2014-09-14 22:38:10.287 Sugar [1683:60b] Mac Address : 02:00:00:00:00:00

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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1. Clicking on ‘register’ (to sign up) crashes the app. 2014-09-14 22:38:10.287 Sugar [1683:60b] Mac Address : 02:00:00:00:00:00 2014-09-14 22:38:10.309 Sugar[1683:60b] Flurry: Starting session on Agent Version [Flurry_iOS_123_4.3.2] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


2014-09-14 22:38:10.287 Sugar[1683:60b] Mac Address: 02:00:00:00:00:002014-09-14 22:38:10.309 Sugar[1683:60b] Flurry: Starting session on Agent Version [Flurry_iOS_123_4.3.2] 2014-09-14 22:38:11.124 Sugar[1683:60b] Failed to get token, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000 "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application" UserInfo=0x146a4cd0 {NSLocalizedDescription=no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application}2014-09-14 22:38:26.047 Sugar[1683:60b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<RegisterViewController 0x15f12300> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key btnSelect.'*** First throw call stack:(0x2d96aecb 0x38105ce7 0x2d96abd1 0x2e2b015f 0x2e2c1d8d 0x2d8daa55 0x3050b53f 0x30463e8f 0x302c0345 0x301a0875 0x301a07f1 0x3032cbf3 0x3024a46f 0x3024a279 0x3024a211 0x3019c2e5 0x2fe1831b 0x2fe13b3f 0x2fe139d1 0x2fe133e5 0x2fe131f7 0x3019f99f 0x2d935faf 0x2d935477 0x2d933c67 0x2d89e729 0x2d89e50b 0x3280d6d3 0x301ff871 0x7b285 0x38603ab7)libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException(lldb)

1. Clicking on ‘register’ (to sign up) crashes the app.

2014-09-14 22:42:51.961 Sugar[1702:60b] Mac Address: 02:00:00:00:00:002014-09-14 22:42:51.985 Sugar[1702:60b] Flurry: Starting session on Agent Version [Flurry_iOS_123_4.3.2] 2014-09-14 22:42:52.418 Sugar[1702:60b] Failed to get token, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000 "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application" UserInfo=0x14edb140 {NSLocalizedDescription=no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application}2014-09-14 22:43:06.610 Sugar[1702:60b] Warning: Attempt to dismiss from view controller <UITabBarController: 0x14d781c0> while a presentation or dismiss is in progress!2014-09-14 22:46:09.607 Sugar[1702:60b] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<ForgetPasswordViewController 0x185017a0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key btnSelect.'*** First throw call stack:(0x2d96aecb 0x38105ce7 0x2d96abd1 0x2e2b015f 0x2e2c1d8d 0x2d8daa55 0x3050b53f 0x30463e8f 0x302c0345 0x301a0875 0x301a07f1 0x3032cbf3 0x3024a46f 0x3024a279 0x3024a211 0x3019c2e5 0x2fe1831b 0x2fe13b3f 0x2fe139d1 0x2fe133e5 0x2fe131f7 0x2fe0cf1d 0x2d935ff9 0x2d933987 0x2d933cd3 0x2d89e729 0x2d89e50b 0x3280d6d3 0x301ff871 0xf0285 0x38603ab7)libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException(lldb)

2. App crashed when I clicked Buy Now and then ‘Forgot Password’. The button is not working.

3. I had this issue once but can not replicate. Raising it here in case you have seen this before or want to check it again.

4. The map zooms out when you select a location. It also seems to jump back to the current location all the time when you are scrolling around the map … this negatively impacts usability.

Is it standard in maps now? Can it be turned off?

5. I can not remove the keyboard once I click search. It blocks all buttons and I am forced to confirm something I might not want.

6. we could not find that location in Singapore. we're lost! please refine your search or scroll to the location and press to manually select.

7. TEXT: before buying another item, you need to purchase or remove your pending voucher from within your sugarcart.

8. The lowest price message has disappeared. It now automatically buys the item. This is confusing as people might want to view location, opening times and description before buying. Have you implemented this deliberately to increase people buying the item? It is confusing and also a little cheeky in my opinion : )

What it should do is take the user to the item description page (with the buy option) and display the message…

“this item has reached its lowest price. snap it up now and enjoy it within the next x days”

X days = redemption period (e.g. 7 days)

9. The navigation text is slightly to near to the bottom edge of the screen. This should make it easier to read and give the impression that the layout is not ‘squeezed’ onto the page.

Move text higher.

Amber Road

e.g. from Foursquared app

10. When using 3G, the long/Lat code did not convert into a place name. I can not replicate this now but you may want to check the code.

I think the issue might be down to the delay in finding the location. I think coordinates look confusing and strange to a user. In the future release, why not remove the coordinates ,put in place a cool location-focused loading animation, and only display the place nam?

11. Please replace all green icons with the correct color. Skim and lowest price only. (remember to replace skim icon on description page too)

They should be RGB: 24,224,161 (AI file attached)

12. This text is too close to the button. Move the title text upwards a few points … it was correct in the previous version of the app (see current app)

Current app is better (more space)

13. Every time I clicked on skim, the message ‘had bargained’, appeared and the price did not change (skim did not work)

This happens when the very first time I log in to the app following a delete and re-run of the app. The app doesn’t remember what I skimmed and hence displays the had bargained message.

At the very least, please can you change the text to ‘you have already skimmed this item’

14. The interface looks cleaner if the location is a lighter color and lighter font. It should be smaller as it is not the critical information we want to force on this page.

Font: Helvetica Neue LightColour: Same as the item titleSize: Same size as the item title

Amber Road

18. Why does this display ‘—’. If no booking required it should not be shown?

19. Need to add more space between the icon set and the terms text. It looks very squeezed together and hard to read.


16. The text is touching the line. The text needs raising (ensuring all other text aligns)

17. Remove likes and available elements.

15. Add amount available here. e.g. if 1 per day available and it is sold, this will be 0/1

21. Change text color to white.

20. The outline on the picture has been made thicker. Please change back to the previous line width (thinner)

23. Space between the line and the information (phone, map, time) needs increasing. It is too close together right now.

22. The distance and walking time has vanished?

27. Line goes through the text.

24. Note:. Next version the formatting and layout of this whole section should be improved.

26. Move address to the top (below the shop title) and remove the word ‘address’ at the start … it is obviously an address.

25. Remove this. It is extra info that is not needed.

28. Formatting issue when scrolling downwards on a voucher

29. Green should be RGB: 24,224,161. Please check.

Current app is correct

Date format is wrong.

30. Should read ‘expired’ if it was never used. Note: Please can we allow the admin portal to say ‘expired’ so we can see which items were redeemed (used) and which were unused (but expired)