2010 Minutes - Oregon State Bar

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OSB ADR Executive Committee Annual Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2010 12:00 noon to 1:15 pm

(at USA&M 1000 SW Broadway, Ste. 1710) Present – Hon. Mary Deits, Evan Seifert, Met Wilson, Alan McCollom, Forrest Collins, Helen Hierschbiel, Helle Rode, Nancy Hochman, Jane Gordon (by phone), Gail McEwen (by phone) Minutes from December, 2009, meeting approved Newsletter – Forrest reports that the bugs are out, and the next newsletter should go out on the first of the month. He’s looking for articles for March. In general, he wants 1-2 stories and 2-5 announcements to fill it out. Articles should reach him by the 25th of the month for an upcoming edition. He may send a mass e-mail via the Bar to section members soliciting articles. Mediation Advocacy competition at U of O is looking for judges. Intraschool competitions are Feb. 12th; interschool, on March 6th. Mini CLEs – Helle requests, and all present agree, that we should pay the bar to do time consuming CLE registration. We made a little money/close to break even, in 2009. She’ll send to the committee a list of possible CLE topics for 2010. The ethics CLE was very popular. We’ll put the video on our web site as a podcast, and may put the written materials on line also. All liked the idea of providing for phone attendance. We may raise the price for nonmembers. The Stoel Rives location for mini CLEs is ideal (except for ethics, when CLE is crowded). Fall CLE - The bar has inquired about co-sponsoring a Fall CLE. We discussed whether we want a big CLE at all, and possibly doing one every other year. Last year’s was put on in conjunction with the OMA annual conference, and Jane noted we have fewer responsibilities that way. We may check with the Bar (Karen Lee – CLE seminar contact) to see what our responsibilities would be. We want to avoid timing any CLE near the 2010 OMA conference date (1st week of November). Jane noted U of O will host the Works in Progress conference, put on for people teaching in ADR. Conference dates are Fri. Oct 15th and Sat. the 16th. Although we might be able to use some of the same speakers, that would mean our conference would have to be on a Thursday. Other gatherings of interest – - Sister Helen Prejean (of Dead Man Walking fame) will be coming to U of O.

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- The 2nd Brian Johnson Conference will be at Willamette April 17th - The ABA/ADR Section conference will be in San Francisco beginning ~ April 8th . Budget review – deferred to next meeting. Web Site – Mary reports that Bob thought the web site needed more work, including, among other things, a need to identify more resources. Forrest thinks it needs a “face lift”. Gail will review the site and identify links that are no longer current. Forrest and Kim worked with webmaster Paul Tichi within his budget of 3 hours a month, but Forrest noted that to make the site more user friendly, more professional time than that would have to be allotted. He stated that the functionality piece is put together in a difficult way, and that it needs more user-friendly options. We might be able to build it such that we can update the site ourselves with a password. We should explore whether having a completely new web site might be easier for us. Bob, Gail, and Forrest should discuss and come back to the March meeting with ideas. Committee meeting schedule – Bob had suggested that we meet every 5-6 weeks instead of every month. 2010 meeting dates so far are: - March 3 - April 14 - May 19 - June 23 The March and April meetings will be at USA&M. Those present had a preference for downtown locations for future meetings. Proposed legislation – We must get proposed legislation ideas for the 2011 legislative session to Sue Grabe by May 1st. The office of Legislative Counsel will do the drafting from our ideas. Send any ideas to section members before the next meeting. Jane will be our Bar legislative liaison (who receives updates on legislation being considered by the legislature). Footnote ; - ) Only Evan brought lunch to the meeting. Everyone should bring to the next meeting odiferous lunches from the several positively-reviewed downtown food carts. Minutes submitted by Nancy Hochman

OSB ADR Executive Committee

March 3, 2010 Minutes

Meeting 12:00 noon to 1:15 pm (at USA&M 1000 SW Broadway, Ste. 1710)

Present – Hon. Mary Deits, Evan Seifert, Forrest Collins, Helen Hierschbiel, Helle Rode

(by phone), Nancy Hochman (by phone), Jane Gordon (by phone), Gail McEwen, Lisa

Amato, Cynthia Fraser.

Guest: Sam Imperati

Minutes from January 2010 meeting approved

Treasurer Report - Lisa sent the most recent budget figures to committee members.

There are currently 320 members. Expenses are in line with the current budget.

Website Committee Report - Gail, Forrest and Bob reported that some links are not

working properly and assistance is needed to fix the problems. Essentially, the website

needs to be redesigned. The ADR Section has a contract with Paul Tichey and he

can perform the work, but after discussion the committee decided to hire the OSB

instead. The OSB charges $40/hour and estimated it would take approximately 12

hours to redesign the website, which would be approximately half the cost that Tichey

would charge to do the work. The committee approved a motion to terminate the

contract with Tichey, and approved a motion to hire the OSB to redesign the website to

make it user friendly.

Report of OMA Guidelines for Private Practioners - The Oregon Mediation Association

has adopted guidelines for private practioners. Sam Imperati and Lisa Amato are

member of OMA’s Standards and Practices Committee. Sam Imperati attended the

ADR Executive Committee meeting to provide background information and answer

questions about the voluntary guidelines. After a discussion, the committee decided to

continue the conversation after having more time to review the guidelines.

Section CLE Reports - The Section is going to host both a Mini CLE series and an

Annual CLE. Helle identified topics and proposed a list of mini CLE topics, and the

committee discussed them. To best coordinate the CLE offerings this year, a group will

get together to determine the Annual CLE topics, identify presenters, and Mini CLE

schedule. This group will meet before the April meeting, and report back at that time.

The annual CLE will be held on October 7, 2010.

Newsletter Report - Forrest reported that the current newsletter is being finalized. He

made a request for articles and submissions, and encouraged committee members to

write or submit articles at any time.

Committee meeting schedule – The next meetings are as follows:

April 14

May 19

June 23

Old Business - none.

New Business - none.

Minutes submitted by Lisa Amato

OSB ADR Executive Committee

April 14, 2010 Minutes

Meeting 12:00 noon to 1:15 pm (at USA&M 1000 SW Broadway, Ste. 1710)

Present –Sharon Williams, Lisa Amato (substitute chair), Evan Seifert, Helen

Hierschbiel, Nancy Hochman (by phone), Jane Gordon (by phone), Ken Mitchell (BOG

Liason), Met Wilson.

Minutes from March 2010 meeting were approved.

Treasurer Report from Lisa verbally at meeting. Expenses since last meeting have

been minimal. Code correction was debited. Web and Bar support service and

conference calls were only expenses. We are well within budget.

Website Committee Report. Gail, Forest and Bob were not present. Evan had

comments to pass on to committee. Current site does not have links to USA&M and

Arb Service of Portland would like links to the web page. Because there is a link to

the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Many of the links are not active. AAA is

similar to USA&M and Arb. Service of Portland. The members present agreed that the

links should be added. The web committee will be notified of that fact and if any

further discussion is needed, the committee can bring it back to the committee at the

next meeting.

Section CLE Reports – Nancy Hochman , Mary Deits, Lisa Amato, Helle Rode and

Jane Gordon met and CLE will be October 7, 2010 and the annual meeting at the

same time. Need to set up Nominating Committee soon and set up reception for

Judge LaMar. Jane will be looking for keynote speaker. Idea of family dynamics or

diminished capacity but not yet on draft agenda. Jen Reynolds will talk about change

resistance. Rich Birke will talk about negotiation styles and on panel with Phil Griffin.

Carol Emery will be doing something on international arbitration. Sam Imperati will be

doing something on confidentiality to tie into ethics credit. Helle will contact Serena

Lee on discovery in arbitration. Sue Leeson will potentially speak on mediation styles in

an engaging fashion. Lisa has material to review.

Some topics are hard to allocate time it takes too long might lose attention. The idea

of break out sessions with multiple rooms was mentioned. Mary was going to check on

those things and report but is out of town today. Jane mentioned session length and

discussions. Mixed feelings on whether should be teaching longer to be more in-depth

vs. shorter to keep it fresh. ABA ADR Conference reported by Jane to be wonderful –

next year in Denver. Their conference goes all day Thursday, Friday for practitioners,

both attorney and mediators…all hour and half sessions- three morning and afternoon

sessions. Topics and panels at that conference might be good resource for new

speakers, techniques, etc. Attracting speakers might only require travel expenses.

Discussion was had regarding cost and expenses for speakers to be paid through Bar

since it is co-sponsored. Jane mentioned U of O might co-sponsor a speaker if they

could speak at the University in Eugene as well. The CLE Committee will be meeting

again in late April – early May.

