2012 December Act!on Newsletter

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Click here to learn more about the amazing community development projects that we've undertaken in 2012!


During the 2011/2012 school year, six primary institutions across the island received laptops and projectors valued at approximately J$360,000 under the Jamaica Partnership Education (JPE) initiative. Allman Town Primary located in Kingston, Christiana Moravia Primary in Manchester; Exchange All- Age in St Ann; Black Hill All- Age in Portland, Park Mountain Primary in St Elizabeth, and Maldon Primary in St James were all beneficiaries of the programme.

The JPE initiative is a nonprofit programme operated by the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) Foundation in partnership with the JN General Insurance Company Limited (JNGI). It aims to facilitate improved literacy and numeracy rates in primary and junior high schools by providing resources and equipment which will enhance the learning

experience.Kandi-Lee Crooks-Smith, principal of

the Allman Town Primary School, says her administrators and students are grateful and that the donation will have a spillover effect on present and future students.

“The computers that we have are outdated, so this contribution is a major stepping stone for our school,” she said following the handover.

The funds were collected through donations asked of customers by JNBS and JNGI during the 2010/2011 calendar year.






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Education is the key!

ABOVE: Chris Hind, General Manager, JN General Insurance reads with Grade 1 students at the Allman Town Primary School in Kingston during June 2012.

BELOW: Daniel Benjamin, Senior Marketing Officer, JNGI presents a computer to Beverly Pullen, Principal, of Black Hill All Age School in Portland, in the presence of students during July

Happy 50th Anniversary ]amaica!


The Source Savanna-la-Mar Opened!Residents of Savanna-la-Mar,

Westmoreland welcomed the official opening of The Source Savanna-la-Mar, a centre, located on Barracks Road, in the middle of their community, on Wednesday, September 26.

The concept for this “social enterprise franchise” was developed by Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS), to be replicated across the island, General Manager, Earl Jarrett, affirms. “And, we have already instituted all-inclusive community resource centres in August Town, Maverley, Treasure Beach and Ocho Rios,

in collaboration with local civic and private sector partners.”

The Source Savanna-la-Mar, the fifth and largest Source Centre, was established by the JNBS Foundation in partnership with the Y's Menettes; Digicel Foundation; Citizens Security and Justice Programme of the Ministry of National Security; Sugar Transformation Unit and the Universal Service Fund.

“This Source will enhance learning, increase employment, reduce negative activities among young people and adults; as well as, stimulate the economy within the community, and promote viable businesses and harmonious inter-personal relationships,” Mr. Jarrett pointed out. “And, we are proud that we are making this contribution with other corporate citizens in the town that gave birth to Jamaica National some 138 years ago.”

The Source Savanna-la-Mar will provide access to information technology and skills training; and serve as a homework centre and creche, to the communities of Russia, Seaton Crescent, Barracks Road/Gully Bank and Grotto.

“It is equipped with Business Support Services for small and medium size businesses; hosts a Jamaica Business Information Centre (JAMBIC); WiFi Hotspot and conference, training and meeting rooms,” Saffrey Brown,

General Manager of JN Foundation explained. “And, it also offers on-line literacy training (Autoskills); a designated training centre for level one & two HEART/NTA trainees as well as computer training facilities.” She stated that the centre is structured to include--an auditorium; computer lab; media library; document centre; Internet Café; health food café; recording studio; and an amphitheater for the performing arts.Joy Clarke, Digicel Jamaica, Head of Business Sales West and Central, said her company welcomed the association with the project, which impacts a wide cross section of people in the community. “Digicel Foundation is at its core, about community

empowerment. And, we are happy to be a part of the Source Savanna-la-Mar, which is already providing a wide variety of services and resources to the members of the communities.”

Mrs. Bernice Wright, President, Y's Menettes, the female arm of the International Y’s Family, which includes the Y’s Mens, YMCA, and YWCA organisations, said her organisation approached the JN Foundation to assist in transforming the building in which they held their meetings.

Pleased with the results, she declared, “We are very grateful to Jamaica National, Digicel and the other stakeholders who came together to make this Source Centre possible, as it will assist in transforming the community.”  

A: The Source Savanna-la-MarB: (L-R) Ambassador Evadne Coye greets Canute Simpson, Manager, JNBS Savanna-la-Mar; Bernice Wright and Eileen Heaven, Acting General Manager, JNBS FoundationC: Hugh Cross, CEO, Universal Service Fund chats with Claudeen Grenyion, Senior Business Account Manager, DigicelD: Simeon Robinson, Programme Manager, Citizens’ Security and Justice Programme addresses guestsE: (L-R) Hugh Cross, Earl Jarrett, Claudeen Greynion and Her Excellency Lady Allen looks on as His Excellency Sir Patrick Allen Governor-General of Jamaica cuts the ribbon to mark the opening






The Governor-General, His Excellency, Sir Patrick Allen has declared The Source Savanna-la-Mar an “I Believe Initiative (IBI)” centre.

The IBI is a values-based initiative, born out of the inaugural speech given by the Governor-General, at his swearing in ceremony in 2009. The IBI seeks to inspire and motivate Jamaicans to believe in their God-given potential and to contribute to building a prosperous and peaceful nation.

“The Source is an initiative which responds to so many of the needs identified by communities across the nation,” said Sir Allen as he addressed the official opening ceremony of The Source on September 26. “Its objectives resonate with my belief.”

“There is nothing wrong with Jamaica that can’t be fixed with what is right with Jamaica,” said Sir Allen, as he urged attendees to work together to address the ills afflicting the country. He said, “Jamaica needs to get back to the caring society that we once were, and we can only accomplish this through partnership.”

“The partnerships, which brought The Source into being, are part of what is right with Jamaica,” he declared. “I

believe that The Sources’ objectives will

bring more and more people, especially young people, to develop self esteem, lose their negative attitudes and believe in themselves.”

