from

each group is a norm weight and its distribution can be seen in the picture.

5.3. Characteristics Of Supportive Examination Data of Subject 

Routine blood test, SGOT, and SGPT that was done among all the subjects

from different types of group, showed normal value. The results of

electrocardiographic examination  showed normal value for 12 respondents and only

one respondent showed right axis deviation. PA position of radiographic

examinations obtained from 13 study subjects had normal radiological picture, and

17 study, subjects had an increased bronchovascular pattern, while radiographical


picture in the fourth group gained from 10 subjects with radiographical studies with

pulmonary emphysema.

Tabel 5.2 Characteristics Of Supportive Examination Data of Subject

Characteristics Mild Smoker(n = 10)

Moderate Smoker(n = 10)

SevereSmoker(n = 10)

Smokers with Pulmonary Emphysema(n = 10)

Routine Blood Test1. Haemoglobin (gr/dl)2. Leukocytes(gr/dl)

14,03+ 0,916656+ 2368,6

14,26+ 1,597882+ 2915,1

13,94+ 1,637294+ 2602,4

13,8+ 1,288453+ 3475,5

ECG1. Normal2. RAD





Chest X-Ray (PA)1. Normal2. Increase

Bronchovascular pattern

3. Emphysema









Neutrophil in Sputum (/mm3)

617.8 + 600.7

1369.4 +1362.2

953.9+ 749.9

789.44+ 571.5

Data on the total and the mean (+ SD) (source: study)

5.4 Neutrophil counting in the sputum induction of the subjects

The average counting of neutrophils from the sputum induction of the subjects

has the highest value in moderate group at a number of 1369.4 + 1362.2/mm3 (p<0,05),

and severe smokers about 953.9 + 749.9/mm3 (p>0,05) and then pulmonary

emphysema group at about 789.44 + 571.5/mm3 (p>0,05) and finally mild smokers at a

number 617.8 + 600.7/mm3 (p<0,05). Only severe smokers pulmonary emphysema

group and another group which is the severe smokers gave the significant result and


normally distributed compared to the other group which are the mild and moderate


When comparing the non pulmonary emphysema group and pulmonary emphysema

group, it can be shown that the numbers are 981.0 + 376.3 /mm3 and 789.4 + 571.6

/mm3 that are shown in the picture.

5.5 Data Analysis

5.5.1 Normality Test

Normality test was done to identify whether neutrophils are distributed normally

in the different stages of smoking such as mild,moderate and severe and also the

pulmonary emphysema group.From the Shapiro –Wilik with Liliefors correlation test,

only pulmonary emphysema group and asymptomatic severe smokers group are

normally distributed with p > 0.05. Because the other stages do not give normal

distribution, so further test that is Mann Whitney test was done.

5.5.2 Neutrophils Comparative Hypotesis Test with Using Mann Whitney U Test

Based on the Mann- Whitney test that was done on the neutrophils counting by

taking pulmonary emphysema group as one group and the combination group of mild,

moderate and severe smokers as another group, the value obtained was p

>0.05.Therefore it can be concluded that there is no any differences between the

groups or in other word, there value is not significant.


5.5.3 One Way Anova Test

This observation used variable that is the neutrophils counting in the sputum

induction from all the groups of smokers based on the different stages of smokers ( > 2

unpaired groups ) without involving the fourth group which is the severe smokers with

pulmonary emphysema.

With considering the result of the test of homogeneity of neutrophils or on the

other word the Levene test, with an arrangement of p >0.05, it can be concluded that

there is no variable differences of the data of the groups that are compared and can be

further continued with the one way Anova test.

Based on the Levene variant test it can be concluded there is no differences in

the neutrophils variable from the different groups according to the stages of smoking

with a distribution of p> 0.05. Since the data of the variants are the same, one way

Anova test is valid with a value of p >0.05 from the neutrophils variable and therefore

can be concluded there is no significant differences between the variable of all the three


5.5.4 Correlation Test Of Different Stages Of Smoking

Correlation test was done to identify the influence of the different stages of

smoking with the neutrophils variable by using normally distributed Product Momen

Pearson numerical correlative hypothesis test. It can be shown clearly that only BMI

and age give significant result with the value p < 0.05. The correlation of the stages of

smoking with the BMI value has negatively correlation value, therefore it can be said

that the bigger the stage of smoking, the lower the value of the BMI of the person.