ADR Committee Awards:

Co-sponsoring some event for Judge LaMar after CLE. Committee members expressed

support for the idea.

Award history was discussed. Sidney Lezak and Carlton Snow are the two awards that

can be given. Sidney Lezak award was last given in 2008 to Bryan Johnston post-

humously. Person who was involved in establishing the Snow award was attorney,

Allison Kelley of Salem now at courts in Salem. Lisa will email Allison to get criteria

for Snow award.

Ideas about how to develop nominees for awards was discussed either as a committee

to through the website. Sharon Williams, Lisa Amato and Evan Seifert offered to be on

the nominating committee. Jane and/or Nancy are willing help out if needed. Other

committee members can join if interested.

Newsletter Report - Forrest was not present. April newsletter has gone out. At next

meeting there will be more focused discussion on the website at the Bar Office and

potential updates to the website with a new provider.

Committee meeting schedule – The next meetings are as follows:

May 19 – Noon - Meeting will be at the Bar Center.

June 23 – Noon – US A & M offices, 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1700, Portland, OR.

Request for Contribution from Oregon Minority Lawyers Association: Last year no

contributions were made to anyone. Jane expressed belief that section should not

make contributions because not a reason members pay section dues. Sharon agreed

with Jane. No quorum present so request was deferred to next meeting when quorum


Old Business - Evan remembered that Sam Imperati was seeking feedback on the

OMA private practitioner guidelines. Committee members need to review the guidelines

prior to the meeting. The issue could be deferred out to June meeting for this

committee’s feedback. Evan will be at the Johnston conference this weekend and will

report back on any further progress on this issue.

New Business: Next time Nominating Committee will be formally established and ideas

how to pursue nominations.

Adjourned meeting at 12:56 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Sharon Williams

OSB ADR Executive Committee Annual Meeting Minutes

May 19 2010 -12:00 noon to 1:15 pm

(at Oregon State Bar Office) Present – Hon. Mary Deits, Alan McCollom, Forrest Collins, Helen Hierschbiel, Nancy Hochman (by phone), Sharon Williams (by phone), Gail McEwen (by phone), and Jane Gordon. Minutes from April 14, 2010 meeting were approved pending additional vote. Awards: Alan made comment about the Award history. Third award is the Interdisciplinary Cooperation Award first given to Shannon Stewart and then Cynthia Moore. Treasurers Report – No report given due to the Treasurer’s absence. Website Update: Gail McEwen has appointment on June 9 at Bar office to modify Sections website. Person at the Bar who was working on this has left their employ, so Anna Zanolli, Forrest, Bob and Gail went through list of necessary amendments. Initial contact was made with OSB and Gail will be following up. Review of the website will be deferred to a later meeting for review of the amended website. Forrest will present amended website at the June meeting. Gail will send list of suggested updates to the site to the committee members. June 23, 2010 meeting will be at Alan McCollum’s office. Fall CLE: Mary Deits reported on the CLE planning. Idea of two different break out sessions which will cost additional $600 for the extra room use at the convention center. They are trying to meet needs to cover both arbitration and mediation. Bar has indicated they would not pay for the extra cost for sessions. Discussion was had regarding the likely additional revenue that the Bar could generate for the break out sessions but that the Bar was reluctant to pay for the sessions. Mary will talk with the Karen Lee at the Bar again but needs Committee approval for cost. Motion was made by Jane Gordon to spend the money from their funds available in the budget if Bar will not pay for it. Alan seconds motion. With lack of a quorum at the meeting, Mary will send email for vote by email on the motion. Those present at the meeting were supportive. Jane has lead on speaker for conference lunch but there would be some expense. U of O would likely help sponsor her. University of Washington recently held conference with speaker, Lela Love, from Cardoza Center, Challenges for Dispute Resolution Providers/Justice and Dispute Resolution. She is a good speaker. Feedback from U of W was positive. They paid her $1,000 for her expenses. She is hasn’t been able to reach the speaker. She might be coming to U of O near the same time as the Fall CLE. Another potential is Anna Spain – teaching in Colorado – she also might be coming to the conference so might not be available to come twice. Third

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person, Rene’-narc Mangin – lives in Vancouver – mediator and management consultant in area. He has written book on nonverbal communications. He did session at U of W conference dynamics of vocal characterizations and action/reaction dynamics. All other speakers are good but local. Question for Committee: Are we willing to pay some expenses? Mary will send an email to seek approval for spending up to $l,000 for a lunch and program speaker. Program Deadline from the Bar is June 10, 2010. Nominating Committee for Awards: Lisa Amato, Evan Seifert and Sharon Williams are the subcommittee. Idea of potentially soliciting nominees from the membership as a whole? Kris LaMar’s name has been mentioned as a potential award recipient or honoree. Discussion was also had regarding whether it would be part of the lunch or a separate after event with wine. Idea of soliciting nominees from the whole section through broadcast email through Sarah Hackbart. Sharon will email Forrest for newsletter link as well. Newsletter – Forrest said next issue in June. Looking for any ADR related stories, articles, and information. No May newsletter. Jane mentioned the probate mediation training in Multnomah County. Judge Tennyson heading program. Alison Taylor and Josh Kadish lead training. Forrest will seek article from Josh on probate mediation training. Nominating Committee for Slate of Officers: Need meeting prior to annual meeting to advertise slate of officers prior to annual meeting. Agreed that Nominating Committee for Awards would also serve as the nominating committee for a slate of Officers will notify the Chair by 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Committee meeting schedule –

- June 23 at Alan McCollum’s office, 210 SW Morrison, Suite 400, Portland, OR. - September 13, 2010 at US A & M, 1000 SW Broadway, Suite 1710, Portland, OR - Annual Meeting/Fall CLE – October 7, 2010

Minutes submitted by Sharon A Williams

BAR SALUTATION FULL.NAME M.ADDR1931951 Ms. Barbara J. Aaby Aaby Family Law900328 Ms. Jacqueline J. Abel 3707 NE 16th Ave670018 Mr. Fred M. Aebi Jacobson Thierolf & Dickey PC011898 Ms. Tonya M. Alexander Alexander Law Office PC962098 Mr. Jason W. Alexander Sussman Shank LLP901929 Ms. Amy Alpaugh DOJ Gen Counsel Division980302 Mr. Andrew Altschul Buchanan Angeli Altschul et al920253 Ms. Lisa A. Amato Wyse Kadish LLP941765 Ms. Courtney W. Angeli Buchanan Angeli Altschul et al992114 Ms. Julie Gentili Armbrust Mediation Northwest801532 Ms. Elizabeth Aronoff 560 NW Van Buren660078 Mr. Jonathan A. Ater Ater Wynne LLP821830 Mr. Harry Michael Auerbach City Attorney's Office911993 Mr. Stanley Austin Collaborative Legal Services LLC710126 Mr. Gary L. Axon PO Box 190912011 Ms. Jean Ohman Back Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt PC740213 Mr. John T. Bagg 362 Jerris Ave821862 Mr. Robert S. Banks Jr Banks Law Office PC690093 Mr. Albert J. Bannon Bannon Mediation740291 Mr. James E. Bartels Wyse Kadish LLP050403 Ms. Rachelle Hong Barton Knowledge Learning Corporation4193490 Liz Baskin Oregon State Bar720216 Mr. Jeffrey M. Batchelor Markowitz Herbold et al851254 Ms. Melinda J. Baxter Pridgeon Bjornsen & McCrum LLC020316 Ms. Helen Sweeny Beardsworth PO Box 5183902032 Ms. Lynn D. Beaton Teacher Standards & Practices092800 Mr. John Paul Beck John Paul Beck Atty at Law LLC4213606 April Behrman Oregon State Bar934862 Mr. Scott Bellows Dispute Solutions LLC092825 Mr. Scott Bennett 14570 SW Village Ln774077 Mr. Gary M. Berne Stoll Berne991914 Mr. David H. Black Jr Jackson Lewis LLP824924 Ms. Colette Boehmer 201 W Main Ste 3-B883601 Ms. Nell Hoffman Bonaparte Shenker & Bonaparte LLP790046 Mr. Thomas S. Boothe 7635 SW Westmoor Wy910045 Ms. Leslie Bottomly Ater Wynne LLP840276 Mr. William J. Boyd Construction Contractors Board791661 Mr. John F. Bradach Sr Bradach Law Offices942660 Ms. Kathleen C. Bricken Garvey Schubert Barer092982 Mr. Kenneth F. Brittain PO Box 13020660204 Mr. Sid Brockley Sid Brockley Mediation892068 Mr. Thomas B. Brookes Evashevski Elliott Cihak et al740442 Mr. Michael Duane Brown Just Judgement900184 Mr. Bradley L. Brown Bradley Brown Attorney at Law794709 Ms. Lisa C. Brown Bullard Smith Jernstedt Wilson822062 Mr. Michael M. Bruce Law Office of Robert A Miller

