2009 Programming - Aug 1

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  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1







  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Arctic 2009

    Adventure Canadas itineraries in the Arctic continue to draw enthusiastic praise fromsouthern audiences and the proposed schedule for 2009 will be no exception. While weembrace the magnificent landscape of Greenland and its Inuit culture and cruise the

    northern communities of Arctic Quebec, our main focus is the Canadian Arctic itspeople, its geography and its cultural richness.

    2009 is of particular significance for Arctic travellers. It marks the 10th anniversary of thecreation of Nunavut the newest Canadian territory. Woven into the fabric ofprogramming will be an examination of the new territory, its objectives and achievementsthus far. Of particular interest will be the increased visibility of Inuit stewardship of theland including the issues confronted by global warming which include of course, huntingand wildlife conservation. We are fortunate to have a number of Inuit Resource staff whohave experienced this transition period and who can share insights from their ownexperience.

    The focus on the Pole and the issues of the opening of the Northwest Passage are neverfar from the headlines these days, and our high Arctic itineraries provide a firsthand lookat the changes and possible options for commerce in the north and the impact this mighthave this fragile ecosystem.

    2009 is also the 100th anniversary of Robert Pearys reputed success in reaching theNorth Pole. The focus on the Pole and the issues of the opening of the Northwest Passageare never far from the headlines these days and our high Arctic itineraries provide afirsthand look at the changes and possible options for commerce in the north and theimpact this might have this fragile ecosystem.

    While each of our itineraries offers a general focus wildlife photography, Inuit art orhistorical exploration, our programming remains multifaceted with a team of expertresource staff on each sailing. We were there to celebrate the founding of Nunavut in1999 and we are delighted to offer our clients a 10th anniversary program in 2009.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Explorers & Adventurers

    Date: August 9-21, 2009

    Kangerlussuaq, Greenland to Resolute, Nunavut (13 days)

    Vessel: 120 Passenger Clipper Adventurer

    The magic and mystery of the far north can hardly be escaped as we combine itslandscapes, people and communities into our first high Arctic adventure of the season.Beginning in Greenland, we will undertake a northern ascent of the western coast beforecrossing over to Ellesmere Island and into the mouth of the famed Northwest Passage.With a focus on history and ornithology, resource staff on this expedition will includeexperts in the field to offer their hand at improving or developing your own skills in these


    2009 marks the centennial anniversary of Sir Robert Peary and his team of heartyexplorers remarkable assertion they reached the geographic North Pole after twenty-three years and eight attempts. The declaration, disputed by many at the time, and to thisday, gave Peary the prestigious claim of being the first man, and his team the first men, toreach the geographic North Pole. On our journey we will head north in the footsteps ofPeary and learn about the exciting tales of hardship, determination and competition thatdrove Peary and other explorers like him to venture out into the vast unknown facingcountless trials along the way.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Itinerary1 Kangerlussuaq2 Sisimuit3 Ilulissat and Appat4 Karrat Fjord5 Kap York

    6 Carey Bay and Qannaq7 Smith Sound8 Smith Sound9 Smith Sound and Cape Norton10 Cobourg and Grise Fjord11 Croker Bay and Dundas Harbour12 Prince Leopold and Beechey Island13 Resolute Bay

    Pricing (cash or cheque):Cabin Type Price CDN

    Quad $4,395.00

    Triple $5,195.00

    Lower Double A $6,195.00

    Lower Double B $7,195.00

    Main Double Forward $8,295.00

    Main Double $9,250.00

    Captains Double $9,595.00

    Deluxe Double $9,995.00

    Suite $10,395.00

    Owners Suite $10,995.00

    Cost Includes:

    *all zodiac excursions*all lunch dinner day one through breakfast day thirteen*educational program*team of resource specialists*pre-departure materials*complete itinerary*service charges*port fees

    Cost does not include:*flights*mandatory medical evacuation coverage/optional travel insurance*personal expenses*additional expenses in the event of delays*fees for physicians note confirming you are fit to travel*possible fuel surcharges*environmental discovery fee ($250)*discretionary gratuities to ships crew

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Northwest Passage Part 1

    Resolute to Cambridge Bay (12 days)

    Date: August 21 September 1, 2009

    Vessel: 120 Passenger Clipper Adventurer

    The quest for the Northwest Passage has occupied the minds of Western civilization forhalf a millennia. The English called the hypothetical route the Northwest Passage, whilethe Spanish called it the Strait of Anin. The desire to establish such a route motivatedmuch of the European exploration of both coasts of North America. Throughout theCanadian Arctic waterways history manifests in physical geography as we pass straits,islands and peninsulas bearing the names of the men who charted this forbiddencoastline. Names like Franklin Strait, MClintock Channel, Gjoa Haven and KentPeninsula conjures century old tales of tragedy, hardship, determination, extraordinaryfeats of the human mind, body and the explorers who made them. Join us and trace theinfamous Passage that engulfed the imagination of millions and occupied navies forcenturies. Be a part of nautical history.

