2013 Unverified_The Rights of Persons With Disabilities Bill 2013_for Screen Readers

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8/13/2019 2013 Unverified_The Rights of Persons With Disabilities Bill 2013_for Screen Readers

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 NOTE 26 Jan 2014

This is an unverified, ‘leaked’ version of the Bill approved by

 India’s Cabinet in December 20!" 

 Despite efforts the #overnment is resistin$ the open sharin$ of this

version of %&'D bill publically" 

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.................................................................................................................1The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2013..............................................................5

CHAPTER 1........................................................................................................................

PRE!"#"$AR%..................................................................................................................&hort title, e'tent an( )o**en)e*ent ............................................................................


CHAPTER 2........................................................................................................................+R"HT& A$D E$T"T!E#E$T&......................................................................................+

E-alit/ an( non(is)ri*ination......................................................................................+

Co**nit/ !ife...............................................................................................................Prote)tion fro* inh*an treat*ent.................................................................................

Prote)tion fro* abse, iolen)e an( e'loitation............................................................Prote)tion an( safet/......................................................................................................11Ho*e an( fa*il/............................................................................................................11


A))essibilit/ in oting...................................................................................................12

A))ess to 4sti)e ............................................................................................................12!egal )aa)it/................................................................................................................13

Proision for gar(ianshi.............................................................................................13

Designation of athorities to sort ............................................................................1CHAPTER 3......................................................................................................................1


Dt/ of e()ational instittions ....................................................................................15&e)ifi) *easres to ro*ote an( fa)ilitate in)lsie e()ation..................................15

A(lt e()ation..............................................................................................................1

CHATPER ......................................................................................................................1

&8"!! DE9E!7P#E$T A$D E#P!7%#E$T...........................................................1&:ill (eelo*ent an( e*lo/*ent ..............................................................................1

 $on(is)ri*ination in e*lo/*ent...............................................................................1

E-al oortnit/ oli)/................................................................................................1;

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#aintaining re)or(s.......................................................................................................1;

Aoint*ent of riean)e Re(ressal 7ffi)er................................................................1;

CHAPTER 5......................................................................................................................1+&7C"A! &EC6R"T%, HEA!TH, REHAB"!"TA"T7$ A$D RECREAT"7$...............1+

&o)ial &e)rit/...............................................................................................................1+

Health Care....................................................................................................................1"nsran)e &)he*es.........................................................................................................20


Resear)h an( Deelo*ent............................................................................................20Cltre an( re)reation....................................................................................................20

&orting a)tiities..........................................................................................................21

CHAPTER .....................................................................................................................22

&PEC"A! PR79"&"7$& <7R PER&7$& ="TH BE$CH#AR8 D"&AB""!T"E&.......22<ree e()ation for )hil(ren with ben)h*ar: (isabilities...............................................22

Reseration in higher e()ational instittions...............................................................22

"(entifi)ation of osts for reseration............................................................................22

Reseration....................................................................................................................22"n)enties to e*lo/ers in riate se)tor.......................................................................23

&e)ial E*lo/*ent E')hange.....................................................................................23&e)ial &)he*es an( Deelo*ent Progra**es..........................................................2

CHAPER ; ........................................................................................................................2

&PEC"A! PR79"&"7$& <7R PER&7$& ="TH D"&AB"!"T"E& ="TH H"H&6PP7RT $EED&............................................................................................................2

&e)ial roisions for ersons with (isabilities with high sort................................2

CHAPTER +......................................................................................................................25

D6T"E& A$D RE&P7$&"B"!"T"E& 7< APPR7PR"ATE 79ER$#E$T&..............25Awareness Ca*aigns...................................................................................................25


A))ess to Transort........................................................................................................25A))ess to infor*ation an( )o**ni)ation te)hnolog/.................................................2

#an(ator/ obseran)e of a))essibilit/ nor*s...............................................................2

Ti*e li*it for *a:ing e'isting infrastr)tre an( re*ises a))essible an( a)tion forthat rose....................................................................................................................2;

Ti*e li*it for a))essibilit/ b/ seri)e roi(ers...........................................................2;

H*an resor)e (eelo*ent........................................................................................2;

&o)ial a(it.....................................................................................................................2+CHAPTER ......................................................................................................................2+

RE"&TRAT"7$ 7< "$&T"T6T"7$& <7R PER&7$& ="TH D"&AB"!"T"E& A$D

RA$T& T7 &6CH "$&T"T6T"7$&.............................................................................2+Co*etent athorit/.......................................................................................................2+


Ali)ation grant of )ertifi)ate of registration...............................................................2Reo)ation of registration..............................................................................................2

Aeal ...........................................................................................................................30

A)t not to al/ to instittions establishe( or *aintaine( b/ Central or &tate


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Assistan)e to registere( instittions...............................................................................31

CHAPTER 10....................................................................................................................31

CERT"<"CAT"7$ 7< &PEC"<"ED D"&AB"!"T"E&........................................................31i(elines for assess*ent of se)ifie( (isabilities........................................................31

Designation of )ertif/ing athorities.............................................................................31

Pro)e(re for )ertifi)ation.............................................................................................31Aeal against a (e)ision of )ertif/ing athorit/..........................................................32

CHAPTER 11....................................................................................................................32

CE$TRA! A$D &TATE AD9"&7R% B7ARD& 7$ D"&AB"!"T% A$D D"&TR"CT!E9E! C7##"TTEE......................................................................................................32

Constittion of Central A(isor/ Boar( on Disabilit/..................................................32

Ter* of offi)e of #e*bers............................................................................................3

Dis-alifi)ation..............................................................................................................359a)ation of seats b/ #e*bers.......................................................................................35

#eetings of the Central A(isor/ Boar(.......................................................................35

<n)tions of Central A(isor/ Boar( on (isabilit/.......................................................35

&tate A(isor/ Boar( on (isabilit/................................................................................3Ter*s an( )on(itions of seri)e of #e*bers ...............................................................3;

Dis-alifi)ation..............................................................................................................3+9a)ation of seats............................................................................................................3+

#eetings of &tate A(isor/ Boar( on (isabilit/ ...........................................................3+

<n)tions of &tate A(isor/ Boar( on (isabilit/...........................................................3+Distri)tleel Co**ittee on (isabilit/...........................................................................3

9a)an)ies not to inali(ate ro)ee(ings........................................................................3

CHAPTER 12 ...................................................................................................................3

 $AT"7$A! C7##"&&"7$ <7R PER&7$& ="TH D"&AB"!"T"E&...........................3Constittion of $ational Co**ission for ersons with (isabilities..............................0

&ele)tion an( aoint*ent of Chairerson an( #e*bers.............................................1

Ter* of offi)e of Chairerson an( #e*bers................................................................1Re*oal of Chairerson an( #e*bers.........................................................................2

#e*ber to a)t as Chairerson or to (is)harge his fn)tions in )ertain )ir)*stan)es. 2

Ter*s an( )on(itions of seri)e of Chairerson an( #e*bers....................................29a)an)ies, et). not to inali(ate the ro)ee(ings of $ational Co**ission..................3

Pro)e(re for $ational Co**ission..............................................................................3

7ffi)ers an( other staff of $ational Co**ission..........................................................3

Transfer of seri)e of e'isting e*lo/ees ...................................................................3A)tion b/ aroriate athorities on re)o**en(ation of the $ational Co**ission...

 $ational Co**ission to hae )ertain owers of )iil )ort..........................................

Annal an( se)ial reorts of $ational Co**ission....................................................5CHAPTR 13 ......................................................................................................................5

&TATE C7##"&&"7$ <7R PER&7$& ="TH D"&AB"!"T"E& ..................................5

Constittion of &tate Co**ission for ersons with (isabilities....................................5&ele)tion an( aoint*ent of its Chairersons an( #e*bers.......................................

Ter* of offi)e of Chairerson an( #e*bers................................................................;

Re*oal of Chairerson an( #e*bers.........................................................................;

#e*ber to a)t as Chairerson or to (is)harge his fn)tions in )ertain )ir)*stan)es. ;

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Ter*s an( )on(itions of seri)e of Chairerson an( #e*bers....................................+

9a)an)ies not to inali(ate the ro)ee(ings of &tate Co**ission...............................+

Pro)e(re for &tate Co**ission...................................................................................+7ffi)ers an( other staff of &tate Co**ission................................................................

Transfer of seri)e of e'isting e*lo/ees to &tate Co**ission...................................

Annal an( se)ial reorts of &tate Co**ission..........................................................Transitor/ roisions.....................................................................................................50

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................50

&PEC"A! C76RT.............................................................................................................50&e)ial Cort..................................................................................................................50

&e)ial bli) rose)tor...............................................................................................50

CHAPTER 15....................................................................................................................51

 $AT"7$A! <6$D <7R PER&7$& ="TH D"&AB"!"T"E&..........................................51 $ational <n( for ersons with (isabilities...................................................................51

A))onts an( a(it.........................................................................................................51

E'e*tion fro* ta' on wealth, in)o*e, rofits an( gains............................................52

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................527<<E$CE& A$D PE$A!T"E&.......................................................................................52

Pnish*ent for )ontraention of roisions of A)t or rles or reglations *a(etheren(er......................................................................................................................52

7ffen)es b/ )o*anies..................................................................................................52

Pnish*ent for fra(lentl/ aailing an/ benefit *eant for ersons with (isabilities..53Pnish*ents for offen)es of atro)ities...........................................................................53

Pnish*ent for failre to frnish infor*ation...............................................................5

Preios san)tion of aroriate oern*ent...............................................................5

Alternatie nish*ents................................................................................................5CHAPTER 1;....................................................................................................................5


Ali)ation of other laws not barre(.............................................................................5Prote)tion of a)tion ta:en in goo( faith.........................................................................55

Power to re*oe (iffi)lties..........................................................................................55

Power to a*en( &)he(le..............................................................................................55Power of Central oern*ent to *a:e rles.................................................................55

Powers of &tate oern*ent to *a:e rles...................................................................5

Power of $ational Co**ission to *a:e reglations....................................................5;

Powers of &tate Co**ission to *a:e reglations.........................................................5+Reeal an( saing .........................................................................................................5+

THE &CHED6!E..............................................................................................................5

&PEC"<"ED D"&AB"!"T"E&.........................................................................................5

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2013


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To give effect to the United Nations onvention on the Rights of Persons withDisabilities and for !atters connected therewith or incidental thereto"

#$%R%A& the United Nations 'eneral Asse!bl( ado)ted its onvention on theRights of Persons with Disabilities on the 13th da( of Dece!ber,200*+

AND #$%R%A& the aforesaid onvention la(s down the following )rinci)les fore!)ower!ent of )ersons with disabilities"

a res)ect for inherent dignit(, individ-al a-tono!( incl-ding the freedo!to !a.e one/s own choices, and inde)endence of )ersons+

b nondiscri!ination+c f-ll and effective )artici)ation and incl-sion in societ(+d res)ect for difference and acce)tance of )ersons with disabilities as )art

of h-!an diversit( and h-!anit(+e e-alit( of o))ort-nit(+f accessibilit(+g e-alit( between !en and wo!en+h res)ect for the evolving ca)acities of children with disabilities and

res)ect for the right of children with disabilities to )reserve theiridentities+

AND #$%R%A& ndia is a signator( to the said onvention+AND #$%R%A& ndia ratified the said onvention on the 1st  da( ofctober,2004+AND #$%R%A& it is considered necessar( to i!)le!ent the onventionaforesaid"B% it enacted b( Parlia!ent in the &i5t(fo-rth (ear of the Re)-blic of ndiaas follows6

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Short title, extent and commencement

1" 7i This Act !a( be called the Rights for Persons with Disabilities Act,2013"

7ii t e5tends to the whole of ndia e5ce)t the &tate of 8a!!- and 9ash!ir"7iii t shall co!e into force on s-ch date as the entral 'overn!ent !a(,b( notification in the ffiicial 'a:ette, a))oint"


2" n this Act, -nless the conte5t otherwise re-ires6

7a ;a))ellate a-thorit(< !eans an a-thorit( notified -nder s-bsection 71of section =2 or designated -nder s-bsection71 of section =>, as thecase !a( be+

7b ;a))ro)riate 'overn!ent< !eans7i in relation to the entral 'overn!ent or an( establish!ent wholl( or

s-bstantiall( financed b( that 'overn!ent, or a anton!ent Boardconstit-ted -nder the anton!ent Act, 1?2@, the entral

'overn!ent+ 6 7Re!ar.s 6 2 of 1?2@7ii in relation to a &tate 'overn!ent or an( establish!ent, wholl( or

s-bstantiall( financed b( that 'overn!ent, or an( local a-thorit(,other than a anton!ent Board, the &tate 'overn!ent"

7c ;barrier< !eans an( factor incl-ding co!!-nicational, c-lt-ral,econo!ic, environ!ental, instit-tional, )olitical, social or str-ct-ralfactors which ha!)ers the f-ll and effective )artici)ation of )ersonswith disabilities in societ(+

7d ;caregiver< !eans an( )erson incl-ding )arents and other fa!il(e!bers who with or witho-t )a(!ent )rovides care, s-))ort or

assistance to a )erson with disabilit(+7e ;certif(ing a-thorit(< !eans an a-thorit( designated -nder s-bsection

71 of section =*+7f ;co!!-nication< incl-des !eans and for!ats of co!!-nication,

lang-ages, dis)la( of te5t, Braille, tactile co!!-nication, signs, large)rint, accessible !-lti!edia, written, a-dio, )lainlang-age, h-!anreader a-g!entative and alternative !odes and accessible infor!ationand co!!-nication technolog(+

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7g ;co!)etent a-thorit(< !eans an a-thorit( a))ointed -nder section@>+7h ;establish!ent< !eans a cor)oration established b( or -nder a entral

Act or &tate Act or an a-thorit( or a bod( owned or controlled or aidedb( the 'overn!ent or a local a-thorit( or a 'overn!ent co!)an( asdefiend in section 2 of the o!)anies Act, 2013 and incl-des

De)art!ent of a 'overn!ent+ 6 7re!ar.s 6 1> of 20137i ;-nd< !eans the National -nd constit-ted -nder section 100+7C ;high s-))ort< !eans an intensive s-))ort, )h(sical, )s(chological and

otherwise, which !a( be re-ired b( a )erson with bench!ar. disabilit(for dail( activities, accessing facilities and )artici)ating in all areas oflife incl-ding ed-cation, e!)lo(!ent, fa!il( and co!!-nit( life andtreat!ent and thera)(+

7. ;incl-sive ed-cation< !eans a s(ste! of ed-cation wherein st-dentswith and witho-t disabilit( learn together and the s(ste! of teachingand learning is s-itabl( ado)ted to !eet the learning needs of differentt()es of st-dents with disabilities+

7l ;instit-tion< !eans an instit-tion for the rece)tion, care, )rotection,ed-cation, training, rehabilitation and an( other activities for )ersonswith disabilities+

7! ;local a-thorit(< !eans a -nici)alit( or a Pancha(at, as definedin cla-se 7e and cla-se 7f of article 2@3P of the onstit-tion+ aanton!ent Board constit-ted -nder section 10 of the anton!ents Act,200*+ and an( other a-thorit( established -nder an Act of Parlia!ent ora &tate egislat-re to ad!inister the civic affairs+ 6 7Re!ar.s 6 @1 of200*

7n ;National o!!ission< !eans the National o!!ission for )ersons withdisabilities constit-ted -nder section 43"

7o ;notification< !eans a notification )-blished in the fficial 'a:ette andthe e5)ression ;notif(< shall be constr-ed accordingl(+7) ;)erson with bench!ar. disabilit(< !eans a )erson with not less than

fort( )ercent of a s)ecified disabilit( where s)ecified disabilit( has notbeen defined in !eas-rable ter!s and incl-des a )erson with disabilit(where s)ecified disabilit( has been defined in !eas-rable ter!s, ascertified b( the certif(ing a-thorit(+

7 ;)erson with disabilit(< !eans a )erson with long ter! )h(sical, !ental,intellect-al or sensor( i!)air!ent which hinder his f-ll and effective)artici)ation in societ( e-all( with others+

7r ;)erson with disabilit( having high s-))ort needs< !eans a )erson with

bench!ar. disabilit( certified -nder cla-se 7a of s-bsection72 ofsection =4 who needs high s-))ort+

