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Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Question 2 What case established the idea of Judicial Review? (Marbury v. Madison)




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Question 1What are the 3 ways to become a US citizen?

(jus soli (soil), jus sanguanis (blood), naturalization)

Question 2•What case established the idea of Judicial Review?

• (Marbury v. Madison)

Question 3• Implied powers of the Congress comes from what clause of the Constitution?

• (The Elastic Clause)

Question 4• Name 2 reasons the 14th

Amendment is so important.• (Guarantees equal protection,

prohibits states from denying due process, nationalized citizenship, incorporated many of the Bill of Rights, etc.)

Question 5• What is a “lame duck” President?

• (One who is in office that is not returning to the office for another term.)

Question 6• Why is Gitlow v. NY such

a significant case?• (It was the 1st case to

incorporate rights in the 1st Amendment to states)

Question 7•Who wrote the Bill of Rights and some of the Federalist Papers?

• (James Madison)

Question 8

•What rule created cloture to prevent filibusters?

•(Rule 22)

Question 9•How much can an individual contribute to a candidate?

• ($2000)

Question 10•Name 2 types of third parties.

• (Splinter, single issue & ideological)

Question 11• What was the most important accomplishment of the 2nd Continental Congress?

• (The Declaration of Independence)

Question 12• What government agency oversees the public airwaves?

• (The Federal Communications Commission or FCC)

Question 13•What agency oversees voting & election laws?

• (FEC)

Question 14•What is the “full faith and credit” clause?

•(Allows state documents, licenses, etc. to transfer)

Question 15• Name 2 court cases that

incorporated 1st amendment rights.

• (Engel, DeJonge, Tinker, Brandenburg, Lemon, TX v. Johnson, Near, etc.)

Question 16•Explain federalism.• (Power is divided between the national & state levels)

Question 17• What 2 amendments guarantee citizens due process of law?

• (The 5th and 14th Amendments)

Question 18•What case did Brown v. Topeka BOE overturn?

• (Plessy v. Ferguson)

Question 19• What clause of the 1st

Amendment prevents the government from interfering with your religious freedom?

• (The Free Exercise Clause)

Question 20•What amendment gives you the right to a lawyer?

• (6th Amendment)

Question 21• What agency was created

in 1947 to coordinate foreign & military policy?

• (The National Security Council)

Question 22• Which branch can strike down any law or action?

• (The judicial branch uses judicial review)

Question 23•How many electoral votes does it take to become President?

• (270)

Question 24• Give 3 examples of rights protected by the 9th amendment.

• (Rights to privacy, travel, marry, own property, etc.)

Question 25• What does Pluralist power

theory mean?• (That no one group

controls policy, but many forces compete for power)

Question 26•What 4 states have the most electoral votes?

• (CA, TX, NY, & FL)

Question 27• What is the exclusionary

rule?• (States that evidence

seized illegally cannot be used against you in court.)

Question 28• What fraction of the

Senate does it take for cloture to end a filibuster?

• (3/5)

Question 29• What does the supremacy clause mean?

• (That all federal & state laws must follow the Constitution)

Question 30• Name one example of a

condition of aid or funded mandate.

• (NCLB, RttT, National Highway funds, etc.)

Question 31• What term means censorship of information before it is published?

• (Prior Restraint)

Question 32•Name 2 checks on Congressional law-making.

• (Veto, Judicial review)

Question 33• What clause in the 1st

Amendment prevents the government from favoring a religion?

• (The Establishment Clause)

Question 34• What is a limit on free speech?

• (Slander, yelling fire in a crowded theatre, Clear & Present Danger, etc.)

Question 35• What are programs that require the preference of women and minorities called?

• (Affirmative Action Programs)

Question 36•What amendment gives the states “reserved powers”?

• (10th)

Question 37•What term means that courts overturn existing laws and set new policies?

• (Judicial Activism)

Question 38• What 3 men wrote The Federalist Papers?

• James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, & John Jay

Question 39• How do most bureaucrats get their jobs today?

• (The Civil Service System or hired)

Question 40• Give 2 examples of expressed powers of Congress.

• (Coin money, regulate trade, raise taxes, make laws, etc.)

Question 41• What clause is the source of Presidential implied powers?

• (The “take care” clause)

Question 42• What fraction of the state legislatures must approve a constitutional amendment before it takes effect?

• (3/4)

Question 43• What is fiscal policy?• (Using taxing and spending to influence the economy)

Question 44• Explain why the

bureaucracy has two bosses.

• (The Presidential appointments run the agency, but Congress funds them.)

Question 45• What part of the 14th

Amendment has led to selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights?

• (The Due Process Clause)

Question 46• What Frenchman wrote about America in his book, Democracy in America?

• (Alexis de Tocqueville)

Question 47• Name three demographic

factors that affect how a person votes.

• (Race, gender, occupation, educational level, region, etc.)

Question 48• How did the Hatch Act

limit members of the bureaucracy?

• (Prevents them from being active in campaigning.)

Question 49• Name 2 powers of the US

Senate exclusively.• (Approve Cabinet

appointments, Approve Judges & Justices, Approve Treaties by 2/3)