Earl Jarrett, General Manager of JNBS and Chairman of the JN Foundation, said The Source provides an avenue for residents to achieve excellence, who may otherwise be considered unreachable by established social norms.“There is no doubt that The Source embraces the tenets of the “I Believe” Initiative which builds the confidence of the Jamaican people and puts them in a space where there is global access and confidence in their ability to achieve their goals.”

Savanna-la-Mar resident Kenisha Pennycook, from the Grotto community, welcomed the new facility. She said, “It will inspire young people to achieve what they want to achieve in life, open their minds, keep them focused and teach them how to interact with their peers.”

“The centre will take the young persons off the street and help them get certified,” Grotto resident, Shanice Grant said. “If more people get qualified, we will have a more productive Jamaica.”

G-G Endorses ‘The Source’ as an Centre

Scenes from The Source Opportunity Fair

The Opportunity Fair following the launch of The Source Savanna-la-Mar was held on September 27. JNBS Foundation, its partners in the centre and other organisations provided information and services to the community. Residents benefitted from: HIV testing, blood pressure testing, TRN registration, and a conflict resolution workshop, among others.

The outcomes of more than 100 persons annually, who are affected with severe neurological conditions and seek treatment at The University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), will be significantly improved with access to life-saving equipment in the coming weeks.

With a grant in excess of US$45,000 or J$3.9M from the JNBS Foundation, the Hospital will be better outfitted to efficiently and effectively treat several neurological disorders.

“The Plasmapheresis machine being acquired will be the first of its kind in the English-speaking Caribbean,” Dr. Francene Gayle, Consultant Physician and Neurologist, UHWI, outlined, “and, it will not only aid in increasing the likelihood of returning critically ill patients to functional status, but more importantly, it will reduce the incidence of related deaths.”

Some of the debilitating symptoms of the three main neurological diseases that the equipment will treat include paralysis and the requirement of a ventilator for

breathing. The machine will significantly reduce the amount of time patients with neurological disorders spend in the Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This, can vary from weeks to months at a time and have cost implications amounting to multiple millions of dollars on the system, annually.

“The acquisition will have significant impact at all levels of the health care system. From lowering the mortality rates associated with these conditions, to advancing the treatment process and improving the quality of life of patients, to reducing valuable hospital hours. Add that to the role the machine will play in achieving needed cost savings as well as developments in research and teaching, and we have already seen

the returns of our investment,” JNBS Foundation Director Carlton Barclay stated.

The equipment works by filtering the blood of patients and removing elements within the blood that cause patients to experience the incapacitating symptoms.

Aid for the Jamaican Health Sector

Seated: Carlton Barclay (right), Director, JNBS Foundation and Professor Michael Lee, Professor of Medicine and Gastroenterology and Head of the Department of Medicine, The University of the West Indies (UWI) sign the US$45,000 funding agreement to acquire the Caribbean’s first plasmapherisis machine at the UHWI on June 19. Witnessing the signing are (standing l-r) Dr. Francene Gayle; Professor Archibald McDonald, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI and Dr. Trevor McCartney, Chief Executive Officer, UHWI.

UHWI improves treatment of neurological diseases

The Urology Unit at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH) has increased its capacity to save lives with a donation from the JNBS Foundation, to purchase cancer testing equipment. Dr. Warren Chin, Consultant Urologist at the hospital, said the procurement of the vital equipment will help to increase the number of patients served by the Unit. He pointed out that tests were conducted for some 300 patients per year, based on current equipment. “With the additional equipment we will be able to conduct up to 500 biopsies per year,” he said. The grant funding will allow for the purchase of two automatic biopsy

instruments that are used to diagnose prostate cancer and two flexible cystoscopes, used to diagnose bladder cancer.  “We are seeing more patients, on a regular service basis; therefore, we are making an attempt to ramp up our efficiency and capacity in terms of throughput,” Dr. Chin said. The KPH Urology Unit, the largest non-user fee Urology Unit in Jamaica, serves as a referral point for the South East Regional Health Authority, which includes Kingston & St. Andrew, Portmore and St. Thomas.

In addition to the number of patients that can be tested with the new equipment, early detection urinary tract cancer also resulted in far less costly treatment. The National Health Fund currently spends close to $200 million a year on medication for advanced prostate cancer victims.   Dr. Michael Brooks, Secretary of the Jamaica Urological Society said the urological testing service at the KPH is limited by the lack of basic equipment, such as biopsy instruments, which are important in diagnosing prostate cancer. “The equipment will certainly help us to do more diagnoses,” Dr. Brooks affirmed.

Boost for Cancer Lab at KPH

Dr. Michael Brooks, Consultant Urologist and Secretary of the Jamaica Urological Society signs the funding agreement to acquire cancer laboratory equipment for the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH). Looking on are Saffrey Brown (right), General Manager of JNBS Foundation and Dr. Warren Chin, Consultant Urologist at KPH. The agreement was signed at the JNBS Chief Office in Kingston on Friday, May 25.

Aneika Rowe, a 21-year-old, final year nursing student at The University of the West Indies, Western Campus, was awarded a scholarship by the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) Foundation.

The scholarship was presented at the opening ceremony of JN Financial Services, at Catherine Hall, in St. James, on February 29.

Ms. Rowe, who lives in Norwood, St. James, was selected based on her academic performance of a 3.35 Grade Point Average (GPA).

“I feel blessed,” a thrilled Miss Rowe declared, noting that, “I am in my final year, and I need to pay my school fees, so that I can complete my studies.”

The UWI student pointed out that she wanted to “set a good example for others to follow.” She described herself as being “self-motivated and determined to do well.” She also revealed that she was inspired to become a nurse to care for the sick, as one way of “giving back to the society.”

Aneika  gets  Nursing  Scholarship

More young people from the Grants Pen community in St. Andrew can now receive Information Technology training at the Stella Maris Foundation, as a result of a grant from the Jamaica National Building Society Foundation (JNBS Foundation).

Saffrey Brown, General Manager of the JNBS Foundation, and Beverley Lopez, Chairman of the Stella Maris Foundation, signed the grant funding agreement on July 3. Ms. Brown said that the support will allow the Stella Maris Foundation to train up to 20 percent more community residents in a marketable skill

“The JN Foundation’s support couldn’t have been better timed,” Mrs. Lopez stated. “We are going through some difficult times now, and we need the help.”

