2014 church conference book

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First United Methodist Church of Holland

57 West 10th Street, Holland, Michigan 49423

Phone: 616-396-5205 Fax: 616-396-4587


First United Methodist Church of Holland

Church Conference

November 18, 2014

Resident Bishop

Deborah Lieder Kiesey Michigan Area, United Methodist Church

2164 University Park, Suite 250, Okemos, MI 48864

Phone: 517.347.4030


District Superintendent

William Haggard Grand Rapids District Office

11 Fuller, S.E.. P.O. Box 6247, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6247

Phone: 616.459.4503

Toll Free: 888.217.1905


Lead Pastor

Lynn Pier-Fitzgerald First United Methodist Church of Holland

57 West, 10th Street, Holland, MI 49423

Work Phone: 616.396.5205 x 14

Cell Phone: 616.510.6766


First United Methodist Church of Holland Mission Statement:

Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

This we believe:

We are witness for Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, love, and service.

We are commanded to love all people.

We are given gifts, talents, and skills to be used in God’s transforming work.

We are called to teach and nurture all ages to grow in faith.

We are transformed when we reach out in love to our neighbors in the community and in the world.

We are guided by God in our speaking and listening to one another in a diverse world.

Annual Church Conference Agenda

November 18

7:00 pm

Opening Prayer

Worship Music

Offering: Imagine No Malaria campaign

“Thank You” video


Business Session Agenda

Election of Secretary

Lay Leadership Team Report

Membership Report

Staff Parish Relation Team Motions

Clergy Salary Support

Housing Allowance

Report of Ministry Shares

Audit Report by Chair of Finance Team

Recommendation for sale of Plasman Street property

Pastor’s Report

Closing Prayer and Benediction

First United Methodist Church of Holland Mission: Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Nomination and Leadership Development for 2015 - 2017

Staff-Parish Relations Team


2015 2016 2017

Carolyn Hulst Louise Shumaker Jean Russner

Kendra Gerlach Deb Swanson Craig House

Sid Kenyon Joel Dye Dwight Vincent

Lay Members to Annual Conference:

Lay Leader Representatives:

Trustees Chairperson:

2015 2016 2017

Scott Wilcox Vern Shumaker Mary Buttrey

Sue Linn Susan Tebbe Chuck Beasley

Richard Van Haver Kaarli Riley

Staff Liaison: Mike Monteith

Finance Team Chairperson: Carl Virta

2015 2016 2017

Kim Murphy Carl Virta Sheryl Crosby

Cindy Minnich Lloyd Helder Dean Baumgartner

Matt Brevard Barb Miner Ken Rizzio

Church Treasurer & Finance Secretary: Kent Jagnow

Lay Leadership Team Chairperson: J. Lynn Pier-Fitzgerald

Lay Chairperson: Dave Marckini

2015 2016 2017

Rod Obermiller Dave Marckini Sandi Steggerda

Lisa Snyder Tammi Nottingham Judy Visscher

Phila White Kerri Kenyon John Buttrey


Church Council Chairperson Andy Snyder

Secretary to Church Council Kim Salisbury

Lay Leader Mary Inman

Jean Russner

Dave Diehl

Youth : David DeMoss, Rebecca Jones, Ellorie


Lay Delegate to Annual Conference

FUN School Representative Vickie Whipple

SPRC Chair

Finance Chair Carl Virta

Trustee Chair

Lay Leadership Co-Chair David Marckini; Pastor Lynn

Nurturing Ministries Team Leader/Representative Tracy Virta

Outreach Ministries Team Leader Dave Diehl (07.14)

Witness Ministries Team Leader Mary Jo De Lany (01.13)

Youth Ministries Team Leader Mary Chamness

Worship Ministries Team Leader Andy Snyder

UMW President (or Representative) Pat Barrett (08.12)

UM Youth Representative Eric Salisbury

Members-at-Large (4) Steve Steggerda (01.14)

Roxanne Wallace

Marilyn Kelly (01.11)

Kim Salisbury (01.14)

Staff: Sharon Rocker, LuAnne Stanley-Hook, David Newton, Marj Haney, Heidi DeMoss

Renovation Team Established 06.2013

Gary White (Chairperson) Liz Carr Heidi Chamness Dave Field (alternate)

Nancy Field (alternate) Brad Haveman-Gould Joel Dye Steve Steggerda

Mark Stid (alternate) Lee Strebel Dean Baumgartner


Ryan Gerlach (Landscape Team)

