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2011 Report to the Community

The Earlier, the Better

Art by Jamesha Rollins, Young Women’s Academy for Academic and CivicDevelopment at JRE Lee.

The Earlier, the Better

We wait at the doctor’s office, at the mechanic’s shop and in the supermarket. These daily inconveniences do us no

real harm. So we wait and make the best of it. But in some cases, waiting can be harmful

to us and others.Violence prevention is like that. A child’s

early years are formative years. Childhoodexperiences can have lasting impact. Parents,teachers and other adults can help determinewhether that impact is positive or negative.

The Melissa Institute for ViolencePrevention and Treatment has always been astrong proponent of the notion “the earlier, thebetter.” While we believe that it is never toolate to address violence, we know that thesooner we address the issue, the greater thechances of success.

“Violence prevention begins in the highchair, not the electric chair,” said InstitutePresident Suzanne L. Keeley, Ph.D. That mayseem severe, but it reflects an undeniable truth:A child who lacks basic reading skills canbecome trapped in a downward spiral of violence and low self-esteem.

What does literacy have to do with aninfant in a high chair? Simple. His parents’reading ability affects how they will raise him.Which, in turn, affects how he will later raisehis children.

The one thing that all children have a rightto expect from their parents is to be raised in asafe, stable, nurturing atmosphere. They have aright to expect their parents to protect them.

When parents attend to the basic needs oftheir children, those children are more likely tobecome productive, nonviolent members of the

community. And they, in turn, are more likelyto do what is best for their children.

Nonviolence can be an upward spiral. It’s a positive force that we can create andencourage.

At The Melissa Institute, we are here to“give science away” to help meet that goal. We do it through literacy initiatives, bullyingprevention, parent education, suicide anddomestic violence prevention, and more.

If “the earlier, the better” is true, it followsthat the sooner we reach our goals throughyour support, the better our chances of success.Every dollar we spend on prevention can saveup to $28 down the road.

Why wait?


The Institute’s mission is to prevent violence and promote safer communities through education and

application of research-based knowledge.

A child who lacks basic reading skills

can become trapped in a downward

spiral of violence and low self-esteem.

Dr. Willows has found that teachers who have

a positive impact on a child’s reading success can

benefit from the positive cycle of teaching

and learning that develops.

Amajor contributing factor of criminals who engage in violent behavior is the lack of literacy. Adults who are illiterate

account for more than 80 percent of theprison population in the United States.

If someone had gotten to those individualsmuch, much sooner and had taught them reading, writing and comprehension skills aschildren, the odds are they would be occupyingtheir time productively, rather than occupyinga prison cell.

Someone is doing that for today’s children— before they become tomorrow’s inmates.That someone is Dale Willows, Ph.D., aninternationally acclaimed reading expert andScientific Board member.

Dr. Willows’ “Balanced Literary Diet” is apowerful, inexpensive and innovative approachthat educators can use to teach reading skills.Children, contrary to popular belief, do notsimply grow naturally into readers, even in asupportive environment. Dr. Willows hasfound that when teachers have a positiveimpact on a child’s reading success they canalso benefit from the positive cycle of teachingand learning that develops. “If we can simplyraise the teacher’s knowledge of literacy, thiscan be a gift to many children,” Dr. Willowssaid. This can be especially advantageous foreducators who teach children who live in dis-advantaged populations or in home situationsthat do not know how to encourage literacy.

A New Balance l Violence


The Balanced Literacy Diet organizesteaching methods into a “diet” containing“food groups” for literacy. The approach helpseducators assess the needs of students, createpowerful, simple lesson plans, and create anatmosphere of success for reading.

The Melissa Institute has brought Dr.Willows’ Balanced Literacy Diet to teachers of at-risk students in Hialeah, Overtown andLiberty City. The results are impressive.Hialeah Elementary School, for instance, wentfrom being a “D” school to an “A” school as aresult of its implementation of the program.


Balance — onlineIn late 2011, The Melissa Institute will launch an innovative new website. The Balanced

Literacy Diet site will include more than 300 instructional videos, and will combine the expertiseof Dr. Willows and her staff of readingexperts with the Institute’s financialand organizational support. Educatorseverywhere will benefit from this free,user-friendly tool. Meanwhile, you canvisit youteachreading.org now to see apreview of the site.

Our two other websites, melissainstitute.org and teach-

safeschools.org, have totaledmore than 3 million hitsworldwide. And if youGoogle “violence preven-tion,” our Teach SafeSchools website willappear near the top of the list — out of morethan 44 million violence

prevention references.

Crime-clock factsIn the United States, there is, on average:

� One murder every 32.3 seconds.

� One forcible rape every 5.9 minutes.

� One robbery every 1.2 minutes.

� One aggravated assault every 37.8 seconds.

� One burglary every 14.2 seconds.

� One larceny-theft every 4.8 seconds.

� One motor vehicle theft every 33 seconds.

Prevention Through Literacy


Dr. Debra Pepler elicits a response from a studentat a bullying prevention conference.

elementary school bullying prevention youthconference led by Drs. Pepler and Craig; anda conference on Bullying Prevention: SocialResponsibility for 21st Century Schools. Thisseminar, presented at South Miami Hospitalin partnership with Miami-Dade CountyPublic Schools, featured Scientific Boardmembers Drs. Pepler, Craig and Ron Slaby,as well as Kim Storey, Ed.D.

In September 2010 Tyler Clementi, a violinist and Rutgers University freshman,committed suicide. He jumped off the

George Washington Bridge as a result of acyberbullying incident. In March, high schoolfreshman Phoebe Prince hanged herself froma stairwell. She was the victim of relentlesstaunts and physical threats from fellow students.