Contrarily for this statement, the age of the smoker has positive correlation with the


stages of smoking. So, the bigger the stage of smoking, the higher the age of the


It was found out that, the stages of smoking with the counting of the neutrophils

from the sputum induction has positive correlation with p > 0.05, so therefore it is not

significant also.


Chapter 6


6.1 Characteristic of the Research Subjects

Based on the characteristic of the respondent from all the groups, it can be

found out that all the respondents are male with an average age of 60,775 + 7,816

years old and most of them are retired PNS who have smoking habit currently. T.B.

Grydeland et al, (2009) concluded that emphysema is more frequently occurs in male

compared to female. The higher emphysema score in males could have several

explanations. Emphysema quantification is very sensitive to the level of inspiration, but

even though males have larger lung, there are no indications that males inspired

deeper. Environmental cause is another possible explanation, as males are more

exposed to occupational airborne agents, which are potentially harmful to the lungs.

The prevalence of smoking is more prominent in developing countries such as China

and India compared to developed countries such as United States and United

Kingdom. This is due to most of the people who practice routine smoking hailed from

low social-economical status society who are low in literacy and do not have proper job

and eventually have low per capital income.

The type of cigarettes smoked by the smokers are clove, filtered, hand rolled

and most of the respondent has the habit of smoking a combination of kretek and

filtered cigarettes. Smoking filtered cigarettes has many beneficial such as reduced

lavel of nicotine and tar compared to the non-filtered cigarettes, however the level of

carbon monoxide is stil the same in both filtered and non-filtered, so the amount of

hazardous toxic effect that are produced by both the cigarettes are the same. Hence

neither type will protect the airway of the person.


The weight of the respondents were taken to identify the level of Body Mass

Index (BMI).BMI is the index used to categorize the person into underweight, normal,

overweight, and obese category. From the studies it is identified that most of the

respondents have higher BMI level compared to the controlled group which is the

smoker with emphysematous lung. Similarly, Verbeken et al, (1992) also found out that

BMI level of the normal healthy smoker is higher compared to the level of

emphysematous patients. Hence, emphysema together with smoking increase the

workload of the lung, and the airway muscles, so much energy will be used to

compensate this process and this causes the smoker with pulmonary emphysema to be


6.2 Neutrophil Counting In Sputum Induction

The counting of neutrophils of the sputum induction is higher in the fourth group

which is the severe smokers with pulmonary emphysema. Apparently Morrison et al,

(1998) also found out that neutrophils are normally higher in emphysematous patient

compared to healthy smoker. This is because the underlying mechanisms of

emphysema include inflammatory processes in the lung and airways. Cigarette smoke

and other irritants activate macrophages and airway epithelial cells in the respiratory

tract, which release neutrophil chemotactic factors, including IL-8 and leukotriene (LT)

B4. Neutrophils and macrophages then release proteases that break down the

connective tissue in the lung parenchyma, resulting in emphysema. Therefore the

higher number of neutrophil in emphysematous patient is because of increased activity

of inflammation in the lung compared to healthy smoker.

Based on Mann –Whitney test that was conducted on the neutrophils counts of

the two groups which are the pulmonary emphysema group and the non pulmonary


emphysema group which is the combination group of mild, moderate and severe

smokers, it can be concluded that there is no any significant differences between the

both groups. Apparently, this result is quite parallel to the research done by Domagala

et al, (2003) where they counted the neutrophils level in smokers with emphysematous

lung and healthy ex-smokers and they showed that there are no significant differences

in the cellular profile of induced sputum of the samples between patients with COPD

who are active smokers and those who have ceased smoking.

