2 Hidden Job Market

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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The Hidden Job MarketNetworking

Cold Calling

What will be covered in this session

• Hidden job market

• Networking

• Cold Call/ Express of Interest letters

• Telephone canvassing

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 78% to 82% of jobs are found through the hidden job market. (2006)

Advertised jobs

Unadvertised jobs

What is networking?

Networking is a system for developing and maintaining contacts and personal connections with a variety of people who might be helpful to you and your career.

Neighbours, Social Contacts, Facebook, Twitter

Friends, Business Associates


• Networking works for everyone.

• Networking is the only way to access some fields/jobs.

• Every person you know is a valuable contact.

• Networking is about reaching out and developing a team of ‘helpers’.


Great networkers…• listen• don’t interrupt• ask you questions about yourself• make eye contact• make you feel special• follow up when they say they will• ask instead of expect• remember snippets from previous conversations • use open questions.

Some networking opportunities

• Ask for a business card if you meet someone who may be able to help with your job searching

• At social functions – spread the word that you are job hunting. You never know who may know someone….

• Speak to neighbours and relatives• Neighbourhood Centres or through volunteering


Spread the word

Cold call or Expression of Interest lettersThis means sending letters to companies enquiring about any unadvertised jobs

Rather than using a ‘scatter gun’ approach target the industries that you are interested in and have relevant skills

Write a general letter highlighting your skills and abilities and requesting an interview.

Nothing ventured………………

Cold Calling

• You can also do the same by calling companies• The hardest part is getting past the ‘gate keeper’

(receptionist)• If possible find out the name of the appropriate

person before calling• If they are unavailable, ask when would be a good time to call them. Don’t wait for them to call you back (they won’t)

Developing a phone script

A phone script will help you feel prepared for your telephone canvassing and give you guidelines for what to say during the call.

You don’t have to stick to your phone script word for word. It is more like a flowchart, listing things to say during the conversation.

1. Ask for the name of the manager.

Hello, my name is Joanne Citizen. Can you please give me the name of the Nursing Department Manager?

2. Ask to speak to the manager

Is Ms Smith in please? May I speak with her?

3. Introduce yourself and explain the purpose of your call

Hello Ms Smith, my name is Joanne Citizen and I believe you manage the Nursing department at Springfield General Hospital. I am an experienced nursing assistant and would like to discuss employment opportunities in your hospital. Would you have a moment to discuss this with me?

4. Once you have their attention, sell your skills and benefits to the employer

• I have three years experience in ward nursing and one year in intensive care. I have recently updated my qualifications and have been praised by all my past employers for my dependability and quality of nursing. In my previous position I was responsible for training new staff and I am skilled in workplace training methods.

5. Ask for an opportunity to meet.

Rather than take up too much of your time today, is it possible to arrange a meeting with you to talk about my experience and qualifications in more detail?

6. Set up the meeting

That’s great! I’m sure you’re busy at the moment but do you have a few minutes tomorrow afternoon? I could be there at 3pm. If 3pm isn’t good, would 8.30am on Friday the 6th be better?

7. Thank them and repeat the details of the meeting.

Thanks for your time. I look forward to seeing you Friday the 6th at 10am.

After the call• Keep a record of the call

and your follow-up actions.

• Complete your follow-up actions on time.

• Reflect on your call and identify areas for improvement.

• Stay positive.

Face to Face

You can use the same principles and script as the phone conversationJust remember – PRESENTATION

“You never get a second chance to make a good first impression”

Things to remember…• If cold calling face to face, make sure

you are appropriately dressed•Do not take knock backs personally•Using the Hidden Job Market gives

you more opportunities to work with an employer you want to – rather than one only available through advertised positions

That’s all!Thank you for coming todayLook forward to seeing you next session