These suicides gained national notoriety.But they are by no means isolated incidents.

Bullying is a relationship problem. It is allabout a power imbalance. It can be extremelystressful for those who are victimized. And itcan be prevented.

The Melissa Institute addresses the issue of bullying and victimization througheducation and research. We conduct numerousprograms that address bullying and childhoodaggression. Scientific Board members DebraPepler, Ph.D., and Jim Larson, Ph.D., eachconducted bullying prevention conferencesand workshops for students and school counselors.

In November, the Institute hosted a series of bullying programs: a cyberbullyingpresentation given by Wendy Craig, Ph.D.; an

Bullying l Prevention Begins at an Early Age

Counselor Julie Astuto and her anti-bullying team from Palmetto Elementary School.

Students share bullying concerns with school counselors andother adults.

Dr. Slaby has also been working on anadvisory panel for Cartoon Network, helpingdesign a campaign to combat bullying byteaching children how to intervene. The campaign will use cartoons and recognizablecharacters to teach kids a wide range of bullying prevention tactics.

In late October, The Melissa Institutetook part in Baptist Children’s Hospital’sannual Children’s Health Day. Institute members handed out “Love Your Kids. LockYour Gun” bookmarks in English, Spanishand Creole, and distributed “NoBullying Buddies” stuffedanimals with printedrules to teach childrenhow to avoid violenceand prevent bullying.


Bullying is a relationship problem. It is all about power. It can be extremely stressful

for those who are victimized. And it can be prevented.

The Institute distributes “No BullyingBuddies” at Baptist Children’s Hospital’sChildren’s Health Day under the watchfuleye of Education Director Trish Ramsayand her team of volunteers.

Participants create artwork, as well as songs, poems and skits,about bullying prevention.


Keynote speaker Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky, Dean of the School of Education at theUniversity of Miami.

physical, mental or emotional abuse againstchildren or a spouse or other family member.The problem is complicated by a lack ofknowledge, as well as by a lack of societalresponse.

Society changes slowly. Years ago, it wasperfectly normal for children to ride in carswithout seatbelts, for newborns to comehome from the hospital in their mothers’ arms— who also weren’t wearing a seatbelt —and for anyone to light up a cigarette anywhere.We’ve learned, at great personal expense, thatthese behaviors cannot be tolerated. The timehas come to do the same for domestic violence.

What can we do to help parents? That wasthe question at a seminar held last year atSouth Miami Hospital. “Reducing ViolenceThrough Family Empowerment” was spon-sored by The Melissa Institute, the ThelmaGibson Health Initiative, University of MiamiSchool of Education, Baptist Children’sHospital and The Children’s Trust.

The conference began with short presenta-tions from a panel of experts, including Dr.Keeley, Thelma Gibson and Scientific Boardmembers Guerda Nicholas, Ph.D., and IsaacPrilleltensky, Ph.D.

Q uestion: What is the single most important and influential institution in the United States? Answer: The family.

That means that parenting is oneof our country’s most important careers.Because, as we know, when it comes to having a positive impact on children, “theearlier, the better.”

It is known that domestic violence is frequently a learned behavior. It’s learned inthe home, during childhood. It involves

Domestic Violence l Empowering Families

Baptist Children's Hospital AdministratorRandy Lee, Judge Orlando Prescott, Dr.Guerda Nicolas, Dr. Suzanne L. Keeley and Dr. Frank DeLaurier during a break atthe Family Empowerment conference.

Community icon Thelma Gibson, President Emeritusof the Thelma Gibson Health Initiative.


Karen Aronowitz, President of United Teachers of Date, leads a table discussion.

The format quickly shifted to a morehands-on approach. Workshop leaders joineddiscussion groups with 10–20 local experts.The process was repeated twice, with atten-dees switching groups and topics. Topicsincluded: Coming to the U.S.A. — Fitting ina New Country; Religion and Spirituality —Guiding Peace; and Managing Stresses —Race, Family and Economy. All the groups

then collated the information they had gath-ered and presented a report to the attendees.

Many parents who live in high-risk neighborhoods, or who are straddling culturalboundaries, want to do what is best for theirchildren. The purpose of conferences such asthis is to help develop culturally relevant waysto educate and empower parents throughcommunity partnerships.

ACT: Following the LeaderKids learn at a very young age to play “follow the leader.” Whether or not they play

the actual children’s game with one another is beside the point. They follow the leader by taking cues from their parents’ behavior. That means when you’re a parent, you are leading your children 24 hours a day, rain or shine, no matter what.

A program of Adults and Children Together (ACT) Against Violence, “Parents Raising Safe Kids,” was designed by the American Psychological Association to train earlychildhood, mental health and service agency professionals to deliver an enhanced parent education curriculum. The Melissa Institute has been designated as the ACT Regional Training Center for the southeastern United States.

ACT-trained facilitators conducted two series of two-hour, eight-week parent classes in Miami-Dade County lastyear. The first, in English, met on Saturday mornings at Hibiscus Elementary School. Another series, in Spanish,was conducted at enFAMILIA in Homestead. The parents who participated wrote about the experience. Here aresome of their comments:

“Every parent began somewhat apprehensive and finished empowered, able to see things from a child’s point ofview.” “These sessions have taught me not to easily become angry and act out by hitting my daughters.” “The ACTprogram is an instrumental tool that teaches parents they have several options when it comes to disciplining orrewarding our children.” “I am giving out more hugs. Home is supposed to be a place of love, comfort and security.”

