2013 VUWSA Election pull-out

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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From the 22nd Issue of Salient for 2013.



Online polling open 12pm Monday 30 September- 5pm Thursday 03 October. Invitation sent out (to VUWSA members) via email.

Physical Polling: (open for all VUWSA eligible students)

Monday 30 Sept: Voting at Pipitea between 12pm-2pm

Tuesday 1 Oct: Voting at Te Aro between 10am-2pm

Wednesday 2 Oct: Voting at Kelburn 10am-2pm.

Referendum Questions

Vote for your student representatives on campus!

Victoria Broadcasting Club

VUWSA currently provides money to fund the Victoria

Broadcasting Club (the current student radio station).

Do you support VUWSA continuing to provide funding to

the Victoria Broadcasting Club, or should VUWSA stop

funding the Victoria Broadcasting Club? You May Choose

One Option:

1. I VOTE for VUWSA to continue funding

the Victoria Broadcasting Club.

2. I VOTE for VUWSA to stoap funding

the Victoria Broadcasting Club.

Membership of NZUSA

VUWSA is currently a member of the New Zealand Union

of Students’ Associations (NZUSA), a national federation of

11 students’ associations from universities and other tertiary

education institutions around New Zealand. VUWSA has

concerns about how NZUSA is operating.

Do you support VUWSA trying to reform NZUSA, or

should VUWSA withdraw from NZUSA completely? You

May Choose One Option:

1. I VOTE for VUWSA to try to reform


2. I VOTE for VUWSA to withdraw from


How to Vote




The President is responsible for ensuring that VUWSA,

as an organisation, meets its strategic and constitutional

goals. They are responsible to the Executive and

members for VUWSA’s operations (including Advocacy,

Welfare, Representative services, Clubs, events, student

media, and all services provided by the VUWSA Office).

The President is responsible for chairing and providing

leadership to the VUWSA Executive, and ensuring

that the Executive are acting transparently and being


Hours: Full-time (40 hrs/wk).

Academic Vice-President

The Academic Vice-President (AVP) heads the

Education Team, and is responsible, with the President,

for the strategic direction of student representation

on campus. They work with the Education Officer

and relevant staff members to ensure that student

representation works effectively at the University and

that all representatives feel well-supported and informed

in their roles. They also have a key role in ensuring the

University provides quality teaching and learning across

all levels of study. They maintain a close relationship

with education-based Rep Groups.

Hours: Minimum of 20 hrs per week.

Welfare Vice-President

The Welfare Vice-President heads the Welfare Team,

and is responsible for ensuring that VUWSA provides

a diverse and appropriate range of welfare-based

services to members and students. They work closely

with the Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer and the

Equity Officer to ensure that students are provided

with the right services and support to ensure their

time at Victoria is the best it can be. They work

closely with VUW Student Services and welfare-based

Representative Groups on campus.

Hours: Minimum of 20 hrs per week.

Engagement Vice-President

The Engagement Vice-President (EVP) heads the

VUWSA Engagement Team, and is responsible for

ensuring that there is strong communication and

opportunities for involvement between VUWSA, its

members, and students. They lead the Engagement

team, and work closely with the Clubs and Activities

and Campaigns Officers. They work to build a strong

student community through events, activities, campaigns

and discussion, working alongside satellite student

representatives both within and across campuses. They

are responsible for helping any new Representative

Groups start on campus. The EVP works with relevant

groups in the community on issues affecting students,

and helps to build and strengthen VUWSA’s role in the

wider community.

Hours: Minimum of 20 hrs per week.


This Officer role contains the duties of both

Association Treasurer and Association Secretary.

They are responsible for working with the relevant

staff members and the VUWSA President to develop

the annual VUWSA budget. They chair the Audit

and Finance, Executive Reporting, and Publications

Committees. They are also an ex-officio member of

the VUWSA Trust along with the VUWSA President.

The Treasurer-Secretary is the Secretary of the

Association, and is responsible for ensuring that all

minutes and Association documentation is up to date

and accessible to members. They work to ensure that

VUWSA remains efficient and accountable, through

regular reporting and strong policy.

Hours: Minimum of 10 hrs per week. Receives a $2000

honorarium over the year.

Education Officer

The Education Officer works closely with the Academic

Vice-President regarding academic matters within the

University and student representation. In particular, the

Education Officer works closely with education-based

Rep Groups, seeking feedback and supporting their

activities and initiatives where appropriate. They also

take an active role in supporting and training Class

Representatives, and, where appropriate, working

with the Campaigns Officer to run education-based


Hours: Minimum of 10 hrs per week. Receives a $2000

honorarium over the year.

Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer

The Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer works

alongside the Welfare Vice-President on issues relating

to student financial, health, environmental and mental

wellbeing. They help to deliver welfare and sustainability

initiatives such as Free Flu Shots, Stress-Free Study

Week and Environment Week on campus. Where

appropriate, they work with the Campaigns Officer in

running welfare- and sustainability-based campaigns.

