2015/16 (Spring) FINAL REPORT FORM - rdosmaps.bc.ca€¦ · 2015/16 (Spring) FINAL REPORT FORM...

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Regional Community to Community Forum Program E-mail: lgps@ubcm.ca

Mail: 525 Government Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 0A8

2015/16 (Spring) FINAL REPORT FORM

Please complete and return this form within 30 days of the completion of your forum and no

later than April 30, 2016. Final disbursement of the grant will only be released after the final

report is complete. Please type directly in this form or print and complete. Use additional space

or pages wherever required.

Questions? Contact UBCM at lgps@ubcm.ca or (250) 356-2947

Applicant Information

Applicant: Regional District of Okanagan-


Complete Mailing Address: 101 Martin

Street, Penticton, BC V2A 5J9

Contact Person: Christy Malden Position: Manager of Legislative Services

Phone: 250-492-0237 E-mail: cmalden@rdos.bc.ca

Date(s) forum was held: February 26, 2016

1. DESCRIPTION. Please provide a description of the forum that was held, including the

length, format and any highlights. If more than one event was held please include

descriptions of each event.

The purpose of this report is to provide the Union of British Columbia Municipalities with a

summary of the activities of the Community to Community forum which was held between

representatives of the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS), Osoyoos Indian

Band, Lower Similkameen Indian Band, Penticton Indian Band and the RDOS member

municipalities. The intent of the forum was to bring together First Nations and local

government communitiy leaders in the South Okanagan and Similkameen to discuss the

common issues and goals of tourism within the region.

2015/16 (Spring) Regional C2C Final Report Forum 2

2. ACHIEVEMENTS. Please provide an assessment of how the proposed forum objectives

were or were not met, and any notable achievements from the forum. Provide specific

examples. Describe the topics/issues that were discussed, presentations made, etc.

The February 26, 2016 Community to Community forum theme was "Tourism - The Journey

is the Destination, Keep Exploring". Through Steering Committee and Joint Council

meetings over the past year it had been identified that tourism is an issue which the parties

need to discuss and share information on.

Brenda Baptiste, Interim-CAO and Chair of Aboriginal Tourism BC, and Kara Burton,

Manager of Osoyoos museum provided an educational and lively presentation on the history

of First Nations and non-indigenous settlers in the South Okanagan Similkameen.

Participants were honoured to have the opportunity to tour the Nk'mip Desert Cultural

Centre and to view the Inkameep Day School art collection which is housed there.

Teresa Ryder, Manager of Training and Development, Aboriginal Tourism BC, and Ellen

Walker-Matthews, Experience Development Specialist, Thompson Okanagan Tourism

Association provided a presentation on Aboriginal Tourism BC, shared details on the

Memorandum of Understanding between Aboriginal Tourism BC and the Thompson

Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), and gave an overview of tourism projects in the


Participants took part in a break out session focusing on Partnering for Regional Tourism

Success, which looked at servicing, training and customer needs, building a tourism product

and working with the media.

All presenters were able to gather at the end of the day as an expert tourism panel to

provide participants the opportunity to have a questions and answer period.

3. PARTICIPANTS. Please attach a complete attendance list including name, title and

organization of each participant. Do not submit sign in sheets.

4. OUTCOMES. Please describe the outcomes that resulted from the forum (e.g. plans for

future meetings, joint work plans, future action/collaboration, recommendations, etc.)

Participants at the February 26, 2016 Community to Community forum were able to share,

question and discuss information which was provided regarding tourism in the South

Okanagan Similkameen and within British Columbia with a common spirit of respect, which

lead toward stronger relationships, further trust and transparency.

Parties engaged in meaningful dialogue with respect to tourism.

The forum provided a venue where participants explored consumer needs with respect to

tourism. Participants discussed the gaps in tourism within the region, and considered the

research needed to better understand the tourism consumer. Participants discussed tourism

service training and looked at what service training is currently available, and where the

barriers are in tourism training. Discussion around labour shortages in the communities took

place. The participants also discussed the concept of building a tourism product, creating a

better understanding of Aboriginal Culture and using innovative partnerships between First

Nations and non-First nations and/or local government to develop a tourism product.