Based on the one way Anova test, which was done among the mild, moderate

and severe smokers, there is no any difference between the groups and it can be

concluded that the neutrophils level is not significantly variable among the groups, so

the values are approximately the same. It also can be clearly identified that smoking

stages do not directly affect the variability of the observation subjects, unless subjects

that are studied are non-smoker or not smoking currently.

6.3 The correlation between smoking stages and number of neutrophil in


Pearson test was used to identify the correlation of stages of smoking to the

level of neutrophils and it was found that there is no any correlation of the stages of

smoking that was characterized according to Brinkman Index as mild, moderate and

severe smokers to the quantity of neutrophils in the person. It is because the value of p

> 0.05, therefore, it is not significance. From the research, it can be concluded that, the

number of neutrophil increases significantly even in the mild stage and therefore, the

severity of smoking is the same regardless the number of cigarette smoked per day.


6.4 The Weakness of the Study

The study was done in a population of 40 candidates and this can be referred as

a small population to do this study. Therefore, the result would have been more

accurate and reliable if the study population was bigger. Apart from that, the smokers

with pulmonary emphysema were chosen based on the solitary confirmation from x-ray

radiologic findings. This would have created lesser accuracy because not any further

diagnosis was done to confirm the candidates are having pulmonary emphysema.

Hence, if more examinations were done, then it would have increase the accuracy of

the study.




7.1 Conclusion

From the study result, it can be concluded that:

1. Smoking does influence the level of macrophages in sputum induction of a

smoker compared to the healthy person

2. The numbers of neutrophils do not increase proportionally according to

Brinkman Index from mild, moderate and severe smoker, hence, there is a

significant increase of macrophage even in mild smoker

3. There neutrophil counts in sputum induction of smoker with pulmonary

emphysema or non-pulmonary emphysema smoker (mild, moderate,

severe) are approximately the same.

4. Different stages of smoking are inversely proportional to the level of BMI of

the smoker

5. Different stages of smoking are directly proportional to the age of the



7.2 Suggestions

From this study, suggestion or opinions in future study are:

1. Further study should be done to identify how actually stages of smoking

influence the recruitment of neutrophils in the sputum induction of the


2. Further study should be done to identify the correlation of smoking to the

level of neutrophils in the sputum induction of the smoker.

3. The number of the candidates used should be increased to decrease the

unwanted error in the study.

4. Another research should be done to identify how the mechanism of

recruitment of neutrophil in the sputum induction from the alveolar of a




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        Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk

  Group   Statistic df Sig Statistic df Sig

Type Of Occupation Smoker with P.E  .348  10  .001  .721 10  .010**

  Mild Smokers  .283  10  .023  .906  10  .315

  Moderate Smokers  .241  10  .103  .871  10  .111

    Heavy Smokers  .422  10  .000  .655  10  .010**

Age   Smoker with P.E  .263  10  .049  .877  10  .147

  Mild Smokers  .231  10  .140  .867  10  .096

  Moderate Smokers  .147  10  .200*  .975  10  .922

    Heavy Smokers  .166  10  .200*  .888  10  .212

BMI   Smoker with P.E  .180  10  .200*  .948  10  .615

  Mild Smokers  .176  10  .200*  .925  10  .423

  Moderate Smokers  .135  10  .200*  .961  10  .767

    Heavy Smokers  .145  10  .200*  .969  10  .863

Brinkman Index Smoker with P.E  .289  10  .017  .775  10  .010**

  Mild Smokers  .305  10  .009  .778  10  .010**

  Moderate Smokers  .137  10  .200*  .961  10  .770

    Heavy Smokers  .327  10  .003  .779  10  .010**

Type Of Cigarettes Smoker with P.E  .406  10  .000  .623  10  .010**

  Mild Smokers  .410  10  .000  .708  10  .010**

  Moderate Smokers  .482  10  .000  .509  10  .010**

    Heavy Smokers  .410  10  .000  .708  10  .010**

Neutrophil Smoker with P.E  .175  10  .200*  .908  10  .323

  Mild Smokers  .247  10  .085  .791  10  .014

  Moderate Smokers  .299  10  .012  .763  10  .010**

    Heavy Smokers  .199  10  .200*  .870  10  .0104


Table 1 : Test of Normality

Tests of Normality

**. This is an upper bound of the true significance

*. This is a lower bound of true significance

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

    Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk





2831736 2 1415868.050 1.528 .235

25011816 27 926363.565

27843552 29

Between Groups

Within Groups


Sum ofSquares df Mean Square F Sig.