This officer has a particular role in the issues that cross

over between student welfare and sustainability. This

includes the issues of more warm, dry accommodation,

and increasing the affordability of public transport.

Hours: Minimum of 10 hrs per week. Receives a $2000

honorarium over the year.

Equity Officer

The Equity Officer is tasked with ensuring that all

students have equal access to services, support, academic

success and participation opportunities at Victoria

University. The Equity Officer has a strict focus on

welfare issues that affect students within Victoria

and the University community. They maintain close

relationships and work alongside specific groups on

campus, including Māori, Pasifika, women, queer,

international and disabled students, generally through

the Rep Group structure, to ensure equity, access and


Hours: Minimum of 10 hrs per week. Receives a $2000

honorarium over the year.

Clubs and Activities Officer

The Clubs and Activities Officer works with the

EVP to ensure that all students have an outstanding

student experience. In their Clubs role, they have a

close relationship with Recreation Services, and work

to ensure that clubs on campus are well supported

and have access to facilities and resources that help to

develop a vibrant campus on campus. In their Activities

role, they organise activities and events across all VUW

campuses, as delegated by the Executive, and work

to assist student groups on campus in organising and

running activities.

Hours: Minimum of 10 hrs per week. Receives a $2000

honorarium over the year.

Campaigns Officer

The Campaigns Officer is responsible for running, and

helping other Executive members to run, campaigns

on campus and in the wider community. In particular,

they work closely with the Education and Wellbeing and

Sustainability Officers to ensure the smooth running

of any relevant campaigns. They work alongside the

President and Communication Coordinator (staff

member) to ensure VUWSA has a strong message on

student-based issues in the community and media,

particular around Budget Day and University Fee-


Hours: Minimum of 10 hrs per week. Receives a $2000

honorarium over the year.

Publications Committee

Two students are elected to the Publications Committee,

which is responsible to the VUWSA Executive and is

tasked with the oversight of Salient.



Sonya Clark

Kia ora, I’m Sonya, and I’ve been your Academic Vice-President this year. I’ll

lead a VUWSA that speaks up for a quality education, campaigns for tertiary bus

fares and a rental warrant of fitness, and articulates a clear financial strategy for

VUWSA so that welfare services and great O-Weeks don’t become just a memory.

I’m excited for the potential of VUWSA in 2014, and am asking for your vote so I

can build on my experience to make life better for students at Vic.


Ever wondered why POLS has few tutorials at 300-level but English always offers

them? I’ll speak up about the decline of tutorials and consistent fee rises. This year

I’ve done a lot on education, like working on the grading changes to make sure

they’ll be fairly implemented, and ensuring that students know they can actually

get extensions for issues of workload. I’ll be a strong advocate for students, making

sure that you are consulted on the big issues relating to our education.


I’m committed to the campaigns for Fairer Fares and Healthy Homes. No matter

who gets into Council, I’ll work to make sure that expensive transport and the state

of flats in places like Aro Valley remain pressing issues in the year to come. This

is going to be a difficult job involving in-depth knowledge and relationships with

various people around our region, and I’ve got the experience to see this through.


Average O-Week? VUWSA not present at Pipitea or Te Aro? Since Voluntary

Student Membership was introduced, money has been tight at VUWSA. I’ll lead

a review around VUWSA’s finances, so we can support students and do the fun

stuff again. Its time to scrutinize the big picture, investigate alternative revenue

streams, and ask how Student Media can significantly increase its income from



I want more students to know about VUWSA, so I can do the best job possible

at authentically representing students. I’ll have weekly ‘President in the Hub’

meetings, so you can chat to me about anything you’d like to see improved, with

regular times at other campuses. I’ll also make sure Executive meetings are

publicised and promoted so that all students feel welcome at the VUWSA table. I

love getting to talk with the huge mix of students of Vic, and working to see your

concerns, big or small, addressed by VUWSA or the university.

I’ve learnt a lot at VUWSA this year, and there are both exciting opportunities

and big decisions in the year ahead. For a Better Vic, a Better VUWSA… Better

Vote Sonya for VUWSA President in 2014.

Thomas Maharaj

My policy manifesto was created through discussions that I have had with students

and the vision that they believed VUWSA could achieve. My two top policies that

I will advocate to central government are cheaper fares for tertiary students and

cheaper dental care.

Ensuring welfare is accessible across all campuses; including satellite campuses. I

believe every student should have equal coverage and accessibility to welfare when

they need it.

