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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1150

CD: 14

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00106405




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• .._ __ .-· ··, -. . :. ~ ;· HCr.c.q.u_E>.!'tcr·s . 1st HE,rinc Divi-sion. rlcct ·Marine Force

Fl<;>ot ·~pat; Of,:fic:~, San F:ra.nci~co., Califo!"ni"

. l. '2{E:iV~ Jn1 . . :·Ser <'C6;i,5C.

. 6 D~cernbcr .l9bG

FERIODIQ .· Ii"i'2.'EL!..IGENCE SEPOHT l'!Q. .-:3

Period covered~ D5l8CO - CS139·~ Dococibcr 1950,

!W: A:'!S L75l KOREi> 1: 50, COO

a. See ov·:rlay.

HAClARU-RI to CV 5066; KOTO-RI; CHIH­HUNG-NI:. MAJO;( :JOIIG. - - , ' . .

c4 ·Idontiticetion_and Ordor of Eattlc,



G-2, lst 14P.r Div: 3 P01·.·s t8l:e::;l at MGAR-u-EI on 5 Doc froo lst. En, 2-57~~1 Regt, 84th Div (?) 26th Cor_.:s .. :;;:O'is _dosct·tocl on 5 Dec w :FLJport.~Jd .. tlJ,.c'y crossed YALU about 20 days ago,

·-arrived .tn e.rcn 4 milflR north =-!.A.G.A..'i.C'­_RI 02?.3CO._ Dec. Stat-3d 268th 2.nd 289th _located north of 267th .... At time FOj·.~s

-.dcso:rtcd, · C:ivision uc.s .i!l snmo area. Divisicn ncv8r vr..gP.god in combo. t, houevor, hr"C. some lo .3:- es as result; of air strik::s.. FoOd. hD.d bGcn ex­pected fro!!l tho r-.-.-~r b:_tt 1 t never arrived~ Er.ch regi~110n t had abou·~ ~.::c horses,

lst Hnrin,;s~ CCF PCT cPpturcd 6 Jc~c. From 3rd. Be., l78th "~ogt, 6Cth Div, 20th CQrp~~ S~id l7St!l~ l7gtb, <'lr.Q l~Cth w.ere loco.t8d on sEst s1dL of 1.-fSR at CV 5766, ::toli .~v0d C6!";3C·CI by l72nd RGgt, 5t;3th Div. Sr.id ell -throe regiments JT:ovcd _to north. (ll civi_lians oent to roscuo ':·rounded nenr I~O?:-=:-RT '!..;rere . captured. in th£'. t s&m e nrea.. They wGre ta~":.Gn south to CV 5,~57 on 5 Nov whore 2 oacc-~pcC .• ) PC~-! sqid 3 Ens executcfl artb1HJh :ligf'_t of 29 ~-:ov.

061130 - G-2; :::;_ct; Y~r =)iy: ?C~,r CPTJt'..treC 051100 east :IAG_:::_F.:.r-?.I c::!.~.L~_E.t~C. ·Go .. b8 fro~ 228th ~cgt, 76th 7)i v, 2-:.~~, Co··":"--:-~·. Said :?.27th Rcgt r.lsO in tll.:~t -vicin5.~,:'.

~~ill: IX IV ·r:;o ·.,_};~:::::c E nK .:-::;::; s:'O ACTIO!,- :::,=-:::~::,:r-: r:'


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Korean War Project USMC-00106406--,. ~ ~ ~ jio.

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06160,5 -


• lst Mnrin~~: lidund~~ P01< captured ori' s· 'Jlec··:a t KOTO-TII clcc~mnd ~»d Dr. 568th.Regt_, 4th Div (?), 2oth-Gori;l~. Said .his. regiment ems relieved by clemont.s ot the 30th Corps, and thut his regiment was to move north to Hanol;.url.a, Said thoro '""8 one regiment west of -KOTO-RI ·ana.· throe Ci'.'.s.t of KOTO~P.I.


a. Surn_me.ry •

( l) Tho tank-Jed l:~~i thdra,.,ral from HAGA::i.U­, .H..l. got under i:Jay in ce.rly mbrn1ng c.s our forces mo.' cd out 1n1 tially E'cgflinst slight res~str.nc;:; thv.t quickly stiffened. RS the enomy def:;rJtcd from fa_vornblo high gro11:nd nlong both sides of tho HSR, D;.:i'ing tho morning, hu.viost rasist­anco came f'row the high ground to tho JL'._8t. .h. st:!'ong pock0t of ro_R1Stnn(~·~ ·FnE __ .encountered at SAlTGGARl:-RI, holding up the c.dvc.nce ur.til the enemy could b2 cl±'ivvn out by elr a;.1d ground o.tt::.cks. -,.i0athor thC:t clo~ied ·in lt:.-:;6 in the· J;JCrioC. slovrecl C.or.~r_n .F. it' str_ik2's and limited tho ad.vcu1.cc of" :ror1vn.rd. clements to ::': point sor.tc four or fivt miles from YOTC-:--RI 2s tl!c por.:ioc1 ended. AI -r;ornoon act~on ·nas m>lrk€!0. bY hc~vy hs .. nd-to'-h,and :fighting. As tho J,.cr,_ding clcmcntri n:ovod out of 1-:.AGAR1~_RI £>.n cn(my con­centration in t.h.:: high grom1a: to tho eP st 'orne hit by [! _ co~bincd 21r and groru1d o.ttack thf'_ t dispc:rs<i\i .. the oncmy nnd left the high ground in our contrOl. A P O~Dturc~ ~uring th&t engage­ment fdye[~lcd tt.c prolv:cble presenCE:. of the-25th CCF_. Corps in tho £1.:ror. c:::·.st nnCL nc;ri;;hcr. st; of F_-\Giill.f-RI. Pqs C-il)tured r:.t ~(CTC'-RI durine; the morning indicated the dispositiOn of at le~st t1vo. divisions bct~\rccn ::;o.G·AE: --RI e.nd }~CT""-RI with riloro troops leer~ ted_ to th? wcs1i•

(2) .C,t the sc'.r'c ticic, :the cpor1y forces wBnt int-o action in the l1;:.JC.P JCi~G- CEI:-~'IGl:G--l1I -·&ron: Closing tho H~?"R in thrc0· nop,'l.rPtf" but

1 coordinntod. actions bcti·lrc:c.n those tt..ro points. At St·I'Cl"IG, 75 CCF ".Vith .s.utorr.atlc waap6ns, m2.chine guns nnd sr.1['.ll :1.rms lr:unched t~'io different tttt-.·.cl;;:s on friendly forces .:::_t ?~_:Doi,!G, IJ;b.e f'irst Cilf:10 Bt C:bot·.t nQlCc'O 8.nd Ht'..B. drivtm

.off uhcn c, r'..::licf pr~trol rrom tho 1st En, 1st .·l{urinus ·et C:-r:~·s~:::G-l'·:;~r-~~:->~\:,~~,..., i~~~ ·After· tlltJ patrol moved. bnc.K to ~..~.--::1:·_:-.-~ ~- .. ,..L, o. second stront-_,er ::-.tt~_ck ;_,_r.:-cs st..-_;5c.C~. -S.!1.0thcr relief :po.trcl helped to -:l.ri'J·:;; t· ct. tl-.!.~ cnc::rry r_nct ths g~r1.no I:ngin2cr .. : ::tc.cb:ncn t tr,c·r~ Wit!', its equipment ·v:LS niOVOd to C:-::;::~"f-~C_·-:_:....,.··~.,..

South of .sr:r.:::-cG,

,~JF~·:.L.-IX IV 70 _;.~~·TN:X FbKE::t 70 :S'IVIs::;~; 3F:-.GI.rtL '4"''~._- nmTr\7,- r7""'!"Ar'-m

-""-\... _,_J.'.Jf. .n.:..; \..J.'. 1.




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Korean War Project USMC-00106407


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DECLMg;_~. • ~:t SllDIX IV ~0 ~.:..~-ELX b--~KLR TO -~CTIO!: FI:rCl:\T

DIVISIO:·~ S:ti:CI.h.L

1--fL<.rinc convoy t-;c:-.. s attc.ckcd bY ctn cntir:J.o.tcd 2CO enemy about C611CC, · !li-.l:f -r.vay bcttwcon SUDONG and !.1.;\_J:)N JONG. Last reports indic.o.tcd tho.t tho ro~d- r.1nd c.onvr:v· wol"A in cm·:~m,f h.':_nds. Air re­ported r:.n cstl~at~d-encmy co~pany digging in along the high ground j u·st east of tho "ttP.ck site. An Army cowpany sent out ~s a roliGf column during thG afternoon was reportedly pinriod down by hccvy ent:or:.y fire and Uncblc to pull out as tho period closed,

So~o 2 1 COC yards northtiest of I.UJON DONG a tank led armli inf<:it~ ry patrol nne. a platoon of Marine tr.nks moved to tho v1c1ni ty o:r CV 0840 'JJher.O eome :l:CC CCF troops ·vere on­countered. Tunk machine gun fire killed an es­ttnatod 30 GGF troo'ns boforo c:.rc_:·.ring b[Wk. Du~ing the engagOmont ~~emy troops tried un­successfully ~o u.sr Holotov COcl'i.:tr.ils El.ncl satchel ohc.rges against our t2.nko, No friend­ly cc::.suRltios ~t.rore :suf'fcre?-.

A late report from the 95th FA Bn quoted c: clvllin;~ .:-~f? eay~ng thnt tho villcq~::ors

in INHUNG-NI ( dV 6728) hed been told to move oUt bc:cr.uso of an '.trPpGnd.+ng communtst o.tt.?.ok in thf'.t v~ci~i t~r t9ni@;ht,. RepOrts cOntinued to .indicate the in'flui: of enemy into this gonoral aroc end. tho lncrcnsud movement of :fleetng re­fugees soutCit-rcstwe.rd into tho immediate ·HAJili:Ul:G n.rea ..

. b. Enouy ~n.c"'0ics <'lnd ~·Tenpons or other l-i~tcriol.

05213(, - X Co-rps: Intorrogntion of US PO::'s ind.id;-- tG c·CF usi.ag Cbcmic:<:c!. typo grcn!'.f1.oEI ~ Described as 11 PC~'~.,.·-'OT: H.h.SEE!1. 11 typ\.·:, appr"oximntcly ~6-to 10 lnchos long ~,rith Rmn.ll charge 3 to 4 inches on end.. Civ~.r~c bursts (described as lov; ord~r), en[!nating ycllot~ish smoke, <:~ggrovating coughing nna. sneezing, giving positions c.we.y. Shortly tberca:ftcr, pos1 tions c.rt; showerod with 1iFrQgil r.riC. nconcussionn gronad.es;·

·c. Oper'ations Of EnG:ny Cot.lpo~ont EleDcnts.

(1) Air Force,

--.:: b9rr:bs o~ropped R.lld CP strafed f'.t HAGJ.RU-RI e.bo.ut C522CC,,


Nega tl-vc~

~-1.?P:~n:::I:K IV ~C _,.._NND·~ B.J<-,~l. T:) JIVISI-:::·? J~):~ci;.,L

AC?Ic:~ ~r~o::_T '·

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Korean War Project USMC-00106408

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(sY .kl:\o~ed,,c~a, Ko.tor~zod Units•

·iNGgative,, ;

.. · ( ()) ArtHl.ory. :'• '


( 7) Engineers;

VH0-6: Vicinity OV 5•1661 on.e l"oc:d bl-o.Cl{ an_d bri.dgo blp1vn •. _

.,; ..

VlrC-6: Air ';r·eports thrc..: .. roL:d blocks· Vicin;tty 5563.

lst 3.n, · 1st r~!nrincs: BriCcg:o blo•-;n out D.t CV 5e-,;,sQ.Cut. cnn be Py-pcssod e!'csily.


:( Corps: Air 'm;.~-d. si;;rikes on t1•to


en.(;my troop· concentrF.tti_.on.s at C'51~.'3G.

One nt. 0V. 5541 e.nd nnothcr :.scr:' ynrds northe2~st.. Small groups ona_my Moving · ~~est .from. I-ItJ'KSU_-_RI dur·.ing <.~f'terL::Jun .•

060915 - lst :cd, lst I':nr1n6s: Sighted 5 cnc:ny hv


tilD "'P .. "'-L A:r-rn.·v n~t:~~l"ll -r1 "t"'r:::>cl on ;~~ti;~;t-~d· SauCed. ~t-T~~~- 5S~66~-. . .