940551 Mr. Paul C. Buchanan Buchanan Angeli Altschul et al844082 Ms. Cheryl A. Buckley Ofc of Administrative Hearings640088 Mr. Carl Burnham Jr Yturri Rose LLP813090 Ms. Marianne K. Campbell PO Box 73414214237 Matt Campbell Oregon State Bar781604 Mr. Frederic E. Cann 1300 SW 5th Ave Ste 2750002260 Mr. Clifton L. Cannon 2614 NE 25th Ave870291 Mr. Howard W. Carsman Bullivant Houser Bailey PC650200 Mr. William G. Carter PO Box 70093071 Mr. Ryan Carty Saucy & Saucy784593 Mr. James (Jerry) Casby 3250 Whitten Dr730581 Mr. James D. Case Case & Dusterhoff LLP730574 Mr. Gary L. Case 61842 Red Meadow Ct781668 Mr. Peter R. Chamberlain Chamberlain Mediation Arbitration955084 Ms. Catherine H. Ciarlo 1804 SE 34th Ave750730 Mr. Larry T. Coady 3 Monroe Pkwy Ste P062999 Mr. Forrest R. Collins 6500 SW Macadam Ave Ste 300100898 Mr. Edward-Earl J. Conrad-Waggoner 339 Hanks Rd880367 Mr. David P. Cooper Kolisch Hartwell PC761083 Mr. Charles E. Corrigan Law Ofc of C Corrigan PC770246 Judge Hon Donald Owen Costello Coquille Indian Tribal Court700312 Mr. William C. Crothers Jr Law Ofc of William Crothers PC080619 Ms. Dona Cullen Cullen Mediation & Coll Law PC620224 Mr. James J. Damis 620 SW 5th Ave Ste 1010750897 Mr. Larry R. Davidson 1 SW Columbia Ave Ste 1850090991 Mr. D Christopher Dawson 3715 NE 72nd Ave743679 Judge Hon Mary J. Deits 0836 SW Curry Ste 802720681 Judge Hon Don A. Dickey Circuit Court Judge4244462 Kelly Dilbeck Oregon State Bar4231160 Dustin Dopps Oregon State Bar873812 Mr. Donald W. Douglas Quaestus LLC942954 Ms. Susan K. Driver Dorsay & Easton LLP792148 Mr. Jeffrey J. Druckman Druckman & Blatt PC891685 Mr. Michael Dwyer Dwyer Mediation Center560316 Judge Hon James R. Ellis 2006 NE 10th Ave101675 Ms. Gina Campbell Emanuel 3900 Yellow Fir Rd980137 Mr. Eric O. English Resolution Strategies LLP101880 Ms. Margaret Ayla Ercin 4524 NE Mallory Ave Apt 1100921 Ms. Allison R. Eshel 916 SE Nehalem St082237 Mr. Thomas J. Fiscus 2176 NW Everett St #2083512 Ms. Maya Hamie Fitas Markowitz Herbold et al740980 Mr. Jeffrey P. Foote 2817 NW Fairfax Ter741015 Mr. J Richard Forester Dispute Resolution Services730037 Ms. Mary Claire Forst Confluence Mediation090493 Ms. Lara B. Fowler Gordon Honeywell LLP852031 Mr. Kenneth H. Fox Hamline University590331 Mr. Robert H. Fraser Luvaas Cobb

872243 Ms. Cynthia M. Fraser Garvey Schubert Barer952657 Ms. Barbara H. Fredericks 10065 SW 141st Ave730947 Mr. Mark E. Friedman Garvey Schubert Barer700455 Mr. Gary M. Galton 10300 SW Greenburg Rd Ste 310823631 Ms. Donna Parton Garaventa 1410 37th Ave NW774281 Mr. John C. Gartland Gartland Nelson McCleery Wade792352 Mr. Frank C. Gibson Hutchinson Cox Coons et al792360 Mr. K William Gibson 10365 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 2404193246 Daphne Girod 1130 Chemeketa St NE Apt 309972719 Ms. Starla Jean Goff Smith Freed & Eberhard PC910471 Ms. Anita M. Goldberg PO Box 82694912510 Ms. Jill France Goldsmith 6327-C SW Capitol Hwy760045 Mr. Michael B. Goldstein 474 Willamette St Ste 303800430 Ms. Jane Gordon Univ of Oregon School of Law560434 Mr. Robert H. Grant 2413 Republic Way910496 Mr. David M. Green OR Liquor Control Comm774131 Mr. S Ward Greene Greene & Markley PC802452 Ms. Wendy L. Greenwald Employment Relations Board033349 Ms. Bethany Flint Groener 45 NW Park Pl680598 Mr. William N. Gross 117 SW Taylor St Ste 200861985 Mr. Bryan W. Gruetter Law Ofcs of Bryan W Gruetter4084378 Sarah Hackbart Oregon State Bar852221 Mr. Nelson Robert Hall Bennett Hartman Morris761639 Ms. Susan M. Hammer 25 NW 23rd Pl Ste 6473101066 Ms. Natalie Hansen 3332 SE Alder St731219 Mr. Harold S. Harding 200 SW 4th Ste 201913042 Ms. Lin Harmon-Walker Lewis & Clark Law School731226 Mr. Edward J. Harri PO Box 528832263 Judge Hon Daniel L. Harris Circuit Court Judge021315 Ms. Caroline Harris Crowne Tonkon Torp LLP930540 Ms. Janice L. Hazel Janice L Hazel PC852325 Mr. William E. Hensley Hergert & Associates PC902981 Ms. Rebecca H. Hiers Sunrise Mediation590428 Mr. Thomas Y. Higashi 1083 Bundy Crt N721215 Mr. David A. Hilgemann Law Offices of David Hilgemann951364 Ms. Nancy E. Hochman PO Box 3173040732 Ms. Amanda K. Hoffman Bartoloni Law Group PC650533 Mr. John H. Holmes Mediator & Arbitrator101098 Ms. Nicole Annette Hough 5370 SW Hall Ct600384 Mr. Douglas G. Houser Bullivant Houser Bailey PC660662 Mr. Thomas H. Hoyt Speer Hoyt LLC983220 Ms. Wendy Marie Peterson Hull WA County Juvenile Dept852411 Mr. James F. Hutchinson 2000 NE 42nd Ave #162792740 Mr. Samuel J. Imperati Institute for Conflict Management Inc920737 Mr. Donald W. Irwin 15925 SW Nighthawk Dr690853 Ms. Constance C. Jarvis 2630 NW Sample Ct812725 Ms. Theresa A. Jensen Jackson County Circuit Court

731527 Mr. James Kirkham Johns Stafford Frey Cooper PC852482 Mr. E Shannon Johnson Keizer City Hall953126 Mr. Thomas Johnson 8624 SE 13th Ave731534 Mr. Allen L. Johnson Johnson & Sherton PC013065 Mr. Philip Alan Johnson II ODOT Right of Way Section804340 Mr. Joshua Kadish Wyse Kadish LLP620421 Mr. Garry L. Kahn Kahn & Kahn PC802825 Mr. Ivan M. Karmel Law Office of Ivan M Karmel072652 Ms. Jennifer Treadwell Karol Hanson Baker721397 Mr. James W. Kasameyer 3940 SW Jerald Ct970728 Ms. Lissa K. Kaufman PSU Student Lgl & Med Svc-LS070733 Mr. William J. Keeler Jr Dowling Aaron & Keeler700756 Mr. Paul J. Kelly Jr 3625 NE Merges Dr923520 Mr. Brett V. Kenney Coquille Indian Tribe100684 Ms. Teena M. Killian Williams Kastner & Gibbs PLLC782760 Ms. Janet Kneeland 1323 SE 49th Ave710964 Mr. James L. Knoll James L Knoll PC710989 Judge Hon Dale R. Koch 520 SW Yamhill St Ste 1015880668 Mr. Donald L. Krahmer Jr Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt PC610467 Mr. James A. Larpenteur Jr Mediation873820 Mr. Stephen G. Leatham Heurlin Potter Jahn Leatham823158 Judge Hon Susan M. Leeson 1795 Cottage NE941060 Mr. M Scott Leibenguth Johnston Root & Leibenguth PC013270 Mr. Robert Leinwand Nike Inc DF-4842733 Mr. Roger A. Lenneberg 6605 SW Macadam Ave 2nd Floor101708 Mr. Thomas Lether Cole Lether Wathen et al903214 Mr. Michael D. Levelle Sussman Shank LLP670752 Mr. Eric B. Lindauer Mediation & Arbitration010724 Mr. Larry L. Linder Law Office of Larry Linder LLC600510 Mr. Gary E. Lockwood 2270 Dorchester Dr S043460 Mr. John R. Lohuis Ofc of Administrative Hearings950089 Mr. David Longood 3375 Argvle Dr S872891 Mr. Jim Losk Maylie & Grayson680960 Mr. Mervyn H. Loya 2370 Sandy Dr793075 Mr. John W. Lundeen 4040 Douglas Way4176142 Lauren MacNeill Family Ct Svc096846 Mr. Michael James Mangan Cosgrave Vergeer Kester LLP4155343 David G. Marcus Administrative Law Judge000791 Ms. Julia Elizabeth Markley Perkins Coie LLP852783 Judge Hon Christopher J. Marshall Multnomah County Circuit Court102058 Ms. Cassandra L. Marshall Cassandra Marshall LLC930762 Ms. Susan M. Marshall Marshall Consulting LLC931492 Ms. Holly Helmuth Martin 39100 SE Lusted Rd860700 Ms. Lisa M. Mayfield 187 High St NE #204074611 Ms. Jocelynne Patrice McAdory Bullivant Houser Bailey PC660759 Mr. Scott McArthur 112 N Atwater St102270 Mr. Daniel M. McCarthy DMM Law

