2 0 1 9...2 KYC Initiative: United in Effort, Resounding in Result Kasturi Sule, IFS (19) Batch,...

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KYC Initiative: United in Effort,

Resounding in Result

Kasturi Sule, IFS (19) Batch, Nature and Wildlife

Photography Club Secretary writes on the success

of the new initiative of ‘Know Your Campus’ that

has been a runaway hit in forester social circles

It all started when Sasikumar sir motivated us to walk

an extra mile beyond routine and use the lockdown

time productively. The batch thus decided to take up

this initiative under the Nature and wildlife

Photography Club of IGNFA. The inspiration to start

this initiative is the FRI campus itself, which is a

treasure of a rich natural diversity, heritage

architecture, museums, botanical gardens and

institutions promoting academic excellence in

forestry and related fields.

In KYC we take up a specie either a bird, tree or a

mammal found in our campus and write a detailed

note about it. This serves the purpose of helping

people identify the specie, remember its

characteristics and also appreciate its ecological

standing. The species of hornbills, the kingfishers,

Semal or the Civet are often seen in the campus.

With KYC, we aim to penetrate a deeper

understanding about these common species so they

can be better appreciated and conserved.

In addition, we take up diverse topics like the

architecture of the FRI building, movies in the

campus and the academic institutions present here.

It thus gives an integrated picture of the FRI campus

where we spent 16 months of our training.

After almost more than 20 issues on diverse topics,

I am more than elated to say that the issues are

being liked not only by our batch and seniors but are

being appreciated by faculty members, senior IFS

officers even of PCCF levels, other institutions like

WII, FRI, environmental groups and UPSC aspirants

and nature lovers in general. There has been an

appreciation for the content detailing, attractive

designing and people friendly presentation.

As for our batch, I believe KYC has helped us create

a niche by becoming the identity of our batch. I must

say that the batch has been successful in

rejuvenating minds that are stressed with the tough

news coming during the lockdown and also in

spreading awareness for biodiversity conservation

by explaining the unique role played by each specie

in the ecology.

Lastly and most importantly, KYC has greatly

contributed to strengthening the batch unity. The fact

that each issue has a unique contributor and the

entire batch appreciates his/her effort expresses

how each of us have owned up this group activity.

Some of us learn by researching for a topic, some by

designing for it and some by reading it with curiosity.

KYC is not a thing of me or you, but about us. The

satisfaction it gives by doing this selflessly for the

society and environment especially in these tough

times is truly beyond expressing in words.




अरण्य ते पृथिवी स्योनमसु्त (अिवववेद) is the motto of

Indian Forest Service. It says Forests or broadly

nature is Earth's delight as it sustains and nourishes

its inhabitants. But it is increasingly threatened by

the abuse of plastic. Our Initiative is a small, but bold,

step in the fight against this abuse.

Briefly about the report: This report is an

institutional memory of our efforts. Within the report,

we explained our methodology, challenges,

initiatives and achievements. We drafted this report

in such a way that it serves as ready reference

material to transform any institution into plastic-free

zone. We already received a call from the Joint

Director, NACIN (Academy for IRS(C&E)) wanting to

know about the Initiative to implement in their


About the release: The report was released by the

Honourable Cabinet Minister Shri Prakash

Javadekar on the occasion of 50th anniversary of

Earth Day in an online web event. Minister

congratulated each of the team members on

bringing about a behavioral change. He envisaged

Smart Campuses in the country that are self-

sufficient in electricity, water recycling and cooking

gas through effective waste management. The

meeting saw attendance of Sh C K Mishra, IAS,

Secretary, MoEFCC; Sh Sanjay Kumar, IFS, DG

Forests and Special Secretary to GoI; Shri Omkar

Singh, IFS, Director IGNFA and other officials.

As we pass on the baton, here are few things we

expect from the 2019 Batch:

1. The Nature Club

secretary, from here

on, shall play the

central role in

maintaining the status

of plastic-free

Academy. And all office bearers (Secretaries of

various clubs) to fulfil their respective roles as

listed out in the Standard Operating Procedure

(Annexure A of the Initiative Report).

2. Establish Plastic-free IGNFA Committee, as

envisaged in the SOP, to monitor the progress.

3. A small team of trainees can take up Case Study

2 (Report) as an optional project. Believe me, it

is more challenging than it appears to be as it

involves changing the mind set of people.

4. Ensure the two-bin system throughout the


5. Ensure that no PVC banners are used for

Academy events. Fight against the inertia

towards replacing them with cloth banners.

6. Involve the FRI students in all outdoor activities

and eventually expand the plastic-free status to

the entire FRI campus.

Special thanks to Sh Abhimanyu for helping us with

the report design. Going by the enthusiasm, skill set

and energy shown in the recent past, be it the KYC

Initiative or the IGNFA Newsletter, I’m sure your

batch shall leave a high watermark in the history of

IGNFA. All the best!