T.AO: ~irci['.,f't hi::;ting positions nt CV 5271. Enci:Iy clis:pers.)d- Pt 0;1 f167,

06110~ - VI-r.o~s: obsorvcG. cner;i;y· troope di~·giUg



in 565~-i:..X'I', cs_t_imC'.tcd ;:Sc troOPE?·: In. v1D1ni.ty CY 5654GO on0my dug in .• .Appro:::1r.:,e.tcly <10 enemy dug ln ... :.Obst;:_r"~.(Gd. eru:my troops c?.l;l· CV 5.:t68LI<l r:wvL1g. to d..rr., .. ~ at CV .5468AB.. Enen:,r troops· en st Of · .. HAG&'tU-RI dispersocl under air c.nd ground

-.nttnck~ ·

Llth I·in.rincs (R2ar OF}! ?hr0q members of H.cUVJIUNG Secret' Police pick<cd. up rncl reported_ thc.t 6 NK sold.iors lo!ore going to e.ttack the A:ryr.y '!cspi tal 121 tocl~.y.

~-2FSN;-: IX IV ':':: .--iCTIOn ;:·,:_:ro~=< 7:


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Korean War Project USMC-00106409


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• .riPPE!,;r.IX IV:- TD · ;.._NE~X F.:.?:::L:tt rr:(', t-JtVISII·:r SFt:C}:AL ~CS:IOF ?.:::FGET


<f-2, .ls.t .. l~~E.r_ .:P1v: H.c's1s.tal1cc·- to ·our ad vane e stiffening 'on th6 1cr"t ( EMt) flank. ,Pr?gre_s.s · v~ry ~slot:'.~

. '·-' ;_._; 061HO V!W-6: Tank firing at· enemy vicinity

OV 5_06BEJ .aetd .. CV 5-168AB. Air_ strikes Tn-_progr!:lss- at thc.t_ point-,

0616•.:5 - 1st l~.'.'rincs: Air report~d th.e f'ollot<r­!ng:· .

At CV 5751"! 20 enemy, At CV 5-~ ~811 tc 51570 one enemy company. At GV 5<~615 undetermineq._. number of

eceroy. At CV 5062:1. to 536Ei .one enemy ooi:!pc:l'ly. At CV 5259! undetermined nunber of eno­

ny in house. At CV 5755 estimated_ 2.00 _enc~y in ra1l­

roa0: tun;nel.

061 ?GU - '\J";.-~:--6: Ur.d-;;termincd. nl.Elbcr at CV 5563N7

061730 - VkC'~ ::.: ~-leavy track activi tv to u:.atoon posit~on ~.Ct CV 5-~618. Co'.'p[cny posl.tions a·.'; 0V 536:'N - 536lN. Con.pany posi-t1.on s on ridge fro'm CV B-i5s·r to OV 5·~57G. A.t CV 5259I2 enemy obscrvea. aro\lnd house. ·Possible. troop billet ·~t pv 55·q4s.

06:j.8?D 1~{3,:,, 1st lftar1nos: An estio8tod 5C-7'5 vn,:;:::1y att<:cked. our forces in vicini­tv of' S::'D::"EG tlro -different times during

·.ihc day. T~ne Mniincc Enginc•J:r Detach­ment 2-t St'""DC:-!G. '~ras h,i t by nutomntic

· \"IT~E'~ponS, ra2chino gur.. ~:;,nd srnnl.l nrms firo. A relief p'atrol from lst Bn,. lst Nurinos drove tl:e cno::1y off. A second. and heavier !'..tts.ck, ;,r~.s lfl,unched in c.al.•ly .aftc·::.r..-·noon. A second tc'lic-f pri­trol and the E:1gineers ropul ood the att·t:.ck. Our Enginco!',S 't•roro pulled·

._bc;_r~k. Ener::y' noH oontro: R tho MSR f-rom SUDONG- s9m0 3C{]C-t1CGC yarC"S south.

06183r) _...,. Tcink Bn: .'.:?ank pl:~ t mn supportE;d __ by _ 1\.rmy :Infnntry encountered e.pproximntc.ly 1CO CCF_ vicinity CV 58·10. Tanks mo"{od out 1<1thout Llfnnt ry to CV 584C CDHI ' killing z..,i~ esti:1ated 3C _qncrr;y. -CCF att=pt to use l~olotov Cockt;ails "nd sa.t<?.h81 C~;.arges ,,ri_thout success ..

(9) Oth:-.;:0_ EleD·:.·nts-,

·-f;ega.ti ve ..


~FF~:\'C' r: IV T-0 nC;:,IIO:·: ~c:si':OST

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Korean War Project USMC-00106410

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Loss~s •.

cl.l]T'1ng period

Kll to date

.. ·,

a. Horulc.

d. Ste-sus o!" EnGilly .~dministrntive Support. Neg:, ti v_c __ _

1V.ca+;} •. r· :CorccE-St C6l~UC.- C7l6(:C•: Erokcn to ~- 1 ~--~-~z.st 25(JC ft. tOps 6CCC ft be­coming S0.C ,: :~: t:_ J. clouds iatc tomorrmiT • 1V'ind­lJ'OStarly lC ~~.ftR. Visibility 8 miles. Mini­l!:.:.un tompcr.:-,ti..l.rC l5 degrees. ·1·1aXilf;\..l.ill ter;.1pcrn­turc 35 d.ogr...;cs. ?1"ecipitat10n - scattered anov.r flU:."Tics throughcut area tonight. Resar­voir a ret~, ovcrco.nt Bro - 10-:JC . ft. tops SCCC ft. boao::ning GonttcrOd by 'J93C. \find N1i 10 q.F ... ~1:. Visibility 2 miles in hazo improvine; to .8 miles by 0930. lJ2L1i:.iU.r::l tr.::i·:·:pero.tlire C degrees. Maxi­mum temporatu:;:->e 3C 6_cg_r~es.. SL:nrise (738. Sun­set 1705. :1oonri s0 C OC:·C.

a. As O:r 5 :Joe 50; :rour h4ndrod c.nC.. seventy four {.J/7-~,) Chines'..: iZt·.tiDnals ~consisting of l3C families) .ire rosiO.:!.rlg 1r~ Eu.GgnCtm C1 ty ~ During tho Worth Koren G;)vorr.~-:::tsnt rog1rno, r-.. 1:. ChinCs-o 1.-Jationals wcro con't:~_'oJlc;ct by tho Chinese Cvcrsoo.s r·odcre.tion AsEocin~ion (COPA.), which i•Jas on ~1 Nation-1<1ido love:l, 't...r·ith, Prpv::tncial e..nd City Branches. Chinese ~Tntionnls 1\(0rG permitted me:rrbership in, the North Kor:ca Lnbor Pnrty (HKLP) (Leftist). ':'he Chinese l'k.tlonals +'ron tho Bllllgnrun area, \•rho~ hp.d j oint.~d tl)c FI\L;F, fled before th.e ndv.:mco of United .i~E<:ti:JnS.,Forces.

b. Necessary arrangor;.1ont G h2.~.re bo...:n como=..otod · ror tho establishment Of Rcrocn:'lng points on~ all roads leading into S:ungiwC". fror" the ~Jorth. These screening points nrc td b0 :nc:.nncd by Hungnam Ci tyPolico, c1ur1ng da.ylig~t, hoL!rs only.

c •. In.for~H?~tion po..Ssod to Com;rranC.ing Offi.ccr,


····• - 52 -


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Korean War Project USMC-00106411

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~ *a!ia~rnm J • ., .tb1!-BIFSBC pr mp .. i;"f:-TN1X :S-~~KC3. To· T)!V:!SIOY J3FECI.c-,.L ,C,.CTI01' :o~F~"lT

2nd Enginec~< Sl'>cei~l Brigade (ESi3) "at )Iung­. U1J.Jll ·Par~ to the et'fcq;<;, thri.t ft Jr>"pciu~sc Na­.t:to-rt~i ~ \\rho vvas bmp16ycti ,as n e-tc:Vodo:ro .i climbed thG mast of tho Shintmc-n:tJ.rU ~.nd made a ·Skc"tch.ind1catirlg tho J.bciation ot guard-posts •. This infol'llla';ion, plus in­formation on supplies, cquip:ttant, ·nnd per~ Ronnel p~.ssing through the Port tacili ties J •ms passed on to Koroo.n contnct~ by bu1'1al in a tin can r::-~t H dosj.gn&tt:rd~ spot. ':'his espionage ring shows connections >tith the Japc.n Cor.m:unist Party (JC?) Subject sttvo­doY'o htlR bocn returned. to ~C1kjio fOY' fur-ther invo?tigAtion. ·


No chnngo frow_ PIE tJo. ·::02.

BY Co: _I.:..AND OF K.AJOR r<" ~-,-- ,-.,TT • iJ.:.'Li.·.l.-fiO

E. H. SN:;::DEK~R Colonel; USi-'lC Deputy Chief of StJnfr

O.F F _I C~I A L:

E. G. vAr-: OFJ4,!,J.' Lt. Col. , USHO Assistant G-2


CG ADC C/S G-l C::-2 G-3 G-4 Adj T:'1!"<t"f/"'( !! ouv l s t H,C.1l. lst l'!~r

5th Hrrr ?th ~~b.r 11th !1E,r lst Tk En· lst Engr B01 lst· SP Bn lst Sig B(l · lst ConServGrp lst Serv Bn :!..st Ord Bn lot ~/)~nphib !L".G-12 Rcn Co X Corus 3rd Inf D1v

(::. ) 'l ' ·c' ~ \ l, I , '

. \ J_ J

( 3) (1)

. ( l) ( 5) f' I ~ l. i ( 1) ( 5) . (_ ~~ ~

( 5) ( 6) ( 2 ) [ l) ( l) . (l) ( l) (l) (1) En (l) (1) (ll (3) (2)


'lth Inf D1v (2) ·±1st Brit lni!~e·v FJ1 (l) VI-i0-,6 ('-'t.Radvell) (1) Vl10-6 ~~! CEC \ .i:. J Fl~F' ?=C (::.) F}!F ".eY':: ( l ) HC.3 2nc'~ .. Er.:t• --D.i v­I, ?bZ -Co.L'}).Ei liiS:J.

ll \ '-' (:_) (l) ( :;_) ( :;_)

AP?:"::l'iTIIA IV 70 MN'NE~: B;,K:F. TO DIVISICI'T .3:;ZCL .. .T, AC~I.G? R_EFOR7

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Korean War Project USMC-00106412

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ist c/o Fleet

"Headquarters Harine Divj:s_iQJ.1 7 Fleet Hari;ne -Force Post Office, San ,Franci~co, Ca1ifornia

2;~GV:jnl. Ser. C.C60~5L

"5. December 195C

Period covered: C418DO."- G51800 Docon:ber l95C

BAP: ANS 17 5~ KORE..~ l: _50, OOG


a. See ov~rlay,

b. Point of cont2ct.

No chango.

c .. IC.en1:;ification and Oretcr of Eattla.

P'·i· oa;;tured [• Decuiub::_,r• at Bagaru-ri claimed to be from the 23Cth Fegt, "77th Div, 25th CCF Cor;Js. He stated that the entire Corps rrohahly c.onsisting of the 76th_, 77tb. s.nd 78th Jivisions, was in this area, prnb2,biy bct"r...:cn Ragaru-ri and Koto-ri.


a. Summary.

Enerr:y aotivitios lr,rorc at a J2inimum during the day vi th no engq;ements reported anVivhcre in thl~ DiviRion 8t?Oto:r. ·"£he most s1~1ficant reports revealed at l~ast several hundred enemy moving north and 1-rest toltard Yud.run-ni and then cutting southwes"'S :for a possible by-pass of tho HngarJ-ri arer:. anC. morG southern intercept of our 11.32:1. Also, liuring the day vchlcle tracks·~rossing the Chasin P..csorvo1r cast of Yudam-ni ,,~Grt. ro-ported. Reports of enemy betlJeon Hagaru-ri and Koto-ri py alr indicated 11 ttlo cnsmy a.ctivitv bv troon movement ,,rhi.lo olosG e.e:r:tal rcoonnaissEmce or the raod betveen Koto~ri and Chinhung-ni continued to point out. many unoccupied. dof.e:nsivo positions overlooking and. covering the MSR. Air and. 2-.rtillcry strikco uero continued ag21nst on<:.my targ8ts in tho Hngaru-ri area.

No :further reports Hel'J ·.1'•::-.ooi v·cd of' en Gilly movomcn t to,~rar(~ I~aj" or:!· ~ong. No enemy contact~-: wCro re~ortc-:=' t!:.ro~_:gl":out tl;nt area. as the period ended,

.Al'PI:~!I"IX IV '.;:l!J ..--....l\!N2:X: BAK[R 70 :)IVI3:LC~: s:: ~:CI~

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\ ®ooa~san~IDJ I

2£ a

b. EnemY Tactics. and liqP.o.ons or other 11ut.,rie;L.. -

,Nega.tiv.e. ·

c. Operations of En'emy Component l:lcmcnts,

,.., I:; t'.l"ll"lr' vuv;J\.fV


_ .... (i) ,.ll .. !:r FOrce •



·. ~ ._.

