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••• ""rahlp I'1IbUullo.

pgbll>b«l w"eklJ' Excepl IAsi Wul< of YeAr



125 W~II.r 51, Rt>r,m 302 Los Angele. 12, CalU.

MAdl$on ~ 4 1l

Vol. 56 No.6 FrldllY. February 8, 1963

Dirtc r's Report: by Masao Satow

g da for Interim board me ting in L.A. disclosed

DBTaOfT"(l 7TH \. • R

Our fLn! .s IlfTlm~nl "hen we "1m on th., starr R I"n" rur '10 a 10, t J. CL Ch.\ple ... star!M'<l In !be e I and tn Id I Detrolt rH ndrd the \'"ry Ilr t month. R@/el'l11l, bn k to our rt~

port file wllb utillnel H a<lqllOf. t«s al the 1Ime. ener hearlnll .bout JACL's bnmrdlatr postwar JII'OUlm. $1 J*)ple plunkrd do .. n ooe d liar eetb t lnd"'lt their Intrrvt and their a JuranCe 01 suppartln.c a Cha trr. Our reporl says. "1 look 10 Delnllt 10 b.! OM

01 lIle better eIlapters on"e they I'll ..,In," 'Dc\roJt J CLers o,'er these years b .. ·• mlde tha I pre­dldlon look JOOd.


I~w'n' morn lOll to dl. cu. th~ 1%' 81 nnl I " fliotrolt \VIU h :1 under the "h .rmanclllp "f Fran W"lan,bc The dRle hn, r b.,·n .' for .111 V 1.1. Juh' I I Illn.: on ,.

tur " In the (I"noon, Ihr n. Ir " /l Is ho\\ «I us Ihe" h,IW n,,1 10 t tJl. Jf lIch 1n J,lu',Mrlnl ,I it :I

"' ~ I: 'Odlcs at 1\ pollurk a' Ih" Ken 1011\" hl's b, for .... endlng us un our erarntc \\ )"5

\\\. I t n1l .5("n~ r or Umt'. not

on~' bo'" u.. of th" Ihr hour Um(' diller" J •• I, but it wr tTl tn make th" most of rt'n~wtn~ l ('r ..

nal ... t"qu ..... ntanC'(" • mct:UnR n(-\\

prople. work lin. nbJut J.\CL, dr. \ mil hour J ACL<>rs Ulank

U$ t r rncourRf(tn,:t: them b~' our "UI lhos(~ or n on thl' nnUonaJ

1e,.1 nr the hit "hleh come rrom m<eUnl! P<'rsonlll.\· nil "f YOU \\'ho Il"'''. mUl'h 1111'" 10 J .\Cr •. I ~s ., hl cUe lifl' bul one meets tho nto'r t J1<'oplr



Of nrC'. .It\' Ollr NaU n .• l Rf);'Ird nwrllng dlSruUlon ntll t be Umlt~d to 11\1' mCtft II1"n .... (Un It, nnd pr('U"

!f1A: n prt't or our nnllr1lUd pro­Ilram Slnrr II ",III II I br po 51blc 10 ~nd tI,. ,ornple,", ill/end. 10 .1U 0111 l~hnptt!l·S • . WI' nole hrrt' tht.' ";t'"~rnl A'!t'ndn And III\'ltt, thllph.'r~

I" submll ,1/1\' othrr IIt'm, whl"" Ih., d''<'1II Imporlanl lor l'On Idrra lton ,.1 UII thnr

Fol1owlII nn InCormul lun!;"h. W(

1)('l:ln .,1 2 pm wllh roporl frotn Pr nrorllr Mlvnkr. Chnlrll1nn 01 Ulr N .. lIonal J \CI. Endowm.'nl Fund Comlniltl'e ",hkh will hnv mrl the "VI nln~ I'rlol' nnd Frida) mornln.: We Ih<1I mun 11110 Ih nfl'lI "r Ih,' ('1I<llte CllIr.en. dl CIlS!

It, /l~n"Tilt outlook ;,nd "Iv,' nll.n· lion 10 the '1'«lnl i'S"r.' whl h hav.· provr.d 10 be Informntlve to (lur n",mber . I::dltor lIorry Hond" has proj eled .e,'ernl s~elal

1 •• lIes In U.e ('Omlng monlhs, Enr01l11' t Detroit wllh ('te'i· dent Pa' "'I.' sJ)<'nt :0 plea'nnl e"'" nm2 wllh Ihe Chlcnllo Chapler Ex- We will re,'lew ollr problrms of ccullve Board :lIId Ihe r.blnel 01 slafl pe,"nnMI and e. peclallv th. the Chicago JunIor I CL, The (01- (uncUon. 01 Ule Southern Collror· IIminl! mornln, Shl!: WakamaL,u nlA OWce Incidentally. thiS ml'ci' rounded up some o( the key JACL- Ing will be n II 'Od bapll m for ers 10 brc~kfo I With us belore new RCllionnl Dlreclor Isaoc Ma· , .. ndlng us off on our way. t,-u,hille. An Uem 01 NoUonal nec·

olfTlitlon' need, olliclnl adoption. ;\likc ~la noka gOI nung "I" in The various DI'lricl Convrnlions

the \\'11 hlOllt n. D,C., f~1l lit seem. W ~'ear will be notrd lor drploy· ;\ltke always !:el. ~naful'<l on his menl of our nntional ofllcials there­aIr Irip. I. However. thollgh he to,

EAST L.A . JACL INSTALLATION III I .• IUII!; o rtleer Saburu Kldo 1I~1Il ou lgolnll pr. Ident Mr. Mable Vo tol f .lkl nnd IIICOrnlll1( flre Id"1l1 Dr Robrrl Obi .. ro' hown a l Ih,. "n sl I",. "n~, ' I< '. J . CI . In<II.ll nUon d lrln"r Mr . Yo hlulki wan ;Iwiirdl'f l lhl ' SapJlh ln' Pin l'h"pt('r ti l. hOnOTl'd RI u)co Kawakumi wllh Ih,· SlIv~r Pin 'I'o \'" Ml vll :okc Pholo,

Anti-Del malion League celebrates 50th anniversary; D, Schary named nat'l chmn.

WASHINGTON _ 1)0rl' Sl'hnr.". ~R. t ' cnu:~mbC"rl'd by J " llaoesc 1\ !Orrl '. enn for hI prOtlucUon "f "0 For Broke''', wn . oleclc'<l nntl nlll chuirman of thl> Antl·DI'fall1olton Leaguo of S'nnl S'rith Sundny a. the rlosh.g session of the Icol!ue's hvc-dny. 50Ih ann un I meeling.

Sehnry hM b~en Rcllve In ADI. offnlrs s.nce 1937. when he holp<.'d organize II chapler In Los Anllelt He 1< now living and writing in New York

"Anybody who achieves nllY 'orl of reputolton in nny fleld-huli· Dess. arl~ or sclenee-hno on obli· gollnn to parHolpnle In the wodd around him," he snld in an intor· view," Any crcative person filids himself deeply embroiled WIth the pam of tho world we're living tn."

it; Rol<l~" .IIl11ivcl', ar.v Ih ls y ~R r

It was lormed In lOt:! wh,.n nnli· Semlt lsm openly flour ldled In

ma llY lorm 'rhe ADl, :rl oul I luolcrl Amedeon J rw , from " harmles. nome raUlng" brcnu ,e it knew suoh acllVl!lr wnll l:1 ultl· mately Icnd to dls"'"nlna l",n. ex­pull ion nnd POI ! oculi OlI

Th~ ADL hn s r" b, ' Ic pro-gram. civil right , I" break down dl>c rimlnatlon. research Into all aSJ1<'"l 01 pr.juellce nnd bigotry : edurallon 10 help brln!! aboul inter· reIlRi ~ II ' underslnndlng; commu· nlly relalion. to brulg the ADL concrpts ot human lole 10 the Ilrassrool~ level. and a program to "resenl tbe Amcric;on Jew as he lruly Is. n dedicated citizen con, tribulinll 10 democracy

- R elam R4!qa • • I.-d -


W ash ington News letter! by Mike Mas30ka

Sen. Inouye's mai e pe defends his views on C 0 U

W. hlnllton, D.C. sioos of the e"isUng Senate rul.·' no Democratic and R ;>ublfcan I \S'r Til R!'I l> n ' .It.rnoon The vole ronlorm('(\ thaI Its mom .d" ... :.tlke :ltan!llc1<l or "'I',r~

(JunllRrv 31). Utr lir I round, .J5 ber. believe thaI Ih,· Senale, un an: and Everett Dlrkl('n of JII. II werr In th,· conlln'llng baltic like the HOUle, II a contlnuou .01. resppclivcly • .H'Munced Ihal or civil rlghls IIdvocate to IIbr·ral. body. and thaI the ruici of Ih, h ... cu· boLl. o;>po,~ to ~n,v

lie Ihl' •. o-eallcd daluro ru le 01 Senale may be chonged only ae· ,Ihcr roncepl than that the &lnate the Senale 10 enable voIr on clvU cording to tho pre<rrlbed prJC(' I. a conllnuous body kfld th~t they r ight a nd olher IIbcrnl lelll~latio n dur~ lor urh am~ndrnenl.. would bolh .upport the moloon 10 ended . poulbly In n knookoul th ot As a eon, r.quenc,· 01 the January table the con.Utulional quutlon will prevent a ny l u t uT~ action on 31 vole. even though Iher<' may relallng- 10 th" .lalus or the Senute thl. r ule chunlle before the nexl be-a" claimed by ome llberalS-I,UI the beginninv. 01 a new session

Co ~~~ "· ih :. n S! ~ ~~e voted 63 10 42 ~a:~~!C;;llih";e':Il~;: ~~;~~:eOn~: \ • 10 lable th~ cla im of the lIbpral those advocating both or on~ of TIlE DE:lfOCR \ 1'8 "'ero almo"' bloc th,. 1 Ihe Senate. like the the proposed Itberalilalions must ('<luolly d,VI 'J on Ihe I ruc of HOIl. c, could adopt Its own rulp~ eilher secure the requiSite two- tabling- wnll- the Republlr~n. at the bel/inning of cW'ry new lhlrds or tho. p preJcnl and vOling voted almotlt h'o-to-ono lor slde­Ression . for all Inll'nt5 and purf)<) c to Invoke cloture and aUow a vote. lracklDg Ibe dcci ion Ih ,' light to Ilb"rallLe Ihe rulr 10 or wear out the C$srnlblly DIXie. Thirly·t ... o Dl!mocra • mo til daRe or ,'hu t off unlimited debate, eral opJ)<)Slloon by contmuous day. from Ihe SoutherD and ".mall" thaI I often descr ibed a, fill. and.nlght ,esslons to the point that Stale', vo'ed to tablr. aI dJd 21 bUGler s. wa, fin ished f"r this con. they will be \00 exbaulled to con. RI'publlcans. almosl all lrom the gresslonal term ti nu. flllbu lerlng. Midwest. while 33 Democrats and

'!'he votlll ll was nnl on t h ~ Ne!lher of these a!lprnaUves 11 R"PUbllcans vOI"<l allalnll the , Il n ~nd rn ( 'nh to Rulr XXI) . cloture, seem. probable at this Juncture molion, n. o rr e r~d In blrM rllsa n ro.olutlon. If the advocates of thr chanll All thr;l!c 01 the ~ubllcan Sena· by Democr"t Cltnt" " AndeT&9n of had Ib" nece,.ary two·thlrds reo !.ors elected for thp (Irst Um .. la I N,'w MexIco and R"pullllcan qulred by the exiSting rulps. th~y November-P~ter O17menlck of eo. ThruRton Mor ton of Kentucky for would have Invoked cloture and lorado, E. I •• Mechem of Nex M~xt· thTl·c.rllIh , m ,.jorlty or by Demo- voled th rough their amend men!. co, and :'.flIward Simpson or Wy<>­era t H 'bert Humphrey of Minne. A1 for all-day·and·nlghl se5S:.ons. mloll-voted to table. 'Nhlle on" sota and Republican Thom a. Ku· the Sena te leader5hip £rems 10 be two of the nine Demottalic (resh· chel or Cahrornla for a con. tuu· op p?~ ed to such tacUcs at thl men - J Howard Edmonson of Ilonal majority at 51. poinl becau~e 01 thei r rellard for Oklahoma and Dan Inouye of Ha·

The vollnl! was on the 5imple the health 01 th ~ older members. waH - voted WIth th~ majority parliamentary motion to lable . Of Thus. unfortunalely. no mpan· T ne rema.nlng 'l>\'eD. mcluding !~ t asid e. the constitutional que. · logf ~ l civil righ ts legl.lalion may the P resldeDl's younger brr"h-r lion put by Sen , Anderson and r~· be anUclpa ted in this Congreu, E!b'ard from Masuthu (> •• ':0 .i1 ferred 10 lhe whole Senatp by Vi ce even though the Issue of I' vii al(:\ n' ''1,. hlrn , ,no President Lyndon John on. lis pre· r ights was not technically before v"t,,· M both s.-"~' >r F n Siding oUicer ' the Senate when It voted 10 table a n1 Inouve came." un ..

Despite the lale aller·ln. lalla· UQIl f""vlUes aDd th .. usual ulra· c:urrK'u1ar 1DAInn.1 ,et .... ' .. ther 10 more thu wee hours al Pele Fujioka ·s. eVV3"OQe..... GO band for IIIe brukfllst meeUq the 101·

JOined u in DNroll a couple of hours lak. the three of us man· ng«l I /II'I in a lew hour to fill 10 each other on latesl develop­men and work out an a.:endn lor our interim Nalbnal Board mcelonll.

Time-out lor ,upper nnd then we de vole Ihe entire Friday evcning 10 Ihe JACL Japanese History Project wllh Dr, Scolt Miyaknwa in aUendance. Our relationships with UCLA. Ume sch«lulc for the Project. the place or the Chopters in lh' reo earch phase. nnel ironin~

0111 certain J ACl, ndministralive a~pe~ts of Ihe ProJ~cl. are In· cluded in Ihis a/lends.

Place for ~U ll orltle

"Does a majority of the Se nale a motion regardmg the s ta tus of mosl W3IhingtQn pburveu. though have the right under Ihe ConsUlu· the ~nate as a legislative b(>dy. their poEillon and reasoning are Ilon to termlnale debate al the Aotually. thO' defeal in lhe rules understa ndable. Only SenalOr lDo­beginning or a session and proc:c«l fight wa forecast when President uye am ong the treshmaD 1elt to an lmmedlale vole on a rule Kennedy refused to endorse any obliged to explain his vote, bow­change notwiths tanding the pro vi· cbaoge in Senate rules and when ever. and h e did 50 with eloquence.

----------------------------...:..---------- Both Alark.a Senaton voted 10

Northwest Picture: by Elmer Ogawa

Land Law Action Surprises JACl • •

Seattle 11tr Sute 01 Wl!hlD,(ton 1.;:lsla.

ture bas brett fn .e'ulon since th, ~ of Jalla7 'ftIe I:IIemlllll ctDIIttne tlJllt out wllb some IIDnIIy • lib the split in ~ o..moc: tanka and the Mlcll of spftkfl's.

From wberr ... ·c .11. most inler· esfjQ& news "PrOared UUlI! o,'cr • trtek .eo wl!en II was ann()lJJ1eed IIIat SUItor l8Jey of Seal Je hod fa IIIe Sena ISJR $1 almt!d to __ the "tu~ 10 remo\"~

rer.ttrtetlon3 I laod 0 ·ner· _,

J'arlbennore the wa~ bW'adueed ~t the knowledge 01 tile _al ~CL or Its Land La", repeal ~aJnnan. Nalional 2nd Vice ~t Tilk Kubota, Aceorcnn. to I),ittIcea from Olym· ..... JI has ~ gone throuf(b I t<7mml ./!S. Ibe r.solutlon:; colIIG1!ttee. and tile c:IIIISUtution ~mtttee

• • perhar DOt rmpbasizPd pnou/lh III

Ihr la5 t\\''O repe~1 Caml>iugns IS thnt UnJtt'<! Slates government pohcy nPV1'r did advocaflr anli. allen land laws. bilL in elircct can· tra!t, consistently cncouragt'd im· migrants to settle and put their roots down via the vehkle 01 land owntrahlp In IIus vast frulUul do­main.

Onion Con Lltullon

The Stale of Oreqon began a <.onshtlJtronal reform 12 vears ago, and In the mterim bas a"ollied t1l" formln~ 01 aD uDwleldy con· slltuUonal convention Ins lead, lour years al;o. the Orel:on ~g1slalure fet up .. Conshtulional RevlsloD. CommlsslOD 01 11 qua lifted citi· zens 10 draft and recommend a new State CoDsUlution. wbich 1\ did qulle barmoOlously with but 2 dlSsentwg vole •.

Sa lu rd ay. Febnl.1')I 2J

Mike Masnoka will give us the general outlook In Wa.hinman and w. will go IOto V1rlO'IS leglslRbve· Ipgnl mallcr,. ,"<'IudlOg JACL's poslholl le~(ll'tlill.1l Oregon's stand on t1le lax sIRius or evacuaUon rlaims. on the Alien Land Law bill IDtroduced in the Washington Stale legislature by a Stato Senalor en· Ilrely on his own. how we move 10 thp ,everal states of MarylaDd. Nebraska and Utah, where bills to amend the mIscegenation statules have alread,' been introduced We will cherk on <,hapter efforts 10

the legislative eflorls in the vari· ous state,;. We will review JACL's relallon to bequestc made to local chapters and several olher prob· lems related to JACL's tax exempt :;Ialus,

Saturday aflernoon will eooeen· !'rate on our Na loonal public rela· lions program and especially the 20th anDiversary eom~moration

fContwued on P age 2)

.\Ithouib -:be Northwest DUtrlct OiIIDc:U a t I - Ia meeting \'Oled If) tOIIttaue the lall'.! law repeal filii!, IIOCIWI, hlId be .. n done ortl· e b7 CIUZU u-a,ue oflit'ers on IIU lnIportant decision. Decision, GIl wtlItt aelliln 10 take w" s to 1Ia.e bftn am.tdered III Ihc ncar fIJ .... re wben "lop ~alUc t)lflccrs meet 'Ifttb TO Kubota, probab" In Los Aa&e!'e..