7s ;)rescribed< !eans )rescribed b( r-les !ade -nder this Act+7t ;reasonable acco!!odation< !eans necessar( and a))ro)riate

!odification and adC-st!ents, witho-t i!)osing a dis)ro)ortionate or-nd-e b-rden in a )artic-lar case, to ens-re to )ersons with disabilitiesthe enCo(!ent or e5ercise of rights e-all( with others+

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7- ;registered organi:ation< !eans an association of )ersons withdisabilities or a disabled )erson organi:ation, association of )arents of)ersons with disabilities, association of )ersons with disabilities andfa!il( !e!bers, or a vol-ntar( or nongovern!ental or charitableorgani:ation or tr-st, societ(, non)rofit co!)an( wor.ing for the

welfare of the )ersons with disabilities, d-l( registered -nder an Act ofParlia!ent or a &tate egislat-re+7v ;rehabilitation< refers to a )rocess ai!ed at enabling )erson with

disabilities to attain and !aintain o)ti!al, )h(sical, sensor(,intellect-al, )s(chiatric or social f-nction levels+

7w;&)ecial %!)lo(!ent %5change< !eans an( office or )lace establishedand !aintained b( the 'overn!ent for the collection and f-rnishing ofinfor!ation, either b( .ee)ing of registers or otherwise, regarding+

7i )ersons who see. to engage e!)lo(ees fro! a!ongst the )ersonss-ffering fro! disabilities+

7ii )ersons with bench!ar. disabilit( who see. e!)lo(!ent+

7iii vacancies to which )ersons with bench!ar. disabilities see.inge!)lo(!ent !a( be a))ointed"

75 ;s)ecified disabilit(< !eans the disabilities as s)ecified in the &ched-le+7( ;&tate o!!ission< !eans a &tate o!!ission for )ersons with

disabilities constit-ted -nder section >* of this Act+7: ;-niversal design< !eans the design of )rod-cts, environ!ents,

)rogra!!es and services to be -sable b( all )eo)le to the greateste5tent )ossible, witho-t the need for ada)tation or s)eciali:ed designand shall a))l( to assistive devices incl-ding advanced technologies for)artic-lar gro-) of )ersons with disabilities"



Equality and non-discrimination

3" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ens-re that the )ersons with

disabilities enCo( the right to e-alit(, life with dignit( and res)ect for his orher integrit( e-all( with others"

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e s)ecial !eas-res to )rotect therights of wo!en and children with disabilit( and also ta.e ste)s to -tili:e theca)acit( of )ersons with disabilities b( )roviding a))ro)riate environ!ent"

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73 No )erson with disabilit( shall be discri!inated on the gro-nd of disabilit(,-nless it is shown that the i!)-gned act or o!ission is a))ro)riate to achieve alegiti!ate ai!"

7@ No )erson shall be de)rived of his or her )ersonal libert( onl( on the gro-nd

of disabilit("

Community Life

@" 71 The )erson with disabilit( shall have the right to live in the co!!-nit("

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall endevao-r that the )ersons withdisabilities are6

7a not obliged to live in an( )artic-lar living arrange!ent+ and7b given access to a range of inho-se, residential and other

co!!-nit( s-))ort services, incl-ding )ersonal assistancenecessar( to s-))ort living with d-e regard to age and gender"

Protection from inhuman treatment

=" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e !eas-res to )rotect )erson withdisabilit( fro! being s-bCected to tort-re, cr-el, inh-!an or degradingtreat!ent"

72 No )erson with disabilit( shall be a s-bCect of an( research witho-t

7i his or her free and infor!ed consent obtained thro-gh accessible!odes, !eans and for!ats of co!!-nication+ and

7ii )rior )er!ission of an %thics o!!ittee constit-ted in the )rescribed!anner for the )-r)ose b( the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent in which notless than half of the e!bers shall the!selves be either )erson withdisabilit( or e!bers of the registered organi:ation as defined -ndercla-se 7- of section 2"

Protection from abuse, violence and exploitation.

*" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e !eas-res to )rotect )ersonswith disabilities fro! all for!s of ab-se, violence and e5)loitation, and to)revent the sa!e, shall6

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7a ta.e cogni:ance of incidents of ab-se, violence and e5)loitation and)rovide legal re!edies available against s-ch incidents+

7b ta.e ste)s for avoiding s-ch incidents and )rescribe the )roced-re for itsre)orting+

7c ta.e ste)s to resc-e, )rotect and rehabilitate victi!s of s-ch incidents+

and7d create awareness and !a.e available infor!ation a!ong the )-blic"

72 An( )erson or registered organi:ation who or which has reason to believethat an act of ab-se, violence or e5)loitation has been , or is being, or is li.el(to be co!!itted against an( )erson with disabilit(, !a( give infor!ation abo-tit to the %5ec-tive agistrate within the local li!its of whose C-risdiction s-chincidents occ-r"

73 The %5ec-tive agistrate on recei)t of s-ch infor!ation, shall ta.ei!!ediate ste)s to sto) or )revent its occ-rrence, as the case !a( be, or )ass

s-ch order as he dee!s fit for the )rotection of s-ch )erson with disabilit(incl-ding an order6

7a to resc-e the victi! of s-ch act, a-thori:ing the )olice or na(organi:ation wor.ing for )ersons with disabilities to )rovide for the safec-stod( or rehabilitation of s-ch )erson, or both, as the case !a( be+

7b for )roviding )rotective c-stod( to the )erson with disabilit(, if s-ch)erson so desires+

7c to )rovide !aintenance to s-ch )erson with disabilit("

7@ An( )olice officer who receives a co!)laint or otherwise co!es to .now of

ab-se, violence or e5)loitation towards an( )erson with disabilit( shall infor!the aggrieved )erson of6

7a his or her right to a))l( for )rotection -nder s-bsection72 and the)artic-lars of the %5ec-tive agistrate having C-risdiction to )rovideassistance+

7b the )artic-lars of the nearest organi:ation or instit-tion wor.ing for therehabilitation of )ersons with disabilities+

7c the right to free legal aid+7d the right to file a co!)laint -nder the )rovisions of this Act or an( other

law dealing with s-ch offence6 Provided that nothing in this section shall

be constr-ed in an( !anner as to relieve the )olice officer fro! his d-t(to )roceed in accordance with law -)on recei)t of infor!ation as to theco!!ission of a cogni:able offence"

7= f the %5ec-tive agistrate finds that the alleged act or behavio-rconstit-tes an offence -nder the ndian Penal ode, or -nder an( other law forthe ti!e being in force, he !a( forward the co!)laint to that effect to the

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8-dicial or etro)olitan agistrate, as the case !a( be, having C-risdiction inthe !atter" 7Re!ar.s 6 @= of 1>*0

Protection and safety 

4" 71 The )ersons with disabilities shall have e-al )rotection and safet( insit-ations of ris., ar!ed conflict, h-!anitarian e!ergencies and nat-raldisasters"

72 The National Disaster anage!ent A-thorit( and the &tate Disasteranage!ent A-thorit( shall ta.e a))ro)riate !eas-res to ens-re incl-sion of)ersons with disabilities in its disaster !anage!ent activities as defined -ndercla-se 7e of section 2 of the Disaster anage!ent Act, 200= for the safet( and)rotection of )ersons with disabilities" 7Re!ar.s 6 =3 of 200=

73 The District Disaster anage!ent A-thorit( constit-ted -nder section 2= ofthe Disaster anage!ent Act, 200= shall !aintain record of details of )ersonswith disabilities in the district and ta.e s-itable !eas-res to infor! s-ch)ersons of an( sit-ations of ris. so as to enhance disaster )re)aredness"7Re!ar.s 6 =3 of 200=

7@ The a-thorities engaged in reconstr-ction activities s-bse-ent to an(sit-ation of ris., ar!ed conflict or nat-ral disasters shall -nderta.e s-chactivities, in cons-ltation with the concerned &tate o!!ission, in accordancewith the accessibilit( re-ire!ents of )ersons with disabilities"

ome and family 

>" 71 N child with disabilit( shall be se)arated fro! his or her )arents on thegro-nd of disabilit( e5ce)t on an order of co!)etent co-rt, if re-ired, in thebest interest of the child"

72 #here the )arents are -nable to ta.e care of a child with disabilit(, theco!)etent co-rt shall )lace s-ch child with his or her near relations, andfailing that within the co!!-nit( in a fa!il( setting or in e5ce)tional cases inshelter ho!es r-n b( the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent or nongovern!entalorgani:ations, as !a( be re-ired"


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?" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ens-re that )ersons with disabilitieshave access to a))ro)riate infor!ation regarding re)rod-ctive and fa!il()lanning"

72 No )erson with disabilit( shall be s-bCect to an( !edical )roced-re which

leasds to infertilit( witho-t his or her free and infor!ed consent"

 "ccessibility in votin#

10" The %lection o!!ission of ndia and the &tate %lection o!!issions shallens-re that all )olling stations are accessible to )ersons with disabilities and all!aterials related to the electoral )rocess are easil( -nderstandable b( andaccessible to the!"

 "ccess to $ustice

11" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ens-re that )ersons with disabilitiesare able to e5ercise the right to access an( co-rt, trib-nal, a-thorit(,co!!ission or an( other bod( having C-dicial or -asiC-dicial or investigative)owers witho-t discri!ination on the basis of disabilit("

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e ste)s to )-t in )lace s-itables-))ort !eas-res for )ersons with disabilities s)eciall( those living o-tsidefa!il( and those disabled re-iring high s-))ort for e5ercising legal rights"

73 The National egal &ervices A-thorit( and the &tate egal &ervicesA-thorities constit-ted -nder the egal &ervices A-thorities Act, 1?>4 shall!a.e )rovisions incl-ding reasonable acco!!odations to ens-re that )ersonswith disabilities have access to an( sche!e, )rogra!!e, facilit( or serviceoffered b( the! e-all( with others" 7Re!ar.s 6 3? of 1?>4

7@ The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e ste)s to6

7a ens-re that all the their )-blic doc-!ents are in a accessiblefor!ats+

7b ens-re that filing de)art!ents, registr( or an( other office ofrecords are s-))lied with necessar( e-i)!ent to enable filing,storing and referring to the doc-!ents and evidence in accessiblefor!ats+ and

7c !a.e available all necessar( facilities and e-i)!ent to facilitaterecording of testi!onies, arg-!ents or o)inion given b( )ersonswith disabilities in their )referred lang-age and !eans ofco!!-nications"

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Le#al capacity 

12" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ens-re that the )erson with

disabilities have right, e-all( with others, to own or inherit )ro)ert(, !ovableor i!!ovable, control their financial affairs and have access to ban. loans,!ortgages and other for!s of financial credit"

72 #hen a conflict of interest arises between a )erson )roviding s-))ort and a)ersons with disabilit( in a )artic-lar financial, )ro)ert( or other econo!ictransaction, then s-ch s-))orting )erson shall abstain fro! )roviding s-))ortto the )erson with disabilit( in that transaction6

Provided that there shall not be a )res-!)tion of conflict of interest C-st b(blood, affinit( or ado)tion"

73 A )erson with disabilit( !a( alter, !odif( or dis!antle an( s-))ortarrange!ent and see. the s-))ort of another6

Provided that s-ch alteration, !odification or dis!antling shall be )ros)ectivein nat-re and shall not n-llif( an( third )art( transaction entered into b( the)erson with disabilit( with the aforesaid s-))ort arrange!ent"

7@ An( )erson )roviding s-))ort to the )erson with disabilit( shall not e5ercise-nd-e infl-ence and shall res)ect his or her a-tono!(, dignit( and )rivac("

Provision for #uardianship

13" 71 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in an( other law for the ti!e beingin force, on and fro! the date of co!!ence!ent of this Act, where a Districto-rt records a finding that a !entall( ill )erson is inca)able of ta.ing care ofhi!self or herself and of ta.ing an( legall( binding decisions on his or her own,it shall !a.e an order for a))oint!ent of li!ited g-ardian to ta.e care of s-ch!entall( ill )erson and ta.e all legal binding decisions on his or her behalf incons-ltation with s-ch )erson6

Provided that the District o-rt !a( grant )lenar( g-ardianshi) to the !entall(ill )erson -nder e5traordinar( sit-ations where li!ited g-ardianshi) co-ld notbe awarded"

%5)lanation E or the )-r)oses of this section6

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7i ;)lenar( g-ardianshi)< !eans g-ardianshi) whereb( s-bse-ent to afinding of inca)acit(, a g-ardian s-bstit-tes for the )erson withdisabilit( as the )erson before the law and ta.es all legall( bindingdecisions for hi! and the decisions of the )erson with disabilit( haveno binding force in law d-ring the s-bsistence of the g-ardianshi)

and the g-ardian is -nder no legal obligation to cons-lt with the)erson with disabilit( or deter!ine his or her will or )referencewhilst ta.ing decisions for hi!+ and

7ii ;li!ited g-ardianshi)< !eans a s(ste! of Coint decision whicho)erates on !-t-al -nderstanding an tr-st between the g-ardian andthe )erson with disabilit("

72 n and fro! the date of co!!ence!ent of this Act, ever( g-ardiana))ointed -nder an( )rovision of an( law for !entall( ill )ersons shall bedee!ed to f-nction as li!ited g-ardian6

Provided that where g-ardian a))ointed )rior to the co!!ence!ent of this Actis -nable to f-nction as li!ited g-ardian, the concerned District o-rt !a(grant )lenar( g-ardianshi) afresh ta.ing into acco-nt all relevant records ofthe concerned !entall( ill )erson within si5 !oths fro! the date ofco!!ence!ent of this Act"

%5)lanation6 or this )-r)oses of this section ;District o-rt< !eans, in an(area for which there is a cit( civil co-rt, that co-rt and in an( other area the)rinci)al civil co-rt of original C-risdiction, and incl-des an( other civil co-rtwhich the &tate 'overn!ent !a(, b( notification, s)ecif( as the co-rtco!)etent to deal with all or an( of the !atters s)ecified in this Act+

Desi#nation of authorities to support

1@" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall designate one or !ore a-thorities to!obili:e the co!!-nit( and create social awareness to s-))ort )ersons withdisabilities in e5ercise of their legal ca)acit("

72 The a-thorit( designated -nder s-bsection 71 shall ta.e !eas-res forsetting -) s-itable s-))ort arrange!ents to e5ercise legal ca)acit( b( )ersonswith disabilities living in instit-tions and those with high s-))ort needs an(

other !eas-res as !a( be re-ired"



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Duty of educational institutions

1=" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall endevao-r thatall ed-cational instit-tions f-nded b( the! )rovide incl-sive ed-cation to thechildren with disabilities and towards that end shall6

7i ad!it the! witho-t discri!ination and )rovide ed-cation ando))ort-nities for s)orts and recreation activities e-all( with others+

7ii !a.e b-ilding, ca!)-s and vario-s facilities accessible+7iii )rovide reasonable acco!!odation according to the individ-al/s

re-ire!ents+7iv )rovide necessar( s-))ort individ-ali:ed or otherwise in

environ!ents that !a5i!i:e acade!ic and social develo)!entconsistent with the goal of f-ll incl-sion+

7v ens-re that the ed-cation to )ersons who are blind or deaf or both isi!)arted in the !ost a))ro)riate lang-ages and !odes and !eans of

co!!-nication+7vi detect s)ecific learning disabilities in children at the earliest, and

ta.e s-itable )edagogical and other !eas-res to overco!e the!+7vii !onitor )artici)ation, )rogress in ter!s of attain!ent levels and

co!)letion of ed-cation in res)ect of ever( st-dent with disabilit(+7viii )rovide trans)ortation facilities to the children with disabilit( and

also the attendant of the children with disabilities having highs-))ort needs"

Specific measures to promote and facilitate inclusive education

1*" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall ta.e thefollowing !eas-res for the )-r)ose of section 1=, na!el(6

7a to cond-ct s-rve( of school going children for identif(ing children withdisabilities, ascertaining their s)ecial needs and the e5tent to whichthese are being !et+

7b to establish ade-ate n-!ber of teacher training instit-tions+7c to train and e!)lo( teachers, incl-ding teachers with disabilit( who are