When deciding to run for president, a friend of mine, also a student at this

university came forward. He needed my help. After weeks of trying to get an

appointment at the Vic Counselling services, the student had finally got to the

stage that he wanted to commit suicide. It made me think. Every student pays a

student service levy cost at the start of each year between ($600-700), but where

does this money go? In 2014, the University is having a review on its services that

it provides to students at Victoria. It would be nothing short of my dream, to sit

on a decision making panel and have a say on how funding is allocated, regarding

our key core services for students. To ensure that student’s in his position, get seen

by a councillor when it counts. I am standing up for the little man.

VUWSA I believe should take a stronger role in looking after students at

university, but also in their own home. I have pioneered a policy called ‘University

Certified Accommodation”. I believe VUWSA can be the mediator between

the landlord and the university tenant. When a student is looking for a flat and

sees the university certified logo on the Trade Me listing, before they even go

look at the property, they know they are going to a place that is an ideal learning

environment and has a lock on the door. There is not a student out there who can

afford an insurance policy.

In 2014, the VUWSA that I believe in, will not settle for central government

trickle down policies It will be one that takes a bottoms up approach to the

decision making process.

Nelson Mandela, a founding father to democracy and also an advocate for

equality notes that: “Education is a powerful tool that we can use to change the

world”. Students come to Victoria for a world class education. I will stand up for

a fair grading system and fairer fares so students can actually get to class on time.

I will listen to you, because no one knows the needs of a vic student better than a

vic student.

Together I believe we can establish a cost efficient student body and help the

students living cost, go a little further. Along with this I will ensure we create an

inclusive, friendly student society, where ever student matters and not just fills in

the lecture theatre seats. Together, we can make a difference. Regardless of the

result this year, I will continue to fight for the welfare of our students.




Kia ora everyone! I’m Rawinia, and I’m really looking forward to leading VUWSA’s Education Team in 2014. These are my priorities:

1. Academic quality: You deserve an affordable, quality education.

Studying at Vic is only getting more expensive. Year after year, Victoria University raises tuition fees to the max - literally. It isn’t allowed to raise fees by any more than it does. Students can’t afford to keep paying more and more when there are fewer tutorials and larger class sizes, entire courses have been cut, and other courses never seem to be on offer. The University’s emphasis on research encourages good lecturers to spend more time in the office researching, and less time in the classroom engaging with students.

So, does that 4% fee increase mean a 4% increase in the quality of your education? Or does it just mean a 4% salary increase for the Chancellors of the University? I’d like to hold the University to account and find out exactly what our money is being used for. The University needs to be investing in improving the quality of your education.

2. Student representation: You need representatives you can count on.

You need representation from the classroom to the boardroom. I’ll be advocating strongly for VUWSA, Ngāi Tauira, PGSA and student societies from each of the faculties to retain their seats on the Faculty boards and other boards and committees in the University. There needs to be a strong student voice in the conversation at the top tables, including the voices of our Māori and Pasifika students. I’d also like to encourage a little more diversity amongst our Class Reps.

3. Student consultation: Your voice matters, and it needs to be heard.

When the University is considering cutting courses, changing grading, raising fees or anything that might affect you as a student, you need to be consulted. As Education Officer I’m preparing a submission to the University on a proposed amendment to the Student Conduct Policy, that will consider cyber bullying misconduct. What will the ramifications of this amendment be for students? It’s important that the University gives a wide range of students like Māori and Pasifika students, women, queer students, students with disabilities and other under represented groups the opportunity to make their voices heard where it counts.

I’m prepared to hold the University to account and advocate for a fair go for all students in the academic arena. Please vote for me!


“Kia Ora, I’m Rick and I’m running for the position of Vice-President (Welfare).

This year I’ve worked hard in this role, and as your former Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer, to achieve better outcomes for students. This time last year, I ran on getting fairer fares, healthier homes and recycling. So far I’ve helped steer the fairer fares campaign, which is close to victory, a few weeks ago we launched a local bill for rental WoFs, and I’ve worked with the University on their waste strategy and how we can extend recycling beyond the Hub.

Lots of these projects take longer than a year and that’s why I’m running again to ensure we drive them home. I’ve built up relationships around the university and in the community that mean VUWSA is well placed to turn the decades of rhetoric into reality.

Next year we must focus turn our focus from local government to central government and campaign for a fair share of the pie. Government funding of universities has declined in real terms over the past few years, this has meant our fees have been forced to rise. Accessible tertiary education is not a lofty ideal, its essential for a well-functioning democracy. While we fight for better policies we can’t forget about the things that make a difference every day.

I’m currently halfway through a plan for a bunch of new microwaves in convenient locations. I’m also working on an expanded Stress Free Study Week, increasing our outreach of the foodbank, and looking at the potential for more free food from our new office space.

I’m also committed to having a thorough review of where your Student Services Levy gets spent as we look at the mix and levels of the plethora of student support services on campus next year. I’ll also continue to stand up when the council announces silly drinking laws or ineffective bus routes.

I’ve got the experience and will continue to achieve outcomes for you and your pocket.