She stated that the Stella Maris Foundation is dependent on church donations, and the flow of contributions was not as reliable, in the current economic environment, “Therefore, I am very heartened by the assistance”.

Ms. Brown explained that the funding will ensure that the computer laboratory has the latest equipment and will enable the Stella Maris Foundation to meet and maintain the requisite facilities standards of t he Nat ional Counci l on Technical

Vocational Education & Training (NCTVET). The lab currently trains 50 to 60 community residents, each year.

“The JNBS Foundation is always looking for ef fective and impacting organisations to assist,” Ms. Brown said. “We believe that the work the Stella Maris Foundation does is necessary, and brings about real and sustainable change, therefore, we are happy to partner with them.”

She noted that historically the JN Foundation has provided support for youth development through the provision of modern technological tools; and that the Stella Maris Foundation Information Technology programme falls within that sphere.

“ T h e I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y programme is creating opportunities and a ve n u e s f o r d e ve l o p m e n t a n d enhancement for young people from Grants Pen and surrounding environs,” Ms. Brown said.

Omar Frith, Manager of the Stella Maris Foundation, said the seven-year-old IT programme, has had far reaching impact on members of the community. To date, the programme has trained 800 students, resulting in some being placed into jobs, while others have started their own small businesses.

Kemar Layton, who attends classes at the Stella Maris Foundation, said he learned a lot since he enrolled four months ago. “I believe we should have more programmes like this in all communities around the island,” he said, disclosing that previously, he had just, “hung out on the corner” in his community.

“I am very happy that we have the Stella Maris Foundation here so we can become engaged in some level of training in data application,” Mr. Layton said.

Grants Pen Youth Receive More IT Training

Some 240 students across the island will participate in the Junior Achievement Jamaica (JAJ) programme through a partnership with JN Fund Managers Limited (JNFM) and the JNBS Foundation.

Annette Clayton Baker, Vice President for Marketing & Public Relations at JNFM said the goal was to target students in the vulnerable 15-19 age group. Junior Achievement Jamaica provides entrepreneurial, financial literacy and workforce readiness skills which are essential for those entering the working world.

“The programme will take the students beyond financial literacy,” she said. “And, the knowledge and skill sets to be taught will prove invaluable as they choose careers and learn how to manage their resources efficiently and effectively.”

Ms. Clayton Baker pointed out that the schools to be included in the programme are Ardenne High, Titchfield High, Wolmer’s Boys, Kingston College, Calabar High, St. Hugh’s High, St. Jago High, Vere Technical, Holmwood Technical and Herbert Morrison Technical.

“Many highly successful business persons began to hone their entrepreneurial

skills while in high school,” she stated. “We want more of our young people to have that opportunity.”

Alphie Mullings-Aiken, President of JAJ, said the programme is based on partnerships between the business community and educators; and involves volunteers, who share their experience with children about creating and managing wealth, as well as developing the entrepreneurial spirit.

Junior Achievement is an international initiative which collaborates with school administrations to implement practical programmes over the school year, based on their respective academic schedules.

“The goal is to provide students with financial and management skills, which allow them to contribute to economic development,” Mrs. Mullings-Aiken said. “The exposure will enable students to find gainful employment, create their own employment, or gain the skills to access higher education.”

Hundreds More Students to Participate in


Older than London’s 153 year-old Big Ben, the St. Ann’s Bay clock, built in 1814, is ticking again.

For eight years, the hands on the three-faced clock stood still, and it was then residents realized how much they depended on this landmark for their daily time management.

Five years ago the St. Ann’s Bay Improvement Committee was formed with “Rally Round The Clock” as their first major fundraising project. With an $850,000 repair tab, the committee was determined to have the clock working in time for its 200th anniversary in 2014.

Major donations by the Local Government, Parish Council, Berger Paints, and those given by residents, as well as numerous fundraising by the Committee, still saw a shortfall of J$280,000. A successful application to the JNBS Foundation took care of the shortfall.

Ms. Jennifer Martin, JN Foundation Board Member said the organisation had to support the effort of the Committee to ensure that such a significant edifice continues to be functional for the people of St. Ann’s Bay.

Mrs. Martin was so intrigued by the history of the clock that she has agreed to assist in getting some additional information on its transfer from England to its current home. “

“We have to preserve these important landmarks as we have lost the one (clock) in Ocho Rios to fire,” she stated.

Built by the famous clock marker John Whitehurst 11 of Derby, the clock was donated by the Moulton Barrett family to the town.“It is believed that it was taken from one of their estates in England as it was not new,” Mrs. Cynthia Graham,

President of the Committee stated on what her research has unearthed to date.


Distinct etchings on the clock has the “1814” manufactured date and the “Whitehurst” and “Derby” identity of the maker and place, respectively.

“This is the Rolls Royce of clocks,” Ms. Graham proudly stated, adding that there is a poem written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “Ode to the St. Ann’s Bay Clock.” The Committee is trying to get a copy of the original, which is part of a private collection here in Jamaica, she pointed out.

This towering 20 feet clock, located at the corner of Main and Market Streets, as an annex to the busy market, across from the Baptist Church was no accident of history. Ms. Graham pointed out that the spot is where slaves from Drax Hall in the East and Seville in the West and all surrounding communities used to meet to barter and sell their wares as well as go to church.

The clock still stands as the focal point for this bustling town and “under the clock” continues to be the meeting place for residents of the birthplace of National Hero Marcus Mosiah Gravey, whose childhood home on upper Market Street has a clear view of its northern face.

The St. Ann’s Bay clock is known for keeping accurate time as it is wound weekly by the town’s time keeper, Mr. Philip Martin. Lights on each face make for easy readings at nights.

Vendors, Denise White, Sandra Lugg and Sonia Towers, in the upper section of the market, who literally sell under the clock (the entrance is in the market), are happy

that the clock is working but disappointed that it is not striking. “When the clock was repaired it would make this loud bong! bong! sound and we would know the time,” said Towers. “Now we have to go outside and look up or ask someone on the outside to give us the time,” added Lugg.

