2012 kali yuga

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    2012 & The Kali Yuga

    One of the most interesting calendar coincidences

    in relation to theMayan2012information, is the

    similarity between the start dates of the last long

    count cycle of the Mayan system and the HindusKali Yuga. Yugas are vast periods of time,epochs that relate to the Earths journey around acosmological central sun. The four Yuga (Satya

    Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga)

    together make up an entire world age between

    creation and destruction events, held to be around

    4,320,000 years in total duration.

    Most21-12-2012researchers are aware of the

    3114BCE start date of the current long count cycle,less people are aware however that the Kali Yuga,

    a predicted era of moral decent and spiritual

    bleakness, began in the year 3102BCE. A startling

    similarity, a mere 12 years difference for systems on different sides of the planet. The

    Brahma Vaivarta PuranaSutra from ancient India depicts a period which has many of

    the failings visible in our modern society, such is the backdrop of the spiritual decline

    in the Kali Yuga.

    It is however a mistake for people to seek a link between the Mayan 2012 end-date

    and the closing of the Kali Yuga. Though their starts may have links the ends do not

    (although some suggest this is an error). The Kali Yuga is set to continue on for a vastperiod of time, at least 432,000 years, well eclipsing the 5126 years of the Mayan

    Long Count. Scholars from philosophies such asBuddhism, and from religions such

    as Brahmanist Hinduism, often discuss ages as being many millions of years long,

    entire vastKalpaof time are addressed.

    There is an excellent Buddhist parable that depicts visually an era of time described as

    anAeon, far more effectively than a string of numbers. A teacher monk explains that

    an eon can be likened to the great stone mountain Meru. Once every year a man

    passes the mountain and lightly brushed against it a strip of the finest silk. The

    mountain will be completely worn away by his action well before the aeon closes.

    Its worth noting that theBuddhist philosophydoes not tend to hold with the idea that

    a time of any great Universal significance will happen in our near future, every

    moment carries the same inherent problems and their solutions. The only significant

    events predicted or prophesised are the ending the vast epochs, or the extremely

    intermittent arising of new Buddhas. There have been suggestions in relation to 2012,that thenext Buddhawill arise at this time in a rather Judeo-Christian end of days

    scenario. Unfortunately anyone educated in Buddhist lore will know that it is made

    clear that fully enlightened Buddhas only arise millions of years apart. Buddhism is

    prophesised to completely disappear during the Kali Yuga, and that during that time it

    will be virtually impossible for seekers to find any opportunity for spiritual realisation

    at all by any system known now. Only when such utter darkness has shrouded the

    world will another being become fully realised wholly by their own efforts, without

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    This abhorrent position,as discussed here in an excellent related article, means that

    the vast majority of the planet is incapable of helping change the orientation of the

    species toward an optimum direction if it contradicts something in a book. In my own

    library here I have copies of many spiritual texts including those of the four major

    theistic traditions, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hindusim. I have also many other

    books, plenty of them are extremely wise and have much to offer. If however I simplypicked one and said I would only act if my actions were guided by that book that

    would doubtless lead to great problems.

    Taking guidance from each book is only helpful up to a point, its my own mind and

    spirit that must be constant and able for the task of self realisation and environmental

    improvements. If before I can act I must consult a book, clearly there is something

    wrong with me, I should be able to do the optimum action immediately with no

    conscious thought whilst functioning at my optimum ability. Compassion should

    become my very nature at every moment and guide every action.

    The best thing that could happen on 2012 might just be that people would put downtheir various books for a moment and take a long hard searching look within

    themselves. Before we rush headlong into a new period of economic and religious

    wars, we should surely pause for deep reflection. There are many questions I would

    want each to ask themselves first.

    Do we really want a world split into two halves, one mainly poor, downtrodden and

    subverted by religious fanatics, and the other wealthy but ruthlessly controlled by

    New World Order dictators?

    Wouldnt our children be thankful to us for not having allowed that to happen?

    Would the creative force that makes up the very fibre of all existence, that is the

    material of our core spirits, need to write an instruction manual for life, like some

    cheaply paid Ikea furniture manufacturer?