Vote Zwaan to keep a good thing going.”


Hello! I’m running for Engagement VP of VUWSA because students deserve someone in this role who has years of experience running volunteer organisations (Human FM), working with new rep groups (CanDo), and running quality events.

So as your EVP for 2014 what can you expect from me?

EXPERTISE: To quote our award-winning student journalists Salient, the role is “A job which should really be executed by [a] professional events coordinator”. As a co-director of an event management company in 2012 I gained invaluable experience in the field at a professional level. I can promise students an O-Week that is awesome, with locally sourced talent - including Vic students - that doesn’t break the bank.

VISION: As a student with a disability, I have been an active member of CanDo since it was restarted late in 2012. I was part of the working bee that went through line by line writing its constitution. As Engagement VP I will use this experience to help the introduction of new Rep Groups. VUWSA doesn’t run clubs anymore, but with a strong vision and support to these groups and clubs we can change this.

PASSION: I’m dedicated to volunteer work for students and the community. I have helped teach international students English through the program Newswatch, and ran events for Human FM with a team of volunteer DJs and musicians. I’m also passionate about making VUWSA’s exec accessible to the average student. As Engagement VP, I promise to work on policy to have an exec member once a week in a open space for students to come and ask questions - be it the atrium of Rutherford House at Pipitea, the ground floor of Te Aro, the Hub at Kelburn, or actually going to Karori!

Declan for EVP – Expertise, Vision, Passion.





Hey everyone,

My name’s Jordan and I’m running for Treasurer-Secretary. This is a key administrative position on the VUWSA Exec, where organisational and financial smarts matter. My goals are to increase VUWSA’s efficiency, accountability and value to students. Deficits are currently six-figures, and need to be reduced if VUWSA is to thrive in the future.


Specific policies I want to fight for are:

Review VUWSA’s contributions to NZUSA, which cost $45,000 per year, and to VBC Radio (currently the

As there is only one candidate for this position, there will be a no-confidence option

As there is only one candidate for this position, there will be a no-confidence option

As there is only one candidate for this position, there will be a no-confidence option

As there is only one candidate for this position, there will be a no-confidence option


subject of referenda)

Review the salaries of VUWSA’s president and VPs, which at present are way higher than those of the other Exec members

Improve transparency by ensuring more documents like budgets and annual reports are made available on the VUWSA website

Maintain the VUWSA Membership Card, an achievement of the current Exec

Increase VUWSA’s presence at the Pipitea campus


I’ve been Treasurer of Victoria University Rowing club for 16 months, giving me hands-on experience handling the finances of a student-run club. I was a general committee member before, and have filled in for the Secretary on occasion, so have good general admin experience. I’ve also held an admin job in a law firm for 4.5 years. I have the skills and experience to excel as Treasurer-Secretary, to help VUWSA run effectively to do what it does best – providing services and advocating for students.

About me

I am in my third year of an LLB/BCom (Econ major) conjoint. I hail from Wellington, and so far haven’t been tempted to leave, despite the wind and earthquakes. I’m also a Christian, and in my spare time enjoy running, rowing and watching Top Gear.

Please do resist that urge to vote “no confidence”, and instead put a tick beside my name for Treasurer-Secretary. Chur.

Africa, I feel that I am able to bring different ideas and views to not only educational issues at Vic but also to general issues that VUWSA faces day to day. I am able to compare different ways of doing things and hopefully bring the best of what I’ve experience to Vic.


Coming from SA I have witnessed extreme poverty. I am an absolute believer in education being one of the most vital resources for alleviating poverty. My experience with poverty stricken schools has not only served to affirm this belief but also the belief that everyone should be entitled to a quality education and all that it can achieve. This is the reason that I want to fight on behalf of Victoria students on educational issues.

If I am elected I intend to bring these three things together in order to do my utmost in improving education for all students in Victoria.


The single most important role of the wellbeing and sustainability officer, is acting as a bridge of communication between the VUWSA executive and the student body. In order to do that effectively a student must have three essential qualities. Firstly they must be capable by having prior experience with similar welfare and sustainability issues that effect the student body on a daily basis. They must be caring in that they need to be able to listen to students opinions and views on welfare issues, and take them onboard. Finally they must be committed to providing the best quality representation possible by representing the interests of the student body. I believe I should be elected to the position because I not only display these three qualities on a daily basis but I am like my voters a student who is socially aware of the issues that encompass wellbeing and sustainability and am therefore suited for the job as well.

My priority if elected is to improve the communication between the VUSWA executive while building upon existing campaigns of that my position is responsible for. Victoria University has already existing campaigns such as Stress Free Study Week and the Flu Shot Campaign and more recent campaigns such as Warmer Flats and Fairer Fares but in order to make these campaigns more successful there needs to be a greater level of communication between VUWSA and the student body and a greater level promotion in order to get as many students behind these programmes as possible. By getting students behind a cause there is a greater chance of achieving it and that is my ultimate goal. So come election time vote for someone who you know is dedicated to providing quality representation and who you know will get the job done.