-alified in sign lang-age and Braille and also teachers who are trainedin teaching children with intellect-al disabilit(+

7d to train )rofessionals and staff to s-))ort incl-sive ed-cation+7e to establish ade-ate n-!ber of reso-rce centres to s-))ort ed-cational

instit-tions+7f to )ro!ote the -se of a))ro)riate a-g!entative and alternative !odes

incl-ding !eans and for!ats of co!!-nication, Braille and signlang-age to s-))le!ent the -se of one/s own s)eech to f-lfill the dail(co!!-nication needs of )ersons with s)eech, co!!-nication or

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lang-age disabilities and enables the! to )artici)ate and contrib-te totheir co!!-nit( and societ("

7g to )rovide boo.s, other learning !aterials and a))ro)riate assistivedevices, to st-dents with bench!ar. disabilities, free of cost, -)to theage of eighteen (ears, and either free or at affordable cost, thereafter+

7h to )rovide scholarshi)s in a))ro)riate cases to st-dents with bench!ar.disabilit(+7i to !a.e s-itable !odifications in the c-rric-l-! and e5a!ination

s(ste! to !eet the needs of st-dents with disabilit( s-ch as e5tra ti!efor co!)letion of e5a!ination )a)er, facilit( of scribe or a!an-ensis,e5e!)tion fro! second and third lang-age co-rses+

7C to )ro!ote research to i!)rove learning+ and7. an( other !eas-res, as !a( be re-ired"

 "dult education

14" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall ta.e !eas-resto )ro!ote )artici)ation of )ersons with disabilities in ad-lt ed-cation andcontin-ing ed-cation )rogra!!es e-all( with others"



S%ill development and employment

1>" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall for!-late sche!es and )rogra!!esincl-ding )rovision of loans at concessional rates to facilitate and s-))orte!)lo(!ent of )ersons with disabilities es)eciall( for their vocational trainingand selfe!)lo(!ent"

&on-discrimination in employment

1?" 71 No establish!ent shall discri!inate against an( )erson with disabilit( inan( !atter relating to e!)lo(!ent6

Provide that the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent !a(, having regard to the t()e ofwor. carried on in an( establish!ent, b( notification and s-bCect to s-chconditions, if an(, e5e!)t an( establish!ent fro! the )rovisions of thissection"

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72 %ver( establish!ent shall )rovide a))ro)riate environ!ent to e!)lo(eeswith disabilities"

73 No )ro!otion shall be denied to a )erson !erel( on the gro-nd ofdisabilit("

7@ No establish!ent shall dis)ense with or red-ce in ran., an e!)lo(ee whoac-ires a disabilit( d-ring his or her service"

Provide that, if an e!)lo(ee after ac-iring disabilit( is not s-itable for the)ost he was holding, shall be shifted to so!e other )ost with the sa!e )a(scale and service benefits6

Provided f-rther that if it is not )ossible to adC-st the e!)lo(ee against an()ost, he !a( be .e)t on a s-))le!entar( )ost -ntil a s-itable )ost is availableor he attains the age of s-)erann-ation, whichever is earlier"

Equal opportunity policy 

20" 71 %ver( establish!ent shall notif( e-al o))ort-nit( )olic( detailing!eas-res )ro)osed to be ta.en b( it in )-rs-ance of the )rovisions of thisha)ter in the !anner as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent"

72 %ver( establish!ent shall register a co)( of the said )olic( with theNational o!!ission or the &tate o!!ission, as the case !a( be"

 'aintainin# records

21" 71 %ver( establish!ent shall !aintain records of the )ersons withdisabilities in relation to the !atter of e!)lo(!ent, facilities )rovided andother necessar( infor!ation in co!)liance with the )rovisions of this ha)terin s-ch for! and !anner as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent"

72 %ver( e!)lo(!ent e5change shall !aintain records of )ersons withdisabilities see.ing e!)lo(!ent"

73 The records !aintained -nder s-bsection 71 shall be o)en to ins)ection atall reasonable ho-rs b( s-ch )ersons as !a( be a-thori:ed in their behalf b(the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent"

 "ppointment of (rievance !edressal )fficer 

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22" 71 %ver( establish!ent shall a))oint a 'rievance Redressal fficer for the)r-)ose of section 1? and shall infor! the National o!!ission or the &tateo!!ission, as the case !a( be, abo-t the a))oint!ent of s-ch officer"

72 An( )erson aggrieved with the nonco!)liance of the )rovisions of section

1?, !a( file a co!)laint with the 'rievance Redressal fficer, who shallinvestigate it and shall ta.e -) the !atter with the establish!ent forcorrective action"

73 The 'rievance Redressal fficer shall !aintain a register of co!)laints inthe !anner as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent, and ever(co!)laint shall be loo.ed into within two wee.s of its registration"

7@ f the aggrieved )erson is not satisfied with the action ta.en on his or herco!)laint, he or she !a( a))roach the Districtevel o!!ittee on disabilit("




Social Security 

23" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall within the li!it of its econo!ic

ca)acit( and develo)!ent for!-late necessar( sche!es and )rogra!!es tosafeg-ard and )ro!ote the right of )ersons with disabilities for ade-atestandard of living to enable the! to live inde)endentl( or in the co!!-nit("

Provided that the -ant-! of assistance to the )ersons with disabilities -nders-ch sche!es and )rogra!!es shall be at least twent(five )ercent higher thanthe si!ilar sche!es a))licable to others"

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent while devising these sche!es and )rogra!!esshall give d-e consideration to the diversit( of disabilit(, gender, age, andsocioecono!ic stat-s"

73 The sche!es -nder s-bsection 71 shall )rovide for6

7a co!!-nit( centres with decent living conditions in ter!s of safet(,sanitation, health care and co-nseling+

7b facilities for )ersons incl-ding children with disabilit( who have nofa!il( or have been abandoned, or are witho-t shelter or livelihood+

7c s-))ort d-ring nat-ral or !an!ade disasters and in areas of conflict+

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7d s-))ort to wo!en with disabilit( for livelihood and for -)bringing oftheir children+

7e access to safe drin.ing water and a))ro)riate and accessible sanitationfacilities es)eciall( in -rban sl-!s and r-ral areas+

7f )rovisions of aids and a))liances, !edicine and diagnostic services and

corrective s-rger( free of cost to )ersons with disabilities with s-chinco!e ceiling as !a( be notified+7g disabilit( )ension to )ersons with disabilities s-bCect to s-ch inco!e

ceiling as !a( be notified+7h -ne!)lo(!ent allowance to )ersons with disabilities registered with

&)ecial %!)lo(!ent %5change for !ore than two (ears and who co-ldnot be )lace in an( gainf-l occ-)ation+

7i caregiver allowance to )ersons with disabilities with high s-))ortneeds+

7C co!)rehensive ins-rance sche!e for )ersons with disabilit(, not covered-nder the %!)lo(ees &tate ns-rance &che!es, or an( other stat-tor( or

'overn!ents)onsored ins-rance sche!es+7. an( other !atter which the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent !a( thin. fit"

ealth Care

2@" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall ta.enecessar( !eas-res for the )ersons with disabilities to )rovide6

7a free health care in the vicinit( s)eciall( in r-ral area s-bCect to s-chfa!il( inco!e as !a( be notified+

7b barrierfree access in all )arts of the hos)itals and other healthcareinstit-tions and centres r-n or aided b( the!+

7c )riorit( in attendance and treat!ent"

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ents and the local a-thorities shall ta.e !eas-resand !a.e sche!es or )rogra!!es to )ro!ote health care and )revent theocc-rrence of disabilities and for the said )-r)ose shall6

7a -nderta.e or ca-se to be -nderta.en s-rve(s, investigations andresearch concerning the ca-se of occ-rrence of disabilities+

7b )ro!ote vario-s !ethods for )reventing disabilities+

7c screen all the children at least once in a (ear for the )-r)ose ofidentif(ing ;atris.< cases+

7d )rovide facilities for training to the staff at the )ri!ar( health centres+7e s)onsor or ca-se to be s)onsored awareness ca!)aigns and disse!inate

or ca-se to be disse!inated infor!ation for general h(giene, health andsanitation+

7f ta.e !eas-res for )renatal, )erinatal and )ostnatal care of !other andchild+

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7g ed-cate the )-blic thro-gh the )reschools, schools, )ri!ar( $ealthentres, village level wor.ers and anganwadi wor.ers+

7h create awareness a!ongst the !asses thro-gh television, radio andother !ass !edia on the ca-ses of disabilities and the )reventive!eas-res to be ado)ted+

7i health care d-ring the ti!e of nat-ral disasters and other sit-ations ofris.+7C essential !edical facilities for life saving e!ergenc( treat!ent and

)roced-res+ and7. se5-al and re)rod-ctive health care es)eciall( for wo!en with


*nsurance Schemes

2=" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall, b( notification, !a.e ins-rance

sche!es for their e!)lo(ees with disabilities"


2*" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall within theirecono!ic ca)acit( and develo)!ent, -nderta.e or ca-se to be -nderta.enservices and )rogra!!es of rehabilitation, )artic-larl( in the areas of health,ed-cation and e!)lo(!ent for all )ersons with disabilities"

72 or the )-r)oses of s-bsection 71, the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the

local a-thorities !a( grant financial assistance to Non'overn!entrganisations"

73 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities, while for!-latingrehabilitation )olicies shall cons-lt the Non'overn!ental rgani:ationswor.ing for the ca-se of )ersons with disabilities"

!esearch and Development

24" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall initiate or ca-se to be initiated researchand develo)!ent thro-gh individ-als and instit-tions on iss-es which shallenhance habilitation and rehabilitation and on s-ch other iss-es which arenecessar( for the e!)ower!ent of )ersons with disabilities"

Culture and recreation

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2>" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall ta.e !eas-resto )ro!ote and )rotect the rights of all )ersons with disabilities to have ac-lt-ral life and to )artici)ate in recreational activities e-all( with otherswhich incl-de,7a facilities, s-))ort and s)onsorshi)s to artists and writers with disabilit( to

)-rs-e their interests and talents+7b establish!ent of a disabilit( histor( !-se-! which chronicles andinter)rets the historical e5)eriences of )ersons with disabilities+7c !a.ing art accessible to )ersons with disabilities+7d )ro!oting recreation centers, and other associational activities+7e facilitating )artici)ation in sco-ting, dancing, art classes, o-tdoor ca!)sand advent-re activities+7f redesigning co-rses in c-lt-ral and arts s-bCects to enable )artici)ation andaccess of )ersons with disabilities+ and7g develo)ing technolog(, assistive devices and e-i)!ents to facilitate accessand incl-sion for )ersons with disabilities in recreational activities"

Sportin# activities.

2?" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e !eas-res to ens-re effective)artici)ation in s)orting activities of the )ersons with disabilities"72 The &)orts a-thorities shall accord d-e recognition to the right of )ersonswith disabilities to )artici)ate in s)orts and shall !a.e d-e )rovisions for theincl-sion of )ersons with disabilities in their sche!es and )rogra!s for the)ro!otion and develo)!ent of s)orting talents"73 #itho-t )reC-dice to the )rovisions contained in s-bsections 71 and 72,the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the s)orts a-thorities shall ta.e !eas-res to,

7a restr-ct-re co-rses and )rogra!!es to ens-re access, incl-sion and)artici)ation of )ersons with disabilities in all s)orting activities+7b redesign and s-))ort infrastr-ct-re facilities of all s)orting activities for)ersons with disabilities+7c develo) technolog( to enhance )otential, talent, ca)acit( and abilit( ins)orting activities of all )ersons with disabilities+7d )rovide !-ltisensor( essentials and feat-res in all s)orting activities toens-re effective )artici)ation of all )ersons with disabilities+7e allocate f-nds for develo)!ent of state of art s)ort facilities for training of)ersons with disabilities+

7f )ro!ote and organi:e disabilit( s)ecific s)orting events for )ersons withdisabilities" 

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+ree education for children ith benchmar% disabilities

30"71 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in the rights of hildren to ree ando!)-lsor( %d-cation Act, 200?, ever( child with bench!ar. disabilit(between the age of si5 to eighteen (ears shall have the right to free ed-cationin a neighborhood school, or in a s)ecial school, if necessar("72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and local a-thorities shall ens-re that ever(child with bench!ar. disabilit( has access to free ed-cation in an a))ro)riateenviron!ent till he attains the age of eighteen (ears"

!eservation in hi#her educational institutions

31"71 All 'overn!ent instit-tions of higher ed-cation and other highered-cation instit-tions receiving aid fro! the 'overn!ent shall reserve not lessthan five )ercent seats for )ersons with bench!ar. disabilities+72 The )ersons with bench!ar. disabilities shall be given an -))er agerela5ation of five (ears for ad!ission in instit-tions of higher ed-cation"

*dentification of posts for reservation

32" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shallE7i identif( )osts in the establish!ents to be reserved for the )ersons withbench!ar. disabilit(+7ii review and -)date the list of identified )osts, ta.ing into consideration thedevelo)!ents in technolog(, at )eriodical intervals not e5ceeding five (ears"


  33"71 %ver( a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall reserve in ever( establish!ent-nder the!, not less than five )er cent, of the vacancies !eant to be filled for)ersons or class of )ersons with bench!ar. disabilit(, of which one )er cent,each shall be reserved for the )ersons with following disabilities,7a blindness and low vision+7b hearing i!)air!ent and s)eech i!)air!ent+7c loco!otor disabilit( incl-ding cerebral )als(, le)ros( c-red and !-sc-lard(stro)h(+

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7d a-tis!, intellect-al disabilit( and !ental illness+7e !-lti)le disabilities fro! a!ongst )ersons -nder cla-ses 7a to 7d incl-dingdeafblindness in the )osts identified for each disabilities6

Provided that the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent !a(, having regard to the t()e of

wor. carried on in an( de)art!ent or establish!ent, b( notification ands-bCect to s-ch conditions, if an(, as !a( be s)ecified in s-ch notification,e5e!)t an( establish!ent fro! the )rovisions of this section"

%5)lanation6 or the )-r)ose of this section, the co!)-tation of reservation ofvacancies for the )ersons with bench!ar. disabilities shall be co!)-ted on five)er cent, of the total cadre strength"

72 #here in an( recr-it!ent (ear an( vacanc( cannot be filled -) d-e to nonavailabilit( of a s-itable )erson with bench !ar. disabilit( or for an( others-fficient reasons, s-ch vacanc( shall be carried forward in the s-cceeding

recr-it!ent (ear and if in the s-cceeding recr-it!ent (ear also s-itable )ersonwith disabilit( is not available, it !a( first be filled b( interchange a!ong thefive categories and onl( when there is no )erson with disabilit( available forthe )ost in that (ear, the e!)lo(er shall fill -) the vacanc( b( a))oint!ent ofa )erson, other than a )erson with disabilit(6

Provided that if the nat-re of vacancies in an establish!ent is s-ch that a givencategor( of )erson cannot be e!)lo(ed, the vacancies !a( be interchangeda!ong the five categories with the )rior a))roval of the a))ro)riate'overn!ent"

73 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall b( notification, )rovide rela5ation of-))er age li!it -)to five (ears for e!)lo(!ent of )ersons with bench !ar.disabilit("

*ncentives to employers in private sector 

3@" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall, within theli!it of their econo!ic ca)acit( and develo)!ent, )rovide incentives toe!)lo(er in )rivate sectors to ens-re that at least five )er cent, of their wor.force is co!)osed of )ersons with disabilit("

Special Employment Exchan#e

3=" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent !a(, b( notification, re-ire that fro! s-chdate, the e!)lo(er in ever( establish!ent shall f-rnish s-ch infor!ation orret-rn as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent in relation to vacanciesa))ointed for )ersons with bench!ar. disabilit( that have occ-rred or areabo-t to occ-r in that establish!ent to s-ch &)ecial %!)lo(!ent %5change as

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!a( be notified b( the entral 'overn!ent and the establish!ent shallthere-)on co!)l( with s-ch re-isition"

Special Schemes and Development Pro#rammes

 3*" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local "a-thorities shall, b(notification, !a.e sche!es in favo-r of )ersons with bench!ar. disabilities, to)rovide,