790806 Mr. Alan T. McCollom Marger Johnson & McCollom PC096158 Mr. Kevan James McCulloch Linn County Attorney's Office013413 Ms. Gail A. McEwen PO Box 2211824838 Mr. Patrick C. McGovern 404 NE 2nd St783025 Mr. Joseph T. McNaught DOJ Gen Counsel Division4173160 Pat Medford Elder Mediation Services830638 Mr. Jim Melamed Oregon Mediation Center Inc890909 Ms. Margaret K. Melvin 895 Commercial Ave832865 Ms. Lisa Almasy Miller 12042 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 552691189 Mr. Stephen H. Miller Stephen H Miller PC043629 Mr. Douglas A. Miltenberger Goldberg & Jones PLLC910812 Mr. Peter J. Mintzer Cozen O'Connor072430 Mr. Kenneth Stephen Mitchell-Phillips Sr Kivel & Howard LLP933713 Ms. Cynthia I. Mohiuddin Westside Family Law813201 Mr. James W. Moller Ste 201040352 Ms. Brenda S. Molner Ater Wynne LLP102650 Mr. Jonathan W. Monson Cable Huston et al920998 Mr. John C. Moore Moore Law Group PC871133 Ms. Nancy J. Moriarty Chernoff Vilhauer et al721752 Mr. Frank A. Moscato Harrang Long Gary Rudnick PC843076 Ms. Annette M. Mulee 4500 SW Kruse Way Ste 100914969 Ms. Molly Jo Mullen Bodyfelt Mount LLP764002 Ms. Luella E. Nelson 4306 NE Mason St100450 Mr. Clarence A. Nesbitt Jr Nike Inc893225 Ms. Elizabeth Jean Nevue Salem Hosp Social Svcs762724 Ms. Margaret J. Nightingale 6312 SW Capitol Hwy #154973542 Mr. Stephen Norman City County Insurance Services971322 Mr. James P. O'Connor 3939 NE Hancock Ave Ste 309072770 Mr. Turner Rutledge Odell Jr Oregon Consensus783279 Mr. J Patrick O'Malley Resolution Strategies LLP772957 Ms. Katherine H. O'Neil 1 SW Columbia Ste 440752888 Mr. Virgil L. Osborn 4770 Glendale Ave NE084378 Ms. Myah Michelle Osher Osher & Bergstrom Law (LLC)780716 Mr. Warren Oster 2630 SW Nevada Ct610632 Mr. Paul B. Osterlund Paul B Osterlund PC941235 Ms. Alexis Packer 585 A St Ste 3832990 Ms. Martha O. Pagel Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt PC024147 Ms. Bonnie Marie Palka Bonnie Marie Palka PC091880 Ms. Darcy L. Pankratz 7546 SW Aloma Way #1096728 Mr. Kevin Elliott Parks 4615 N Borthwick Ave762803 Ms. Laura A. Parrish Parrish And McIntyre LLC081110 Mr. Christopher M. Parta 13150 SW Haystack Dr102739 Mr. Brian S. Pasko 12550 SE 272nd Ave760235 Judge Hon Elizabeth L. Perris US Bankruptcy Court084418 Ms. Sarah M. Petersen Bullard Smith Jernstedt Wilson4197679 Michelle M. Peterson Oregon State Bar882870 Ms. Suzanne C. Pickgrobe Small Business Administration

101414 Ms. Jerrica R. Pierson Seeger JP Seeger Consulting850753 Ms. Janis Sue Porter US Arb & Mediation of OR803451 Mr. John F. Purcell Miller Nash LLP722070 Mr. Phillip C. Querin Querin Law Group LLC924307 Ms. Lillian Quinn Non Hostile Family Law773100 Mr. Guy A. Randles Stoel Rives LLP964057 Mr. Paul A. Raney Kell Alterman & Runstein LLP921055 Ms. Nancy Nellor Retsinas 1201 Main St981319 Ms. Lorena M. Reynolds The Reynolds Law Firm PC701200 Mr. Gary E. Rhoades Gary E Rhoades PC773171 Mr. Ronald E. Rhodes Ronald Rhodes PC711472 Mr. Robert E. Ridgway Robert E Ridgway PC101454 Mr. Richard Charles Riggs Garrett Hemann Robertson PC901105 Mr. Richard H. Rizk 1332 SW Custer Dr4202250 Ms. Margaret Robinson Oregon State Bar691505 Mr. Lloyd B. Robinson 1106 108th Ave NE #505803610 Ms. Helle Rode Rode Dispute Resolution823839 Mr. Kenneth L. Rosenbaum 6540 Oakwood Dr893493 Mr. Steven E. Rosenbaum 1114 Center St763178 Mr. David P. Roy Black Helterline LLP844559 Mr. John S. Sather 38 Da Vinci853220 Mr. Terry Scannell 888 SW 5th Ave Ste 650803720 Mr. Bruce L. Schafer Professional Liability Fund883031 Mr. Gary Underwood Scharff Law Office of Gary U Scharff100031 Ms. Cathy W. Schindler 6172 Tyee Rd044080 Mr. Andrew M. Schpak Barran Liebman LLP975447 Ms. Sharon Lee Schwartz Legal Aid Services of Oregon833176 Mr. Michael J. Scott Scott - Hookland LLP833190 Mr. Michael R. Seidl Seidl Law Office PC691569 Mr. Daniel J. Seifer Seifer Yeats Zwierzynski et al075120 Mr. Evan P. Seifert US Arbitration & Mediation OR911718 Mr. Robert A. Shlachter Stoll Berne944382 Mr. Ronald R. Sikes SIKESLAW LLC4054528 Donna Silverberg D Silverberg Consulting711590 Mr. Stanley A. Sitnick PO Box 10121743077 Mr. Steven Allen Smith Steven Allen Smith PC914342 Mr. Charles E. Smith Ofc of Administrative Hearings911044 Mr. Carl RJ Sniffen 405 Parkhill Pl101533 Mr. David Sorek Northwest Wage Law LLC753490 Mr. Jeffrey R. Spere Sussman Shank LLP773537 Ms. Ruth M. Spetter City Attorney's Office763382 Mr. Richard G. Spier Richard G Spier JD Mediator784973 Mr. Alan M. Spinrad Samuels Yoelin Kantor794042 Mr. J Peter Staples Chernoff Vilhauer et al763422 Mr. Robert Michael Starke 3751 SW Haleyon Rd894160 Ms. Pamela J. Stendahl Bodyfelt Mount LLP934357 Ms. Ellyn R. Stier Lake Oswego Elder Law