(Did not submit a profile)




Hi there

I’m Caroline and I’m running for the role of Education Officer. I recently emigrated from South Africa and I’m really excited for the chance to get involved in the Victoria University community and to serve Vic students.

In running for this role I am hoping to win your votes for three main reasons: Experience, Perspective and Passion.


I recently served as Vice President on a student based community volunteer committee, where one of our chief duties was to support students and teachers in an impoverished area. As such I have knowledge relating to educational issues, something which I will use to help students at Victoria if elected.


Having completed my first year of study back in South


I thought I’d start off my manifesto with a powerful quote that inspired me to join this election race.

“Pop Pop” – Magnitude. Community Season 2, Episode 17

In all seriousness though, I’m running because I have a vision. I want to make a positive difference at University, I’ll be here for years to come so why not improve the ride? However, I know it’s a big task and it’s not something that can just be achieved, it will take someone with experience, knowledge and perseverance and that is why I want to start at the bottom get this role, make the most of it and work my way up.

I want to bring the best quality education for every student and I believe the place to start is with the Class Rep programme. I think it is a fantastic idea, a brilliant way to get representation for each student because the Reps want to listen to your voice. These aren’t classes of thirty people any more, often they’re classes of three hundred which makes it extremely easy to feel insignificant. But even with the great opportunity Class Reps provide, currently they’re practically ineffective. I want to change this. Better training for class reps would be invaluable as it would allow them to be a more visible aspect of lectures, and implementing a mentoring system with previous, shining examples of class reps would be pretty choice.

Along with that, I’m looking forward to working with clubs, faculty delegates and other student voices to make sure our opinions are heard in university wide decisions. It affects our lives, so let’s affect those decisions.

Signing off,



Hi! My name’s Steph Gregor and I’m running for Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer! I am in my third year of uni studying Law, International Relations and Public Policy and I am a member of the climate group Generation Zero. I’m approachable, friendly and a general good time, and I would love your vote for


Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer.

I have three priorities:

- Healthy Homes: I think that a rental WOF is a great idea and the team this year has made great headway on this. My room has no insulation, there is mould on my curtains and I spent my whole winter with a runny nose – not conducive to good study.

- Mental Health: Mental health issues are disproportionately prevalent at this university, and that’s not okay. I want to run a campaign in conjunction with the welfare team, counselling service and groups like Can Do saying that it’s alright to need help, and help is available.

- Better Transport: As a member of Generation Zero I have already been involved with the Fairer Fares campaign, and I would like to see this continue. I also think we need to look more broadly at transport issues like dedicated cycleways and general transport infrastructure, as more than just fares are relevant to students. Holding the newly elected council to account on these issues will be a priority, and continued engagement in the consultation process for the Public Transport Spine Study.

I’m good at knuckling down and getting stuff done. I understand the importance of collaboration and will work with other related groups to make my policies a reality.

Vote Steph for Wellbeing and Sustainability Officer, you won’t be disappointed.

international and disabled students.

How? 1. ENCOMPASS: I pledge to make the minorities voice to be encompassed via rep group meetings and related queries made by various factions of students. 2. EMPOWER: I pledge to host forums with students from different background that celebrate and appreciate the diversity that we have in VUW. 3. ENGAGE: I pledge to engage with students by hosting public awareness campaign such as seminars that aimed to promote equal access in school. 4. I will work with VUWSA 2014 EXCO to mediate any students concerns and refer them to the university council whenever they are possible.




LIKE: www.facebook.com/JoshuaTan4equityofficer2014


Hey, I’m Nate and I’m in my fourth year at Vic Uni, doing a BA/LLB. I have an overwhelming passion for supporting young people and my experience in doing so has brought me to this position – running for VUWSA Equity Officer for 2014. My vision for the coming year is to increase the visibility and involvement of those who are least represented. I aim to reach out to those with limited access to roles, services and resources to identify the needs and inequalities amongst the student community. Secondly I aim to speak out about and discuss the concerns of representative groups and students generally, working together to develop strategies to address them. Accordingly, I will actively seek to increase the number of Maori, Pasifika and women occupying student leadership roles. I will increase the profile of Rep Groups and advocate their concerns to VUWSA and the wider uni community. And I will network with Rep Groups, within both the university and wider Wellington, to improve and stabilise access to resources. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from being a Vic Uni RA and volunteering with Samaritans helpline, you have to reach out and speak out to help out.




“Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.” (Gordan Hewart)

Objective to run for election: 1. I would like to assist in promoting better welfare among all students studying at VUW. 2. I would like to enable the voice of the minorities in VUW to be heard. 3. I would like to engage with student’s rep group for better representation. 4. I would like to upheld and monitor the goals outlined in Equity and Diversity Strategy Plan for 2010-2014.