    Most of the worlds great spiritual teachers have made it clear that every human has

    the ability to better themselves and raise themselves to the level we might call

    saintly. Yet each is also unique and will requires different focus, efforts, and forms

    of assistance from others. The only absolute equality and connection between each

    person is the actual energy of consciousness on which they run and from which they

    draw their self existence. To discover how they should then best proceed theyshould not ask someone else or read a certain text, first they should just try to take a

    period of reflection and get to grips with whom they are and what issues they need to

    work on.

    This process means that if they then go for help or read advisory material, they can

    then refine from it the part useful to them in particular rather than being treated to a

    one size fits all solution. That structure may work for cheap T-Shirt manufacturers,but seems woefully inefficient for the enlightenment of an eternal spiritual being

    constructed of pure consciousness energy.

    When we allow books to instruct us in doing something wrong, perhaps even evil, wecant blame the books. If I subjugate a women or take someone as a slave I know it is

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    wrong without picking a book up of my shelf. I dont need to find a psalm or Sutra to

    know that killing and stealing are grossly unfair and cruel. Even the mundane ups and

    downs of my day are filled with actions that I am aware of being either optimal or

    substandard. I find it nave to believe that whilst a mob stones someone to death for

    blasphemy or, rapes someone because they are seen as a lower caste, that the

    individuals are not all aware that they are in fact in the wrong. If a God were to stateotherwise then it would have to be a wicked and evil entity, one to be exorcised by the

    might of our compassion. Whilst humans cut each other to ribbons or apply mind

    numbingly cruel tortures to one another, they speak about there adherence to the rules

    of some divine, loving and compassionate God. To me this is greatly unsettling, when

    we begin to call quite evil actions good, then we are in real trouble.

    If I could wish for anything to happen on the 21-12-2012 it would simply be that

    everyone one of us for a moment dropped any external guiding principles from our

    minds, both religious and social rules. Then just sat quietly and analysed what it

    means to be alive, a human, compassionate, and a seeker of happiness. Before picking

    up any of the old ways they could first bring themselves up to speed and betterunderstand these basic guiding forces. We are all here together in this great web we

    call life, we are all in human form, each of us desires happiness and all would be

    happier if everyone was compassionate.

    Having realised that situation we could then observe that even when no other is doing

    an action that would be causing us harm, we can still lack lasting happiness. Finally

    there would be no ability to avoid the obvious cause of our fluctuating emotional

    states, that its all within us, not somewhere out there. From that point on self-realisation and enlightenment are observable phenomena just on the horizon of our

    self existence, finally.

    One of the most curious things in the structure of our psyche is that we all want to betold because we are the result of the propaganda of ten thousand years. We want to

    have our thinking confirmed and corroborated by another, whereas to ask a question is

    to ask it of yourself. What I say has very little value. You will forget it the moment

    you shut this book, or you will remember and repeat certain phrases, or you will

    compare what you have read here with some other bookbut you will not face your

    own life. And that is all that mattersyour life, yourself, your pettiness, yourshallowness, your brutality, your violence, your greed,

    your ambition, your daily agony and endless sorrowthat is what you have to understand and nobody on

    earth or in heaven is going to save you from it but



    (Freedom from the Known - 121)

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    By Bruce Fenton



    1. Bruce,Some very thought provoking and well written ideas. I very much like the idea

    of putting down the books for a day and honestly facing ourselves.

    Thank you,



    Jessica Mar 16, 01:56 AM #

    2. Hello Bruce.The 432000 years may be more of a metaphor. The base number 432 is part of

    a very ancient system of sacred numbers found around the world.






    Joseph E. Mason Mar 21, 07:26 AM #

    3. Hi Bruce,just one thing on your article on the Kali Yuga. Well, not really on the article

    but on the cute little picture of the Hindu Goddess Kaali that accompanies it.