Adm-J.nistrECtive Units. Negative. l . ' •.

Anti-AirQraft Defense-s.· Negative. \. .. . . ' ,- -· . .

., (4) Anti-Tank_ Units'.'' Negative.

(5) Armoo:-ed find Motorized. Units.

G-2, lst Ear Div:. Cn~my convoy of undetermined s_izc hit by pight heck­lei's at f)V .;~·es, north: of YUDA1'1-NI. One ·truck dGStroyod.

X Cor·os: -~t cf;r,•Jec road from southern tip F~san Reservoir to CV'8259. Road ehowS muCh uso; mfmy trcv.;ka but no acti­Vity obscrvo<l.

CA 4_404 to n-orth tip Clhos~.n Rcscl'voir also many tre,cks but no activity

··observed. ·~ ··

05134C - VH0-6: Vehicle tl):'.o tre.cks obs0r•;ed on ice from CV 5'175 to CV 5476.

(7) ""nginccrs,_

Q50930 - lst· Bn, ist_J:.·l.e.rincs: Patr01 on 4 Doc reports roe-d. blcck at ·cv 5654·.

·(sJ rnrnntn: ·

041820· TAO:· Air struck crio:ny·1J:i pos':j.tions €,t ,.... .. ,.. ~,..,,..,"'T·-,-, ..trn'""Z: ,...-!7TT,'"l'n.'; 'ArJf""J"l.T.tT .... \..IV "± ( ,,_,....,,~ ... -, •.ro rv V.tl.J... __ .un .. : --r r, 1 • ..1..~ ............ ,

4871QU, 477c:::J and (870nEF vri th ex­·collcnt results. Enemy occup_ies high· e;rou_na_ from- CV 576C qorth, dld not appcar:·to bo in gvcett str--ength. Many

.. unoc·dup·.~·od trcnoh\Js ·_and fox holes.

0~1900 - Vl10-6: Heavy enemy conccntr.stion of \':Poops L: s· 'C'C!CL-L': ( CV 4867F~), ro­

, ported. <i.U:ring oe.y, Air struck enemy .at.·cv ·4757~ 476f., 406SV v-,~ith napalm_, I'bGk:;)t e, .VT. Qpn:bs, ~rG.fS bombs,· 20mm

· · · · a:nd 50 c~;t.ib:··r d.uri.ng: _;:;_:ft".:?rnoon ·(4 :9cc).: Believed to'"l:t.lVS ·tnflictGd

· · .. so;j · casuil ti0s ·an troop·· in t:1a t aroa. A;:>!Jroximt.toly 2000 CCF in fox ~'ales

·-~_;::·~-~fuix IV r;o nl\TNEX .BL-1.K~R TO DIVISIC~- -3::·_:::cr....;r..;



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• A.FFEi.f.0IX IV TO rlNNE:~ E;.sr:R TO .~G':'IO!i EEF"OP.T .

DIVI SICY .s:r:ccr..:..r.

arid P.lit ,tr¥'1c;.J.cu?.in v:l.c1n1ty GV 4571, 4671, 4771, 4F<71, 457C::, 4-67C ana. ·177G. :?he so positions were hit by air! after Rtr>tk . .; onamy started. up the ria.ge to ·.take up firing positions. ~roops wore dc­ployod. Ad.d.itional air strikes brought qn these troops~ Broke them up. Troops started. running tq >rest, Additional air stri:<:cs effCcti"t'"e .. 'Thr8.:: enemy rr.aoh:Lnc gun nests and l+ncs of foxholes facing east overlooki.ng airfield. 2 lines of foxholes grc 50 vards apart: Approximately 75 yards

·tv-est of sOcond lin.J of f'ox ho:::.cs in grove of plno. t:roas are a<ldi tional ane:my po el_tion s. F·irst rorr or fox­

_holos, on.Jmy ob.serv.ed watching air­field. ':'hpse posit ions arc at CV 4-969!0,. ~4, H3, H~:!:,_l~, L. Air strike not mado ~ ·

042040 -·x Corps: Air reported this after­noon thc'l. t muny troops and pack Lni­mals are moving south from 6C to. 75 miles north CHOSIN Rcecrvoir,

042134 - X Corps: at O<U7C5I c.ir. attacl!;cd 10, .:oo to 15 ,ceo cn2my .mo'ring south yioin:t ty OA C431. To~~ring n.rtillBry or su:pplics. ·

05093C - 1st Bn, lst Marines: Civil:ian re­ported ,CCF <;>ccupying village to loft of HSR at CV 5552. Reports from patrol states enorry positions in high ground fJoth _aid. 08 -c-f roed v~Cini ty CV 5<:5 5 ani ·qv 5156 •.

051215 - VHO-S: Obscrvod s~all gro•:p;:: _')f' cncoy· up to ton in number moving north tm,rnrd YUD.rlH--!H and WG stwnrd on roc.d beyond YL'IlAM-NI. Total approxime.tely ,l·K enemy.

051345 - VJ{6-6: soc - a;.•o troops sighted vici-nity CV -1:374: moving" E:J:::."'th ulong road to re)ad junction at CV •1l8C then turned southl<ost· along ro2.d toi;rard SINPO-RI ( ~v 3272). ·

051400 - Vl-10~6: B;,ilding and tunnel CV 5756 at Sl:""Na~.f-RI rcpo.x:-t;:;d tq shel '!::8r anomy per­sonnel... 10 2<:ctinJ,..ly seGn.. r:;:ra~ks in -~rea 1·ndica tt... :--..:: .:J.y n:o:!.""'d.. Als·o observed Ycstord"y Fr· ,......: -- ...... -1-~+-r "'··.~e~ ~rora this c.~ : .• ·~t. i!J..;--~.-~.:-. ...... I...·L: ·., .1.. ,_J position c....o;..rn ov-21~ -~:ll,-"'" pv0r_uo.K..J..ng road •

.APPEFI--.r~ rv '!'G· h.rm:x BAKER TO· ~~rvr s::,'.>:;_:.y ~-=· rcrL.,.L AC~ICt ::?J:FO~.T



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E-­F F=-~~. ,__ ~


~ ~ F=


• D51S45 - VH0-6:- Enemy troops-reported moving

\Jout)-)west <>l!t ot YUDAH-NI throughout d.aY. Fr··om F ... AGARU-R! south to KC1TO-Rl sm·r .only 5 en_emy in are£. of stalled pon_voy ~ · · · ·

(9) Other Eloments! Nognt1ve.


Lo-sses. (POWs and .. a. Estir.wtcd Enemy · Casw::.l t1B s 6)

/· > •

Good to excellent.

c. Horalc.

Good to .exce).1Gnt, . .. .. . ~-

d. Status of .P:ne:ny .iidmlnistrc.t1ve Support.

- )Ieg~tive"· · > '

e. 1\fenthcr.

\ieathcr forecast for J5240C - 062400: Cloc.r to fatv .sc"at.tcrca. clOuds ovc;r. entire arcO ..• Visibility 8' ~ 12· miles lessening to 6 miles in haze by midnight. Resorvotr area. Visibi-· li ty will bo 2 -- 3 milus .in hto~ze until C9co· when_ it will lC~crcE:se to 8 - 12 miles. No p::-e­cip1 t&t1on. 1·1tnds rr·~ 8 - 12 miles • ~oVJ.l.Il.iHlUill temperature tonight lC degrees. 11ax1mum tcrnpera­turp :tomorro"t·.r 0C· dogrQos, llcscrvoir ai'ca. M.i..nimturr te:npcre.tu:.:'c tonight mj_nus t~n d_cgr~e.~. Maximum tetnpera.ture tomor-ro:tr, 2C degrees. Hoon­riso OoOC. Hoonoet 1356. Sunrise 0737. Sun­set 1705.

OCUOO.L 118< . .-:,cher 8.1/ nungnc.m Senior High School rcport&dly · spre~d_ me: J lcl ous communistic prope.ganda tp t.he. sf,Ude.p"f:;S, and. persUad.ed at least ·nine {9) ·s·tudcntS t;o' jotn the Noi'th Korean Peoples Army -(:NKPA),. Subj set teacher currently holds the posit;ion of "-dmln:tstrative Education Sub-Section Chief at; tl!G Hungnarn City Hall. · In­VG.stigation complctcQ.. 0-nd rcooDrJ.cndation for re­moval o! said. 6ft' lcial fitts be.ep passed· on to Hl;IDgnarn Civil. Affa.1.rs O,f:fi ~D.r ... ·

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Korean War Project USMC-00106416



. :: .. (:]_) I,repeiJ:e .. ~qr :~ t):rdraWJ.l along the

HAG~U-Rt - H~l1.H_U!.JG-, .a;-:is .. 9Y everY- m}.c .. .u~·s possible 111th an estimatQd. -t1;o C:OF div.isions HJ.lpported by an urtdcterminod arn·ount of artillory,

(2") Att~.ck tbi- ,,'~thdmwing ol0mDnts of the division from flll ·sides at··any time ,;ith an· ostir.:tatod six CCF divisiOns sUpported by nn un­dotcrmincd amount. qt' a,.r,tlllery anSi.' armor.

. • i . '··

(3) Hcinfarcc :the _above capebili_tiea at any time with GGF and NK units ~f undetermined strength.

( '~) Condu~t small scale he.ras~ing attacks.

b, Discussion and ·Analysis.

(l) The enemy has sho;m no inclination to attack our forces at; .2AGARU-RI, p)"obably choosing to lrcu.-lch h:ts ccttacks tu"1d conduct h~a defense. S~!OlUltaneously ap 'th.e DivJ.sioh' uhdCl"­takes tho slaM wi thdr9J<i01l from F~G.-L"\G-RI, Th:,1_t ht:1 tnt rmd r, to de!ly our moVO!f•Gn t- Shutht..rard by ovory mcnnG o.t hand hos boon confirmed by numerous reports of his defensive .organ1zat.:ton. While action to blo\1 bridges and craters along tho l{SR has already bGeli taken by the enemy, it 1s apparent·. thv.t· inuch last-minute action has . been hold .ir, abeyance pending our actua::. inove- · mcnt- dm.rn the road. AGrial rcconnal:::;su.:ncc shown many imj_)ortant bridges appa:rvntly en~ trenched. while sen.llcr sur:.ns h[I.VO bGCn blov.rh. Tho enemy is h:!.t,::h1.Y CQp::-blo of r·sn~lcrl!1~ th'e > circuitous roat-·thrcuch 'the :pnss ·south of- KOTO­RI impassable bY· Cl.;.:.;Joli t~or*c. Such Et6tlon vJould mn.kc our forces··· l"".:J.;;2;h:! .. y 8X".::orsC. to enemy flre­fro;rJ favorablJ'and--,_.-J..::ll propt':.rod. positionS.

(2) Tho lac:: of activity in the [cl:'Oa eouth or· H.il(Y.d.Rli-hi for the past t1..ro days hGs given tho enemy an opport1,>nity to regrouy his forces along tho M.fiR and to Clone reinforcing trooPs in p06;t tiOna to und·;::;rtr~:kc off9nsi vo. · action o1 ther agtcinst our i.inits at ilAGA."\u-RI or n.~ any dosiJ:·cd. p.oiht to the south. TI1o cr:.p­-turc· of a -p:rt-Soner from tho ??th Division lends credencb to tbo _presence· of nmv ·units 2-lr:-·P.dy in the imediatG r·rec.- nnd uncommitted. It is hig!1J.y. 'P6sBi.bl'J ··thet- the eno'fuy- no'N consists o~ the 20.th Cor-ps PAl Hell as elements of the 26th, 27th ancl 2-0th Corl:;s·. '?h:; eni.::my total is. con­sidered to be :c:. t L:;0-8-t . 50, occ to 60, r;oc in the Divis.ion zoncl . eapablc of r:-.:.cticn __ a~~Llnst our troops, T>fith t~~ :!_)o:_-:_ibility o.f :·.ri oqunl · number of rGinforccmontB still u:1'J )rcfil"mCd --~ ·--~~--~~~~-~ d .. ~~~ ~~~n- ~nmh1nrA . ;1t11 l.l.Lhi~t;;~~bi:tt;.· ~~~r-rr~G&6f, ... f~~;·l~C:t;t1c~:l t1es 1 strcngt~1·on8 his_ f~t-t2.ck cn~"'\r.bi::!_i:·~y

.A.P;F:;;:;NDIX IV TO .. ~~·f\1:'..."{ :s; .. K2:~ TO

.\.CTION RSFOR':' . ,,,

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• matorin!..li. · :tnadditiqn prcs\!mca, ,Oist,r1bl1-tiqn of h:j.s fQrcos providq; the "nciny "i th the. capabl.:i-.1 ty of, attack throughout almost the cnt1rv lcngth·o:(-thei HfiR ~rtth tLe most r~ccnt ·aot;iy~ty occurring· arow1d liAJON DO;.!G,

C3)·~~6'c.crit troop- Iiiovem·~mt a~d -·n:-hiclG sightl.ngs il'ldicato thnt tho cnooy is undertaking· large· scale. reinforcement of this arev... The ne;riod f)VRr' whtr.h t.!"1nP.n. nh­sc!'\t.ations lkwc been made ~is such ~8- ;;; ~ilw the ·entrance alr .ally ititc. the CHOS!N Reser­voir area of. considera'bl,e nt,llll):iors, Su.0h a · reinforcement capability will hc·wo ~:in impor:tant bearing on the succos·s bf our rr.1sc1on, ;)ith ::~~~'1-8:Y" ~l~~iV~~~-a;: .:tncrce.se in enemy units V<.:l.J:..!O,UJ.U U-'." <,.;UW1.11 ... L11H:j~,!.l.<4

c. 5 a(l) ( 4) •

Rob-Give Probab!.lit-y or Adopt:i.or:d, e~ncl (2) concurrently 'l'fith 5 f1)3) e.nd

BY· C01{[C~.!ID QJ!'. N.AJOR GEl~::::&.L sH:~H ~

E • ~ _-. Si;JWEKER 'c ::;J..o:i·a:::.., · U$i~C D't;.;!.;u. t.Y ChlUi of s·tu.ff

C J!' F' I C I A L:

E. G. VAK 0Rl·!Aii Lt. Col~ I ua:-:a As si~tnn t G-2


CG ADC f1 IC!. ~I"-'.