874187 Ms. Elizabeth Ann Strance Third Circuit Court Judge840989 Mr. Scott M. Supperstein Law Offc of Scott Supperstein PC101589 Mr. Skyler M. Tanner US Bankruptcy Court783974 Ms. Nancy S. Tauman Jordan Schrader Ramis PC783999 Mr. Michael J. Tedesco Law Ofc of Michael J Tedesco075500 Mr. Corey B. Tolliver Powers McCulloch & Bennett LLP084955 Mr. Matthew Samer Totonchy 875 Terrace Dr803895 Ms. Suzanne Townsend AgreementsWork901287 Judge Hon Suzanne Upton Circuit Court Judge794257 Ms. Patricia A. Vallerand Lane Co Lgl Aid & Advocacy Ctr095324 Ms. Darci G. Van Duzer Law Offices of Michael Tedesco095356 Mr. Jeremy L. Vandehey Vandehey Law Office LLC913810 Ms. Karen M. Vickers Mersereau & Shannon LLP814074 Mr. Timothy R. Volpert Davis Wright Tremaine LLP841308 Mr. Charles F. Vulliet 23 Rogue Ln773838 Ms. Diana Wales Diana Wales PC794329 Ms. Laura J. Walker Cable Huston et al770737 Mr. Mitchell C. Wall Wall & Wall PC964490 Ms. Heather M. Walloch Gartland Nelson McCleery Wade681755 Judge Hon Warner V. Wasley 63013 Buchanan Ln974272 Mr. Howard Eric Watkins 405 Brookside Dr853592 Ms. Candace H. Weatherby Slip 63034900 Mr. Bryan R. Welch Jon S Henricksen PC814185 Ms. Kathryn T. Whalen PMB 125794859 Ms. Susan Z. Whitney 2738 SE 18th Ave774267 Mr. Douglas R. Wilkinson Thorp Purdy et al722830 Mr. Henry C. Willener 19645 NW Sauvie Is Rd853671 Ms. Sharon A. Williams Pacific Building701612 Mr. Charles R. Williamson Williamson Arbitration & Med651335 Mr. O Meredith Wilson Jr Wilson Dispute Resolution925051 Ms. Doris C. Winegar Attorney at Law794572 Mr. Eric Yandell Heltzel Williams Law Firm

M.ADDR2 M.ADDR3 M.CITY M.STATE M.ZIP4900 SW Griffith Dr Ste 105 Beaverton OR 97005

Portland OR 972122 N Oakdale Ave PO Box 4687 Medford OR 975011865 NW 169th Pl Ste 201 Beaverton OR 970061000 SW Broadway Ste 1400 Portland OR 972051162 Court St NE Salem OR 97301321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600 Portland OR 97204621 SW Morrison Ste 1300 Portland OR 97205321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600 Portland OR 97204871 Country Club Rd PO Box 10846 Eugene OR 97440

Corvallis OR 973301331 NW Lovejoy Ste 900 Portland OR 972091221 SW 4th Ave Ste 430 Portland OR 97204243 SW Scalehouse Lp Ste 1A Bend OR 97702

Ashland OR 975201211 SW 5th Ave Ste 1900 Portland OR 97204

Salem OR 97302209 SW Oak Ste 400 Portland OR 97204200 SW Market St Ste 1777 Portland OR 97201621 SW Morrison Ste 1300 Portland OR 97205650 NE Holladay St #1400 Portland OR 9723216037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 972811211 SW 5th Ave Ste 3000 Portland OR 97204515 W Olive St Newport OR 97365

Eugene OR 97405465 Commercial St NE Salem OR 97301521 SW Clay St Ste 107 Portland OR 9720116037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 97281PO Box 23146 Portland OR 97281

Beaverton OR 97007209 SW Oak St Ste 500 Portland OR 97204600 University St Ste 2900 Seattle WA 98101

Medford OR 975011500 SW 1st Ave Ste 630 Portland OR 97201

Portland OR 972251331 NW Lovejoy Ste 900 Portland OR 97209700 Summer St NE Ste 300 PO Box 14140 Salem OR 973092207 NE Broadway Ste 277 Portland OR 97232121 SW Morrison St 11th Flr Portland OR 97204

Portland OR 97213PO Box 899 Carlton OR 97111745 NW Van Buren St PO Box 781 Corvallis OR 973392215 Dorchester Dr S Salem OR 97302888 SW 5th Ave Ste 650 Portland OR 972041000 SW Broadway Ste 1900 Portland OR 97205400 Country Club Rd #350 Eugene OR 97401

321 SW 4th Ave Ste 600 Portland OR 972042510 Oakmont Way Eugene OR 9740189 SW 3rd Ave PO Box S Ontario OR 97914

Salem OR 9730316037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 97281

Portland OR 97201Portland OR 97212

888 SW 5th Ave Ste 300 Portland OR 97204Medford OR 97501

475 Cottage St NE Ste 120 Salem OR 97301Eugene OR 97405

Ste 200 9800 SW Bvtn-Hlsdale Hwy Beaverton OR 97005Bend OR 97702

2445 NW Westover Rd No 405 Portland OR 97210Portland OR 97214

PMB #452 Lake Oswego OR 97035Portland OR 97239Duson LA 70529

520 SW Yamhill St Ste 200 Portland OR 972041000 SW Broadway Ste 2130 Portland OR 972053050 N Tremont St North Bend OR 97459750 Front St NE Ste 100 Salem OR 97301Ste A 16556 Lower Boones Ferry Rd Lake Oswego OR 97035

Portland OR 97204Portland OR 97258Portland OR 97213Portland OR 97239

Marion County Courthouse PO Box 12869 Salem OR 9730916037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 9728116037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 97281PO Box 2155 Lake Oswego OR 970351 SW Columbia St Ste 440 Portland OR 972580424 SW Iowa St Portland OR 97239215 Washington St Ste 200 Portland OR 97204

Portland OR 97212Tillamook OR 97141

1500 SW Taylor St Portland OR 97205Portland OR 97211Portland OR 97202Portland OR 97210

1211 SW 5th Ave Ste 3000 Portland OR 97204Portland OR 97210

728 NW Skyline Blvd Portland OR 9722915500-H NW Ferry Rd Portland OR 97231600 University Ste 2100 Seattle WA 981011536 Hewitt Ave St Paul MN 55104777 High St Ste 300 PO Box 10747 Eugene OR 97440

121 SW Morrison St 11th Flr Portland OR 97204Beaverton OR 97008

121 SW Morrison St 11th Flr Portland OR 97204Portland OR 97223Salem OR 97304

44 Club Rd Ste 200 PO Box 11230 Eugene OR 97440777 High St Ste 200 PO Box 10886 Eugene OR 97440

Clackamas OR 97015Salem OR 97301

111 SW 5th Ave 43rd Flr Portland OR 97204Portland OR 97282

PMB 208 Portland OR 97239Eugene OR 97401

1221 University of Oregon 1515 Agate St Eugene OR 97403Medford OR 97504

Ste 200 927 Country Club Rd Eugene OR 974011515 SW 5th Ave Ste 600 Portland OR 97201528 Cottage St NE Ste 400 Salem OR 97301

Bend OR 97701Portland OR 97204

The Scanlon Building 300 SW Columbia Ste 203 Bend OR 9770216037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 97281111 SW 5th Ave Ste 1650 Portland OR 97204

Portland OR 97210Portland OR 97214

PO Box 1201 Corvallis OR 9733310015 SW Terwilliger Blvd Portland OR 97219

Salem OR 97308Justice Bldg 100 S Oakdale Medford OR 97501888 SW 5th Ave Ste 1600 Portland OR 972041207 SW 6th Ave Portland OR 972041001 Molalla Ave Ste 201 Oregon City OR 9704517 SW Frazer Pendleton OR 97801

Keizer OR 97303530 Center St NE Ste 700 Salem OR 97301

Portland OR 97208121 SW Salmon St Ste 1030 Portland OR 97204PO Box 82097 Portland OR 97282

Beaverton OR 97005888 SW 5th Ave Ste 300 Portland OR 97204975 Oak St Ste 700 Eugene OR 97401222 N 1st Ave MS 47 Hillsboro OR 97124

Portland OR 9721311524 SW Vacuna Ct Portland OR 97219

Beaverton OR 97007Bend OR 97701

Justice Bldg Room 223 100 S Oakdale Medford OR 97501

601 Union St Ste 3100 Seattle WA 98101930 Chemawa Rd NE PO Box 21000 Keizer OR 97307

Portland OR 972022303 SE Grant St Portland OR 97214355 Capitol St NE Rm 420 Salem OR 97301621 SW Morrison Ste 1300 Portland OR 97205520 SW 6th Ave Ste 1210 Portland OR 972041023 SW Yamhill Ste 200 Portland OR 972052229 112th Ave NE Ste 200 Bellevue WA 98004

Portland OR 97221PO Box 751 Portland OR 972078080 N Palm Ave 3rd Fl Fresno CA 93711

Portland OR 972123050 Tremont North Bend OR 97459601 Union Street, Ste 4100 Seattle WA 98101

Portland OR 972151500 SW Taylor St Portland OR 97205

Portland OR 972041211 SW 5th Ave Ste 1900 Portland OR 972041211 SW 5th Ave Ste 1500-1900 Portland OR 97204211 E McLoughlin Blvd 100 PO Box 611 Vancouver WA 98666

Salem OR 973011500 SW 1st Ave Ste 920 Portland OR 972011 Bowerman Dr Beaverton OR 97005

