2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference CHRA Expedited Referral Process Cindy Sepulveda...

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2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

CHRA Expedited Referral Process

Cindy SepulvedaWounded Warrior Action Officer

U.S. Army Civilian Human Resources Agency

February 23-24, 2011 1 Fort Belvoir, Virginia

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

• Jul 08: LTG Rochelle, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1 launched initiative to recruit Army Wounded Warriors, Separating Soldiers and Military Spouses.

• Oct 08: CHRA Director, Barbara Panther, created a Wounded Warrior Team; as a result, a new networking and noncompetitive placement process was developed.

• Feb 09: Ms. Panther shared her expectations of the CHRA Wounded Warrior Referral Process to the CHRA Community with the tasking of 100 percent placement of all Army Wounded Warriors.

• Feb 11: To date there are 369 registrants that have entered our program: 78 are active; 211 are inactive (return to school, employed elsewhere, etc); and 80 were placed in Army positions.

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia2


2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

Roles and Responsibilities

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia3

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

• Inventory Access on the CHRA Talent Acquisition Webpage at http://chra.army.mil/Talent_Acquisition/AW2/WW.htm

• Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Secured behind AKO– Access granted by CHRA Action Officer– Easy to use Excel Database– Up-to-Date Information

Wounded Warrior Online Resume Inventory

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia4

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

Step 1: Entering AKO and the CHRA Online Resume Inventory: Click “I Accept”

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia5

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

STEP 2: Click the Wounded Warriors Online Resume Inventory

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia6

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

STEP 3: To find Wounded Warriors in your area, SORT by Location by clicking down arrow next to “STATE PREFERENCE.”

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia7

**Names are listed in this section, but have been removed to protect the registrant’s Pii

Clicking on the underlined name directs user to the registrant’s resume and referral sheet!

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

STEP 4: The Wounded Warrior’s Resume and Referral Sheet are available for Hiring Officials and HR Specialists to review and determine if the WW desires to work in their geographical location and has the applicable experience and/or education to fill their vacancy.

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia8

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

Success! Army has hired 319 Wounded Warriors

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia9

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

• CHRA successfully met all of the requirements of the AFAP Panel regarding Wounded Warrior recruitment, by:– Providing a searchable applicant pool of qualified Wounded Warriors for

consideration for hiring officials– Developing an automated, comprehensive, integrated system compatible with

the Federal hiring systems where Wounded Warriors and governmental hiring officials can query job and applicant availability

– Establishing an education and training program for Federal hiring officials and Wounded Warriors on noncompetitive governmental employment opportunities

Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) #617 - Federal Hiring Process for Wounded Warriors - CLOSED!

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia10

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

Army Success Story – CW3 Kevin Reigel

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia11

Through a collaborated effort, of AW2 Program Office, CHRA’s WW Expedited Referral Process, the South Central’s VEC, and the Fort Rucker Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, Mr. Reigel was successfully placed as a Training Instructor at Fort Rucker, in Alabama.

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

CHRA continues to Support the Wounded Warrior Program by:₋ Educating our workforce and hiring officials on noncompetitive

hiring authorities and initiatives; ₋ Providing creative ideas to organizations on leveraging Wounded

Warriors and their Spouses’ resumes; ₋ Participating in the Veteran Employment Initiatives Workgroup; and₋ Providing timely and accurate information to our Veterans and Family

Members through our VECs.

The Way Ahead

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia12

2011 Wounded Warrior Federal Employment Conference

• CHRA’s implementation of the Expedited Referral Process and the education of its staff and Army’s hiring officials has resulted in the successful placement of Wounded Warriors and their Spouses.

• CHRA is committed to supporting our troops and their family members; as well as helping them with their transition from Active Service into the Civilian Workforce.

• Questions????

Closing Remarks

February 23-24, 2011 Fort Belvoir, Virginia13