G--1 G-2 G-3 G-. eo Adj FSC:C lst !-lAW' lst l'iar 5th Nar 7th .,. ---


llth lvtc:r lst Tk Bn lst t'n D'Y" Rn

-~~o~ ~ .• lst ·sp Bn 1st Sig Bn 1st ComBe rvG :l_i,]

lst Scrv 5n 1st Ord Bn

(l) ( ' '

'•"f :,"" ( \ L I

( l) ( )

(li ( l) (5) (1) ( 1' ( 5) )~( \.OJ ( 5) (i) h1 {i) ( l) ( l i ( l) ( l)

l.st Amphi b ':':r.·ncBn_ {:!.) liAG-l~ { l)

' '.PFMN"T'l' I'/ nn nJ.:. r...~ J ..... ~~ ~·v

· ,-~...,T.,rl" ;::~ntJt:"r .r>-V.J..J...J•'- .t.•!.;.>... v.:.~.J.


.Ron Co '(l) v Corps ( 3) A

3ro_ Inf Div ( 2) 7th Inf Div ( 2) --:l:lst Brit InC.8p :-IE '- '

\,({) VHC-:-6 -Lt. Vli0-6 Cl'iC · "'~ ':-:: . -~AC ··-?~ .:? ' . ·.•f"T


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Korean War Project USMC-00106418DECLASSIFIED

• • Hcndqunrt ors_

·1st Marine Division, Flc6t Har:)_nc Faroe c/o Flo.ot Post Office, San _Fr-~e1~co,-i Q£!.lifornin

. . ·,. ,... . . -

· 1:\:'Ei,fv': JJ.ll ser 0059-5 ·4 .December :L95C

PERJODI C Ii'.TELf..lG::NC,E PEPORT llO: 41 ,,..

Pc.riod cov.erpd: C51BOC c: '6418.:::{ Doc ember l95C . • . . : , __ ,• ·-1-:lAP: .AHS 1·7~1 KOREA ~: 5C ~ CC')

.-, :~

1. El'rDN S!TUA':::I0N AT :&:;:m· OF' PER!OD,

a.· Sec ovorlay ..

b. Poiht of contac.t, .. .

·EAGARU-RI and KOTO-Rl Broa.

,. (l) Tho following code n~r.bcrs of CCF

units are taken from X Corps· ,; 68,. da t cd G324r;CI:

t1,TI'r'. 9th Army Grp 20th :hrmy (Corps) 50th Div l79th Rce:t 276th Rcgt 2nd Bn, l79th Rcgt


~3 6 cr 5~

971 762


One P'ol reports that the 39th Army, desig­nated in mid-October tll8 "55th Ur.it", >Je.s. re­designated o/a 24 Ncv tho 11 \:i~ntsin Un~t".

. (2) ;;: Cor-ps: KLC (.->gent) reports: 2 Doc

obsorvod B,e>r:o CCF from l24th :Jiv r.t CV 5658 •. Ee.d old and worn uniforms, CCF officer said l24th ~lD.B ordc~_t;d.' 'to take }-lu1.G-r . .EL-RI by 5 Dec c.nd. CE':P­l;uro 6, CCII trv.oli:s lo8ded ,.,1 th supplies. 021515 this group bogan congregating at ZiillONG (?) f'or t.hn d'Y'1VP. nn HAGh~1li-MT- rrh8.C.A 'tr'nrlnA h:"r_.(l r~o ~uppli~s ;;;; ;;1i. - - - -- · ------ - --"- ·

( Comcy10nt: 4, occ \-.roul:-d htJ clo ~cr for l24th, Tho feet of no supplie-s and old uni­forms is consisten~ w1th knmm OCB of the l24th. Supposed to have bc~n.oommittcd YS 8th Ar;n1~y. This "1ns first tri~? fo.(· t;h1t: KLO.)

~. sUmmary 4

·(l) :rw only ongilgcmont·s reported

APPEN!:·I:: IV ::'0 _.:,.t-0rL:-;:. E'AKI:R TO LIYISIC:-~ 3::-LCI.AL AC7IO:-·. r:sro:::T

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Korean War Project USMC-00106419









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• s;.K£R ~0 DIVISION 2FI"CI.h.L

>~ithin the Divlsio_ri soct9r· during tho period occur:i'od w9s:t of BAGrlRU-RI ;rhcrc the _enemy. made late. attempts 'to c·ut Off· roi!.r eler:1cnts o:f the oth; 7th 1'\Ud llth HerinG a ns they. . . neared. the _comp~b4~f~ni_ --of .n9vcn.)n~ tc HAG~~.u-· HI... Tvm qrt_illcry bntt~ricS co..:ug.l-tt heavy onemy_ attackS before dE-.~,vn ·rron· v.n undetermined niunbor o:f enony, · The a tt~ cks >Ibro thro•,.rn off

,--. and the con1io )/ COrllPldt Gd the throB-day

( ordora.·d ,;ithdre.><a.lT.l.at. e iri. the p.or·l.od~ Sniper fire nncl hnrns~ing_ ·ano~y eqt1on r,_ras encou,nt-or6d up to ·tho }tAGJL"'\tj'-RI 6.cfcnsc porime_tcr.

1 At the SE'J!lC · .tl.mo _anc+ coVering; this rncivc_,. 1\ e.ircraft continued dovastdiing ntte.cka on

ono~y troop movements nnd instnllntions. 1 llir 1-'...1 t cn_c.tny conccntrn.t1or..a tlro miles !1orth­

ucst of HAGARU-P.I 11he:rc ~" civilian hnd re­ported 10; 000 CCF troops c!'.rlicr in tho iky. Air 4r~d reported many cnomy troops with 200 horses in this samq ~ocala tho procOC.ing day. P.oports continued to incHcntc strong enemy concontrntions Southt'li'ost of- HAGhRU-RI around SUCT.dOL-Lt (CV :~767) 1 while <.". CIC agent reported 306 enemy throe miles northeast of HAGARU-RI plcnning an ~.ttacl< on p_J_cto.~U-RI ~on~ght ... ~:.wn e~ir s~ri~o vas made on tho ScCHOL'-LI arcn later in thc_dny a 0::tlnst troops in tho ncnrby deep ravine e.nd on tho surrounding high ground at CV ,;,757, CV "1768, cy -1868 and CV -1969. Five strikes ucro nade, ·plnstoring tho entire area ''·•ith napal1:1_, rockots_J'_ bonbs a_qd machine gun -firo.,_ ~stimated ?5-80po+ cen-t ~asut1.l-tici!:i inflicted with dcnd so,on throughout tho target area. Enemy occupied cntronchrncnts south ot I~G-:'iRU­HI along both sides of the HSF T!oro coitrlrmod in the day'' s rcpo 1~t s, . · :

(2) C'ho cntr'J of cncoy roin:forco-monts into the Division sectors crr.s reported from both t_hc north, Cf'.et __ and 11ost. h.ir conducted hocivy str1~:cs during tho night q;r.1nst much vohiotil[~:t· tr-::-~ff'ic eouthv..rr.l"'d- frow c-:_..::..NG­JIE. During daylight hours r. c1 Ylliecn re.:. ported 2,000 CCF moving southwcetl·mrd r.pprox­i!:lc:tc~y 25 miics north,n:st of HAHHl)NG-; nnd f'_

TAO with tho 7i;h Inf:cntry Rogimcnt rcportoc • the or.st~>rard tnovonont of m:cny CCF troops :from Hl"KSL-PJ:.. ~he fnl s-sion i p ropo~todly to s over our Hsu at 1-I.AJG:· DONG { CV 58~D) • ''horc nrc v.lrcaely in thect vicinity r.n ostimr.tod eoo CCF troops. s:rho onctny has prov-~oiiSl:r bc.::n nctivc against tho HSR no1•th of n;.~Jor-: DG~TG, v;.tth a bridge out nt CV 555-~P c.ml, .~'- r::tilroe.d bridge blow:n ~t, CV 565·.1~. J'"\.ri r'.tt.::.npt +:o clo.se; ~ho piss l·_rO.ing to KOTC~~:-: froo the south h:-'s been r:w.c1.c with n sog!:wn t of the n_ ... rrm:-1 ro.~c~ blown •.


- 61 -


.. , !::-~-:-::

• "II ~- -~ .. ':'; ··.·. "'~-,"

! .-.

Korean War Project USMC-00106420

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~ ih __ _ ~-~


( 3} COI:JN~yF~-~: ~:eportod Chln;,;s· o "munist troops hr"v" white pr_rktcs tvhich m~ko into -top03s _ duririg e1r £1.ttfl.cks.-


Opc·r:ctions 'or Cnoo1y Cooponcn't E1cl'1cnts. ' ,•



t 041500" division •·.·

. '

(1) ·Air Force." Nogo.tivo .. -

(2) h•lr:~f-ni,$t!';:"'-~ttvc ·.Un:l.t!:l-':

yri6-6: Artillery reports suspectcc. . enemy CP e.t cy c868~-N.

X Qor;os: C1vi11 n rc;oorts 3 different CPs in Y~;JG .... C .. ¥G-~ ri ( ::n7 1;;02} op 3 Dec •

. .-. -

_ Hcgr·.tive_. ~ . .\.FF"t:!-!DIX IV -~:~· .. ~.i~WI:X EiJ(!:S. '!D ~~CTIOi'! EEFOF';:


(DOD )liR o200 • 10 t

- 62 -


.:: :_ ·.•·

~ - -,;


• -i-" ;.



Korean War Project USMC-00106421




~ j;""


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• ACTior,; REFO~.T


{ 5) Aruore_cl End Hotorlzcd.. Units • . X Corps: At CEall(}JIJ' (CA •1529) Gnemy V_oh i cl os strtu1g Out ov cr thirty in1~os ooving south. &>.t o32o3c, 20 or these .vchiclos struck by dr, l·!orc strikes being made.

(6) Artillery, ;.;cgati vc.

ll th Harincs · report bridge bl01m by enemy vicinity CV ~772.

0·:::1730 - V1,I0-6: ~t CV 655~.i:P enst.:;rn t.c.lf of bridge blotm out; •,·rill teko rrrjor rcpnirs,

031830 -

RJ,:Hrocsc bl'l<l.go over roci'- at CV 565iQ blowp ou1;,

(B) Infantry.

VL0-6: Enemy reported on Hills 1682 { CV S:370) and 1765 ( CV •Jc269) rAr Jro 1:1 t by ~:eir and r.rtillcry. Enemy sl.ghtod rS-rtiroa.ting east at CV ·.!:472B. Lnemy dug in u t CV ::77gJr..;: anc1 on l'.iJ..l c.t CV .J:27lQ,. ltaoh eVidence of enemy in· vilbge nt c::c'CHC• J«l'J(} ( CV 5066N) .·

C3l835 - ~i-0: -·-dr stri~:.es on enerr..y troops in high grounc. fr01o ~·:7<5? to ·i873. "11 enemy ro.n to sec on<l£>..ry ronrt thRt pnr::.llels me~ in t·ram .:;,5725 to ~.1:8 70E retroatec1 in south1:.1est direction seeking shelter in houses; or,ny hous~s bu.rnt.. ~.:..s troops r~n out of houses, they 1'..'6:1:"0 hit b~t .ni:r strikes. ~IJUIJero us e~1eny 1-dlloc!..