7a five )er cent, reservation in allot!ent of agric-lt-ral land and ho-sing in allrelevant sche!es and develo)!ent )rogra!!es, with a))ro)riate )riorit( towo!en with bench!ar. disabilities+7b five )er cent, reservation in all )overt( alleviation and vario-sdevelo)!ental sche!es with )riorit( to wo!en with bench!ar. disabilities+7c five )er cent, reservation in allot!ent of land on concessional rate, where

s-ch land is to be -sed for the )-r)ose of )ro!oting ho-sing, shelter, setting-) of occ-)ation, b-siness, enter)rise, recreation centers and )rod-ctioncenters"




Special provisions for persons ith disabilities ith hi#hsupport

 34" 71 An( )erson with bench!ar. disabilit(, who considers hi!self to be inneed of high s-))ort, or an( )erson or organisation on his or her behalf, !a(a))l( to an a-thorit(, to be notified b( the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent,re-esting to )rovide high s-))ort"72 n recei)t of an a))lication -nder s-bsection 71, the a-thorit( shall referit to an FAssess!ent Board consisting of s-ch e!bers as !a( be )rescribed b(the entral 'overn!ent"73 The Assess!ent Board shall assess the case referred to it -nder s-bsection71 in s-ch !anner as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent, and shallsend a re)ort to the a-thorit( certif(ing the need of high s-))ort and itsnat-re"7@ n recei)t of a re)ort -nder s-bsection 73, the a-thorit( shall ta.e ste)sto )rovide s-))ort in accordance with the re)ort and s-bCect to relevantsche!es and orders of the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent in this behalf"

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 "areness Campai#ns

 3>"71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent, in cons-ltation with the Nationalo!!ission or the &tate o!!ission, as the case !a( be, shall cond-ct,enco-rage, s-))ort or )ro!ote awareness ca!)aigns and sensitisation)rogra!!es to ens-re that the rights of the )ersons with disabilities )rovided-nder this Act are )rotected"

72 The )rogra!!es and ca!)aigns s)ecified -nder s-b section 71 shall also,7a )ro!ote val-es of incl-sion, tolerance, e!)ath( and res)ect for diversit(+7b advance recognition of the s.ills, !erits and abilities of )ersons withdisabilities and of their contrib-tions to the wor.force, labo-r !ar.et and)rofessional fee+7c foster res)ect for the decisions !ade b( )ersons with disabilities on all!atters related to fa!il( life, relationshi)s, bearing and raising children+7d )rovide orientation and sensitisation at the school, college, Universit( and)rofessional training level on the h-!an condition of disabilit( and the rights of)ersons with disabilities+

7e )rovide orientation and sensitisation on disabling conditions and rights of)ersons with disabilities to e!)lo(ers, ad!inistrators and cowor.ers"7f ens-re that the rights of )ersons with disabilit( are incl-ded in thec-rric-l-! in Universities and colleges" 


3?" The National o!!ission shall, for!-late reg-lations for the )ersons withdisabilities la(ing down the standards of accessibilit( for the )h(sicalenviron!ent, trans)ortation, infor!ation and co!!-nications, incl-dinga))ro)riate technologies and s(ste!s, and other facilities and services

)rovided to the )-blic in -rban and r-ral areas"

 "ccess to ransport

@0 7 1 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e s-itable !eas-res to )rovide,

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7a facilities for )ersons with disabilities at b-s sto)s, railwa( stations andair)orts confor!ing to the accessibilit( standards relating to )ar.ing s)aces,toilets, tic.eting co-nters and tic.eting !achines+7b access to all !odes of trans)ort that confor! the design standards,incl-ding retrofitting old !odes of trans)ort, wherever technicall( feasible and

safe for )ersons with disabilities, econo!icall( viable and witho-t entailing!aCor str-ct-ral changes in design+7c accessible roads to address !obilit( necessar( for )ersons with disabilities"

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall develo) sche!es )rogra!!es to)ro!ote the )ersonal !obilit( of )ersons with disabilities at affordable cost to)rovide for,7a incentives and concessions+7b retrofitting of vehicles+ and7c )ersonal !obilit( assistance+

 "ccess to information and communication technolo#y 

@1" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e !eas-res to ens-re that,7i all contents available in a-dio, )rint and electronic !edia are in accessiblefor!at+7ii )ersons with disabilities have access to electronic !edia b( )roviding a-diodescri)tion, sign lang-age inter)retation and close ca)tioning+7iii electronic goods and e-i)!ent which are !eant for ever( da( -se areavailable in -niversal design+

 "ccess to transport and personal mobility 

@2" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall ta.e !eas-res to )ro!ote develo)!ent,)rod-ction and distrib-tion of -niversall( designed cons-!er )rod-cts andaccessories for general -se"

 'andatory observance of accessibility norms

@3" 71 No establish!ent shall be granted )er!ission to b-ild an( str-ct-re ifthe b-ilding )lan does not adhere to the reg-lations for!-lated b( the Nationalo!!ission -nder section 3?"72 No establish!ent shall be iss-ed a certificate of co!)letion or allowed tota.e occ-)ation of a b-ilding -nless it has adhered to the reg-lationsfor!-lated b( the National o!!ission" 

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ime limit for ma%in# existin# infrastructure and premisesaccessible and action for that purpose.

@@" 71 All e5isting )-blic b-ildings shall be !ade accessible in accordance withthe reg-lations for!-lated b( the National o!!ission within a )eriod note5ceeding five (ears fro! the date of notification of s-ch reg-lations6

Provided that the central 'overn!ent !a( grant e5tension of ti!e to thestates on a case to case basis for adherence to this )rovision de)ending ontheir state of )re)aredness and other related )ara!eters"

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and the local a-thorities shall for!-late and)-blish an action )lan based on )rioriti:ation, for )roviding accessibilit( in alltheir b-ildings and s)aces )roviding essential services s-ch as all )ri!ar(health centres, civil hos)itals, schools, railwa( stations and b-s sto)s"

ime limit for accessibility by service providers.@=" The service )roviders shall )rovide services in accordance with thereg-lations on accessibilit( for!-lated b( the National o!!ission -ndersection 3? within a )eriod of two (ears fro! the date of notification of s-chreg-lations6

Provided that the entral 'overn!ent, in cons-ltation with the Nationalo!!ission, !a( grant e5tension of ti!e for )roviding certain categor( ofservices in accordance with the said reg-lations"

uman resource development

 @*" 71 #itho-t )reC-dice to an( f-nction and )ower of Rehabilitation o-ncilof ndia constit-ted -nder the Rehabilitation o-ncil of ndia Act 1??2, thea))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall endeavo-r to develo) h-!an reso-rce for the)-r)oses of this Act and to that end shall, 7Re!ar.s 6 3@ of 1??27a !andate training on disabilit( rights in all co-rses for the training ofPancha(ati RaC e!bers, legislators, ad!inistrators, )olice officials, C-dgesand law(ers+7b ind-ct disabilit( as a co!)onent for all ed-cation co-rses for schools,colleges and Universit( teachers, doctors, n-rses, )ara!edical )ersonnel,

social welfare officers, r-ral develo)!ent officers, asha wor.ers, anganwadiwor.ers engineers, architects, other )rofessionals and co!!-nit( wor.ers+7c initiate ca)acit( b-ilding )rogra!!es incl-ding training in inde)endentliving and co!!-nit( relationshi)s for fa!ilies, e!bers of co!!-nit( andother sta.eholders and care )roviders on care giving and s-))ort+7d ens-re inde)endence training for )ersons with disabilities to b-ildco!!-nit( relationshi)s on !-t-al contrib-tion and res)ect+

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7e cond-ct training )rogra!!es for s)orts teachers with foc-s on s)orts,ga!es, advent-re activities+7f an( other ca)acit( develo)!ent !eas-res as !a( be re-ired"

72 All -niversities shall )ro!ote teaching and research in disabilit( st-dies

incl-ding establish!ent of st-d( centres for s-ch st-dies"73 n order to f-lfill the obligation stated in s-bsection 71, the a))ro)riate'overn!ent shall in ever( five (ears -nderta.e a need based anal(sis andfor!-late )lans for the recr-it!ent, ind-ction, sensiti:ation, orientation andtraining of s-itable )ersonnel to -nderta.e the vario-s res)onsibilities -nder inthis Act" 

Social audit

@4" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall -nderta.e social a-dit of all generalsche!es and )rogra!!es involving the )ersons with disabilities to ens-re that

the sche!e and )rogra!!es do not have an adverse i!)act -)on the )ersonswith disabilities and need the re-ire!ents and concerns of )ersons withdisabilities" 




Competent authority 

@>" The &tate 'overn!ent shall a))oint an a-thorit( as it dee!s fit to be aco!)etent a-thorit( for the )-r)oses of this ha)ter"


@?" &ave as otherwise )rovided -nder this Act, no )erson shall establish or!aintain an( instit-tion for )ersons with disabilities e5ce)t in accordance witha certificate of registration iss-ed in this behalf b( the co!)etent a-thorit(6

Provided that an instit-tion for care of !entall( ill )ersons, which holds a validlicence -nder section > of the ental $ealth Act, 1?>4 or an( other Act for theti!e being in force, shall not be re-ired to be registered -nder this Act"7Re!ar.s 6 1@ of 1?>4

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 "pplication #rant of certificate of re#istration

=0"71 %ver( a))lication for a certificate of registration shall be !ade to theco!)etent a-thorit( in s-ch for! and in s-ch !anner as !a( be )rescribed b(the &tate 'overn!ent"

72 n recei)t of an a))lication -nder s-bsection 71, the co!)etent a-thorit(shall !a.e s-ch en-iries as it !a( dee! fit and on being satisfied that thea))licant has co!)lied with the re-ire!ents of this Act and the r-les !adethere -nder, it shall grant a certificate of registration to the a))licant and ifnot satisfied, the co!)etent a-thorit( shall, b( order, ref-se to grant thecertificate a))lied for6

Provided that before !a.ing an( order ref-sing to grant a certificate, theco!)etent a-thorit( shall give the a))licant a reasonable o))ort-nit( of beingheard and ever( order of ref-sal to grant a certificate shall be co!!-nicatedto the a))licant in writing"

73 No certificate of registration shall be granted -nder s-bsection 72 -nlessthe instit-tion with res)ect to which an a))lication has been !ade is in a)osition to )rovide s-ch facilities and !eet s-ch standards as !a( be)rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent"

7@ The certificate of registration granted -nder s-bsection 7267a shall, -nless revo.ed -nder section =1 re!ain in force for s-ch )eriod as!a( be )rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent+7b !a( be renewed fro! ti!e to ti!e for a li.e )eriod+ and7c shall be in s-ch for! and shall be s-bCect to s-ch conditions as !a( be

)rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent"

7= An a))lication for renewal of a certificate of registration shall be !ade notless than si5t( da(s before the e5)ir( of the )eriod of validit("

7* A co)( of the certificate of registration shall be dis)la(ed b( the instit-tionin a cons)ic-o-s )lace"

74 %ver( a))lication !ade -nder s-bsection 71 or s-bsection 7= shall bedis)osed of b( the co!)etent a-thorit( within s-ch )eriod as !a( be)rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent"


!evocation of re#istration


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=1" 71 The co!)etent a-thorit( !a(, if it has reason to believe that the holderof a certificate of registration granted -nder s-bsection 72 of section @? has67a !ade a state!ent in relation to an( a))lication for the iss-e or renewal ofthe certificate which is incorrect or false in !aterial )artic-lars+ or7b co!!itted or has ca-sed to be co!!itted an( breach of r-les or an(

conditions s-bCect to which the certificate was granted+

it !a(, after !a.ing s-ch in-ir(, as it dee!s fit, b( order, revo.e thecertificate6Provided that no s-ch order shall be !ade -ntil an o))ort-nit( is given to theholder of the certificate to show ca-se as to wh( the certificate of registrationshall not be revo.ed"

72 #here a certificate of registration in res)ect of an instit-tion has beenrevo.ed -nder s-bsection 71, s-ch instit-tion shall cease to f-nction fro! thedate of s-ch revocation6

Provided that where an a))eal lies -nder section =2 against the order ofrevocation, s-ch instit-tion shall cease to f-nction, 7a where no a))eal has been )referred i!!ediatel( on the e5)ir( of the)eriod )rescribed for the filing of s-ch a))eal+ or7b where s-ch a))eal has been )referred, b-t the order of revocation hasbeen -)held, fro! the date of the order of a))eal"

73 n the revocation of a certificate of registration in res)ect of aninstit-tion, the co!)etent a-thorit( !a( direct that an( )erson with disabilit(who is an in!ate of s-ch instit-tion on the date of s-ch revocation, shall be6

7a restored to the c-stod( of his or her )arent, s)o-se or lawf-l g-ardian, asthe case !a( be, or7b transferred to an( other instit-tion s)ecified b( the co!)etent a-thorit("

7@ %ver( instit-tion which holds a certificate of registration which is revo.ed-nder this section shall, i!!ediatel( after s-ch revocation, s-rrender s-chcertificate to the co!)etent a-thorit("


=2" 71 An( )erson aggrieved b( the order of the co!)etent a-thorit( ref-sing

to grant a certificate or revo.ing a certificate !a(, within s-ch )eriod as !a(be )rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent, )refer an a))eal to s-ch a))ellatea-thorit(, as !a( be notified b( the &tate 'overn!ent against s-ch ref-sal orrevocation"

72 The order of the a))ellate a-thorit( on s-ch a))eal shall be final"

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 "ct not to apply to institutions established or maintained byCentral or State (overnment.

=3" Nothing contained in this ha)ter shall a))l( to an instit-tion for )ersonswith disabilities established or !aintained b( the entral 'overn!ent or a

&tate 'overn!ent" 

 "ssistance to re#istered institutions

=@" The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent !a( within the li!its of their econo!icca)acit( and develo)!ent, grant financial assistance to registered instit-tionsto )rovide services and to i!)le!ent the sche!es and )rogra!!es in)-rs-ance of the )rovisions of the Act"



(uidelines for assessment of specified disabilities

==" The entral 'overn!ent shall notif( g-idelines for the )-r)ose of assessingthe e5tent of s)ecified disabilit( in a )erson"

Desi#nation of certifyin# authorities.

