2008 EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project Geospatial Metadata: Introduction...

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EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Geospatial Metadata: IntroductionModule 3: Metadata Development Solutions


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Training Structure


Metadata Creation Considerations

Metadata Development Solutions

Developing a ‘Metadata Implementation’

EPA Example

Creating and Using Templates

Using the EPA Metadata Editor (EME)


Metadata Tools Comparison Sheet

Sample Template


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Learning Objectives

After completing this module the student can:

Describe what tools are available to make metadata production easier

List some considerations for creating a metadata implementation

Describe what a metadata implementation is and what it is not

Describe what a template is and how to create and use one

Describe how to use the EPA Metadata Editor (EME)


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Creation Considerations

FGDC Compliancy is likely not be the only ‘requirement’ for your records

Geospatial One Stop (GOS)• Resource Types• Correct online linkage associations• ISO Keywords

Catalog implementations with validation turned “on”

• Title• Publisher • ISO Keywords• Resource type

Agency Requirements/Needs• Security Information• Keywords• Distribution Liability

The resulting picture can be confusing!


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Development Solutions

How can I make this process easier?

Define an ‘implementation’ for your agency that can meet all needs at once

Develop a template for your group/agency

Determine which tools can best meet your needs (EPA Metadata Editor developed for EPA; can be extended)

The combination of these will vary based on your metadata needs


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Implementations

What is a metadata implementation? FGDC CSDGM ‘interpretation’

Standardizes how a group produces metadata Defines wording for some free-text fields May have additional requirements

Not an extension or profile No new elements; clarity for existing fields only

Why is this important?Improves consistency across officesReduces confusion: all requirements in one standard

EPA’s ImplementationRequires the use of five sections rather than twoIncludes all requirements for different needs

FGDC Compliancy ESRI Catalog requirements GOS requirements Agency Concerns


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Implementations

EPA’s Geospatial Metadata Technical Specification http://www.epa.gov/geospatial/policies.html


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Templates

What is a template?Used as a basis for metadata development to save time in creating compliant metadata.

Provide default settings for information common to multiple datasets


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Creating and Using a Template

Import Metadata Button


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Creating and Using a Template


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Example: EPA Template for Web Feature Services


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Create Your Own Template

You can create a template from scratch.

- OR -

If you have a pre-existing record associated with a data set that contains most of the documentation you need, this can be exported using the ‘Export Metadata’ button.


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Editing Tools

What are my needs? Freeware or commercial?

Types of files in need of metadata?

Easily distribute to others?

What features are important to you?• Desktop/web-based• Support for all FGDC CSDGM fields• Simple interface• Integrated with COTS products (ESRI)• Import capabilities• Automated pick lists & defaults• Customizable?• Clear requirements• Easy access to support/help


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Some Common Metadata Editors

• EPA Metadata Editor (EME)

• ArcCatalog

• NPS Metadata Tools and Editor

• Three Tab Editor

• DBFmeta

• MetaVist

• Many others!


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

EPA Metadata Editor (EME)

What is the EME 2.1? Simple, flexible geospatial metadata editing toolBased on 3-Tab approach used by the Coeur D’Alene tribe

Why was it developed?Simplify metadata creationImprove consistencyMeet EPA Geospatial Metadata Technical Specification Requirements



EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

EPA Metadata Editor 2.1

DEMO of EME 2.1


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Tools and Templates Resources

Some Key Resources for Peaceful Metadata Editing

Metaparser http://geo-nsdi.er.usgs.gov/validation/ http://geology.usgs.gov/tools/metadata/

FGDC CSDGM Graphical Image Map http://www.fgdc.gov/csdgmgraphical/index.html

Metadata Toolbox http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=downloads.geoprocessing.filteredGateway&GPID=13

Set Working Synchronizers http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Creating_and_updating_meta


ESRI’s EDN site (for additional custom tools) http://edn.esri.com

EPA’s Metadata Editor (EME) http://www.epa.gov/geospatial/eme.html


EPA and Partners Metadata Training Program: 2008 CAP Project

Metadata Tools and Templates

Tools & Templates Quiz What does a metadata implementation NOT provide?

A. A single description of all metadata requirements in one placeB. A way to avoid creating metadataC. A means for improving metadata consistency across a large organizationD. A way to simplify metadata creation

If you have synchronizers turned off your metadata will not automatically be updated with information from the data set in ArcCatalogA. True or False?

What can help make metadata process easier?A. TemplatesB. Developing an ImplementationC. Using Metadata ToolsD. All of the Above