032015 - G-.2, 1st llrr Dlv: Cl.'f1l1an reports mn.ny CCF crosser1 the icc fron: 8RSt to 1vc;st in vicinity YTB;J.r-:;rr.

o~.iol0<15 - G-~2,,_ lst I·lr:!"" :!:iv: Civilir.n reports iG,.COG CC:fi' Hovcc-:.. i.D.. c.-:-c~:-. b:Jt~rcon PYEGCUK ( CV DC 7:2 ;, r'.!Y-. ::::. __ ;_:_·v-HLTG--NI ( CV -~975). .·~1r t:trL:.:..::~-. :..:ncny running into h~1Ls.

AP?I]\DIX .l V ·_:·v .-.~-:tr=-~A B . ..J..:~L;_ TQ 'SI""~i"I SI:=·=T ~::: ::::::Cii~L liC~IOr~ L:=FORT

• •

- 63 -


:·.:.:. ;.~4

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Korean War Project USMC-00106422

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~ ~-..,­.. L-~ -.

·i­~ Ire-­~··



• X Corps: Civilicn reports .. (C-3):. Lc.rgc nur.1ber of CCF movecc· from

. _SUOH .. 'CI.NG-NI ( CV 23 :·"o) to I"?2·:i'i:G-!·n

.. (0V 2635) c1ur1ng night :5-l, December.

O·~l60Q- ;;_;:?{ CO_r-J?S~ · _Civi~_iun to_lcphone opcrntor intercepted messllgc thr.t 2,coc COF >trc moving south frolJl EIJ':rG-NI (CV !3659), . : •. · · · . . ..

. J?~irch'?').~. ~tt~cKinl.ssion. a¥r1nst grouPs mov1ng cc.~t trom Rr:;~_:.,U-:1.! along ronCf to1.vc.ic~-- IlAJON-DCrG ct·.llecl for_ Q;a·>~O,

7th Inf AO.:?;ePOrtS mH~Y CcF moving east from H':JKS!J-RI to,•ri'u>d HAJQtT-DQ;TG (CV 58\)0). l;!issi,an to c.ut HS]'1.

041?30 - V;W-6:. Friendly, B;i:tillery fl:>.ed, 1n·t:;o lCC' enemy_ .at CV 5Lt58rr ,.' ct1.nsed 2C a·aSt-la,ltt'es. · · -

l:;nemy troo:t'n3 sql;itt$red .Hlcrig ridge fror:1 CV 5442H

6to. 54<:>80 •. 5C CCF in

buildincs ·at"', v· 5::')62i(L v:rere f'ired on l;:ly artillery, ~1~rO direct' hl ts Hl"~icl:~ accounted for many enem~.r c.asu<?.l ties.

(gj Cther Elements.


3 ~~. o~~ER r:.:r:2EL!~IG:i:":::r-:c;; F·~c-.:cns.

a. E. ~. st;1r.oated o,ns:r.:.-dasC~altles).

Losses~ tiG':s anc.

(l) :0elay l'Iar -

re9ort :15"::1

of enemy KIA by lst

. . ' (2) ~otal estimated KIA to date - 8062

· · (3) Total P''s to ~ate ~ 2.,&68

b: . Lnem;• Combat Eftlciimcy· •

Good to excellent."

c.. Morale.

~co~ to excellePt.

cr d •. St11tus of Enemy i.:'.c.•nistrative Support.

Ncg;ttivc •

. \I rather.

AP?i:~:!JIX IV '>) ~-~J\TN::X B.H..K~H TO I:IVI3:!:.C~: s:.::::,CI.h.L ACTIO!~ R~:::Or'I'

- 64 -


• · • .c.,i ~


Korean W

ar Project U



~~t1Miifil!' rj~~~r)111·1\1 ~.1' 1111 ~ I 11''1'11 'I'II'!I[!',''!Ji1'11""11rr'ITT11!1'~''11' ""'ll'~llllll. 1''1!! 'lfli"''II'TI'l'!"lf!T''IT''f!I~~1'1Yf1!111"f'lll'!'l'l ~1!•1rl' II '!ft'!"1Tll/r"IIW~r(IP~JIIf-.'T'"~~ ' .. . . .. . I ' \

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T:ifJ.;:; =r HfP'·_:....,Jtv u-~.:;.n-,~ (1 " ' c;r 'D~(J '1') • ~~ 1 v- rJ1:12- ·-=---

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Korean War Project USMC-00106424

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?.:CK!':!l. 1''<. J:IVISirW SF!"CT ~r,

.. i'·. •. Scattered oloud.s cl_es..tri_ng ·on "1-ltiSt side of mountains. · Scatte·r~i\ to b(ok<in cloitds alpng coast north. qf Hainhung·. "Chos1n Reservo1r areu. clear to sc;;1tterod tonight. ·n s1bil1 tv mo.re"tnan· 5 miles.Ha.mhung area. Reduced to -from 1 t.o 2 miles in ground fog. In Chosin Reservoir area clearing by .051000I. Frec1pi­tat1on negat1ve-..· · 'linds llght Nil tonight. Norj;h. to northwest :).D-15 miloo ·;ri th guo to to-· mor-row.. Hinlmum te.mp~rature "t!~~~ght 10· degrees - 15 degroes Hamhung. o·a.ogrees to 5 degtet:s Reservoir ar0a •. I,ia;<i:~nwn ._.toffiorrov.r _ 30 degr~Jcs I-Iarnhung. Reser·voir area 20 - 25 degrees. Sun­rise 050736!. · S1_mset 05l705I~ I·ioon rise 0501?6.

4. CC\li'!~ERH1:'ELLIGE!'CE.

" o.


No change in enemy cay.::abil:i.tics or dis­cuss1on frcn EIE # iO.


E '.f 'P~D"KER C~lo~cl :· ..... :;Si.w Deputy Ch.:c.:f of staff

EJJCLOSL'RZ (1): Grganizat10nal Chart Inf. Rcgt. of Cor:L,J1unist Ch.;tncso Fo:-ccs ..

0 F F I C I ~ ~:

E. G. V.l.N OR:'irlii Lt.. Col~, TJSl:~c Assistant G-2


CG ADC C/S G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 Adj FSCC lst Ivlh.lV lst 1·1ar 5th 1·-iar 7th ~~!ar ll th I-1.9-r lst Tk Pn 1st Engr Rn lst IJF.Bn

( l) ( 1) ( l) (1) ( 3) ( 1) ( 1) ( 5') (1) ( l) (E) I c) (5) (" ) hi (l) ( l}

lst 3ig Bn . (;..) l_st Gc:nJ.:rvGr; (l) ·ls.t Sc::·v En ( 1) lRt ere:. b:.1 (1) l·'«G-::..2 (1) Pen ·Co (1) X Corps· (3) 3rd Tnf Jiv. (2)

·7th Inf ;:Jiv (2) 41st Brit Ir:.d me (l) VE0-6~-Lt. ~1.ad1~rel1- { l) '1/:t-10-6 ( l) .Gl~C (l) .,..,.,.~.,..,., ._, ,..,. lr.\ Cct~ :=J \GI F'l~~ ....... "oo2·-".:'.' ( 2..) EC~. ") 2nG __ £·.r ___ , ( ~) :;: Ro~-: Oo:.--·-c ( ::__) HIS:J ~ - (:) Com~Jav?E ~ ~ ;.

a?F:::N!IX IV C'J .SW::X F AK'EP, TO DIVI32:C:' S?:2CT ;.L i..CTION' :::EFO::i.T


65 -




- ,j_-. .:Jli'

.·., :,:r.

' " ' .

Korean War Project USMC-00106425DECLASSIFIED

Period covered.:



a. Sec overlays.

b. Point of cont~ct,

5th .EL.~.'1Ci' 7th cv -0::175 Elong HSR to CV 5C73 .. 3rd- Bn·J 1st Hr-Y.: E .. ~Gl •. R-.'~P.J c.rer. lst H--- r: KO'rti-RT ::>nc1 ~HT;n . .:Tfl\Tf1_T·TT . ·-- --.- ----- ----- ---·-- ~- ....

c. Id.entifioation and Order of 3cttlc.

(l) lst l!urincG: 2 pons cldmed to be f'rom 2nd- and 4th Ens,. 16th Brigc:..de. PO~-E ··sui-­rendered, :'O"s stRtetl that Brigade arrived, KOTO-RI are~ 29 .. 'Tov, i!ission to set up block­ing positions and to foro perimeter nround. approach to west, Also states the strength of the Bna ~.:ere l50C-lSCC Fend thr-t of the '3rigE,:.d:e was 5CCO - 6000. Fnd ·15C ce.sual ti2s night of 29 l!ov. Reports thc•.t 3C0 troops h~.d deserted this tmit. SRid only s·IT\:;1_11 units o:r company size tvere probing llSP to South. Hnd no know~ ·ledge of units to l'orth anc. hc.d no associ~.tion bet1orcen the 16th Brigndo ?.nd those unito.

(2) p1J, CHili In ':'£cl, cnptur0d 3 ~ccomber 1 mile IT'' !IA.GAR,_'-RI, olc.inod to be from JiQrtflr Qq~th fln ........ -~Q_5th CCF ;..r·ty '1egt.

Forner Chin~se. ~J?.t1onc,list 1 he stnted 305th crossed Y.h.L[J _about a mGnth :;go. and w~.lkcd to the. gencrcl.l are_.::. t..rher·v captured on 0220GQ Docombcr>.

' Ste.t8d RegiiOlent ru'.il 3 battalions of 4 companies oaoh. Doesn 1 t knor.-v about other com­panics but said his company ~c.ad 16C mon and 10 of­ficers. Thinks otbors about thu same. 3C5th w~s never in oombat_ illl'til 2 Dcccnbcr.

1.fcw.ponc of eor:.pe .. ny inc~-L~.d.ed t;.,1 o '60mm mortars 1..ri th e. rlflo for e2.ch Sf uc:.d le.?.dcr and offj_cer. Ho sr .. id he sr:.',v tt:.rco B~mo .H.rty (mortrr) pieces in regiment.. ;~1 enlisted.

/ ,,PfENDIX IV .TO ,HN:::X B.-.K'!:E TO ciVISIO;·! . AC':'IOI'' REPORT

- 66 -

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Korean War Project USMC-00106426


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:I M~,~w•~w I • AFFI:lll)!X tv- TO ;<NFEX .BN\8..'1 TO ::)!VISION SPECIAL .i).CTIO!C pt.POJ:lT, . . -. .

!?:.tce:pi::~-th6se- -·CafrY,-ing m:?rto.rs· _carry· ocvcn rOun?:~~?f )taimo ~- · < '"'. · . · ;, l::ight- :bounds of rio.e iscued to each

ind'i v1i'l.1ial -a;t'tor crossing tho :U..L'J. l'o other :rood 'su_ppllds carried by unit, )lccrd :from other ·soldier~· that .S.1lino •'as to -be suppliGd :trom the ·roE.r-lEtt!fr. ' Had no knoWlCO..gc of other un~'til fn· thp are<t, -_Said _the ~05th arrived ln full strength e,nd-.lmew of no S:ttaohe~ _u.."li t s •


(l) The combined 5th e.nd 7th He.rinos convoy continued its tedious plann.od >~ith­draw::.l to HAGARU-RI during the pcriqd e.g~ inst varying sct\~tcrod to h&'lvy re_s:tst~'cn'2-c u.s t1.1r'

\ report·ea the for--ward elcme:n to loss_ than P. mile ') rrom th~ lli!.GARU-Rl defense perirr.ctcr at

1 ~~~i~~;_tle-~n~~~:.~o~i~g 6~i~~6!c~~P~t~~~o~~e~~ fr.vor'able defenpp tC:rra1ri q,s the cor .. voy mr.de diffic\ll t and slo;/ ':Progress uride:r enemy pres­sure from all sides., Air and artillery strik_es swept the ridges e.nd valleys' north

I and south of our forces, killing m~.ny enemy,

, A lo.tc report told of 'enemy in the h:j.gh ground .::tt CV ·137C ··ancl. CV 42t;;9 bGing hit by e.ir r.nd Er-tillery and retreating cast, Zne111y entrGnch­m~?ntc ~n high gro-und ti.t CV .:1.?72 lndic.:>t.:.;d some enumy resistance to fo!'1on\rd cl:;r:::.ents 't·,~as still to be expected e.lthough 1::-.test·e.ir reports sto..ted tho c.ron. to thC:: ront of the column rNna gentJrally. c1onr. Re~;wrts c_s ihe_po:'iod close~ still pointed to cndlny- troop con-ccntrntlons sou~h, weGt n.nd north, ifi th ~{'"J:;;..Ji).-:,;r nm,r ..:ncmy­hold~ No reglii,;cntr ... l reports of cncm;y ros1stc~ncc

·ucro r..vaili"-~blc n.t the Und of thL: period.