In the Eye of the Virus Chinta Chaitanya Kumar Reddy, IFS(P) 2019

writes on his motivation and experience in

volunteering to work with the district administration

of Anantapur in A.P in the Covid-19 fight

Inspiration to Join the Fight

The same inspiration that lead us to pursue civil

service as option. This is an emergency where each

one of us come on board and fight. Each can do

more and be more. I am doing what I can. My work

experience of PMRDF in tribal development came in

handy for me. By being in administration, we can

steer it to be more empathetic and responsive to

poor and needy.

Interaction with People at Ground Level

I am working as special officer for containment

zones where the door step delivery of essential

goods and services is to be provided and 100

percent lockdown is to be ensured with the help of

police. I interact with the people and get to know their

grievances. Confidence building is key to ensure

community support. By effective communication

and grievance redressal I am trying to ensure it.

These areas are Muslim dominated and it is Ramzan

season. Their special needs like providing dry fruits,

meat is to be ensured. The sensitivity of people

needs to be understood to keep them in good spirit.

Overall the interaction with people is satisfactory,

they are quite understandable, thanks to media.

Experience of working with District


We need to get the confidence of district collector.

As we are All India service officers, we will be

treated as equals. The decorum needs to be

carried. Since it is a supportive role, there is need to

create our own space. For instance, the DFO Mr

Jagannath Singh IFS is district containment officer.

He can command all the line departments with

respect to red zones. Starting from declaration of red

zone to ensuring 100 percent lockdown, testing,

medical surveillance etc., the range of activities are

administered for entire district. So there is need to

create our own space and efficiently deliver the

results. With humility and assertiveness, we can

deliver efficiently. There is need to develop

interdependency with other departments and

district administration in this manner. This is good for

A Routine Day in Life of Special Covid


1.Overall monitoring of activities in

containment zone. Ensure essential goods

and services at door step.

2. Ensuring home isolation of all households

in red zone by police patrolling and


3. Medical surveillance of each household to

find the symptoms of Covid.

4.Ensuring testing and sampling of probable

contacts of positive cases

5. Grievance redressal of people in Red

zone etc. along with it, attending review

meetings with collector or state ministers.


forestry, environment and for our service as a whole

in the long run.

Dream of getting back to Normalcy

In order to win the fight, we need to understand our

enemy. The novel corona is mutating each day. 100

percent eradication of corona is not possible

unless vaccines are developed. So we need to live

with the virus. Covid 19 is dangerous for people with

comorbidity, less immunity. Keeping healthy and fit

is one way to fight it. Of 42 positive cases in

Hindupur, 36 cases do not have symptoms. Other 6

have mild fever, cough. There was no critical case in

our district till now. 4 were dead, even before

treatment all of them are comorbids and aged. We

have also seen early recovery of our seniors. So,

panic is not at all required. At the same time, we

need to be cautious, as we can be vectors of


We need to increase our critical care and tertiary

health care to protect vulnerable. I hope government

is doing all it can to increase capacity during

lockdown. There will not be any possibility of zero

covid cases in near future. So, to my understanding

we need to live with it. This is by life style

changes, more hygiene, healthy habits, social

distancing. protective gears like masks and gloves,

Sanitiser will become part of our life. Thus we will

have new normalcy for our academy life, I hope

this to go wrong.

Release of Jungle Book Summer Edition

and Souvenir Committee Report

N Ravisankar Sarma, IFS(P) 2019

The Director of IGNFA Sh. Omkar Singh IFS

released the summer edition of the Jungle Book, the

magazine of the academy brought out by the literary

club on 29th April in an online event in presence of

faculty and probationers of both batches. The Summer

edition of magazine is themed on the debate on

‘whether there is a need to revisit the ban on Green

felling’ featuring a compelling article by Uttam Kumar

Sharma IFS. The magazine also includes interviews

with Sudha Ramen IFS who caught the eye of the

nation with the successful revival of a lake and with

writer-conservationist Prerna Bindra whose

acclaimed book ‘Vanishing’ had become a keen

matter of discussion in forester-wildlife circles.

The magazine also details the many novel initiatives

of the 2018 batch namely the Organic Garden, NICHE

Platform, Plastic Free Initiative, Souvenirs of IGNFA

etc. The write ups on experiences of IFS training by

the probationers of 2019 batch whether it be the

sighting of tiger, hearing the roar of a lion, morning walk

in a bird paradise or the IMA attachment training

ensure a pleasurable read and insight into the novel

experience of the batch in their infant days of service

life. The many sketches, paintings and beautiful

photographs taken by probationers add great colour

and vigour to the magazine.