Today. tII~ propo5al J5 hefore the Oregon ~gtSlaluTe which rna" amend. rejecl. or approve. aDd

submJl the fulWted product for the N"se' chosen for debale. rejection. or approval of I I the \'Otlng public. II II succeed.>.

~~gon s;ru c!~v:a~::w ~OD~~~r I grand Jury duly methods. aU this seems quite <im· pie And progrellslvr. HOL,LrSTER. - GJenn N. Kowaki

But a \lie read .... can sec. even and Show Nakamolo. former San the m051 slmplilied matbinery of Senlto County chapler presidents. revision takes years. bul not too were among 19 named to lhe 1963 many. and the Slate of Washing. eounly grand JUry this past week IOn may well emulale the more by J udge Edward L, Brady, c....Jp .. 11141

So ... til I'lCbt DD'If. IOmeone bas 118.- &lie ball rollin II 8l1ain. tor us. Ilid flllule developments wlU be.......... Indeed. One

pollUcallv mature endeavors 01 the Nisei have served before on the neigbborln« state, nand Juries here and elsewhere,

but this is the IITSt Ume two Nis~I have been impanelled logether to

que$\lQD ,,!deration was wbelher WII' I advoc:ate! ~ try to back Jusl _. aller t*o ~Ive defeats at the 1'">11.

One very ImpQrtql _ a.pect

t.> tile pKture '&I !bat Governor RosseIJiIll ha u ...... a.aeed for !be ravl Ion at 1IIe 14-Jur<Gld State Con Utution A eub -.IoD SO mlny bills arc Introduced Jor Its revllion on some aspect Of olhfl'. and 10 date 39 amendmem. bavc

(human honored by

Episcopal diocese LOS ANGELES. - f'rank Chuman. Immed,ate pa·t natllmal JACL president. was among four liJymen pre enled with the Bichop's Award or Merit lor di trnlluishl'ld service in the Epllcopal DIOell"C of Los Angeles.

come out of the tl4a1 _va of The prCllcnlaUon W"re made by propoUII, Comparo thl. wllb the the Rt Rev. t'rands Erie Bloy, U amendments loot counUna the btahop of Los Ang"'e •• J.n. 22 In

orl&lnal 101 to the natlon.1 c:oo- St. Paul'. Cathedral durrng th" IuUon In aln\ost doo,ble the time. filth annual dloresan convrnlion ""e Is Itron, opinion that lb. attended by nearly 1.000 clergy

........ t w. hld""n Stille Constltu- and la, delegates. tI6a .. too antlqua1ed 10 cope with Chuman was cl)mm.nd",1 ror hi! prHelIt day (mlblenu. prof_Jonal 100 community crv.

Of (:OUr C. It Is beyond any con- lee. "In Ibe UJe or hh IrJeclal Up( or our Imagination that 8n talents to the It!>ry or God and

ntl-allm I,nd law el.UI. will Clnd Ihe advIDcement of HI~ ('hurch", It. wa, Into" 8 ncw d~att of the lie W8 allO sln,l"" oul rM his - tltuUon OPe tbouitbt that was dnv"Utm In hta pariah. 51. Mary' ,

• whlcb he helped to achlcve parish &IoL OI'PICIAL st.. tUI In 1956.

8&RKELEY.-lnauranceman Yo,h ----------'kuw. '11'1 et.e1ed Iec:retary COW a ADO MAIION8

serve on one jury,

• • MARYSVILLE , - Waiehl Fukuml· lsu of Marysville was on the Usl 01 31 name_ announced this pasl week by Superior Judl!c Rlcbard Schoenig of Yuba County lor the new counly grand jury.

In neighborlnll Yuba City. Mas Oji 01 Tudor was amQng the 30 nome! announced for lhe 1963 Sut.­ler CounlY grand Jury.

• VISALIA. - Hlro~hi Mayeda 0' Dlnubn wa amoDR the 30 names drawn by lot 18 I week lor the Tulare Counly IIrand jury. The final 19 arc to be selected nexl week.

• • • WATSONVILI.E. - Fred NIUa. well·known communlty and Bud· dhlst lay leader. wu ono of 19 r~, Iden~ ~el~ett'd Inr the 1961 Sanla Cruz County I!rand Jllry re· cenlly. He Is the firll Nisei to lx, ,"Iected Il)cally,

ccu treasurer SAN FRANCISCO· ,Altorney Jack Kuub" Wil electl'd Irp,,"lIrr. rof Ihe SaD t-ranclsco Council lor Civic

ADJ.', new IlTc.;odelll admIt_ nn rlemenl of ellllghtened self· intere.-t In this: "Whal-aCrec James Meredith m Oxford aflect' me as a ,Jew AU members of In IOorlly groups ha ve 10 fight fot the righl s 01 all the olhers."

wilh Schary's IOvolvement in tbe eighl agamst billotry Hnel illjustic , he does not wanl, to ee mlnorll absorbed,

" J[ we could <lire anti.s~mIUsm ol\('e and for all by evapoI'alin ollr Individuality," he said. "I'd agomsl su~h a cure." He said he would preter a society in which gNUp dlCCerenccs arc accepted wltbolll prejudice raUler Ihan a soclet~· or "standardlzed Amerl· cans.'·

The IInh Defamation League opens a year·long observ\lDce of

B. Asakawa heads San Diego chapter

SAN DIEGO - Bruce Asakawa was IDstalled a< 1963 president of the San Diego JACL al the posh Town and Country Motel last Salurday, surceedmg flarry Kawa· moto, A good crowd of 150 persons atteDded.

Dr, Da"ld Miura, secretarY to the Nallonal Board. was t1le maIO ~peaker, He railed lor unity in efforts of both members and of the cbaplers, explaining that the, stren!!lb 01 a sin!!le sll~k was Iomlled bul when bundled togelher thcy form ed an exlrcmely strong bond,

The Long Bench dentisl atso ad· '1Ionished Ihe chapter 10 Widen i 1clivilies la the community for lhe common good.

Pasl national J ACL president Dr Roy Nishikawa was lh" inslalllnl! orticer He praised the chapter for conSistently meelinl! Its tlnanclal a nd membership obligalions to Na· tional and ror pilot·tesllnll the PC wilh Membership prOlO"am, He also lauded the chapler for winning thc bid tor the 1966 nalional JACL con· vention and sJnflled out Mas Hiro· naka, a long·time member of the ehapler. ror hnvlng won the respect of the entIre dlstrid by belllg re· elecled PSWDC chaITmRn.

Tad Imolo was emcee.

Young ortis t CTNCfNNATr Llovd 'J'akao, ,111' dent al Wrstern Hills High, wns awarded the Hallmark Gold Key (or hI. oJ! l!Olntlng of a land,rape. Ills was one of the top livp se· loclcd fromome 3,800 ,,,bmillen from soulhern Ohio and northern K~nlucky Thr five Will hI' "~hlbll ,

r'd In May al th~ NRtlnnnl Hlllh Sc'hool uri Nlhlbltlon In N.·w York

'!'hr ,<on of Dr lind Mf< 1(,

.lam", T"kIlO, active JACLcrs . Lloyd I, pr~sld"nt of the Clnclnnntl Jr JACL,

\b. TwIn Plnes rlderal Savlnga MONTE VISTA. Colo. _ Jamc.s LoaD A. n botrd of d"ec:tors KunuII Is a palt ,rand mBller of lIT, Or1l4" la.1 year With l<.Ieal MalOnic Lodge No. 13. Shiro

omen v. u apon- Enomoto .,r nearby Alamosa '11111 • II no'll an exC:!!lII or probably be ,.and mutcr 01 his

,fIOO In a.... Iloc~1 kldgc by 1865.

Unlly lit Ill; onnuol meeUnl! Inol no PITAL STAFF PRESIDENT w~ck, Frank Quinn, CCU exeeuUve BRIGHTON. Colo, _ Dr Charle. dlrcclor. noled la t y~lIr W!l "Son Fujls.kl I lhe nt.w president 01 Franc I. co' most chaotic and the Srlghton Communlt,y Hospital Irlght/ul yeor In raco: relnl!ons.'" medical ,taLC.

JACL urges Maryland stale legi slature 10 pass FEPC and integrated public accommodal ions bills; may pass House (SpeCIal to U,e PacUic CItizen)

ANNAPOl,IS, Md - JAC'L was among more than two dOl en or· ganizations IJlal urged the Juelj· clary Committee o( lhe Maryland Stale House of Delegates la.t week to favorably report fair employ· ment practices and intellrated pub­lic aeeommodations biUs,

In " leUer joinlly signed by Edwin Mllom., chairman of the WaShington. D.C JACL Chapter. J ohn Yoshino. chairman of the E astern District J ACL Council. and Mike Masaoka. WashiDgton J ACL representative, JACL en· dorsed the lwo pending bills betore the Judiciary Committee, although urglllg that lhe publle accommoda· tions legislation be extended to cover all public places and facili· bes,

'1'lIe bill supported by lhe state's Demorratic Administration would provide for the e!imma tion of ra· elal discrlmmalton only 10 restau· ranis and holels. while the JACL suggested elCtenslon to iDclude bowling alleys, beaches. taverns. aDd aU other available facilities,

The J ACL lelter was addressed to Delellate Alfred Starratt, chair· man of tile Judiciary CommUtee, and pomted out Ulat JACL memo bers and others of Japanese anccs· try reside to Monlilomery and P rince Georges eountles, in Balli· more. in Aberdeen Proving Grounds, and ill naval. army. and air force instaUatIons in MRryland.

P asl Expe ri onocs Nolrd

11 persecution and because of our ancestry. we are more aware thaD most of the Incalculable q a mage thaI racially disrrimJnntory activi· ties do 10 our inlemaUonal rela· tions. particularly SIRce we are the acknowledged leaders of the Free World and of demorrallc prac· tiees." the joinl letter declared

"At a time when t ~ talltarian

Ideologies are competing with tho'e of free men," the J ACL stated. "we eannol afford the dan· ger of providmg the enemy with such gratuitous weapons as racial discrlmlnation in the slruggle for the hearts and minds of the pe0-

ples Wh9 comprise about one-hall of the world's population. We can· not ignore tbat ancient warning that 'a picture Is wort1l a thou· sand words.'

"To us who have made our homes in Maryland because o( mis · treatment elsewhere, we believe that it is In the tradition of the great Free Stale that the Legisla· ture should enact meanmgful and enforceable statutes 10 assure all persons fair employment opportu· mties and hosprtable public accom· modations.

Nn Gr ..... ter ConlTibutlon

.. As Maryland adjoins the Da !lon·s. and the Free World's. capl' lal. the Cily of Washington. In the Dislrict of Columhi~." the JACL leller concluded. "and with states· men. bllslnessmen. etudents, and viSItors from every nalion on earth passing through Maryland to and rrom other sections of our greal country. it seems Il\OSI appropri. ate and in keeping with the Free State vision or Marylnnd that we respeeUuLly suggesl that our Slate can make no greater contribUtion to our naUonal and Slnte se\f· interest, aDd to the cau e or d ... cenc~ ' and dlllnily for all mankind. than to place on our stalute books lor all to see, and enjoy. the blessings of equality and opportu· nity for all in all aspects 01 hu· man rela.tionships."

re,<;laurants and hotels and motels along the main Iboroughfare be· tween New York and Washington

The hearings lailed to take up the fair employment pra.tices bill,

Future or Bills Later in the weel<. the Hou<p

.Iudlciary Committee reported the Adlninistrntion' s public accommo­dations bill. which allows the vari· ous counties 10 exempt themselves from its provisi~ns if they so wish About hall of the counties will be exempted. bJt oot the main ccun· ties a\ong U.s, HI~way 40

Last ;\{artb 11962), In a special sessioD, the Assembly voted dOWT1 by a ty,·C)-\().<)ne margin an almos idenUcal bill Since theD, however membership In the Assemblv ba been Increased by some 19 m em bers through reapportioDment. with most of the new members from areas tha t usually vote for civil rights. Accordingly. the tbances for Assembly passage are C:OD' sidered about e.en.

In the Senate, howe,'er. where DO reapportionment has taken place and wbere the represenlallon is predominantly rural. the possi­bilities are not con.sidered go:xl .

AnH-miscegenation bills introduced

ANNAPOLIS. bId - Two Republi can Delegates from ;\fontgomery COUDty, John 5, :lfclnerney and W. Perry Doint!. bave announced their intention 10 introduce a series of bills in lhe Maryland Leg!. la· ture 10 repeal il.> inler-r-aclal mar, riage prohibitions aDd related s ta· tutes.

The Maryland s tatute. not only prohibil marrial!es betweeD while and color«l peoples but also pro­vide for the annulment of such marnages aDd declare that the eo­habiLntion of mixed couples Is ille­gal.

table. Republican ~na to r Hiram F'ong ot H.·Na li voted agalDs t tabl· rng a nd gave ~ reasor:ed exp\ana. tion lilT hiJ att, lude. All of tile ~M to r s from th~ Well' Coa . , in· cidentally. voted agaJllSl tabling,

~aUJe of JACL·. Interest aot 0.117 In th. ctoture rule ~t but also In Senatol"l InouTe and FODI;, th~ firsl \merieaDS of .llpoDCR and Cbln_ aneeslr7. respec:tiveas. it) . e"e Ln the

nlted b\e.s Conrress. 15 Indl­vldJnb. that s~tem.DI6 to the SeDlte on th. hlsto'ric yote oj

.JaDuary 31 will be reprinted. In Its entlret,- for the Junior ~Da­Lnr from 8: ...... 11 and subsUn\.lal­I, ror the Senior SenalOr.

ijl (" ,,' .. ~ 1

Inouye d e ~1r Pf,<

~'<d i1d.v1Jes a nevt M'iI! rnbf.r · ,t dull', llsten quietly and to lurn be­tore tie rtRs to soeak to he Sfonate tUrnRll There lJ v,'bdom In UIoat en>­tom. as tbf'~ t. in mcr.;t t usta:"'"ls which lAst throush yean of trW _nd

(Continued on Page 21


FLAG FOR PHILA. RITES PHILADELPHIA. - Each week • different state flag has been flymg over Independen"e Hall h~e as part of act Vllles mark­Inll the J75tb anniv~rv or the Constitution of the United States.

Christmas week was for !.he 50th Sta te 01 Hawau_ On De 2,1 SeD. DaOlel Inouye represen -ed his , tate at the cer .. monl<!S ID

presenting the sta e Oa~ of Ha· waii aod In raism>! that flag to its po$llion OD the Oag pole o,-er Independence HaU.

The many J CLers who were able 10 ~tteod th ceremonIes "'ere '-er:v proud. the Pbll3del· phia JACL • -ewsleUer reported . to see and hear him beUlll intro­duced.


"While Americans or Japanese ancesll'Y are nol often Ihe vicUms of racial prejudire and dlscrimina· tion m Maryland I although some J apanese diplomats. ,Iudenl.s. and businessmen have ex~roenced

some discrlminallon In beaches and restaurants). we know oul of our experiences 01 some two de­cades ago the meaning of inlOler. ance and bi~olry-for perhnps no nnllonaHty·mlllorlly /lTOUP In our history has evor been more mis­Ireated In wartime than Ihose of Japane,e aneestry. We know the hurt nnd the humilia Uon, nol to mention Ihe economic wasle and human ~lIfferlnR. that Me the casle·mark of Mbllrnry discrimi· nation bas«l on racial nod reli· gious grounds . Moreoevcr, hrcaus~ of the propfl/lionda usc thaI the f'nseisls mRde or our World War

Mlloma. Yoshmo. and Masaoka all happen lo re:ide in Montllom· cry Counly. in suburban Maryland jusl across from tbe D.C line ,

The WashlDgton. D ,C JACL L-___________ ....l




WM l'e·elected presldelll of the

Chlcallo .TACL Credit Union by

membor. of the board al Its first

monlhly meeting held here recont· Iy Other officers Include Lincoln Shlmldlu. V.p" Sum I ShimIzu. ':cc; ATlYe Odn. trens, ; Esther Haglwarn. asst. Ircos.

AI Ihe pubUc henrinl(s held in Ihe MUon's (lld .. st slille ('apltal still In use. civil rights advocates stressed the lIlany Indd~nts along U,S Hlghw~y 40. the most dlrecl roo Ie betw,'pn Unlled N.1tions headquarlers In New York and

Chapter has wrltlen to Del e ~a te

~klnerney to express its mteres l III such legislation and to requesl copies of the bUls when Introduced, Doting that the NaUonal JACL i~

committed to seeking the nullifica­tion of all suc:h racta lly discrimi· nalor)' laws.