Kent Jagnow (previous Building Team)

Al Minert (Finance Team)


Ministry Teams

Endowment and Planned Giving Nurture Team

Kevin Virta, Chairperson (01.11) Tracy Virta (07.11)

Richard Schmidt Christy Conway (01.14)

David Marckini Sandi Steggerda

Matt Lepard Marilyn Kelly

Traci Howard

Witness Team Outreach Team

Mary Jo De Lany (01.13) Dave Diehl (07.12)

George Ward

Phyllis Boal

Mary DeRidder

Peg Minert

Bev Kindig

Sally Garrett

Memorial Team Communications Team

Sarah Kenyon, Chairperson Jim Searls, Chairperson

Mary Buttrey Heidi Chamness

Al Minert David Miller

Youth Leadership Team Worship Team

Mary Chamness (09.12) Andy Snyder, Chairperson (01.11)

Cindy Minnich (09.12) Lori Sanders (08.12)

Karen Foulds (09.12)

Mary Chamness (09.12)

Historian: Garnet VanderLeek

Bus Coordinator: Rick George

Head Ushers: Gene Wong, Tim Hook

*Date indicates when individual assumed responsibility



Amanda Ahearn

Randy Bezile

Jason Blood

Debra Blood

William Devrow

Julie Eberly-Clark

Geoffrey Haney

Keanon Jackson

Betsy Jackson

Leslie Johnson

Sarah Newman

Susan Kuite Smith

Carole Miller

Chris Post

Tesha Post

Douglass Smith

Barb Smith

Adam Smyth

Sherry Van Brocklin

First Year Reading 2014



Please Send Forms On White Paper, One-Sided, Not Stapled.

Fill Out The Following Information To Facilitate Motions Brought To The Church Conference.

Due In The District Office Ten (10) Days Prior To The Church Conference.

Church: Holland First United Methodist Church Pastor: Lynn Pier-Fitzgerald

District: West Michigan Date: 11/18/2014

1. The Church Council recommends the Pastor’s Total Compensation for 2015 be

set at: (This is the $ amount on line 5 of the Compensation Form) (See The Book

of Discipline of The United Methodist Church – 2012, ¶252 and ¶247.13) $72,800

2. The Household Furnishings Allowance of this amount is recommended to be set

at: (This is the $ amount on line 11 of the Compensation Form)

3. The Church Council and Pastor recommends the following person(s) to be ap-

proved to continue in the status of Local Lay Servant (See The Book of Discipline

of The United Methodist Church – 2012, ¶267):

4. The Church Council and Pastor recommends the following person(s) to be ap-

proved and continue in the status of Certified Lay Servant (See The Book of Disci-

pline of The United Methodist Church – 2012, ¶268):

5. The SPRC recommends the following person(s) be approved as a Certified Candi-

date for Ordained Ministry (See The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist

Church – 2012, ¶311.2a and b):

6. For Churches with a Housing Allowance: The Church Council recommends a

Housing Allowance be established for the next year in the amount of: (This is the

$ amount on line 17 of the Compensation Form.) $10,500 (same as 2014)

7. Ministry Shares Report for the Church Profile: On behalf of the Church Council,

we report the following percent of the congregation’s Ministry Shares paid to date

as: 100%



Motions at Church Conference Fall 2014 Page 15 of 1 6







Proposed Motion to approve the sale of 763 Plasman

property to J. Quinones, and to authorize Tania

Dozeman and Scott Wilcox, both members of the

Trustee Committee, to execute, sign, and convey the

necessary documents to complete this transaction on

behalf of First United Methodist Church of Holland.


In 2014, God surprised us. In this year, God has been with us and has brought forth more joy and unity in our congregation than we thought possible. 2014 has also been a year of change and chal-lenge for the people of First United Methodist of Holland. Yet, in the midst of it all, God, in Christ, has been with-us. In the fall of 2014, we reaffirmed our connection as United Methodists and claimed the shared mis-sion statement: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We are a people on a journey as disciples sent into the world in Christ’s name. We, at First UMC, are seek-ing to understand and move toward God’s vision and intention for our congregation. Vital Church Initiative The Church Council made the decision in July of this year to enter into Phase 2 of the VCI. The VCI Team of 12 plus 2 home members have conveyed information to the congregation through testimo-nies, articles, bulletin boards, the Focus, and the website. This fall, the Team has engaged in data gathering about the church, its history, its members, its ministry and structure, and our community. 160 people are part of our All Church VCI Bible Study, entitled: Does Your Church Has a Prayer? 25 persons have participated in the Healthy Congregations class led by Naomi Garcia, our VCI Coach. We look forward to the VCI Consultation to take place January 22-25, 2015. On that weekend, our consultants will continue to gather information with interviews, focus groups, and a workshop. On Sunday, the 25

