
Post on 14-Jan-2015

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“Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

- William James

An Apollo Program for the 21st Century…

From Outer Space to the Space Within

“Human beings can alter their lives by

altering their attitudes of mind.” - William


We are being invited to discover new ways on inter-relating, and to grow our self-reflexive capacity in ways that allow us to expand our vision of ourselves.

We are being invited to discover new ways on inter-relating, and to grow our self-reflexive capacity in ways that allow us to expand our vision of ourselves.

CompassionCompassion21st Century21st Century

“Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

- William James

One of the few research programs in the world with expertise in

consciousness, worldview, and paradigm change.

Living Deeply

Consciousness and Healing

Extended Human Capacities

“Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.”

- William James

Educating World Citizens

This project is about learning to harness our powers of perception in ways that allow us to expand our own consciousness so as to become more balanced, altruistic, appreciative of difference, able to hold complexity, accommodating of new information, and inspired to promote peace.

“Consciousness is all it takes for one to transform and transcend above the obstacles we face in life and to really see deeper into the beauty of life that surrounds us wherever we go - that is only if we are mindful of it and if we dare to open up our eyes…” - 11th Grade Student, Oakland, CA

“Consciousness is all it takes for one to transform and transcend above the obstacles we face in life and to really see deeper into the beauty of life that surrounds us wherever we go - that is only if we are mindful of it and if we dare to open up our eyes…” - 11th Grade Student, Oakland, CA

Seeds of Change Seeds of Change

“In the future, centers of learning will teach at least one thing we do not teach today: the art of self-discovery. There is nothing more fundamental in education. We turn our students from our universities knowing how to give answers, but not how to ask questions.”

- Ben Okri


How do you know what you know?

What does it mean to be human?

Beliefs and assumptions

Discernment and tests for truth

Separation and Division

Reaction and Response

Generosity and Forgiveness

Interrelationship and Community

Inspired Action

Prompt and Journaling

Open Discussion

Generative Questions

Experiential Activity

Video Components

Guided Exercise

Stories and Role


Integration and


A replicable education model that supports young people in developing a sense of wholeness and connection with self and others and in thriving in a complex and rapidly changing world.

The vision...

field of sunflowers