The Director of IGNFA also released the Souvenir

Committee Report on the initiatives of the 2018 Batch

that noted the exponential rise in sale of Souvenirs

conceptualized by the Souvenir Committee of IGNFA

and marketed through the IGNFA Souvenir Shop that

sells online at https://www.ignfa.gov.in/souvenirshop.


Words from Home

N Jeykumaran, IFS(P) 2019

The dailies smell of statistics. 23 thousand active

cases, two ninety-three reported deaths and yes, the

graphs-poor things trying hard to explain us that

people are suffering. In such hard times humans

have always sought solace in the letters of literature.

Not because literature can explain or even fight off

such pandemics. It is just that literature gives flesh

and blood to these faceless humans, living and dead

in these numbers.

But then, immediately one is tempted to quote from

Gabriel García Márquez's 'Love in the time of

Cholera' or Albert Camus’s 'The Plague' to explain

away the human condition in such times. We thought

we will bring in the voices from our home.

Of course there is the challenge of translation.

Something is lost in a translation, they say and true,

it is. One cannot just swap one word for a “similar”

word in another language just like one cannot swap

one person in a relationship for another similar

looking person. But still there is always something

we gain in a translation. So we bring in Sukanta

Bhattacharya's words for these times of turbulence.

Sukanta Bhattacharya, a poet from Bengal lived in a

period of great political transition. Growing up during

Second world war, he was a witness to the tortuous

famines of 1943 and all its sufferings. Though he

died at an age of 21, by then he had attained full

poetic maturity just as John Keats did before he died.

'Hey Mahajiban' (O Great Life) (Sukanya seeks for the truth of existence in place

of a romanticized non-reality)

O Great Life! No more of this Poetry,

Now bring the hard, harsh Prose,

Let the poetic-tender-chime dissolve,

And the strong hammer of prose strike today!

(We) need not of the softness of Poetry

Poetry, today I give you a break,

In the regime of Hunger, the earth belongs to the


The Full Moon now is nothing but a scorched bread.

'Aitihosik' (Historic)

(Sukanya's whip on disunity in distress)

As a result of your chaos lacking unity

Freedom's doors have been shut

With your bewildered questioning eyes that

tell of deprivation and confusion

Each of you has looked up to the other;

— Why was it so?

Then famine come one day

Compelled by merciless hunger

Everybody stood in the same line close to

each other

Upper and lower classes- Hindus and Muslims

Breathing the same air.

Rice, sugar, coal, kerosene —

For these rare commodities one must stand in a row

But why don't you realize that freedom, too,

is a rare and priceless commodity

And for that, too, we need a long unbroken

line of forty crores of people?

-Sukanta Bhattacharya (Chharpatra, 1947)



Success Story of IT Team of

IGNFA during Lockdown

Uttam Kumar Sharma, IFS(MP:1999),

Additional Professor, IGNFA

COVID 19 has changed the way we work. It

may not be permanent but we cannot rule it out

either. Different academic institutions are struggling

to come up with solutions for the students, so as not

to disappoint them. Training institutions are

particularly affected as field officers’ training involves

many field visits and hands-on learning which

weren’t possible in a lockdown. This called for new

methods for imparting requisite training. For starters,

even finding a substitute to class room lectures is a

challenge. For evaluators, finding new evaluation

methods is a challenge. IGNFA found itself in the

midst of this challenge as early as second week of

March 2020.

It was unfortunate and painful to all of us in

IGNFA, to be labeled as introducers of COVID 19 to

the State of Uttarakhand as 3 IFS trainees of IFS

2018 batch were tested positive after returning from

their official Foreign Study Tour. Though all the

Spain-returned and Finland-returned trainees were

immediately put under quarantine in two separate

hostels, the whole FRI campus was locked on 19th

March 2020 following the first positive case. It meant

nobody was allowed to go in or out of the campus.

This entire episode led to very bad publicity to the

National Academy in particular and IFS officers in


Tough times lay ahead. Academy was closed

for regular training. IFS trainees of 2018 batch were

under quarantine. Trainees of 2019 batch, who had

joined the Academy only 3 months ago for their 16-

month long training at IGNFA, could not return to

campus after their one-week Holi term break due to

nationwide lockdown. During initial days of

lockdown, nobody was sure how things would move

forward from here. On one hand Academy was

struggling to come to terms with the Press and News

media’s false reports, against itself and the trainees;

and on the other hand, the bigger concern was to

restart training at the earliest. Countering negative

false media reports proved counter-productive, it

didn’t deter the flow. It also put the Academy on the

defensive, defending even the most frivolous and

false allegations. After a lot of deliberation, Academy

decided to focus its energy and resources on

restarting the training than waste on countering

media reports.