    I think you confuse the Kali Yuga, named after the demon called Kali with

    one of the most reverred of the Hindu Godesses Kaali (with the loooong

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    aa sound as opposed to the short a sound of Kali), the wife of Lord

    Shiva in her Paarvati incarnation. She is referred to as the Kaali-mata (mata =

    mother) and might offend or perplex a hindu reader.

    Youd better get rid of the confusion and the picture of the Goddess. Its one

    of the demon Kali (available from multiple sources including the internet)that you want to put up with your article.

    See ya!


    Indrajit Apr 10, 01:51 AM #

    4. IndrajitLord Shiva must be really handsome because both the demon andhis wife are sticking out their tongue at him.

    Belialith Oct 6, 01:13 AM #

    5. Hi,Actually, Kali Yuga is not named after anyone. Kali simply means dark orblack. These are the Dark Ages.

    Kali, the demon, is mentioned in a few of the puranas and causes lots of

    trouble in the Kalki Purana, detailing Vishnus final incarnation, but its notwritten anywhere (except Wikipedia) that Kali Yuga is named after him. I

    personally hope Kali, the goddess, kicks some serious ass in the Kali Yug, but

    its not named after her either.

    This is a thoughtful site.

    Thanks, Ni

    Ni Oct 27, 07:00 AM #

    6. Hi Ni,I am inclined to agree with you. I am aware that Kali is a Pali term for blackand am unsure where the link to the Goddess Kali crept in. If anything the

    clearest link is to Kalki who would supposedly incarnate at the end of the Kali


    Many thanks

    Bruce Oct 27, 05:44 PM #

    7. I think the reason for some confusion, at least about Kalki, is thetransliteration of Sanskrit into English. The L in Kali, as in the dark demon

    and the dark goddess and the dark age, is a different letter, and pronounceddifferently, from the L in Kalki and its root, the word kala. Kalki is a

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    shortened form of Kalaki, and kala, means a length of time. Hence, Kalki is

    taken to mean the destroyer of Time. (This is also a role many Hindu texts say

    Lord Shiva will play).

    Hindu and Pre-Hindu Goddess worshippers all had predictions that in the final

    days the Mother Goddess, Durga, and/or her sometimes wrathful, black-skinned manifestation, Kali, would take her children back into herself, to

    digest and recycle them if they are beyond redemption, or to keep them safe

    in her womb for rebirth into the next cycle. The Bengalis, who are ardent Kali

    worshippers (hence the original name of Calcutta, Kalighat, or place of

    Kali) and who are some of our foremost writers and poets, especially holdthis view. So thats how Kali came into the mix.

    Thanks, Ni

    Ni Oct 29, 11:43 PM #

    8. Whatever is written here is good enough, but I beg to differ at one point.Kaliyug (Kalyug) is never named after Goddess Kali. It is named after Kalki

    the 10th avatar of Vishnu. I have read the Puranas, and they clearly mention

    that at the end of Kaliyug, Kalki Dev will appear on a horse and will destry the

    earth with famine and fire.

    Nostradamuss predictions also match this 2012 date. He never says althoughthat the world will be destroyed but there will be wars and terror and

    ultimately someone from the Asian sub-continent will rule the world.

    in Dec 6, 12:16 AM #

    9. I have been research to Ramayana that book is Grace Of God underproseces, and writing Sri Rama Ramayana.

    in the research proseces to link of mythilogical and Modern science. The

    science and Puranas to Changes to earth for yugas wise.

    Muthyala Ramakrishna Rao Dec 6, 01:49 PM #

    10.Kali she is time,she is the divine energy of our body and manifest as thekundalini!She is the one that sustained our daily activity and at the same timeshe is the compassionate mother who will never abandon her children.