2015/16 (Spring) Regional C2C Final Report Forum 3

A trade show element was added to the 2016 C2C Forum. Parties suggested the idea at a

Steering Committee meeting. When asked there was interested from the participants.

Okanagan Nation Alliance had a booth showcasing some of the important work they do. The

RDOS had two booths. One showcased the RDOS Heritage Program, and the other was

showcasing the RDOS commemorating their 50th Anniversary during 2016. TOTA

showcased their new "Cruising Route 97" campaign. Osoyoos Indian Band also put up an

information booth showcasing their development work. The tradeshow was an important

addition to the forum to enable organizations to showcase their services and share this

information with the parties. Participants were able to explore the booths during

registration, breaks and lunch hour.

The 2016 C2C Forum also had a very special tourism element. Osoyoos Indian Band is

currently piloting a hospitality training program. The students come from Bands across the

Okanagan Nation. During the forum they were in their first weeks of the hospitality

program, studying at Nk'mip. The students were given the opportunity to set up, work at

and cater the forum, learning all about putting on a conference. After lunch, each student

was asked to come up and share their name and which community they are from, and each

was congratulated with applause for their hard work.

5. DELIVERABLES. Please describe the specific deliverables that were advanced at the forum.

Protocol agreement (e.g. communications, dispute resolution, planning and development

approval processes). Please describe:

Service Agreement (e.g. water, sewer, solid waste disposal or fire protection). Please


Memorandum of Understanding (e.g. protection of archaeological or environmental

resources). Please describe:

Joint project or plan (e.g. economic development, cultural initiative, emergency

planning). Please describe: Leadership identified that tourism would be an extremely

beneficial topic to explore at C2C. The goal was to educate participants on the history

of the First Nations and non-indigenous settlers in the South Okanagan-Similkameen.

Participants were able to learn about Aboriginal Tourism BC and the Thompson

Okanagan Toursim Association and the work which both plan to do together to help to

enhance tourism in the South Okanagan-Similkameen.

Participants looked at what tourists are looking for when visiting the South Okanagan-

Similkameen. Participants looked at where the gaps are and what communities could be

doing better to enhance tourism in the region.

The forum was an incredible venue for participants to find common ground around how

to proceed most effectively together regarding tourism in the region.

Participants also identified the importance of continuing to hold C2C forums as it is a

productive setting to work on issues of mutual interests, and also to continue to build

relationships between the Parties.


2015/16 (Spring) Regional C2C Final Report Forum 4

6. SHARING LESSONS LEARNED. In order to help other local governments and First Nations

learn from your experience are you willing to:

Share your experience in UBCM’s Compass?

Present the results of your forum at a UBCM or FNS event?

Share this final report (e.g. on the UBCM/FNS website) with others interested in local

government/First Nations relations?


Please see Section 6 of the Program & Application Guide and attach a completed financial

summary in the same format as the sample financial summary.

8. ATTACHMENTS. Please attach the following items to this report:

Complete attendance list

Financial summary

Agenda, session summaries or minutes and other documents/presentations (if available)

Available photos, media releases and press coverage and other public communications

Any other relevant background information (e.g. planning process, context, goals)

Please send the completed final report form and all required attachments as an e-mail

attachment to Local Government Program Services (UBCM) at lgps@ubcm.ca.

Last Name First Name Position Organization

Ryder Teresa Manager Aboriginal Tourism BC

Chambers Stephanie Business Development Manager City of Penticton

Konanz Helena Director City of Penticton

Peake Janet Councillor District of Summerland

Waterman Peter Mayor District of Summerland

Nagy Angela CEO Green Step Solutions Inc.