On training front, there were two immediate

challenges: First, IFS 2018 batch was scheduled to

pass out from the Academy after completion of their

training on 30th April 2020, just one and half month

away and second, IFS 2019 batch currently spread

across the country, was unable to return to the


Talking about first challenge- 1) there were

couple of courses which were to be started and

completed before 15th April; 2) conducting regular

exams for more than 6 subjects and special exams

for more than 12 subjects; 3) conducting Final Viva

Voce individually for each trainee. The second

challenge was relatively easier, as trainees were

needed to be brought to an online platform together,

so their class room training could be continued


To tackle both, a robust IT infrastructure to

facilitate online meetings and online exams was

required. IGNFA can boast of a healthy IT

infrastructure within the Academy, but entire faculty

and staff were locked out of the campus, in the

IGNFA Residential Complex. With respect to IT wing

of the Academy, officer in-charge, a faculty member,

residing at one place and support-staff residing

elsewhere, brought additional challenges. Despite

the limitations, Academy decided to start online

training and IT wing of IGNFA was given the

responsibility to start it as soon as possible.


Barring few, all faculty members reside in

IGNFA Residential Complex, and there was no

broadband connection. Everyone was using mobile

data as a source of Internet. Mobile Internet

connectivity is sufficient for participating in an online

meeting but not for hosting a lecture which includes

having to share presentation and other documents.

For an hour-long lecture, frequent loss of connection

is another problem. As National Lockdown was

imposed on 24th March 2020, getting a Broadband

connection during lockdown period was also very

difficult, if not impossible. But all these challenges

did not deter IT wing’s determination to fulfill its


Trial Online Class

Within 6 days of the campus lockdown, first

online lecture for IFS 2019 trainees was organized

on 25th March 2020. The platform used was ‘ZOOM

Cloud Meetings’. Lecture duration was one hour.

Mobile Internet connectivity was used to organize

lectures. Result? There were issues of frequent

disconnection, occasional stoppage of transmission

and difficulty in sharing PPT and documents during

the lecture. Though it was a paid subscription, there

was issue of uninterrupted sessions, automatic

disconnection within the hour etc. This continued for

next three days. In between, efforts were going on to

get OFC based Broadband connection from BSNL

who is in the midst of laying OFC cable throughout

the city before lockdown was announced. BSNL

responded positively and assured that it would take

all necessary measures possible during the

lockdown period, to provide at least one OFC

Broadband connection in the Residential Complex.

In the meantime, GOI advised not to use ZOOM App

due to security concerns. So, our rendezvous with

the online training hit a road block.

Following the dictum, ‘when going gets

tough, tough gets going’, IT wing of IGNFA doubled

its efforts to run the online training program. BSNL

was pursued and finally IGNFA Residential Complex

got its first OFC based Broadband connection on

30th March 2020. Soon followed the second

connection. These two provided for a dedicated

virtual classroom with OFC Broadband connection in

Residential Complex. One problem resolved! For the

second, search for alternate to ZOOM Cloud

Meetings online platform ended in finding ‘CISCO

WebEx’ online meeting and video conferencing app.

Academy had experience of working with CISCO in

laying out the IT infrastructure in Hostels only last

year. CISCO was happy to contribute to our efforts

by immediately providing requisite software and

online platform ‘CISCO WebEx’. From 6th April

onwards, online lecture classes resumed with new

Broadband connection and CISCO WebEx platform.

They have been running smoothly since then for

both the batches of IFS trainees.

Online Lecture Class on Cisco WebEx

Next big challenge was to organize exams

online for IFS 2018 trainees. As trainees and hostels

were kept under quarantine, there was no way that

exams could be conducted in conventional

classroom fashion under faculty invigilation. The

only possibility was online exam where each trainee

would take the exam on her computer, all at the

same time, and exam would close automatically

after fixed duration. This challenge was resolved by

hiring a software for online examination and then

modifying it to suit our requirements. ‘Webline’, the

service provider for maintaining IGNFA website

helped in developing such software. Trainees were


given demonstration on the software use the day

before the exam. Each trainee was given a user ID

and login password. Trainees attempted online

question papers with fixed duration as per the

schedule fixed by Controller of Examination.

Answers were largely subjective, to be keyed in by

examinees. Exams were successfully conducted

online, using this software.

Online Exam Portal of IGNFA

After gaining sufficient experience in

conducting numerous online classes and online

meetings, conducting Final Viva Voce individually for

each trainee of IFS 2018 batch was not a difficult

task. Examiners at different places were joined

together in virtual Boardroom where each trainee

was also asked to join at fixed timings. Though the

experience differed from real boardroom, it no way

reduced the sanctity of Final Viva Voce of IFS

training. It was a successful venture.

One can always discuss the pros and cons

of conducting training online but extraordinary

circumstances require extraordinary efforts. IGNFA

has stood as an example to several others that in

times of emergency, National Academies can

quickly adapt and adopt innovative methods for

continuation of training of officers without getting

bogged down by pessimistic scenario. IGNFA thus

became the first National Academy not only in

organizing regular online lectures to all trainees

staying on the campus or in their homes; but also in

conducting online exams to avoid delay in

completion of training. IT wing of IGNFA, though

most of the times remains in the background, has

shown commendable sense of duty and

responsibility in the time of great crisis. Kudos to the

whole IT team.

