1.Which geographic feature served as a barrier that … geographic feature served as a barrier that...

Post on 30-Mar-2018

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A) deserts B) riversC) mountains D) plateaus

1. Which geographic feature served as a barrier thatprotected ancient China and was used as an invasionroute by the Aryans into ancient India?

A) seasonal windsB) sand depositsC) ocean currentsD) mountain avalanches

2. The term monsoons can be defined as

A) Rich farmland led to dependence on agriculture.B) The archipelago enabled the creation of

city-states.C) Flat plains made centralized rule possible.D) Tropical climate discouraged urban development.

3. How did geography influence the development ofancient Greece?

4. Base your answer to the following question on the mapbelow and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) Expansion was limited by geographic factors.B) Trade contributed to stable societies.C) Extensive road systems unified India.D) Southern India was isolated from northern India.

Which generalization about the Maurya and GuptaEmpires is supported by the map?

A) development of tradeB) evolution of family patternsC) effect of fire on the lives of the peopleD) role of religion in river valley civilizations

5. An economist who focused on ancient societies wouldmost likely study the

6. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and your knowledge of social studies.

A) Asia B) Europe C) North America D) Africa

On which continent did humans first appear?

A) influenced climatic changesB) included the domestication of plants and animalsC) encouraged a nomadic lifestyleD) caused a decline in population

7. The Neolithic Revolution is considered a turning point inhistory because it

8. Base your answer to the following question on thediagram below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) Elements of Belief SystemsB) Characteristics of Classical CivilizationsC) Benefits of the Counter ReformationD) Changes during the Neolithic Revolution

What is the best title for this diagram?

A) established public education systemsB) consolidated the laws of their empireC) instituted democratic governmentsD) separated church and state

9. One way in which Hammurabi and Justinian are similaris that they successfully

A) literature B) lawC) engineering D) medicine

10. Hammurabi's Code, the Twelve Tables, and theJustinian Code are examples of early developments inthe area of

A) Maurya Empire B) Babylonian EmpireC) ancient Greece D) ancient Egypt

11. The history of which classical civilization was shapedby the monsoon cycle, the Himalaya Mountains, andthe Indus River?

A) had rich deposits of iron ore and coalB) were isolated from other cultural influencesC) contained rich soils from annual floodsD) were easy to defend from invasion

12. The river valleys of the Tigris-Euphrates, Huang He(Yellow River), and Indus were centers of earlycivilization because they

A) causes for the decline of the Mayan EmpireB) role of geography in the development of early

civilizationsC) reasons that ancient empires were based on

nomadic civilizationsD) rise in power of the Muslim empire

13. A study of the Indus, Nile, Huang He, Tigris, andEuphrates rivers would be most important inunderstanding the

A) Maurya Empire B) Qin dynastyC) Persian Empire D) Hellenistic culture

14. The rule of Shi Huangdi, legalism, and the tomb of terracotta soldiers are most closely associated with the

A) Thar Desert B) Deccan PlateauC) Himalaya Mountains D) Bay of Bengal

15. Base your answer to question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Which geographic feature would have most likely hindered the expansion of the Guptas into what ismodern-day China?

A) has helped eliminate ethnic and religious rivalriesB) has promoted social mobility within Indian societyC) has been a way of life as well as an element of

religionD) has been stronger in urban areas than in rural areas

16. In India, the caste system determined a person'soccupation, personal associations, and marriage partner.This situation shows that the caste system

A) South China Sea and the Strait of MalaccaB) Caspian Sea and the Indian OceanC) North Sea and the English ChannelD) Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

17. The strategic location of the Byzantine Empire allowedcontrol of the key trade routes between the

A) Mesoamerica B) IndiaC) Rome D) Egypt

18. Which region had the most direct impact on thehistorical and cultural development of the ByzantineEmpire?

19. Base your answer to the following question on the photographs below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

A) Mesopotamian civilizations B) Pax RomanaC) Tang dynasty D) Byzantine Empire

The cultural contributions shown in these photographs were developed during the

20. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) The Gauls dominated trade on the Mediterranean Sea.B) Rome was the capital of the entire western region.C) The eastern region was unified under the Byzantine Empire.D) The division between eastern and western Rome followed natural boundaries

Which conclusion about the Roman world around AD 526 can be drawn from the information on this map?