    Nikki802 Feb 10, 06:54 PM #

    11.What are your thoughts on the 2012 as being a destructive cosmic event on aglobal level that many ancients predicted and prophesised. The Mayanspredicted that a major cosmic event would occur, the alignment of the center

    of our galaxy, our sun and earth. If the center of our galaxy is a massive black

    hole, and massive black holes produce massive amounts of energy, aligning

    with our sun could produce a sort of wobble or heat blast to earth. Because of

    the thinning of our ozone if such a heat blast did occur it would cause ourplanet to heat up incredibly, which would explain the doomsday idea, and all

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    the horrific scenes predicted about 21-12-2012. I was curious if there are any

    Buddhist texts that depict scenes such as the ones depicted in the Book of


    Daniel Cde Baca Mar 30, 04:38 PM #

    12.but the age of kaliyuga is 400000 yrs.then what is fact??Techworld-Innovating Technology Apr 26, 01:51 AM #

    13.dont worry i am here to save this world. this is my duty,i am god i knowevery thing what happening around you and me.i created this universe i

    know the situation but i want team now i am in work of taking my weapon

    sword. it is on the wayit must comeotherwise i have lot of

    optionsbelieve me

    kali-ki Apr 26, 04:15 AM #

    14.Daniel,I dont really understand your question, the ancients recorded the Yuga asbeing 432000 years long. That is a fact.


    Nice to know you are handling the issues, I will sleep better tonight lol.



    Bruce Apr 28, 09:34 PM #

    15.What a war we wage against ignorance ey Bruce. Bruce just wrote down someof the most spiritual writings that could nudge a persons ignorant mind and

    none of you seem to understand that. Its proof of just how conditionedeveryone really is. Try to understand what he said, put the fucken books

    down! Stop referencing everything as if it was your original thought. Oh, you

    might offend hindus with that picture, oh, what about the Black Hole, but theyugas should be this long, not that long. Pay attention to whats at hand,YOU! How have you been treating people? What have you done thats good

    to contribute to the world for a positive change? Did you give milk to the

    dying child, or did you put it in a bowl for rats? Who gives a shit about what

    your religios SYSTEM is! Nobody! Spend more time thinking about what

    youve done in this life that hurt people and how you could have done thingsin a more positive way and stop squabling about how one letter should have

    been a capital, or how a chakra should have had 10 petals, not 9. Honestly,


    A Messenger Sep 28, 06:29 AM #

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    16.Beautifully stated message, Bruce, and great Krishnamurti quote at the end,too. Thank you!

    Friday Oct 24, 12:24 PM #

    17.i am the one who can communicate with the aliens by spiritual power. i cansave human lifes in 2012 by the help of aliens, i am the re-birth of lord vishnu.vinodprasad petwal Dec 1, 01:54 PM #

    18.You say: Unfortunately anyone educated in Buddhist lore will know that it ismade clear that fully enlightened Buddhas only arise millions of years apart.Shakyamuni Buddha Gautama predicted Padmasambhava/Guru

    Rinpoche(700ad), and other well educated buddhist see Gyalwa Karpapa 17th,

    Mindrolling Trichen, Tenzin Gyatso, Sakya Trinzing as fully enlightened

    beings living today among us. Many people achieving the Ja-Lu body these

    days too.

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    supposed totime will keep spinning at its own pace, creating, sustaining,

    destroying big bang, life, big bang, bramha, vishnu, shiva

    the trident Jun 23, 11:11 PM #

    23.In doesnt know what he is talking about. Kali is also a male demon who iswide awake in the Kali Yuga. See Srimad Bhagavatam or just google Kali (notthe goddess obviously).

    William Aug 5, 09:49 AM #

    24.Really..pathetic to see the messages. its Koliyuga.Koli is a tremendousnegative power who is ruling the present world.Ma Kali is a image of God.The

    time of Koliyuga is about to end so far I have studied.it wld be anytime in

    near future by Shri Hari Kalki.according to my knowledge or study he isvery much present now in this world and every person who believes in bad

    principal will be finished.according to my study after cleaning the world hewill start Satya Yuga.the period of truthonly he/she will be allowed

    who not fallen in Kolis trap.thank ufor more discussionpls contact myemail id :chinmoychatterjee@india.com or

    chinmoyout@yahoo.com.rgds..Chinmoy Chatterjee

    Chinmoy Chatterjee Sep 12, 07:05 PM #

    25.You have been mislead. Of the four major religions you mentioned, there isone with a characteristic that separates itself from the others. One of them is

    NOT based on works or obedience for reward. One says there is nothing we

    can do to earn our reward. It is a gift that is given.freely.without usdoing something. Now, our natural response to this wonderful, life giving

    gift is obedience.