ACT Southeast Regional Center Director Trish Ramsay was again invited to talk about the program at the annual meeting of the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children held in Orlando. ACT facilitatortraining seminars were also held at South Miami Hospital in English and Spanish.

Dr. Suzanne L. Keeley, InstitutePresident.


Joan Rosenbaum Asarnow, Ph.D., UCLA.

account of what it was like for a successful,popular student to battle depression. Hismiraculous survival has helped him discoverhealthy coping mechanisms.

The Melissa Institute’s 14th annual May conference, “Child and Adolescent Depression and Suicide: Promising Hope

and Facilitating Change,” drew more than200 interested professionals to South MiamiHospital on May 7.

The meeting, sponsored by BaptistChildren’s Hospital and the Ganley Foundation,was featured in local news coverage onCBS4. It focused on identifying warningsigns, assessing adolescent depression, andintervention methods to prevent suicide. Dr.Keeley, conference director, was joined byDonald Meichenbaum, Ph.D., ResearchDirector of The Melissa Institute. Guest presenters included Grace L. Carricarte,M.S.Ed., Executive Director of the GanleyFoundation and a member of the Institute’sBoard of Directors; Joan RosenbaumAsarnow, Ph.D., director of the Youth Stressand Mood Disorders Program at UCLA; andpsychiatrist Fernando Pino, M.D. Attendeesalso heard from Jordan Burnham, a suicideattempt survivor, who gave a firsthand

May Conference l Promising Hope and Facilitating Change

Attendees at the annual conference listen to co-presenters Dr. Joan Rosenbaum Asarnow and Dr. Donald Meichenbaum.

Suzy Berrios (Miami-Dade County Public Schools), Dr. Suzanne L. Keeley,Jordan Burnham, Lynn Aptman, Dr. Michael Aptman, Grace Carricarte, Dr. Donald Meichenbaum and Ann Ganley.

2010 Belfer-Aptman ScholarsAward for Dissertation Research

The Melissa Institute awards scholarships

to doctoral students who are conducting

research within the area of violence prevention

and treatment. The Institute has partnered

with the Belfer Family Foundation to create a

permanent endowment for the Belfer-Aptman

Dissertation Research Award. The following

individuals received $2,000 each:


Lydia Barhight, M.A.

University of Delaware

“Children’s Physiological and Emotional

Reactions to Witnessing Bullying”


Heidi Kar, MHS, M.A.

Stony Brook University

“Victims Who Victimize: The Association

Between PTSD and Intimate Partner

Violence Among Operation Enduring

Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi

Freedom (OIF) Veterans”


Mark Your CalendarMay 6, 2011The 15th annual conference,“Resiliency Training: A Lifespan

Perspective,” is scheduled forFriday, May 6, at South Miami

Hospital. More than 250 mentalhealth professionals are expected

to attend.



Alyse and Jonathan Messinger, Brian E. Keeley, Dr. Barry and Judy Katzen, Judge NormanGerstein and Lisa Levinson enjoyed the evening.

Dr. Michael and Lynn Aptman, Dr. Suzanne L. Keeley and Jo Baxter.

Peace, Harmony and Moonlight

For years, The Melissa Institute has hosted “An Evening of Peace and Harmony: Music for a Better World.” This March, we made it even more appealing. “Peace, Harmony and Moonlight” featured live music and a tram ride through a moonlit Fairchild Tropical Botanic

Garden to view sculpture in a natural setting. Entertainment was provided by musicians fromCoral Reef High School. The event was chaired by Dr. Suzanne L. and Brian E. Keeley,President and CEO of Baptist Health South Florida, and Lynn and Michael Aptman, M.D. Thedinner and a silent auction, chaired by Grace L. Carricarte, raised more than $80,000 for theInstitute. The auction included 131 items, including signed Panthers hockey pucks, a two-nightstay at the Biltmore Hotel, a high-definition TV and free orthodontic services.


Susan and Larry Kahn, Dr. Suzanne L. Keeley, Wayne and Shaida Brackin.

Trish Ramsay, the Institute’s Education Director, andGrace Carricarte, who chaired the silent auction.

Tram riders about to embark on a tour of the garden.

Philipp Ludwig, Andres Aguirre, Alejandro Blanco and WayneBrackin await the outcome of their silent auction bids.

Mark your calendar. The next

fundraising concert, “Peace and

Harmony in the Garden,” is

scheduled for Thursday, March 3.

Join us!

Jim Larson, Ph.D., NCSP, is Professorof Psychology and Director of theSchool Psychology Training Program atthe University of Wisconsin, Whitewater.He has more than 25 years’ experiencewith the study and treatment of anger-related behaviors in children and youth.Dr. Larson was a school psychologistwith the Milwaukee Public Schools for14 years and directed their violence pre-vention program. He also has extensiveexperience in the area of parent manage-ment training and is the co-author ofParent to Parent: A Video-augmentedTraining Program for the Prevention ofAggressive Behavior in Young Childrenand Helping School Children Cope withAnger: A Cognitive-behavioralIntervention. His most recent book isThink First: Addressing AggressiveBehavior in Secondary Schools.

Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D., isResearch Director of The MelissaInstitute and Distinguished VisitingProfessor in the School of Education atthe University of Miami. He is one ofthe founders of cognitive behavior ther-apy. North American clinicians votedDr. Meichenbaum “one of the 10 mostinfluential psychotherapists of the 20thcentury.” He has published extensively,and his most recent book is Treatmentof Individuals with Anger-controlProblems and Aggressive Behavior.Other books include Treating Adultswith Post-traumatic Stress Disorder,Nurturing Independent Learners andStress Inoculation Training.