21. Base your answer to the following question on thegraphic organizer below and on your knowledge ofsocial studies.

A) Development of the WheelB) Preservation of Greek and Roman CultureC) Creation of the CompassD) Utilization of Cuneiform Which item best

completes this graphic organizer?

Which item best completes this graphic organizer?

A) Orthodox ChristianityB) representative democracyC) a free-market economyD) a jury system

22. An important contribution of the Byzantine Empire toRussia is the establishment in Russiaof

23. Base your answer to the following question on the illustration below and your knowledge of social studies.

A) Han Gao'zu B) Julius CaesarC) Alexander the Great D) Moses

Which leader is most closely associated with the accomplishment shown by the illustration?

A) lack of a common languageB) size of the desert regionsC) mountainous topography of the regionD) cold, hostile climate

24. An important factor that prevented the ancient Greekcity-states from uniting to form a single nation was the

A) inventing and using the wheelB) eliminating slaveryC) establishing governments that had democratic

elementsD) inventing the printing press

25. The ancient Athenians are credited with

A) direct democracyB) totalitarianismC) parliamentary democracyD) absolutism

26. All citizens in ancient Athens had the right to attend theAssembly, where they could meet in open discussionand cast votes. This situation is an example of

A) education B) military serviceC) family order D) human rights

27. In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens andSparta, Sparta placed more emphasis on

A) rulers of the Roman RepublicB) artists of the Italian RenaissanceC) religious leaders of the Protestant ReformationD) philosophers of ancient Greece

28. Which description accurately identifies Socrates, Plato,and Aristotle?

29. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) Red Sea B) Black SeaC) Atlantic Ocean D) Mediterranean Sea

Based on the information provided by this map, which body of water was most likely the center of Romantrade?

A) social mobilityB) economic developmentC) the individual and the stateD) the importance of religion

30. The Twelve Tables, Justinian's Code, and the U.S.Constitution are similar in that each addresses the issueof

A) cultural isolationB) stable governmentsC) command economiesD) distinct social classes

31. The golden ages of the Roman, Byzantine, and HanEmpires can be attributed in part to

A) a series of military defeats in AfricaB) the relentless attacks from Barbarians coming

from outside of the EmpireC) the abolition of slavery throughout the EmpireD) continued acceptance of traditional religions

32. A major reason for the decline of the Roman Empirewas

A) Flooding was the worst disaster to affect ancientChinese civilizations.

B) The Mandate of Heaven was an idea developedin ancient China.

C) Early Chinese civilizations were the mostimportant civilizations in the world.

D) Dynastic governments were highly effective inChina.

33. Which statement about China is a fact rather than anopinion?

A) fulfill their dharma for a favorablereincarnation

B) complete a pilgrimage to MeccaC) obey the Ten CommandmentsD) follow the Eightfold Path to achieve


34. Believers of Hinduism are expected to

A) the only source of Indian hydroelectric powerB) a sacred river for the Hindu populationC) the birthplace of Hindu civilizationD) an unofficial boundary between the Hindus and


35. In addition to providing water for Indian agriculture,the Ganges River remains important to India because itis

A) Leaders often use a belief system to unify anempire.

B) Many political leaders encourage religioustoleration.

C) Leaders sometimes use religion as a reason towage war.

D) Political leaders usually become the head of thechurch in their country.

36. • Asoka incorporated Buddhist ideas into the laws hehad carved on rocks and pillars placed throughout theMauryan Empire.• Constantine made Christianity the official religionof the Roman Empire.• Qin ShiHuangdi put legalist ideas in place tocontrol warring clans.

Which generalization can be made based on thesestatements?

