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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1159

CD: 14

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00106948DECLASSIFIED

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llllWI(GllAilal AT 3 YEAR INTERVALS; ~w .AfiER 12 reARs

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Korean War Project USMC-00106949

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• • lst !!a.r.Div (Rein!), FHF Masan, Korea 110800 January 1951

E>Jl3A.'1KA:nvll v3JE:l) I

NUURER, • • • • • ,1-51)

lat l·!erD1v (1\ein!), lOss lst CSG, 1st. SP En (-1 Co), Co .11. 1 lst Amph Trk Bn, ·lst .A.m.ph Trac Bn and unit administrative echelons!' depart present locations b;:l motor march and water for deaigna.ted areas. This order provides for the water movement.

Di v Em to will coordinate t~w loading nf al' .. ip:ping at M.asan. CO, 1st li' 13n w--111 be respt,:n.Bible for upere~tir-...g the port of 1fasan during the outloaC.ing 1 and will conrd.inate the unloading of division shipping at dectination.

3. Orga..ni z~ tirm for Embarkation

e.. Priority of Embarlre.tion - a.s directed.

b, Div .'Em1:{; will as\Oign LSTs to wrl ts as they become available.

c~ :;ot~ ce of :Berthing end Time of lo!:!,.Qing

Units wiil be notUi•d as tn be,-thlpg and time for lnai'ing e.n ehi:p-ping bec.n.mes e:va.ileble.

d. Working parties

Uni to will prnvide pet<sl"tnnel fnr lfle.dir..g n~m cargo and equipment.. Ind.iginnu.s labor will .nnt be use~,

o. Sccuxi ty

Unit CXJEi are respnnsible fnr :providing 24 J:rrur security fnr -v~;;:11icles and oe.rgn i.u. stag.tng a.:reas and. abne..rd.. sl:d.p. Fece::::~ar.r extra precautions 'Hill be taken tn prevent :pil:fo:rcige.

4. ~...-.n1ie!Ot .£'1 .. nr. "'<!rrntnment tn be Zmbarked

a. Class I

(li Water

(a) ~ne filled canteen per in&ividuel

(b) Water trailers and expeditiolll'.ry ce.ns for water filled



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Korean War Project USMC-00106950DECLASSIFIED

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----------------------------------IUld in brulds nf un1 ts.

( 2) Ra ti nns

(a) 1 day •c• ratinns

( o) 3 days :PX accessnries

b, Class II

(l) Cirge.nic

(c~) Units embark with all equipment cnC. Stlfl!1liea n"'t mnvcd 'W destint>.tinn by tr:uck.

(b) 5 deys expendable supplies.

(2) Replcn!~~cnt

C,..,gni z:ent service un1 ts embark all :;:-eplenislEwnt nnt mnved tn destine.tinn by truck.

Co Olc.ss III

Vehicle tacks 3/4 full; 1 full 5 gal can per li4 T truck; 2 full 5 g~ c<:ns fr>r Rll ntllar gas cnnsuming equipmo.nt.

(l) Cngniz.o~nt units cmbc.rk e.ll Olc.ss IV nnt mnved tn dostinc.tinn by truck,.

( 2) 5 fucys •".!lendable sup:91ies.

o. Cl.!:SG 'V

Tlw.t which is nnt carried nvorland in vehicles up tn 1/2 'JfF,

a. Soc a.ttc.clloc"!. sketch nf d~"~ck !'.rae. fnr l"'cc~tinn. nf E'.;.ra.ila.ble CE'Xgf'

assembly Ml~. vohicle str~&,'ing f'.Xeas.

"b~ Units will use Rbnve ee,rF'f' assembly E~.reas .;'.n('. vehicle ata.tdnt~ eroe.s only if una.Vl:'..ilnbility nf trucks--e..:p.\ifor ;listenca tn pr'\int of ernbaXk:e.iir"'n mak:es it impracticable t~ mnve ."":ri!J' e.nd whiclos directly from present 1nCat1nns t" shi.Pside, at time nf ln-a~"'J.P.611 .Div :SmbU will e.ssie;n. atae,"ing aree.s upnn roquno:t .f"rf'l-m uni~s.

o., Unit a ['.rlil ra"Wr.noible for mnve~nt_ r.f c:?.:r{;/' l':'.,n:.:. vohlclec f'rt-m asa6mbly a.rocs E'.n.Ct lna.C.ing Cf':b-" rmd vehicle::: c-.'lJr.D.rCi. :;;hip. LST:J must _D!"t be dol~..yecl for. w.nt r.:f f?c.rgn, vchiclos nr pcrsnnnol tti lna&.




