2010 US 2 - WWII Pacific Theater - Union City High...

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Pacific Theater!

Pacific Theater!

Pacific Theater!



Pacific Theater!

Pacific Theater!

MacArthur & Minitz!

  General Douglas MacArthur commander of all US Army units in Pacific!

  Admiral Charles Minitz commander of US Pacific Naval Fleet!



Bataan Death March!

  Japanese captured Philippines!

  MacArthur ordered to Australia by FDR... pledged to “return” to Philippines!

  US soldiers remaining on Bataan surrendered!

  Japanese forced 70,000 POWs to march through the jungle to POW prison camp!

  10,000 US soldiers died!

Bataan Death March!

Navajo Windtalkers!



Island Hopping!   Battle of the Coral Sea: Allied victory which

prevented Japan from advancing to Australia!

  Battle of Midway:!

  Japan captured two Aleutian Islands in Alaska & attacked Midway Islands near Hawaii!

  US broke Japanese code & ambushed Japanese navy!

  Major Allied Naval victory!

  Guadalcanal: !

  Major Allied Victory in the Solomon Islands!

  Battle of the Pacific turned in Allies favor!

Saipan & Guam!   Saipan: !

  US sent 127,000 troops & 535 ships!

  US downed 350 Japanese planes!

  16,000 US casualties & 3,4000 US deaths!

  Allied Victory = control of Marshall Islands!

  Guam: !

  US also captured Guam after intense fighting!

  Victories allowed Allied bombers to reach Japan!

Philippines!   MacArthur led US & Australian troops!

  Battle of Leyte Gulf = disaster for Japan!

  Japan lost 4 aircraft carriers, 2 battleships & other ships!

  Japanese Naval fleet = No threat to Allies!

  Filipino Rebels & Allied troops took control of Philippines!

  MacArthur... “I’m a little late... but we finally came back.”!



Iwo Jima!

  Battle of Iwo Jima: !

  Lasted 6 weeks!

  2,000 + US Marines died & 20,000 Japanese troops died!

  US victory... took control of Iwo Jima = 750 miles from Tokyo (Japanese Capital)!

Iwo Jima!

Iwo Jima!



Okinawa!   Battle of Okinawa: !

  US landed on April 1, 1945!

  Japan did not attack US troops until April 6, 1945!

  700 planes bombed US troops & ships...350 Kamikaze fighters (suicide planes) attacked ships!

  6 US ships were sunk!

  Japanese troops used cave-to-cave warfare!

  US used flamethrowers in caves!

  49,000 US troops killed... 100,000 Japanese killed!

Pacific Theater Quotes!   “The Japanese fought by a code they thought was

right: bushido. The code of the warrior: no surrender. You don’t really comprehend it until you get out there and fight people who are faced with an absolutely hopeless situation and will not give up. If you tried to help one of the Japanese, he’d usually detonate a grenade and kill himself as well as you. To be captured was a disgrace... You developed an attitude of no mercy because they had no mercy on us.”!

  “Nothing that happened in the war was a surprise, absolutely nothing except the kamikaze tactics toward the end; we had not visualized these.”!

Pacific Theater Quotes!

  “The casualty rate was enormous. It was ghastly. Iwo was a volcanic island with very little concealment. Cover is something you hide behind - a tree, a bush, a rock. Few trees. No grass. It was almost like a piece of the moon that had dropped down to earth.”!

  “The worst raid took place over Tokyo and created hugh firestorms that destroyed much of the city. The massive destruction caused Japanese civilian morale to sag, but the country’s military leaders refused to surrender.”!



FDR & Harry Truman!   April 12, 1945: FDR died!

  Harry Truman became President!

  FDR & Truman never spoke of use of Atomic Bomb!

  Truman had to decide to continue war in Pacific or use A-Bomb!

  An invasion of Japan would lead to 1 million US casualties!

  July 26, 1945: Allied leaders demanded Japan’s “unconditional surrender”!

  Japan refused... later agreed... US rejected!

  Truman gave order for A-Bomb use!

Atomic Bomb!

  Created during the Manhattan Project under lead physicist Albert Einstein!

  Colonel Paul Tibbets, co-pilot Robert Lewis & tail gunner Robert Caron flew Enola Gay over Japan @ 8:15am on August 6, 1945!

  “My God, what have we done?” - Robert Lewis!

Hiroshima Quotes!   “He was the only person making his way into the city;

he met hundreds and hundreds who were fleeing, and every one of them seemed to be hurt in some way. The eyebrows of some were burned off and skin hung from their faces and hands. Others, because of pain, held their arms up as if carrying something in both hands. Some were vomiting as they walked. Many were naked or in shreds of clothing. On some undressed bodies, the burns had made patterns—of undershirt straps and suspenders and, on the skin of some women (since white repelled the heat from the bomb and dark clothes absorbed it and conducted it to the skin), the shapes of flowers they had had on their kimonos. Many, although injured themselves, supported relatives who were worse off. Almost all had their heads bowed, looked straight ahead, were silent, and showed no expression whatsoever.”!



Hiroshima Bombing!


Nagasaki Bombing!



Dropping The Bomb: Hiroshima!

Dropping The Bomb: Nagasaki!


  Based on your knowledge of the Pacific Theater, US tactics & Japanese tactics/pride:!

  Do you believe that the only option for ending World War II quickly was for the US to use Atomic Bombs on Japan?!




  Bataan Death March (Why? Where?)!

  Navajo Windtalkers (Who? Why? Accomplishments?)!

  Kamikazes (Who? Why?)!

  Manhattan Project, Einstein & Enola Gay (Importance?)!

  Atomic Bombings (Where? Why?)!