2 policy brief n press release (yuti)

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Menyusun Policy Brief

SyahyutiPelatihan penulisan Staf BIRO PERENCANAAN

KEMENTANBogor – 24 Nov 2014 Bogor

What is a policy brief?

• A short document that presents the findings and recommendations of a research project to a non-specialized audience

• A medium for exploring an issue and distilling lessons learned from the research

• A vehicle for providing policy advice


WHAT IS A POLICY BRIEF?Two types of brief

The PB as memo The PB as publication

Internally focused Externally focused

Demand-driven Supply-driven

Narrowly focused Broadly targeted

A general overview of the subject showing multiple opinions or view points

Focuses on research that supports the main argument of the brief

Might give multiple, and even competing, solutions

Gives strong, clear and coordinated policy recommendations or implications

Work Within Parameters

A policy brief is:

• A stand alone document

• Focused on a single topic

• No more than 2-4 pages (1,500 words)

Who Are Your Readers?

Ask yourself

• Who am I writing this brief for?

• How knowledgeable are they about the topic?

• How open are they to the message?



Policy-oriented research institutes

Think tanks

Civil society organisations

Advocacy organisations

International NGOs

Multilateral organisations

Government bodies

Networks/ coalitions of any of the above

Audience(s)Non-academic/ non-specialist

Decision-makers who may have varying degrees of expertise on a given issue

In certain cases may target development practitioners

Not usually targeted at the general public


How to develop main elements

• Identify the purpose and overarching message of the policy brief

• Determine three key policy recommendations/ implications

• Construct a logical line of argument for making these recommendations

• Based on an understanding of the context around the issue, identify one or two entry points for the message



Rekomendasi kebijakan


Policy Brief Template

• Executive Summary

• Introduction

• Approaches and Results

• Conclusion

• Implications and Recommendations


• In addition to having solid content, policy briefs should also be visually engaging• Generates interest in the policy brief• Design can help highlight key facts or concepts

• Policy-makers often spend just 30-60 minutes reading information on an issue

• Can convey authority, credibility, weight and tone of the piece

DESIGN OF POLICY BRIEFS: Titles, standfirsts

and headings

• Titles:– Should convey the main idea of the policy brief and include key

words!– Make catchy/ memorable– [TITLE]: [Subtitle] is a common structure, but questions can also be


• Standfirst– One sentence that is designed to generate interest in the paper

– Usually appears directly below the title, and the two should complement each other

– Especially useful if the title is very straightforward

• Headings– To help readers quickly find the information they need, use clear

sections and headings

Lead With a Short Statement

The executive statement will:

• Distil the essence of the brief

• Provide an overview for busy readers

• Entice readers to go further

• Appear on cover or top of first page

• Be written last


• Answers the question why

• Explains the significance/urgency

of the issue

• Describes research objective

• Gives overview of findings, conclusions

• Creates curiosity for rest of brief

Approaches and Results

• Provides summary of the facts

• Describes issue and context

• Describes research and analysis

• Should not be overly technical

• Highlight benefits, opportunities


• Explains how study conducted

• Relates who conducted study

• Describes relevant background

• Identifies method used to collect data


What Did We Learn?

• Make content easy to follow

• Start by painting a general picture

• Move from general to specific

• Base conclusions on results

Example:Do the Fences Work?Overall it was found that although the electric

fencing does help…it is not capable of completely eliminating conflict. In each…area…technical as well as socio-economic factors affect….success. Technical failures mainly affected the early fences…Other problems resulted from failure to take into account elephant behaviour and distribution patterns.

Elephants and Electric Fences: A Study from Sri LankaEEPSEA 2005


What Does It Mean?

• Use section to interpret data

• Aim for concrete conclusions

• Express ideas using strong assertions

• Ensure ideas are balanced and defensible

• If hypothesis abandoned, say why


Overall, it was found that although electric fencing does help mitigate human elephant conflict, it is not capable of completely eliminating the conflict. A social factor that affected the success of electric fences was whether the local community supported the project in their area. Community support was critical in several ways.