th, we will hear the Consultation report with 5 strengths, 5 weaknesses and 5 prescrip-

tions for our congregation. The prescriptions will outline what we can do to become a more vital and growing congregation. Following the weekend, there will be Town Hall meetings which will allow us to talk over the report and the recommendations. Six weeks after the Consultation, a Church Con-ference will be held to vote on whether or not to accept the prescriptions. Miracle Sunday On June 22, 2014 our congregation experienced a miracle! We raised $328,000. on one day! Over time, that figure grew to $360,000.! God brought us together to support needed improvements on our building and we are thankful. We grew in our understanding of our dependence upon God and we shared stories of the miracles God has worked in our live, our world and with those we love. We grew in our capacity to trust God and each other. As of November 1, we have a new roof on the entire building! Work is in process on an improved sound and video system as well as repairs and updating of the organ. Two teams are meeting and planning for updates on the education wing and the kitchen. The goal is to complete these two pro-jects by the fall of 2015.



Staffing Transitions We welcome to the staff, Mike Monteith, in a new position of Building Supervisor with an eye to pro-active maintenance and care for our building. We recognize the retirement of Walt Garrett as head custodian on Dec. 1 after 15 years of employment. Night custodian Rich Tiethof concludes his em-ployment with us on Oct. 31. Tracy Garrett and Kendall Harmening also moved on to other jobs this year. We welcome Pam Wehrmeyer as the Administrative Assistant and Clarissa Johnston as Nursery Director. A new full time custodian will join the staff in November. Congregational Care This new ministry was launched with guidance by Congregational Care Director, Sharon Rocker, with the help of Marcia Burnham. The program is aimed at training and equipping laity as Congre-gational Care Ministers who help provide connection and resourcing when there is a pastoral care or other need. The goal is to increase connections among the congregation as well as provide care for the joys and concerns of members and friends. God’s Promised Future First UMC of Holland is a congregation on the edge of God’s promised future. We have cared for some in-house matters by attending to the improvement and care of our building. We have also worked to attend to care for our membership with the Congregational Care program. Ahead, it is time to turn our attention to other kinds of improvement: in growing spiritually and in working out our unique mission as God’s United Methodist people here in Holland. I trust that the Vital Congrega-tion Initiative will help to point the way. The God who surprised us with a miracle earlier this year may have more surprises and more mira-cles in store for us. I pray we will awaken to the presence of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may follow where Christ leads. Thanks be to God who is with-us.

-Pastor Lynn Pier-Fitzgerald


To: Church Conference

From: Sharon Rocker

Re: Care Ministries

Annual Report

October, 2014

Congregational Care Ministry Program

A.Gathered Groups of Members (31)

B.Each group (10-15 households)

C.Recruited ministers to care for groups(28)

D.Kick-off meeting (October 9, 2014)

E.Follow-up meeting (November 18, 2014)