    For 2009 we have two options available - a shorter and longer duration, with differentroutes through the passage. They be combined together or taken as separate adventures.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Itinerary:Day Destination

    1 Resolute2 Beechey and Prince Leopold Island3 Fort Ross and Bellot Stait.4 Victory Pt/King William Is

    5 Gjoa Haven6 Queen Maud Gulf (Bowes Pt)7 Bathurst Inlet8 Coronation Gulf9 Prince Albert Sound10 Simpson Bay11 Richardson Islands12 Cambridge Bay

    Pricing (cash or cheque):

    Cabin Type Price CDN

    Quad $4,395.00

    Triple $5,195.00

    Lower Double A $6,195.00

    Lower Double B $7,195.00

    Main Double Forward $8,295.00

    Main Double $9,295.00

    Captains Double $9,595.00

    Deluxe Double $9,995.00

    Suite $10,395.00

    Owners Suite $10,995.00

    Cost Includes:

    *all zodiac excursions*all lunch dinner day one through breakfast day fourteen*educational program*team of resource specialists*pre-departure materials*complete itinerary*service charges & port fees

    Cost does not include:*flights*mandatory medical evacuation coverage/optional travel insurance*personal expenses*additional expenses in the event of delays*fees for physicians note confirming you are fit to travel*possible fuel surcharges*environmental discovery fee ($250) & GST*discretionary gratuities to ships crew

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    NWP Part 2:

    Cambridge Bay to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (16 days)

    Date: September 1-16, 2009

    Vessel: 120 Passenger ClipperAdventurer

    On this voyage we will travel at a leisurely pace with ample opportunity to explore one oftheArctics richest regions, both in human and natural history. Starting in CambridgeBay, we will head west, striking out into the Beaufort Sea, and the end of the Passage.We will, ice conditions permitting, head through the Prince of Wales Strait, makingexpeditionary stops on both Banks and Victoria Islands. Next we visit Winter Harbourand Neil Griffiths Point on Melville Island and delve into the rich waters of Peel andLancaster Sounds, reputed for their abundance of beluga whales, among other marinemammals. Stopping on Baffins Eastern coast we will visit the vibrant Inuit communityof Pond Inlet and the Buchan Gulf. Crossing Davis Strait to Greenland and the splendidtown Itilleq and then on to Ilulissat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, we cruise amongthe towering icebergs, where North Americas bergs calve from the massive Greenlandicecap as it tumbles down to meet the sea. We end the voyage with passage down thestunning Sondre Stromfjord, 185km to Kangerlussuaq. mammals. Stopping on BaffinsEastern coast we will visit the vibrant Inuit community of Pond Inlet and the BuchanGulf. Crossing Davis Strait to Greenland and the splendid town Sisimuit and then on toIlulissat, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, we cruise among the towering icebergs, whereNorth Americas bergs calve from the massive Greenland icecap as it tumbles down tomeet the sea. We end the voyage with passage down Sondre Stromfjord, 185km toKangerlussuaq.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    ItineraryDay Destination

    1 Cambridge Bay2 Bay Chimo3 Coppermine & Bernard Harbour4 Clifton Point & Albert Island

    5 Sachs Harbour6 Prince of Wales Strait7 Winter Harbour/Melville Island8 Nilson Griffiths Pointt

    9 Bathurst Island10 Beechey Island & Radstock Bay11 Pond Inlet12 Buchanan Gulf

    13 Crossing Davis Strait14 Ilulissat, Greenland15 Itilleq16 Kangerlussuaq

    Pricing (cash or cheque):

    Cabin Type Price CDN

    Quad $5,795.00

    Triple $6,695.00

    Lower Double A $7,795.00

    Lower Double B $8,895.00

    Main Double Forward $9,995.00

    Main Double $10,995.00

    Captains Double $11,595.00

    Deluxe Double $12,195.00

    Suite $12,995.00

    Owners Suite $13,595.00

    Cost Includes:

    *all zodiac excursions

    *all lunch dinner day one through breakfast day sixteen*educational program*team of resource specialists*pre-departure materials*complete itinerary*service charges*port fees

    Cost does not include:

    *flights*mandatory medical evacuation coverage/optional travel insurance*personal expenses*additional expenses in the event of delays*fees for physicians note confirming you are fit to travel*possible fuel surcharges* environmental discovery fee ($250)*discretionary gratuities to ships crew

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Heart of the Arctic

    Date: September 16-26, 2009 (11 days)