Wnshinl!lon, D(,. a' indicative of Yllsui named to second Ihe need for the public necommo datinns IrlllslnUon. term on city commission

'rhe Stnl~ Dt'p.1rlm!:'nl· , Del'lIty I D"""V"'R .. ' " I . r ... Dll'eolor of ('rolocol, Pt'dro Snn. "''' '" - ",UI a U \\ ~ Jllnn. snid Ihal the« "Incidents appoiDled 10 a s nd three-yoar hllrl (tur forcilln polley". thnl II lerm on the Conunl s lon 011 Com­didn't mnke srn'~ 10 pour billions mUDI\,)' Relations by Mo vor Dick of dollars inlo helping the newly Batterlon recently. He was hrs t Inde~ndcnl nalions of Africa. ror appoinlrd 10 1959 HIs n~w lerm Instanco. devcl p their economy will c. pire Dec, 31, 1965,

and govornment nnd then hnvc all The commission Is comprised of the goodwill IMI when their dlplo- IS ciUzens concerned With pro1>­mots wel'e denied the opporlunlty lems 01 mmorlty groups In the 10 ent or to Lind lodging In many cll;y and county of Denver

lIlA,RCB 31 'curO"FF'

J CL membership ca mpa.gos are now rn full sway In tb~ chap­ters across the countr,Y Now Is the time to renew your member­sbip to insure 1llinterrupted sub­scription to the PacUlc CttUen,

of March 31, 1963, subscrip­lioos (or 196Z membersblps nIl be lerounated. While It m"y t<lk., f('(Om tw 10 t1lree weeks I r the Clrcula on DepartmeDt 10 com­plete the " cut-ofr' date process . there Is 00 teUlng wblch ODes would bt' IIrs l

The "cut-orr" d ate does not apply on 1000 Club n le mbet s h l ~


To insure uDlnterrupled servo Ice, readers are advised 0 ,lve \IS two we ells' noUce. supplying both old and new addreS!<es to PacUie CItizen. 125 \Yeller Sl, Los Angeles l2, CaliL

2-PACIFIC CITIZEN Fridey, February 8, 1963

PACIFIC -'CITIZEN J>u 1,;It ". ltl,y • cepl the 18 t w •• 1t 01 tho! year.

W W.1l ~ 5\. Rm. 3IIZ. Los An I., U. callt .. M.A &-+671


Th ~ who ha\ .. llIdi~d b:nglish hIstory ~'ould not have II 'en urpn. ~'tl al the turn of c\I'IIL lasl wel'k when BrltaIn's blu 10 JOlIl 111l' European ~:,:r)nol1lk (omrnuruty tlhe st·· • alion I'Nllm'llI .'larkell l'ollap:ed Bnlalll Iradiltonally bet'n a par.I (If IIIl' <01l1meo131 F.Urt'P<' hul .Iparl [rnlll it.

• he h,l. \I,Jnl<'d In keep <JIll' I 01 011 the Commoll\\'l"lllh­

her mer (,:I: Ill. .tnu lilt' oul'r on Ihe ,'ontilwnl

The ncn. h.ltl nll <',I fL' .ellOllS in .Japan Some hoped III l.. mph L' \\0111<1 10\\ ,hift 10 :l lilr~or <:ornbinl:' o(

~'t:OI1(llllll lOUpU atlMI :11111 lieHlopmcnl \\ hj"h Iloult! in· dud!' 1I!tlu trI:1lu:cd .lap.lll Illlll'r, hop"d t h., rleferment 01

( .• J::url'i' 'an tl,nlf rt'dlll'llllll Ill'goililltull' \lrHlhl gil'''' .Iapa· nc e good. :l fllrtl1l'f "hnathlll spacc" Tht' p,' feit

Western I·,urop., '11IIltl h"'''11Il' murt' protl'~ ' IJllnjsl again t Jap He,c goulh. lor I Ill' ~Iral '<:)1 01 Pnnw \Iillls tl'r Jkt'd.1 I a III loa. I mt .. IJle hlltlllllllj.: Eu!'opean market on the 1,\ al 1.111. fir nrll,lIn lhrllu r: h " 1I" 'O· lIlh sj· nl'd trad(' trcal

\lIh 1111' !.nll h

'I hOlt our I;", .. rnnlt'lIl " d .Inn all in II. power to have

Bnt.: III admllled even 10 lit,' jlllnt \\ hen' Pre iden! I en· n~d) inlllllall',1 h,' I' .. 'ulI1' to pur Ill' ,J tOll.~h policy in a hie In pro n . al Ih e pell. c of (II f('nding somE' of our

In IIJ,. apre.l. d [ulile Irol11 Ihe flut rl f.w in some quarters It was hope I lhal OJ sorl 0 o,Jlpronme mIght be afft'cted. Rut n Galilh' ummanl rt'wclt'd Brit~in's applicalioJl be· cause accnr hll 10 him. 'h(' was nu( "ript''' or fully qua/i­fiud tl) JOIll a .:urnpC'an EUrt111t'

0\\. \\0 dill J)cl;aullt' tlo II?

When Ih~ Trl'aty of RulllC \'~.' signed in . Iarch. 1957,

tho si ignalor) nalions ,france. \rest Germany. llaly. Belgium. the I l,therlalltl. • nd LU:l'mbourgl ratified it by . ummer {or Ih purpos nf gainin mulual economic ad· vantage b 10\ l'ring Inrill BnlaJn had a different idea. whkb \\"35 to ombiuc 1-; Ill' ~3 nalions mto a similar pact

but one \ 'hl'il would giH' ll~l'aler empba.-i 10 her tracle interests. Britain undel took 10 form another group and ill

ovember. 195 at. t()(;kholm the Outer·7 of the European Free Trade n I 'as organized. The hope was expressed that it would be a slep low'mt expanding the Common Mark I a ociatioll ,"'Iuall. II \I'll. a British effort to

absorb and ('Onlrnl Ihl' Innrr·(; From the dB) the F.F.C' wenl into effecl on Jan.l. 1959.

it was a sensational ,;U~c . and still is, On the otber hand.

the EFTA dId not rare quil~ so well -and by 1960. the British and French \~ere talking ahout consolidation possibilities.

DeGaulle's ontentlon 1\95 that France's economy was con­tinental in charadeI' t om' IHiler;; describe it as I apoleonic). while Brilain's \\a e entially based Oil overseas exchanges.

By mid • 1961. Prime Minister Macmil\an sought entry

into tbe Inner-6 but was opposed by the Commonwealth countries. Thus. he p~oceeded to achieve membership with­

out jeopardizing tbe Commonwealth by making it clear that Britain would require special conrulions for its Common

Market membership. Despite the present furore against DeGaul1e. we fail

to see the logic of reque ling membership with special (lon­ditions. Macmillan said that ir the Common ~Iarkel refused 10 recognize these needs anti tbe negotiations failed, "quite

a lot of things will bappen and quite major chl\nges may bave to be made in the foreign policy and commitments of Great Britain" ... Well, that time has come.

We hope this brief background on this development

lends greater understanding to what is happening in the Atlantic Alliance for EO many of the Nisei are well oriented to regard the Pacific area alone. In this nuclear age. our attitudes should be worldwide,

Director's Report • •

taft, c.r:ain olbor. havl' heen in· viled btcau!e of tileir sj)l!cia l reo s;lOnllbiJlUe,

Dr GeorgE: :'lIyake. Chalrmao 01 tho· National JACL Endowmenl Fund c"mmlltec: Yone Satoda. • 'at\onal .~ .13tanl Trei\5Urer: Shig Wakamal,u. Chairman of Ihe Ja· pane",.' HI wry Projecl; and AkiJl Y,) hlrnurp, Cha'rrn~n or the Na· IOnol P bile R<'IaUonl Committee

and Chapler LIAI~on ChaIrman for U,.. .fopane r. Hl.ilOry Projoct.

W hi"" at." a ked former No· tlonal Pr' !d"nlS Sa\luro Ki<b. C,,",,~e InDunk;, nntl Dr R'JY NI hi· kawa. I~ sil In o"r die u 1005 '" mu hath ir "'''rSOllat program will permit nd /I,Ye us the bcncfll uf t!>t'lf CHUnJ I and ob'ervutiollo.


'11\1 Nat,,,n I l3Qard m~.\ln~

rr'('dnA Ihal we w,lI be in Southern (·nllfornl.1 Ihe nex' Il>r",' (Jul of rour w~ekl'nd , I IIlnnlnl! Ihl weekend vllIn tit" PSWDC CHnil·. FfJllrJwlng he Nnthnal Board m,·"tln/l l'Om"~

our .IACI, Nfi\l"nnl Nt.1 Aowl\nlf. T'lUrnam nt Wt ,,, hnppy III all'

/It,"rr thr"ugh " \'t'port JU I /liven u b)- Tal N' .• ("... Iflr.ul AMf' Pin j.-,Il 'rl, rUG r."ro cnl~"vc, !.I1Ll A Ir' PIn,pollet I dona Ung Iwo guM wal(hcH (fir Ih" al1..-venl w1nnt'r a Ihl C Jmpnny hn! dOll" lor (Jur II Jt three Tournll'mtn .

New Challenge for Nisei All ~ddrc.. by Coltgrc .. man

purk \!al.unu n "I lJawnli t Ih. Wa.blnMI"". O ... J CI. CbU;>' 'I'

.lnntl.u\' 19. ~:, 'nl We pon Plnu'

(l/lkcr. CllIt..

• ':\Ir 'fh, (In wr. St.UIiHOl btn J\' •

lII"mbl'" of th" WI' hlnl/toll Ch 'V­tN' of thl- .1 \CL. Honl1rt·rl Gut! I .. ,

Lndll' nnd Gl'ntlt'nwn

; ( , I' 11~1""r" I' UIO Inl r luulioll madL' b' Sl'nnlor hlUU\I' t rl~('1

t: \dlnl tP\'('1\ :uu ~'nl'I' did '" hf'n It •• ,,'murk,,1 aCtI'r .1 I1nt\er'n~ In· troductlun. J run It Ltd1y "'lIll t

h~'lI' nt. 11 1,,111 Som f) all n. dU\l~ll will n cnll

I"ul "hilt' I wI" 1I<'<i" Ft. Sndllng, . tiMe o. I II OJ P )1k r','IMI"o 0111 "r ,I Ihe ~lthl:II'Y

JnldltKl.:n l r\'lI,'1 L:lnguHt(('

SC'Iu."I. In <ollabarutltm willt I"~ \\'.1\' H('10,~a:'.lIm l\uthtJrltv, I pcn1

,.oj 'ht "' nlll lOuru'lI thl' ;\l\dIVl"l· • f nand 1::,\ tern SlWCS. maklnR I!iIJ 'c('hu (ind h ... ·lplnA In orH'Uni~ll

communH v a1 \l1J:C in .Ul .-nurt to reIDt.ltl' '\"1l'riCan I·l%.l·n or J llpa.· nco l" 1U1(,Clhy Irr:)m HlP 'U-C:,lU i "nlloc8tlOn cnrov .. Intn hmnc and If)h in U, ~ ~111\\ tit ani E':1 I

I eI lintl' I (t'rr IlllO pe,'chl' II (nhl ,n1~.hl'n"I_" 1' Il.l'

/t'Om 35 to 6.000, F."",·ywhl'l'c I

,,"cnl. I "a """ 'I. I b\ nothlll\l but "h:l ,Ic.:. ... as w ... • H) III II I

\At .ilion, or w It(' m("h It wa nl)t

un II I rrln I ~I 3 Utll. ml\tln~ lQ",n III i\linnl'~ot~l [ ~IJ l~h d un Oril'ntal fl ... ·t· In Uw audlent"t· -\IILr I h '1 .p.ltt'n I n.k('i l bt' ph,- l'nh t In Ihl. It U W". A8 till; vro,ar.:lm l'buirm:m WII in roduc UH: tlll' to 1hl' , .... l' .. 'n tcr I ~lurk uul mv hnn'l .l1d su:d. "Dr J iv~ n~stnl;. 1 pr tlll\\" Th(' Orl'tll:ll

lello\\ lookt.·,d •• 1 JUt" 11\ oil crt IU ~

n,~ R .and n pl1l'd. "~\l. J urn 0,­


00(' Gt'r.n( Wi h

!\tIlt S.,m Rayburn. thl' tn 51"'31< .. ,· of till' IIctU·c 01 flllJr' , nl.1' "0,. hni d.'vclol'od hlm,.!1 10:" ;] ,"CAt naUonol figure aod mor<' nnd m:lrc \Vl'ih~l'S and WOlllrJ­

b~ bJogr phers were lnte-rvlewlmr: b m. Ont 1nter\'il·w('r tI.'k~d him " '~r Rt1\'burn. h th\?-re ;tny chlll ... hnod drc'Uln wb i . h hn 0;;; tr u

to\" you"" Snm H3.' but"n pau ','d for a mon",nl Ibell r"pllet!, "\Vbv yes. I beJirve ,hl'f!' b' ODC. Whim I WfI' a child In seh ,,1 and I did ,omethlnll which I \YO, n.1 • uppo:ed t" do my r1a%m~\1l

tencher lI'ed tJ grab one by my hair nnel pull me Inlo the cornel at the room. ).01), Ollt j/reot wI, h

at L'lat time wp. thol 1 wos bol.l ..

You will recall IhM the late Sam Rayburn wa~ bald

To me, being elected a Refire­sentnli,,'c to Ihe United SIate3 Con· I!ress is a childhood dream come In·e. Ever since I was a child, 1 dreamed at thai day when I would repre~eot tile"le of H ~·

WR Ii in Ihe United Slates COn!!l·es,. This dream wa, engendered by leaching< to the PUblic schools Ihnl as an American. regardle"" of race. ~o}or or cret'<l. one could aspire 10 lhe highc<t oUlces in the land. This I believed a.< a child and more strongly belh;"e loday as a man.

The Test o( Dec. i

But this belief was put to a great test shortly after December 7. 1941. when the J apan.;:e nation launched it~ attack at, Pearl Hal" bor I had earlier volunteered for mililary service and was serving with Company K 01 the 299th In· fantry of the Hawaii NaH:>nal Guard whicb had been federalized, When invasion was beUeved immi· nenl. ::til Americans regardless of race fought side by sIde in beach dug OJt;: and trenches. fully pre· pared to repd the enemy,

After tile bat;]e- of Midway. how. ever, wben invasion of the Kawai­ian Islands by Ihe enemy became a remote malter. our feltow Amer· cans suddenly turned to os of Japane.e anceslry and looked at u. with a su~plciou; c~'e. almost as If to say. "Why. he's a Jap."

11 wa s <hartly thereafter that all o( '" o( J apane.'e a ncestry who were in American uniform were given orders to turn In a1\ our arms and ammunition and were corraled al Schofield Barrllcks,

Before we hnd any chan~e 10 bid goodbye to our lov('(\ oncs. we found oursl'lvc, on board a trOD". ,hip sallIog for GO<! knew where. Speculation was rife Ihat we were headed lor a c ncentralloo camp.

Upon landln[( al Oakland. Call. fornla. ,':e Immediately boarded a train awalllnl( for u. thor" From Ih~rc on. If .... 'a~ a secret move

Inlo th, hlu','rland Whpn 111.1' lrilln ,,:1m" 10 n IIrlnd.

in,l( hall nft"l' 6 t.:\f~l'nJ day .. of tra· \11; I. UhI. tlf 1hL fir t lhlllJ(~ \, I'

ItW " bdt 11'<1 wIn' lon""e QUI

• uplel n dt" 10"",1 int, (In nby , fir d~~pnh' Till PI' tml§" WN'{' f"l~ht WI w('n' ht·ndt tor I rr'J'n· ul?hll'ation clllnp "( 111. ,uJ1,lIt

UJ)\m .lrl'i\'lll ''ir ll'Cl1'nC'd thnl utI)

d~$Unol1on I\' j ('"mp McCoy. WI.,· u~ln 'I'he bnJ'b~J wire I',n~". w.

dj,c.Q)/~I't"l u cqu,mliy ,'n~lo~""

,.,.1 Oil" 01 wnr. illclu"h,,, 111." two In .lD' (I n 1\'01 men ",'"1::1 w'r, C'lptun HI TI lwb~man 'ubmorhlc

1 WnlrnDlloJ" bench on thl' I laUd I Onhu, HHwnlt WI' Wl'rl' not

pl:lt',~d brhlh.' tbe {Ltn 'l'$ but 8.p~c~lnt'u Ji tH(Hin. ufo ( .l to whlll

\"L~ w ,!l't,: ",oln..: to do Innsn1uch 0., w yert' lnHtulh tlQIOt; a ,"UO\,

I lonnl n tllion . w~ on ~ tnorr I,lc· IUrvd our ulvi' It "blltwlion 01 I rClod lull(ll"ur

\\'()ntle I1 Gum~

.'\~ Lltn '" t'u. ol\~ WI. wC' ",lll !hroll"," 'I. I m' .11 d,·I.1 .lRd Ir "n"cI ... 1Ih wooden Nun .. , 1 •• ·It~ .. \\ en wrUlIl1l hom" 1,. 1111ng our folk b.Jct-. ha.nv~ whut t wl')Jvh!rrul ttn-w we ""rr Itll 'lhll 01 Ih wond~r('"

.nd <'01'<unl r~c~I'Il"n Ihc pt'ol,le ur WI:cc{IDsln \\I'T\' i!lvluil U

We wtol ' humc " or Olll' t'('nt tiP It(' t n ('ombut dut.\' t :) prnvt: oltr loynll), 11 wn nol known to tI thl'n that our I ·tt< r \\l')'1 belmz

.·~nF 'fl-d hy hl/!hpr aulhorll .•

We lellrnl'<l ' llb:"'l11~ntl~· Ihnl bl~ l'nu..~C' or tilt' hmlu' t1r our )(1lt (!r,~,

Ihe War Dopar m,'nl had d,'cldo" to ~i\' (. n. .nUr ("In ore

0111' ,J.(tlO" \-\ C'rr I'l'turml d to us. nnd w( Wt!l'( lnld thnt we \V[!re

KohlI! lo bl' prcI,nrerl lor c"mbot duty. l'hc atm."hcrc in nul' camp \\3" U jDvo cl pnu Vlen Icnpc,<1 with J Y to l< nrn Ihnt Ihcy "" "e gomg to be glvcn thl' ,han-" on Ihe field of ballll' tn pro\'t th Ir lopl· 'J to In,· Innn 01 tb.:r birth. Ihc Uruted Stnlt' 01 Americo

11 w" with Ihl. ,plrit thai the 442nd Rel(imelll,l Combat TCllm nod fhe looth Infantry Battalion. ot wWeh 1 Wll$ II /U"mber carved a patll ot glury un"'ll1alled In the Dnlla l ' of Amerlcon military his· tory.

lOf&hUug lor Iclco ls

II i; I"eqllcnl1y sold thaI men don't die lor [deals. that a man i~ pul ioto uniform. sent 10 Ihe battle front. and usually doesn't know whal he Is !lghtlng lor. even if he 1$ (ore\!(! 10 the poinl at giving up hIs lile.