Portland OR 972391000 Second Ave Ste 1300 Seattle WA 981041000 SW Broadway Ste 1400 Portland OR 972051000 SW Broadway Ste 2400 Portland OR 972052245 Commercial St NE Salem OR 97303

Salem OR 973027995 SW Mohawk St Tualatin OR 97062

Salem OR 973027959 SE Foster Rd Portland OR 97206

Eugene OR 97401PO Box 1146 Lake Oswego OR 970352051 Kaen Rd Oregon City OR 97045805 SW Broadway 8th Flr Portland OR 97205OR Hearing Office Panel PO Box 14020 Salem OR 973091120 NW Couch 10th Flr Portland OR 97209Multnomah Co Courthouse 1021 SW 4th Ave Portland OR 97204Ste 1000 9000 Keystone Crossing Blvd Indianapolis IN 462403026 NE Oregon St Portland OR 97232

Boring OR 97009PO Box 2634 Salem OR 97308888 SW 5th Ave Ste 300 Portland OR 97204

Monmouth OR 973611600 SW Highland Pkwy Portland OR 97221

210 SW Morrison St Ste 400 Portland OR 97204104 4th Ave SW PO Box 100 Albany OR 97321

Salem OR 97308PO Box 270 Newport OR 973651162 Court St NE Salem OR 97301PO Box 33675 Portland OR 97292PO Box 51119 Eugene OR 97405

Coos Bay OR 97420Clackamas OR 97015

320 Fir Ave PO Box 5 Reedsport OR 97467Ste 1030 111 SW Columbia St Portland OR 972011201 3rd Ave Ste 5200 Seattle WA 98101111 SW 5th Ave Ste 1775 PO Box 40044 Portland OR 9724013425 SW 72nd Ave Tigard OR 9722331960 SW Charbonneau Dr Wilsonville OR 97070601 Union St Ste 1501 Seattle WA 981011001 SW 5th Ave Ste 2000 Portland OR 972044248 Galewood St Lake Oswego OR 97035601 SW 2nd Ave Ste 1600 Portland OR 972041001 SW 5th Ave 16th Flr Portland OR 97204

Lake Oswego OR 97035707 SW Washington St Ste 1100 Portland OR 97205

Portland OR 972181 Bowerman Dr Beaverton OR 97005665 Winter St SE PO Box 14001 Salem OR 97309

Portland OR 972391212 Court St NE Salem OR 97301

Portland OR 97212PSU - NPCC PO Box 751 Portland OR 972071500 SW Taylor St Portland OR 97205

Portland OR 97258Salem OR 97305

1001 SE Water Ave Ste 225 Portland OR 97214Portland OR 97219

217 S Main PO Box 309 Toledo OR 97391Ashland OR 97520

530 Center St NE Ste 400 Salem OR 9730117207 SW Soren Ct Beaverton OR 97007

Portland OR 97223Portland OR 97217

777 High St Ste 102 Eugene OR 97401Beaverton OR 97008Boring OR 97009

1001 SW 5th Ave Ste 700 Portland OR 972041000 SW Broadway Ste 1900 Portland OR 9720516037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 97281601 SW 2nd Ste 950 Portland OR 97204

6003 Blue River Dr SE Salem OR 973061000 SW Broadway Ste 1710 Portland OR 97205111 SW 5th Ave Ste 3400 Portland OR 97204One World Trade Center 121 SW Salmon St Ste 1100 Portland OR 9720145 NW Park Pl Bend OR 97701900 SW 5th Ave Ste 2600 Portland OR 97204520 SW Yamhill St Ste 600 Portland OR 97204

Vancouver WA 98663225 SW 4th St Corvallis OR 973331437 SW Columbia St Portland OR 97201Mediation & Arbitration 1500 SW Taylor St Portland OR 97205410 SE Dorion PO Box 993 Pendleton OR 978011011 Commercial NE PO Box 749 Salem OR 97308

Portland OR 9721916037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231935 Tigard OR 97281

Bellevue WA 98004River Park Center 205 SE Spokane St Ste 312 Portland OR 97202

Falls Church VA 22041Oregon City OR 97045

805 SW Broadway Ste 1900 Portland OR 97205Lake Oswego OR 97035Portland OR 97204

16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd PO Box 231600 Tigard OR 97281621 SW Morrison Street 1300 American Bank Bldg Portland OR 97205

Umpqua OR 97486601 SW 2nd Ave Ste 2300 Portland OR 97204700 SE Kane PO Box 219 Roseburg OR 974709185 SW Burnham St PO Box 23414 Tigard OR 97281888 SW 5th Ave Ste 300 Portland OR 97204121 SW Morrison St Ste 850 Portland OR 972041000 SW Broadway Ste 1710 Portland OR 97205209 SW Oak St Ste 500 Portland OR 97204121 SW Salmon St Ste 1100 Portland OR 97204813 SW Alder Ste 400 Portland OR 97205

Portland OR 972965745 NE Glisan St Portland OR 972137995 SW Mohawk Street Tualatin OR 97062

Grants Pass OR 975279320 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 135 Portland OR 972191000 SW Broadway Ste 1400 Portland OR 972051221 SW 4th Ave Ste 430 Portland OR 972042536 NE 28th Ave Portland OR 972124640 SW Macadam Ave #200 Portland OR 97239601 SW 2nd Ave Ste 1600 Portland OR 97204

Tualatin OR 97062707 SW Washington St Ste 1100 Portland OR 972055895 Jean Rd Lake Oswego OR 97035

State of Hawaii PO Box 1970 Kealakekua HI 96750620 SW 5th Ave Ste 1125 Portland OR 97204Frank E Moss US Courthouse 350 S Main St #301 Salt Lake City UT 841012 Centerpointe Dr 6th Flr Lake Oswego OR 9703514183 Taylors Crest Ln Lake Oswego OR 970351300 SW 5th Ave Ste 1720 Portland OR 97201

Lake Oswego OR 97034PO Box 167 West Linn OR 97068Washington Co Courthouse 145 NE 2nd Ave Hillsboro OR 97124376 E 11th Ave Eugene OR 97401824 Pool St #18 Eugene OR 97401PO Box 5151 Beaverton OR 970061 SW Columbia St Ste 1600 Portland OR 972581300 SW 5th Ave Ste 2300 Portland OR 97201PO Box 4667 Sunriver OR 97707318 SE Jackson Roseburg OR 974701001 SW 5th Ave Ste 2000 Portland OR 9720412300 SE Mallard Way Ste 210 Portland OR 9722244 Club Rd Ste 200 PO Box 11230 Eugene OR 97440

La Grande OR 97850Eugene OR 97405

4911 NW 122nd St Vancouver WA 98685725 Portland Ave Gladstone OR 9702725 NW 23rd Pl Ste 6 Portland OR 97210

Portland OR 972021011 Harlow Rd Ste 300 Springfield OR 97477

Portland OR 97231520 SW Yamhill Ste 1015 Portland OR 972045304 SW 34th Pl Portland OR 97239202 NW 20th Ave Portland OR 972094040 Douglas Way Lake Oswego OR 97035117 Commercial St NE #400 PO Box 1048 Salem OR 97308

PRIM.PHONE FAX.NUM EMAIL503 646-2501 503 646-2503 baaby@aabyfamilylaw.com503 282-7195 jacque.abel@comcast.net541 773-2727 541 734-7269 fred@jtdlegal.com503 531-9109 503 531-9108 tonya@alexanderoregonlaw.com503 227-1111 503 248-0130 jason@sussmanshank.com503 947-4540 503 378-3784 amy.e.alpaugh@doj.state.or.us503-974-5022 971 230-0337 andrew@baaslaw.com503 228-8448 503 273-9135 laa@wysekadish.com503 974-5021 971 230-0337 courtney@baaslaw.com541 484-1200 866 228-4430 julie@mediationnorthwest.com541 753-2590 541 757-0525 betharonoff@proaxis.com503 226-1191 503 226-0079 jaa@aterwynne.com503 823-4047 503 823-3089 Harry.Auerbach@portlandoregon.gov541 408-1271 541 647-2190 saustin@bendadr.com541 488-1573 541 488-1573 axonadr@mind.net503 796-2960 503 796-2900 jback@schwabe.com503 581-3056 johnbagg@mac.com503 222-7475 503 467-7689 bob@bankslawoffice.com503 295-7977 503 225-1257 abannon@hk-law.com503 228-8448 503 273-9135 jeb@wysekadish.com503 872-1300 RHongBarton@klcorp.com503 431-6351 503 598-6960 lbaskin@osbar.org503 295-3085 503 323-9105 jeffbatchelor@mhgm.com541 265-2217 541 265-2699 mbaxter@charterinternet.com541 913-1644 hbeardswo@gmail.com503 391-6900 lynn.d.beaton@gmail.com503 970-1844 503 334-4382 johnpbeck@hotmail.com503 431-6320 503 598-6920 abehrman@osbar.org503 345-9343 503 345-9343 scott@disputesolutions.org503 939-1824 sbennet3@gonzaga.edu503 227-1600 503 227-6840 gberne@stollberne.com(206) 405-0404 (206) 405-4450 blackd@jacksonlewis.com541 779-7552 541 772-3374 cboehmer@rvi.net503 242-0005 503 323-7360 n.bonaparte@comcast.net503 292-5800 503 292-5556 tsb@boothehouse.com503 226-1191 503 226-0079 lgb@aterwynne.com503 378-4621 503 373-2007 william.j.boyd@state.or.us503 238-7170 503 238-7127 jbradach@bradachlaw.com503 228-3939 503 226-0259 kbricken@gsblaw.com503 327-8366 kfbrittain@comcast.net503 852-6196 sidbrockley@mac.com541 754-0303 541 754-1455 brookes@eechlaw.com503 361-3078 michaelduanebrown@comcast.net503 467-4565 503 274-1214 blbrown@q.com503 248-1134 503 224-8851 lbrown@bullardlaw.com541 683-2004 541 683-4940 mmb@miller-wagner.com