Group Statistic df Sig Statistic df Sig

Macrophage Smokers With P.E  .175 10   .200*  .908 10   .323

  Asymptomatic Smokers  .201  30  .003  .774  30 .010**

Test of Normality

**. This is an upper bound of the true significance

*. This is a lower bound of true significance

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Table 2 : Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Table 3 : One Way Anova Analysis


 95 % Confidence Interval

for Mean

  N MeanStd.

Deviation Std. ErrorLower Bound

Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

Mild Smokers  10  617.8300  600.9134  190.0255 187.9625

 1047.6975 126.70  2061.70

Moderate Smokers  10

 1369.1400 1362.1994  430.7653  394.6813

 2343.5987 228.00


Heavy Smoker  10  955.9300  749.9378  237.1512  419.4568 1492.4032 236.40  2344.00

Total  30  980.9667  178.8969 178.8969  615.0815 1346.851

8  126.70  4225.80


Test of Homogeneity of Variances


2.370 2 27 .113

LeveneStatistic df1 df2 Sig.

Table 4: Mann-Whitney Test

Table 5: t-TestGroup Statistics



10 20.50 205.00

30 20.50 615.00



N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Asymptomatic SmokersSmoker with P.E



Test Statisticsb






Mann-Whitney U

Wilcoxon W


Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailedSig.)]


Not corrected for ties.a.

Grouping Variable: Groupb.

  Group N Mean Std. DeviationStd. Error


Neutrophil Symptomatic Smokers  10  789.5000 571.5877  180.7519

  Asymptomatic Smokers  30 980.9667 979.8584 178.8969

Independent Samples Test


Levene's Test for quality of

Variancet-test for Equality of Means


95% Confidence Interval of the


  F Sig t df

Sig. (2-


DifferenceStd. Error Difference Lower Upper


Equal Variance assumed  1.469 .233 -.583  38  .564 191.4667  328.6547 56.7933 73.8600


Equal Variance not assumed     -.753 27.176   .458 191.4667 254.3135 13.1170  30.1836