NOTE: IT team is led by Sh Uttam Kumar

Sharma, IFS, Additional Professor, IGNFA. He is

assisted by Sh Darshan Singh Negi, CRA, Staff in IT

cell of IGNFA. The above challenging task was

accomplished by this team of two with the full

support of all senior officers.

1) Sh Uttam Kumar Sharma, a Mechanical

Engineer from IIT Bombay, has a good

understanding of IT related issues and for nearly a

year has been the officer In-charge of IT wing in


2) Sh Darshan Singh Negi, CRA, handling

IT wing at IGNFA, is a competent and dedicated

person. He is the technical backbone of IT

infrastructure at Academy. His efforts in the whole

process of setting online lectures and exams are

highly praiseworthy, to say the least. He has shown

extra ordinary commitment to the cause, at times

risking himself to be blamed for violation of

Lockdown. His efforts need recognition at the

highest level.


How Kerala Forest Department led from the Front in Covid-19 Fight

N Ravisankar Sarma, IFS(P) 2019

We are indeed living in a deeply troubling

time for humanity and times that are on the whole

quite unfamiliar to the human kind. Governmental

departments and healthcare systems are scrambling

for solutions all over the world with invariably the

limelight falling upon the doctors, healthcare

workers, police and political leaders. Kerala Forest

department’s ground breaking work in mitigating

Covid-19 shows to the world and our nation the

unique role of foresters in ensuring last mile

reach of governance machinery whether it be civil

supplies, healthcare, procurement or even books.

The foremost pillar of action from KFD was

sensitization and awareness among the tribal

communities regarding the importance of

sanitization, use of masks and social distancing.

These are testing times for daily wage labourers and

forest dwellers, their isolation from the world

geographically and culturally greatly increasing their

anxiety and vulnerability. The presence of a forester

interacting with them in local language, assuring

them of safety, providing essential items are

incredibly reassuring and gives them the message of

the caring hand of a state that says ‘Together, we

will overcome’.

KFD during the lockdown period also gives

us lessons on how forest department can become

facilitators of income generation and support

through their programme of ‘Vanika’. As a part of

this programme, KFD procures the forest produce

from the tribal community at a fixed price and sews

up demand linkages through a transparent digital

platform. This ensures that supply chain is

maintained despite the lockdown and tribal

communities continue to get assured income

through a simple intervention of the forest


The lockdown period in the state has also

been witness to the remarkable inter-

departmental coordination featuring the forest

department. KFD has astutely linked up with the

health department in screening patients with

Covid symptoms, availing ambulance services

and passing on community level health

information about forest dwelling communities. Once

again, the pro-active character of this outreach

needs to be noted as the tribal communities are

often not health-seeking, there is thus need of

greater outreach which is where the department has

played a crucial role.

Along with providing free ration and

supplying cooked food through community

kitchens, the KFD has aided in the state’s goal of

ensuring that no stomach goes hungry during this

extraordinary period. Even the hunger for knowledge

and letters is being met by the forest department

through its unique initiative of ‘Akshara Vandi’

(Vehicle of letters) which distributes multi-

disciplinary books from libraries to children in tribal

settlements nurturing inquisitiveness, readying them

for competitive exams and keeping them informed.

The arm of compassion and welfare of the

department is combined with robust surveillance and

intensified patrolling to restrict inter-state and

other movement along forested regions in order to

ensure the success of ‘Break the Chain’ movement

of state and ensure health of communities living in

protected areas.

The Kerala Forest Departments multi-

sectoral intervention gives us lessons on how tribal

communities in far flung regions of country can be

taken into confidence through pro-active

interventions during a crisis time reaping benefits of

public health, food security, income generation

and most importantly public trust on state

machinery. Let us all hope this is the last pandemic

we are witness to in our lives, but if not, we do know

as foresters the path we can follow as shown by the

Kerala Forest Department.