Guerda Nicolas, Ph.D., is an AssociateProfessor and Chair of the Departmentof Educational and PsychologicalStudies at the School of Education at theUniversity of Miami. As a multicultural(Haitian American) and multilingualpsychologist (English, Spanish, Frenchand Haitian Creole), her research focus-es on developing culturally effectivemental health intervention for people ofcolor, particularly immigrant children,adolescents and families. Concernedabout women’s issues, depression, spiri-tuality and social support networks ofethnic minorities, Dr. Nicolas is authorof many articles and book chapters andis an invited presenter at national andinternational conferences. She is amember of the Caribbean Studies and2009 president of the Haitian StudiesAssociation.

Clifford R. O’Donnell, Ph.D., isProfessor of Psychology and Director ofthe Community and Cultural PsychologyGraduate Program at the University ofHawaii. He has published on topics such

Judge Nushin G. Sayfie, 11th JudicialCircuit of Florida.

Maggie Snyder, Esq., law offices ofRonald Weil, P.A.

Atlee Wampler III, Esq., President,law firm of Wampler Buchanan WalkerChabrow Banciella & Stanley, P.A., for-mer U.S. Attorney, Southern District ofFlorida.

SCIENTIFIC BOARD This board comprises internationalexperts in the areas of violence prevention and treatment of victims.

Etiony Aldarondo, Ph.D., is AssociateDean for Research, Director ofDunspaugh-Dalton Community andEducational Well-Being Research Centerand an Associate Professor in the Schoolof Education at the University of Miami.His professional career includes appoint-ments at Boston College, HarvardMedical School’s Cambridge Hospitaland the Philadelphia Child GuidanceCenter. The recipient of various recogni-tions for academic excellence, his schol-arship focuses on positive developmentof ethnic minority and immigrant youth,domestic violence and social justice-ori-ented clinical practices. His publicationsinclude the books Advancing SocialJustice Through Clinical Practice(Routledge) and Programs for Men WhoBatter: Intervention and PreventionStrategies in a Diverse Society (CivicResearch Institute, with FernandoMederos, Ed.D.)

Wendy Craig, Ph.D., is a Professor inthe Department of Psychology atQueen’s University in Ontario. She haspublished widely on the topics of bully-ing and victimization, peer processes,sexual harassment and aggression in girls,and was editor of a volume on childhoodsocial development. As a Canadian repre-sentative, Dr. Craig works with the WorldHealth Organization and UNICEF con-ducting research and promoting healthyrelationships. She recently wrote a chap-ter on bullying and fighting for theWorld Health International Report forthe World Health Organization. She isan author and co-editor of Understandingand Addressing Bullying: AnInternational Perspective. Together withDr. Debra Pepler, Dr. Craig is leadingPREVNet (Promoting Relationships andEliminating Violence Network), aNetworks of Centres of Excellence —New Initiative.


OUR VOLUNTEER BOARDSWithout the participation, expertise andleadership of our volunteer boards, theInstitute could not accomplish its goals.The boards include the Board of Directors,Scientific Board and Honorary Board.

BOARD OF DIRECTORSCommitted individuals who volunteertheir time to oversee the operation of theInstitute, assist with fundraising, planprojects and represent the organizationat community events.

Suzanne L. Keeley, Ph.D., Presidentand a founder of The Melissa Institute, apsychologist in private practice withextensive clinical experience in treatingvictims and perpetrators of violence.

Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.,Research Director and a founder of TheMelissa Institute, a clinical psychologist,Distinguished Professor Emeritus,University of Waterloo, Ontario, and aformer Distinguished Visiting Professor,University of Miami.

Lynn Aptman, M.Ed., Melissa’s mother, one of the founders of TheMelissa Institute and Director ofInformation Services.

Michael Aptman, M.D., neurologist,Melissa’s father, one of the founders ofthe Institute and Vice President.

Jo Baxter, MBA, Corporate VicePresident, Baptist Health South Florida.

Kenneth Bloom, Esq., Bloom &Minsker, P.L.

Marilyn J. Bruno, Ph.D., J.D., CEO,Aequor, Inc.

Grace L. Carricarte, M.S.Ed.,Executive Director, Ganley Foundation.

Penn B. Chabrow, Esq., Vice Presidentand Director, law firm of WamplerBuchanan Walker Chabrow Banciella &Stanley, P.A.

Judge Norman Gerstein, 11th JudicialCircuit of Florida.

Lisa M. Goldberg, Esq., Office of Gen.Counsel, Internal Revenue Service.

Remi J. Kajogbola, MBA, healthcareconsultant.

Philipp N. Ludwig, M.S., MBA,Treasurer of the Institute and AssistantVice President, Baptist Health SouthFlorida.

Kristy Nunez, Esq., Assistant StateAttorney.

Ana M. Ojeda, Psy.D., licensed psychologist.


as delinquency prevention, school violence, firearm deaths among childrenand youth, cultural-community psycholo-gy, and education and employment incommunity psychology. He serves on theboard of directors of the IntermountainCenters for Human Development andconsults to several youth mentoring pro-grams that use his community-peer delin-quency prevention model.