    Im being very vague here for the sake of the reader, but I think you can

    understand my point from what I have written. I think you should do more

    research and try and fully grasp the teachings of each group you mentioned

    before making it available to non-discerning readers.

    Thank you for your time

    TruthSeeker32 Oct 15, 02:34 AM #

    26.Thankfully for our sake Bruce is wrong. Read Sri Yukteswars Holy ScienceA full cycle around source, Brahma, is 24,000 years! one ascending arc

    (12,000 years) and one descending arc (12,000 years).

    We are currently in the ascending Dwapara Yuga (lasting 2,400 years) and we

    are currently in the Autumal Equinox also called the Pices-Virgo Age. I amnot sure about the significance of 2012 but one thing is true is that we are

    ascending back to Brahma, and significant changes in the external and internal

    worlds are currently happening NOW, if you havent noticed. Bless the world!Brahma exists in your hearts..Cheers, RAM

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    RAM Oct 25, 11:49 PM #

    27.Hi Bruce a wonderful and simple journey towards mind opening and know thyself words that should open the blinkers of our myopic minds and vision and

    feel the universe within ourselves to begin the journey with, whereby the outer

    will be then easy to understand. Its our mindset with various textfundamentals and dogmas written some thousands of years ago by a wise

    person and largely followed by weak and fearful ones, which then becomes a

    cult and keeps on growing on such thoughts, fears and above all reprisals if

    not followed both by human society and unknown super force that we call

    Gods in different names.This approach sinks mans ability to thinkbeyond theset and prescribed books that has been ingrained in us from the time a child is

    born until death. This truly weakens our ability to think beyond. I always felt

    that the birth and death are natural phenomenon and the void between them is

    the history made by men!

    Sam Dec 23, 05:57 PM #

    28.sir, please half for new temple to start in kali .sankar Dec 31, 08:08 AM #

    29.The age of the Kali Yuga is just 1200 years not 4,320,000. And we arecurrently living in Dwapara Yuga which is going to last for another 2088


    jewel Jan 2, 11:56 AM #

    30.Look The moast important thing is that it does not matter what is going tohappen on the 21st December 2012 because what has to happen will happen

    and we will come to know about it only when the day occurs.But our duty as

    human beings is to make the Earth as pure as possible so that we can bring

    Satyug in Kaliyug.

    Vivek Roy Jan 3, 06:55 PM #

    31.Hi Bruce,I appreciate your efforts to publish the facts. But the word kali is not related toKaali ( Goddess) . kali is called as evil. Hence pls change the photographs in

    the above article.



    rajesh Jan 22, 05:43 PM #

    32.Well said Bruce. I agree that if there will be some sort of shift it will probablynot be as apparent as we might initially think. I have a tendency to believe that

    changes usually happen gradually with no specific nor immediate change

    point. The nature of life is subtle and it takes a keen eye to witness thesethings.

  • 7/31/2019 2012 kali yuga


    Dan Barnett Mar 11, 12:12 AM #

    33.Hey hey,No disrespect intended but the Goddess Kali (often spelled Kallee) is not to be

    confused with the demon Kali of vice, strife, discord, quarrel, or contention.

    According to some authorities these calculations were made during the

    beginning of the Kali yuga cycle, with no guidance from wise men of the

    previous era. The cycles were therefore miscalculated and thank God too

    Doesnt anyone think it would be a pretty depressing prospect to live in thedark ages for 432,000 years?

    Try a little investigating into Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri and the book of Holy

    Science. Much more sensible view of things.

    Just a suggestion ;)

    chy Apr 1, 08:43 PM #

    34.It isnt quite true that Buddhism has no special prophecies describing thepresent time. In fact, both the mappo theory of 5 500 year ages, in the last

    (most decadent) of which we are now, and the Shambhala prophecies of the

    Kalachakra pertain to the present time.

    Alexander Duncan May 10, 10:09 PM #





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