Untold Stories of Unsung Green Warriors

Son of Kabini Ram Sundar M, IFS(P) 2019 For Shiva Kumar every day starts with praying to the goddess of the Kabini. That particular day he insisted his daughter join with him. As it was Corona lockdown time she couldn't escape from her father saying she had homework to do. She ran to the back of her house to collect beautiful yellow flowers of Cassia fistula. With her father she dropped flowers into a small rivulet that passed through the Government quarters of watcher Shiva Kumar. They both then turned towards the Western Ghats with folded hands and thanked her for all - the mighty River, gorgeous Forest, beautiful wildlife and for his job to serve them all. The routine of Shiva Kumar has started for that day. Though the tourist count has fallen down to zero due to Covid19 crisis, he with his Forest Guard Mahadev and his friend watcher Bomma continued to keep a vigil of their territorial area in Bandipur National Park. On his way to his forest office, he noticed Mahesh was trying hard to shoo away a grey langur. Shiva Kumar pretended to chase it, the entire troop of langurs ran away with 'grrrrr' cries. Langurs know whom they can mess with: the watcher or poor guest house caretaker. "Hoy… Mahesh, why are you playing with them?" asked Shiva. "I'm not playing with them… No tourists to the guest house for long and they don't have anything to loot here and hence they're charging at me" replied Mahesh, in charge of Guest House. "Ooh… you both should be worried about that'' laughed Shiva sarcastically. "Don't be jealous of the tips the guests give for my fabulous service" replied Mahesh with full anger. "Okay, Mahadev sir asked you to come to office for some file works as you don't have work for now here" said Shiva. Unwillingly, Mahesh joined Shiva The dusty road led to the red painted office of the small team of foresters. Bright full bloomed Butea monosperma stood beside the building giving elaborate shade for them to work outdoors as they stood odd red in a jungle of green.

Watcher Bomma entered the office with a tip off "Sir… There is confirmed news from locals that few people are fishing in Kabini dam backwaters". Guard Mahadev calls Shiva to join with the team and do the file work later. "What to do with him?" Shiva points towards Mahesh. "We can reach the banks of the river by jeep but to reach the other side where they are fishing we need to go in a canoe. Mahesh is good at rowing canoe, better take him with us" said Mahadev without waiting for a reply. He then informs the range office about the case. They reached the banks of Kabini dam backwaters. When someone visits this place for the first time they won't believe Kabini is a river, but appreciate it as a sea. If you consider Kabini as a young girl, she is an adorable kid in Kerala, a mature and calm old woman at Tamilnadu after marrying Cauvery. But she is a glamorous mesmeric adult only in Karnataka. She holds two enchanting forests Bandipur and Nagerhole in each of her hands. Mahadev and his small team started moving in a canoe and spotted their uninvited guests- the illegal fishermen from a long distance, they didn't notice them coming. "With their skills of throwing nets, I guess they are trained fishermen and not poachers'' said Bomma. With giggles Mahesh questions, "Do you know the cost of fishes in the market? It is tripled after lockdown, poachers may use this as a chance to make money". "This is what fishing in troubled waters means" Shiva cuddles. "Whomsoever it may be, fishing here is illegal and we should first arrest them and then interrogate them" said Mahadev causing the team to settle with their guesses. As the canoe approached them the team spotted at least ten to twelve persons engaged in fishing activities. The illegal fishing team got alerted as the forest department staff were approaching them. But strangely they didn't run away but directed their coracle towards them.


Guard Mahadev realized that it would be disadvantageous for the team to encounter them in water. As culprits were approaching them with their coracles, Mahadev shot upwards with his rifle. Those at the other side of the bank ran away and those approaching them in coracles jumped out of it into the water. Bomma heaved a great sigh of relief thinking danger was averted, but he was wrong. The culprits jumped out of the coracle, approached the canoe of the Mahadev team and turned it down. Mahadev and Bomma reached the bank by swimming. When Bomma suggested they chase the culprits, Mahadev insisted to help the drowning comrades. Shiva Kumar and Mahesh were yet to get out of the water. Mahesh got into the strong current of water and struggled to move. He was drowning slowly. Shiva Kumar swam towards him and rescued him out of the current after a long battle. Shiva Kumar was a good swimmer and he took that heroic risk reposing trust in his goddess Kabini. Mahesh escaped the current and swam towards the bank, Shiva Kumar trailing behind him. But on his way back Shiva Kumar got entangled in the fishing nets used by the miscreants. Though he tried hard to get out, he failed miserably and drowned in the river. Few weeks later, Sudha, a three-year-old girl stretched hard to pluck the flowers of Cassia fistula and ran towards the rivulet praying, "Dear Kabini maa, give back my father to me". ********* This story is a fictionalized account of a real life incident in which Two foresters got drowned in the backwaters of Kabini dam while preventing fishermen fishing there illegally on April 26, 2020.

two foresters got information that a fishing net had been cast in the Kabini river dam and went to the spot in a canoe.

When the foresters were removing the net, fishermen came in 10 or 12 coracles and tried to attack the two. One of the foresters fired in the air and somehow lost balance and both the men fell off the canoe. They landed in the waters and one of the foresters got entangled in the net and died.