Elephants and Electric Fences: A Study from Sri LankaEEPSEA 2005

Implications and Recommendations

• Implications are what could happen

• Recommendations are what should happen

• Both flow from conclusions

• Both must be supported by evidence Describe what researcher thinks will be the consequences

• Less direct than recommendations

• Useful when advice not requested

• Softer approach but still can be persuasive


Call to Action

• Describe clearly what should happen next

• State as precise steps

• Ensure they are relevant, credible and feasible


A successful strategy to deal with the elephant problem

must be much more far-reaching than it is at present.

Such a strategy should include a comprehensive land

use planning exercise where elephant habitats….are

grouped and interconnected…The elephants’ habitat

should then be enriched and fenced.

Elephants and Electric Fences: A Study From Sri Lanka


Latar Belakang:

• Permasalahan pertanian sangat dinamis, berbagaiperkembangan baru berlangsung setiap hari.

• Media massa semakin menjadi arena yang posisinya semakin penting, direspon sangat besar

• Sayangnya, wacana yang berlangsung seringkalilemah, keliru, dampaknya tidak terkontrol

• Pandangan dan analisis dari “dalam” akanmampu memberikan public education yang kuatke masyarakat.


1. Memberikan respon dan analisis yang komprehensifserta ilmiah terhadap berbagai isu seputarpermasalahan pertanian, di level nasional serta jugalokal dan internasional

2. Memberikan pendidikan yang bertanggung jawabkepada publik, terutama kalangan eksekutif danlegislatif, maupun kalangan akademisi; dalam halmemaknai berbagai perkembangan pertanian yang berlangsung

3. Memenuhi tanggung jawab pokok dan moral terhadap persoalan-persoalan nasional, dalam posisisebagai lembaga pemerintah.

Press release adalah:

• informasi dalam bentuk berita yang dibuat oleh Public Relations (PR) suatu organisasi/ perusahaan yang disampaikan kepada pengelola pers/ redaksi media massa(tv, radio, media cetak, media online) untuk dipublikasikandalam media massa tersebut. (Soemirat dan Ardianto,2004)

• A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed, faxed, or e-mailedto assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, and/or television networks. (sumber: Wikipedia)

Press release adalah:

• A press release is pseudo-news story, written in third person, that seeks to demonstrate to an editor or reporter the newsworthiness of a particular person, event, service or product.

Materi Press Release:

• Headline• Dateline• Introduction —who, what, when, where and why.• Body — further explanation, statistics, background, or

other details relevant to the news.• Boilerplate — generally a short "about" section, providing

independent background on the issuing company, organization, or individual.

• Close — the symbol "-30-“, *****, ###; indicating the end of the release.

• Media contact information — name, phone number, email address, mailing address, etc.

Format piramida terbalik (Mappatoto,1993):

Alasan piramida terbalik:

1. Pembaca/redaksi adalah orang sibuk denganwaktu yang sangat terbatas

2. redaksi tidak mempunyai cukup waktu untuk membaca keseluruhan Press Release. Sebelum redaksi memutuskan dibuang atau dipakai release tersebut, mereka harus tahu dengan cepat apa keseluruhan isi release itu

3. redaksi media massa harus memotong Press Release tersebut tanpa mengurangi isi pokoknya.

Kenali “gaya media massa”:

1. Memilih judul yang positif - aktif2. Paragraf pertama (lead) harus tajam dan ringkas; antara 12

sampai 20 kata3. kalimat dan paragraf pendek-pendek.4. Menghidnari kata yang berlebihan serta kata keterangan dan kata

sifat yang tidak perlu. 5. Menghindari kata-kata panjang karena kolom surat kabar sempit. 6. Hindari istilah khusus dan penggunaan singkatan.7. Menjawab 5 W + 1H8. Memasukkan semua butir yang penting pada awal narasi. 9. Mereka menulis berita (berdasar fakta), bukan pandangan.