Why Tan Chong Hui (ME)? 1. I have been consistently involved in executive posts (ranging from competition officer to secretary and finally, the leader of some clubs) during high school period. 2. Hence, I can communicate and corporate with different people well. 3. Being an international student allows me to bear different yet fresh perspectives in terms of welfare issues. I am able to relate myself to any people due to my diverse background, be it Māori, Pasifika, women, queer,


Lady and Gentlemen!

My name’s Quan, an ordinary student who is running for the position of Equity Officer.

At this point, you guys may, possibly, think:”Oh, just an inexperience guy who has an attempt to do something bigger than himself !” Yes, I have nothing to go against that claim. But, let’s take another scope and look from this perspective:”Why now? Why, all of sudden, this guy choose to come out and make his voice heard? Especially, why he choose to be the man defending the Equity and the Rights? There must be something else here, something that push this man forward and feed the eager to do something inside him to the climax!” And you know when someone has a burning fire in his heart will do? He will fight till the end!

Let me share with you my goals and objectives this year:

I want to be the blood vein of all the rep groups in our uni. Since an inexperience man with just his desire can’t go very far, I know that I am a part of a bigger team, a greater goal.

I know that Muslim group has the right to be widely recognized of all its good parts which not a lot seem to know. I know that UniQ group has a fight with the recent legalized marriage which not all people seem to acknowledge. I know that the international fee is too high. I know that Women group always need further attention. I want to share all that, and more than that and I want to a part of your future solutions.

Let me be your Equity guy, let me have an opportunity to build a community that everyone will feel the equity and their rights have been served!


Hi I’m Madeleine and I’m campaigning for Equity Officer for 2014. My experience on campus working with Te Pūtahi Atawhai, Disability Services, Student Learning Support, VUWSA and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences board in various representative and leadership roles has given me the range of skills required for this position.

Maintaining consistent communication with these groups as well as regular dialogue with UniQ, CanDo, international and women’s groups to ensure their objectives within and outside the university are met is an essential element to my proposed strategy.

The role of equity officer represents a multiplicity of minority groups on campus, and covers a wider range of issues than any one executive is capable of advocating for. Structural changes of the VUWSA executive are fundamental to provide specific representation for these groups and addressing the systematic challenges they face. Victoria’s prerogative of realizing equity and excellence must be reflected in the allocation of executive roles.

The Victoria Equity and Diversity Strategy has inadequately outlined the primary issues facing women in the university community. Misplaced emphasis on women preparing and applying for promotion and advancement opportunities naively ignores the issues that run deeper under the surface of the underrepresentation it attempts to solve. A university wide campaign for education,


support and implementation of solutions to feminist issues is vital to equity at Victoria.

Under the current Equity and Diversity Policy, queer identified students are not considered an equity group for targeted action. Queer issues must be addressed both in equity policy and on a practical level to ensure the university community is a fully accepting, comfortable and supportive environment.

The Equity Officer position is a medium through which representative groups are able to voice their concerns and hardships. I am heavily invested in these issues and will mediate between VUWSA and those underrepresented within the university in order to make practical, positive changes to the treatment of the structurally disadvantaged.

Limited visibility is a challenge that all clubs face, since the current method for promoting and celebrating clubs is restricted to a little-known online directory and a brief, but overwhelming Clubs Week. As Clubs and Activities Officer, I will promote clubs all year round. I will write a weekly column, hopefully for Salient, promoting all sorts of club activities, however large or small. A number of our clubs, particularly sports clubs, struggle to keep membership fees low. No student should miss out on participating because they can’t afford member’s fees. To make clubs more accessible, I will connect clubs with a range of fundraising possibilities, allowing clubs to keep membership fees as low as possible. I will provide clubs with more fundraising opportunities on campus, such as bake sales and campus performances, since these have the added benefit of engaging students with the club community. To maximise opportunities for clubs to hold awesome events, I will create The Clubs Manual, with practical advice on how to make the most of club funds, where/when your event should be held, and how to successfully promote your event to students. Whatsmore, I will personally approach every club, listen to their unique needs, and get involved with organising club events and activities. I will be a dedicated and hard-working voice for clubs. Thanks for your time guys. Please vote Toby to be your next VUWSA Clubs and Activities Officer.

of resources and struggle for spaces available for students and have various strategies I’d love to implement in 2014. If you want to see a difference around campus and have a candidate that is in tune with the student voice that will get results, Vote Bing for the 2014 Clubs and Activities Officer.




Hi, My name is David Rektorys and I´m running for the position of VUWSA Clubs & Activities Officer. Why should you vote for me? Student clubs are very popular at Victoria and it´s my goal to help them continue to thrive and grow. And with my 7 years of experience running various clubs both here at Vic and overseas, it’s my belief that I´m the right person to assist clubs achieve their goals, by helping Vic students to have fun, meet new people and gain real experience through engaging with the clubs.

