2 Types of Collaboration

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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Presentation given at AIIM International 2012 on 2 types of Collaboration. Lecture Notes in the To view the session on YouTube see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-m0OqT0gRE




2 Types of Collaboration & 10 Requirements for Using Them

Billy CripePrincipal BloomThinker - BloomThink

VP Marketing – DigitilitiBoard Member – AIIM Minnesota


#1 Intentional

#2 Accidental

2 Types of Collaboration


If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

-sir Isaac Newton, 1676


1676 – Leibniz seeks to find the truth of any mathematical statement given a universal language.

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration


1882 – David Hilbert hangs out with Hermann Minkowski and Adolf Hurwitz

1928 – Hilbert poses Entscheidungsproblem to challenge Leibniz

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration


1936 – Alonzo Church creates Lambda Calculus to prove

Hilbert’s problem is unsolvable

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration


1958 – John McCarthy designs LISP based on Church’s Lambda Calculus.

LISP includes mapping and folding…

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration


2004 – Jeffrey Dean & Sanjay Ghemawat publish MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters

Our abstraction is inspiredby the map and reduce primitives present in Lisp“

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration


2004 – Doug Cutting –reads the paper

2004-2006 - Hadoop created

December, 2011 - Version 1.0.0 of Hadoop released

Amazing (ly Slow) Accidental Collaboration


Accidental Collaboration:The soul of an Idea Weaves Through Time

Forward pressure of the idea influences those who come next…

Building on the insights & data of the progenitors in ways they never imagined…

Wanted a way to find the truth of anything

Created a way to tease insight out of everything


Modern Accidental Collaboration


DATACollection | Aggregation | Tracking |Prediction | Delivery

Key Requirements for Accidental Collaboration


we helping computers computers helping us

our goal is awareness and interaction with all kinds of information

Evolve Status Quo Strategies of Data Collection


encourage voluntary participation interest & gamification create springboards for further collaboration aggregates reveal new meaning & insight

Automatically Aggregate Data


Usage & Context Patterns DLP & GRC Digitiliti

Tracking Data & Data Tracking


Agile Creation of Business Intelligence

Anticipate Demand, Need, Desire & Request

Proactively Predict


Bring it all together

Enterprise Information Ecosystem

Deliver Insight Through Information


An Army Of Davids


Thank You

Billy CripePrincipal BloomThinkerBloomThink.combilly.cripe@bloomthink.com +1 (612) 205-3762Twitter: @billycripeFacebook: facebook.com/bloomthink

AIIM Minnesota