Baptiste Leona Councillor Osoyoos Indian Band

Louie Clarence Chief Osoyoos Indian Band

Louie Sammy Councillor Osoyoos Indian Band

Weinert Yvonne Councillor Osoyoos Indian Band

Hall Kx Osoyoos Indian Band

Baptiste Brenda Interim-CEO and Chair Aboriginal Tourism BC Osoyoos Indian Band

Burton Kara Manager Osoyoos Museum Society

Gabriel Clint Councillor Penticton Indian Band

Kruger Jonathan Chief Penticton Indian Band

Lezard Timmothy Councillor Penticton Indian Band

Coyne Bob Director Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Lynn Nona Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Malden Christy Deputy Corporate Officer Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Newell Bill Chief Administrative Officer Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Schafer Terry Director Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Siddon Tom Director Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Woods Mark Community Services Manager Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Goldsberry Michelle Administrative Assistant Regional District of Okanagan-SimilkameenKozakevich Karla Director Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Bourque Lindsay Rural Projects Coordinator Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

Jakubeit Andrew Vice-Chair Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen/City of Penticton

McKortoff Suzan Director/Mayor Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen/Town of Osoyoos

Armitage Frank Director/Mayor Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen/Town of Princeton

Bauer Manfred Director/Mayor Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen/Village of KeremeosBlashko Denise Executive Director South Okanagan Chamber of Commerce

Petkau Christine Executive Director Summerland Chamber of Commerce

Walker-Matthews Ellen Experience Development Specialist Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association

Doerr Mo Councillor Town of Oliver

Campol Mike Councillor Town of Osoyoos

Doughty Rosemary Councillor Town of Princeton

Maynard Kim Councillor Town of Princeton

Zerr Rick Chief Administrative Officer Town of Princeton

Snow Theresa Lower Similkameen Indian Band


2016 COMMUNITY TO COMMUNITY FORUM South Okanagan Similkameen Tourism

The Journey is the Destination – Keep Exploring AGENDA

Nk’mip Conference Centre, Osoyoos, BC – February 26, 2016 Master of Ceremonies: Yvonne Weinert, Osoyoos Indian Band

8:30 am – 9:00 am Registration

9:00 am – 9:30 am Opening prayer and song Kx Hall, Osoyoos Indian Band

Welcome Remarks

Clarence Louie, Chief Osoyoos Indian Band Andrew Jakubeit, Vice-Chair Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen

9:30 am – 9:45 am Break

9:45 am – 11:00 am History of First Nations and non-indigenous settlers in the South Okanagan-Similkameen

Brenda Baptiste, Interim-CEO and Chair Aboriginal Tourism BC Kara Burton, Manager Osoyoos Museum Society Robin Lowe-Irwin, Manager Princeton Museum Operations

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Cultural Centre walk Brenda Baptiste, Interim-CAO Aboriginal Tourism BC

12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Lunch

12:30 pm – 12:50 pm Aboriginal Tourism BC Teresa Ryder, Manager – Training and Development, Aboriginal Tourism BC

12:50 pm – 1:10 pm Aboriginal Tourism BC and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association MOU Teresa Ryder, Manager – Training and Development, Aboriginal Tourism BC

1:10 pm – 1:30 pm Tourism Projects in the Region Ellen Walker-Matthews, Experiences Development Specialist

Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA)

1:30 pm – 1:45 pm Break

1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Partnering for Regional Tourism Success Break Out Session Servicing, Training and Consumer Needs Building a Tourism Product Working with Media

Teresa Ryder, Manager – Training and Development, Aboriginal Tourism BC Ellen Walker-Matthews, Experiences Development Specialist, TOTA Brenda Baptiste, Interim-CEO and Chair Aboriginal Tourism BC Kara Burton, Manager Osoyoos Museum Society Robin Lowe-Irwin, Manager Princeton Museum Operations

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Questions for Panel Teresa Ryder, Manager – Training and Development, Aboriginal Tourism BC

Ellen Walker-Matthews, Experiences Development Specialist, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association Brenda Baptiste, Interim-CEO and Chair Aboriginal Tourism BC Kara Burton, Manager Osoyoos Museum Society Robin Lowe-Irwin, Manager Princeton Museum Operations

4:00 pm Closing Remarks

Community to Community Forum 2016 Partnering for Regional Tourism Success

Break Out Session Notes

Consumer Needs

What are visitors looking for?

o Unique experiences – cycling, golf, trails

o Climate – snowbirds, lifestyle, sports, wine, accommodations, farmers markets

o Senior travellers

o Stories to take home with them – interchange of all experiences

o Regional marketing – an identifiable brand with a set of experiences (think about

existing assets and how to market)

What are the gaps?

o Shoulders seasons are slow

o Getting information out to travellers and marketing what we have to offer

o Consistency of ALL related businesses working together to make sure efforts are not lost