White grew up with the sound of the clock and learned from early to count the “bongs” to know the time, without looking up. “Not everybody can read the time but you can always count, that is why we need the striking sound,” she added.

For Mr. Dennis Hickings, Chairman of the St. Ann’s Bay Heritage Committee, the clock is one of the most important heritage monuments in the parish and that is why it is featured on the front page of their brochure. “We miss the chime everyone, even the fishermen, would know what time it is when they are at sea as the sound travels far.”

On Emancipation Day, August 1, 1838, when the clock struck midnight, the slaves from surrounding estates took their shackles and branding items and buried them in the cemetery of the neighbouring Baptist church. And again, in 1962 at the stroke of midnight, the British Union Jack was lowered and the back, green and gold of independent Jamaica rose on the flag staff across from the clock.

One Million dollars

Will the clock strike again? That is the million dollar question. The price tag to get the intricate rope cable dual mechanism functional is estimated to cost over a million dollars. The other question is why is the clock not listed as one of Jamaica’s national heritage sites?

Historic St. Ann’s Bay Clock Ticking Again

(L-R) Karen Giddeon, Supervisor with Jamaica National Building Society’s (JNBS) St. Ann’s Bay Branch; Members of the St. Ann’s Bay Improvement Committee, Eva Murdock and Iva Walters-Baker; Claudia Carlton, Director of Administration, St. Ann's Bay Parish Council; and Cynthia Graham, President of the St. Ann’s Bay Improvement Committee are joined by JNBS Foundation’s Saffrey Brown, General Manager and Jennifer Martin, Director, as they stood in front of the recently repaired Ann’s Bay Clock.

A new set of drums, bugles, cymbals, percussion instruments and mallets will bring the dormant Drum Corps of the Cornwall College Cadet Corps back to life.

The purchase of equipment, she advised, was made possible with grant funding of $133,000 from the JNBS Foundation through its Member Advisory Council (MAC). The cheque was handed over to the Cadet Corps at a special Homecoming Devotion at the School in September 2012.

“This donation will be a great enhancement to the Unit as we have been suffering from a drastic shortage of instruments,” stated Karl McGrath Second Warrant Officer Class 2 and head of the Cadet Corps, on receiving the cheque.

“This will definitely motivate the Drum Corps members and attract more cadets to the Unit,” he added.

An excited Faculty Advisor Ms. Nicoleen Rhoomes said that the Drum Corps is integral to the school’s development as the Unit usually performs at all official functions at school and in the parish.

“It also helps to bring out the talents of the young cadets and will make the Corps a complete Unit as all the other military aspects of the Ruel Reid Cadet Company are in place,” she added.

Cornwall College Drum Corps ready to perform, again

Sports and education have been facilitating more harmonious relations between the Police and residents of Maverley and its surrounding communities for almost two years, says Chad Morgan, Vice President of the Maverley Police Youth Club.

Since November 2009, Police personnel and young people between the ages of seven and 31 have benefitted from sporting and educational activities that continue to “unify its members and attract others to the Club,” he said. Now 60 registered members strong, the Police Youth Club, which meets weekly, is moving to enhance its sports programme through the establishment of a multipurpose court in the Maverley Flowers Park.

With a $120,000 grant from Jamaica National Building Society’s (JNBS) Half-Way-Tree Branch, the court has been painted and equipped with backboards, hoops, nets and posts.

“We expect that this project will enhance and uplift our community by way of providing infrastructural and human development through sports,” Mr. Morgan said, adding that, “Members of the Club and others in the community will be able to participate in basketball, netball, volleyball and badminton.”

Orett Douglas, Manager of JNBS Half-Way-Tree explains that the project was selected for funding by the JN Member Advisory Council (MAC). The Council, he says, is comprised of members of the building society and JNBS branch employees.

“In addition to the anticipated improvements in Police-community relations, we look forward to other outcomes, such as increased team work, sportsmanship and character building

JN Half-Way-Tree Bolsters Police-Community Relations

“In addition to the anticipated improvements in Police-community relations, we look forward to other outcomes, such as increased team work, sportsmanship and character building...”

Shernett Callam (2nd right), Manager of the JNBS Montego Bay Branch presents a cheque to Karl McGarth,Warrant Officer Class 2, Cornwall College Cadet Corps to assist the Drum Corps with the purchase of musical instruments at the school, recently. Participating in the handover are (L-R) Denham McIntyre, Principal, Cornwall College; Virginia Turner, Project Manager-Rural Development, JNFoundation; Roy Ten Fah, Cornwall College PTA President and Hasani Haughton, Marketing Officer, JNBS and Past Student of Cornwall College.

The����������� ������������������  JN����������� ������������������  Member����������� ������������������  Advisory����������� ������������������  Councils����������� ������������������  were����������� ������������������  established����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  all����������� ������������������  JNBS����������� ������������������  Branches����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  JN����������� ������������������  Money����������� ������������������  Shops����������� ������������������  across����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  island����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  give����������� ������������������  JN����������� ������������������  members����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  employees����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  opportunity����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  become����������� ������������������  change����������� ������������������  agents����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  their����������� ������������������  respective����������� ������������������  communities.����������� ������������������  The����������� ������������������  MACs����������� ������������������  identify����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  select����������� ������������������  developmental����������� ������������������  projects����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  funding����������� ������������������  by����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  JNBS����������� ������������������  Foundation.

among youth, which will be fostered through interclub and interdivisional games and playoffs,” he said.FEATURED


Frenchman’s Beach, in the South coast tourist enclave of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth is much safer and cleaner with the erection of two lifeguard stations, the acquisition of two lifeguard rings and the strategic placement of five jumbo garbage bins along the beach.

Bernard Otis Sutherland, president of the Frenchman’s Beach Fisher Folks Association says that, “Unfortunately persons do get into difficulties even with the ‘strong current’ warning signs dotted along the beach.” This prompted the Fisher Folks’ application to the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) Foundation for assistance with this safer beach project.