503 974-5020 971 230-0337 paul@baaslaw.com541 686-7754 541 686-7565 cabuckley09@yahoo.com541 889-5368 541 889-2432 cburnham@yturrirose.com503 871-1336 503 390-3866 mcampb6845@aol.com503 431-6350 503 968-4456 mcampbell@osbar.org503 226-6529 503 228-6529 fec@cannlawyersusa.com503 866-5382 clif.cannon@yahoo.com503 499-4425 503 295-0915 howard.carsman@bullivant.com541 773-8471 541 772-8600 wilcar@aol.com503 362-9330 503 362-3908 ryan@youratty.com541 343-4416 541 343-4416 casbyj@efn.org503 641-7222 503 643-6522 jcase@case-dusterhoff.com541 330-8383 garycase@bendbroadband.com503 380-5730 503 243-2019 peter@chamberlainmediation.com503 823-4290 catherine.ciarlo@portlandoregon.gov503 227-7357 503 697-9567 ltcoady@msn.com503 489-8083 866 399-3093 forrest@mediatingattorney.com337 349-4062 edwardjcw@gmail.com503 224-6655 503 295-6679 cooper@khpatent.com503 241-0677 503 241-0678 chuck@corrigan-law.com541 756-0904 541 756-0847 doncostello@coquilletribe.org503 378-0225 503 371-2946 bill@crothers.com503 867-1763 dona@powerofpeaceportland.com503 226-7644 503 226-3072 jdamis@spiritone.com503 229-0199 503 229-1856 larry@rollin-on.com503 285-5118 dcdawson@spiritone.com503 780-1590 503 327-8411 mjr49@comcast.net503 373-4445 503 588-7928 don.a.dickey@state.or.us503 620-0222 503 684-1366 kdilbeck@osbar.org503 431-6314 503 598-6977 ddopps@osbar.org503 970-6415 dondouglas@qwest.net503 790-9060 503 790-9068 sdriver@dorsayindianlaw.com503 241-5033 503 241-9033 jeff@jjdlaw.com503 241-9456 503 241-7708 michael@dwyermediate.com503 954-1591 james.r.ellis2@gmail.com503 842-5998 - ginaemanuel@yahoo.com503 226-2800 503 226-2801 english@resolutionstrategies.com718 404-2434 ayla.ercin@gmail.com503 236-3830 allisoneshel@gmail.com503 432-8311 tjf@thomasjfiscus.net503 295-3085 503 323-9105 mayafitas@mhgm.com503 228-1133 503 715-5775 jfoote@footelaw.com503 575-9013 503 427-7812 forester@mediate.com503 243-2290 503 621-9645 mcforst@igc.org206 676-7586 206 676-7575 lfowler@gth-law.com651 523-2411 651 523-2236 kenfox@hamline.edu541 484-9292 541 343-1206 rhfraser@luvaascobb.com

503 228-3939 503 226-0259 cfraser@gsblaw.com503 524-0835 503 590-3520 bhf8448@aracnet.com503 228-3939 503 226-0259 mfriedman@gsblaw.com503 598-3411 503 598-4646 settleit4u@aol.com503 363-2441 dgaraventa@northwestconflictsolutions.com541 344-2174 541 344-0209 johng@gartlandnelsonlaw.com541 686-9160 541 343-8693 fgibson@eugene-law.com503 454-0155 503 946-3080 kwg@gibsonmediation.com503 990-7839 503 934-6050 girodde@cbs.state.or.us503 227-2424 503 227-2535 sgoff@smithfreed.com503 236-2892 503 808-9103 meg@goldbergmediation.com503 977-9099 503 977-2302 jill@workplacesolutionsnw.com541 343-4815 541 683-1346 michaelbgold@msn.com541 346-3852 541 346-3995 jgordon@law.uoregon.edu541 772-9219 541 772-2382 rhgrant@clearwire.net541 686-7739 541 687-7381 david.green@state.or.us503 295-2668 503 224-8434 ward.greene@greenemarkley.com503 378-6472 503 373-0021 wendy.greenwald@state.or.us541 318-0221 541 318-7274 beth@bendfamilymediation.com503 417-0478 503 417-0501 bgross@teleport.com541 585-1140 541 585-1142 bgruetter@gruetterlaw.com503 620-0222 503 598-6988 shackbart@osbar.org503 227-4600 503 248-6800503 222-5949 503 827-6977 susan@susan-hammer.com503 705-2353 hansen.natalie@gmail.com541 757-7594 541 757-1310 hal@hardingmediation.com503 768-6882 503 768-6751 lhw@lclark.edu503 370-6431541 776-7171 541 776-7057 dan.harris@ojd.state.or.us503 802-2056 503 972-3756 caroline.harris.crowne@tonkon.com503 224-3745 503 228-4529 jlhazel@hazellawportland.com503 656-1122 503 656-3793 williamh@hergertlaw.com541 276-4000 rh@sunrisemediation.com503 390-0011 503 390-3085 tomhigashi20@msn.com503 585-2236 503 585-1006 hilged@dhilgemannlaw.com503 249-5076 707 587-1397 nehochman@comcast.net503 225-0702 503 227-0739 ah@bartoloni.com971 404-6432 503 232-5667 mediatejh@comcast.net503 334-7016 nicole.hough@gmail.com503 228-6351 503 295-0915 doug.houser@bullivant.com541 485-5151 541 485-5168 thoyt@speerhoyt.com503 846-3537 503 846-8886 wendy_hull@co.washington.or.us503 860-5678 503 287-0296 jfharbitration@gmail.com503 244-1174 503 244-1038 samimperati@comcast.net503 869-3653 dsirwin72@yahoo.com541 318-0092 ccj@bendcable.com541 776-7171 theresa.a.jensen@ojd.state.or.us

206 667-8287 206 624-6885 kjohns@staffordfrey.com503 856-3433 503 856-3434 johnsons@keizer.org503 232-9922 tom@divorceshoppe.com503 233-1533 503 236-8216 alj25@qwestoffice.net503 986-6563 503 986-3625 philip.a.johnson@odot.state.or.us503 228-8448 503 273-9135 jdk@wysekadish.com503 227-4488 503 227-0753 garry@kahnattorneys.com503 295-2486 503 295-0126 ivan@ivankarmel.com425 454-3374 425 454-0087 jkarol@hansonbaker.com503 241-3190 503 241-4808 jwk205@qwestoffice.net503 725-4556 503 725-4555 kaufmanl@pdx.edu559 432-4500 559 432-4590 wkeeler@daklaw.com503 702-8268 paulkellyjr@comcast.net541 756-0904 541 756-0847 brettkenney@coquilletribe.org206 628-6600 206 628-6611 tkillian@williamskastner.com503 234-8542 janetkneeland@msn.com503 222-9000 503 222-9003 jim@knollmediation.com503 224-5775 503 221-4267 dalerkoch@gmail.com503 796-2882 503 796-2900 dkrahmer@schwabe.com503 796-2920 503 796-2900 jlarpenteur@schwabe.com360 750-7547 360 750-7548 sgl@hpl-law.com503 588-0535 503 588-0535 leeshall@msn.com503 226-7986 503 223-0743 sleibenguth@johnstonroot.com503 671-4452 robert.leinwand@nike.com503 244-4603 503 244-3737 roger@ralmediation.com206 622-0494 206 587-2476 tlether@clwl.net503 227-1111 503 248-0130 michael@sussmanshank.com503 223-2300 503 241-2249 eric@lindauermediation.com503 585-1804 llinder@salememploymentlawyer.com503 363-6330 503 371-8019 gelockwood@comcast.net503 612-4300 503 612-4340 john.r.lohuis@state.or.us503 551-6207503 771-7929 503 775-1765 info@mayliegrayson.com541 225-8666 mloya@law.uoregon.edu503 635-9393 503 635-1526 jacklundee@aol.com503 655-8415 503 650-5656 laurenmac@co.clackamas.or.us503 323-9000 503 323-9019 mmangan@cvk-law.com503 947-1744 503 947-1926 david.g.marcus@state.or.us503 727-2259 503 727-2222 jmarkley@perkinscoie.com503 988-3274 503 276-0951 christopher.j.marshall@ojd.state.or.us317 574-1020 317 573-5280 marshall.lawoffice@gmail.com503 313-9813 susanm@marshallconsultingllc.com503 663-3706 503 766-4334 martinlegal@cs.com503 588-5884 503 588-5531 mayfieldmediation@comcast.net503 499-4559 503 295-0915 jocelynne.mcadory@bullivant.com503 838-0251 503 838-0149 smarthu@minetfiber.com503 970-6207 dan@dmccarthylaw.com

