©2007. ©2007 ©2007 Why People Object Slowing Things Down Gaining or Maintaining Control...

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Why People Object

• Slowing Things Down

• Gaining or Maintaining Control

• Misunderstanding

• Hiding the Real Reason


Valid Objections

• Deal with it openly

• Don’t deny the problem exists

• Admit to the buyer or seller when you are stumped

• Ask if you can put your heads together & come up with a solution


Five Steps for Handling Objections

• Understand the Objection

• Respect the Objection


Five Steps for Handling Objections (continued)

• Change the Objection into a Question

• Provide a Solution

• Try to Close



1. To slow things down2. To gain control3. Because they don’t understand something4. To hide the real reason5. Because they have a valid objection



1. Try to understand the objection2. Respect the client’s objection and point of view3. Change the objection into question form4. Provide a solution5. Try to close



• Buying Signals

• Reexamination of the Property

• Mental Ownership of the Property

• Requests for Specific Details

• Looking for a Concession



• Seeking Reassurance

• A Change in Behavior

• Criticism

• Examination of the Contract

• Prospects Selling One Another

• Asks About the Next Step


Closing Techniques• Urgency—Use only when true• Alternative—The either/or approach• Stair-Step—One little step at a time• Advisory—Use the outside expert• Assumptive—Not if, but when• Action—Movement forward• Ben Franklin—List of pluses and minuses• Ask Them to Buy—When all else fails


Guidelines for Closing

• Don’t Oversell

• Close with Confidence

• Stay Interested and Positive


Guidelines for Closing

• Resolve the Objections Prospects Raise Before Closing

• Don’t Rush the Close

• Don’t Leave Buyers in a State of Indecision


Chapter Key Terms

• Action close• Advisory close• Alternative close• Assumptive close• Ben Franklin close• Buying signal• Close• Machine-gun approach• Stair-step close• Urgency close