Let Ine leU you that our men. lhe men of the lOOth and of the 442nd Comb"t Team did die f3r Ideals and they knew what they were lighting for

Men llke Privale Kawano, my messenger. who. in hi s lasl lew words, told me in eIfect. "Well. Lieutenant. 1 know I'm going b die. bul 1 have n o regrets. I know thai as a resldt of my dl'ing. those 01 us wbo will go home. and our folks back bome will be recogtliz'(ld as true Americans and will llve a beller life.

We Americans of Japane'e a n· ce5:ry provea ollr Ameri~anlsm on the field of batUc. But I have found. as you m ay have too. tila! despite the fact that we built an unquestionable foundation of \J)yal­tj' there are those among us who s tili advocate the belief that being of Japane$e ancestry, we must be­have diffe rently (rom olher Ameri· cans. Ihat we must re:nember that we are of Japanese a n ce~t ry and must nol aggressively project our· selves 10 the forcfront in the Amer· ican scene,

For example, When I first an· nounced thai I was going In run as a candidate (or the United States House of Representatives. I was a PPfoached by leaders 01 my own polllical party. and a3ked to wfthdra \Y my candidacy be· cau.e 1 was of J alX\nese ancestry.

They were fearful tha t the P arty would sul(er il t'1O many candi· dates ot one race Wi!re to appea r on the party slale. Among those who approached mc wcre Ameri· cans o( Japanese ancestry,

No Rcnson to Withdraw

Had I been told to yIeld 10 others due to their being beller qualified. I perhaps would have yielded: but when th'1Y Ilsed my race as a reason for withdrawing. I rebelled. I contended that the "olers 01 HawaII wou lt! overlook race If a qual!Ued candiclate 01 pl'oven Icadenhlp a nd Inlcgrily wa; 10 be otfered by the Party along wltll nn acoeptable progrnm.

J ruhhl,.'d to wlthdra .. v. When n me-rnbrr of tht· Purty

IPRU{'I btl-". C,"t' or .1avltnc·(> nncl'K ..

try p~r.l leI In ""kIng. nly with. drawnl; H8l"f!( my rncp ~I ~Jw onl} C"CU!U I In kml hhn s ql1on ~ ly ill

III I'Y"" nlttl o Ill. '1 ;1 d not waul lu !tnY thl

11 ~·ou. but J UPI 6.i(.1 [mu,1l aV

It now lit or"~r 10 ,II 'k yotl lit of YOU(' li')I eleH. HUts VO~ nrc ot ;lnpnnnJ , nnrc.! try ju t n J om :0/01". 1<<11 mI'. wherl In the hell Uti' YOU liofng tu hi' an Am"rJcwll

~ k ",ur<c'U thllt"n orr II tv und wllh rlc.,v tholluM'

I lolt! him thlll hi line or Ihln~ tn w\>uld CUll C Ihe n\l'n or lhl lOOlh noJ Ihcll2u.\ and 01 Ih, Hiltary InleUINe,"'e Serv\c" It1'Olll'

to turn In Ult'h grbY{''1 OVer In illl' PUII"hhowl Nnllonnl ('"melery. This rudt· tnlk "my pori IIPpo"r cd t huve +,hockqJ my {rlmld out

91 bb tUPOI' 10' hc ub."qucntly IltJt>loJ(l7.ct! II"U ~"cournged m.' Uum to nnnuin It (fBn'Udflle.

~l·dlus. 16 ... y, I p,'Dved onv l>olnt. fnr I Wo "I"oled by n lond· tilth' "h·tor.\' [lllml{ wllh fOrmflf

C<lIlRT(', lnnn nod now US SenD 1(11' 0 :1111,,1 h. Innuyo

I .. ul Il .. l~ TodDY

r clule thl: <: ~J}(Irirnl'l' of mine tl \''1U Ihi l'venlng bee:!u t! t.hl're

nre 1\11 milllY or" who c\ln~ on to Ihe alUlud,· 01 pre-1941 11 \\''-" orc to mako our Cul1(' ~ con­trlbullOn 10 tho Am~ric,," WilY 01

ur., If w,' orc 10 hnre our' jusl burden in building ° lIrNller tunori· cn. we' must ccn c to become b.l·ph"nt\I' ~1 Aml, .. lc"n nne! work ht, by . fde. withoul feRl" 01 crill·

~1. m on nccollnt at ollr r.lel·, nloo!' w\lh nny lind aU other Amerlcnn,

On the night 01 my ol~ctlon. I wns Inl~r\'l('w(td over Radio NHK. 'rokyo. by Irlephonc, for a h>\( hour porlorl in the Japanese lliD'

URlIo In m~ mc ,nil to th(' peopl~ 01

In,lan. I reilcraled the lact Ihat being born of Immigrant Japnne.;e p(trent~. I hal "'plrlod to and been c.lcoted .to onc of thehlghesl Office '\II the )lal!on, This. I polo~d alit. W8' living proof Ihal hOTo in the United Sin les democraey wOs no~

only proAched b.1 also practiced. that here In America regard",.s 01 one's race or color, one eould aspire 10 the gt'colest heights,

1 otIered myself that night and I oIler myself again IOnighl as an exa mple of living proof thaI Ihe Amedcan democratic sy'tem does work.

Bul rega,'dles, at how good a :<.y.tem is. it will nol work unless we pul il to work.

The Unflnishe,l Brjdgc

When I wac graduatcd (rom auai High School manv. many ars a::o, I was IOld a lHtle slory

i' the graduating class's BaccA· laureate servic~ aboul an ullfi· pished bridl{e,

The gl~rY I. thaI in some Scan· dinavian Country there is an un· finished b~idge wWch spa ns half· way acrO$S a lake. Tilis ODce u~ed

<) b.: a beautiful structure. II was wIt by an arahitecl·cngineer who

had a touch of arllstic genius about him. Arter he had built the bridge hallway across the lake. however. the genlu$ died. Because of lear that thc piece 01 artistry would b.o destroyed if touched by anyone else. no one dared 10 finish it Ov~r the years. Ihls bridge has

deterJorated by disuse and today it i' n:>t even looked 01 or talked about by the people or the neigh· ll(lrhood.

Along side this bridge is another bridge - not as beautifully con· structed bul one which spans the Jake complelely. This sccond

ridge has been used for the transportation 01 goods and people and has been rcpaired and main· tained oycr the years. The ques· tion is "Why'!"

The answer is. "Because the second bridge serves a useful pur· pose in Uie,"

TIte men of the looth Battalion, the 442nd Reglmenlnl Combat >l]'eam. and Ihe Military Intelligence Sen.·lce. through their sacrWce of blood and life built a beautiful and uoshakable foundation for us-a fou ndlltion which can. however, unless built upon, d eteriorate into useles$ness.

11 is lor us the beneficiaries ot their great handiwork to build upon that loundatlon -- 10 bulJd an edUlce so benutiful and so note­worthy that we liS Americans of Japanese aneest!'y w1l1 oncc again arve for ourseh'cs an indelible

niche in the annals of American h i.StoT ~ ·. 1 Ihank ~ ·o u.


Principal .. d Ih" Wa blnl(ton, nT, ,TAC!' III lulln ~ a,·p. Spark Mat unn,:11 onh1olng Vn>oldcnl Hur' I,on dlOner IIrl' 'frum iI,(t) Son Ollllirl In ollY~, 1')' '·ukagl. [ncommK presIdent EldwIn 'r Mlloma I:;OC Ch~lrmDn John Yo~h!no. Mo. Daniel In • lind Mike ;\1a5001l«.

Your nUBlneJI8 Card placed In .orb 1~8ue (or zn weok$ al:

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I ?l~t p? , ~ldt _, ~zt"coJ~~~. p:r :~o 1r: ~: ,..."w .. ,-~.......,...~._

Greater Los Angeles """'"'~~~~~ ...


Masaoka -(Contlnucd hom Fronl Page)

"X£lrrll'l\l'(' 1 would not wllUnKly hr"ok thitt "on·

ored 1I1It.·ru:c, but bt.'(,'HUIW thl fl,'baec ,,-,,')n .. to "Uf' UOIl Iht' plo1(,',· or UH' mil"· otll.\" In il (h'rl\OOf.llk' POlttiL'1I1 )lIIh'm.

1 rt:~1 I mull loa:. lh(' l' ff'W \.I.'nr,11 in d('("p but pi!' I(malt' humUlty tl)( r t.lnl .1 'i1c-mb~r or •• mlmtrUy. In jj t n..e Ie" .. nttu't Scnh\OM$ lia\'{' ,'\'f'r hN'n.

1 und!:' I.]nd the hope-h: !\ne I thot n nllln at \lnuliul,l t'olor Or f<: .. turc.-a t.'Xpcl"~nc:r. In nil." f,.('(> of c m,t,tnt hUmnn fnju tit'I:.' J und(ltuLDwi lhr.· dHpalr of " hum:,n h.-.,rt c''l'lnr. fur COfllftJ)1. 10 J world H (';lI1no1 tl('I'OI1\

n paTt of. :lIId 10 ;1 t~t",tly QI 11'110 \h.ll hD~ dl!unhf:'rHNI him foor U11 fe Json. 1 hllvc done: ond will continue to lIu lfU Lhal one- m,1O ~:tn do to, ur lOT

lhes(o people th~ opportunlly .tnd the JUtill('(! thnt the,'" do nnt now holv<-"

Ll"unn of (II.Wty

But, U tiny !c':!!"Q" or hflitory I, "h':u, It b, lhlit mlnnrHtc:: ('h.In'll·, nr' mIn· Uf'Ue-. toke th~lr plact', and old m'n R

orllie5 ICrnw Into mnJOTlty One Cdn dll.cem IhL.. C:(JUH" In our

own h1!lory b~.. ob l!fvlnJl: 'he d(''tII· alons 01 the Suprcl1\(' Court, wh~rc Un" growth (d th,· Notfort'l lnw .., ofl(>-f\ lak\.'$ the form or adoptln..{ .as the 01')n10n or thf Court the dl entlnlZ "'i(!\Io' of an c:,arJJcor dcelr.'fJn I-·ro-rn lhl~ fncl W~ dr,;ccrn th~ i'TIr+ltrt ('x.wnplc ot :I vital dpmocrutlc J,rlnl'tpl(;

1 ho\'(: heard w oileD In the palt It-oN

wt.-eks. eloquent and NOQd )neo p1c~d for th<" c:han",:, to 11.:1. the majority nil,". That £Ii, they .. y th,' (:, enC'C o( otrl10crac:y

1 (U.s"I"re", tor to me! U. ,,, f"qUllJly cle"r thol democracy do(.., not nc,'CJ;~

Mrily r~uJt irom n':'1.ol ltv rule. bill nUlter (a'om 1.he !or~t.J ('·.m,)rOlnJJ.I" (.oj

the maJor.iW wUh th·.' IrlinorU,

'The DhI1()50phy ot the Con~ututfon. nnd the bflJ of rlgbts, Is not t1mply to ICl'ant the ma,ol'fl.\ pow"r '0 nl1c:, hlJt 15. D I ~, to t'cl nut limlunlhl1 Mttr Il1nl .. mUon upon that power. Freedom. C)f speech, {rt..-'1!dom o( ~.hl' pl"':.~...,. frecdclm of reJl£lon : wh..,1 otre the..;{t bot the r""'-CIT'ttlon that ott tim."$; when tile majority DC m~n would WnUnttly dn­""'.I ,j.un. n (l1&entlnl! m .. n m,tv hn 'C no friend but tbe la',",,? Th' ... P.lWN glVtm to the mlnoflh' is the most sOpbisticated. and thto most vU ... 1l po\\'cl.

be~towil!d by the Consti;ullun,

San ctity of the ~I:'ll"'t ...

In this d ay or the 1)1,...... mind nnd the lonely croWd, the right to c (e-rch...: thts power and the CQur;<lge to '-'xpr ... ·'S

It has become ld."> O'lnd le,;..ol :.1p~art:nt,

One of the ft!w plnt'es whf"re to15 power remnin!O a Ih'lng tot"'Ce 15 In th~ SCflnt~,

~l US face the decision btolore us dlreotJ..v. It 1s not free spl!t.och. for th&t hus- I\e v~r beet\ rt'ccUlnlztd 45.a ICl{aQv unlimited right. It 1s not the Senot~ ts

inability to ael ~t aU, lor I c~lnnol

believe tlln.t n m"-lorIty truly dt!H:r· mined In their eoune could !:ul evcn­tunny to appr03eh their I.!nds

It is, los1ead. the pow~r ot the min· or-tty to reneel. a proportIonal sha['e o( their view upon the legislative r~sult that js at stake in this debat~.

To those w.ho wISh to alter radically the bnlancc oI po\\rer between 3. rna ­jorHy in the S<'nate and a mlnortty, 1 say, ,rou sow the Wind. tor mlnori\as ehnngc and the time wUl sureh~ come whtn !o'ou wlU te('tl the hO\ breath oC ~" Tightaous m~orlty at the back. of youI' own neck, Only t.hC'n perbops Wlll you rt:3Uzc whot you hove de::>· troyed.

As Alexis de Tocq\lc"lUe satd abo\lt Amerie.3 In lass

"A dernOCrdC)' <.'.10 obtnin truth on1)' as \bc n:sult of <"'lq)erte.nce: :\nd many notions IlHt)· Ik-"f'u-b whtlc they flT'~ wDiUng thl or Ult~ir lluor ..

Rul& of Minority

The fiRM to destro)' the power of lhe mtnorlty 15 here. sttllllg~IJ.' enough. In the name of another nunority 1 shnre the destre of thos~ Senntors who w Ish to he.lp the rt:prc:'sscd people ot our Notion. nnd in tklne, God wtUlm~, we- shull ~lte~lh'clv occompJis:h that t,,!:l(, aut I InY to lhe$l.' Senators. we cnnnot Q(!h£e\lc th('~l' ends bv d\'­tOl~ tt\c \' '''tY prinel"I\.> Of' mtnoTlty prolectlon 1.It.jt h'Jl\BlnS here m thc Senate,

For O1S de To('Q\It-\·L1Ie 'J1~o commen­led '

"rr C\lcr th(.' tree tn:stltullom: ot Amcrll ~{\ nrc dr: troycd, t.hilt C\'ent n,lt"\ bl') ilttrJbUltod to the omnlpo­\cnCC- ot \h(' IllnJorlt;\' to

• • tmSEQUE:-.rTLY. Senator Hu­

b~rt Humphrey of ~ 'lfnne$Qt.'. n· troihng the Um~ for the advoca. '$

01 amendments to the clolur" rulc. yJelded time 10 Senator Fong. His slatement \Vo:) n t in ft!buttal to tbat prc3cntcd by his coUcnR\lc. SeQulor Inou).o. His Il'xl was ~b""1 three limes n, lcnglhy as Ihat rend by his (ellow Iiawillion.

Mh'r e.·plalnlnc thc pnrl\nmm· Inry siluation In\' lv, 1 In the on<>­flon 10 table Ihe con tIllltional (Jue"tion. ullolor Fang declorl'"

or whcthl'r on(··thlrd nl tht ~f'" plull oneo undcl' th(' t'dJ1In, rule hilI! In.- perrnlUC!'d to ohatr-ueL thl' OUH.': tWfJ.thlrdJI or Ihl1 SenAte

Aa (lIlt' who beJlC:\lc-S In II CQr1.tU luI Joni') mliJOTUy on thlll 'r.sue. 1 J)Ol (

thl. qlU'sUon to the Senntn-Shall "'" mlhority (II o",,,·UlIrd piU. on" rulr Uw S<tn,.t.c b)" denYln, ttl ... ",'JJorU)I thc rllth' to j'(JfnC to il \'01.-7 Or. ~;.h.".lll

HIP S"na&(', by Hs rulMi 01 r.>rocedUff prrllll1 th~ rTUljoJ1ly to be h~.trd

During Ihe: It!'njl'lhy d~h .. t«" WI.: hay"~ hf'ltrd II IHt-at dr4lJ IlbaUl the Unfair· "en of :,Uowlng $1 Scl'utt", to JJml[ d(.lbntt' on thc oU\e-r 4f) &nalon and about Ihe untaJrn~. o( ~ Senator. IhnW"E cft"bah,.~ ot the- oltlf'r .(0

1." fl \.hNr conlenUon Utal. n man· orHy ot lht· I!hould be "bIt' 10 hog·Ul" and hamatrinSl! th( r('RUin· lng t11.,;IJorlty of thf' Senate 10 Uut th .. • maJorlly t;..,nnol. comt to G vok1

J. It (air f()f 34 Senators to pre\.'ent tn.' majorHy of 66 ~ ... n.QtQ" from l'cantne ttl ;) vot~1 That II .aU t~t 11 Llkf"J und~r Ih(' ed. Unft rul~

llU~ T.itlkathOfl$ Fre.3rd

In the brio-( thrl'" and ;. halt years It )UU, b"'~n my prtvUr!A:( to f.~n'e ln th.' US Scnd1c 1 have wllnuacd tlvil" ~lk.3'honJ'.ned to pr("vtnt the 1'1\.lJorUy n1 \hf' Sc.:n;fte fzom votlna on the! m<.'TU, fJf .ub$tanUvc measurer beloTe it, ( h.I\(!' wUnemed how the threat of .. L.1lkathon succeeded in lore:· In" th(' maJorU)' \0 cmuculate lc,li­lalfnn In oTder to Jr. .. t .a bill of Jlf)me &Ott p~. 1 It V( wu.n~d h.ow ht Senate Rules h .. (" been uJ.ed, not .a tools for prolnr. nc orderly bU51nM in the SezwLe, b\J.t I S tools for thwart­fnlt the mlIjorU.} 'rom its duty to leR:lstutt<

~tf' Pr,..._dl'nt what baa happened trom time to time tn the Sen.oJle~re­

.sclubl JJ>Qrll)' rule T3ther than. tht rnnJurtty rule canlempJ.a ted by tJu, FoundJng F.,tt i1rTS, These archItects 01 the U.S. Con. rttuUon l"learly endoned ma!or1ty rule- ..u the. .c:ule lor: con· IJ'r~lonBl fiction. for they expressly speeifled :l1J Inst.3nct:'\If In whtch more lhan HU lur'it).· "ote- is reqUIn:d.