=*" 71 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall designate )ersons, having re-isite-alifications and e5)erience, as certif(ing a-thorities, who shall beco!)etent to iss-e the disabilit( certificate"

72 The a))ro)riate 'overn!ent shall also notif( the C-risdiction within whichand the ter!s and conditions s-bCect to which, the certif(ing a-thorit( shall)erfor! its certification f-nctions"

Procedure for certification

 =4" 71 An( )erson with s)ecified disabilit(, !a( a))l(, in s-ch !anner as !a(be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent , to a certif(ing a-thorit( havingC-risdiction, for iss-ing of a certificate of disabilit("

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72 n recei)t of an a))lication -nder s-bsection7l, the certif(ing a-thorit(shall assess the disabilit( of the concerned )erson in accordance with relevantg-idelines notified -nder section ==, and shall, after s-ch assess!ent, as thecase !a( be 7a iss-e a certificate of disabilit( to s-ch )erson, in s-ch for! as !a( be

)rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent+7b infor! hi! in writing that he has no s)ecified disabilit(" 

 "ppeal a#ainst a decision of certifyin# authority 

 =>"71 An( )erson aggrieved with decision of the certif(ing a-thorit(, !a(a))eal against s-ch decision, within s-ch ti!e and in s-ch !anner as !a( be)rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent, to s-ch a))ellate a-thorit( as the &tate'overn!ent !a( designate for the )-r)ose"72 n recei)t of an a))eal, the a))ellate a-thorit( shall decide the a))eal in

s-ch !anner as !a( be )rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent" 




Constitution of Central "dvisory oard on Disability 

 =?"71 The entral 'overn!ent shall, b( notification, constit-te a bod( to be.nown as the entral Advisor( Board on Disabilit( to e5ercise the )owersconferred on, and to )erfor! the f-nctions assigned to it, -nder this Act"72 The entral Advisor( Board shall consist of67a the inister in charge of De)art!ent of Disabilit( Affairs in the entral'overn!ent, hair)erson, e5 officio+

7b the inister of &tate in charge dealing with De)art!ent of Disabilit( Affairsin the inistr( in the entral 'overn!ent, Gice hair)erson, e5 officio+

7c three e!bers of Parlia!ent, of who! two shall be elected b( o. &abhaand one b( the RaC(a &abha+ e!bers e5 officio+

7d the !inisters in charge of Disabilit( Affairs of all &tates and Ad!inistratorsor ie-tenant 'overnors of the Union territories, e!bers, e5 officio

7e &ecretaries to the 'overn!ent of ndia in charge of the inistries orDe)art!ents of Disabilit( Affairs, &ocial 8-stice and %!)ower!ent, &chool

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%d-cation and iterac(, and $igher %d-cation, #o!en and hild Develo)!ent,%5)endit-re, Personnel and Training, Ad!inistrative Refor!s and P-blic'rievances, $ealth and a!il( #elfare, R-ral Develo)!ent, Pancha(ati RaC,nd-strial Polic( and Pro!otion, Urban Develo)!ent, $o-sing and UrbanPovert( Alleviation, &cience and Technolog(, o!!-nications and nfor!ation

Technolog(, egal Affairs, P-blic %nter)rises, Ho-th Affairs and &)orts, RoadTrans)ort and $ighwa(s and ivil Aviation, e!bers, e5 officio+

7f &ecretar(, Planning o!!ission, e!ber, e5 officio

7g hair)erson, Rehabilitation o-ncil of ndia, e!ber, e5 officio+

7h hair)erson, National Tr-st for the #elfare of Persons with A-tis!,erebral Pals(, ental Retardation and -lti)le Disabilities, e!ber, e5officio+

7i hair!an c-! anaging Director, National $andica))ed inanceDevelo)!ent or)oration, e!ber, e5 officio+

7C hair!an c-! anaging Director, Artificial i!bs an-fact-ringor)oration, e!ber, e5 officio+

7. hair!an, Railwa( Board, e!ber, e5 officio+

7l Director'eneral, %!)lo(!ent and Training, inistr( of abo-r and%!)lo(!ent, e!ber, e5 officio,7! Director, National o-ncil for %d-cational Research and Training+ e!ber,

e5 officio+

7n hair)erson, National o-ncil of Teacher %d-cation, e!ber,e5 officio+

7o hair)erson, Universit( 'rants o!!ission, e!ber, e5 officio+

7) hair)erson, edical o-ncil of ndia, e!ber, e5 officio+7 Directors of the following nstit-tes6

7i National nstit-te for the Gis-all( $andica))ed, Dehrad-n+

7ii National nstit-te for the entall( $andica))ed, &ec-ndrabad+7iii Pandit Deen Da(al U)adh(a( nstit-te for the Ph(sicall( $andica))ed, NewDelhi+7iv Ali Havar 8-ng National nstit-te for the $earing $andica))ed,-!bai+7v National nstit-te for the rtho)aedicall( $andica))ed, 9ol.ata+7vi &wa!i Give.ananda National nstit-te of Rehabilitation Training andResearch, -ttac.+

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7vii National nstit-te for %!)ower!ent of Persons with -lti)le Disabilities,hennai+7viii National nstit-te for ental $ealth and &ciences, Bangalore+7i5 ndian &ign ang-age Research and Training entre, New Delhi"

e!bers, e5 officio"7r e!bers to be no!inated b( the entral 'overn!ent67i five e!bers who are e5)erts in the field of disabilit( and rehabilitation+7ii ten e!bers, as far as )racticable, being )ersons with disabilities, tore)resent Non'overn!ental rganisations concerned with disabilities ordisabled )ersons organi:ations6

Provided that o-t of the ten e!bers no!inated, at least, five e!ber shallbe wo!en and at least one )erson each shall be fro! &ched-led astes and&ched-led Tribes+7iii -)to three re)resentatives of national level cha!bers of co!!erce and

ind-str(,7s 8oint &ecretar( to the 'overn!ent of ndia dealing with the s-bCect ofdisabilit( )olic(, e!ber&ecretar(, e5 officio"

erm of office of 'embers*0"71 &ave as otherwise )rovided -nder this Act, a e!ber of the entralAdvisor( Board no!inated -nder cla-se 7r of s-bsection 72 of section =? shallhold office for a ter! of three (ears fro! the date of his no!ination6

Provided that s-ch a e!ber shall, notwithstanding the e5)iration of his ter!,

contin-e to hold office -ntil his s-ccessor enters -)on his office"72 The entral 'overn!ent !a( if it thin.s fit re!ove an( e!ber no!inated-nder cla-se 7r of s-bsection 72 of section =?, before the e5)ir( of his ter!of office after giving hi! a reasonable o))ort-nit( of showing ca-se against thesa!e"

73 A e!ber no!inated -nder cla-se 7r of s-bsection 72 of section =? !a(at an( ti!e resign his office b( writing -nder his hand, addressed to theentral 'overn!ent and the seat of the said e!ber shall there-)on beco!evacant"

7@ A cas-al vacanc( in the entral Advisor( Board shall be filled b( a freshno!ination and the )erson no!inated to fill the vacanc( shall hold office onl(for the re!ainder of the ter! for which the e!ber in whose )lace he was sono!inated"

7= A e!ber no!inated -nder s-bcla-se 7i or s-bcla-se 7iii of cla-se 7rs-bsection 72 of section =? shall be eligible for reno!ination"

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7* The e!bers no!inated -nder s-bcla-se 7i and s-bcla-se 7ii of cla-se7r of s-bsection 72 of section =? shall receive s-ch allowances as !a( be)rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent"

Disqualification *1"71 No )erson shall be a e!ber of the entral Advisor( Board, who7a is, or at an( ti!e has been, adC-dged insolvent or has s-s)ended )a(!entof his debts or has co!)o-nded with his creditors, or7b is of -nso-nd !ind and stands so declared b( a co!)etent co-rt, or7c is or has been convicted of an offence which, in the o)inion of the entral'overn!ent, involves !oral t-r)it-de, or7d is or at an( ti!e has been convicted of an offence -nder this Act, or7e has so ab-sed his )osition in the o)inion of the entral 'overn!ent as ae!ber so as to render his contin-ance in the office is )reC-dicial interests ofthe general )-blic"


/acation of seats by 'embers

 72 No order of re!oval shall be !ade b( the entral 'overn!ent -nder thissection -nless the e!ber concerned has been given a reasonable o))ort-nit(of showing ca-se against the sa!e"73 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-bsection 71 or s-bsection 7= ofsection *0, a e!ber who has been re!oved -nder this section shall not beeligible for reno!ination as a e!ber"

*2" f a e!ber of the entral Advisor( Board beco!es s-bCect to an( of thedis-alifications s)ecified in section *1, his seat shall beco!e vacant"

 'eetin#s of the Central "dvisory oard 

*3" The entral Advisor( Board shall !eet at least once in ever( si5 !onths andshall observe s-ch r-les of )roced-re in regard to the transaction of b-siness atits !eetings as !a( be )rescribed" 

+unctions of Central "dvisory oard on disability 

*@"71 &-bCect to the )rovision of this Act, the entral Advisor( Board ondisabilit( shall be the nationallevel cons-ltative and advisor( bod( ondisabilit( !atters, and shall facilitate the contin-o-s evol-tion of aco!)rehensive )olic( for the e!)ower!ent of )ersons with disabilities and thef-ll enCo(!ent of rights"

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72 n )artic-lar and witho-t )reC-dice to the generalit( of the foregoing)rovisions, the entral Advisor( Board on disabilit( shall )erfor! the followingf-nctions, na!el(67a advise entral 'overn!ent and &tate 'overn!ents on )olicies,)rogra!!es, legislation and )roCects with res)ect to disabilit(+

7b develo) a national )olic( to address iss-es concerning )ersons withdisabilities+7c review and coordinate the activities of all De)art!ents of the 'overn!entand other 'overn!ental and non'overn!ental rgani:ations which aredealing with !atters relating to )ersons with disabilities+7d ta.e -) the ca-se of )ersons with disabilities with the concerneda-thorities and the international organi:ations with a view to )rovide forsche!es and )roCects for the )ersons with disabilities in the national )lans+7e reco!!end ste)s to ens-re accessibilit(, reasonable acco!!odation, nondiscri!ination for )ersons with disabilities visIvis infor!ation, services andthe b-ilt environ!ent and their )artici)ation in social life+

7f !onitor and eval-ate the i!)act of laws, )olicies and )rogra!!es toachieve f-ll )artici)ation of )ersons with disabilities+ and7g s-ch other f-nctions as !a( be assigned fro! ti!e to ti!e b( the entral'overn!ent"

State "dvisory oard on disability 

 *="71 %ver( &tate 'overn!ent shall, b( notification, constit-te a bod( to be.nown as the &tate Advisor( Board on disabilit( to e5ercise the )owersconferred on, and to )erfor! the f-nction assigned to it, -nder this Act"

72 The &tate Advisor( Board shall consist of67a the inister in charge of the De)art!ent in the &tate 'overn!ent dealingwith disabilit( !atters, hair)erson, e5 officio+7bthe inister of &tate or the De)-t( inister in charge of the De)art!ent inthe &tate 'overn!ent dealing with disabilit( !atters, if an(, Gicehair)erson,e5 officio+7c secretaries to the &tate 'overn!ent in charge of the De)art!ents ofDisabilit( Affairs, &chool %d-cation, iterac( and $igher %d-cation, #o!en andhild Develo)!ent, inance, Personnel and Training, $ealth and a!il(#elfare, R-ral Develo)!ent, Pancha(ati RaC, nd-strial Polic( and Pro!otion,

abo-r and %!)lo(!ent, Urban Develo)!ent, $o-sing and Urban Povert(Alleviation, &cience and Technolog(, nfor!ation Technolog(, P-blic%nter)rises, Ho-th Affairs and &)orts, Road Trans)ort and an( otherDe)art!ent, which the &tate 'overn!ent considers necessar(, e!bers, e5officio+7d three e!bers of the &tate egislat-re of who! two shall be elected b( theegislative Asse!bl( and one b( the egislative o-ncil, if an( and where there

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is no egislative o-ncil, three e!bers shall be elected b( the egislativeAsse!bl(, e!bers, e5 officio+7e e!bers to be no!inated b( the &tate 'overn!ent67i five e!bers who are e5)erts in the field of disabilit( and rehabilitation+7ii five e!bers to be no!inated b( the &tate 'overn!ent b( rotation to

re)resent the districts in s-ch !anner as !a( be )rescribed6Provided that no no!ination -nder this s-bcla-se shall be !ade e5ce)t on thereco!!endation of the district ad!inistration concerned+7iii ten )ersons as far as )racticable, being )ersons with disabilities, tore)resent Non 'overn!ental rganisations or associations which are concernedwith disabilities6

Provided that o-t of the ten )ersons no!inated -nder this cla-se, at least, fiveshall be wo!en and at least one )erson each shall be fro! the &ched-ledastes and the &ched-led Tribes+7iv not !ore than three re)resentatives of the &tate ha!ber of o!!erce

and nd-str(+ 7f officer not below the ran. of 8oint &ecretar( in the De)art!ent dealingwith disabilit( !atters in the &tate 'overn!ent, e!ber&ecretar(, e5 officio" 

erms and conditions of service of 'embers

**"71 &ave as otherwise )rovided -nder this Act, a e!ber of &tate Advisor(Board no!inated -nder cla-se 7e of s-b section 2 of section *= shall holdoffice for a ter! of three (ears fro! the date of his no!ination6Provided that s-ch a e!ber shall, notwithstanding the e5)iration of his ter!,

contin-e to hold office -ntil his s-ccessor enters -)on his office"

72 The &tate 'overn!ent !a( if it thin.s fit re!ove an( e!ber no!inated-nder cla-se 7e of s-bsection 72 of section *=, before the e5)ir( of his ter!of office after giving hi! a reasonable o))ort-nit( of showing ca-se against thesa!e"

73 A e!ber no!inated -nder cla-se 7e of s-bsection 72 of section *= !a(at an( ti!e resign his office b( writing -nder his hand, addressed to the &tate'overn!ent and the seat of the said e!ber shall there-)on beco!e vacant"

7@ A cas-al vacanc( in the &tate Advisor( Board shall be filled b( a freshno!ination and the )erson no!inated to fill the vacanc( shall hold office onl(for the re!ainder of the ter! for which the e!ber in whose )lace he was sono!inated"

7= A e!ber no!inated -nder s-bcla-se 7i or s-bcla-se 7iii of cla-se 7e ofs-bsection 72 of section *= shall be eligible for reno!ination"

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7* the e!bers no!inated -nder s-bcla-se 7i and s-bcla-se 7ii of cla-se7e s-bsection 72 of section *= shall receive s-ch allowances as !a( be)rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent"


*4"7 1 No )erson shall be a e!ber of the &tate Advisor( Board, who7a is, or at an( ti!e has been, adC-dged insolvent or has s-s)ended )a(!entof his debts or has co!)o-nded with his creditors, or7b is of -nso-nd !ind and stands so declared b( a co!)etent co-rt, or7c is or has been convicted of an offence which, in the o)inion of the &tate'overn!ent, involves !oral t-r)it-de, or7d is or at an( ti!e has been convicted of an offence -nder this Act, or7e has so ab-sed in the o)inion of the &tate 'overn!ent his )osition as ae!ber as to render his contin-ance in the &tate Advisor( Board detri!ental tothe interests of the general )-blic"

72 No order of re!oval shall be !ade b( the &tate 'overn!ent -nder thissection -nless the e!ber concerned has been given a reasonable o))ort-nit(of showing ca-se against the sa!e"

73 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-bsection 71 or s-bJsection 7= ofsection **, a e!ber who has been re!oved -nder this section shall not beeligible for reno!ination as a e!ber"

/acation of seats


*>" f a e!ber of the &tate Advisor( Board beco!es s-bCect to an( of thedis-alifications s)ecified in section *4 his seat shall beco!e vacant" 

 'eetin#s of State "dvisory oard on disability

*?" The &tate Advisor( Board shall !eet at least once in ever( si5 !onths andshall observe s-ch r-les or )roced-re in regard to the transaction of b-siness atits !eetings as !a( be )rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent"

+unctions of State "dvisory oard on disability 40"71 &-bCect to the )rovisions of this Act, the &tate Advisor( Board shall bethe &tatelevel cons-ltative and advisor( bod( on disabilit( !atters, and shallfacilitate the contin-o-s evol-tion of a co!)rehensive )olic( for thee!)ower!ent of )ersons with disabilities and the f-ll enCo(!ent of rights"

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72 n )artic-lar and witho-t )reC-dice to the generalit( of the foregoing)rovisions, the &tate Advisor( Board on disabilit( shall )erfor! the followingf-nctions na!el(6

7a advise &tate 'overn!ent on )olicies, )rogra!!es, legislation and )roCects

with res)ect to disabilit(+7b develo) a &tate )olic( to address iss-es concerning )ersons withdisabilities+7c review and coordinate the activities of all De)art!ents of the &tate'overn!ent and other 'overn!ental and Non'overn!ental rgani:ations inthe &tate which are dealing with !atters relating to )ersons with disabilities"7d ta.e -) the ca-se of )ersons with disabilities with the concerneda-thorities and the international organi:ations with a view to )rovide forsche!es and )roCects for" the )ersons with disabilities in the &tate )lans+7e reco!!end ste)s to ens-re accessibilit(, reasonable acco!!odation, nondiscri!ination for )ersons with disabilities, services and the b-ilt environ!ent

and their )artici)ation in social life on an e-al basis with others+7f !onitor and eval-ate the i!)act of laws, )olicies and )rogra!!es designedto achieve f-ll )artici)ation of )ersons with disabilities+ and7g s-ch other f-nctions as !a( be assigned fro! ti!e to ti!e b( the &tate'overn!ent" 

District-level Committee on disability 

41" The &tate 'overn!ent shall constit-te the Districtlevel o!!ittee ondisabilit( to )erfor! s-ch f-nctions as !a( be )rescribed b( it"

/acancies not to invalidate proceedin#s

42" No act or )roceeding of the entral Advisor( Board on disabilit(, a &tateAdvisor( Board on disabilit(, or a Districtevel o!!ittee on disabilit( shall becalled in -estion on the gro-nd !erel( of the e5istence of an( vacanc( in oran( defect in the constit-tion of s-ch Board or o!!ittee as the case !a( be" 