Debra J. Pepler, Ph.D., C.Psych., isDistinguished Research Professor ofPsychology at York University, Toronto,Ontario, and co-director of PromotingRelationships and Eliminating ViolenceNetwork (PREVNet), Canada’s nationalinitiative for bullying prevention. She isan internationally recognized expert onbullying and childhood aggression andan authority on school-based interven-tions. She speaks widely to professionaland community audiences and publishesextensively. Her major research programexamines the antisocial behavior of chil-dren and adolescents, particularly in theschool and peer contexts. She is an authorand co-editor of Understanding andAddressing Bullying: An InternationalPerspective. She was honored with theContribution to Knowledge award fromthe Psychology Foundation of Canada.

Isaac Prilleltensky, Ph.D., is Dean ofthe School of Education at theUniversity of Miami. Prior to that hewas Director of the Doctoral Program inCommunity Research and Action atPeabody College of VanderbiltUniversity. Dr. Prilleltensky is concernedwith value-based ways of promoting per-sonal, relational and collective well-being. He is the author, co-author or co-editor of several books, includingCommunity Psychology: In Pursuit ofLiberation and Well-Being, DoingPsychology Critically, CriticalPsychology, Promoting Family Wellnessand Preventing Child Maltreatment, andThe Morals and Politics of Psychology.The book Promoting Well-Being:Linking Personal, Organizational, andCommunity Change was co-authoredwith his wife, Dr. Ora Prilleltensky.

Wendy K. Silverman, Ph.D., ABPP, isProfessor of Psychology and Director ofthe Child and Family PsychosocialResearch Center at Florida InternationalUniversity. She is an expert on childanxiety and its disorders. Her researchon developing and evaluating evidence-based assessment and treatment proce-dures for children and adolescents withanxiety disorders has been funded forthe past two decades by the National

Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Inaddition to conducting research, teachingand mentoring students, she has served aseditor of the Journal of Clinical Child andAdolescent Psychology, associate editor ofthe Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, past president of the Societyof Clinical Child and AdolescentPsychology (Division 53, AmericanPsychological Association), and chair ofthe NIMH grant review panel for Child andAdolescent Psychosocial and Psychophar-macological Intervention Research.

Ron Slaby, Ph.D., is a developmentalpsychologist who serves as a SeniorScientist at the Education DevelopmentCenter in Newton, Mass., and the Centeron Media and Child Health in Children’sHospital Boston/Harvard Medical School.Dr. Slaby has advanced our understandingof media influences on children’s health.He has generated and evaluated media literacy programs, investigated remediesfor media violence effects on children,and served as the educational advisor formany award-winning family televisionprograms and feature films. His booksand programs include: Aggressors,Victims, and Bystanders: Thinking andActing to Prevent Violence; SocialDevelopment in Young Children; EarlyViolence Prevention: Tools for Teachersof Young Children; Viewpoints: A Guideto Conflict Resolution and DecisionMaking for Adolescents; and Eyes onBullying: Preventing Bullying in theLives of Children.

Dale Willows, Ph.D., is a Professor inthe Department of Human Developmentand Applied Psychology, OntarioInstitute for Studies in Education at theUniversity of Toronto. She is also a reg-istered psychologist. Dr. Willows is arenowned expert in the teaching of read-ing and preventing reading and writingdifficulties in young children. She hasdevoted herself to implementing changein early literacy education through in-service professional development for pri-mary grade teachers and school adminis-trators. In addition to publishing exten-sively in journals and authoring numer-ous books and book chapters, she is fre-quently invited to present at academicand professional conferences. In 2001,Dr. Willows was honored as anOutstanding Educator by three Canadianschool districts. Dr. Willows serves asthe only international member of theNational Reading Panel, which wascommissioned by the U.S. Congress in1998. She was invited to attend the WhiteHouse Assembly on Reading in 2001.

Marleen Wong, LCSW, Ph.D., isAssistant Dean and Clinical Professor ofField Education at the University ofSouthern California, School of SocialWork. She is frequently consulted by theU.S. Department of Education to assistwith recovery for schools impacted byviolence and disaster. She is the originalcommunity partner with RAND Healthand the UCLA Health Services Researchstaff, who developed and evaluated CBITS(Cognitive Behavioral Intervention forTrauma in Schools), an evidence-basedprogram that uses skill-based, group intervention to relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression andgeneral anxiety among children exposed totrauma. She is also one of the authors ofPsychological First Aid (PFA) for Studentsand Teachers: Listen, Protect, Connect(LPC), one of a family of public healthstrategies available on the public websiteof the U.S. Department of HomelandSecurity.

HONORARY BOARD This board is composed of distinguishedcitizens and community leaders who lendtheir support to The Melissa Institute.

Mayor Carlos AlvarezAdrienne ArshtJames S. BradyRobyn Cassel, Esq. Armando CodinaRichard DaileyRobert GintelRetired U.S. Senator Bob GrahamJudith S. Katzen David Lawrence Jr.Judge Cindy LedermanSharon Lombardo Carlos J. Martinez, Esq.Retired U.S. Rep. Carrie MeekLeonard PittsJudge Orlando Prescott Katherine Fernandez RundlePhilip Scutieri Arthur TeitelbaumCynthia Wolman

STAFFFrank DeLaurier, Ed.D.Executive DirectorTrish Ramsay, M.A.Education DirectorJanine Armstrong, B.S.Office Manager

IN-KINDCONTRIBUTIONSActors’ PlayhouseAdweb Services, Inc.Airport Hampton Inn & SuitesMr. Thomas Alfano, CPAMr. Jason AlpertAnne Nouvelle Event Design