Mr. Richard Salmon, Supervisor of the JNBS Junction Branch, through which the application was routed, said the project has the potential to save lives while keeping the environment clean.

The project was evaluated and selected for support by the members of the Member Advisory Council (MAC) at the Junction Branch, comprised of JN members and employees. The Member Advisory Councils operates in all 25 JNBS branches and eight JN Money Shops across the island, with the mandate to support local community development projects, with funding from the JNBS Foundation.

“This is the kind of project that our MAC likes to support because it impacts the community in a positive way,” Mrs. Alethia Carpenter-Peart Branch Manager reported.

The towering seven foot blue and yellow lifeguard stations, with local-made thatch roofing; and the yellow life saving rings hanging close by are symbols of safety at the beach.

Mr. Chris Bell, a tourist from Utah, USA, said he could not help noticing the life guard stands as he jogged by, but wondered where the life guards were.

“We have several life guards and the team will be bolstered as some 13 Treasure Beach residents were recently trained and certified,” Mr. Sutherland stated, adding that the Fisher Folks were currently conducting dialogue with them, as they finalise a volunteer programme and seek funding to provide stipends.

For local born Diana Dennis visiting from England, the bins were a welcome sight as

“the last time I was here I had difficulty finding one along the beach and already you can see how much cleaner the beach is,” she added.

For Fisher Folks Ted, Kevin and Clifton Parchment who have seen and participated in many recues, the life guard stations will give a birds eye view and allow them to see everybody in the sea.

“The undercurrent can be very strong and on holidays when the beach is crowded you find that some persons swim out of their depth,” stated Mr. Allan Daley, tour guide, who describes himself as a long-time fisherman who has been “cutting fish” on the beach since the age of ten. To him, “the beach is cleaner and you feel safer just knowing that something is being done to equip the life guards.”

A Safer, Cleaner Frenchman’s Beach

The St. Catherine Health Department (SCHD) is now better equipped to reduce the transmission of mosquito borne diseases in the municipality of Portmore.

The Portmore Mosquito Control Programme run by the SCHD recently received funding from the JN Member Advisory Council (MAC) of the JN Portmore Pines Branch, to purchase protective gear and equipment for their twelve-member vector control team.

A fogging machine, overalls, protective glasses, masks, boots, reflector vests and gloves were handed over to the SCHD at the JN Portmore Pines Branch on October 5.

In excess of $300,000 has been allocated to the programme to reduce the nuisance and discomfort experienced by

residents, says Troy Bygrave, Manager of JNBS’ Portmore Pines Branch.

Mr. Richard Baker, Chief Public Health Inspector with the St. Catherine Health Department, asserted that "the new equipment has heightened the Department’s resolve to fight the issue, by replacing older machines that are becoming less effective,” as well as to contain the upsurge in recent cases of

dengue fever and other related illnesses in the parish.

JN Portmore Branch boosts St. Catherine

Mosquito Control

At the start of the final half-term for the 2 011 / 2 012 a c a d e m i c y e a r , t h e administrators and teachers at the Danny Williams School for the Deaf along with the 100 hearing-impaired student population, began enjoying the benefits of a well needed paint makeover of the institution.

Some of the 160 volunteers who participated in the Labour Day Project at the school with their cer tif icates of appreciation after the project’s completion. Seventy of those volunteers were members of the JNBS Foundation’s ACT!ON Jamaica Volunteer Corps.

On Labour Day, recognised on May 23, the school, having not been fully repainted since it opened its doors close to 23 years ago, received a paint make over

with contributions from the JNBS Foundation in collaboration with Bloom Foundation and BH Paints.

"I am extremely elated. I feel very blessed. We are thankful that we have been afforded this opportunity," Mrs. Simmonds, Principal of the school added.

"This painting is of a magnitude that we have never gotten. Now, I look on the eaves and they look very clean and nice," she said before smiling and praising the main organisers of the project: Kimberley Sherlock, Bloom Foundation founder and Anna-Kim Robinson, project officer, JNBS Foundation.

The idea of publicising the needs of the school, originally surfaced when Sherlock was pursuing a bachelor's degree in child and adolescent development with a minor in

early childhood education. She was assigned to the Danny Williams School for the Deaf last year, in her final year at school.

"The paint for the project, valued at approximately $40,000, was donated by B-H Paints ," Sherlock explained.

After acquiring the paint, Sherlock contacted JNBS Foundation for ACT!ON Jamaica volunteers to assist on Labour Day.

According to Anna-Kim Robinson, "This is the fourth and largest initiative which Act!on Jamaica has been involved in thus far. Volunteers, who registered through our

website to be a part of our projects, were called upon for assistance," Robinson said.

ACT!ON Jamaica Volunteers in ServiceDanny Williams School for the Deaf gets a facelift

Celebrating Children for International Nelson

Mandela DayEight-year-old Britonie Ramsingh of Spanish Town, St Catherine

was one of thousands of Jamaicans who joined in the observance of Nelson Mandela International Day on July 18.

It was the first time since 2009, when the day was conceived by the Nelson Mandela Foundation, that the country participated in the celebration. For this year's observance, themed 'Take action, inspire and make everyday a Mandela Day', Jamaicans were called upon to dedicate 67 minutes of their time to the cause of children throughout the country.

The JNBS Foundation partnered with Children First, St Catherine, and the Young Men's Christian Association in Kingston to host two simultaneous wellness and recreational clinics, dubbed 'Act on 67' in celebration of the day.

More that 200 children, including Britonie, who gathered at Children First and the YMCA also enjoyed the educational and recreational activities hosted by the Foundation’s ACT!ON Jamaica Volunteer Corps, including a short movie, giveaways, storytelling, and engaging the children in the language and the culture of South Africa. A montage with messages designed by some participants were sent to Nelson Mandela, who was born on July 18, 1918.

“There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.”