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Constitution of &ational Commission for persons ithdisabilities

43"7 1 The entral 'overn!ent shall, b( notification, constit-te a bod( to be.nown as the National o!!ission for )ersons with disabilities to e5ercise the)owers conferred -)on and to )erfor! the following f-nctions, na!el(6

7a identif(, s-o !ot- or otherwise, )rovisions of an( law, )olicies,)rogra!!es and )roced-res, which are inconsistent with this Act, andreco!!end necessar( corrective ste)s+7b in-ire, s-o !ot- or otherwise with res)ect to de)rivation of rights of)ersons with disabilities and safeg-ards available to the! in res)ect of !attersfor which the entral 'overn!ent is the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent and ta.e -)the !atter with the a))ro)riate a-thorities for corrective action+7c review the safeg-ards )rovided b( or -nder this Act or an( other law for theti!e being in force for the )rotection of rights of )ersons with disabilities andreco!!end !eas-res for their effective i!)le!entation+7d review the factors that inhibit the enCo(!ent of rights of )ersons withdisabilities and reco!!end a))ro)riate re!edial !eas-res+7e st-d( treaties and other international instr-!ents on the rights of )ersonswith disabilities and !a.e reco!!endations for their effectivei!)le!entation+7f -nderta.e and )ro!ote research in the field of the rights of )ersons withdisabilities+7g )ro!ote awareness of the rights of )ersons with disabilities and thesafeg-ards available for their )rotection+7h !onitor i!)le!entation of the )rovisions of this Act and sche!es,)rogra!!es !eant for )ersons with disabilities+7i !onitor -tili:ation of f-nds disb-rsed b( the entral 'overn!ent for thebenefit of )ersons with disabilities+ and7C s-ch other f-nctions as the entral 'overn!ent !a( assign"

72 The National o!!ission shall consist of a hair)erson who is a )erson ofe!inence with a disting-ished record of service of not less than twent(five(ears in the field of disabilit(, and two e!bers with disting-ished record ofservice of not less than twent( (ears in the field of rehabilitation, advocac(,law, !anage!ent and technolog( concerning disabilit( !atters6

Provided that o-t of the two e!bers, one e!ber shall be a )erson withdisabilit("73 The head office of the National o!!ission shall be in the National a)italRegion, Delhi"

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Selection and appointment of Chairperson and 'embers

4@"71 The entral 'overn!ent shall, for the )-r)ose of selection of thehair)erson and the e!bers of the National o!!ission, constit-te a&election o!!ittee consisting of7a abinet &ecretar(hair)erson+

7b &ecretar( in charge of the inistr( or the De)art!ent res)onsible forad!inistration of this Act as the convenere!ber+7c &ecretar( in charge of the inistries or the De)art!ents of the entral'overn!ent dealing with health and )ersonnel e!bers+7d two e5)erts in the field of e!)ower!ent and rehabilitation of )ersons withdisabilit( !atters as !a( be no!inated b( the entral 'overn!ent e!bers"

72 The entral 'overn!ent shall, within two !onths fro! the date ofocc-rrence of an( vacanc( b( reason of death, resignation or re!oval of thehair)erson or a e!ber of National o!!ission and three !onths before thes-)erann-ation or co!)letion of the ter! of office of the hair)erson or an(

e!ber of that o!!ission, !a.e a reference to the &election o!!ittee forfilling -) of the vacanc("

73 The &election o!!ittee shall finalise the selection of the hair)erson ande!bers of the National o!!ission within two !onths fro! the date onwhich the reference is !ade to it"7@ The &election o!!ittee shall reco!!end a )anel of two na!es for ever(vacanc( referred to it"7= The &election o!!ittee, before reco!!ending an( )erson fora))oint!ent as a hair)erson or other e!ber of the National o!!ission,shall satisf( itself that s-ch )erson does not have an( financial or other

interest, which is li.el( to affect )reC-diciall( his f-nctions as a e!ber"7* No a))oint!ent of the hair)erson or other e!ber of the Nationalo!!ission shall be invalid !erel( b( reason of an( vacanc( in the &electiono!!ittee"

erm of office of Chairperson and 'embers

4="71 The hair)erson and a e!ber of the National o!!ission shall ofhair)erson hold office for a ter! of three (ears fro! the date on which heenters -)on his and e!bers" office or -ntil he attains the age of si5t( five(ears, whichever is earlier and shall be eligible for rea))oint!ent for anotherter! of three (ears"72 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-b section 71, the hair)erson oran( e!ber !a(7a relin-ish his office b( giving in writing to the entral 'overn!ent a noticeof not less than three !onths+ or7b be re!oved fro! his office in accordance with the )rovisions of section 4*"

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!emoval of Chairperson and 'embers

4*"71 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-bsection 71 of section 4=, theentral 'overn!ent !a(, b( order, re!ove fro! office the hair)erson or an(other e!bers, if the hair)erson or as the case !a( be, s-ch other e!ber,7a has been adC-dged an insolvent+ or

7b has been convicted of an offence which, in the o)inion of the entral'overn!ent, involves !oral t-r)it-de+ or7c has beco!e )h(sicall( or !entall( inca)able of acting as a e!ber+ or7d has ac-ired s-ch financial or other interests as is li.el( to affect)reC-diciall( his f-nctions as a e!ber+ or7e has so ab-sed his )osition as to render his contin-ance in office )reC-dicialto the )-blic interest"72 No e!ber shall be re!oved -nder cla-ses 7d and 7e of s-bsection 71-nless he has been given a reasonable o))ort-nit( of being heard in the!atter"

 'ember to act as Chairperson or to dischar#e his functions incertain circumstances

44"71 n the event of an( vacanc( in the office of the hair)erson b( reason ofhis death, resignation or otherwise, the entral 'overn!ent !a( designate thesenior !ost e!ber to act as the hair)erson -ntil the da( on which ahair)erson, a))ointed in accordance with the )rovisions of this Act to fill s-chvacanc(, enters -)on his office"

72 #hen the hair)erson is -nable to discharge his f-nctions owing to absence,

illness or an( other ca-se, the entral 'overn!ent !a( a-thorise the senior!ost e!ber to discharge the f-nctions of the hair)erson -ntil the date onwhich the hair)erson res-!es his d-ties"

73 The senior!ost e!ber designated to act -nder s-bsection 71 or todischarge f-nctions of the hair)erson -nder s-bsection 72, of thehair)erson shall contin-e to draw salar( and allowances of a e!ber"

erms and conditions of service of Chairperson and 'embers

4>" The salaries and allowances )a(able to, and the other ter!s and conditions

of service of, the hair)erson and e!bers of the National o!!ission shall bes-ch as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent6Provided that neither the salar( and allowances nor the other ter!s andconditions of service of the hair)erson or a e!ber shall be varied to hisdisadvantage after his a))oint!ent"

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/acancies, etc. not to invalidate the proceedin#s of &ationalCommission

4?" No act or )roceeding of the National o!!ission shall be invalid !erel( b(reason of6

7a an( vacanc( in, or an( defect in the constit-tion of, the Nationalo!!ission+ or7b an( defect in the a))oint!ent of a )erson acting as a e!ber of theNational o!!ission+ or7c an( irreg-larit( in the )roced-re of the National o!!ission not affectingthe !erits of the case"

Procedure for &ational Commission

>0"71 The National o!!ission shall !eet at s-ch ti!e and )lace as the

hair)erson !a( thin. fit"

72 &-bCect to the )rovisions of this Act and the r-les !ade there -nder, theNational o!!ission shall have the )ower to la( down, b( reg-lations, its own)roced-re"

73 All orders and decisions of the National o!!ission shall be a-thenticatedb( the &ecretar( or an( other officer of the National o!!ission d-l(a-thorised b( the hair)erson in this behalf"

)fficers and other staff of &ational Commission>1"71 The entral 'overn!ent shall !a.e available to the Nationalo!!ission an officer of the ran. of an Additional &ecretar( to the'overn!ent of ndia who shall be the &ecretar( to the National o!!ission"72 &-bCect to s-ch r-les as !a( be !ade b( the entral 'overn!ent in thisbehalf, the National o!!ission !a( a))oint s-ch other ad!inistrative andtechnical officers and staff as it !a( consider necessar("73 The salaries, allowances and conditions of service of the officers and otherstaff a))ointed -nder s-bsection 72 shall be s-ch as !a( be )rescribed b( theentral 'overn!ent"

ransfer of service of existin# employees

>2" &-bCect to the )rovisions of this Act, ever( )erson e!)lo(ed in the fficeof hief o!!issioner for )ersons with disabilities constit-ted -nder section =4of the Persons with Disabilities 7%-al ))ort-nities, Protection of Rights and-ll Partici)ation Act, 1??= i!!ediatel( before the date of establish!ent ofthe National o!!ission shall, on and fro! s-ch date, beco!e an e!)lo(ee ofthe National o!!ission with s-ch designation as the National o!!ission !a(

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deter!ine and shall hold his office or service therein b( the sa!e ten-re, atthe sa!e re!-neration and -)on the sa!e ter!s and conditions as he wo-ldhave held on s-ch date if the National o!!ission had not been establishedand shall contin-e to do so -nless and -ntil his e!)lo(!ent in the Nationalo!!ission is ter!inated or -ntil s-ch ten-re, re!-neration and ter!s and

conditions are d-l( altered b( the National o!!ission6 7Re!ar.s 6 1 of 1??*

Provided that the ten-re, re!-neration and ter!s and conditions of service ofan( s-ch )erson shall not be altered to his disadvantage witho-t the )revio-sa))roval of the entral 'overn!ent"

 "ction by appropriate authorities on recommendation of the&ational Commission

>3" #henever the National o!!ission !a.es a reco!!endation to ana-thorit( in )-rs-ance of cla-se 7b of s-bsection 71 of section 43, that

a-thorit( shall ta.e necessar( action on it, and infor! the o!!ission of theaction ta.en within three !onths fro! the date of recei)t of thereco!!endation6

Provided that where an a-thorit( does not acce)t a reco!!endation, it shallconve( reasons for non acce)tance to the National o!!ission within the)eriod of three !onths, and shall also infor! the aggrieved )erson"

&ational Commission to have certain poers of civil court

>@"71 The National o!!ission shall, for the )-r)ose of discharging itsf-nctions -nder this Act, have the sa!e )owers of a civil co-rt as are vested ina co-rt -nder the ode of ivil Proced-re, 1?0> while tr(ing a s-it, in res)ectof the following !atters, na!el(6 7Re!ar.s 6 = of 1??>7aK s-!!oning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses+7b re-iring the discover( and )rod-ction of an( doc-!ent+7c re-isitioning an( )-blic record or co)( thereof fro! an( co-rt or office+7d receiving evidence on affidavits+ and7e iss-ing co!!issions for the e5a!ination of witnesses or doc-!ents"

72 %ver( )roceeding before the National o!!ission shall be a C-dicial)roceeding within the !eaning of sections 1?3 and 22> of the ndian Penalode and the National o!!ission shall be dee!ed to be a civil co-rt for the)-r)oses of section 1?= and ha)ter LLG of the ode of ri!inal Proced-re,1?43" 7Re!ar.s 6 @= of 1>*0 M 2 of 1?4@ 

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 "nnual and special reports of &ational Commission

 >="71 The National o!!ission shall s-b!it an ann-al re)ort to the entral'overn!ent and !a( at an( ti!e s-b!it s)ecial re)orts on an( !atter which,in its o)inion, is of s-ch -rgenc( or i!)ortance that it shall not be deferred tills-b!ission of the ann-al re)ort"

72 The entral 'overn!ent shall ca-se the ann-al and s)ecial re)orts of theNational o!!ission to be laid before each $o-se of Parlia!ent, along with a!e!orand-! of action ta.en or )ro)osed to be ta.en on the reco!!endationsof the o!!ission and the reasons for nonacce)tance of thereco!!endations, if an("

73 The ann-al and s)ecial re)orts shall be )re)ared in s-ch for!, !anner andcontain s-ch details as !a( be )rescribed b( the entral 'overn!ent" 



Constitution of State Commission for persons ith disabilities

>*"71 A &tate 'overn!ent shall constit-te a bod( to be .nown as the &tateo!!ission for )ersons with disabilities or two or !ore &tates on !-t-alconsent can have one o!!ission in res)ect of their &tates to e5ercise the

)owers conferred -)on and to )erfor! the following f-nctions na!el(67a identif(, s-o !ot-, or otherwise, )rovisions of an( law, )olicies,)rogra!!es and )roced-res of the &tate 'overn!ent , which are inconsistentwith the )rovisions of this Act, and reco!!end necessar( corrective ste)s+7b in-ire, s-o !ot- or otherwise, with res)ect to de)rivation of rights of)ersons with disabilities and safeg-ards available to the!, in res)ect of!atters for which the &tate 'overn!ent is the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent andta.e -) the !atter with the a))ro)riate a-thorities for corrective action+7c review the safeg-ards )rovided b( or -nder this Act or an( other law for theti!e being in force for the )rotection of rights of )ersons with disabilities andreco!!end !eas-res for their effective i!)le!entation+

7d review the factors that inhibit the enCo(!ent of rights of )ersons withdisabilities and reco!!end a))ro)riate re!edial !eas-res+7e -nderta.e and )ro!ote research in the field of the rights of )ersons withdisabilities+7f )ro!ote awareness of the rights of )ersons with disabilities arid thesafeg-ards available for their )rotection+7g !onitor i!)le!entation of the )rovisions of this Act and sche!es,)rogra!!es !eant for )ersons with disabilities+

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7h !onitor -tili:ation of f-nds disb-rsed b( the &tate 'overn!ent for thebenefit of )ersons with disabilities+ and7i s-ch other f-nctions as !a( be assigned b( the &tate 'overn!ent fro! ti!eto ti!e"

72 The &tate o!!ission shall consist of a hair)erson who is a )erson ofe!inence, with a disting-ished record of service of not less than twent( (earsin the field of disabilit(, and two e!bers, with disting-ished record of serviceof not less than fifteen (ears in the field of rehabilitation, advocac(, law,!anage!ent, technolog( concerning disabilit( !atters6

Provided that o-t of the two e!bers, one e!ber shall be a )erson withdisabilit("

73 The head-arters of the &tate o!!ission shall be at s-ch )lace as the&tate 'overn!ent !a(, b( notification, s)ecif("

Selection and appointment of its Chairpersons and 'embers

 >4"71 The &tate 'overn!ent shall, for the )-r)ose of selection of thehair)erson and the e!bers of the &tate o!!ission, constit-te a &electiono!!ittee consisting of7a hief &ecretar(hair)erson+7b &ecretar( in charge of the inistr( or the De)art!ent res)onsible forad!inistration of this Act as the convener e!ber+7c &ecretar( in charge of the De)art!ents of the &tate 'overn!ent dealing

with $ealth, and Personnel e!bers+7d two e5)erts in the field of rehabilitation of )ersons with disabilit( !attersas !a( be no!inated b( the &tate 'overn!ent e!ber"

72 The &tate 'overn!ent shall, within two !onths fro! the date ofocc-rrence of an( vacanc( b( reason of death, resignation or re!oval of thehair)erson or a e!ber of &tate o!!ission and three !onths before thes-)erann-ation or co!)letion of the ter! of office of the hair)erson or an(e!ber of that o!!ission, !a.e a reference to the &election o!!ittee forfilling -) of the vacanc("

73 The &election o!!ittee shall finalise the selection of the hair)erson ande!bers of the &tate o!!ission within two !onths fro! the date on whichthe reference is !ade to it"

7@ The &election o!!ittee shall reco!!end a )anel of two na!es for ever(vacanc( referred to it"

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7= Before reco!!ending an( )erson for a))oint!ent as a hair)erson or othere!ber of the &tate o!!ission, the &election o!!ittee shall satisf( itselfthat s-ch )erson does not have an( financial or other interest, which is li.el(to affect )reC-diciall( his f-nctions as a e!ber"

7* No a))oint!ent of the hair)erson or other e!ber of &tate o!!issionshall be invalid !erel( b( reason of an( vacanc( in the &election o!!ittee"

erm of office of Chairperson and 'embers

>>"71 The hair)erson and e!bers of the &tate o!!ission shall hold officefor a ter! of three (ears fro! the date on which he enters -)on his office or-ntil he attains the age of si5t(five (ears, whichever is earlier and shall beeligible for rea))oint!ent for another ter! of three (ears"72 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-b section 71, the hair)erson oran( e!ber !a(

7a relin-ish his office b( giving in writing to the &tate 'overn!ent a notice ofnot less than three !onths+ or7b be re!oved fro! his office in accordance with the )rovisions of section >?"