& FlowersDr. & Mrs. Michael AptmanMs. Janine ArmstrongAunt Jill’s DessertsAwards Inc. — Trophy WorldBaptist Children’s HospitalBaptist Health South FloridaBay Plumbing CompanyBellezza SpaThe Biltmore HotelFrancisco Blanco, DMDBliss SalonBlooming GardensBloomingdale’sBorder’s Frame ShopMr. Romero BrittoThe Bud StopMs. Gail BurakMs. Grace CarricarteMr. & Mrs. Penn ChabrowChristy’sDr. & Mrs. Frank DeLaurierDeli Lane Cafe & TavernMr. & Mrs. Manny ElfenbeinEllen’s TreasuresExecutive PrintersExpress TravelFairchild Tropical Botanic

GardenFit-2-GoFlorida Panthers FoundationRandy L. Furshman, DDSGlobal BodiesGuayabera LadyThe Heat GroupMs. Donna Hennessy,

Silpada DesignsHirni’s Wayside FloristsIke Behar ShirtsIllyJAACX Distributors

CorporationJewelry by JanJoe’s Stone CrabsMr. & Mrs. Kent JurneyK9 Tutor Dog TrainingKarla Conceptual Event

ExperiencesDr. & Mrs. Barry KatzenDr. Suzanne L. &

Mr. Brian E. KeeleyKendall Hotel & SuitesMs. Natasha LudwigMs. Astrid Malval-BeharryMarion Abela Restaurant

CorporationMaurice’s Jewelers

Miami SeaquariumMiami Symphony OrchestraMisha’s CupcakesMonet CoiffureMs. Patricia MurpheyMyra & CompanyOcean Reef ClubMs. Yoko OnoPecan’s Day SpaPekin FlowersPerricone’s MarketplacePrecious MemoriesPro GolfMs. Trish RamsayMs. Olga RamudoSusan Randall PhotographyRed Fish GrillMs. Patricia RedmondRitz-Carlton Coconut GroveRoasters ‘N ToastersLeonard H. Rothenberg, DDSSt. Regis Hotel, Aspen,

ColoradoMr. & Mrs. Emery SheerSkin Plus CorporationMr. Richard SlatkoMs. Ellen SteinerSunset Corners Fine Wine &

LiquorsSushi MakiTheatre of the SeaTrattoria LunaTwo ChefsMs. Denise Ledee WinstonCarlos Wolf, M.D.X-treme Rock ClimbingThe Zoological Society of


VOLUNTEERSMr. James ArmstrongMs. Julie AstutoMr. Evan BanciellaMs. Blair BernsteinDr. Barbara BloomMs. Jill BloomMr. Kenneth BloomMs. Valerie CambronneMs. Grace CarricarteRev. Katherine CarrollMs. Liza CarrollMs. Sheila ChabrowMs. Angela DeLaurierMs. Wendy DenkhausMs. Phyllis GoldbergMs. Amy HalseyMs. Joan HohenseeMs. Martha JurneyMs. Susan KahnMs. Judith KatzenMr. Kevin KestenbaumMs. Janet KundeMs. Astrid Malval-Beharry

Ms. Eryn McJiltonMs. Jeanee McJiltonMs. Alyse MessingerMs. Rita MorganMs. Krissa RamsayMs. Olga RamudoMs. Jill SheerDr. Silvana Spinelli-CasaleMs. Ellen SteinerDr. Sam SteinerMs. Lelenia VasalloMs. Shelley Werner

DONORS$25,000 and upMr. Robert GintelDr. Suzanne L. &

Mr. Brian E. KeeleyEthel and Harry Reckson

Foundation, Inc.

$10,000-$24,999Dr. & Mrs. Michael AptmanMr. R. Kirk Landon

$2,500-$9,999Mr. & Mrs. Mike BaxterCoastal Construction GroupMr. Richard ColeAnonymousDr. & Mrs. Frank DeLaurierMr. & Mrs. Edward EastonThe Ganley FoundationMr. Remi KajogbolaThelma Gibson Health

InitiativeWhite & CaseMr. & Mrs. Philip Wolman

$1,000-$2,499Mr. Gregory AptmanMr. Alejandro BlancoMr. John BrandowMs. Nancy CarrMr. Eric CastellanosMrs. Alvah Chapman Jr.Mr. Bernard EcksteinDr. & Mrs. Kenneth FlickerMr. & Mrs. George FoyoThe Garner Foundation Inc.Mr. & Mrs. William GlassnerHealth Foundation of South

FloridaMr. & Mrs. Javier

Hernandez-LichtlMr. & Mrs. Kent JurneyMr. & Mrs. Jonathan KislakMr. Rudy J. KranysLexisNexisMr. & Mrs. Elton LipnickMr. & Mrs. Philipp LudwigDr. & Mrs. Donald H.

MeichenbaumPaul & Adrianne Mittentag


Art by Jewly Fleuristil.

Art by Tyreeka Jackson.