(2) 7ho ener:1y 11ns genorr.lly r;uict through­out the rost of tha dlvisicn zont~, ~r.ri th r;cided reports of enciily aCtivity south r..nd "t'li"CSt of KOTO-RI being rccc1vod. The Gne;ny is ;;ell .entrenched. r:cround. the ~ructnl i.JHSS south of KOTO-RI, >ii th c.n estimated two com:pc.nics in the high ground nro~nd the pass reported by c .lst En, lst Ilrrrineq_ pntrol on 2 December. Addi tiono_l road blocks and blown bridges were also rOportod bilt>lCCt\ CHW!iiNG.:.lli and KO':'O-RI, wl th enemy movement l"eported iiuring the period both e::tBt c.nd vCf.li;; qt· the l<lSR~ FUrt,l:ei- reports

_~,frum tho lst Bn,_ tst Ef'_rlnes, indi-cate th?.t . - BllffiA-RI (CV c1357) is tho pro·:x,ble pivot point

for r_n enemy d.i-visiorl' s ~.ctfCnc. ·r.g:\inst tl"~e :-1SH in the'" KD':'C-RI cqd, CHI:~HU!'G-::~:- o.'rcn,p ~ ~n _obser­vation post reported the ene~ny n0vtng b~: ck into tho valley- to the west ·of CYil1TH'U~~G-?I ~ Air re-

AFFENDIX IV ':'0 ;.r;:l::CX EAK!:R TO DIVI3Ic:· s:c::::cr;,.L ACTIO!" ?EFC~T

'~ 67 - \ ~~00~~~~·~\EIDJ l ' -


. i.:

. '

.-. :<

- ·'#

.. ..,~


, -

Korean War Project USMC-00106427


F ~--

~=-~ ~-

!;: --­~--=-~



·~ :

021850 -· VH0;_6: "1r destroyed a house victnity CV -5~7613 bcl~cvcd to be an ener.~y CP.

( 3) .h.nt1-} ... 1rcrt.'ft' tefonses.

(-J) .;,rtilbry.

. _ oOl4C·O ·- :l$t :Bn, Ol:lEl moll!ltain gun,· ?5L1El, on 1, 51·1:9.

.. !.

1St \,f~ .. r:!.ne s :·o~~ptut-od Dec. vicinity. CV

( 5} ~rmorGd ond Hotorizod Units.


( 6) _.{nti-'2nnk Unit a •. :


·-·{ 7) ::;ngineers.

G2185G - Vl!0-6: _;\; 5:3'1402; two t~nk-~ a nil q11e_ ·truck Wh'f ~h' ·han- hoen knocked out nrc

- ~millg usBci b'y thG' Onoby -~.8 !r· rdt,_d . biock •. _ T~is blcck is heing .covered -by ~J:C froops in positions :tt_ cV· 5374 -03-Hl-2. 3ridgc at CV 5:57bi, blovn :out. ' '

.li:PPEEDIX IV ~o AlTI·l"::X BAK;::E AC'i!O!: C\E.FO"T

68 ·.; ..


'ct'!;',! ; ft~::~ +: :.:_! .-.,·-::

"," -F

':;. ~ '?

-1 ·_··_;,; .. _ . .:.-

' -; !' ' .. .....i;.;

.. ( i .

.. --,.,,

Korean War Project USMC-00106428






~~-; ~-.-



;..,. X Curps.:.- Bridge-.. ·2 miles. DQ1"th of .:il{I).J'CN-DOKG .blown; • ·- ·

• ·r , . >' .. _...;-::.,-_~-'!- L.-.'_;_~-:- . :~( • .· ~, ·~Of.l?2bd ..... l.~_t.' __ :B_n; __ 'l-Bt _:l~nl;'~D'91l ·.l:'OportR hridgo

·. :. '·'·· .ilut·:i\t mv· 5456L3; rorcd block oovered ,... 'by.CCi' at this pcint •.

• :-·- ·,, ·-~ ,._;- - ""'~- . '· I.", • ·_; ·• '•; :

·~·· ·(8) J:nf~.ntt"y. -~ ~-:. -- _.

021806 - X Corps: Air states ro~ds jammed with ·1: ·, · mf.tl1.1' ·erlem:y tr--oops moving cftSt Et BA

~···.954-~; ..... ;- "·-::~- ... · . - ·,·'

021850'- v1W-'6: Annroximnt'clY soc enemy vicini­ty CV 5476~ .5477 9'nd.5577, In. the high grouna·cv 5880 observed cpprox1m:>.tely 500 · tro·ops, At CV·; i59BC·t<oll fortified with hund.r0d.s .. of· positions. · ·iC enemy in pos1 t1oris E:t GV 5374B-~-C3-Hl-2 gunrd!.ng ro-n-d. block c.nd e.ovcring main rol'.d.- I;;2d.i!1g s·outh, · H1_ll 0-t· CV 5·:.1:74

·hit 'by .C.hir' strike~; c,stinr.te 60% c~_Sunl-t1cs· to. enemy. -.··;Atr ·st-rike on ~:1: houses. one believed to be CF, at CV 537613; ho\lse« ·co!uplct·cly destroyed many enemy killed,· 9· air strikes nnde using bonbs, napalm, rockets end straf­l.ng_ on CV 6476, and. 5L.i:77~ f;esults un~ determined.

oz"22CO ltit Bn·_, 1::;~ Hq.rine~: :E:.s.tlne.tcd tr:.ro ,enemy 'compn.nfils dug in oc.cupylng tho snddle' r.t. Ctf 1?358 ~.nd· 5857 just south of· KC7C-R! and in ridge' line. to the

-west and across the- rOnd- at Pass to 8,-,st, VilL:gcs to tho north of CV

· 5·156L3 c.r<;> bf'vouccc C\rcas,

030915 X Corps: . '_!J.:,ZC:~.,-D:;;~G G'l 59·~0 \InS under E',tt,_ck' ·by a ·sm2ll-- gtoup;. r::tt0ck lasted

:One hour .:::_,Jpc.rcntiy [.'.. ·.scrocn:tng action to. cover ·.for ·ta;o bl'owing df tc. bridge,

·Artillery :coports tlwt the cn~ny mr.chinc . gun posit:i.'on"i<.tnrrt .~>ob'c buing constructed. · ·y.;'ste:rday and '1Pcter fired on CV 6235 area ~rc n_oV lL'1ciccuplel1.'

; .. · .. · C3ll25 X Corps: :75 - 200 enemy (CV 55~2)

: :o3l015 southeast of cNSCEG-tci (CV 56·1:~) heading southcE'--st· tot·Jf'.rd. :-L~TC:\i-

·NI· and ·.totl''rds' 1-!.'I.JC'·'-Dm!d-. · . - • . ' J

031300-" G--2, lst'il:r Div: 7th J:arincs reports ·' · 'cstbntec!.· enemy division between hor,d of

colur:a.n . ( CV ·1:373:J) n.nd ~1A.G~R~r:...RI.

03140(' VJ.10""""6:, A::-ti.l__:_cr~r delivering fire -i11to eneny position CY 59:1.

)..PPSNDIX IV TO ~l\NLX B.:.K:S?t To DIVISJ,:C·-~,7 3:?-:-'CI.~L ACTict:: ?2:FO?:T

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enemy mov1ngback into valley in vicinity av 51-;19. .Patrol engaged a· force or' some 300-500. e1;1~my in. this ·vici!)ity on l Dec, enemy was forced. to withdraw; Enemy had el,abors,tely prepared .positions 'along entire valley, centered around school­house •. 4v1dence that enemy is using much U$ equipment,

A vorps: At o.;;:i3Co. ail' .struck troops and buildings CV 527?. At 031345 air attacked 100 enemy in C'Jf .4178. At 031345 l5.CCF came out ~f hills to surrender due to the air strike.

2000 .CCF' .reported, at CV 4'7?3. Believe air has beim called •

• VMO:..q: Observed scattered. ·troops from dV 5552\rS "CO 6164~.' ~li vv 5361 and 4858 2nd Bn, lst Marines attacked enemy in farm ~puses and ~renches.

( 031725 TAO: 5tl;l and 7th.Harines c~nvoy 3-4

miles out of l'.AG.illu-RI at C31630 get ting excell,ent air support. ·



(9) Other Eie~~t~.· '

lst'Bn, lst Y~rines: v~V1ll&n picked up on ~0 Nov at YONGSU JANG CV 5~49, sa1i! he was picked up by 1'50 CCF on night 27 l'~ov to scrv.e as guiCtc :for blowing rail,road brl. dge. Did not reaCh br,idgc. Reconnoitered 1st En area and then cut over into mountains where escaped .the nc·xt morning. He said tho CCF tr:oops. were armb8 t~ri th rifles, pistols, and five hand grenades each. They also 11aa. sovcral· boxes about 12 lnchcs by 5 inches by s· inches con-taining demolition, (Possibly mines).

Tank Bn: 2 CCF, l NK and a civilian re­oonnoi t<>re.d bridge si tc yesterday after­noon prior to· blo1-ring it up:· last night~ lihen'the enemy moved during the night to bloiv the bridge he set up machine gun at the most favorable position to screen tlce d.omolition Work. After the bridge lead been· pertially blmm tho enemy >ri thdrcw lee.ving 6 deed. A pressure chS:rge ~>.r.n.s used to cave in tho sccond spfm. Bric.ge passable to jGep.

APF:S::NDIX. IV TO ;.ENS:~ :t ;,,K":L"_ ?0, Div= SION, ~FECI.AL ACTION fCFOF.T

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OTH!:R INj:'ELLtGf:NQE F .l.CTOR§' .... ·a. Estimated li:n~y~Losso~: · .. · Casualties). .· . · ..

. . •' ': t.: : . Non~. ropa,:rt·cd. . ~ . . ,1 .:-

b. Enemy Combat Efficfoncy • . :: j

·Good'- ·o:cccl1ent,

c~ Morale~

Good ~. ~xccne;.,t.


;. .. ·; .

• ~ . -- . . ....

(POW's and

'leather For.ocast C312f.C c ~1eco : Partly 'cl~udy to irJ()stiy clear.· 'risib~:f.Hy .

7 - 10 mi:Lcs CJ>cqpt 3 ;_ 5 miles .fornoon haze. 1Hnds light ve.riablc, Maximwh tcmpore.turo today 42; maximum -tqmperatux"G tonlorrow 45;. minimum tc:npore.turo tonight 29. Reservoir Area: Same oxcept.partly cloudy to occasionally cloudy. :V...ax1mu,.'TI t·empcratur-..:: todt~.y 26 degrees;,. maximum temperature tomorrow 3G dogroo s. !Upimum tempera turo toni~ht lf d~grcc,s.

'-. ,.


. Nogativo.

5, ENEEY CA?.'UIILI'~·rr;{ -~'" EED OF PSRIOD.

a.. Enymy Courses of ..:',.ctio·n.

(l) Atte.c)l: :front an:". ::l.&nks o:f tho Di­vision and attachod. l}n1+;s wi~h ftn-~cst:lmated five CCF Divihoris sup!;)ortOd by an imo.C>tcrml.nc\1 e.mount of artillery and armor.

{2) .. lmpod3 our pl~nndd. l·Y11JnarawP.l south along the HSR with an estimated ·t,oro divisions supported by an undetermined amoimt of artn:..cry.

(3) Roinforoo the abovo capabilities with .CCF and Nr£ units of un~oterm1ncd strength at any Ume;

{4) Co.nduct small scale. harassin!) air attacks. '

b, Discussion r,nd Analysis,

{l) Dcspi te tho h2£'.vy nnCl hiE?;hly ,)ffoct­ivc air attacks which the enomy his been subjbctod




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~(iJ@[J$$I~J!l • • 1: AHENt!x IV TO ;.}l!I'EX l;l;,;c£:."' TO DIVISION SFECIAL •

l :~::~t:"':~P:UDJ\l1~NI for th~ past; .. two days; IE_ his prlmc capability is stili that of attack-~ ing to destroy l.i'N Forces in thj.s arcc.-. ·Un-W questionably his ab1:lity to- launch full scare ~-- attacks against this D;l.yis~oq, J;w.s _been grca;tly F rc!iuceQ_ by his lo:ss_eS ovc.r the past few days, ~ _ yet ho still has a highly effoc_ti vo_ and . ;F mimerically superior force· with which· to con-CC: ·· tinuc his mission, His mobility and:i.nd0pen-~ - donee of ligistical suyport operates in his

favor even as it militates. against thG accom­plishment of our ordered >~i thdrawaL


, {2) The enemy 'tactics in the past have been t·o conduct attacks against our ·units in coord1na ti-on with road bloc ·~s cut-. ting off ground communication leading to the, forces attacked, That he may ,be planning strikes against the 1st an<;l. 2n\[. Boa, _lst Harines, may be indicated in tiie ciccelcrated enemy aotivi tics both ca'st ana.· I< est of the _ HSR anO. in particular west and aoutht;cst of KOTO~P.I and. CHil'~U.NC--;NI. . P,ur:tng t.l1o period. the . onGllly tried. to. <ins troy a bridge at li:,;.JON DONG-; t<as encountered. in· undetermined force hv Armv unitA tlu1"'1nl'i ·t:hn OAV At. MA.Tnl\T nnNG-· vas r:aported mov1ng~b,;_ck i;;to the v.:Cil~,;; . ' 1fhich loads onto ,thp MSR at CHINHU:IG NI;_ · a.':ld W[l,s reported building up his force ut HUKSU­RI, directly '"est of J<!A.Jm' DONG.

