2012 reflection power point presentation revised 9.15.12

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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  • 1. PROUDLY The 2012 National PTAArt Reflections Program For all Pre-K 12 grade HCSD students

2. And this years ThemeisThe Magic of a Moment 3. Choose one or more of the following categories and create and enter one, two, or more of your masterpieces in the Hudson PTA Art Reflections contest!You are limited only by your imagination. 4. PHOTOGRAPHY 5. DANCECHOREOGRAP 6. VISUALAS RT 7. LITERATURE 8. FILMVIDEOGRAP 9. Kids need the ArtsThere are 55 million children enrolled in US Schools.All of them need and deserve an arts education.Its ElementaryIts Academic Its EssentialNational PTA Arts in Education 10. Its about Art. Its About Children. Its Fun!Promote the Arts Promote Reflections Something for everyone!LiteratureFilm/Video National PTA Arts in Education 11. Facts on Arts in Education Students who participate in the arts are 3 times more likelyto win an award for school attendance than those who do not. SAT takers involved in music performance score 58 pointshigher on verbal and 38 points higher on math portion ofthe test than those with minimal or no involvement in music. Students from low-income families who are involved in orchestraor band are more than twice as likely to perform at the highestlevels in math as peers who are not involved in music. The average high school graduation rate in the nations 50largest cities is 53%. The average high school graduation ratein the nations suburban areas is 71%. The average high schoolgraduation rate in schools that have arts programs is 90.2%. Its Elementary Its Academic Its Essential National PTA Arts in Education 12. Arts in Education for a New and Global WorldThe Partnership for 21st century skills (P21) believes that 21st century readinessis within reach of every student if our schools incorporate essential, higher-orderthinking skills into all core subjects. (The 3Rs and the 4 Cs)Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Collaboration Creativity & Innovation Communication National PTA Arts in Education 13. 2011 Hudson Reflections AwardsArts programs rank high on measures of increased teacher collaboration andenhanced partnerships with parents and the community. National PTA Arts in Education 14. Arts in EducationIts Elementary Its AcademicIts EssentialNational PTA Arts in Education 15. T H E F I N E P R I N T All HCSD students, Pre-K 12th grade, are eligible to participate. The local Art Reflections program is facilitated and sponsored by the Hudson PTA. Entry Forms are now available in the main office at your childs school and on thePTA website at www.hudsonpta.org. Deadline for completed entry forms and artwork is Friday, November 02, 2012. Please have your child submit his/her artwork to their schools main office. Blind Judging done by local artists who specialize in each respective category,Visual Art, Film Production, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, Literature,and Photography. This years Art Show and Awards Presentation will be held at the Hudson HighSchool on December 06, 2012 at 7:00 PM. All artwork will be on display thatevening and refreshments will be served. A special awards presentation for thestate advancers will be held April 18, 2013 at 6:30 8:00 PM at Ellsworth Hills. Local winners and state advancers will be on display at the Hudson Librarythereafter, and for the remainder of December. Special Needs applicants, Pre-K 12th grade, are given special consideration,please contact the program chair for more information see below. Jane Dilullo is this years Reflection Chair. More information can be found on theHudson PTA website; however, you can contact Jane via her e-mail atjdilullo@windstream.net if you are in need of additional information. 16. The Magic of a Moment For more information go to www.hudsonpta.org ore-mail Jane Dilullo, Reflections Chair atjdilullo@windstream.net 2012 Hudson PTA Reflections For all Pre-K 12 grade HCSD students 17. Visit www.hudsonpta.org for more information about Art Reflections and otherHudson PTA sponsored programs.For all Pre-K 12 grade HCSD students