At the same time, I intend on improving clubs´ experience at Victoria by doing three main things:

1. Introduce new promotional channels, such as using the LCD TVs around campuses and creating a website for events on campus

2. Create a new funding platform from outside sponsors to help fund various club events

3. Provide excellent overall support for any clubs activities

And trust me – I will get stuff done. So vote for me, David Rektorys, as your VUWSA Clubs officer 2014!


Hi guys, My name is Toby Cooper, and I’m running to be your VUWSA Clubs and Activities Officer. I truly love our clubs! They are a great way for all students to meet lifelong friends, escape the routine of lectures, and gain valuable work and leadership experience. My vision for 2014 is to maximise the visibility, accessibility, and opportunities for all university clubs.


Hey guys, I’m Elizabeth Bing and I’m running for the Clubs and Activities Officer for 2014! As Clubs Officer I aim to improve Victoria Clubs and Activities for You by:

1) Increasing availability of student spaces e.g. booking areas, reducing clashes. 2) Personal support for Clubs- Clubs and Activities is all about making Victoria a more student friendly community for you! 3) More accessible resources; for clubs it’s all about making things easier for you. Whether it be travel expenses, locker spaces, or even the bbq for a community event! To do this though, I need your help. I’m passionate about what goes on around the university and am determined to make a change next year. This year I have been an active member of Victoria as the Treasurer/student representative of the dance club and also a member of karate club. In addition I am on the VUWSA clubs council and have thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to have an active role in the campus community. I would love to further continue my involvement in the VUWSA community by taking it a step further by providing clubs and students with more support, listening to the student voice and creating a change. I am approachable and proactive, always with a listening ear for the student community. I genuinely care about issues on campus such as the lack


Kia ora katou! My name is Nathaniel Manning and I’m studying toward a Bachelor of Commerce in Public Policy and Economics. I’d love nothing more than to be able to serve the student body on the VUWSA exec as Campaigns Officer. I am highly engaged and experienced politically, and hugely passionate about issues that affect students, and I’d like to bring these two backgrounds together as your Campaigns Officer. As an election year, 2014 really exciting as far as campaigning goes. VUWSA will have a real opportunity to hold political parties to account on what they’re doing for students, and why we should trust them with our education and wellbeing. I’d also like to campaign to increase voter turnout among tertiary students, to show parties that we too deserve representation, like other demographics with traditionally high voter turnout. It’s been awesome to see that VUWSA’s Healthier Homes policy will be going before Parliament as a Local Bill, and VUWSA has also built up momentum towards establishing Fairer Fairs for students, but the fight is not over yet. VUWSA has had a history of keeping the University Council and Government honest, and that is why it’s of particular concern that an upcoming announcement from Steven Joyce regarding University governance (as reported by some media outlets earlier this month), could see reforms introduced that effectively cut student, staff and community representation on University Councils, as had happened to Polytechnics in 2009. I find this really concerning, and will fight hard against such changes if they’re announced. I’d also like to revisit a motion passed at VUWSA’s IGM in April regarding Climate change, and work with students and the Uni to see how we can achieve positive change in this, and many other areas! Vote Nathaniel, for someone active, passionate, and politically engaged!


Kia Ora! My name is Alasdair Keating and I’m a 3rd year student of Art History and Political Science. I’m running for VUWSA Campaigns Officer to provide a voice for you on student issues within and outside University.


Victoria is promised to be a place where you can, ‘get amongst the best’, learn valuable skills and enjoy yourselves. With unhealthy flats, expensive public transport, and anxiety and stress, university can often be an unhappy experience. As Campaigns Officer I’ll work hard to make sure everyone gets to make the most of their experience at Victoria. I’ve got what it takes to be an effective campaigner, having nearly two years of experience working in campaigns with groups such as Oil Free Wellington and Generation Zero, learning valuable lessons in how to organise people and get stuff done. As Campaigns Officer I will: 1. Continue the hard work done by the 2013 executive on external campaigns such as the Fairer Fares and Rental Warrant of Fitness campaigns. Ensuring affordable transport and healthy housing are priorities for me. I will also work hard to campaign for a Student Friendly government in the 2014 General Election, focusing on increasing funding to universities and a universal student allowance to ensure all students have access to quality, affordable education. 2. Make Sure VUWSA campaigns are inclusive and work for students. I aim to consult with student groups alongside the wider university to make sure that VUWSA campaigns work for you. 3. Campaign on Mental Health Issues within the university. For many of you anxiety, stress and depression are facts of life and the university is currently failing to address this. Two-month waiting lists for student counselling are not good enough and I will campaign to provide effective mental health services at Victoria.