503 222-3613 503 274-4622 alanmccollom@techlaw.com541 967-3840 kmcculloch@co.linn.or.us503 362-2983 mceweng@meritel.net541 265-2715503 947-4540 503 378-3784 joe.mcnaught@state.or.us503 233-9033 503 238-1222 pat@eldermediationservices.com541 345-1456 jmelamed@mediate.com541 269-5225 541 269-5294 margaretkmelvin@verizon.net503 805-6988 503 658-7394 lisa@millerarbitration.com541 271-2101 541 271-2107 shmiller@presys.com503 731-8888 503 731-9968 dmiltenberger@goldbergjones.com206 340-1000 206 621-8783 pmintzer@cozen.com503 802-4748 kmitchell-phillips@k-hlaw.com503 620-8618 503 684-8971 cynthia@westsidefamilylaw.com503 694-5400 attyjmoller@aol.com206 623-4711 206 467-8406 bsm@aterwynne.com503 224-3092 503 224-3176 jmonson@cablehuston.com503 675-4300 503 675-4301 john@moorelawgrouppc.com503 227-5631 503 228-4373 nancy@chernofflaw.com503 242-0000 503 241-1458 frank.moscato@harrang.com503 939-1614 annette@mulee.com503 243-1022 503 243-2019 mullen@bodyfeltmount.com503 281-8343 503 281-8493 luella.nelson@naarb.org503 532-1584 clarence.nesbitt@nike.com503 561-5279 503 561-4828503 806-3767 503 244-9143 mjnightingale@comcast.net(503) 763-3890 snorman@cisoregon.org503 473-8242 503 288-7877 jim@solveyourconflict.com503 725-8200 todell@pdx.edu503 226-2800 503 226-2801 omalley@resolutionstrategies.com503 222-4545 360 896-0150 kon@graffoneil.com503 370-8114 virgil.l.osborn@state.or.us503 477-4342 503 922-1144 myah@osherlaw.com503 244-9426 wposter@easystreet.net541 336-2257 541 336-2556 osterlund@qwestoffice.net541 482-0570 541 482-6440 apacker@mind.net503 540-4262 503 796-2900 mpagel@schwabe.com503 524-5365 bmbpalka@msn.com503 621-6530 darcypankratz@gmail.com785 218-6390 kevin.e.parks@gmail.com541 485-6162 541 686-0114 parrishlauraa@qwestoffice.net503 590-6577 christopherparta@gmail.com503 704-2188 brian.pasko@gmail.com503 326-1536 Elizabeth_Perris@orb.uscourts.gov503 248-1134 503 224-8851 spetersen@bullardlaw.com503 431-6305 503 598-6905 mpeterson@osbar.org503 326-5226 202 481-5729 suzanne.pickgrobe@sba.gov

206 930-5377 jpseegerconsulting@gmail.com503 223-2671 503 223-0402 jsueporter@starband.net503 205-2454 503 224-0155 john.purcell@millernash.com503 471-1334 phil@q-law.com541 318-8038 541 318-7274 Lillian@nonhostilefamilylaw.com503 294-9288 503 220-2480 garandles@stoel.com503 222-3531 503 227-2980 praney@kelrun.com360 695-8181 360 695-8787 nretsinas@me.com541 738-1800 541 738-1801 Lorena@reynoldslaw.us503 224-2297 503 595-1332 ger@rhoadespc.com503 222-1783 503 222-9003 ronrhodesmediation@gmail.com541 276-0124 541 276-2959 ridglaw@eotnet.net503 581-1501 503 581-5891 rriggs@ghrlawyers.com503 245-5677 503 245-5680 rich@rizklaw.com503 620-0222 503 684-1366 mrobinson@osbar.org206 406-4604 robinson2002wa@aol.com503 504-4504 503 238-7501 helle.rode@comcast.net703 333-5315 kenro@syenco.com503 636-3595 503 636-3596503 224-5560 503 224-6148 dpr@bhlaw.com503 459-2000503 789-6566 503 274-1214 terry@scannellaw.com503 639-6911 503 684-7250 bruces@osbplf.org503 493-4353 503 517-8143 gs@scharfflaw.com541 459-7629 cathy.schindler@gmail.com503 276-2156 503 274-1212 aschpak@barran.com541 673-1182 541 673-1183 sharonlee.schwartz@lasoregon.org503 620-4540 503 620-4315 mjspdx@aol.com503 224-7840 503 224-9721 mick@seidl-law.com503 223-6740 503 223-9564 ds@seifer-yeats.com503 223-2671 503 223-0402 eseifert@usam-oregon.com503 227-1600 503 227-6840 rshlachter@ssbls.com503 244-7300 503 334-2842 ron@sikeslaw.com503 248-4703 dsilverberg@cnnw.net503 248-9122 sitnick@pdx.edu503 228-7256 503 228-1540 sas@peace-making.com503 612-4300 503 612-4340541 660-6877 csniffen@charter.net503 295-0431 503 265-8244 david.sorek@gmail.com503 227-1111 503 248-0130 jeffs@sussmanshank.com503 823-4538 ruth.spetter@portlandoregon.gov503 284-2511 503 284-2519 rspier@spier-mediate.com503 226-2966 503 222-2937 ams@samuelslaw.com503 227-5631 503 228-4373 pete@chernofflaw.com503 638-9026503 243-1022 503 243-2019 stendahl@bodyfeltmount.com503 726-2288 e.stier@lakeoswegoelderlaw.com

808 322-8755 808 322-8730503 227-6464 503 227-5959 superlaw@earthlink.net360 901-5039 smt47@cornell.edu503 246-2403 503 244-4260 ntauman@aol.com866 697-6015 503 210-9847 miketlaw@miketlaw.com503 228-8588 503 228-0057 ct@pmblaw.com503 709-9697 totonchyms@gmail.com503 650-3843 503 650-9453 suzanne@agreementswork.com503 846-3590 503 846-3560 suzanne.upton@ojd.state.or.us541 485-1017 541 484-4266 pat@ormediate.com866 697-6015 503 210-9847 darci@miketlaw.com503 597-8631 jeremy@vandeheylaw.com503 226-6400 503 226-0383 kvickers@mershanlaw.com503 778-5205 503 778-5299 timvolpert@dwt.com541 306-6398 541 728-0651 frank.vulliet@chamberscable.com541 673-0696 541 673-9791 diana@walespc.com503 224-3092 503 224-3176 lwalker@cablehuston.com503 238-0333 503 231-2507 mcw@wallwallpc.com541 344-2174 541 344-0209 heatherw@gartlandnelsonlaw.com541 963-4942 541 963-8892 wasley@charter.net541 349-8900 541 349-8905 hewlaw@att.net503 348-4191 jcweatherby@aol.com503 655-7555 503 655-3646 bryan@gladstone-law.com503 221-3098 ktwhalen@pacifier.com503 223-4951 503 954-1542 szwlaw@comcast.net541 747-3354 541 747-3367 doug@thorp-purdy.com503 621-3961503 224-5775 503 221-4267 sharon@familylaw-mediation.net503 206-4911 503 206-7935 charliew3@nwlink.com503 972-5090 503 972-5091 met@wilsonadr.com503 635-9393 503 536-6610 doris@doriswinegar.com503 585-4422 503 370-4302 eyandell@heltzel.com