II. Senior Member Visitation (40 church members)

A. Living Situations

1. Nursing Homes (6 members)

2. Assisted Living Facilities (9 members)

3. Independent Living Apartment Facilities (17


4. Own Homes (8)

5. Purpose

a. Provide caring contact from the church

b. Pray for comfort, thanksgiving, and healing

c. Stay in touch with those unable to attend

church service

d. Be aware of needs

B. Care Team

1. Visits to hospital as needed

2. Bi-weekly Care Team meetings

C. Seniors on the Go! (20 attendees on average)

1. Monthly programs

2. Bus transportation

3. Purpose

a. Provide fellowship

b. Address concerns of the aging

C. Provide information on opportunities for seniors

d. Provide entertainment and travel

D. Stephen Ministry

1. Stephen Ministers (18)

2. Care Receivers (10 at this date)

3. Leadership Meetings (Quarterly)

4. Continuing Education (Quarterly)

5. Supervision Meetings (Monthly)

6. Meetings with Care Receivers (Weekly)

7. Retreat (yearly)

8. Purpose

a. Care for members in need of support

b. Develop relationships of Christian caring

with care receivers

c. Grow personally in relationship with Christ

d. Continue education in effective caring

e. Build an attitude of caring within


E. Visitation Team

1. Visitors (4 members)

2. Members Visited as needed

3. Purpose

a. Provide contact with the church

b. Keep members involved

c. Provide comfort and prayer

F. Prayer Shawl Knitting Group

II. Goals for 2014

A. Continue to develop and monitor the Congregational Care Ministry

B.Continue to develop the prayer shawl knitting group

C.Continue to develop the Stephen Ministry program

D.Continue to care for members when in need

E. Continue to build our welcoming skills in all groups




2014 Youth Ministry Report to Charge Conference

We began the year with our 5th annual $10-for-10 campaign to raise money for church camp and mission trip scholarships. This was

a great success again this year, raising over $10,000 for these great experiences for our children and youth, as well as an additional

$3000 for families with multiple kids going to both camp and on a mission trip. We are so thankful for a supportive church!

Our middle school trip this year was to Grand Rapids, MI, where 12 youth and adults worked for two days at the United Methodist

Community House, doing grounds work and organizing a library. Our youth impressed Dwayne Moore, the Program Director, by

doing work that wouldn’t have gotten done otherwise. We also enjoyed assisting with senior bingo! Special thanks to Wyoming

Park UMC, our overnight host for the trip.

The senior high mission trip for 2014 was international, but also local, in Toronto, Ontario. This was one of the shortest drives

we’ve had lately for a mission trip. 20 youth and adults worked with YouthWorks! Inc,, partnering with several Toronto ministries

that serve the poor, homeless and forgotten. Our group mixed with churches from Rockford, MI and Sartell, MN and had a great

week of serving others, growing closer to each other, and growing in our faith. It was an amazing trip, and stopping by Niagara

Falls on the way home added to the experience. Our youth related how much they were impacted at a mission trip church service in


Youth Group attendance is holding steady at about 40. We served the church and community through projects such as delivering

flowers to our shut-ins, cleaning the church bus and the nursery toys, and sponsoring the Chili Cookoff/Dessert Bakeoff. We offered

a one-day retreat to our 3 youth group seniors, where we explored the issues that they would face in college and ways to handle

them. We also held a lock-in each for both senior high and middle school students, and have fall retreat planned for each group as

well. Our activities also included Bible-based programming, occasional speakers, such as Jo and Bob Bird, and movie screenings of

Christian-themed movies in the local theaters.

Andy Snyder, Luke Dornon, Peter Minnich, Melissa Clutters and Courtney Putters were the youth leaders for the senior highs. Mid-

dle school leaders were Carol Streur, Andy Kenyon, Paul Jones, David Vruggink and Lara Miller. Liz Carr coordinated our Sunday

night youth group meals. Mary Chamness, Cindy Minnich and Karen Foulds made up the Youth Ministry Team. Kathy Lindstrom

collected and returned our pop cans from the Eclipse, and MANY parents helped by bringing in meals and drinks for youth group,

driving, and simply being supportive of our ministry. A big THANK YOU to these vital volunteers!

Respectfully submitted,

LuAnne Stanley Hook, Director of Youth Ministries


Outreach Team Ministries 2014

P.E.T. Holland – PET West Michigan-Formerly PET MI-Holland. The First United Methodist Church of Holland has been one of our greatest supporters. The offerings so far this year have totaled $4,702.60 Not only does our church do special offerings, but many of our parishioners do a “second mile” giving at other times of the year. We are so blessed with all of the support we feel from FUMC. We make 10 carts a week and have just completed number 2,000. In 2015, we hope to go to 15 per week with the super support of all our donors. Thank you to First United Methodist Church. You are changing lives - one child at a time. Judy Laidler, one of many retired volunteers. www.petwestmichigan.org

