2011 Be A Superhero - 'Why, How and What' Event!

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Entertain me!

Consumers want to be entertained. Whether this is via traditional or new media – visibility is just not enough. Why will I tell my friends, „Like‟ or „RT‟ it if it‟s just OK. Be clever, bold and creative. Don‟t take yourself so seriously! But don‟t treat consumers like simplistic morons.

Multiple lives

Escapism is online and offline, business and personal. For some the flips from one state to another are constant – work, family, personal, online, offline. Lines are blurring between one life and another. Depth of network of „friendships‟ widening, yet how do we find the time?

Twitter bio:

“Aussie Mum of 4 boys. I have no life so I am trying to invent one on Twitter, and yes I like Poe, and no that does not mean I'm creepy”

Small is the new big

Authenticity and honesty is what consumers want. No bullshit, overproduced, production line products.

I am an individual

Scatter gun marketing is missing the target. Clever marketers are building an intimate relationship with the core consumers. This may be traditionally or using digital tools. It‟s not making assumptions, it is putting effort into connecting beyond head and demographics.

Keep it Simple

Consumers are confused by too many products on offer that all look the same. Simplicity of message is increasingly essential with the fragmented media landscape. Boldness and substance is vital.

“Why Many Super Bowl Ads Failed to Score. Marketers Keep Forgetting That the Best Ads Are Simple and Direct”http://adage.com/columns/arti


Retro is hip

We love our lives, yet seek simpler times, or reflections on times long gone that make us smile and return happy memories. Deeper emotional connection and fondness. Retro if done well implies authenticity and sincerity.

Care beyond business

Amongst the chaos and alarm of the GFC has come a demand for businesses thinking beyond the bottom line. Yes, this has been on the agenda for years, but now consumers demand it as they are sick of being manipulated.

Brand or commodity?

The GFC saw many brands suffering and responding with rational – price / prize driven campaigns – to drive immediate sales in a tough market. Yet, getting the message right and avoiding cheapening the brand in the long term is causing much marketing angst. What is the right balance? Will your consumers forgive you?

Media ain‟t black or white

Important to embrace new technologies but TV, radio and press are still key. Campaigns need to be integrated, each medium does not stand alone. Much confusion, misinformation and even hysteria has come with changing budgets and the evolving media landscape. Creativity of application is king!