- Nelson Mandela

Volunteers of the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) Foundation’s Act!on Jamaica Volunteer Corps assisted the National Council for Voluntary Services (NCVS) in hosting a drive to collect food, clothing, hygiene packages from donors (JN Group employees and members of the public) at the JNBS Chief Office in Half-Way-Tree, on Saturday December 1. The Foundation partnered with the NCVS to assist in executing its Day of Care Initiative on Saturday, December 8, 2012. The initiative, now in its 6th year, focuses on providing food, clothes, hygiene packages, and medical services to approximately 600 homeless individuals in downtown Kingston.  The initiative will also form part of the celebration of International Volunteer Day.

Help for the HomelessAct!on Jamaica partners with National Council of Voluntary Services

Eileen Heaven, Acting General Manager, Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS) Foundation reads along with mothers and their children at the launch of the Jamaica Library Service’s (JLS) “We Likkle but We Tallawah, Parents Reading with Babies and Toddlers” programme held at the Chapelton Branch Library in Clarendon on Friday September 18, 2012. The JNBS Foundation provided funding for the programme, which encourages early literacy development through parent-child reading sessions. In all parish libraries across Jamaica, designated storytelling corners provide access to books, toys and other learning materials for parents to bond and engage their children in reading.

“We Likkle but we Tallawah”

Job interviews are often nerve-wracking experiences, even for the most prepared and qualified candidates. Add the stress of lacking the proper attire to attend the in ter v iew, and chances are, many underprivileged persons opt out of their opportunity to be successfully placed in a job, says Patricia Sutherland, Chairman of Dress for Success Jamaica.

“Getting a job requires more than just being qualified, it’s about how you present yourself physically and otherwise,” she declared.

Mrs. Sutherland says this is one of the primary reasons that Dress for Success Jamaica with the help of its volunteers and suit donors has been outfitting interviewees and promoting self-sufficiency among women since July 2009.

In addition to providing work attire, accessories and shoes acquired through public and private ‘suit drives,’ the organisation supports the professional and personal development of women through training and counseling, and mentorship.

“At its core, the programme is about job readiness and making sure that candidates are equipped to successfully enter the workforce and positively contribute to the society,” she added.

With J$1.5 mil l ion from the JN Foundation, Dress for Success officially opened a new boutique at Shop 10, 26 Eastwood Park Road, Kingston 10, on September 17.

The new location is extending the organisation’s reach and provide a more comfortable environment for consultations and services scheduled by appointment. Currently, beneficiaries are referred for fittings via employment agencies, vocational training centers and agencies, Heart Trust NTA, Universities, women centers and non-government organisations.

Beneficiary Marcia Allen was outfitted for her interview with a private sector company in Kingston during 2011.

“Before [Dress for Success] it was like there was no hope. I heard about it on television and so I called and got an

appointment. They taught me how to be confident and positive and I learned how to talk to the interviewers and carry myself,” Miss Allen explained.

“I got the job,” she exclaimed, adding that on confirming her employment, she was also provided a full week’s wardrobe free of cost. Having been a beneficiary, Ms. Allen now volunteers with the organisation; and has referred more than 20 needy clients during the past year.

The Dress for Success Chairman reiterated the importance of helping persons who have opportunities to take full advantage of them. “Many are willing, able and eager to enter the work environment and with this type of support are likely to have more success,” she added.

The real impact will be seen in the life-changing potential that comes when clients are able to successfully acquire jobs and become economically independent.

Economic achievement will be felt not only at the individual level; but, also in the increased financial stability of the family.

New Boutique for

On November 15, 2012 Dress for Success Jamaica hosted a fundraising tea party, “Dressed to the Tea” at Trafalgar House, British High Commission under the patronage of H.E. Howard Drake and Mrs. Gill Drake. Funds raised through ticket sales will go toward the ongoing operations of Dress for Success.

Scenes from “Dressed to the Tea”

ABOVE: (L-R) Camille Facey, Partner, L. Howard Facey & Co-Attorneys-at-Law; Sandra Glasgow, Director, Dress for Success (DFS) Jamaica; Paula Llewelyn, Director of Public Prosecutions; Charmaine Lewis, Chairman, DFS; and H.E. Howard Drake, British High Commissioner to Jamaica turned out to support the cause.

“We’re not going

anywhere” Undeterred by Robbery

For more than fifteen years since its inception, the non-profit organisation, Children First, has been catering to the developmental needs of more than 4,000 at-risk young people in and around nation’s former capital of Spanish Town, and in Old Harbour Bay, St. Catherine. A decision to extend its life-changing services into Kingston earlier this year resulted in the opening of a new location on Moresham Avenue in Waltham Park, Kingston 11. “We were excited about expanding our reach and making a difference in the lives of at-risk children in the community,” said the organisation’s Founder and Children’s Rights Advocate, Claudette Richardson-Pious. Children First provides remedial education and training to out-of-school children and returns them to the formal school system with greater competence and confidence. Along with the participation of members of the beneficiaries’ families, the youngsters also receive counseling, career guidance and a wide range of skills training and wellness assistance. The excitement of the expansion, however, turned to disappointment on July 3, when gunmen in a brazen mid-day robbery, held the members of staff at gunpoint and stole two of the laptops used to facilitate the centre’s training programmes. “They broke the nose of one of our intervention officers and I lost another member of staff who resigned because she was inconsolably traumatised,” Mrs. Richardson-Pious reported. Despite the incident and the trauma that it generated among employees and beneficiaries, the organisation remains undeterred in its drive to empower youth in the community. “Thankfully, the JN Foundation stepped in and replaced the two laptop computers,” Mrs. Richardson-Pious stated, adding “We will not be stopped. We’re not going anywhere. Our work must continue.”

An alliance of developmental organisations will open three new Source Learning Business Centres in the parishes of St Catherine and St Thomas, to provide new opportunities for community members.

The centres are an initiative of the Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA), with funding provided by the JN Foundation. Dr Elizabeth Ward, chairman of the VPA, said they are being implemented under its Learning Networks Programme.

"This programme provides opportunities to improve reading, mathematics, learn life skills, job skills and now, with the help of JN Foundation, business opportunities, through the exposure to small business skills," she said at the signing of the agreement. The grant-funding agreement was signed last week at Children's First, Spanish Town, St Catherine, where one of the centres is being located.