Th('rt" .ere only U\'~ insuances; wb~e :-, lwo·thtrd.s m;\Jnnly \5 ~tI"ulated

In the- Consl1tuUnn in \he power of Conf{re.t:'l to 0'\ crTtll U presid.entlal ,,·ew. In Senate raUfieation of treahes, in thl!' lnrUzttloO by Congrl:$l of amend· menu to the COru..htuUon. In the irn. . peachmf'nt power, :and 1D the expuJ· 510n of Ml:mbers of Conares:s. It ~ms etc-aT Ihat. insofar iU the draltem 01. the ConsuLut!on con~rned, Con .. ~ress ~0l.S to operate by majority rule unless. otberwue m.structed by temu o( Ule Constitution,

munnwn Quottd

Indeed. Ale.x.ander HamUton in. Fed­<:-r-al No. 22 wrot~~

''"To s:h-e a mlnor1ty 3 nCCBth'e upon .it majonty (which as al..,..aYI the ease \",here more &.han ;1 major'" u..y Is requisite to a d(!clslOn) 1.5, In ds tendency, to ~ubjecl the ~elUe Qf the ~tc.r to Lh:al. of the: leJSCl'·· Hamilton alsO polnted out-

'U iJ penfn.'ldous mlnortt.y can contl'Ol tbe 0PU\ on of 3 m.a:jont} n"Specttng: the best mode- of con ­dueUng it. the maJority. .in orete: that somethfng may be done. Inu.!'t confonn to the view'S of the IJ"l1n­orill'; ~Ind lbus the sen.~ 01 the sm:dkr number will o\'crrule that Of tht Kre.oler, and f!t\·c 3. tone to

n"lional proc;.:C1iings'" The history of th~ U S Senate $110\

th3t throughout the ,)'l'an Senato~

ha.\'~ Zei.llousl) gu;Jrdt:d .helr rlgnu to fuU and tree debilte. each 01 ..... 8,) ~

conscious of the (..11.:1 th .. t v.~hlle tada) he might be in tbe mAjortty on on~ tssue. tomorro\~' he might be 1n thE minority on aJ'1ulher ls:::~iuc..

SeMte- Rule n he.lp~ to explQln whv the SeMt« has been -:;(t 1 1h to llm1t debate ot ~me of 't..~ llcmbers who ha\ e usll"(l flllbuslers to pre\'ent ma)ont)" action

inee 1-917. ,"'hen the senate :adopted the ongtnal rute XXU to limit debah,", there hnH:! been ~ ,,'otes to limIt de-­bale, o( whiCh only h\'~ of WhlC.h succc-ed(.'il.

'tnat the exjstlne r\l1~ XXll mak~ II possible for 3 mlnorU~~ to ob.....tJ'u~t

tht" will of lht ma,JOrlt .. \- of the ~natc "as ret'Ofrn-i1ed b,). both Int,jor pohti .. cal Po"'rllcs In thdr plaUorms 3.dOplN 'n lU60 •. Unlc~ ,nd until lhe-eo rt'roml!: in

('onh"'Nssfonal P~t'd\1NS 3t'C cf1c.."Cted. the p~edr.c~ or both th(.' Republican And Democratic-- P:n11~ for meolnlWf;­{ul net ('rtecU\'c clvU r-£cnts lc~lslo.tJon wfl1 rCn"utin Just nOble words "J'd noble promlM.S, incapnbll!" of tuUUl­ment, fur nl.!\"cr has the S~lUlt~ U&Teed t.1 &lnlU dl:bdt~ ('m a ("Ival rights issue ,tnc-c- nile XXIl WB: udoptt."d in 1n17

Tht· word "gag" has bC"en u .. e<\ one" in lht' ('un- nl dc:bate -="1..r ~deht 'h~ H\lmphre.Y·Ku~ht'1 prop<) .. 1. whtc:h I co·:;;.pon ;art-d. wJl1 flUOW al. l~!l .. t ~ to ~u da~ of deb.lltc on .on tssUe. W~ sUbmit, Mr PI !Jdf.'nt. Ihn\ the &..' ~

l{(er 25 to 30 da.·$ deb.lf!' on an tssUt should b~ wUlJna to vote on BIlY mat· leT btCal"'C' it

Wc,' who gpon~or thl. re~lutfon are Just os aware ;\s any othe-r '\Ierub t'hot thCf't.:! wllt bt: tlnlt·~ wh~n \\le m(lst

be- in the mtnorlty un 1n l:ssu..:-, But Wl' $01)' that a· long aWl· ht\\'\' l\.IlI ~u\d ,Iqua'l opportunlt\· Iy-\\ntc<t U~ to d,,:'bntc' till' Q\l4:t;;tton----.j\nd we hOld thot 'Ut to in dh'· .... lit', 1\10r(' Ullm rutH('-1"nt t(1 11110\\ .{ull d1,.,,:u ·ton-we would ht' wllUnJt to b«!' bound b" th(' ,'Ote o! lht~ S(,nut\.·, be" tl tOf' us or :a8uln. t us

'Ml\!' rc d flU' c tll:'n bNol"\' thl' ~t',"'·, "r, Pr(' Id,'n\ '" whrth("T n mntor(\V o.r !it ('I"'('h'd &t~nfltOf'- undt'l the Iblln­phrcy.K\lch("l propmwl, Of n majorlt" t't thrl"l'·flUh of fht:' S.'nllh' ore. I nl Ind v UIlB und"r th.:- And .. - n·Morton

InopoJ.ul. Ii.t\JtU bt' flt\rmiUC"d to .~r·

(orm th lr dUlY 10 le.-' InU' on m.tau o( ,·tt.1 10 Iht NaUon-

Lt:lt thit' S~"ntt mRke r~p sc.1ntaU\' AO\' 'rnm,"nt It\ore- work:\ble In nus teg1sl.lth'c bod)' and more r'C! nsl\'e to th~ "m Of tbr- Am~rlcum pt'OpJ(' who • ..., repre .nl~ here II> 1M U.s, Sen te • ••


ASIATIC FILMS UIS1RIBUTINC CO. J' P' ''lt .nd fil ipino Film) f., Rent 133· 6 Well" 112', MA 8·9876

-F COMPLETE ROOFIiiGS'ERVicE rt,. E:. 1I1 t ~ • Guar.1rtttfld Work

I l(t.l<d tr I. rod • AI' 8.4796

F I~ ... " fo, AnI 0,",1011 , Member FTO

FlOW(:f View .Gardens A~ T ITO !lAth V~r 1000.,)

16~ /""'. A,,·., Ph, 466.1373


.300 E. 1't 51. (1 2) • MA 8.5197


258 E 1'1 $1 2) MA 6.S284 Jim HI9' MI. IlII ,,10),

HEY! JAPANESE AMElflCAN HEWS BIII"9u.1 a.llf • S.t.u,. Kldo, publl<ltt,

E"'llt,h SteUen .. ith Edl",",1 OpinIOns 345 E. 2<>d SL (12) I.IA 4.149'

DR, ROY M NIStiIKAWA SPtCiah1.,..q In Contact lffts.t'S

234 S Mort! (4) • au 4.1~OO ~.- ..... ~


Wakano-Ura Sukl7J~1 • Coop' Suey

Open 11 • 11, CIO>td MO<lmr, }~11 • 10th Sl. -- Cl 8.6231

"'"''''-~",,",~ ...... Seattle, Wash.

Frye Drive·in Hotel Jam .. '" M.t .... ia & AslO<lo~

:T' , V.,ltr Wa,. MAl. 2.8303

Imperial Lanes 2101·22nd Aft. So .. EAst 5.25a HI,., Ownttl -- FlttI T~), I~it .

International Realty Co. Jim .. IA. 'bUu41<a & AIS4CIa~ 526 S. .low.... MA ).2303

Klnomoto Travel Service

"<al\~ V. IOnomotD 521 I'Ial. SL, I.IA 2-1522

TOMI'S FlOWER SHOP Sholtltt and Tom; Su= Ord .... b)' Win Accepted

15607 • 1st A'iO, 50., CHerry 3-7670 ~ .~ ...,.. IEWw •

Washing10n, D.C. ".- ...... , "'...,..--.,.... ... ,--~ MASAOKA·ISHIKAWA t. ASSOCIATU

ecn",ll3nU Wa.sIt l"'lltnll\;tlUrt

919 • 18111 SL, 1M (6),

• GEORGE J. IHAGAKJ Real Estate Investmenf

-L.ntJ;-/10. CaUl. In~ome Properlfea Botoea to the eonl nl,. Are.

• '5&1 CenUnela. L.A., EX l-Z28Z

JAPANESE SECURITIES lnoutment odolce auppon.. m bl/ the e:rtend1>e .... .eaTen !adlllie.J at OUT Ja­panese affiliate Nikko Se­curilie.J Companll La 1/0111' best a.ssurance of




'~lal._ ... _ !'OR INFORMATION




235 E. 2nd, Los Angel ..

MAdison 6-7163

220 Montgomery St.

San Franc:isc:, 4

YUkon 1-31.10


Room 1616, 25 Bro3d St. ,.." YOIt CtlJ 4, 01 4-771D




A,IHARA INS. AllY. A!Ur.t-Orrt3t511·KUltI 114 S. San Pod",. &1.\"8-9Q41

ANSON T. FWIOKA. Room 206 312 E. 1st. MA 6·4393. AN 3·11 0'1

FUNAKOSHI INS. AGY. fIlllolkoshl. Manaka.,.."", ... klJ, 21& S. San PecIrt MA 6·5275, HO 2-7406

HIROHATA INS. ACY •• 354 E lit MA 8·1215, AT 7-8605

HIROTO INS. ACY. 318', E. lit MA 4-0758, NO 1·0439

INOUYE INS, AllY .• Norw.tlk-15029 S,,,,,,..- A'ft.. UN 4·5n4

TOM T. ITO. Pasad~n~b9 I>eI M<tct'­SY 4.7189 MU 1-4411,

MINORU 'NIX' NAGATA. ~1i>n1"t1 p*,,-1497 Roek H ...... AN 8-~5S4

SATO INS. AllY .• 366 E lsi SL 1M '1·1425. NO 5·b 7'17

3- P ~C I FIC (ITI~EN Friday, F,bru ry 8, 1963

By Bill Hosokawa


Frying Pan

DI'Il\"l'r. Colo

UNLIMITED HORIZONS - lIardly a WCtlk goes by with­out neu c\'idc n.: of broadl'lIlng e ol;omil- opportunity {or the. 'lSci In fad . it might be aid the • '\ScI's professional honzons are Jlntlterl onl by hi own abllittl' and ambitions . The day of the, Ise i college graduat • wearing ~ Phi Bela K:1ppa k~ , {oned agaill I hi will by di crlminatton to eke out a liVing slackmg appll!S at :I rruilstam\. is no more al­though certainly there is nothing wrong with honest labor.

Last week. ror e_ ample. Or. lIelll')' T'ul'hiya called from the airport to rell~\\, acquamt nees T:uclllya is a hemist and bioch~mi ,t, ull profe' or 011 the faculh' of the Unl­\'ersitv o( ;\linlle ota Hi kllo\\'lcd~e hlS been dra(ted {or

some -hi"hl) S'p(d \i:r:ed work in conned ion I\ith the Uruted tates pace pro ram. nd he i. called a\\'a ' Cram Ihe campus

frequen Iy au Lhi ,ssiglunent. )Iore, he could not say. T uchJy gr II' up in SeatUe of Ihe gt'neration that

produce\1 men Ii '.' rchi .... t linoru Yama aki, fellow' who made Ihdr \ 3)' D illst prejudIce on 'ht'er abllitv and saw \heIr talcn ~ bI am III the more Ito pitabll' em' ironment tIIlt tlte , i ei ar \'IlJo In,: as one rc~ult of thetr warlm1c

tnal . In II not unn !.ltt'.1 fJeld. 1\ ' nohl."ed a number of Jap3-

DC l' I~ pc mimeS lluring a rcnmt 1'1: 11 10 Ihe ':tlional Center lor AIm pb ric Research :\t nOllldl' r . Listed among VISi­tors Oil thl' nt \ re AklO . \raka\\a of Ihe nivel'sity of California aL Los Angele who spel'l .. lizcs in almo pheric

circulation; Gl!Or1!c ~!(lrib\\a of, CI\' York tTnil'l'rsity who e

field is dynauuc mel orolog:: and YoshikazlI Sasaki of the n1vlrSlty 0{ Oklnhoma, an (;xpcrl on lurbull'ncc and eon­

\ elion These are spe ialists in a new !rontil'r of science

that most oC u.s didn't evcn know l' i'ted .

• • • • GIRLS WITH WINGS - • -or :\r\! Ihe lalhe' bcing over­

look d in Ille m tter of jobs. Albert Ko akura of an FranCJSco. who has the weighty title of Western Regional

Manager, J3pan • ales De\'elopment, Pan American World ·rways. was III town recently looking for Nisei and ansel

girls \\;th 3 yen tu become stewanle es.

Pan Am, he said, bas 56 'i ei stewardesses now and

wants to double the number. These girls ha\'e been work· Ing on the Uni ~d States.Japan-Thailand run, but as soon

as their ranks can be built up they've been promised a

chance to fly world-wide routes. Kosakura a) iO pet. of Pan Am's . 'isei stewardesses

are from na~Dii, 30 pet. from the mainland. All Ihis line's

stewardesses Inll t b' .\rnericans. or able 10 oblain an im­migration \'isa to the U.. which rules out girls from J apan. They must be at least 5-foot-2 Hhe company might fudge an inch if tJw Nisei girl is otherwise qualified), must have at least 20 lfII) \'ision without glasses or contact lenses. koQW how to swim and be single. It goes without saying that _ must W rea onably attractive. Kosakura says two or

the reasons i,sei girls don't qualify is that they're too short. or don't 5~ WeU enougb.

Why is Pin Am so anxious to expand its Nisei com­

pJlimen ? The~' SEem to feel that despite American birth

• erducati0Df ,,'isei girls still possess the attentiveness, the

~ of peHonality and the \\'ill to sen'e that character­

lilt -' maRl Japaoese women. And who are we to argue? IIIddentadY, United Air Lines has at least two Colorado

at~ses-Dorothy Kishiyama who is based in aDd. her sister J une based in San Francisco. And

~ otIIer airlines have Nisei girls too. but we haven' t

~·""r-hIrnr in firm .W for

'65 WI JAQ bafest linn bid wID be

fpr 1he JIIIi.i 'aUooal JACL ......... :1lJI& l'1urname.ll, ac:oord-

10 _ SiI.ty&ma. pn$denl

.., ..n Nllel Bowl-Jq '\&lIIIo. 'IIIe ~l" , n wilt be an­__ Dat ~ during the

He ~1IIt4& at Prem,ere LIijII, SlllIa Pl'lprinCS. Calif.

Buddhist confob PASAD~A. - The Rev. Takashi TSUji. English Department director for the Buddhis t Churches 01 America. will be the principal speaker at the 15th annual Western Young Adult Buddhist League Con­fcrcnce th is wcekend at the Pasa­dena Bud:lhi t Churcb. ~trs. Tomi­ko Ogura and Dr. Ken Y31TIagu­ch.. co-chamnen. anticipate at least 350 delegate . .


Savings depo.ited or trans­ferrul to The Sumitomo Bank by tile 10th of any mon\h earns

10 teres t from the /iT.t.

• The Sumitomo B&Ilk OF CALIFORNIA

BIIIu.llluu 1kua1Un6 FaclUlln OffItI-JNc.tIf_ ...... ' .... ,_1_ 4, c:.Ilf_ le • -14MI

AHGIIO-I" ... ' ...... . lM .... ., .. I7.c.,,,_ . ~ ... f11 ~o ' ..... _ • _t. 14. • ~ " c..."W-1I1,o...- _ . ........... , Co ....... . ~ .. U JJ 1AIt_-S"U ...... _ • "' J_12,Coolil_ ..... , ..