A) Buddhism B) ChristianityC) Judaism D) Shinto

37. Which belief system is most closely associated with theterms Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, and nirvana?

A) doing good deedsB) eliminating selfish desiresC) making pilgrimages to MeccaD) relying on divine help

38. According to Buddhist principles, believers can endpersonal suffering by

A) establish peace and harmonyB) provide the basis for democratic governmentC) return the power of the emperorsD) promote individual artistic creativity

39. A goal common to Confucianism, Taoism, andBuddhism is to

A) improve their position in lifeB) maintain social and political orderC) respect and worship natureD) serve the needs of religious leaders

40. The five relationships taught by Confucius encouragedpeople to

A) government should own the means of productionB) economic success is more desirable than

knowledge and learningC) each person has an important responsibility to

family and societyD) an individual's personal goals are more important

than the goals of the group

41. Confucianism emphasizes the idea that

A) accepts the supreme authority of the PopeB) rejects the Old Testament as part of the BibleC) is a branch of ChristianityD) was once the official religion of the Byzantine


42. One way in which Eastern Orthodox, RomanCatholicism, and Protestantism are similar is that each

A) Ramadan and the concept of reincarnationB) the Torah and the Jewish DiasporaC) the New Testament and the Four Noble TruthsD) the Koran and the code of bushido

43. Jewish religious and cultural identity has been greatlyinfluenced by

A) Buddha B) ShivaC) Allah D) Muhammad

44. • "Most Gracious, Most Merciful;"• "Master of the Day of Judgment."• "Thee do we worship, And Thine aid we seek."Source: 'Abdullah Yusuf-Ali, trans.,The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an,Amana Publications (excerpted)

This translated quotation from the Qur'an [Koran]refers to

A) nirvana B) monotheismC) reincarnation D) animism

45. The religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam sharea common belief in

46. Base your answer to the following question on thediagram below and on your knowledge of social studies.

A) colonial Latin AmericaB) traditional IndiaC) feudal JapanD) dynastic China

The diagram represents the rigid social class system of

A) developed extensive trade networksB) created classless societiesC) encouraged democratic idealsD) established free-market economies

47. China under the Han dynasty and the Roman Empirewere similar in that both grew wealthy because they

48. Base your answer to the following question on thequotation below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

"... The daily tasks of the women are to milk thecattle in the morning and evening, and to fetch wateras required. By using their donkeys it is possible forthem to bring back enough water to last two or threedays. When the settlement moves, on average aboutonce every five weeks, each woman is responsiblefor moving her hut and rebuilding it. All thenecessary movables, including hides, woodencontainers and important struts in the framework ofthe hut, can normally be carried by two donkeys.Older women rely on their daughters, their youngerco-wives, and their sons' wives for help in all thesetasks. . . . "

Source: Paul Spencer, The Samburu, University ofCalifornia Press, 1965

A) commercial farmers B) urban dwellersC) nomads D) serfs

Based on this passage, the Samburu people would beclassified as

A) focusing on traditional interpretationsB) making use of multiple perspectivesC) separating history from scienceD) relying on a single argument

49. • Use a variety of evidence• Analyze primary documents• Compare societies and regions

These actions help historians reconstruct a record of asociety by

A) Effects of the Migration of PeopleB) Results of the Neolithic RevolutionC) Achievements During FeudalismD) Causes of the Green Revolution in Agriculture

50. Which heading best completes the partial outlinebelow?

I. __________________________________A. Development of a stable food supplyB. Establishment of permanent settlementsC. Development of writing systems and religions

Answer KeyMid Term Exam

1. C2. A3. B4. A5. A6. D7. B8. D9. B10. B11. A12. C13. B14. B15. C16. C17. D18. C19. D20. C21. B22. A23. C24. C25. C26. A27. B28. D29. D30. C31. B32. B33. B34. A35. B36. A

37. A38. B39. A40. B41. C42. C43. B44. C45. B46. B47. A48. C49. B50. B