!emoval of Chairperson and 'embers

>?"71 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-bsection 71 of section >>, the&tate 'overn!ent !a(, b( order, re!ove fro! office the hair)erson or an(other e!bers, if the hair)erson or as the case !a( be, s-ch other e!ber,7a has been adC-dged an insolvent+ or7b has been convicted of an offence which, in the o)inion of the &tate

'overn!ent, involves !oral t-r)it-de+ or7c has beco!e )h(sicall( or !entall( inca)able of acting as a e!ber, or7d has ac-ired s-ch financial or other interests as is li.el( to affect)reC-diciall( his f-nctions as a e!ber+ or7e has so ab-sed his )osition as to render his contin-ance in office )reC-dicialto the )-blic interest"

72 No e!ber shall be re!oved -nder cla-ses 7d and 7e of s-bsection 71-nless he has been given a reasonable o))ort-nit( of being heard in the!atter"

 'ember to act as Chairperson or to dischar#e his functions incertain circumstances

?0"71 n the event of an( vacanc( in the office of the hair)erson b( reason ofhis death, resignation or otherwise, the &tate 'overn!ent !a( designate thesenior !ost e!ber to act as the hair)erson -ntil the da( on which a

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hair)erson, a))ointed in accordance with the )rovisions of this Act to fill s-chvacanc(, enters -)on his office"

72 #hen the hair)erson is -nable to discharge his f-nctions owing to absence,illness or an( other ca-se, the &tate 'overn!ent !a( a-thorise the senior !ost

e!ber to discharge the f-nctions of the hair)erson -ntil the date on whichthe hair)erson res-!es his d-ties"

73 The senior!ost e!ber designated to act -nder s-bsection 71 or todischarge f-nctions of the hair)erson -nder s-bsection 72, of thehair)erson shall contin-e to draw salar( and allowances of a e!ber" 

erms and conditions of service of Chairperson and 'embers

?1" The salaries and allowances )a(able to, and the other ter!s and conditionsof service of the hair)erson and e!bers of the &tate o!!ission shall be

s-ch as !a( be )rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent6

Provided that neither the salar( and allowances nor the other ter!s andconditions of service of the hair)erson or a e!ber shall be varied to hisdisadvantage after his a))oint!ent"

/acancies not to invalidate the proceedin#s of StateCommission

?2" No act or )roceeding of the &tate o!!ission shall be invalid !erel( b(reason of7a an( vacanc( in, or an( defect in the constit-tion of, the &tate o!!ission+or7b an( defect in the a))oint!ent of a )erson acting as a e!ber of the &tateo!!ission+ or7c an( irreg-larit( in the )roced-re of the &tate o!!ission not affecting the!erits of the case" 

Procedure for State Commission

?3"71 The &tate o!!ission shall !eet at s-ch ti!e and )lace as thehair)erson !a( thin. fit"

72 &-bCect to the )rovisions of this Act and the r-les !ade there-nder, the&tate o!!ission shall have the )owers to la( down, b( reg-lations, its own)roced-re"

73 All orders and decisions of the &tate o!!ission shall be a-thenticated b(the &ecretar( or an( other officer of the &tate o!!ission d-l( a-thorised b(the hair)erson in this behalf"

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)fficers and other staff of State Commission.

?@"71 The &tate 'overn!ent shall !a.e available to the &tate o!!ission anofficer of the ran. of Additional &ecretar( to the &tate 'overn!ent who shall

be the &ecretar( to the o!!ission"

72 &-bCect to s-ch Riles as !a( be !ade b( the &tate 'overn!ent in thisbehalf, the o!!ission !a( a))oint s-ch other ad!inistrative and technicalofficers and staff as it !a( consider necessar("73 The salaries, allowances and conditions of service of the officers and otherstaff a))ointed -nder s-bsection 72 shall be s-ch as !a( be )rescribed b( the&tate 'overn!ent"

ransfer of service of existin# employees to State Commission.

?=" &-bCect to the )rovisions of this Act, ever( )erson e!)lo(ed in the fficeof &tate o!!issioner for )ersons with disabilities constit-ted -nder thesection *0 of the Persons with Disabilities 7%-al ))ort-nities, Protection ofRights and -ll Partici)ation Act, 1??= Act i!!ediatel( before the date ofestablish!ent of the &tate o!!ission shall, on and fro! s-ch date beco!esan e!)lo(ee of the &tate o!!ission with s-ch designation as the &tateo!!ission !a( deter!ine and shall hold his office or service therein b( thesa!e ten-re, at the sa!e re!-neration and -)on the sa!e ter!s andconditions as he wo-ld have held on s-ch date if the &tate o!!ission had notbeen established and shall contin-e to do so -nless and -ntil his e!)lo(!ent inthe &tate o!!ission is ter!inated or -ntil s-ch ten-re, re!-neration and

ter!s and conditions are d-l( altered b( the &tate o!!ission6

Provided that the ten-re, re!-neration and ter!s and conditions of service ofan( s-ch )erson shall not be altered to his disadvantage witho-t the a))rovalof the entral 'overn!ent" 7Re!ar.s 6 1 of 1??*" 

 "nnual and special reports of State Commission

?*"71 The &tate o!!ission shall s-b!it an ann-al re)ort to the &tate'overn!ent and !a( at an( ti!e s-b!it s)ecial re)orts on an( !atter which,

in its o)inion, is of s-ch -rgenc( or i!)ortance that it shall not be deferred tills-b!ission of the ann-al re)ort"

72 The &tate 'overn!ent shall ca-se the ann-al and s)ecial re)orts of the&tate o!!ission to be laid before each $o-se of &tate egislat-re where itconsists of two $o-ses, or where s-ch egislat-re consists of one $o-se, beforethat $o-se along with a !e!orand-! of action ta.en or )ro)osed to be ta.en

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on the reco!!endations of the &tate o!!ission and the reasons for nonacce)tance of the reco!!endations, if an("

73 The ann-al and s)ecial re)orts shall be )re)ared in s-ch for!, !anner andcontain s-ch details as !a( be )rescribed b( the &tate 'overn!ent"

ransitory provisions

 ?4" The hief o!!issioner for )ersons with disabilities and the &tateo!!issioners for )ersons with disabilities a))ointed -nder the Persons withDisabilities 7%-al ))ort-nities, Protection of Rights and -ll Partici)ationAct, 1??=, shall contin-e to so f-nction and e5ercise the )owers conferred onthe! -nder that Act, -ntil the National o!!ission and the &tate o!!issionare constit-ted -nder this Act, b-t on the constit-tion of the Nationalo!!ission and the &tate o!!ission, as the case !a( be, the hief

o!!issioner for )ersons with disabilities and the &tate o!!issioners for)ersons with disabilities shall cease to hold office" 7Re!ar.s6 1 of 1??* 



Special Court

?>" or the )-r)ose of )roviding s)eed( trail, the &tate 'overn!ent shall, withthe conc-rrence of the hief 8-stice of the $igh o-rt, b( notification, s)ecif(for each district, a o-rt of &ession to be a &)ecial o-rt to tr( the offences-nder this Act"

Special public prosecutor 

??"71 or ever( &)ecial o-rt, the &tate 'overn!ent !a(, b( notification,s)ecif( a P-blic Prosec-tor or a))oint an advocate, who has been in )ractice asan advocate for not less than seven (ears, as a &)ecial P-blic Prosec-tor for

the )-r)ose of cond-cting cases in that o-rt"

72 The &)ecial P-blic Prosec-tor a))ointed -nder s-bsection 71 shall beentitled to receive s-ch fees or re!-neration as !a( be )rescribed b( the&tate 'overn!ent" 

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&ational +und for persons ith disabilities100"71 There shall be constit-ted a -nd to be called the National -nd for)ersons with disabilities and there shall be credited thereto

7a all s-!s available -nder the -nd for )eo)le with disabilities, constit-tedvide notification no" &"" =437% dated 11th A-g-st, 1?>3 and the Tr-st -ndfor %!)ower!ent of Persons with Disabilities, constit-ted vide notification no3003200@DD dated 21sO Nove!ber, 200*, -nder the haritable %ndow!entAct, 1>?0" 7Re!ar.s 6 * of 1>?0

7b all s-!s )a(able b( ban.s, cor)orations, financial instit-tions in )-rs-anceof C-dg!ent dated the 1*th A)ril, 200@ of the $onOble &-)re!e o-rt in ivilA))eal No"@*== and =21> of 2000+

7c all s-!s received b( wa( of grant, gifts, donations, beneficiations, be-estsor transfers+

7d all s-!s received fro! the entral 'overn!ent incl-ding grantinaid+

7e all s-!s fro! s-ch other so-rces as !a( be decided b( the entral'overn!ent"

72 The -nd for )ersons with disabilities shall be -tilised and !anaged in s-ch!anner as !a( be )rescribed"

 "ccounts and audit

101"71 The entral 'overn!ent shall !aintain )ro)er acco-nts and otherrelevant records and )re)are an ann-al state!ent of acco-nts of the -ndincl-ding the inco!e and e5)endit-re acco-nts in s-ch for! as !a( be)rescribed in cons-ltation with the o!)troller and A-ditor'eneral of ndia"

72 The acco-nts of the -nd shall be a-dited b( the o!)troller and A-ditor'eneral of ndia at s-ch intervals as !a( be s)ecified b( hi! and an(e5)endit-re inc-rred b( hi! in connection with s-ch a-dit shall be )a(ablefro! the -nd to the o!)troller and A-ditor'eneral of ndia"73 The o!)troller and A-ditor'eneral of ndia and an( other )ersona))ointed b( hi! in connection with the a-dit of the acco-nts of the -nd shallhave the sa!e rights, )rivileges and a-thorit( in connection with s-ch a-dit as

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the o!)troller and A-ditor'eneral of ndia generall( has in connection withthe a-dit of the 'overn!ent acco-nts, and in )artic-lar, shall have the right tode!and )rod-ction of boo.s of acco-nts, connected vo-chers and otherdoc-!ents and )a)ers and to ins)ect an( of the offices of the -nd"7@ The acco-nts of the -nd as certified b( the o!)troller and A-ditor

'eneral of ndia or an( other )erson a))ointed b( hi! in this behalf, togetherwith the a-dit re)ort thereon, shall be laid before each $o-se of Parlia!ent b(the entral 'overn!ent" 

Exemption from tax on ealth, income, profits and #ains

 102" Notwithstanding an(thing contained in67i the #ealthta5 Act, 1?=4, 7Re!ar.s 6 24 to 1?=47ii the nco!eta5 Act, 1?*1, or 7Re!ar.s6 @3 of 1?*17iii an( other law for the ti!e being in force relating to ta5 on wealth,

inco!e, )rofits or gains, the -nd shall not be liable to )a( #ealthta5,inco!eta5 or an( other ta5 in res)ect of its wealth, inco!e, )rofits or gainsderived" 



Punishment for contravention of provisions of "ct or rules orre#ulations made thereunder.

103" An( )erson who contravenes an( of the )rovisions of this Act, or of an(r-le or reg-lation !ade there-nder shall for first contravention be )-nishablewith i!)rison!ent for a ter! which !a( e5tend to si5 !onths, or with a finewhich !a( e5tend to ten tho-sand r-)ees or with both, and for an( s-bse-entcontravention with i!)rison!ent for a ter! which !a( e5tend to two (ears orwith fine which shall not be less than fift( tho-sand r-)ees b-t which !a(e5tend to five la.h r-)ees or with both"

)ffences by companies

10@" 71 #here an offence -nder this Act has been co!!itted b( a co!)an(,ever( )erson who at the ti!e the offence was co!!itted was in charge of, andwas res)onsible to, the co!)an( for the cond-ct of the b-siness of theco!)an(, as well as the co!)an(, shall be dee!ed to be g-ilt( of the offenceand shall be liable to be )roceeded against and )-nished accordingl(6

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Provided that nothing contained in this s-bsection shall render an( s-ch)erson liable to an( )-nish!ent )rovided in this Act, if he )roves that theoffence was co!!itted witho-t his .nowledge or that he has e5ercised all d-ediligence to )revent the co!!ission of s-ch offence"

72 Notwithstanding an(thing contained in s-bsection 71, where an offence-nder this act has been co!!itted b( a co!)an( and it is )roved that theoffence has been co!!itted with the consent or connivance of, or isattrib-table to, an( neglect on the )art of an( director, !anager, secretar( orother officer of the co!)an(, s-ch director, !anager, secretar( or otherofficer shall also be dee!ed to be g-ilt( of the offence and shall be liable tobe )roceeded against and )-nished accordingl("%5)lanation or the )-r)oses of this section,7a Fco!)an(F !eans an(bod( cor)orate and incl-des a fir! or otherassociation of individ-als+ and7b FdirectorF, in relation to a fir!, !eans a )artner in the fir!"

Punishment for fraudulently availin# any benefit meant for persons ith disabilities.

10=" #hoever, fra-d-lentl( avails or atte!)ts to avail an( benefit !eant for)ersons with bench!ar. disabilities, shall be )-nishable with i!)rison!ent fora ter! which !a( e5tend to two (ears or with fine which !a( e5tend to onela.h r-)ees or both" 

Punishments for offences of atrocities10*" #hoever,7a intentionall( ins-lts or inti!idates with intent to h-!iliate a )erson withdisabilit( in an( )lace within )-blic view+7b assa-lts or -ses force to an( )erson with disabilit( with intent to dishonorhi! or o-trage the !odest( of a wo!an with disabilit(+7c having the act-al charge or control over a )erson with disabilit( vol-ntaril(or .nowingl( denies food or fl-ids to hi! or her+7d being in a )osition to do!inate the will of a child or wo!an with disabilit(and -ses that )osition to e5)loit se5-all(+7e vol-ntaril( inC-res, da!ages or interferes with the -se of an( li!b or senseor an( s-))orting device of a )erson with disabilit(+7f )erfor!s cond-cts or directs an( !edical )roced-re to be )erfor!ed on awo!an with disabilit( which leads to or is li.el( to lead to ter!ination of)regnanc( witho-t her e5)ress consent e5ce)t in cases where !edical)roced-re for ter!ination of )regnanc( is done in severe cases of disabilit( andwith the o)inion of a registered !edical )ractitioner and also with the consentof the g-ardian of the wo!an with disabilit("

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shall be )-nishable with i!)rison!ent for a ter! which shall not be less thansi5 !onths b-t which !a( e5tend to five (ears and with fine"

Punishment for failure to furnish information.104" #hoever, fails to )rod-ce an( boo., acco-nt or other doc-!ent or tof-rnish an( state!ent, infor!ation or )artic-lars which, -nder this Act or an(order, reg-lation or direction !ade or given there -nder, is d-t( bo-nd to)rod-ce or f-rnish or to answer an( -estion )-t in )-rs-ance of the )rovisionsof this Act or of an( order, reg-lation or direction !ade or given there -nder,shall be )-nishable with fine which !a( e5tend to twent( five tho-sand r-)eesin res)ect of each offence, and in case of contin-ed fail-re or ref-sal, withf-rther fine which !a( e5tend to one tho-sand r-)ees for each da(, ofcontin-ed fail-re or ref-sal after the date of original order i!)osing)-nish!ent of fine"

Previous sanction of appropriate (overnment

10>" No o-rt shall ta.e cogni:ance of an offence alleged to have beenco!!itted b( an e!)lo(ee of the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent -nder this ha)ter,e5ce)t with the )revio-s sanction of the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent or aco!)laint is filed b( an officer a-thorised b( it in this behalf" 

 "lternative punishments

 10?" #here an act or o!ission constit-tes an offence )-nishable -nder this Actand also -nder an( other entral or &tate Act, then, notwithstanding an(thingcontained in an( law for the ti!e being in force, the offender fo-nd g-ilt( ofs-ch offence shall be liable to )-nish!ent onl( -nder s-ch Act as )rovides for)-nish!ent which is greater in degree" 



 "pplication of other las not barred.