--.. ................ -.... --------

Foreign language

class in grade

school rapped

pn~sc~ .

Th,' progrom. "Met by" 1961 law. h .l s b<cn s ubject I Ihroughout Ihe 'nle Brn,I",,, lid

Ih" law \\ uld " rk " hard hlp on man' eh I dl lrid ..

"I b<>h~v" "r .hould leachmg En"li h In Ihr .Icmentuy IIr"de. and leave rorellln InnJlURlle ('our. (! ttl th upper Mfllth's:' hr e 'pl inl'<l . "Thl' io" nol onl)' would add a tinnnl'iol burden 10 nUln\' school dl tric • bul hn placed upon th .. m Ih,' problt·m or obillin· inl' leachrr q~Rllhed ID I~: . e h ror· "hm lonKUfl' 'S It

The cour .•.• would bl' ta\l~ hl In Ih. btlh, .. '""nUl nnd l·lllhth ~rnd • •

.~ J emblym nn F.I Emott or t ). . \n gclt·~ hn mtroduced AB 8:!2 which woul,1 I"'TlllIl publle ~c hool

• hirt.-- nlll:'ns .11 (urelan lDnllun~c. t • lchers



SA:»! rR.'. CISCO - John Ino­uye 01 RID V. '1". II 0 'Iated with W ~ tllire Co., is ptob"bly Ihe only • 'j!ei Cropodll Ung plnne pl­I I In Nurlh"rn CQlllornlu. lie wa herl' Ihi. p;J t \Yc"k .. lIl'lld-1011 I con terence

tnter. ltd 'n n. 'Inll Ince child­hood. the 33'l'~aro() ld T<IP ~.., nl b. \\'0 h -born Ni l'l look Ie ·on. trom time 10 tlme. ne\er \\;\!nL to , nyln~ school and w,< nn (lircralt mcchanlc bctore hi pr "nl bu In ~ .

Ex-pugilist held for

death of Issei woman

S .... CRA:\IE:-ITO. - John T :"I1nr· bury. ex-heov)'wclght boxcr. was b,eld on char, : la I week ot kltting ~lrs. IIsu ~rat suo, 74. who resisted when he grabbed her pune. The purse conlalned only 67 cenls.

Police sold the 2G-year-old sus· pect admitted he sIDle the purse from the IsseI lady a block Cram her home on Jan . 24 but denied he struck Mr (\nd sold she tell " he wre tied the purse (rom her hands. Her head struck the pave· menl and lour hours later she ex­pired.

S_F. Nisei breaks into

biS time radio announcing

SAN FRANCISCO.-A NIsei break­:hrough in the profession of radio l nn:>uncing was made here this vcek with Ken KashihQra. recent ,an Francisco State College gradu-11e in radio-Ielevislon. being em-110yed as a full·time reg~lar an· '!Ouncer on KCBS.

The 22-year-<lld Hawaiian Nisel 'arne here a year and hall ago ;0 study radio.

Horie's sailboat SAN FR.~VClSCO . - The little sloop which Kenichi Horie or Osaka nnvigaled across the P acific solo in 94 days last summer has been returned here lor permanent dis­play at the Aquatic P ark Marine Museum. The sailboat had been on display in Japan .

TRAWBEKRY BOARD SACRA.'dENTO. - J~e Fukutomi of Oxnard and Mas Akjyoshi or Wat.;onville have been added as new members of the 1963 Calilornia strawberry adviSOry board. Reap­poInted were Masao Nnkata or Fresno, George Kawanaml of San Jose. representing the producer members; a nd Fred Hirnsuna ot Fre,no. in the shipper s group.

TOJ' Printing c.. 0ff1ft • LetUrpreu • Llnot,,1II


""' .... -LOS ANGELES U M~6·815'

......... Hirst Construction Co.

General Contntlor e Remodellll9 e AddltlOlls e Homes e Apartments

Compton, Calif • • HE 2-8838


111 B. t at St., Lot! AnnIe. JJ MAdboD s-tSH

KlDd17 MenUon the .. a.Wo Cluae. To Ollt AdYerUaen


.\n Im promplu )oUlh forum wltb Jo,' Tanoka • eat, I ,t end .,r table \\'lIh back t ~ cnmet., 1 n' m o d~rnlO r hiKhlt!!hlC I Ih,. SI Loul J ('I. .1nd JAYs in tallnUon. Scaled ~Oll ntcrc l ockwl. n Irom '('unAka ar.· Odlnl lIayn hI. PII I I'rcs : 1101 h lloomb ' ,. pre' .. David E ta. Ka­Ih,· Okamoto, Lauren Yalllomuto. ortlecr : Rob<>r t Ku dowllkl. Rlckcy Thoma. k:lnln Uchlyamll. Yo.hlko NOZQ\Yo. Cee! Illrumol • • NIkl<1 ,ukon nnd Pall. H, nml

Fong seeks separate quota for Ryukyus,

elimination of Asia-P cilic triangle W'\SIIIN ,TO:>I . - E tub It hmenl or ., pomle Immh,rallon quotn or 100 p~r ons eoch for the Ryukvu • and Ih,. Tongit I Inn1 I propo wi In Iwo OI,'n Uri' . Introdu ced .Ion. 2!1 by Sell . Hirn m Fonll I R .• Ha· wnll) . Bath IIraUI'. or I land~ orc now eharllcnblr t 1 eel II A 'Iu­Pacific quola or 100. which Is al· way OV\'r ubsc rlbed

H_lwnll' , 8enlor Senotor tnt 'hol hI' is now worklnjl with " blparllsan group of S,'nnlOl' on a Dill "ID Tl'vloe Immigration qu,lo, and to cllminale d'imlnotory as­pect. In OUr Immlgmtl n Inw. ,en­d ~rlnll II m Jr,' eqult,bl "

"TIll! proposol. 011 which we ore now workinK, would .1uthorl1-e 250.-000 quotn "I~n . a yeor. of willch 50.000 would be 10.' rer" ce.< or

Nisei phys icist on 2nd

tour of Antarct ica

IOWA CITY, 10wn.Phy. lei t lien· r\' Mowzuml. 26. ha. been oppolnl­ed sclentll1e leader at Byrd ,laUon ror Ibe 1962·63 Sea!;()n In Ant nrc­ticn. the Univ. or lowo announced harc. The Nntlonol Science Faun· dation scleclcd him os station Jeod­er He wut conduct research on rndl nof. c and the Aurora Au­stralis . the southern lights.

Morozumi i makIng his second trip 10 AntarcUea ond will work with Navy personnel at the s ta tlon Irom January to November. 1963.

Guide for chapter pu~licity

chairman available

LOS ANGELES. - An excallent handbook ror use by publicity chairman of an organlzaUon has been published by Occidenlal Li re Insurance Co. of California, 1151 S. Broadway. IDgeilier with a un i­que directory 01 newspapers in Los Angeles and Orange counties. Both are available ID the publio for the nsking.

IThe Paeific Citizen is lisled among the ethnic newspapers in the community. We hope 10 have copies of the handbook available at the PSWDC chapter clinic this Sunday.-Ed.l

Ask for.

'Cherry Brand­Mutual SuPPI7 Co. t090 Sansome SI. San Franolsco 11

FULLERTON Savings & Loan Association



" scnl1.~S rellordlr or ihelr '1,."IJ R r ~a K , " S~n I lor Fon", " Id .

The m~n . urr would nlloe.ll ft the remaIn In!! 200.000 Qllob vl.o to C' ~U nl rl e os rollow · 80.000 In the proportion thol cnch country's \X>puln Uon Is 10 world populallon. nod 120.000 In th e propo. Ilt)11 (h.'lt Immigra tion to Ihe U.S. oV"r Iho pa,t 15 yenu Is I the \l)lal Im­m Igration ID tI'e V.S. tar thl! $aml per iod . SenalDr t'on "'abora l.,· I.

IUgher MJnlmuDl

"Under ihl rormuln the mIni­m Um quota for "ve I'y cOllntry " 200." Sl'nalDr Fonll old .

Under the prel ent Inw. or the m ore thon 156.000 p"rsons allowed

nnually ID enter the U.S . under n Jrma l ImmlgraUon quota. only obout 2.000-0r Ie. . Ihan one nnd onc-third per cent or Ihl' to\al al­lowable-may be charged ID the many counlrl!!, comprL Ing the .A " nUc-Paclflc TrIangle where morc than one-ho lf ot Ihl' IDtaJ wO"ld populo lion live. " Senator

ng said. To Illustrate the dlscrlmlnnlJl'\'

aspect of the presenl U.S. Imm;­gralion law, Senolor Fong clled Norway Which. with " populotlon of less Ihan 4 millIon. ha an im­migration quota of 2,364 a nd "thu. exceeds the ageregate quota of all or the countries ot the Asia-Paelllc Triangle."

ExistIng law provide, thnt a n immigranl Is chargeable ID the quota of the area ot birth. How-

ver, persons whose ancestry is wholely or pnrtly Iraced 10 the Asia-PaCific Triangle. are eharte·

ble not ID the quota or the area f birth bul to the country or their

ancestry," he explained.

" Hence. an Oriental or Pacitic slander born in a EUl'Qpean coun­

ITY cannot cnter the U.S. under tile quota ot the country of his birth." Senator Fonl!' saId. These persons are charged to the small Asia-Pacific ar ea quota regardless of place of birth.

Senator Fong has frequently de­plored the inequity of the U.S. im­migration law which discriminate; against the peoples of Asia and the Pacilic region.


GEORGE NAGAI OF '300' Expanding SumifomG Bank 0 (alifornia

ce!ebrates 10 years gro I with state D~; ~ VER Ororlll' "ogof. bowl Inl\ rOl th,· Oronuda Jl'1 ~ 1o ICilm In the ~ l onaco Cta ! tr LcnguC'_ r<>II,od I I . trlk~ ~ In n ruw nod

SA. ~ ·IIA. ('( '('(I 1"'~

ow Ihe 1 pin lick on him Olt

the 12th boll 10, rub hIm or n

prrtcct .M:.m('.

lomo B:IOk ot ('.Ilfrornl 1.1 reI braUn" It lOth Irmlvcr ary oj o p ~r a Uo ll Ih moll·lj.

A g",up or fl nllne 11 ",I,to. w~re told by presldl' " 1I1.1k,', So ukl la , I Monel ,), th t (I,WI n -I ar .. more th on 17 bOle,. J.h I Ihey wrr" whl'n thl' QIJt-'n (..If I It (1ovr in F~ b ruary . W:i3. H d , . In"

nounced Shul , II J tt., , pre Idcnt 01

NII~ol hod 10 scltla for 0 299 Jtamc Hnd n 745 erie

Bid for apartment for

Issei aged turned down

DE' "VTR Th~ Denver Urban R,·nl-.ul AlIlhoril3 hn . r · J ~ d.·d

the TrI-Slatc Buddhl t Church bid for" corner plot al W Colrnx and Federal Blvd., on which In con' strucl a hlllh·rl.e aparlment roo' thu elderly. accordIng 10 J im Ko' n~motJ. TSBC Apts .• Inc" pre. 1 dr nt

Hope ror 0 .ullllhlc sIte In th<! ~nm e vicInity wo. "xpre ed, In' alud lng enou1lh II round for a church.

Borkeley rea lty board

reaffirms opposit ion

BERKELEY -'rhe B e rk c l e~ Rcal ty board of dlrcclDr r eartlrmcd li s oppo. Ilion In the InclUSio n or punWvl' m. ure9 In Ihe Al ntl­<.II cr lmlnuUon ordina nce In hous­inll. rpecnlly adopted by Ihn local clly c~uncll . It I scheduled 10 Ix ... come c rr ~ctlvc Feb. 21

No rcfen ·nco wn l madp in the 'ltn tcmcnl to II movem ent under­way ' 0 have th l. otdlllunc.· voted upon by th e cltl,en 01 Ihe April 2 mUlll o~ "1 "h'cUons,

Nisei wins f irst opera

a uditions in Ha waii

HO:»!OLULU. - May MurakamI. Unlv. or HawaII junior. wo picked winner In the tint Mutropolitan Opera rcgional audillons lovcr hetd here. She ung two Itali an aria -10 win on all-pold trip ID the na­Uonal audit ion.' n New York and a bonus trom Arthur E . Orvis . phllonthropis t and muSIc patTon.

A music major. her ambition I: to teach handicapped chl1dren ID sing. She bas been toklng s inging les.ons for the past 12 years.

Architect in Pakista n TORONTO. - CanadIan-born ar· chitect James J Koyanagi of To­kyo is spending a month in Pakis­tan to design a new hotel In Labore and a Japane:e garden in Karacbi. the New Canodlan re­ported Jast week.

A week in New York LOS A."GELES. - Y . ClrlIord Ta· naka. Western Research rIoopre­sentatlve for Shearson, Hammill & Co.. members ot the New York SlDck Exchange, Is spending the week in New York. meeting with the managing partner. underwriting department. and with the partner In charge or research. He will visit with clienls in the New York area and will be in Philadelpbja tltis weekend.

Wc k prInce _ Irom W I"c).. n eles las l year, will rcagn a '1u cn and omclal ho tn> for Ihe cOming Paclf:c S-uthwe t DlJ;trlct Coun­cil conventJon, ~f&y 18-19, aL thl' Thunderbird Inl 'Tnlt!Onal Hotel, EI Segundo. We t LoJ Angeles JACL Is hosUng the two-<lay a t­fan , whIch will include a lunch­eon-Ia <;hlon sh ow, brld l(c tourna­ment, dlnner-da nce and bu~ in ess

se. stons.

Mill ion Dollar honors 'SPRlN'CL·'.O Ka unl

Tok 'n " . o. C. mpoell Caur. hao qual ~<1 for !be J'lU3 Fr nk. " Life In5ur I\('e t.ltJnn D<,har Conrer­ron" H I ~ 1.:I1ed w,th gCD ·ra l ~gcQI Kenn !h Y.ono at Berkeley.

Nevada CPA ELY. Tev -13< 'n Ha<e W3S t-""ed a Iicen.'e b)' the Stale Board of Account2ncy ID pl'3ctice .. 5 a certi· lied public accounlant recently . He Is a graduatc of WoOdbury College. Lo- Angel.-

TOltATO ASS, -. Of'FICL\L SACRAME!>ITO. - Peter Hama­lani of Courtland " a c1e'tt'd thIrd vice-presIdent of the Californie TomalD Growers mCEotinl!' bere recently tor Its 16th annual meeting.

'FLOWER DRtJl'1 'O!iG' Sfu~ FR."'::-CISCO. - Jac:: Goro Suzukil Sao arr.ved here 13 • w~k ID play the Sammy Fong role In the "Flower Drum Song". sched­uled fir five weeks at the SheralOn­Palace Holel.


WILMI CTON ~ Fern F jimoto. do 1:1)' r of •• Ir, and ~Ir AI< 10 f'uJl1I)oln. fonnoo,y (,! Chleago. was $cIc'!cd AmoNc n Leg,on Awud ~:.rlner at W, nlngt'ln ,Jr_ H.i'lb S<:hool IlUt w~l< Sh~ ra

I " a graduation do..

One '" tile Larcnt !d«tl ..... " .. Ii : 2421 w~ Se.frenoe n J-2tZ1 \Iut, 311212 19_ BenT17 ItA ~1m

Sohn 1'7 SallD a Associatea

.4'W?~ ow: .... tOt


318 East First Street

Los A ngeles 12

MA 6-5681

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Bank of T okvo ReDresentative



Stockmen's, Elko, Nevad.

'~~, ~ J ' ~p~~;aF G~ :r.; ~e~s . -~ ~ Suliiyalci' Rr:dduront

Fukui Mortuary OF CALIFORNIA

. ~ .. ' .

8225 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood - OL 6-1750 WlU:OM£ JACLEBS - YOUll HGST: liEDRGE FURUTA. 1000a

" Thue G eneT at ~ of E:t'Porience" ,otc m r UKUI IAMBI NAKAGAWA

1117 1'IltIIer St .. Lot An,eln IltA G-S825


.11 Vtnlce Blvd .. Lo, Mlelee 15 - RI 9-1418

Funora l Dlrec l" .. : S.UI Oro ta, P.ddle I. Shi mobu, l'u taka Kubota

SAN FRA NCISCO Head Ornco-64 SuUer St.

SAN FRAN CISCO Japan Cenler-Buch'nln & Sutler 51.

SAN JOSE-1336 H First St.

FRESNB-14S8 Kern 5L

LOS AHGELES- 120 S. San Pedro SI.

GARDENA-16401 S. Western A ...

4-PACIFIC CITIZEN "'-:. Frld.y, FoObl uary 8. 1963


111' J ME!> mll K.'\l'U c-w 1)(' ClIalrman R •

C'~atulaUon s the an Jo e ChopCu. und<"r Ibe ~ tnlmely able kacknhip 01 Dr. Tom T"kda. lor

11\(' QU 'l(.' (or "",,rh Ch.lpicr W:l

computed on the b:osl. or I.'kln~

a 50 r cenl spill 01 the diller· rnce ~lwt!t"n the nrIU\Jn~UC' nVl r· MIt' 01 the 11<-... 1 J out or th~ In.1 S \'c:tr' mt. .. tnbcr"hlps and th\ ~

hlih~'l memberships durin/! thO' same Interval. "I cellUlar and 1000


IzuWI& Ibe 11162 "Chapter 01 the Year" a .... rd 01 the XC-W.' DIS­

tricl CounciL nils c!laptcr not only Illd an outsbndln' year 01 com· m\IJUIY and chaplu a("\l\'It;y. bul aJso e c~ their m mbershill CluoQ by '1m. As an altrachV1Z lDducemenl. IIII.! cb.1pkr ha s an eaC'dleJIt hosrltal and hcallb In·

suranee plan to otter the II' mem· ben.