Table 6: Correlations



    Macrophage BMI AGEBrinkman Index

Type of Cigarettes

Type of Occupation

NeutrophilPearson Correlation  1.000 -.030  -.057  .099  -.015  .255 

  Sig. (2-tailed)  - .855  .726  .545  .927  .113 

  N  40 40  40  40   40 40 

BMIPearson Correlation  -.030 1.000  -.289  -352*  -.113 .034 

  Sig. (2-tailed)  .855 -  0.71  .026   .489 .834 

  N  40 40  40  40   40 40 

AGEPearson Correlation  -.057 -.289  1.000  .667**  -.099 -.516**

  Sig. (2-tailed)  .726 .071  -  .000   .542 .001 

  N  40 40  40  40   40 40 Brinkman Index

Pearson Correlation  .099 -.352* .667** 1.000   -.012 -.357* 

  Sig. (2-tailed)  .545 .026  .000  -  .943  .024 

  N  40 40  40  40  40  40 Type of Cigarettes

Pearson Correlation  -.015 -.113  -.099  -.012  1.000   .323*

  Sig. (2-tailed)  .927 .489  .542  .943  -   .042

  N  40 40  40  40  40   40Type of Occupation

Pearson Correlation  .255 .034 -.516** -.357* .323*  1.000 

  Sig. (2-tailed)  .113  .834 .001  .024  .042  - 

  N  40 40  40  40  40  40 

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Table 7 : Raw Data

Type Pekerjaa

Usia BMI Indeks Brinkman

Type Rokok




n n kg /

m2 106 /

ml106 /ml 106 /ml

A1 1 68 23 680 1 Emphysema 900.0

61.2 319.5

A2 1 61 23 740 4 Emphysema 200.0

11.8 59.6

A3 1 73 16.87

1120 1 Emphysema 4500.0

423.0 2079.0

A4 2 71 18 1100 1 Emphysema 800.0

95.2 333.6

A5 4 68 21.8 640 1 Emphysema 2400.0

249.6 513.6

A6 1 68 21.4 720 2 Emphysema 2800.0

114.8 596.4

A7 1 67 21.4 670 1 Emphysema 5400.0

540.0 901.8

A8 5 59 14.3 644 1 Emphysema 4600.0

501.4 1131.6

A9 1 69 28.75

1080 1 Emphysema 2400.0

223.2 964.0

A11 6 70 17.7 1060 5 Emphysema 2300.0

250.7 995.9

mean: 67.4 20.622

845.4 2630.00

247.09 789.50

B1 5 63 20.2 190 5 Bronkovaskular meningkat


184.0 547.2

B2 5 60 23.05

190 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


79.2 260.8

B3 7 53 22.6 192 2 Normal 2300.0

188.6 1143.1

B4 7 46 19.8 112 2 Normal 5300.0

519.4 2061.7

B5 5 48 22.4 192 2 Normal 2100.0

216.3 854.7

B6 2 46 24.65

180 1 Bronkovaskular meningkat


67.2 126.7

B7 5 60 25 180 1 Normal 1100.0

107.8 364.1

B8 5 47 30.96

68 2 Normal 1200.0

120.0 278.4

B9 9 53 23.3 144 5 Normal 1900.0

159.6 410.4

B10 1 60 27.4 10 2 Normal 800.0

66.4 131.2

mean: 53.6 23.936

145.8 1780 170.85 617.83

C1 7 61 27.4 310 2 Normal 8200.0

787.2 4225.8

C3 2 64 27.6 230 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


87.0 335.0

C4 5 53 22.5 390 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


242.4 943.2

C5 1 63 25.7 258 1 Bronkovaskular meningkat


202.4 930.6

C6 5 59 24 490 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


704.0 3456.0


C7 5 57 25 400 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


399.0 1419.6

C8 2 59 18 468 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


92.0 228.0

C9 1 67 30.4 450 1 Normal 2300.0

230.0 662.4

C10 1 52 22.7 336 2 Normal 2800.0

218.0 1027.6

C11 8 48 27.23

336 2 Normal 1200.0

110.4 463.2


58.3 25.053

366.8 3330 307.24 1369.14

D1 5 65 19.6 1082 5 Bronkovaskular meningkat


229.4 1667.8

D2 5 59 22.4 1056 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


432.4 1826.2

D3 1 68 24.3 1152 1 Normal 1100.0

69.3 317.9

D4 1 57 26 648 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


768.0 2344.0

D5 1 57 21.8 684 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


288.9 820.8

D6 1 68 23.9 658 2 Normal 2000.0

174.0 564.0

D7 1 77 16.6 660 1 Bronkovaskular meningkat


121.2 236.4

D8 1 68 23.62

1020 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


173.8 1097.8

D9 8 57 29.36

608 2 Bronkovaskular meningkat


212.5 360.4

D10 1 62 24.69

630 5 Bronkovaskular meningkat


156.0 324.0

mean: 63.8 23.227

819.8 2810 262.55 955.93

67.4 20.622


A 67.4 20.622

845.4 2630.00

247.09 789.50

B 53.6 23.936

145.8 1780 170.85 617.83

C 58.3 25.053

366.8 3330 307.24 1369.14

D 63.8 23.227

819.8 2810 262.55 955.93



544.45 2637.5




The undersigned,


Name : Uthaya Kumar Nallayan

NIM : 0810714039

Study Program : General Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya


Declares that this Final Project is an original research, not an acquisition of others

writing and thoughts which I claim as my own. If later it is revealed that this Final Project

contains partly or wholly plagiarized of others’ intellectual work of any kind, I will readily

accept the sanction established by the university on this matter.

Malang, January 2012


(Uthaya Kumar Nallayan)