A Simple Recipe to Blow away your lockdown Blues Monica Kishore, IFS(P) 2019


3 Books to Read this Lockdown Period

Vipasha Parul, IFS(P) 2019

I happen to be an avid lover of fiction (suits the circumstances we are facing as I get

a chance to be transported; I travel in my mind). These books mentioned below need

not be picked up only by book worms (I say this as a compliment), but also those who

feel that book reading is not for them as the English is easy, straight forward and

impactful. So without much ado here is a list of my top three this month:

Number 1: The Plague, Author: Albert Camus

I can’t even begin to tell you how much this book has done for me to accept the current

changes happening around us. The Plague is set in a place called Oran (Northern

Algeria then under the French rule) and how the city (a quintessential one with all its

ordinary hullaballoo) gets infested with the disease. The denial of the people, the rate

of rise of infection, the helplessness of the administration, the never ending lockdown,

the separation with the world, and the acute loss of lives, it all happened in front of my

eyes (figuratively of course). This book well equipped me to accept these times of

Corona and as a result nothing that is happening around shocks me anymore. With a

lot of hope (also from the book) I can say that it is bound to end where normalcy will

be restored but people will have learnt their lesson. For those searching for answers

and strength to get through this lock down should definitely pick this book up.

Number 2: A Suitable Boy, Author: Vikram Seth

This book is going to be adapted into a tv series by the same name (will be aired on

Netflix) directed by Mira Nair, with actors such a Tabu, Ishan Khattar among others in

the lead role. The book describes the socio political times of 1950 India (particularly

UP, erstwhile United Provinces, Delhi and Calcutta) and provides a vivid glimpse into

the problems and pleasures of that era. A mother trying everything in her capacity to

find a “suitable boy” for her youngest daughter, a high profile minister trying to keep a

balance between his ideals and demand of populism, a young reputed man falling

head over heels in love with a famous courtesan, here simple plots are entwined into

each other with such delicacy that you come out with a taste of having lived at that

time. Seasoned well with the issues of caste, communalism, urban haughtiness and

human condescension, give this book a try if you want good Dolby experience.

Number 3: The Fishermen, Author: Chigozie Obioma

‘The Fishermen’ was one of the entries to Man Bookers Prize 2015, for the simple

reason that it is able to weave mystic, mystery and mythic into a beautiful Nigerian

tapestry. It is a gripping story of 4 inseparable brothers Ikenna(15 yrs), Bojo(14 years),

Obembe(10yrs), Ben(8 yrs). The author’s narration of how their beautiful bond tears

up shred by shred after an encounter with a mad man who foretells Ikenna’s death at

the hands of his own younger brothers is like witnessing an all-consuming Nigerian

folklore. It is almost surreal what the fear of death can do to innocence, love,

brotherhood and of course sanity. For those who like to experience an ethereal

bewitchment that might clench your heart, you should definitely pick this book up.

I really hope this motivates you to pick a book and share a part of my experience!!

Happy reading people!!

While working out is a great way to maintain

fitness and tone muscles, adding yoga to your

daily routine makes your regime complete by

involving internal organ health too!

Names in given order 1. Vajrasana (a meditation pose)

2. Uttānāsana (forward bending)

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

4. Adho-Mukha-Śvānāsana (Dog)

5. Paścimottānāsana

6. Ushtrasana (Camel pose)

7. Ūrdhva Dhanurāsana (Wheel pose)

8. Halāsana (Plough Pose)

9. Śavāsana (Corpse pose)

For more serious ones, stage wise range of

asanas are given here

9 Asanas from

Hatha Yoga - Swetha Boddu, IFS 2018


✓ Stimulates internal organs

✓ Boosts Immunity

✓ Stress relieving

✓ Increases flexibility

✓ Tones muscles

✓ Fights lethargy

✓ Keeps NCDs at bay



❖ Read in detail for any contraindications

before attempting

❖ If you are a beginner, increase steadily

❖ Advisable to do backward bending asana

after forward one & vice versa






7 6




Food Joy

-N Jeykumaran, IFS(P) 2019

There is widespread

confusion in matters of

nutrition these days. Partly

because we know less and

partly because, confusion

helps. As one journalist rightly remarked: "We fully

appreciate public confusion. We're in the

explanation business, and if the answers to the

questions we explore got too simple, we'd be out of

work". In the middle of these confusing sounds,

words of Michael Pollan, the author of 'Omnivore's

Dilemma' is sane. "Nutrition science is young. It is

today, approximately where surgery was in the year

1650 - very promising, and very interesting to watch,

but are you ready to let them operate on you? I think

I'll wait". He sees nutrition more clearly than most of

us do.

So this section is simply an effort to give you the

words to navigate in this strange world of nutrition.

Alkalinize your system

When we are away from home, we eat a lot of

processed foods. These days even homes are not

immune from these culinary pleasures. We are not

here in the business of mentoring taste buds, so let’s

deal with this present world we have. Nutritional

literature has established the fact that processed

foods are of acid forming nature once they are inside

human body. Even the dairy and meat products

belong to this acid-forming category.