(3) The crucial factor at this time is the. cfficicmoy 'iii th which the enemy can reinforce his troops in this area, Increased offensive e.ction against our forces at HAGA.B.U­RI and tho movement Bou.thwarCl_ from there mD.-Y be expected coincidental with the.arrival of reinforcing enemy units. It is considered that largo scale action will be held _up . pending such help. It is possible that some of these reinforcements have c.lread.y ar:dved in tf1e area but not in the desired force. Too 1 his forces in this Hrea may shortly bo strengthened f:com both tl;w Ollst and the ><est with rosul'tant eneniy c.ction agllinst our J{SR oxpGcted from those points~

c.- Relative Probability of Adoption: 5 a(l) and (2) concurrently with 5 a(3) ·and


E. \ T. SNEDEKEP. ColOnel, USl~C Deputy Chief·of Staff

0 F F I C I A L;_

E.G. VAN. ORJ-Li.N Lt, Ool., USJ4C .Assistant G-2




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DG ALC C/S G--1 G--2 G-:3 G-4 Mj FSCC 1st I-iAH lst Mar 5th Mar '7th Mar 11th Mnr let Tk En lst Engr Bn lst SF En 1st Sig Bn lst ComServGrp let Scrv Bn let. Ord: Bn

. l!AG-12: · Rcn co· X Corps 3rd Inf Div 7th Inf Div

(1 i (1) (l) (l) (3) (1 J' (l)

. ( 5) (l) ( l) ( 5) ( 5) ( 5) ( 6) (1) (l) (1) (l) (1) (l) (l) (l) (l) (3) (2) (2)

41st Brit Ind.Gp HH (1) Vl<0-6 - (Lt. Radwol1) - (1) V!I;0-6 ( l) CMC '' '( 2) FMF :PAC, . ( 2) FHF 'LFJlT ( 1 ) " MCS ' (1) 2nd Mar 'Div (l) I ROK Corps (l) !USD (1) ComNa vFE · { l)

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--Headquarters lst Hr:rinc _Division, Fleet !4urin.o Force

Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Ce.lifornia

. 2: rov: jnl · .: Snr 0054-50

2 December 1950


Period covered: Oll80o - o2180CI December 195o

!Uti': AHS L75l KoREA 1: 50, COO


a. See overlays.

b. Point of cont2ct.


c. Identifications.

A 7th Infnntry Divis :.on source ind~ic8tod that the 70th and 80th CCF Divisions were operat­ing against u.s. Units east of the CHOSIH Reser­voir. llo ne;;, units "JDre identified in the Divi­sion zone during the period,


a. Summary.

· fl) The enemy resisted fiercely the move­mont of the 5th and 7th Earinus'from YUDAH-NI

. tow[",rd RAGA..."qU-RI as he fought 2._:·determ1ned, nttack­ing defense Of the J!ISR, defending from favorable high ground positions i"nd n ttr.oking our forces vi -clously from nll sides. The two regiment .convoy 1 s foremost element was reported by acrli'.l observer f'.t 021600 as being at CV 4273, approximc.t, ly !'our miles ~outh o:r J:.'UDi,H-NI cc.nd some rive miles west of HAG.il3U-RI. Tank led, the movement uns stopped by a blov.m-out bridge:, vihilG numerous rond craters and rand blocks still rcmrcin rclong the J.!SR to HAGARU-RI. Tho enemy lc.shod out again throughout -the night in 2.n. obvious attempt to overrun our positions as he struck in coordinated attacks from tho south, southlorest, west and north e.gnin st both the 5th E'.nd 7th Harines, continuing the attack throughout tho day in conjunction vith his stubborn defense of high ground defenses. Dcspi to this dof'ense and tho .:~tt['_cks, our nd-vance contin4.ed. for so:no 4, GOO yL'.rds dur.:i.ng tho day. Heavy air strikws ,,,ere conductucted ag~,inst the. enemy as observers cont:!.nu.:ui to report a do­tense in force 1•!1 th nn estimnto6. one tO t1--.ro enemy divisions blocking thQ route to HAGARU-RI. Heavy fighting und intense enemy t'i!'c me. rk8Ci tho


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the day's activities .•.. .'I:he main force of. tho '61ttack dLtr1ng tho night l..,Hs throlt;rn from the north anct nor'l:hweet by an c~ti.mated two battalions, With another two battallons hit­·ting .~rom the _aou:t.h and, ·West, The day smr close fighting on all sides of tho friendly ror,OE!, , High],ight od. d1,1ring the p<;>riod WAS the junction of convoy elements with Fox Company, 7th Har1ncs 1 Which had J:~een cut o:t since the countero'ff'ensi ve· began.

· (2). At .. the ~a:me f1me-l1t.tle enemy co.ntact was recorded throughout the remainder of the. Division zone. The focal point in the HAGARu..:ru:· arc<• .. was onst of tho CHOSIN Reser­voir where U •. s. Army units fought ~gainst a largo enemy force entrenched along the MSR south to. 'HAGARU-RI ·to withdraw oock to join oUr other ·:rorces thOrO. Tho enemy continued. to attack the surrounded units and successfully attacked a convoy moving southward some four or five tn11os north o:;f !-Li.~GAH'U-HI. · Sev::..r8.l htt.t1drcd u.s .. and ROK tro.ops succcedc?- in reaching ·our. linea, by crOssing ·the reservoir on the 1co 1 as h tank-led' rasouo column we.s turned back by he~.vy enemy finis. No· other activity w~:s re­ported in the RAGARU-R!: uro.o.~

{3j J:n t:'1e KOTO-R'r. areo,littlc enemy contact ~ras reported \<i th continued indications o:f .a determined stand by tho enemy along the HSR. to the south. Hee:tvy concentrations of en­trenchments were· confirmed along the MSR midway between 'KOTQ-RI and 'L\.GiL'lF-RI. Air ag£dn re­ported troop coh~vntrations 1voet of. KOTO-RI and a civilicm report st<Cted 600-800 enemy tvoopil were dug in qn tti.e south slope of the mountain facing the pas,s south.,of KOTO-RI. This civilian report s~id CCF troops occupied CHAENOH-NI ( CV 5458) ond HAMADAE-NI. Pnvious civilian reports haC'. indicc.tod gt least one d.iv:i,.sto:n conoentr[l"titJ.g_ in thiS Eu:-·en nt lcnst-a wc.ck ago while a Pll tr'.kcn' scvoral days ago plac'oct the enemy number e,t two divisions. Also in_ this same general aro~, air reporteQ ~,ooo cnC!J!Y troops at the south east end of. the FUSEN Reservoir at 021045, Civilir.n and patrol reports of ne* sightings stated that small nUmbers of CCF troops he.d be.en seen fn nt le;:tst three pleces in the ORO-RI - SINHUNG area.

I • \ - -- • • • • • \4J _i.ncr.eesea. nccvy enemy aco~Vl.liY was reported during .the period nvar the X Corps boundary south and wes.t of :'IAfcHUNG, and an e.lr z:cport. _told. of nur:Icroup. cricmy jnmm1ng the

. ~oa\J_s 1n tho YONO:J?OK ·arv;· ,, some 10 milos west ot' WON~, and moving ct.st-. .MJ.r n:J_so rcportqd 2000-3000 cnomv trodns 1-.rith -lt vol1iclcs arid oany 'ox carts moving~ south ot: oc~,r;(',JJi.l tward tho CHOSIN Rc scrvo1r at 020925,



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b, Enemy Tactics and lfeapons or other l!iatcr1el, ·


(l) Air Force: •; r

(2) iidmii,istrativc Units. Negative.

(0) Ant_1..:x1,;.craft. D9fimse. · Negative,

(4) Anti.:..T<1nkUnits, Negative. . ' . .-~

(5} A_r.mored ari~I,iotpr:}._zad Units. . .

020600 - X do_rpsi. Air reports 2 trains t,nd truck conv.9ys moving squth :from KANGGYE,

020925 Air: 2CDO,~ 3000" cncm,Y.·\fi th 4C vehicles and many ox carts moving south from - ' ; : . :, . . ' , . CHANGJIN.

(6) ArtUJ;e'ry, ~:.c:~ativoJ.' ' ., · --:r,

020900 - Artillery AO report a road bl'ock at CV 5374~ con_Biste of :3 friendly t£'_nks~ All_kno,okcd out.. Being covered by enemy from hlgh_ groupd. CV 5373 GHS "nd CY_5474GLJL Als_o reports knocked out convoy il. t this rpild block, vohl.clos all burnL'lg. · ·

02l60b - "v'H0-6! .H-1.!'. :f!Jpo:r·ts l'c:ric l"ocld block at ·4273F. Entire Tot.d blo\lln out nt this

. . point, :B'rom this point to 4373A 5 add1-. .,_ tionr~l road. bl ::·cks obsB!"'Ved.. Also holes

\'n J;'OCcd·.

M. x:-.:Eforns: Cfvil·;i.nn reports· t~nk ditch dui ~jJ~O~g·s- ·:r:qttd_:_tt c~F 5457 .'

(8) Infentry,

0122~9 - 1st l1ar1nGs: Air ,reports oncrr.y south of regiment's positions moving south, ::no­my _position unkn~:n·tn-. ' .. '

020840 - 7th 11ar1nos (ISU11 OllBCC ·._ 02C600): RnPmv _qf:f:~,-.1-t t:h~no·'i1;mt.. ·liPT'1 fld' f'r()ni

. ~~;.th, --y;;~t,; ;;;~ti~~~hd- s~Uth\~ost. Es-timate 4 enemy battalions: Enemy very actomined. Lc:unctwd so.vornl.. countcr­aitackS. :Ce,ti::;~--~:;c~- 10(· ·enemy cr'9sscd icc att~.ck.i:ng_ conth rt 4.1 7311XY. One to

- t'wo bat"ti.tlioh$ · ccttc.clced southo1fst nt 4Q.'l8CGKU. ·. ·unj_::nown cncr;,y. ~;, itaok ).-·1dge il97o from borthllCSt. to soutlm.est • Es­timat ca 'battalion n ttnckod .to the north


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.. 021645

'. i..'· ~ _7 !

in· 4175 !:"om tho HLR as o:t; 020440. ·Enemy ·oountor~tt~.ck continues •. . . .. . . . .

"' - 'Arhllery.AO:. ·observed 500 enemy at . m;IDJNG-NI CV. 5376, . Ro~d· block ~t

5374T bpin~ _cqvcred._ by ?nGmy fl"'om high 'grbur\d,- · CV 5373GHS and 547\IGLH. ·

w • •• •• --~::•;···~- -· • : :-···_( •

.. 7th.J-Iar': .. 3m Bri. 5th ·lkr1!1e'! moved. to : ·T-'} '4075B, Vifl..~ halted by heavy fire.

··. 020645 "I" Cqwpany on left flank al-most comj;>lete:tyoverrun. 2nd Bn, 5th

: ·l-!arine~··reports makl:ng· contact with enamy 'C20l40 ::to the northwes.t. '. ·oz:r.045 · ..... X Co~:1.;8:· FSOC r:epoits at· G2C930 large

-.~~- · concentrc:t1ori of enemy a:nd. equipment CA 4910.




-·FSCC 'reiorted at C21045 30CC enemy south-

-~~-~-:~ .. ~nd ~f F~~~~ ... ~?.scrvoi;:·· TAO!· Recoccaaisn0nc.o 'm,-.de to vicinity

. GV 55-66 _l£Lt_c illorrling • . i, 0."bscrvcd. meny trP.cks lending ''c .a.mln~ ih that area, 3 encu:~y- uln;:cr~ved on hill .south of mine. Sec.rchcCI. f-rom IC0~0-RI sou.thcast to cHUl?GYdl·fG...:nr CV 7245 then to ORO-RI CV RA.:Z-'1_ i\in.CZI'Cf.1V~ ."t'<.sn1'tfl:_~ .Hany civilir.:.ns ~b~ ;;vcd -~l;;:;g '~r;~d ~t S!llSONG-NI CV

'6847. . . . - . .

