2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming

Post on 30-May-2018

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  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    Behind the Scenes

    at Festival Hue

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    Festival Programming

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010


    What type of festival is it?

    Traditional or contemporary or mixture?

    What resources do you have - physical,

    financial, cultural?

    Who is your audience going to be local orvisiting?

    Is it a free festival or charged?

    If charged is it high price, or low price?

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    More Vision...

    Audiences need clear signposts for what

    sort of festival its going to be, but...

    Make sure name of festival does not

    restrict your vision.

    Think carefully about the shape of your

    festival you may have to live with it for

    a long time

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010


    Is the festival in a city, town or


    Urban or rural?

    On a Greenfield site?


  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    DurationAnnual or bi-annual, one off?

    A day, a weekend, a week, ten days,

    two weeks, three weeks, a month?Try and choose a shape and build it

    up rather than changing all the time

    but...Dont stick to a formula just because

    it has always been done that way.

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    Venues Indoors or outdoors?

    Permanent purpose built venues? Temporarily created venues in

    special locations?

    In the street? Site specific?

    Ticketing how dealt with across

    multiple venues

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010


    Performing arts, visual arts, both

    Single artform, multi-artform? Specialist

    or General?

    Music, dance, drama, literature, painting,sculpture.....

    Contemporary or traditional or a


  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    More Content

    Is it Curated or open access? This workshop

    we are talking mainly about curated festivals

    Is it a presenting or a producing festival or a


    Will it commissioning of new work

    Is the content national or international?

    What is the role of local artists?

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010


    An overriding theme eg classical music or


    Specific themes focusing on the works of

    one artist?

    Multi-themed within an overall vision

    No themes?

    Strands and sub programmes venues or

    times eg lunchtime concerts

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    More Themes

    Avoid the over themed festival

    Quality of performance mattersabove all.

    Only a small number of your

    audience will follow you through a

    whole thematic journey

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    Programme Creation The role of the festival director a single vision

    Knowledge of the artform, audience, artists and

    repertoire, venues and production

    By invitation or approached

    Artist led festivals

    Duration of tenure how often to change them 1-15years

    Programming teams specialists under one single


  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    Programme Multi events at same time

    Try not to duplicate within artforms so a play against

    a concert

    Multi-events on the same day

    Try to see that programme has enough meat in it for

    someone making a short visit over say a weekend One event following another

    Performance running times - Crucial for audiences

    and sponsors!

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    More Programming

    Plan the festival you want to do, not the one

    you can afford.

    Uniqueness of artist/location combination is

    as important as uniqueness of artist

    Configure programme to balance between

    surefire successes and high risk premieres orventures.

    Make sure programme has 3 or four

    unmissable milestones

  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    Artists/Companies Build relationships with artists by investing time in

    personal relationships

    Turn up at their important performances: has anamazing effect

    Any artist can be seduced

    This will save money and give you the best chance ofgetting the artist to bring you their best ideas and

    also undertake yours

    The best relationship with artists are not financially


  • 8/9/2019 2 FEI Behind the Scenes Workshop- Programming


    British Council Vietnam

    Festival Workshop

    10-13 June2010

    More on Artists relationships

    The key to good artist relationships is trust

    and excellent working circumstances.

    Have multi-year relationships. That way you

    can take your audience on a journey across

    the programme.

    Your key artists are also your advocateselsewhere in the artistic community

    come to Hue Festival - I have a great time

    there every year