Hi, My name is David and I’m also running for campaigns, although Clubs is my primary concern. The reason behind campaigns is simple: I love spreading the word about important issues that affect students. In the past, I have done a lot of promotion of events, projects etc., so it’s my belief that my campaigning efforts for VUWSA will be successful.

value in the magazine. My rugby team has a different set of interests than many in the Salient/VUWSA bubble, for example. Salient needs to be independent, but it also needs to be reminded that it’s here for us. There needs to be a student presence on the Committee that not only has an intimate knowledge of the magazine, but also experience in student-run societies, which I have thanks to my time on the Wellington Community Justice Project executive committee. Nobody wants Salient to be bullied by VUWSA or anybody else. No dumb bureaucracy and no unnecessary red tape. I’ll be there to keep Salient honest, but I’ll also be there to watch its back. Nobody is more passionate than me about keeping Salient great, and in the face of financial pressure from VUWSA and the University I’m committed to keeping our magazine around in the best form possible. I mean, who better to represent the student voice than the guy who writes the Top 10?



Victoria University would not be the same place without Salient, and Salient would be nothing without good editors. In recent years Salient has enjoyed a steady inflow of excellent editors – intelligent, funny, in-touch with students, and unafraid of offending either the University or VUWSA alike. That’s something we can’t afford to lose. The Publications Committee Representative, compared with the other positions up for election, does not demand a great time sacrifice. Neither does it demand any management experience – from what I understand, the job consists almost entirely of appointing the Salient editors. What it does demand is a willingness to look for an editor who a consensus of students will accept. Someone who will be an editor for the entire student body regardless of affiliation – who will cooperate with their co-editor and writers – who will embody the intelligence, funniness, in-touch-ness and critical independence which I venerated just before. I know I can supply that willingness. I am a second-year undergrad, and without fancy notions about what Salient should or should not be doing other than what it is. Having sat on my high-school Board of Trustees during a transition between principals, I know how the job-interviewing process works. For a down-to-earth approach to this job, vote Lucas.

Representatives next year. This year I have been one of your representatives on the University Council, which is the highest governing body of the University. I’ve also been a member of the University Council’s Finance Committee, Governance Committee and I am chairing the Student Representation and Consultation review. My time on these boards and committees has given me a strong understanding of the importance of governance and oversight. I’m comfortable reviewing budgets and financial statements, questioning the decisions of management, and providing strategic guidance. The skills that I have gained in these roles I hope to bring to the Publications Committee. This role is about letting the editors of Salient maintain full editorial control, whilst providing sufficient oversight to ensure that they meet their obligations and budgets and produce a magazine that is of a quality that students demand and deserve.

I have the capability to do this well, and can bring a lot to the table. So please, give me one of your votes for Publications Committee.


Hello! I’m Molly—one of your Salient Co-Editors for this year. I’ve been involved with Salient since my very first year at Victoria, way back in 2009, and (although Mum wishes I’d hurry up and graduate), I’m running for one of the two positions on Publications Committee next year.

Pubs Comm is the body that oversees student media at Vic—currently Salient and (in future) the VBC. Ideally, Pubs Comm should exist to implement and carry out long-term goals to ensure that our student media is high quality and here to stay. Unfortunately, in recent years Pubs Comm has taken a much more hands-off approach, which has led to Salient Co-Editors flying blind when it comes to strategic decisions such as print quality (i.e. magazines that leave ink smudges all over your hands—sorry!) and budget setting.

Having been involved with Salient for many years, and working right next door to the VBC this year, I understand the challenges that student media faces, and think I have a pretty good idea of how to overcome them. As a student representative on Pubs Comm I would ensure the Committee met much more regularly with the Salient Co-Editors and VBC Station Manager to ensure that goals of sustainability, viability, and quality are achieved. I will also work closely with VUWSA to overhaul how advertising is sold on behalf of our student media. If Salient and the VBC earn more through advertising revenue, there’s less of a risk that funding cuts in the future would affect how often Salient comes out, or whether the VBC even exists. I’d like to see whether we can make student media at Vic self-sustainable.

Vote for Molly—because just like Miley at the VMAs, I’ll twerk hard for Pubs Comm.


I’m running for Student Representative on the Publications Committee because I know what Salient magazine needs, but more so because I know what students want. I’ve been involved at Salient in various roles since 2010, from Chief Sub-editor to sports writer to columnist, and I’ve seen how the magazine functions under various styles of editorship. I’ve also sat as non-voting Salient nominee on the Committee in 2012 and this year. More important than that, though, is the fact that I’ve had the ability to step away from the office and talk to students of every interest group about what they


My name is David Alsop - I’m a fifth year student with a BA in Film, International Relations and Political Science, finishing off my BCom in Economics and Commercial Law while working on Honours in Political Science, and I’d like to be one of your Publications Committee