Cillb m .. m~rs, th"n oddln,: to thl., the Mlthmelic av-raRe "I the best ~ oul or the last 5 years m.m· ber&hl • MulOpl 'Inl{ Ihesc> IIIIU ..... by $1 and $2S IIlvu the dollnr al11()untJc. In U1 nIlOl"i1l1on com· pulaUon. '2 m,·mb.: rs r' IIltlnl: rrom Ibe SI) I"''' cent , pllt ".1 In· cllldod.

!\tII~ ,III JACI. ,,!!leers nr< b~l l1 r InslllllNI by Mnlln· taln-Plnlns Oi Irlrt Chnlr",on Mill Va.1I1 IAI I.fll . The. ar~ Ilr(t1ll 1,'((1 Bill Kurokl . (l"'~ '; .IOAIII1.1 ~; I ­

"ola lIaruko Kolta va hi. 2nd v p... m"mb . Rrn Kumagai, In'D,; l)avl furuknwu , fin .! J ~l ll1 Saw,

rhol ; rJ nlTH r: Matoba .11J1' Or", Tnnnhto Ilnd nr. Itobel· t !\I.) o<ln. ltd mrmh, nU\I'r "rrk"r, not !ihawn Inl'llldl" 01' J)l{'k J\1omU. noy !'Iagal and 'I"c'r­rho Tnknlnlnc fthoto wu tak"11 by Tom Ma urnorl, Jrd V·I),. Pill>. tI ' l.

Thl n,,\hod "I nlloc.llIoo 01 Ihe Nahonul Budll' I quo,", "'a" un animoll I~ a",,",,'ro h,v the Di. trid CouncIl Ch.plers at the P'ollMh Quarh'rly me"lhll: 01 1!l62 held In Marysville, CaUlornl. In Novem· ber,

lI.vlng re,;ew.,.j the 1:16:: ch ..... tu leUvity reports ot Ibe NC· WN [)(slri,", C uncil chal'le. In con· H<1ion with th" sel~ctlon of Ih "Chopter of th" Ytar" a ord lasl weeIr. I 1m amut'd at Ib,' amounl 01 tim" whlcb our loyal membe", ~"' to Ihe ClrIlruzaUon. Some 01 til" npans were six 10 Seven pel'!S, and llsted Innumerable rom· DIUIIIt.r ud JACL projecls, c!lapler 80dal eYftlU and outsL.ndlnl: membeNbIp drives ",hleh arc In­strwnftIlal In our bellla: the larllc I*lrlcl Council of the J ACL. Thl lDdlc:ates III of the cblptcr Ic.ders must ~nd almost all of their spare time IUterally married I to JACL .<,UVI~.

Our P· .. st Quarlerly meetlnl: 01 1963 Wa5'd by the Fr~monl Ch plrr at Ihe Klole lIlIb Goll and Counlry Club. With Dr. Scott M\.)'n· ka .. .,. givlnl: ~ rcpnn on the JACL Japanc c History Projcd durinl: the bu Iness session 101:"tht'r wllh Lt. Col. Berl N. Nishimura 01 Fort Ord deli"rrlng the EvenIng Ban· Quet Rcldress, lbe meeting WM

very intC'rt'stina: and enllghtenlnll· Our thanks 10 Tad SeklgAh~ma and bl. committees of the Fremont Chapter (one of our smaller char­ters) (or hosting this extremeQ' succes lui m""ting.


Commendations are also in order to 1M Serlteley Clapter lor lIs part In blvilll passed In their city, an ordinance .. ilb some "Ieeth" III It pr:IbJbitlnl bias In housing.

With tbe> Second QUArlerly meet· inll sch.,.jul.,.j to II<- hosted by the Sonoma County Cbapter, we hope we <'an do as well.

n lias liven me Iffat pleasure III attendlna: installatloDs of the SAcramento, San Francisco and SaDoma County Clapters Ibese last few weeks and meeting some 01 1M outstandina: leaders of our GqaAiution. Th"se people bve proyided eoatinued leadership lor » 7H11I or more whl"h makes me MJ .,.,. Ilumble when I talle in tIIem aDd tIIey inspire us nedlling tQmber. to a:iviAa: more of our time to ccmtinue to bUIld upon the _Id fauDdatton that they laid mu,y 7HI'S 11<1.


'IfItbout trying to be repetitiou.<. r IIIIIIk the m~ of a1location of 1IIe portion of tile Nallonal Bud· .. .cIopI.ed In SeaUle last year ad as Ulumed by Ibe NC·WN DbtrJc:t CouIIcU would be of some fllterut to other DIstrict Councils. NcInnu Klllcta of the San Jose CbpCer and Tad OlIo of the San I'rallcWco Chapter are to be credit· ed ... -1IfIII out the detalls of .... aDocatloD.

• • • The ebairmen of the Distrlet

CouncU standing committees are· ""orman MllletA and Dean llano. kaal·legislative; Fr:lnk Hh-:tma. budget and finance; Tad Masao­ka. public rclation ; George Ma· tsuoka. r."",gnltions and resolu· tions; SIeve Dol, prollram and ac· ti\'ilies; Dr. cnUord Fujimolo. membersbip; Tom Miynnaga. Pa· cilic CIUzen.

Marie Kurihara ably continues on 85 NC·WN District Youlb Com· missIoner and Frank Oda as the • 'C-W=-< JACL History Project cbalrman. The balance 01 the Ex· ecutive Board consists of Norman Mineta. v.e.; John Yasumolo. sec. ; Tad treas.; Ellchi Sakauye, 1000 Club; and Haruo Isbimaru. cx-<lCficio.

With thIs line-up of extremely capable and enthusiastic group of peopl". we expecl 10 have a banner year in the NC·WN District Council dunDj! 1963.

Plenty 'room allhe lop', Salinas CLers fold by Col. Nishimura al inslallation

SALINAS. - 'I'IIcn's p1"nty of .__ at IIIe top" for American.!

eI Japuae dexeDt, lceording to • limed Jlrbet Ieeder 01 U.s. rom­

"'" Jan:ea III World War n. PaUtIIII 10 bellht5 IttaiMd by

~-elftted U.s. Bel. Daniel IIioa7e ID .• BawaUl, Lt. Col. Bert liUJbimura of Fort On! palIIted a briabt lIkture of wbat \be future IaoItIa lor his teDow N isel

''Cerlalab' Ibe future is unlimll· ... .. In as we are ccmcerned. DIa couJd onIT Ilappen In Ibe UIIlted states," Coloael NlsbImura I&Id .. be addreaed the SaUnas VeDe:J cIlapIer 01 the J apaDes!! AfDerfCIJI ClIJuQ wgue. lTe IPIR durlDllbe dYpter'. Inslalla­... dbmer Jail. .. at \lie Wondu· Ladle.

Coacedtn. lllat lor many Amnl. a.- al/apanese deMent. \be relo­eIdIaa camp. d.,.. 01 World War II were u,ythlll, but prvrnising, MIIaImura dted the example of .... lJao'e aDd odIera who "¥It fcqed IlMad In politic. and IIIduICr7 to tile poItwa r yea ...

..... mud IopIc torward," be

IJtIa' Gin elected SaIl Mal .. pnsIdtal

IIAJIr MATEO. - Kmjl "Jake" Ohra ... elected llIII3 presJdent aI ilia Mateo IACL. .ucceedlng wu- Mauk Tbe new cabinet wID lit IDItaIJed OD Feb. 21,

01 ••• erved as aommunUy pic­e cllalrman, and beaded th!! ellapter beJleflt movie amon, othl!r ~.

'fte memllenlll" c:ampala:n II UIIdawa7 wllb Artflur Shoji, v.P .. .. charu and .bDu14 e"U7 flI:ceed fIIat of ua,

said, noling that there was a time 1Io1l!!n a Nisei eouldn't even rUD (or oUice.

"'be tuture is unUmlted. There Is room at the top for you and your ebiklren. The world is our oasis and It Is up 10 us 10 make it or ~t it sUd" by. We have a

gr!!al heri!alle 10 contribute. "Stand up to be seen. Speak up

to be b!!ard. Sit down to be appre. clated."

Fer the TIJJ.rd l'Ime

Torn fLelly) Mlyanaga, a vet· eran JACL lead!!r and past presi. dent, look over Ibe gavel again lor 1363 during the dinner pro­gram. He and other new officers .. ere in.laUed by Sahnas CJty Councilman Sid Gadsby.

Stale Sen. Fred Farr 10., Car. mel) spoke briefly 10 the group, reviewing such projects as the proposal for a teacher-exchange program to ease the burden on langualle leachers In the wake of the decision lor the speeded-up lanlUllle program In schools.

Other lUuts Inlrodueed by Hen­ry lfiblno, muter of ceremoriles included Tom Wong of the ChJnes~ American Citizens Alliance.

MIYAnla:a presented the outgoing president's pin 10 Harvey Kita mu. ra. wIIo headed the JACL chapter during 1JI62.

Harry Sblraehl presented the rerolrilUon eommittee report. after whIch !be Sliver Pin award was pr~ented to Henry TaDda.

Col. and Mr •• Ni.blmura reside In Carmel and are active members of tile Monterey Penin.ula JACL. The coionel Is II!rvlng with the Combat Development Experimen. tatlon Center at Fl. Ord.



San Lui. Vnlle ' JACL ollicer being sworn into 01-lice nre Ilrom Iclll Pde Uyc'Illllru. trea ; Grorlle HI.hlnumn V. FUJlmolo. Kay Shloshlla. bel membs.; IIlrs. Clarence Yo hlda. cor. soc.; Harry Sumida.

bd mcmb,. Mr . Mlk ~ MI7.okuml, ,'cc ICC,: Som Mlzokaml . V.p,. Nobc A. hldn. pre. 80urd members not shown arc George Knlsllmoto nnd Roy Tonaka . II1ln Yu sui fllt right) ndm ln!. tor, the onih .

ARKANSAS VALLEY CHAPTER OFFICERS Mountain-Plaln~ DC Cbairman M1n Yasui installed the Arkansas Valley JACL orucers. They arc Ifrom leW IIUke Fujimolo, GeorJ(e Hlrakl. Jerre Hirakat:l, Harry Shu-onaka, bd . membs.; Frank Shthn, treas :

Jim HIraki. pres.; Nobe Maruyama. v.p.; Peggy SUIO. 3rd v.p.; Florence Maruyama. rcc. sec.; Judy Hiraki, cor sec.; ond Yasul.

-Pholo by Tom Mas.morl.


SANTA AI. .... A. - Over 100 delegates to the PSWDC chapter clinic meet· ing this Sunday at Kono Hawaii Res:aurant will hear Dr. 1'. Seoll Miyakawa. direclor of the JACL Japanese HIstory Project at UCLA. He will speak at the 6;30 banquel about the proJect.

The. clinic. chair.,.j by Mo Maru· molo .• !arts al noon with rellislra· lion. Orange Counl,y J ACL IS bost­ing the event.

• • •

second term as chapter president along with his cabinet and board members. Velma Yemoin and Emi Yokogawa. Auxiliary co-chairmen. and Roy Omi, Jr. JACL presldonl and their cabinels wore also sworn in.

Jerry Enomoto, who served a ins!alling officer. was presented the JACL sal>llhire pin lor out. standing work on Ihe cbapter. dis-tricl and national level. He Is cur renQv nalional firs t vlr""pl~sldcj)

The s ludy may also serve to solve part of the perplcxil,y of the SanseI.

When completed. the J apanese America n hlslory 11860-19601 ",ill tell the American public more about Iheir neighbors whose ances­tors came lrom Japan . Dr. Miya· kawa pomted ou t that even most experls on race rela Uons arc ig· noranl when It comes In problems faced hy Japanese Americans.

and national chairman of the J4' ! REXAL. L V1CE-PRESIDENT CL youth commiSSIOn. LOS ANGELES. _ George Kuniyo.

Marie Kurihara was awarded Shl. sole dl stribulor of Rexall drugs the JACL sliver pin for her SUe' in Japan and former owner of Fuji cessCul eHorls In organizing the Rexall Drug Siore here. was olec1-Jr. J ACL and other chapter acllvi. od one of the vice presidenls of ties. !he Re . 'all Inlernahonal C 1 u b

SAN FRANCISCO. succincl report on the alms and purposes of Ihe J ACI, Japanese History Project was presenled by Dr. T. Seott Jl.liyakawa. now directing the research al UCLA, at the San Francisl"O J ACL installation dmner bere last week at Nikko Sukiyaki. Ben T suchlmoto. chapter pro- blard rercutiy lie is currently

a gram rbairman last year. repnrted president of Seibu Securihes. Tad Ono was 1Dslalled for

* 1000 Crub Report * SAN FRANCISCO. - National

Headquarl.er5 acknowledged 49 new and renewal memberships in the JACL 1000 Club for Ute second bail of January including one Li fe member, Ray Koyama of Sanla Maria Valley. as follows:

LIP!!. MI!~IBE R &lnta Mat'l. VaJJey-Ray Koy~m.

nfTCENTU YEAR Omaha-Robert Nakadol AJameda-Slm TORas;tkl

TIYP.Lf'TlI YEAR OrolnlJC' County·-Karry H Matsukane Omaha-Mrs Masako Nakadol

F. 1 ~EVENT n YEAR Snake Rl..,C!r-ShtR~ Murakoml Coachella Valley-Tom Sllkal


C;~~:~~~!~td~J~:a~c~ahk~ Kato DetroJt-MJnoru To.ct:;asukl

NINTlI \ ' EAR R'ia~k1-FuJI Hlkld •• Tommy H. Ml-

San FranclJco--Olxle Hunt EIGIITH YEA R

Sonoma CountY-l wazo Hamamoto Lon, Beach-Dr. J ohn Kaahlwabat'a Debno-Paul H. Kaw .... kl

Downtown L .A .-Tpru Shlmaera SIXTII YEA.R

MU\4·.ukec--Roberl Dewa Ben Lomond-To~ T Kato San BenUo-Silm Shfolluka TwIn CIllco-Ceorge Yo,hlno San f'ranclaeo-JUyo HOYilkawa

~rm~~e,,~roe~::~lda San Jose-Wayne Kancrnoto. Phil Ma­

tlumuf;l Dctano-Joe Katano Portland-Dr. Robert Sbloml

F U"TII YEAR Sancrr-Thm T Moriyama Tuure County-WIlIl.ttI Shlba

POURTII '£,\.R Lon. Beach-JoKDh W Fletcher Spokant'-f"rank HlNvllu Cre.ham .... Trout.d~Ir-Ed Honmn Puy.Uup V"Uf'y-Ceor,1! MurAkami

T IlIRO YEAn Lo::le~.ACh-KOO [to. Dr. Ceor,c Ka-

DC.-MrI Akf1<o Iwota Sequoia-Yo h NJJ!;hJmoLo I)f)wntown L .A -C~Ot'c K. Uno PuyaUup V .. UtoY--N'obuo YOlhlda

SP.COND '·E.\ R Vmlce-CUJvt'r-H'Uo. t\J Shlml1:u S.n Jow-Dr. Tom Taketn Oranle County-J.m~ N Y:amuAkl

F I H~T YF..\R Omahn- Y'uk'o Ando. Jnmel T. tAU!l'tt Portland-Dr To.hlo ]nllhl"" Lon. aeach-- Dr Mnsuhl ttant) DC -·Dr Jl.qy Murakumt Chh~.C"O -·Otwny ~Im. San LuI. Obhpo- MfIt. Tomoyc Tau­


CORREOJ'JON IS~veral nomes Inadvertently

dropped lrom John Yo, hi no', re· port on thp Washlna:lon. 0 C .• In· $\IIIIDllon In Ihr' Jun , 2S "By the Board" column wrrc reported Ihls week a lollow " Toshtn Hoshide dlr~cl<-d "Reaching lor th~ Moon' . a choral presenlation. In the en I wer" T.ulli Shlrolshl. one of Ihe Cheese Glrll. ond Ma U. hlro, on ot the 3turdy Il.tron~uts)

the Iugbhghls of 1962. Dr. William Klyasu wa:; toa stmaster.

P roject Scbedule

Dr. r.Uyakawa said his work up lo now has been to delerlDme the scope. area o( s tudy and schedule of work. 111e project may take from 2l,!, 10 5 years, depending upon the total amount of funds available. be explaJned.

Wllh almost $2.';0.000 contrlblll.ed or pledged. several of the major phases 01 the projecl will definite· ly be completed. The minimum goal to produce a single volume his lory. which wlll be translal.,.j into Japanese. appear. most hke· Iy. Also within the m ininlUm pro­gram will be the !ape recording of interviews wilh the Issei a nd collection of documents and rec· ords.

For tbe Nisei and their children. this study will say what the Issei have been trying to say 10 their children. but have not been a ble 10 convey.

Dennis Dehi neW, president ot the Idaho Falls Jays, presents a check 10 Vole Yes on SJR 1 Committee treasurer Charley Ri­ral. Check represented proceeds from a lunch box auction.

Nal'l JACL scroll 10 Dr. Ralph Merrill conferred in absentia at Hollywood fele

LOS ANGELES.- Pinch·hitting lor

Dr. Ralph MerrItt or UCLA, who was unable 10 atl.end the Holly­wood JACL Installalion Saturday night due 10 Illness. pas t National JACL president Frank Chuman pra Ised the UCLA board 01 regent.~ member (or his unlirlng effor which in having Ihe Japanese History Project c().spon. sored by UCLA. The inslallal/on was held at Michael's Los Feliz reslaurant.