    Kangerlussuaq, Greenland to Kuujjuaq, Quebec

    Vessel: 120 Passenger Clipper Adventurer

    Our northern journey begins in Greenland as we sail up the Kangerlussuaq Fiord, thelongest in West Greenland. This program will largely focus on the culture and arts of theInuit of Greenland, Nunavut and Nunavik. An increasingly popular art form, thesculpture, prints and weaving of the Inuit cant help draw on the inspiration of theirglorious surroundings. Not only will we have the great privilege of visiting manyhamlets, we will witness the spectacular landscapes dominate life in the north. In many ofthe hamlets we will take part in demonstrations and meet with community leaders andartists.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1



    Day Destination

    1 Kangerlussuaq, Greenland2 Itilleq (Itivdleq)3 Ilulissat4 Crossing Davis Strait

    5 Pangnirtung6 Lady Franklin Is7 Kimmirut8 Cape Dorset9 Kangiqsujuak10 Akpatok Island and Kanggirsuk11 Kuujjuaq

    Pricing(cash or cheque):Cabin Type Price CDN

    Quad $3,695.00

    Triple $4,295.00

    Lower Double A $5,395.00

    Lower Double B $6,395.00

    Main Double Forward $7,495.00

    Main Double $8,395.00

    Captains Double $8,895.00

    Deluxe Double $9,395.00

    Suite $9,895.00

    Owners Suite $10,195.00

    Cost Includes:

    *all zodiac excursions*all lunch dinner day one through breakfast day eleven*educational program*team of resource specialists*pre-departure materials*complete itinerary*service charges*port fees

    Cost does not include:*Flights*mandatory medical evacuation coverage/optional travel insurance*personal expenses*additional expenses in the event of delays*fees for physicians note confirming you are fit to travel*possible fuel surcharges*environmental discovery fee ($250)*discretionary gratuities to ships crew

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    Labrador and the East Coast September 26 October 5, 2009

    Kuujjuaq, QC to Halifax, NS (9 days)

    Vessel: 120 passenger Clipper Adventurer

    A southerly route will take us from the remote village of Kuujjuaq, QC to the wilds ofLabrador. Here the Torngat Mountains meet the Atlantic Ocean with great altitude - thisis one of the most breathtaking landscapes in all of Canada!

    Guided expeditionary stops and Zodiac cruises along Labrador's coast will allow time forwildlife viewing, spectacular tundra hikes and photography. In the Big Land we will visitNunatsiavut, home of the Labrador Inuit where we will visit both natural and culturalsites of importance. Further south we examine the Basque, merchant and MaritimeArchaic histories enroute through the Strait to Belle Isle. After few days alongNewfoundlands remote south shore we take in the beauty of Cape Breton and then makeour way down the east coast of Nova Scotiabefore completing our journey in Halifax.

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    ItineraryDate Destination

    1 Kuujjuaq2 McLelan Strait3 Nachvac Fiord4 Saglek Bay and Hebron

    5 Hopedale6 Battle Harbour7 Red Bay and L'Anse Amour8 Woody Point9 Grand Bruit10 St. Pierre11 Cape Breton12 Halifax

    Pricing (cash or cheque)Cabin Type Price CDN

    Quad $3,295.00

    Triple $3,995.00

    Lower Double A $4,795.00

    Lower Double B $5,495.00

    Main Double Forward $6,195.00

    Main Double $6,995.00

    Captains Double $7,495.00

    Deluxe Double $7,995.00

    Suite $8,695.00

    Owners Suite $9,295.00

    Cost Includes:

    *all zodiac excursions*all lunch dinner day one through breakfast day thirteen*educational program*team of resource specialists*pre-departure materials*complete itinerary*service charges*port fees

    Cost does not include:*Flights*mandatory medical evacuation coverage/optional travel insurance*personal expenses*additional expenses in the event of delays*fees for physicians note confirming you are fit to travel*possible fuel surcharges* environmental discovery fee ($200)*discretionary gratuities to ships crew

  • 8/14/2019 2009 Programming - Aug 1


    The Clipper Adventurer

    The 122-passenger Adventurer, among the very few vessels in the world specificallyconstructed for expedition voyages to the far reaches of this remote land. Her ice-

    strengthened hull permits her to glide easily and safely through ice-strewn waters that are

    not accessible to conventional cruise vessels. She has advanced communications and

    navigation equipment, and newly installed, state-of-the-art Sperry Gyrofin stabilizers.

    In 1999 the Adventurer had a $13 million conversion done in Scandinavia. She is a

    handsome expedition vessel, done in the style of great ocean liners when ships were

    ships. She features lots of varnished wood, brass, and wooden decks, the ship has all new

    outside cabins, with lower beds and private facilities. There is a Main Lounge, bar,

    Clipper Club, library/card room, gymnasium, sauna, gift shop, and beauty salon. The

    dining room features North American and Continental cuisine. The ship has a fleet of 10

    Zodiacs and a special

    loading platform. An

    ice class rating of A-1

    allows the Clipper

    Adventurer access to

    places larger cruiseships can only dream

    of, and she does it in

    comfort and style.

    unsurpassed by other

    vessels her size.