11th t.!:crim:s AO': 3 'untmy in 11!:Jite coats 6b8~:'7\.""·<::d. ·o<-~ly morning· hlll :!.1?8 CV 507..:.tJ.. 2m.;lll c:rms 1:"rOJ11 this nrc c. di:coci;cd. at Dr~y t'roOps oD- reservoir· CV 5l70.. S.na~_l grvt;_p.S -~mcmy o"becrved 'firing hc:..r:J.ss\n;; _ flro O!' _c<.rillJ · troorJs :!:"'rom· north (""-..;;• J:::nr-;,;;< J'Q u v vr, 1 ...,>.:J~.l.~l.,

021515 -.Tank Bn: Lcca~ C.t.inf of Police repOrted ···r:ir;·· __ ?R ·C'~:r jn -~.~l.i·l~9G--r-a CV 3604 4 davs

B.go f~r lo~~d--flnd. clc+;l1.1r..g., 2 Cdl!""' ln ·-P'Ji<SAYG-!JI CV 6938 2 <1::y s ngo, sought food. ·

Har1no pe.":;ro:). obsqrvccl 6 CJF in vicinity CV 7G2C ,lE:.t_c l Dec; enemy U.isp:::rsed.

C1v1lirm_s n,lso report CCF com:i,ng to ORO· -Iii CV 68~0.

021600 - VEC>-6: tw.rly nft.ernoon reports: Ob-servGr...'i. 200 enemy ; __ ,1 fo::~wl8S r;JV t1l ?5S to -127-::.C. hir 8truc.k cgtir:la~ed 2CC cno_:c.J r-.t CV .:ll7-.':~'~- to ,:.:274?.., Enemy troops of be.tta1ton s} _ _: ·· ~~-87 1!~- ·0 .lo11g ridge llno ·bo 3·J7•"K. FosJ.·:; · • ,-' CV ,5556\i to 5655<'.; bu·c no troops. ·_ :.:..':_':'.. v'i sioFiB es­timc.tcd between 7th :-;,:;_rinco end "fJ.h.G.ARU­RI; Hoavy fighting going. on, ori all


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· stdes_ at o~noo. - TAO: Large enemy conccntration·s at

41 '72DIJo, 4173Gio!S ~;~nd 42?3, · . E!nemy .ontop:or_ridt>;cin 1n'toxho1cs 38?5,· 39?5, _3976, J;nemy ln :rox no.Lcs at -:1,274, 42.71), 4175. :1074;

. . . -. '. -~· . . . . .. : ;... X Corps: F'SCC repzrts at 021500: ;.li:r

attackod 200 enemy _CY 5373.. At CV 4657 trench along ridge with MG positions. 200 - 3cc 'roXholcs at· 5763 - 576?. Troops moving· from the west.into a long entrenehman~ at CV 5367, 576?.

2 bunk<;>rs .located a~ 'cv 5060 • .... -· , .. ,

Many foxhol'cri and. entrenchments on r:td.g.t'("l_~iJG" GV ·4'7~g ;_ 'to7es~ of KOTO-H.I.

Civii1fl.n repo,:t., SOC-800 enemy troops duit in on ~outh s] or:e of' mountain :t'E.cing pass south of KOTo.:..R.r. CCF troops ·are -

. occupying CHAENOI.f-JH, CV 5458 e.nd H.lll~AE-NI. .

'021730 ·- X Corps: Estimated one enemy regiment north of KOTO-RI. Estimated battalion scattered, alo,tlg roo.d to w;es~ e.nd south .. Enemy has ·no supporting· arms,_ haa a few mortars, .few rifles, mos·tiy SJCGs &nd. LEGs.

021740 - VJ4C-6: .At 02l6C5 friendly patrol on ridge line ·>275, enemy in fox holes to tliiiir :rront.

(9) Other i:lemcnts. Negative.

3. OTHER .INTELLIGEt~CE ti'>.CT0~·-8.

t:.... Estimated Enemy Losses. (~ens and Casual ties).

No roports received.

b. Enemy Comb2t Efficiency.


c. 11arale,


d,. Stntus o:r r:nemy .nQ.rninistr.:-:.tive Support.


e. '"cather.,

APPENDIX IV TO bENEX E<iKtR TO DIVISIOH SILCIAL ,,~f'cr>'tf'h 1\';- 1::>1::'-t:n>c m

.ft.V,L.J..Ul .UJ.:...£.V .. LJ.

78 -


' .

. ~--

--- -~

~- -01 ' .§ 4-~ . !;iii , .. ~.-.,-~~ .. _,,

;:~ ;;.~


Korean War Project USMC-00106438


F !'--~ ~






'·'eathcr · ".c;,<Jrt 021100 - 03180C' r:ostly clee.r to p~.rt1\~· ~y clody, Visib?;~i~y ~ -.~ mileS c:x.C;;:z;·L.·.-.J~_~\ .. re noon·ha_zc. ~-:J.nas hOrvn­w.cSt lC - l5 ~:,1o:.., t;o except light v-:>.riable to­night ·and b~.,fc:ro· noon tomorro:y;? lic:.Xlmum tom­pcrt:.turc toC~nY 28. He.xinp.l.T!l tcrilper::_tt.lrc t?­morro" 32. Hinir.o.um. tcmperc.turo :tonight 22. Reservoir_ r.r0a: Cfune tooorrow, · EoXimum temper2.turo toe"';.['_:- 18. _ Irlaximum tcmperrtu~tc tomorrow 22. I:!~ nimu.':l te;upcr~turc tonight l"l. _

R. Enemy Courses of Action.

(l) AttP.ck front c.nd :t'lP.l'.k.s of tl:e Division and attochcd units Hith tm estimated 6 to 8 CCF Divisions sup:;>ortod by undetermined amount of ai·rr.or c.nd. artillery"

(2) R inforce the doovc cap".bility 11ith CCF and ~-~~{ un£ t s of U..l''ldet erm1n0U str8ngth r. t any time.

(3) Conduct small scale harassing air.· attacks.

b. Dl.scussion and Analysis.

(1) 7here are no indications of chango . in the enemy! s cnpt>bilii;ies, with his pTime.ry : intention st11::. th:--.t of n.ttt·_cking Bnd. ennihile.t­ing l\S. 1-tl.;._rine f'.nd ~~:.rrny r;_nd :?.CK forces in this .. e.rea. It has bocozne o.ppr.ront th.:.t his drive in the CS:GSIN Reservoir aren is being given top:. priority in his cver~.ll countcroff8nsi vc. His determination in this rcttcmpt to vipo out our forces is l\roll dcn:onstrnted by tht fierceness with which he att;::-.ckod tho 5;th and 7th. Hcu.--1ncs south of YD:D.AH-!!I.

(2) riis :reinfrrcc:ncnt cnpnbili ty has strengthened by the ~.ir report of additiond

-forces noving southtn.rd from CHAFGJL- \.~ith nt least 40 vehicles .s.nd r:mny ox Cf'"rts~ This is probably tho rost of tho 2~th and 27th Corps or the remaining cl0ments ot' tho 9th Army Group, Probable ident1ficnt1on o:r: the 7Cth Hnd 80th DivisionE ur:',s~:. of t~~lG. C'BCSI:~ P.cservoir and le.rgc nu.nbars o:f •>ncra~r south o.f the FTJSIJl.T Rcscrvo;l..- supports this probrcbili ty.

c, R"lr.tivc Probt\biJ.1ty oc .c.<l.option: 5;;,{1) concurrently Hith 5 R(2) c.11d ;;::

APFEN:LII:-~ IV ~:::; ~_,.~\'NI;X E-h-K£:::1. TO LIVI5lG~- 0;,- 2:CI..ili ACTION. IiZi:ciFT




Korean War Project USMC-00106439·-<'



;:;__ -­~---



· 1,1 T!T l.lf,..,\i"TI:!r.,L'D . .._- • J.J.• J.'J.V,..._W..._._,.._,;_<J_,

Coioncl, Ui;lWJ

C F F I C Deputy Chief of ·Stc·.ff

I A:"':

E. G. VAF OFJ!A!; Lt. Col., US!4C ACof$, G-2


CG (l) !tDC (l) C/S (l) G-1 (l) G-2 (3) G-3 (1) G~4 (1) Adj (5') FSCC (l) lst IIA:·T ( 1) let lia!' ( 5) t::;+""' H.".-r fr:=.' ............. ---·- \ '""-~

7th l!ar ( 5, 11th Ear (6) 1st ':'k En (l) lst Engr Bn . (l) lst SP Bn (l) lst Sig Bn (l) lst GomscrxGDJ (:i lst Serv Bn (l) 1st Ord Bn 'c , ( l j IiliG-1$ , ( l) Hen Co. .(ll X Corps (3) 3r0_ Inf D:tV:.. ( 2) 7th Inf Div (2) ·Hst Brit Indap Ric (1) Vll0-6 - (Lt. "':cd;;clll - (1) V:W-6 (1) C!liC (2) FilF PAC (2) FHF LJJJ~ ( l ) MCS (l) 2nd He.r Div (l) I HOK Corps (l) UISD .(l) ComEavFE (l)·


-: BC


• ' .. ,

• '!



Korean War Project USMC-00106440

f_ '


15 August 1951


Lieutenant Colonel Walter L. J. Bayler (Col)

Lieutenant Colonel Ethridge C. Best (Col)

Major James E. Webb, USMCR 5th MCRD Bldg 4, Henderson Hall Arl~ngton 8, Virginia

MaJor.Robert BarrY. USMCR 4th MCRD -. Room 816, Cit~ Centre Bldg 121 N. Broad Street Philadelphia?, Pennsylvania



.. • 1 Jul 43 - 5 Apr 44

• 6 Apr - 16 Nov 44

1? Nov 44 - 28 Aug 4.5

28 Aug 45 - time of . surrender ..


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Korean War Project USMC-00106441

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i5JI.tlgust 1951



Major Stewart B. 0 1 Neill, Jr. (Ret 1d) - LtCol .

3681 Jewell Street San Diego 9, California

Major Ernest R. West (Col)

Colonel Lawson H. M. Sanderson (BrigGen}

l Jan - 20 Feb 43

21 Feb - 24 May 43

25 May 43 - 23 Feb 44

Lieutenant Oolonel William D. Roberson 24 Feb (Col)

3 -J.!ar 44

.... Colonel Frank D. Weir 4 Mar - 13 Mar 44

Colonel Lawson H. !!". Sanderson 14 Mar - 11 Sap 44

Lieutenant Colonel William D. Robe~son 12 Bep 44 - 1 Mar 45

Lieutenant Colonel Nathan T. Post 2 Mar 17 Mar 45

Lieutenant Colonel Owen A. Chambers 18 Mar - 2 Jun 45

Colonel Thomas J. McQuade (Ret'd} -Col

525 E. Washington Street Charles Town, West Virginia



3 Jun 45 - time of surrender

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Korean War Project USMC-00106442



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l '


August :CJ5l



Major DA~iel W~ Torrey; Jr~ (Col)

10 Jan 43

Lieutenant Colonel Edward B, Carney 11 Jan - 27 Oct 43 (Col)

Major Daniel W. Torrey, Jr.

Lieutenant Colonel Edward L. Pugh (Col)

28 Oct - 8 Dec 43

9 Dec 43 - 5 Jan 44

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Torrey, Jr. 6 Jan- 21 Jan 44

Colonel Harold R. Lee

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W, Torrey,

Lieutenant Colonel Milo G, Haines (Col)

Colonel Luther s. Moore



22 Jan - 5 Jun 44

Jr. 6 Jun l? Sep 44

18 Bep 44 - 31 Aug 45

l SeP 45 - time of surrender

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Korean War Project USMC-00106443



15 August 1951



Captain Ira Brock (LtCol)

Lieutenant Oolonel Robert 0, Bisson (Col)

Major Evans Spalding, USMCR 9th MCRD, Room 311 U, S, Court of Appeals Bldg' 1212 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago lO, Illinois

Major Ira Brock

Major Frederic Solomon, USMCR o1.1n M.CRD Bldg 4, Henderson Hall Arlington 8, Virginia



11 Oct 43 - ~ Feb 44

9 Feb - 26 Dec 44

27 Dec 44 - 24 Jan 45

25 Jan - 2 Apr 45

3 Apr 45 - time of surrender

. '

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Korean War Project USMC-00106444



15 August 1951


9th MAW

Colonel C. F. Schilt (MajGen)

Brigadier General L. G. Merritt (Ret 1 d) - M.ajGen

West Columbia, South Carolina

Colonel L. T. Burke {Ret 1d)

200 W. Desoto Street Pensacola, Florida

Brigadier General H. D. Campbell (Ret 'd) - Ma.1Gen · Highgate Springs, Vermont



l Apr 16 Jun 44

17 Jun 44 - 16 Feb 45

16 Feb - 2? ~pr 45

23 Apr - time of surrender



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