But our bodies are evolved to function normally in

the slightly basic pH range of 7.35-7.45. These

processed foods, however, combined with dairy and

meat tilts this balance into the acidic territory.

As a result, the body gets into its defensive mode. In

order to counteract these high acid loads in the diet,

the body begins to look for buffering substances.

The body starts using calcium and phosphorus from

bones to buffer acid loads which over a period might

lead to Osteoporosis (fragile bones) often

recognized in back and knee pains.

Glutamine found in skeletal muscles is another

buffer. To neutralize the excess of dietary acids,

Glutamine is leached from muscle, which can lead

to muscle loss.

Body also has a tendency to remove excess acid

from the body and store them in fat cells. More the

acid in one's diet, the fatter cells required for storage

space. In other words, an acidic diet and

environment promotes an increase in body fat while

working to erode muscle mass.

This is the concern we have to deal with. And the

beginnings are simple, As Elementary Chemistry

would say, alkalinize the system to deal with the



Citrus fruits despite their citric acid content are

alkaline forming once they enter the body system.

So immediately after we wake up from bed or before

having our breakfast, at home or away, nurture the

habit of drinking a glass of water with a juice of

lemon. This alkalinizes the body, kick starts the

metabolism and gears you for the outside world.

Complex food rules are bad for happiness. So focus

on habits-simple everyday habits!



Agrim Saini & Prashant Tomar, IFS (P) 2019


Know Your Probationer Series

Vipasha Parul & Anurag Tiwari, IFS(P) 2019

When he says “blood is thicker than water, but

friendship is thicker than blood”, you know you have

met someone, whom if befriended will not hesitate

even once to put himself before you in the most

diabolical situations. If he is sharing his holy water

with you, then you are almost there. :)

How often do we see him near the shoe polishing

machine in a day?! (rhetorical question of course!)

for every compulsive habit of his, he will eloquently

explain the reason behind it. (Well, he will eloquently

explain a lot of things, that you might need a

dictionary around you #Tharoor). So, back in the

boarding school days (Dow Hill, Kurseong, he is a

very proud alumni), one of his professors made him

stand out and appreciated how ‘sharply’ dressed he

was in his uniform. This bit stuck with him, and since

then he truly believes that “you have to look your


He is an engineer by qualification (NIT Durgapur) but

a ‘political scientist’ at heart. The conversations with

him come with an insightful political acumen,

something he owes to his experience at Prime

Minister’s Rural Development Fellowship (PMRDF).

He takes literature pretty seriously. He often finds

meaning to his life, its pleasures and problems in

books. In an epiphany, he had realized the meaning

of the saying, “We study humanities as a subject

because it makes us human”. Thus, in a general

conversation with him, you will find quotes from

Premchand to Tolstoy, Thoreau to Emerson flying all

around accompanied by their relevance. And his

wordsmithery with Hindi catches even the most

eloquent of the eyeballs (his ‘vote of thanks’

masterpiece during West India Tour might ring a


He also shares a vivid taste in movies, if he really

likes some, he stored it in his eidetic memory. Some

conversation landed on Gangs of Wasseypur one

day, and we had a hearty laugh (so much so that our

jaws started hurting) as he went on narrating rib

tickling scenes with utmost minutia.

He pretty much goes by the principle ‘First we eat,

then we do everything else’. And you could see him

rushing from the mess because he is caught up what

he loves doing the most - enjoying a sumptuous

meal. This, according to him, is the reason behind

his fitness and showmanship on the sports field. We

all give it to him!

All hail the Lord Commander of our Mess and the

Master of Grain, Dwijaa Pratim Sen!




1 ___ was not built in a day (12) 6 Saddled between trees, the lawn and camaraderie of everyday, a monkeys jump away from both an abode of God and tomorrows guardians of our nation (9) 7 An uninvited guest, fortunately unseen, yet as the signs tell us- ‘beware’ (7) 8 Our shelter from the untimely rain where the remnants of victory and loss flutter in the wind in different colours (13) 9 A ____ a day keeps the batch engaged, the world informed and the campus known (3) 10 On the wall of your home, when drinking a cup of tea, by the steering wheel and on your attire for the day, they evoke memories of the academy and the glory of the service (8)


2. Behind a squeaky door lies this place that yearns not for obligatory signatures but natural desire for knowledge (12) 3 Under this ‘tree’ we congregate to gain the knowledge of our science (6) 4 A winter night that made everyone an artist and all the campus a stage (10) 5 A remnant of pride and a memorable gift blended in a mix of blue, green, yellow and red punctuated by a pin (6)

Our Team Cover Design: N Jeykumaran

Swetha Boddu Kasturi Sule N Jeykumaran Newsletter Design: N Ravisankar Sarma

Ramsundar M Vipasha Parul N Ravisankar Sarma Feedback: litclub.ignfa@gmail.com