Format press release:

1. Judul yang kuat, jelas, “berbeda”, dan“berisi”

2. Beri tanggal

3. Cantumkan sumber, nama kontak, telepon, email, dll

4. Buatlah uraian sesingkat mungkin.

Hal-hal yg harus diperhatikan (Jefkins, 2003):

• Kebijakan editorial media massa bersangkutan• Frekuensi penerbitan (harian, mingguan, bulanan,

tahunan)• Tanggal/tenggat terbit. Kapan harus mengirim

press release? • Proses percetakan dan tiras.• Wilayah sirkulasi. • Jangkauan pembaca (jumlah, kelas pembaca,

status sosial, dst)• Metode distribusi (eceran atau langganan)

Pengiriman press release:

• Kirimkan secepat mungkin.

• Jika pengirim siaran pers sudah mengenal nama wartawan sesuai bidangnya, tujukanlah langsung kepada wartawan tsb.

• Pengiriman bisa melalui faksimili atau e-mail.

• Konfirmasikan kembali melalui telepon, apakah siaran pers sudah diterima atau belum.

Media untuk press release:

1. Media massa cetak, audio dan adio visual

2. Email.

3. Milis atau mailing list.

4. Website.

5. Jejaring Sosial.

6. E-Bussiness Card.

Sepuluh tips menulis Press Release:

1. Pastikan informasi yang akan disampaikan memilki nilai berita yang kuat.

2. Informasikan ke media, mengapa informasi ini perlu mereka ketahui.

3. Mulailah dengan menyampaikan deskripsi berita, kemudian siapa yang menyampaikan, bukansebaliknya.

4. Tanyakan: apa yang membuat orang merasa berita ini penting bagi diri mereka? Apahubungannya dengan kepentingan mereka

5. Pastikan bahwa sepuluh kata pertama benar-benar kuat dan memiliki informasi yang bermanfaat.

6. Hindari penggunaan kata-kata umum dan bersayap dan fokus kepada informasi yang akandisampaikan.

7. Sampaikan fakta-fakta.

8. Cantumkan contact person pada release selengkap mungkin mulai dari nama, alamat telepon, alamat e-mail, website, dll. Siap-siap untuk dihubungi !

9. Pastikan waktu yang tepat untuk pengiriman release. Jangan di akhir pekan.

10. Permudah reporter/jurnalis untuk mendapatakan informasi selanjutnya.

(sumber: http://kenapaharuspr.com/2011/05/sepuluh-tips-menulis-press-release/)

Some Key Things to Remember:

• Stay away from hype-bloated phrases like "breakthrough", "unique", "state-of-the-art", etc.

• Always write it from a journalist's perspective. Never use "I" or "we" unless it's in a quote.

• Read lots of good newspaper writing, to get a feel for the style.

• Shorter is better. If you can say it in two pages, great. If you can say it in one page, better

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Indonesia Press Release


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Pendekatan dan Metode press release :

1. Isu yang sedang berkembang dan layak untukdirespon disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang belangsung di media massa nasional, selainberbagai sumber minor lainnya.

2. Setiap isu dicermati dan diringkaskan olehsebuah tim kecil, sesuai dengan bidang masing-masing, untuk menjadi bahan yang akandifinalkan dalam pertemuan mingguan.

3. Format produk berupa press release (1-2 halaman folio) atau berupa position paper yang lebih panjang.

4. Bahan difinalkan dalam pertemuan berkala(coffee morning) yang diadakan seminggusekali.

5. Materi berupa data, analisis, sikap, danpositioning Kementan sebagai kantorpemerintah.

6. Hasil-hasil penelitian merupakan rujukanyang harus digunakan sepanjang relevan.

7. Produk dikirim ke berbagai media massa(email), dalam bentuk print out ke berbagaibagian di Kemtan, serta dimuat dalam Web serta di social network.

8. Produk berupa press release disusunminimal satu paper per 1-2 minggu

Sumber: “How to write a Policy Brief” Toolkit for Researcher. IDRC http://www.idrc.ca/en/resources/tools_and_training/documents/how-to-write-a-policy-brief.pdf