Merrllt was "no ordtnary per· son" and In hl~ lifetime spent mllllons. (Irst a. controller al UCLA In lhe 1920, and eorly '30s. later with Sun Maid Rahlns In F're no and Ull lator at Manzanar RolocaUon Ccnlor, where ho was project dlrcctor.

Chuman met Dr. Morrltt III 1042 ilt 1\1nrllonur.

When Lhe Jnpnn~.o History Proj. ect WAS pur ued by JACL. Morrill mad.. the InIU .. 1 con tile l. wllh UCLA au thorllic PresIdent Clark Kerr then made' a per onal reeom. mMdolion 10 the Rockelellcr Foun. dation, whlt'h n l I ho I Um" hnd II funds aVilOablo.

Dr. Merritt then saw other oru· cials. including Chancellor Frank· lin D Murphy. and In June. 1962, the aSt'cement with UCLA was for· mall:r approved .

In the words ot Chuman. Dr. Merritt was the "baisbnkunin" be· tween UCLA and J ACL because be saw the signirtcant achievement 01 a people whose immedIate fore­bears were ImmIgrants who won remarkable Integration In spite 01 prejudice and war.

Dr. Merritt doesn't know the answer to why in one generation. the Japanese did so much. Chu· man relaled. but UIOt'S what the History Project will a tlcmpt to pin· point.

The National JACL scroll of appreelnLlon was presented 10 Dr. Merrllt In absentia. The actual pre· ontAtion will be made at a laler

dOlle ,

Mrs. Henry Miyahara lind her cablnel wcre In t.nlled by Chuman. Fred 'I'aomne I the outgoing pres­Idenl

Dannr Abc wos cited a: the c hap ler'~ "ouulondlng member 01 tile year". Paul Kawnkaml wa. evening emcee.

* 1963 JACL Officers * Mory5vlllo JACL

"'H(('r Tnkunl1CA pr"', (tclht'rt Ku­llAma, h1 \' p., Ar-lhllr OJ! 2nd v p ; JQ(' N'ukllmurn. 1'(,118.; 0('(1'.«: Keurby. II')Ot) Club, Klynkl) Wlltnnflbf.'. rtc, U • OiJrlt'Jl (' 'nnu)l', cor ""('" 0,," HLhlt .. , I,Ub r(ll VI!Orrf: U",I.II11I),u, ",.!Uk (f:~;~:YJt' ~~I "~lI~~.IJ'c?~~:~,. n~~,,!t~~(:~:: ~hllfl\l MJIl.!UJlflnl#l. U"nry \brubll"hl. M y N.k'l", ""nrV OJI. Or Yllt"klt l'r(VI.dn. 101u .1' th'hlth., Tn"hJ Yf)fhl. Inut~ hd 111'°",1, T"rry M.lnJi. 1'"111. PIl,t prr!t.

Footo ll o Toons PAilr. YrUltlUnolo. rtlf' Chrh. III·

Ro,:~h" :: Y:m,,~,,~r~t~hl::J~r~A2~~!, A ' ~i. """hiD, ('Or J,(,C. In FUrn ShIDUW.+

~~rn~~I~ Ub~thtr,!loKo~:'!'n.Sh:~ Endow.

Pocatello JACLyns

Kt,~:;'~7 l.ift vm:~h~~rltl~~~nind:'y;~~ v p.; AJir C' Konl.hi. Arc.; Mlkl Morl. lrfi'l t.; 'roshl II I.flshl. MnrthA Shit) .. Inkl. apcl aVe KA .. Sumida. Mldort T.u)catnoln. pro,.. Ynn(' Wl'tAn"bc, hit ... Jo " nn ~ Knwnmurlll. San.yc V.· mAuohl. Alyco 5;,11>. To ... Shlka.hlo. consUt

Sacram-,nto JACL nnlJ)h NI.hJm:I. chnlO. YOIual1l Ito,

T:iioh~:r.. ::c~· D~"j :·me~~Ub~: 1~ Club; l'Tnnk H1 dol. ; Aklto Ma-

rc~lro·~~ ~:~~o . r{! ft.:'.t:!i,;n~~'k";.l~: ~~~. l~~"c: . ~~hfl: ba::;~I. Jt~ "t!~~C;; ~~:~. p~~y ~=ef . ~J~ 'I ,x,,~~. K at6u ro Mur.kaml. OlnJI Mlzutanl William Mauumolo. JOI' MauulUlml, Ted MJyahA". Sumlo Miyamoto. nl· chard Mat.umoto, Ted Mly.aha,., Mar ..

~~~~'Y~lc, A~u~!c!t~ ~'Bi·\I~·rg'o M:hIJ~ Kfnyo N'0f:tChl. Barbar. Naku~ml . ~~~. ~~o~~~k.~~~d~~I~ : S~~: Sakamoto .. ~mQru Sakumo. Tom Sato. Ken Shibata. Bob So'uye. Dr Ceor,f'

~:,:: ,ha ~bb~en.v.U~:~e:.' . ~:kr'i.!j{ra~ AI Yokota and Frank Yolhlmura. bel Df gov.

Sacramento JACL Auxiliary Mm... Enny Oshima. pres.. Mldorl

Hlyarna. l it v p.: Holen 11<ecr., 2nd vp.: June Morimoto. rec. KC.; Ltl F'u. kutomc. cor ~ .; Yuki Mlyao. trea •. ; Sally Taketa. parUam.e:nurtan.

Sacl"amento Jr. JACL PaUy FuJImoto. pru.. DcnniJ Ko­

Jlm3. v.p.~ Joan Muramoto. ree. 1«.; Cail Mfrahara. Beverly N akano. cor

::i~i:: J~~tW~u~~ 1:1~,fhe:e~u:~~: pub.: Gloria Solo. Rorer Nlkeldo. del

Eden Township JACL Sam Kurl'moto. pres.: Akl H~srKa­

W;t. 1st V p.; Tcta: Sakal. 2nd v.p.; Tok Hlronaka . lr('-;1 I.; Kec Klta,Y3ma. tcc. 'co.; Bob Laleor. cor ICC.

Intermountain DYC een (JIll . OlymplUl.

chmn .; Ronald Morishita (Idaho FaIl'I. Irrt V.c.: Naney Morimoto (F'ootello Teena) . 2nd v.c.; Dean Hayashida. .. e .. ; Georgia Solbara (M!. Olympus, . rcp.

Mont'l rey Peninsula JACL Dr. " CUUord NakajIma. p res.; Mike

Sanda. v .p .; Geon;e Uyeda, t.Tcal.: Har­ry Ptfenda, exec. sec .• Joe .Mlncmoto. IOClal. Ceor~c Kodama . pub .~ eeo.,.,c:e Tanaka. blat ,; Mas Hl~ashl. new.tlr.; Tom Ka~eyama . hall ocltod,; Frank Tanaka. bld,t;.; Kaz Olut. 1000 Club; Gcorg~ Eaok.l. !.mel pro~ ; Mu Yoko-gawa. del .; Paul lohlull. all. del., AI 110 •. 1llP; Rev. Henry Shlmozono. Red Cross; Jam"" Tabata. Boy Scouls.

Monterey Ponin. J ACL Auxy. Kad lohff . pres; 8I!Uy Uchida. V,p.;

Takeko nwk(d~. sec.; Ruby Tabat~ .

Ireas. Lily Mall8lut. Sunshine

Puyellup Valley JACL George Iwaklrl. pres.; FTaJ1kKo~

molo. (Sumnerl. John Sasaki (ruel. Yosh Kasa l ITacomal . v.p,; J ohn Fu­jlla. IT ..... Richard HayaShl. rtt. soc.; Am.v cor. sec.; Ku Ya 4

c.~~. H1~hl GtW'I~. ~!~~t~anu. 1000

Oakland JACL Ted T Mayltda. tSrn.; Ton..v Yoko-

~~.~tMre: t~"; i 'N.;:~a:kaOnJ:: rCC. sec.: FwnJ Tsubol. cor. sec .• Roy

~~osl'.'t . bis:lk;~~~1 ",~I~.!"8~ ~ wo. tooo Club; Dr. I Kurita. Paul Yamamoto. JefTY Nomura. Cherry &hI· ozawa. KatsumJ FujU. Raymond Kubo. Dr. Charles Ishhu. MargOiret Utsumi. Molly KltoJlm.. James Tsu.rumolo. Paul fda. Gloria Bucol. Cha-rles Kawa­sa"l. bd. of dlr.

Mile-Hi JACL IVUliam Kurokl. pres.; Roy Na",l.

1st v.p (prognm): Joanna Sakata. Ha ruko Kobayashi. 2nd v.p. (mr.mb .); Tom T M.asamot"1. 3rd v.p. lPUb. rel. );

~.;:,~ ; tr..~~~IO~:"ibJ! eh1~~~: David R . f\uukawa, ttn .: T~O Aneto. tOOO Club ; Jean Sato. ocltoL B<l Mcmbs.-3 yrs. Or. Robert Mayeda. Dr. Dlek D. Momll. Terrie Tokamlne. Don Matoba. Nagai. Sakat..

Salina~ Valley JACL Tom MlylUUlJT!. pres.; MAJ . Hlery

lido . (rel.l. V.p.; Or. Shlehl ... Naka· mura. \rea!.; Mrs. Roy Sakasc ... wa. !'Ce. sec.: L~ VDOlalUChfi cor. sec. &

~~~~!!iL ~el .: Ik~~~ · ll~ iho ~r R~~I§ : Kanow. Roy Klmun. ftarvey KIta­mu.ra. bd. membs.

East Los Angeles JACL Dr Robert Obi. pees.; Akin H .. "..

,awl. lot v.p. (p"'JTllml : Mas Hayashi. 2nd v.p, fmamb.l; Mable Voshlukl. 3rd v,p . (sociall : Hlro Omura ~.-

tfoUiJl~:e': ~~::'~ru:j. :e~~~k~~~ wakaml. tooo Club: Roy Y.made.""

f;~~.c ~.rada~~~o~ IC:;'·~~~!: ~1~~e~~ . Y'. H~:U e~ta~~ •. -I:~~tl Dr. Tnd Fu.lcrOkO . Wolter Totsuno. Bar­ry Ozawo. Mmes. MatUe Furuta. KJml Aklyoshl . TsUYR HorJ. Mary MJUwer. TaUuko Ml,yaka"d. Ml)'. Kikuchi . Ixl . of ,Q'\'.

Stockton JACL Bill Shima. pre ~.; James l\-tunashlma.

v.P.. do); C:nry Harlo. tree",; Mrs JOlttlOe MOl$uno. ~(!C'.; Dick FuJIf. John

~:{~b'S~~:OCJ:~a~P~ -g~t ;1 ~~ Dob.n •• Ma . .. hihAr •. his! proj ,: Ted lahlha ra. hi l t.; T~d Akab ... Dr. Dave

ru!\~h~~~ct~ ~f!!IIl>I:u~ 'T4 1 ,~ ~ag'n\:;~ : John VamnlRlehi . Ed YoshIkawa. B

~~!~bdo;,\~~.~t,.~~C;e'J ' ~WI~ M lah lhan. Georcc kltalowa. J Mu .. ro~lmA. J Tnnjl. Frllnk S.'lkula. D r, Kena Te-r.lIhh.u . Mrs. Allc~ Tlun~ ... ko",.. JonJeo Von.sI\lJIo. a • yr. bd. m.mb ••

llr renn·f ;I~ t I I thO"""" \ rp

,'IN'Il.:d 'illi .J'l ~ J,\Cf, Ilt(' I~~ut tht 106..1. ,H,d JII {';thtnet Irllml

1"'r5 ..... "r~ hht.lllrd .1,"1 . 26 hv lJ"rl,o hhlm;lru, pa 1 N(· WND( rhalrtn:ln Dr fA'U Klhby, his. frlrv flrot,. or nl Sall .fo f' Str,lt" 1IfW"/kt. on th~ C'IVU Wilr l:nll>r. talnmf'nt hlf'ludl"tl JJiHILr."Tlime .kclohrs An,l ,olor<d lIearL Mounlilin

---- * Chapter Call Board .... _--- * .... _---

Pa$lldcna JACL

Herb T e hima heads San Benito Counly

SA JI \N BAUTISTA 'I • .., "'II. C~rI w"re In laliM by 'h~ or: n~n'I" ("oonly .IAC'I. on J~"

rnl1owtns;e: n Jdl'itn~t~ dJnll r r~"1 Mit". J ('I, 11 .• 11 h,·r,.

1I-,h«1 To hltn took Ih,. gau., Ir tnl Tfm\' V;lIU;II)k·', ollig ·o~ p"'sldrnt, HI Ih~ tnr.tsdhUf')n ("fJU

I'wl,'" by Sh'rl ff John A. lUI. !u'lI

n,s: ... 'II r ~ (,rnre(!. ,\ num­

b r .. 1 Ilv ""I C">1JRlv .. llldal. were dl" r'" I1t ~

Marysville JI\(l installs

Roger Tokunaga as heod TohJO~

s;:'a, (TilU rn,:rl"~f"r "'.t ll Gill" Ctnrl

lI'Inis 01 Vuh" (:IIY.'''~ ;n '~l'e" H 1%3 P"'51",'nt 01 luySvlU~ .IACI. last ~' ~\ C.I~ VI-n n. lie y,a< I.~t vlco"l'r~ldonl

In I y~"r

.Iu'll(~ ni"harrl A lk~nl;( fll Ihe Yllha Co"nty SlIperiOr COllrt w.. the I!u<sl p<'l,ker c.."'~e H Inoll)'" W~I prollr~m <Mlrma n: Sh',rol M~lt;umo~, Io:utma Itr: and ~'rank Nak"n\~r~. tho Install. insc ol(lter.

In. lallation ' The IfI6J Po adpn, J ACI, cablnrl will he in tailed on Sunday. Feb. 17. 8 p.m, at Mi. vnko SukiyakI Hous ... 139 S. Lo$

Robles Tom 110 I. rvenlnsc ch,,,r. man Mis:. Klml Fukulakc IS the new president

Tokumlsca is a 1?56 scr~dll3te in .ngloorrlnll from the UnlV. 01 Call· lornh Terry ~anli Us Ihe null/oiDIL pre Ident.

San Jose JACL

DClal $cruMly: 8ern ( e.y ,.1 the local Social Secun:y Adr oistralion ollice will addre th~

San J O.IC J ACL meeting on Feb. 16, 7 30 p.m,. at We ley !'fethudln Church Byron Honda will trans­late lor the Iuei Dud len,... B)b Tacbibana is everilng chairman.

Philadelphia JACL

ElecOon : The Philadelphia JACL has rescheduled Its general meet­Ing at In ternational In"Uiute (rom Feb. 8 to Feb. 15 for Ibe purposes of electing new officers. The social hour will feature tolk songs from all counlrie. with the audience par­llclpaling,

The annual Installation dinner­dance i· being plannod lor Satur· day. Mar 30, at the Valley Forge Hotel. Norristown.


PETITIONS FOR CHARTER LOS ANGELES. - The UPlown Los Angeles JACL will pe!.ilion for a charIer al the PSWDC meeting this Sunday at KoJY.>­Hawaii Restaurant. San!a Ana A steer inll committee headed by T ut Yata . past PSWDC chairman and Soulbwe.t L.A chapter pres­ident. met last week 10 draft the pe!.ilion.

The new unit "ill he the dis­trict's 21st chapter and Ibe lllb in Los Angeles counly

Nisei Upholstering Rostyllng - RebllfldlM9 . ReDalrlIlQ





3763 5, Vermont Ave.

Los Ange les • RE 4-3975 SLm KobalA-rUl1 KobalA-BIU Isbn

Dan Inouye's House aide

named to Burn's tabinef ~O. 'OLULU - Admln, .t Ie a. .I.tant 10 Sen. Dan IIIO''1e durin:: hi. term in the H<-use 01 Repre· sentatives. Alfred Laure\;< was &e.

lected by Goveril6r Bums 10 be direclor of the Del>l. 01 LabQr and Industrial Relatton). He Is a (or· mer law partner 01 State Atlornoy General Bert T Kobaya shI.

Tne appointment 01 Laureta al

the first state cabinet olflcee 01 Filipino drscent has been inter­preted as a bow Ioward IUIIo-ail's newesl poliUc,,1 /'lrc.!. There are an estimated 13.000 VOLers of F,U­pino deo;cent on Oahu alone .


CLASSI F IE D ADS ~~~mn .. ~ .. ~~ Cla alJl~ d bt,. . (cut1. wUh Qrdu)

4c: peT word per tnRrtloa lOe I>tt word _ 1

a::~":'4r!r I~tn:,:;~ .. • RENTAL

$IS YVR. ... JSffEO t-nn flol. I bdrm and ~.ra,. Adult>. REI-257:"


N"t!W 3 bdnn &. ,. bdnn & ram117 I'OI')m Bwlt·ms. Y-rom S21.QO ~o d

S8Q5 dn. Tract of 1(1f) bom~ AI G ·u­ P O. Kamll'~ .. !t:lamly~R~ .. llt





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Los A~I_ 15



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Bonded Commission Merchants-Fruits & Vegetablea 774 S. Central Ave, L. A.-Wholesale Termin. 1 MarUt

MA 2-8595, MA 7·7038, MA 34504


1. When ) .... buy ....... ,hiItg lhol will

lail "" )'Ito", 2 . When it's 0 ne<'uaily,

not 0 '".wy. 3. \YIo<. 1M bon.r~ Of --­

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4. When )'OU cjgn, perf .""" f".. aedil.

5. Whtn ",hoI )'OU buy will .. prove Y'04'f liF. or Wv:ome.