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Korean War Project USMC-00106951DECLASSIFIED

• • --------------------------------------------------------------------------6, C<>ntrnl

a~ Embe.rkatinn Cnntrnl {Jffico

In .s-4 nffioe in 1st gp Bn· GP. Di v &nbc; will cnnrdin.."t te P~l ship

Tele:phrmo: "111 ZP_r;.'l Embf'.Xlretinn ln.: . .:"'J.nb from ti'.is rif~1co 111

Present telephnna Of'\mmunicatinn botwccn :Dmb::o.rkl",tinn 0('\ntrnl Office (Wizaxd :Smbco.rke.ti"n Cnntrnl) an~: ;:U.visinn U."li ts will be u.sod cs lnll& ae pnssi ble. A unit ln~dinb nr waiting tn lne . .:l which nn ln:ngor CE!.n "bo c""nt.r-.ctot'.. ~ .. to.1cpW!ll2: t~1.11 fu....-.!lis..."l a licis."'~n f'lfi'iccr tn the Emb:':.rk2-tif1n Cnntrnl Uffico nn e.n el'1"1UD.d the cl.nck b-::--sis until tho unit 1 s lnE'.diUG is cnmple tecl.

(1) :J:dts wilJ. util.ize i"own t:ranspnrtetinn as f£:.r as pnss:tble fnr l!lf'lvoment n£ supplies a:1.C .. equipment tn shipsi-:le. Request fnr e ~c:i tinncl. transp,.,rte.ti,n "t.d.ll be n:aL:.c tn Div li:!L at llize..rd 35 nr Wize.xd. 3I:ibc.l'lmtion Cflntrnl,.

( 2) Di v MW will pr"Tido and cnorC\ine. te too truolt t~ccnG;?~rtcc tion rcquiro(l fnr mnvomcnt nf Cf'.rgn and persf'nnel tf'l e.nc1_. within the c..:J.be..rl:x~tinn


(1) Rubber tired vo:r.icloo loss ccrtf'.in VmJ.S1 tr<>.ilers, enC. cnmr:runiCE'.tin.q vehicles will ;;n ovorla.nd..

(2) It is c.llticipatod tl>lt >ro.tor lift will be entirely by Lm.

(3) LsTs will be onmercially J.nedcd llll!.kin.; m.o.ximum uso nf

available space.

( 4) Vclli olo dr1 vors will embark abnard same LSJ: with vchi clo ••

(5) LSTs will be l.naded nr.. an arnund the cl~"~ck bash; until- -O't"lcylotoa..

(6) U:ilit COI!'.manders e.ro ros:p...,nsible that nn_ ur~it su;pplioe nr oquipraont arc J.c£t in the Mnst:>..n c~rev..

(7) Div lilml:O will designate Trnnp CI'Jllllk'\lldor wb'> will be rcepnnsi ble !'or loa.:!.ing the LST... Unit cnmme.nd.:;rs will insure thc.'l.t e. U!tl t lna.:ling nf'ficor rema.ins tn r;'1nrdinate '1lni t nutlnad..ing until ('.J.l scho ".uled unit eauipoentt S't>pplics, and. :pcrsnnnol· are embarko~ Un1 t lnacUng nfficers will CfH"•r"linato their loading with individual LSl: Troop Cnl!lLlalldors.



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Korean War Project USMC-00106952



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(8) 30 minutes prior t" estimetcd tioe fnr c<'OJplctinn nf lN'.cling nf e. sbip the Tro~"'~-p Oniil[jlf'.Jl.iur will en nr~t!.t'y tfu; Div Zo'b!J ~..L.(i. the CaptE-.!r. 0! tbo

shi:p. He will age..in notify tlW ::av Eml:(J •1fhen lna.C:.ir_,g; nf ce..rgo a..'l;i :pcrs,.,r .... ;.el

i e cnmple ted ..

(y) Units will bo praparcJ tn cnw-Jenco lf"'c..cUn:; assi~ed shipping nn 2 hnurs nt"~tice after being alorto.:l.

(10) :Bul..~ tmrf!!'i will be lM::-.i.lel on LST main am'!. tank decks. 1-iE.ir.. ckck

ca.rgn must be lna.d.ed in S\lch manner that it will o_o.t be ~nst !"lVBr the side

:tn rnugb. sees.

(ll) equipment,

U;rl ta will. b1 ve ta.nk dock space prt(lri ty i'nr tb:J l..,aG.int; <"'~£ heavy

Iltsnfp.r as :pn.s~ible snail vehicle~ '111.11 be lne.ded tnpsicl.o.