Peace With Justice – continues to meet monthly to discuss issue of justice, equity, and humanity. By leading discus-sions during our Jubilant Journey (Sunday education time) and hosting movie screenings our PWJ group has expanded their work to include education and discussion opportunities on a variety of justice issues. We have hosted several cof-fee hours this year. We helped plan and support the Beal Memorial Event on September 28th at the Midtown Center. This past year our group developed a welcoming statement and became an official reconciling presence of the National Reconciling Ministries Program. Kids Hope USA – continues to reach out to at-risk children at Holland Heights School. We partner with Calvary Re-formed Church at Holland Heights serving as mentors, subs, and prayer partners. We collected four large totes full of much needed school supplies for the students and staff at Holland Heights School. Praise God for these individuals who are willing to step out and establish trusting relationships with children in our neighborhood. The director for KIDS HOPE USA from our church is Kathy Lindstrom. Her email is klindst0702@gmail.com Ecology Group – We continue to recycle Styrofoam, print cartridges, and batteries, with members who do not have ac-cess to recycling bringing in materials twice a month. We are not meeting regularly, but we do have a representative at the West MIchigan Creation Care monthly meetings, and do participate in electronic recycling events that they organ-ize. We are also considering joining them on a project to assist low income persons to participate in the City of Holland home retrofit programs to achieve energy savings as part of the Holland Energy Plan. Senior Meal – our loyal volunteers continue to serve a well-balanced, home-cooked lunch to senior citizens in our com-munity each Tuesday in Fellowship Hall. Attendance remains steady at an average of 60 meals served each week. We are now partnering Holland Rescue Mission to procure some of the food at no cost and in the future hope to work stu-dents of the missions culinary program. Efforts continue to increase attendance by advertising with flyers at several lo-cations throughout town. Please invite anyone you know over the age of 65 to join us for lunch on Tuesdays with a sug-gested donation of $3 per person. Praise God for our dedicated volunteers, wonderful food, and opportunity for fellow-ship and service. Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON) – volunteers work with a clinic here at church once a month to provide affordable legal immigration services. This is partnership program with Grand Rapids First United Methodist Church and UMCOR. Brochures are available in our literature racks describing this ministry. This past spring JFON collaborated with the In-tersection Ministries by doing a wrap up of their Civic Classes to prepare them to be citizens. Another citizenship class will come this November with JFON's help. JFON also offered a Green Card Refugee Clinic for the first time in October. JFON was reaffirmed as an official ministry of FUMC Holland at our August 27 Church Council meeting. Praise God for all our volunteers. www.jfonwestmichigan.org Washington School Neighbors (WSN) We continue to partner with Good Samaritan Ministries, Hope Church, Fourth Reformed Church, and St. Francis Church to support Community Connectors, Janelle Lopez-Koolhaas and Andrew Spidahl, to work together in the ground-level work of building a strong neighborhood where people work together and us their talents to improve the quality of life

for their community. www.washingtonschoolneighbors.com 18

Page 2

Outreach Team Ministries in 2014 - continued... Blood Drives - We continue to partner with Hope Church (across the street) and the American Red Cross to host four drives each year - two here at FUMC and two at Hope, with combined efforts on advertising and volunteers. Thank you to all of the volunteers who have supported these efforts by meeting the Red Cross Van, setting up Fellowship Hall, sign-ing-in donors, and serving refreshments. Additional volunteers are always welcome – contact the church office or Tim Haney. Praise God for the volunteers that allow these blood drives to be successful and to the many donors. Hunger Relief Efforts – Our church family has worked in several areas to help relieve hungry in our community. Praise God for all of our volunteers and donors.

Community Kitchen - volunteers help prepare and serve lunch once a month on the 2nd Thursday, at the Com-munity Kitchen (a partnership of Community Action House & Western Theological Seminary).

Pantry Collection - Our church family continually collects food and personal hygiene items for the pantries of Community Action House. Donation baskets are located at both main entrances so that gifts may be brought to the church at any time. We are also planning our annual Thanksgiving In-gathering this November. Our church family usually donates three pallet boxes full of non-perishable food, cleaning products, and hygiene supplies at our In-gathering.

Crop Walk – Once again members of our congregation participated in the annual Crop Hunger Walk in April. We had several fewer walkers this year but still raised support over $4,000 for local and world-wide hungry relief pro-grams.