110" The )rovisions of this Act shall be in addition to and not in derogation of,the )rovisions of an( other law for the ti!e being in force" 

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Protection of action ta%en in #ood faith

111" No s-it, )rosec-tion or other legal )roceeding shall lie against thea))ro)riate 'overn!ent or an( officer of the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent or an(officer or e!)lo(ee of the National o!!ission or &tate o!!ission foran(thing which is in good faith done or intended to be done -nder this Act or

the r-les or reg-lations !ade there -nder"

Poer to remove difficulties

112"71 f an( diffic-lt( arises in giving effect to the )rovisions of this Act, theentral 'overn!ent !a(, b( order )-blished in the fficial 'a:ette, !a.es-ch )rovisions or give s-ch directions, not inconsistent with the )rovisions ofthis Act, as !a( a))ear to it to be necessar( or e5)edient for re!oving thediffic-lt(6

Provided that no s-ch order shall be !ade -nder this section after the e5)ir( ofthe )eriod of two (ears fro! the date of co!!ence!ent of this Act"

72 %ver( order !ade -nder this section shall be laid as soon as !a( be, after itis !ade, before each $o-se of Parlia!ent"

Poer to amend Schedule

113"71 n the reco!!endations !ade b( the a))ro)riate 'overn!ent orotherwise, if the entral 'overn!ent is satisfied that it is necessar( ore5)edient so to do, it !a(, b( notification, a!end the &ched-le and an( s-chnotification being iss-ed, the &ched-le shall be dee!ed to have been a!ended


72 %ver( s-ch notification shall, as soon as )ossible after it is iss-ed, shall belaid before each $o-se of Parlia!ent"

Poer of Central (overnment to ma%e rules

11@" 71 The entral 'overn!ent !a(, s-bCect to the condition of )revio-s)-blication, b( notification, !a.e r-les for carr(ing o-t the )rovisions of thisAct"

72 n )artic-lar, and witho-t )reC-dice to the generalit( of foregoing )ower,

s-ch r-les !a( )rovide for all or an( of the following !atters, na!el(67a the !anner of constit-ting the ethics co!!ittee -nder s-bsection 72 ofsection =+7b the !anner of notif(ing the e-al o))ort-nit( )olic( -nder s-bsection 71of section 20+7c the for! and !anner of !aintaining records b( ever( establish!ent -nders-bsections 71 of section 21+

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7d the !anner of !aintenance of register of co!)laints b( grievance redressalofficer -nder s-bsection 7 3 of section 22+7e the !anner of f-rnishing infor!ation and ret-rn b( establish!ent to the&)ecial %!)lo(!ent %5change -nder section 3=+7f the co!)osition of the Assess!ent Board -nder s-bsection 72 and !anner

of assess!ent to be !ade b( the assess!ent board -nder s-bsection 73 ofsection 34+7g the !anner of a))lication for iss-ance of certificate of disabilit( -nder s-bsection 71 and for! of certificate of disabilit( -nder s-bsection 72 of section=4+7h the allowances to be )aid to no!inated e!bers of entral Advisor( Board-nder s-bsection 7* of section *0+7i the r-les of )roced-re for transaction of b-siness in the !eetings of entralAdvisor( Board -nder section *3+7C the salaries and allowances and other conditions of services of chair)ersonsand e!bers of National o!!ission -nder section 4>+

7. the salaries and allowances and conditions of services of officers and staffof National o!!ission -nder s-bsection 73 of section >1+7l the for!, !anner and content of ann-al re)ort to be )re)ared ands-b!itted b( National o!!ission -nder s-bsection 73 of section >=+7! the )roced-re, !anner of -tili:ation and !anage!ent of the f-nd -nders-bsection 72 of 100+ and7n the for! for )re)aration of acco-nts of f-nd -nder s-bsection71 of section101+

73 %ver( r-le !ade -nder this Act shall be laid, as soon as !a( be after it is!ade, before each $o-se of Parlia!ent while it is in session, for a total )eriod

of thirt( da(s which !a( be co!)rised in one session or in two or !ores-ccessive sessions, and if, before the e5)ir( of the session i!!ediatel(following the session or the s-ccessive sessions, aforesaid, both $o-ses agree in!a.ing an( !odification in the r-le or both $o-ses agree that the r-le sho-ldnot be !ade, the r-le shall thereafter have effect onl( in s-ch !odified for!or be of no effect, as the case !a( be+ so, however, that an( s-ch !odificationor ann-l!ent shall be witho-t )reC-dice to the validit( of an(thing )revio-sl(done -nder that r-le"

Poers of State (overnment to ma%e rules

 11="71 The &tate 'overn!ent !a(, s-bCect to the condition of )revio-s)-blication, b( notification, !a.e r-les for carr(ing o-t the )rovisions of thisAct"

72 n )artic-lar, and witho-t )reC-dice to the generalit( of foregoing )owers,s-ch r-les !a( )rovide for all or an( of the following !atters, na!el(6

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7a the !anner of constit-ting the ethics co!!ittee -nder s-bsection 72 ofsection =+7b the for! and !anner of !a.ing an a))lication for certificate of registration-nder s-bsection 71 of section =0+7c the facilities to be )rovided and standards to be !et b( instit-tion for grant

of certificate of registration -nder s-bsection 73 of section =0+7d the validit( of certificate of registration, the for! of and conditionsattached to certificate of registration -nder s-bsection 7@ of section =0+7e the )eriod of dis)osal of a))lication for certificate of registration -nders-bsection 74 of section =0+7f the )eriod within which an a))eal to be !ade -nder s-bsection 71 section=2+7g the ti!e and !anner of a))ealing against the order of certif(ing a-thorit(-nder s-bsection 71 and !anner of dis)osal of s-ch a))eal -nder s-bsection72 of section =>+7h the allowances to be )aid to no!inated !e!bers of &tate

Advisor( Board -nder s-bsection 7* of section **+ 7i the r-les of )roced-refor transaction of b-siness in the !eetings of &tate Advisor( Board -ndersection *?+7C the co!)osition, and f-nctions of district level co!!ittee -nder section 41+7o salaries, allowances and other conditions of services of hair)ersons ande!bers of &tate o!!ission -nder &ection ?1+7) the salaries, allowances and conditions of services of officers and staff of&tate o!!ission -nder s-bsection 73 of section ?@+7 the for!, !anner and content of ann-al and s)ecial re)orts to be )re)aredand s-b!itted b( &tate o!!ission -nder s-bsection 73 of section ?*+ and7r the fee or re!-neration to be )aid to the s)ecial )-blic )rosec-tor

-nder s-bsection 72 of section ??+

73 %ver( r-le !ade b( the &tate 'overn!ent -nder this Act shall be laid, assoon as !a( be after it is !ade, before each $o-se of the &tate egislat-rewhere it consists of two $o-ses, or where s-ch &tate egislat-re consists of one$o-se, before that $o-se" 

Poer of &ational Commission to ma%e re#ulations

 11*"71 The National o!!ission !a(, with the )revio-s a))roval of the

entral 'overn!ent and after )revio-s )-blication, b( notification, !a.ereg-lations consistent with this Act and the r-les !ade there-nder to carr( o-tthe )rovisions of this Act"

72 n )artic-lar, and witho-t )reC-dice to the generalit( of the foregoing)ower, s-ch reg-lations !a( )rovide for all or an( of the following !atters,na!el(67a standards for accessibilit( -nder section 3?+ and

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7b the r-les of )roced-re for transaction of b-siness -nder section >0"

73 %ver( reg-lation !ade -nder this Act shall be laid, as soon as !a( be afterit is !ade, before each $o-se of Parlia!ent, while it is in session, for a total)eriod of thirt( da(s which !a( be co!)rised in one session or in two or !ore

s-ccessive sessions, and if, before the e5)ir( of the session i!!ediatel(following the session or the s-ccessive sessions aforesaid, both $o-ses agree in!a.ing an( !odification in the r-le or both $o-ses agree that the r-le sho-ldnot be !ade, the r-le shall thereafter have effect onl( ins-ch !odified for!, or be of no effect, as the case !a( be+ so, however, thatan( s-ch !odification or ann-l!ent shall be witho-t )reC-dice to the validit(of an(thing )revio-sl( done -nder that r-le" 

Poers of State Commission to ma%e re#ulations

114"71 The &tate o!!ission !a(, with the )revio-s a))roval of the entral

'overn!ent and after )revio-s )-blication, b( notification, !a.e reg-lationsconsistent with this Act and the r-les !ade there-nder to carr( o-t the)rovisions of this Act6

Provided that where an( reg-lation has alread( been iss-ed in an( s-ch !atterb( the National o!!ission, s-ch reg-lations shall )revail over the reg-lationsof the &tate o!!ission )ertaining to the said !atter"

72 n )artic-lar, and witho-t )reC-dice to the generalit( of the foregoing)ower, the &tate o!!ission shall !a.e reg-lations relating to the r-les of)roced-re for transaction of b-siness -nder section ?3"

73 %ver( reg-lation !ade b( the &tate o!!ission -nder this Act shall be laid,as soon as !a( be after it is !ade, before each $o-se of the &tate egislat-rewhere it consists of two $o-ses, or where s-ch &tate egislat-re consists of one$o-se, before that $o-se"

!epeal and savin#

11>"71 The Persons with Disabilities 7%-al ))ort-nit( Protection of Rightsand -ll Partici)ation Act, 1??= is hereb( re)ealed" 7Re!ar.s 6 1 of 1??*

72 Notwithstanding the re)eal of the said Act, an(thing done or an( actionta.en -nder the said Act, an(thing done or an( action ta.en -nder the said Actshall be dee!ed to be have been done or ta.en -nder the corres)onding)rovisions of this Act" 

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THE SCHEDULE&ee cla-se 75 of section 2Q

SPEC*+*ED D*S"*L**ES1" ;A-tis! &)ectr-! DisorderF !eans a ne-ro)s(chological condition t()icall(a))earing in the first three (ears of life that significantl( affects a )ersonOsabilit( to co!!-nicate, -nderstand relationshi)s and relate to others, and isfre-entl( associated with -n-s-al or stereot()ical rit-als or behavio-rs"2" FblindnessF !eans a condition where a )erson has an( of the followingconditions, after best correction,7i total absence of sight+ or7ii vis-al ac-it( not e5ceeding 3*0 or 10200 7&nellen in the better e(e+or

7iii li!itation of the field of vision s-btending an angle of 10 degree or worse"

3" ;cerebral )als(F !eans a gro-) of non)rogressive ne-rological condition ofa )erson affecting bod( !ove!ents and !-scle coordination ca-sed b( da!ageto one or !ore s)ecific areas of the brain, -s-all( occ-rring before, d-ring orshortl( after birth"@" Fchronic ne-rological conditionsF !eans a condition that has its origin inso!e )art of )ersonOs nervo-s s(ste! lasting for a long )eriod of ti!e or!ar.ed b( fre-ent rec-rrence"=" FdeafblindnessF !eans a condition in which a )erson !a( have a co!binationof hearing and vis-al i!)air!ents ca-sing severe co!!-nication,

develo)!ental, and ed-cational )roble!s and incl-de,7i !oderate to )rofo-nd hearing and significant vis-al i!)air!ents+7ii !oderate to )rofo-nd hearing and significant vis-al i!)air!ents andother significant disabilities+7iii central )rocessing )roble!s of vision and hearing+7iv )rogressive sensor( i!)air!ents or significant vis-al i!)air!ent+ and7v )ossible loss of a-ditor( )rocessing !echanis!s 7associated with severe)h(sical disabilit( or severe cognitive disabilit( and severe co!!-nicationdela("

*" Fhe!o)hiliaF !eans an inheritable disease, -s-all( affecting onl( !ale b-t

trans!itted b( wo!en to their !ale children, characterised b( loss ori!)air!ent of the nor!al clotting abilit( of blood so that a !inor wo-nd !a(res-lt in fatal bleeding"

4" Fhearing !)air!entF !eans loss of si5t( decibels hearing level or !ore inthe better ear in the conversational range of fre-encies"

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>" Fintellect-al disabilit(F !eans a condition characterised b( significantli!itations both in intellect-al f-nctioning 7reasoning, learning, )roble!solving and in ada)tive behavio-r, which covers a range of ever(da( social and)ractical s.ills"

Fle)ros( c-red )ersonF !eans a )erson who has been c-red of le)ros( b-t iss-ffering fro!7i loss of sensation in hands or feet as well as loss of sensation and )aresis inthe e(e ande(elid b-t with no !anifest defor!it(+

7ii !anifest defor!it( and )aresis b-t having s-fficient !obilit( in their handsand feet to enable the! to engage in nor!al econo!ic activit(+

7iii e5tre!e )h(sical defor!it( as well as advanced age which )revents hi! orher fro! -nderta.ing an( gainf-l occ-)ation, and the e5)ression Fle)ros(

c-redF shall constr-ed accordingl("

10" Floco!otor disabilit(F !eans a )ersonOs inabilit( to e5ec-te distinctiveactivities associated with !ove!ent of self and obCects res-lting fro!affliction of !-sc-los.eletal or nervo-s s(ste! or both"

11" FlowvisionF !eans a condition where a )erson has an( of the followingconditions, na!el(67i vis-al ac-it( not e5ceeding *1> or 20*0 and less than **0 or 202007&nellen in the better e(e with correcting lenses+ or7ii li!itation of the field of vision s-btending an angle of !ore than 10 and -)

to @0 degree"

12" ;!ental illnessF !eans a s-bstantial disorder of thin.ing, !ood,)erce)tion, orientation or !e!or( that grossl( i!)airs C-dge!ent, behavior,ca)acit( to recognise realit( or abilit( to !eet the ordinar( de!ands of life,b-t does not incl-de !ental retardation which is a condition of arrested orinco!)lete develo)!ent of !ind of a )erson, s)eciall( characterised b(s-bnor!alit( of intelligence"

13" F!-lti)le d(stro)h(F !eans a gro-) of hereditar( genetic !-scle diseasethat wea.ens the !-scles that !ove the h-!an bod( and )ersons with !-lti)le

d(stro)h( have incorrect or !issing infor!ation in their genes, which )reventsthe! fro! !a.ing the )roteins the( need for health( !-scles" t ischaracterised b( )rogressive s.eletal !-scle wea.ness, defects in !-scle)roteins, and the death of !-scle cells and tiss-e"

1@" F!-lti)le sclerosisF !eans an infla!!ator(, nervo-s s(ste! disease inwhich the !(elin sheaths aro-nd the a5ons of nerve cells of the brain and

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s)inal cord are da!aged, leading to de!(elination and affecting the abilit( ofnerve cells in the brain and s)inal cord to co!!-nicate with each other"

1=" Fs)ecific learning disabilitiesF !eans a heterogeneo-s gro-) of conditionswherein there is a deficit in )rocessing lang-age, s)o.en or written, that !a(

!anifest itself as a diffic-lt( to co!)rehend, s)ea., read, write, s)ell, or to do!athe!atical calc-lations and incl-des s-ch conditions as )erce)t-aldisabilities, d(sle5ia, d(sgra)hia, d(scalc-lia, d(s)ra5ia and develo)!entala)hasia"

 1*" Fs)eech and lang-age disabilit(F !eans a )er!anent disabilit( arising o-t ofconditions s-ch as lar(ngecto!( or a)hasia affecting one or !ore co!)onentsof s)eech and lang-age d-e to organic or ne-rological ca-ses"

14" Fthalasse!iaF !eans a gro-) of inherited disorders characterised b(

red-ced or absent a!o-nts of he!oglobin"

1>" Fsic.le cell diseaseF !eans a he!ol(tic disorder characterised b( chronicane!ia, )ainf-l events, and vario-s co!)lications d-e to associated tiss-e andorgan da!age, Fhe!ol(ticF refers to the destr-ction of the cell !e!brane ofred blood cells res-lting in the release of he!oglobin"

1?" F!-lti)le disabilit(F !eans two or !ore of the s)ecified disabilities!entioned at serial n-!bers 1 to 1>, occ-rring in a )erson at the sa!e ti!e"

20" An( other categor( as !a( be notified b( the entral 'overn!ent"