(12) If units find they will M.ve e.M.itinnel space e.vailablo in LSI's

eftor lno.il.illbo tho Dub Contrnl ()ffico will bo notifio( e.s ff>r in sG.v;,r_ce cs

pnssiblc tr> fp.cil.:!. k. t..:.: assi~eut o£ ad·::! tir.nE'~ unit equipment ll.ll::l SU;)Illios.

b,. 3.c:,un.rts

(1) U~i t !Xis a.rc x-cepnns1ble fnr tb.o I.n.L.l.O:\'Ji:lC rL'Pnrts "bei::.IG

submi tto::"'. o.t I:.mk.r?.P.tinn Cnntr(ll Dfflce at hnurs indicf'.tod:

(~) Sept-;rt d8.1ly at o6oo, 14oO aJ'....rl 2200 u.::til .ell 1.mi t

OP..rgn is lnaclec"t:

,l; Fercante.go (lf u..-u. t bulk ce..rgn lne.C.eJ. ebn~.rd ship!Jing,

,g. Perconk.(;o nf unit vchlclos lnc.deC. c.b~o.rd. sh.ip!oling.

'• ... .. :Sst:tuato 0f a{,·:litV·,Ik--.1 shi:ppiTit-; zpe.oc require'! in tcrzae nf frecti"'!W.l LST ta.-nJ.::: nr ::12..ill dc~rs

nnt alrceC~ essignc~~

( 2) Unit loc..dir::.g nfficE'.l.ro, ~uring the ln.!'...::.ing phaso. will repf'\rt

pe:t"il":lically tn Eobe..rl'::F.ti"n Cnntr"'~l. {;ffico ;f'nr e.ssibl-'lilCnt ('If a:1.ii tir"lnal

ship:-inc S);lcce l:'.s required;,

Tr(lr'IJ? c ..... ome..nill.or nf each SU.Lp \dll ::.:-u?.intEdn £; rur: . ..:'li:-~g car.J.fcst

f'lf tho oqu.ipoont,. supplies a.~d pcrs,.,nn<Jl by unit beinc crJbe.r!~ci. He will d.el:J,. vor tho Cr"l.ntplotcG. IJanifcst tn tho E::~be..:rlrr~ t111n C"nt!V'l I,Jffice prinr W

~,.lep~.rtu.rc t•:f hiB al'.!p. This r.1e.ni.fost !:lf'.Y 00 ~mJ:u.i tte1_ in the l:'(hl&h but aust

bo accurate, le~blo, and cnoplote.







Korean War Project USMC-00106953

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• ---~------------~-----~--------------



F. H. Mci.LIST:Sll Colonel, u.s. i~arine Qr,rps

AC<-fS, a.-4


G. A~• lHLLl...U-iS Col(\nel, U, S, ~~12...rir.e C('\rps

Ohio! nf" Staff


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Korean War Project USMC-00106954




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OG 13th J,rm;r OG X Corns Com Phil; Gru one CG Zd Log Comm (lMO mcs 00, FMF, Pac lstl·!.il.~/ MT.A.CS-2 llll-ci 1'\..l 00, latl-tarDiv .ADO C/S (l...1 (l...2

~~ H!lX. :Etl-t(}

lirdO oo, Rq1ln

""' lst 1-i£-r "". co, 5th fmr

DIST3!3UTivNt =y

.1./ ~~ Ji• l'l~ Ncl\LI~

Colonel, U, S. N"-rine Corps AOnfS, (l...l!

5 1 11 5 2 2 2 4 ~ ~

2 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l 1 2

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• 1st Marj)i v (Reinf) , nil' V..asan_. Korea llOOOO Jrur""->7 1951

CXJ, 7th l'.ar exo, ll th. l-ier CXJ, 1st Tan!< 3n a... lat Sig En ro, let l-:T :an ro, 7th l>:T En a.., lst ~ra. Bn 00, lst !-led. E'l w, lst am:v :an CXJ, ls~ S? Bn

. a.., la t .3ngr :Bn ,., let AETre .. ciin -· a.., Oo "A.",la~ruck3n OCJ, la:t CSG CXJ, VHo-6 Co10 l·iSTS 2d ll!Ll :FlngrO !Jig, J.d,j Surg

"" ... ,-~ SuJ;0

G • .t!.. 1-ilLLW·:s Cnlnn¥1; U, S, >j<,d:uo Corps

Ohi0f nf steff

5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 l 1 1 5 l 1 l

.\.nncx = t<> lstliar:Ci v :Eob ur&er l-51

nur1 A ~~l&u:n UR\ILfhhlll u ......

OOWMMUE11 11 3 lEAR lllER::lS; nm!:S!FI'D ~ma \l m ... - wn nm o~aa.1~



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