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred NovakProfessional BankMs. Trish RamsayMs. Patricia RedmondDr. Silvana Spinelli &

Mr. Jeffrey CasaleWeitz & Luxenberg, PCMr. Trae WilliamsonDr. Dennis WisemanDr. & Mrs. Howard Zwibel

$500-$999Ms. Jane AndersonMr. & Mrs. James ArmstrongMr. & Mrs. Stuart BeharryThe Boston Consulting

Group, Inc.Mr. Michael CarricarteMr. & Mrs. Penn ChabrowMr. Bob De MartinoMr. & Mrs. Daniel EpsteinDr. & Mrs. Henry GlickMr. & Mrs. Douglas HalseyDr. & Mrs. Michael HoffDr. & Mrs. Raymond HorwitzDr. Susan IannacconeDr. & Mrs. Barry KatzenDr. & Mrs. Leonardo LopezDr. & Mrs. Omar PasalodosMr. Gene PrescottDr. & Mrs. Kenneth RosenthalMr. & Mrs. James RossMr. & Mrs. Scott SimonDr. & Mrs. Frank SpektorSt. Andrew’s Episcopal

ChurchMr. & Mrs. Michael SteinDr. & Mrs. William StokesMr. Alfredo SuarezMr. & Mrs. Baird ThompsonDr. & Mrs. Michael TronerMr. & Mrs. Antonio VillamilDr. & Mrs. Howard WallachMs. Rhonda B. WeinerDr. Dale WillowsMr. & Mrs. Bernard WolfsonMr. & Mrs. Mitchell YelenMs. Yvonne Zawodny

$250-$499Mr. Jose Andres AguirreMr. & Mrs. Wallace AptmanMr. & Mrs. Robert BaalBellezza Spa Salon BoutiqueMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BernsteinDr. Barbara & Mr. Kenneth

BloomMr. & Mrs. Leonard BloomMr. Wayne D. BrackinMr. Henry BushMs. Cindy CancioDr. & Mrs. John CasselDr. & Mrs. John ChristieMr. & Mrs. Michael ContrerasMs. Wendy Denkhaus

Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo DiazMr. & Mrs. William DickinsonMr. & Mrs. Andrew D.

ElfmontDr. & Mrs. Jeffrey GlasserMr. Joseph GoldsteinDr. & Mrs. Timothy GrantMs. Wendy W. GreenleafDr. & Mrs. Allan HerskowitzMr. & Mrs. Richard IvansDr. & Mrs. Jason JamesMr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kahn IIIDr. & Mrs. Paul KaywinDr. Linda & Mr. Gary KellerMr. & Mrs. Ronald KohnDr. James D. LarsonMs. Donna LatshawMr. & Mrs. Randall LeeMs. Barbara LudoviciMr. & Mrs. Stephen MalloyMr. & Mrs. Christopher

MarloweMr. & Mrs. Raul

Martinez-EsteveDr. & Mrs. Neil MessingerMr. Richard MontalbanoNeuroscience ConsultantsDr. Guerda Nicolas &

Mr. Mark GraesserMs. Marie OcchigrossiDr. & Mrs. Philip PaulMr. & Mrs. Sidney PertnoyMr. & Mrs. Scott PoulinMs. Olga RamudoDr. & Mrs. Lawrence RothmanMr. Kyle SaxonMr. & Mrs. John SchwebelMr. & Mrs. Emery SheerMr. & Mrs. Ed ShohatMr. & Mrs. George SilverMr. & Mrs. Michael

SilvermanDr. Nilda Soto & Ivory

JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Robert

SpiegelmanMr. Andrew F. TomaMs. Wendy WalshWampler Buchanan Walker

Chabrow Banciella &Stanley

Dr. & Mrs. Malvin WeinbergerMs. Alice Jane Zimmerman

$100-$249Ms. Mona AdamsDr. Etiony AldarondoMs. Nina Alexander-HurstThe Allen Morris FoundationMr. & Mrs. Lowell AptmanMr. & Mrs. Matthew AptmanMs. Michelle H. AptmanMs. Suellen AptmanMr. & Mrs. Dan AzariDr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baer

Dr. & Mrs. Barry BakerMr. & Mrs. Lou BarocasDr. & Mrs. Jonathan

BaumgardMr. Arild BergsethBet Shira CongregationMr. & Mrs. Donald BiermanDr. & Mrs. Lawrence BlacherMs. Rochelle Jennifer BoasDr. & Mrs. Francisco BorjaDr. & Mrs. Kenneth ButlerDr. & Mrs. Mark CarusoDr. & Mrs. Louis CasaleDr. & Mrs. Martin CohenMs. Barbara CollinsDr. & Mrs. John Defazio Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Harold DeutschMr. & Mrs. Ira DrescherDr. & Mrs. David EdelmanMr. Victor EsterlitzMr. & Mrs. Neal FarrDr. & Mrs. Michael FinerDr. Randy FurshmanMr. & Mrs. Dane GordonDr. & Mrs. Paul GustmanDr. & Mrs. Barry HalpernMr. & Mrs. James W. HarrisDrs. Joshua & Ana HarrisMr. & Mrs. Anthony HeviaMr. Bruce HolleyMr. & Mrs. Stephen HorwitzMr. & Mrs. Robert JackmanDr. & Mrs. Warren JanowitzMrs. Doris JenssenMr. & Mrs. James KalishmanDr. & Mrs. Leonard KalmanDr. & Mrs. Lawrence KatzenDr. & Mrs. Howard KatzmanMr. & Mrs. Gene KissaneMs. Linda KnudsenDr. & Mrs. Steven KobetzMr. Adam KoppekinMrs. James LarsonMs. Jean Lawrence


Art by Kayl Gloster.

Art by Jackie Crocamo.