Bread Pan, Special Offerings and General Budget giving Praise God for the generosity of our congregation! You share so much of your blessings from God. God is good and so are you! Highlights include: One Great Hour of Sharing 2,428.95 Haiti Hot Lunch 2,459.37 Justice For Our Neighbors 1,232.00 Washington School Neighbors (Neighborhood Connections) 2,598.19 United Methodist Community House 1,363.60 Lake Louise Mission Trip & Maintenance Fund 1,120.23 International Disaster Response 112.00 World Communion 532.85 Camps Scholarships 1,636.96 FUN School Scholarships 2,932.75 P.E.T. 3,368.60 Imagine No Malaria 3,338.55 Pastors Discretionary Fund 2,392.00 Ministry Shares 67,086.00


2014 Trustee Report to Charge Conference

“Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us; glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus for all generations, forever and always.” -Ephesians 3:20

Paul’s words in Ephesians, our guiding scripture for Miracle Sunday, could not be more relevant to the work of the Trustees in 2014. Glory to God, it has been a wonderful year to be a Trustee at FUMC! And, it is absolutely remarkable what has been accomplished as people within the body of our church have been unified and worked together toward a common purpose.

At the end of 2013 we were facing the hard reality as Trustees that the list of projects needing to be done on our “Project List” were growing and the funds were not available to tackle them. The largest and most costly, was our leaky roof which prohibited any other projects from commencing. In a col-laborative effort between the Trustees and Renovation team, money was allocated from the Renova-tion team for a professional building inspection to be done of our building.

This inspection report was presented to our church on January 30th, and it provided the impetus for many thoughtful conversations among our body of recognizing our current situation with the building, then on to what can be done about it, and how not to be in this place again. At our February Trustee meeting, we tackled the large to-do list, including the confirmation that we did indeed need a new roof, and made a motion to ask Finance to begin the process of raising the approximate $200,000 it would take to replace the roof. We also discovered it was necessary to re-caulk the entire building as water was entering at various points of the building around windows and door frames and for en-ergy conservation ($5600 Capital Reserve) and this project began in April.

In a fusion of members from Finance and Trustees, the team looked at ways to raise the needed money for the roof. At the beginning of April, this team selected the “Miracle Sunday” campaign model we would use. This blossomed into a 12 week campaign that with a leap of faith went from a $200,000 request to a $600,000 goal. June 8, the culmination of our Miracle Sunday was a momen-tous day for FUMC and for me personally. Not only was $360,000 raised, but there was a prevailing sense of hope for the future of this church and what can be done when we work together and put our trust in God.

Currently the Miracle Sunday funds are being used to replace all the roofs on our buildings ($189,000). This is to be completed by the end of October. We are also in process of updating the sanctuary sound system ($40,000) and completing the required repairs and updates to our organ (36,000). The remaining Miracle Sunday money, along with the pending sale of 763 Plasman, will be used to support much needed updates to the kitchen and Education building. The Renovation Team is working in conjunction with the Trustees on securing estimates and bids this winter with the implementation of this work to happen by late spring 2015.


Page 2 Other highlights from this year are:

Moved from being an advisory/reactionary committee to a pro-active action oriented team with individual Trustee holding responsibility for specific auxiliary duties.

A number of successful volunteer “Done in a Day” projects to tackle major cleaning and organi-zation projects around the church.

Collaborating with SPRC, the hiring of a building supervisor and realignment of the custodial care of our facility.

The support by our church to sell the 763 Plasman rental house (which is in process) with the monies to go to the Miracle Sunday efforts.

Touring all four of our rental properties and starting the process of making required improve-ments. We have also begun discussion on how they may be used as a ministry effort in the future.

The continued care of our Landscaping beds by a team of volunteers and outsourcing the care of the lawn and snow removal to outside companies.

Sanctuary improvements including ceiling drywall repair work (damage from the prior roof), painting of the ceiling, electrical upgrades in the sanctuary and entranceways, ramps for ac-cessibility to the platforms, and re-carpeting of the Narthex, platforms, balcony, and balcony stairs (both Memorial money and Trustee Project Fund). New rugs and benches for the en-tryways will also be added soon via a Memorial fund.

The pending re-carpeting of Fellowship Hall, all of the hallways in the north wing, the lounge, and the room adjacent to the lounge (pending October Church Council approval; Capital Reserve Fund).

This season of internal building work, getting our house in order, in many ways mirrors the work we are doing as part of the Vital Church Initiative process and our church as a whole. It has been a privilege to be a part of both this preparation work of the Trustees and the VCI process. Now look-ing back on 2014, it is with a great sense of hope that I look forward to how we can further our work of being the hands and feets of Christ within our community and in the world.

Respectfully submitted,

Tania Dozeman, Chairperson of Trustees