The other centres will be at Fairview Open Bible Church, outside of Spanish Town, and at St Mark's Anglican Church in Morant Bay, St Thomas.

Saffrey Brown, General Manager of JN Foundation, expressed, "We want to make sure that you have opportunities to be successful in developing the life that you choose," she told students at Children's First who attended the signing ceremony.

Claudette Pious, founder of Children's First, said the signing of the agreement marked a milestone in the history of her organisation. "It is very difficult at this time to get companies to become partners, and I think that it is very commendable that JN Foundation chose to partner with us," she said.

Members of the surrounding communities in Spanish Town will be able to use the facility to conduct research, send out job application letters; and to get information about programmes, she explained. She added that the centre will also have a cyber café, and provide training in ornamental fish farming.

Dr Ward said the VPA chose to partner with Children's First and the two churches, because they already have community support programmes in place. "We looked for organisations which were already functioning to see where we could enhance their facilities," she explained.

The VPA currently has 12 other centres across the country, impacting more than 2,000 beneficiaries.

New Resource Centres for Three Underserved Communities

Claudette Pious-Richardson (left) accepts one of two new HP laptops from Saffrey Brown, General Manager, JN Foundation.

YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHERS TAKE TOP AWARDSStudents Shine in Resolution Project Competition

Seventeen year-old Kamille Kirlew, student of Knox College, received a triple treat recently when she was awarded the top prize--the JNBS General Manager’s Award for Best Photo; and “Best Heritage Pho to” ; a s we l l a s , t he “Spec ia l Achievement Certificate” for her piece entitled: “Tools of Yesteryear.”

Kamille was named the top student in the JN Foundation’s Resolution Project, a programme, which equips and trains teenagers in rural high schools in the use photography to critically explore their communit ies and through their ar t, commend positives or appeal for change.

“I am overjoyed that my piece was selected for the top prize,” she said.

go to school; the sewing machine to make the clothes; the lamp, which they used at nights, and the coconut brush to clean the house.”

The lower sixth form student said photography is her hobby, but based on her participation in the JN Foundation’s Resolution Project, she now realises that it is a powerful way to send a message.

“I learnt how to take pictures with good l i g h t i n g a n d t h e b a s i c s k i l l s o f photography,” she said, but in addition, “I also learned that a photo can say a lot of things; and that photography can advocate on behalf of others.”

Kamille was among several rural students who were recognised by the JN Foundation’s Resolution Project at an awards ceremony, which was held at the Montego Bay Civic Centre in St. James recently, (July 5).

Other recipients were Zatar Hylton of the Granville Resolution Project and Rashane Campbell of Savanna-la-Mar Resolution Project who were presented with the Most Outstanding Male Photographers and Michka Walters of the Granville Resolution Project and Deneka Gooden of the Savanna-la-Mar Resolution Project who were awarded Most Outstanding Female photographers.

Christine Haughton of Garvey Maceo High School in Clarendon won The Gleaner’s Youthlink Magazine Award for Photojournalism and the UNFPA’s Prize for Best Advocacy Campaign went to Dylon Brown, Tevin Laylor and Tamara Watson of Paul Bogle High School in St. Thomas.

Earl Jarrett, General Manager of JNBS urged the young photographers to continue to use the skills acquired from the programme to be advocates for change. He said, “No one can deny the depth and p ow e r o f p h o t o g r a p h y , b e c a u s e photographs can and have changed lives.

Mr. Jarrett pointed out that the Resolution Project evolved from Youth Zoom established in 2004 to teach high school students how to capture images of positive and negative situations in their communities.

The Awardees

Kamille Kirlew receives the JNBS General Manager’s Award for Best Photo from JNBS General Manager, Earl Jarrett

Tools of Yester-year

JN Foundation Awarded JCDC Summit Prize


Name Title of Photograph Name Title of Photograph

Oreva Apokene Glimpse of Former Glory Mikhail Henry Black, Green and & We serve

Rashane Campbell Past accomplishments Scereki Hinds Really?

Ashlie Parchment Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone &

Past, present and future

Kamille Kirlew Tools of Yester Year

Kaveen Walker Mom & Today’s Catch Stanley Ramdeen Simmer Down

Nasieka Brown Streetside Hustling Naomi Redway Jamique, Just Image & Rastaman

Tehri-Ann Brown By The Sweat of My Brow Shanae Sands Only in Negril

Orlando Bryan Entrepreneur &Market come to you

Omar Spence Duppy Church

Toni-Jade Chin Artisans Jamaica Monique Griffiths Happy for Work

Veneisa Gayle Boat Builder Mickae Walters Good over evil

Deneka Gooden Follower Michka Walters (Adult) Vantage Point

On July 8, 2012, the JNBS Foundation’s a d v o c a c y t h r o u g h p h o t o g r a p h y programme, Resolut ion Project was awarded the Summit Prize for the Top School/ Group (among Kindergarten, Preparatory, Primary or High Schools) with the highest number of jury -selected photographic entries submitted to the National Visual Arts Competition and Exhibition. The competition is implemented by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission and the National Gallery of Jamaica. The Summit Prize earned the Resolution Project J$100,000.00 cash, and a trophy for the 27 jury-selected entries from 21 entrants.

Each individual received an Exhibition Honours Certificate and students who submitted Jamaica 50-themed work, were also awarded a special Jamaica 50 medal.

Top Teacher PrizeThe top teacher prize for the Top School

or School Club) was also awarded to the Resolution Project. It’s lead photography trainer, Stuart Reeves, was awarded J$60,000.00 cash and a trophy.

Youth Prize“Tools of Yester-year by Resolution

Project student Kamille Kirlew of Knox College was awarded for the best Jamaica 50-themed entry by jury vote. Kamille received $50,000.00 cash as well as a commemorative plaque.