– coordinated approach

o Oliver – accommodations are limited, sold out

o Capturing existing travellers that are leaving town – capitalize on keeping jobs, money in

the local communities

o Missing depth of cultural experiences at existing products – education of cultural

aspects of place

o Building of easy packages that are available to book, product knowledge, unique


o Need to sell Hwy 3a

o Kiosks along highways to learn more about history of the areas, what guests are looking

at when they pull out

What research do you need to better understand your consumer?

o Inventory of local businesses

o More access to data without fees

Service Training

What service training is currently available?

o Princeton – Google Plus (needs more buy in from local community members)

o Pilot program – Osoyoos/Okanagan College: training through high school in hospitality

training with certificates so students are qualified

o PIB looking to continue training – connect with Ginger on labour training opportunities

Barriers to training

o Difficult to keep trained employees through seasonality of work

Initiative PIB – training of management

Labour Shortages

o Need to return to schools to ensure basic skills (cash register training – Ginger)

o Connect with TOTA news centre to find existing jobs, training – sharing of information to

grow resource

Building the Tourism Product

Better understanding Aboriginal Culture – traditional territory information, who is providing first

contact with the guest

o Would open the door to provide information about other cultural tourism products

Look at Aboriginal tourism as a value add

Aboriginal expert program

Introduction of tourism at schools – start from a young age; history of local place

Using innovative partnerships between FN and non-FN and/or governments to develop product

Marketing on airplanes and other transit vehicles i.e. Westjet

Working with partners to market the region


Local media promote bigger events (i.e. Go Media) so that people know and can provide

services to support big events

Promotion of unique career opportunities and share stories

Connect to share story ideas (big or small)

South Okanagan-Similkameen Community to Community Forum 2016“Tourism”


March 1, 2016

South Okanagan Similkameen Community to Community Forum

On February 26, 2016 the South Okanagan Similkameen Community to Community (C2C) forum took place with representatives of the Osoyoos Indian Band, Penticton Indian Band, Lower Similkameen Indian Band, Upper Similkameen Indian Band, Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen and member municipalities. The C2C forum brought together First Nations and Local Governments leaders throughout the South Okanagan and Similkameen to discuss tourism, common goals and opportunities, as well as to continue to build and strengthen relationships between communities. The C2C forum provides an opportunity for dialogue and information sharing between the parties. The event helps to develop relationships and strengthen the partnerships of all the communities within the region. The 2016 C2C forum theme was Tourism in the South Okanagan-Similkameen. Participants had presentations on the History of First Nations and non-indigenous settlers in the South Okanagan-Similkameen, Aboriginal Tourism BC, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, and a breakout session examining Partnering for Regional Tourism Success. The Community to Community Forum was funded through a Union of British Columbia Municipalities grant. A detailed report on the 2016Community to Community forum will be provided to all parties and posted on the RDOS and Band website in coming weeks.

#### For further information, please contact Nona Lynn, at (250) 492-0237 or info@rdos.bc.ca.

Mark Pendergraft, Chair Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen


Ellen Walker, Matthews, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, Teresa Ryder, Aboriginal Tourism BC, Brenda Baptiste, Aboriginal Tourism BC, Kara Burton, Osoyoos Museum Society.

Distribution: For Internal Use Only:

All Media Approval Checklist

All Directors Department Manager

B. Newell, Chief Administrative Officer Area Director(s)

RDOS Intranet OCAO

RDOS Internet Posted

CivicInfo File: Document2

Expenditures Budgeted Actual

Catering $2,100.00 $3,487.95

Venue Rental $800.00 $375.00

Facilitation/Speakers/MC $4,200.00 $1,533.59

Material printing/preparation/mail $300.00 $300.00

Transportation $50.00 $483.84

Final Report $400.00 $400.00

Event Organization (Invitation, agenda, advertisting, staff time,

planning meeting, etc.) $2,000.00 $3,000.00

Contingency $150.00 $0.00

Total $10,000.00 $9,580.38

C2C funing request $4,790.19

RDOS contribution $4,790.19

Spring 2015/2016 C2C - Proposed Budget

Financial Summary