Mr. Ralph LawsonMs. Deborah LehmanMr. & Mrs. Thomas LehmanMr. & Mrs. Paul LesterDr. Laura Beth LevineMs. Maria LoweMs. Janet R. McAlileyMs. Jeanee McJiltonMr. Lincoln MendezDr. & Mrs. Jonathan

MessingerMr. & Mrs. Scott Andrew

MetschMr. Allen MorrisMr. & Mrs. Joe NelsonMs. Phillis OetersDrs. Steven Pabalan &

Grace WangMr. Richard Parrish &

Ms. Marianne PantinMr. & Mrs. Brett PerlmutterMr. & Mrs. Peter PhillipsMs. Sharon Polk-SadownikMs. Winifred Marchisello

PritchettDrs. Seth Rafal &

Mary PantahovaMr. & Mrs. Joshua RednikMs. Lili ReevesMs. Debi RiceMr. & Mrs. Charles

RosenbergMr. & Mrs. Leonard

RosenbergMs. Ruth RosenbergDr. & Mrs. Robert SafinskiDr. & Mrs. Glenn SalkindDr. & Mrs. Richard SandrowDr. & Mrs. Fred SchildMr. & Mrs. Art SchlechtMs. Marge SchraderMs. Penelope S. ShafferMr. & Mrs. Marvin SheldonDr. & Mrs. Fred ShermanDr. & Mrs. Alan ShiffrinMs. Andrea SilbermanDrs. Leonard & Gail

SilvermanMs. Jeanette SlesnickMr. & Mrs. Howard SocolDr. & Mrs. Henry TrattlerMr. & Mrs. Tom TullochDr. & Mrs. Dennis TurkMs. Blanca M. ValleMs. Michelle WallachMs. Claire WarrenMr. Daniel WeissMr. & Mrs. Charles WilliamsMs. Barbara WolfsdorfMs. Vicki WymanDr. & Mrs. Jack YaffaDr. & Mrs. Jack Ziffer

$1-$99Ms. Joan E. AbessDr. & Mrs. Kevin AbramsMr. & Mrs. John ApreaMs. Vivian AriasMs. Evelyn K. AxlerBailey Search & AssociatesMr. & Mrs. Seymour BeerMr. Daniel BenjaminMr. & Mrs. Herman BergerDr. & Mrs. David BillingsMs. Kathleen BlackwoodMs. Alice BloomMs. Debbie BloomBloomingdale’sMs. Samantha BoucherMs. Philippa BullardMs. Teresa BuonicontiMs. Alexandra Camillo

de PensoMs. Silvana CarmelinoMr. & Mrs. Philip CarrollMs. Katja CarvalhoMs. Karyn I. CunninghamMr. & Mrs. Nick DemartinoMs. Robin DenisonMr. Edward EhrlichMr. & Mrs. Harald EidsmoDr. & Mrs. Eugene EisnerDr. & Mrs. Gerald EnerfeldMr. & Mrs. Sigmund FoxMr. & Mrs. Antonio

FrallicciardiMs. Debra FreedmanMr. & Mrs. Michael FriendMs. Joanne GentileDr. & Mrs. Henry GlickMr. & Mrs. Mario GomezGoodSearchMs. Holly D. GordonMs. Monica Guarderas-

VallejoMs. Meredith HalseyMr. & Mrs. Michael HearnsMr. & Mrs. Roy HeimlichMs. Judith Ozar HenryMr. & Mrs. Martin

HernandezMr. & Mrs. Dan HimesMr. & Mrs. John HohenseeMs. Carole HorowitzMr. & Mrs. Charles

HorowitziGive.com Holdings LLCMr. & Mrs. Eric JacobsDr. & Mrs. Geoffrey JamesMs. Frances S. KadeshMr. Barry J. KatzMs. Barbara KaufmanMr. Douglas KennerMr. & Mrs. Nelson KeshenMs. Ingrid KesslerMr. & Mrs. Hyman Kirsner

Ms. Hilary L. KohnMr. & Mrs. Josh KotlerCantor Mark H. KulaMs. Miriam LawrenceDr. Joel M. LevinMr. & Mrs. Warren LevitanMs. Stacy LevittMr. & Mrs. David LiebmanMrs. Jean LongMs. Nuria ManuecoMr. & Mrs. Richard MarxMs. Cara MattisonMs. Lana McNamaraMs. Christina MendozaMs. Brenda MolinetMr. Harold Robert NelsonMr. Jack PattersonMr. David PrescottDr. Edward RappaportMr. & Mrs. Richard RealeMs. Mary ReinckeMr. & Mrs. Andrew RifkinMs. Betty RodriguezMr. & Mrs. Harry RosenDr. & Mrs. Seth RosenMr. & Mrs. Scott RossMs. Meredith RubinMs. Leanne RutterMs. Sara SadownikMs. Staci SalvatoreMs. Rebecca SarettMr. & Mrs. Ronald

SchotlandMs. Margot SeigelMr. & Mrs. Neil SoslerDr. & Mrs. Jeffrey SparMrs. Raie SpektorMr. Michael SpritzerMr. & Mrs. Bernard SteinDr. & Mrs. Sam SteinerMr. & Mrs. Richard StoneMr. & Mrs. Seth StopekMs. Christine M. SummersDr. Barbara ThomlisonMs. Ayala J. UsdinMs. Cheryl WeinerMs. Rachelle WernerDr. Julie S. WhitneyDr. & Mrs. Charles WohlDr. & Mrs. Carlos WolfMs. Jennifer ZidelMr. Steve Zimet

This list represents donorsfrom September 1, 2009,through August 31, 2010.We regret any omissions dueto the printer’s deadline.


Art by Jaqueline Escobar.

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Prevention and Treatment is a nonprofit

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and friends a year after her death. Our

continuing efforts reflect the belief that

each of us has the power to effect change

and that we must work together for the

betterment of our society.

Melissa Aptman



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The Melissa InstituteFor Violence Prevention and Treatment6250 Sunset Drive, Suite 204 � Miami, FL 33143

Phone 786-662-5210 � Fax 786-662-5211