Name Title of Photograph

Nickala Brown Mobile Market

Rashane Campbell Past accomplishments

Ashlie Parchment Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone & Past, present and future

Kaveen Walker Mom & Today’s Catch

Tehri-Ann Brown and Oreva Akpokene of Glenmuir High School collect their medals at the JCDC Awards held at the National Gallery.

Resolution Project goes to London

Elephant and Castle, London: Whenever one thinks of Jamaica,

images of the island’s natural beauty, its people and their cultural traditions – the music, the food and other ways of life, automatically come to mind.

The photographic work of more than 40 Jamaican youth involved in the JNBS Foundation’s RESOLUTION PROJECT, captured the best of Jamaica in terms of the nation’s achievements in sports, arts, culture and heritage. Their photos were shared with the Jamaican Diaspora in the UK through an exhibition at the Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre in London during July and August this year.

The inspiring collection, mounted as “Interpretations: The Jamaican Experience - A look into our journey over the last 50 years,” was in celebration of Jamaica’s 50th Anniversary of Independence, says Earl Jarrett, General Manager of JNBS and Chairman of the JNBS Foundation.

“Photography is a powerful tool through which memories are immortalized. The exhibition is one of the ways that JN and its Foundation, through the RESOLUTION PROJECT, is celebrating the nation’s 50th Anniversary with JN members and friends of Jamaica in the UK,” he said.

Mr. Jarrett added that the exhibition “provided a window through which people cou ld par t i c ipa te in t he Jamaican experience in this very special year, in the midst of the highly-anticipated Olympic Games.”

Mr. Jarrett advised that the month-long installment was held under the Jamaica 50 and Meet Jamaica events. In it, visitors were treated to Jamaican scenery and seascapes; the ways of life and work of ordinary Jamaicans; youth involved in sports; historical monuments and sites, as well as food and authentic Jamaican memorabilia.

Eighteen Hundred Visitors

According to JN Foundation, more than eighteen hundred persons viewed the exhibition, between its opening on July 18 and its closing on August 15.

“The London exhibition is the second international showcase for the Resolution Project and incorporates

images from both our rural high school programme and community projects,” Mr. Jarrett explained.

The first exhibit outside of Jamaica, he added, was held at the New York Consulate General of Jamaica in New York in February 2011 and featured images taken by ten boys involved in the Tivoli Resolution Project, in collaboration with the Chichibud and Inscape Foundations.

Jarrett informed that many of the photographs included in the London exhibition also formed part of the Jamaica Cul tural Development Commiss ion’s

National Visual Arts Exhibition at the National Galley in downtown Kingston in August. Student photographs have also been on permanent exhibition at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston since May 2011.

T h e Foundation’s Chairman emphasized the importance of photography in connecting Jamaicans to their rich cultural heritage. “Increasing exposure to the student photographs provides greater opportunities through which they can be encouraged to pursue photography and photojournalism as potential career paths,” he said.

Jamaican Youth Photographers on Exhibition

Patrons gather for the opening of the London Exhibition on July 24.

Paulette Simpson (left), Senior Manager, Corporate Affairs and Public Policy for JNBS greets patrons at the opening event. With her is Councillor Althea Smith, Mayor of Southwark

(L-R) Neil Kenlock; Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin; and Councillor Althea Smith, Mayor of Southwark, join Leesa Kow, General Manager of JN Money Services Limited; Saffrey Brown and Dianne Abbott, Labour Party Member of Parliament, in cutting the ribbon to officially open the exhibition.

Jamaican-born Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin (left), Chaplain to Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and her husband view the exhibition.

How to find usJNBS Foundation 32 1/2 Duke Street, Kingston CSO | Phone: 876 926 1344 Ext. 4749 | Fax: 876 922 4777

E mail: foundation@jnbs.com | Website: www.jnfoundation.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/JNFoundation | Twitter: http://twitter.com/JNFoundation

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/resolutionproject/

The second annual Bookworm Bites Summer Read Competition, held between July 10 and September 30, saw scores of primary school children taking up the cause to read on their summer break. The competition, which is geared at encouraging the development of a strong a reading habit forms part of the larger Jamaica Partnership for Education (JPE) initiative by the JN Foundation and JN General Insurance Company Limited (JNGI). Entrants were required to read three books and submit a short book report on each.

The judges scored entrants reports and awarded prizes in three separate grade categories! JN Foundation and JNGI congratulates all our very special winners!

Category 1- Ages 6-7 (Grades 1 &2)

1st Place - Kirk Bailey, Grade 2 student at Alpha Primary School in Kingston won a trip for 4 to Dolphin Cove and a $10,000 gift voucher2nd Place – Brianna Johnson, Grade 1 student, Hydel Group of Schools, St. Catherine received a gift voucher valued at $5000

Category 2 - Ages 8, 9 & 10 (Grades 3 &4)

1st Place -  Daniel Williams, Grade 4 student at Marlie Mount Primary School, St. Cather ine was awarded a Netbook computer and a $10,000 gift voucher

2nd Place - Jernai Bennett, Grade 4 student, Santa Cruz Preparatory took home a gift voucher valued at $50003rd – Brittania Wright, Grade 3 student at John Rollins Success Primary School in St. James received a gift voucher valued at $2500

Category 3- Ages 11 & 12 ( grades 5 & 6)

1st Place - Kyana Edwards, Grade 5 student at Wolmer’s Prep in Kingston was awarded a laptop computer and a $10,000 gift voucher2nd Place - Amoy Searchwell, Grade 5 student at White Marl Primary in St. Catherine earned a $5000 gift certificate3rd Place - Abigail Battick, Grade 5 student at Stella Maris Prep in St. Andrew won a gift voucher valued at $2500.

Bookworm Bites Summer Readers Win Big!

Kyana Edwards, Grade 5 student at Wolmer’s Prep in Kingston was awarded a laptop computer.

Kyana Edwards is flanked by her classmates and Lynford Reece, Senior Manager, Distribution and Marketing, JNGI

Daniel Williams of Marlie Mount Primary was awarded a netbook computer

Daniel is flanked by his parents; teachers; siblings and Daniel Benjamin, Senior Marketing Officer, JNGI