2016 apr 12 DLLN Companeros Data Presentation We Do/2016 apr 12 DLLN Companer… · Principle 1:...

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I  have  my  data…now  what?  

Leveraging  data  for  the  purpose  of  advocacy  

Amy  Finsmith  Dual  Language  Program  Specialist  

Compañeros  Program,  Windham  Public  Schools  April  12,  2016  

•  Located  in  Windham,  CT  •  Old  Mill  Town  •  Rural/  Urban  

•  Windham  Public  Schools  •  70%  LaPno  •  Highest  percentage  of  ELLs  in  CT  •  4  elementary  schools,  1  middle  school,  1  high  school,  1  K-­‐8  Interdistrict  

Magnet  School  •  State’s  Role  and  New  AdministraPon  

•  Compañeros  •  1994  Pilot  Year  (proficiency  in  L1  before  entry)  •  Self-­‐contained  to  partner  teachers  •  L1  literacy  to  simultaneous  •  PK;  K-­‐5;  6-­‐8  

         Principle 1: The program creates and maintains an infrastructure that supports an accountability process. Minimal Partial Full Exemplary

A The program has developed a data management system for tracking student data over time.

B Assessment and accountability action plans are developed and integrated into program and curriculum planning and professional development.

C Personnel are assigned to assessment and accountability activities.

D Staff are provided ongoing professional development opportunities in assessment and accountability.

E The program has an adequate budget for assessment and accountability.

 Principle 2: Student assessment is aligned with state content and language standards, as well as with program goals, and is used for evaluation of the program and instruction. A The program engages in ongoing evaluation. B Student assessment is aligned with classroom and program goals as well as with state standards.

C Assessment data are integrated into planning related to program development.

D Assessment data are integrated into planning related to instructional practices and curriculum.

 Principle 3: The program collects a variety of data, using multiple measures, that are used for program accountability and evaluation. A The program systematically collects data to determine whether academic, linguistic, and cultural goals are met.

B The program systematically collects demographic data (ethnicity, home language, time in the United States, types of programs student has attended, mobility, etc.) from program participants.

C Assessment is consistently conducted in the two languages of the program.

 Principle 4: Data are analyzed and interpreted in methodologically appropriate ways for program accountability and improvement. A Data are purposefully collected and subject to methodologically appropriate analysis.

B Achievement data are disaggregated by student and program variables (native language, grade level, student background, program, etc.).

 Principle 5: Student progress toward program goals and NCLB achievement objectives is systematically measured and reported. A Progress is documented in both program languages for oral proficiency, literacy, and academic achievement.

B Student progress is measured on a variety of indicators. C Progress can be documented for all students through indicators such as retention rates and placement in special education and gifted/talented classes.

 Principle 6: The program communicates with appropriate stakeholders about program outcomes. A Data are communicated publicly in transparent ways that prevent misinterpretations.

B Data are communicated to stakeholders. C Data are used to educate and mobilize supporters.  


Assessment  and  Accountability  Principles  

Assessment  and  Accountability  

Using  data  to  educate  and  mobilize  

 1.  Know  your  audience  (What  do  they  want  to  


Consider  each  stakeholder  

•  Parents:  How  is  my  child  performing?  Is  my  child  meePng  expectaPons?  

•  Teachers  &  Building  administrators:  What  are  the  achievement  levels  of  students?  What  kinds  of  progress  can  be  seen?    

•  District  administrators  and  Board  of  Ed:  How  do  the  dual  language  program  results  compare  to  the  other  programs  in  the  district?  

•  State  department:  How  are  the  students  performing  in  English?  

•  Parents/IntervenPonists:  How  is  my  child  performing?  Is  my  child  meePng  expectaPons?  

•  District  administrators  and  Board  of  Ed:  How  do  the  dual  language  program  results  compare  to  the  other  programs  in  the  district?  

Using  data  to  educate  and  mobilize  

1.                Know  your  audience    

2.  Build  their  contextual  base  (What  do  they  need  to  know  to  more  accurately  interpret  the  data?)    

Build  a  contextual  base  

•  Lead  with  the  context  of  Dual  Language  Programs.  Show  data  from  other  programs  and  research.    

•  Include  your  “gold  nugget”  data.  •  Save  your  answer  to  their  quesPon  for  later.  Be  transparent  and  explicit  as  you  explain  your  intenPons.  

•  Convert  other  stakeholders  to  advocates  by  asking  them  to  present  contextual  and  actual  data  in  other  venues.  

Build  a  contextual  base  

•  Lead  with  the  context  of  Dual  Language  Programs.  Show  data  from  other  programs  and  research.    

•  Include  your  “gold  nugget”  data.  •  Save  your  answer  to  their  quesPon  for  later.  Be  transparent  and  explicit  as  you  explain  your  intenPons.  

•  Convert  other  stakeholders  to  advocates  by  asking  them  to  present  contextual  and  actual  data  in  other  venues.  

Why  Dual  Immersion?  ¿Por  qué  la  doble  inmersión?  

2013 CMT Compañeros Data Comparisons

% of students that are proficient in 3rd Grade Subject Windham Compañeros State Math 75.2 85.7 82.7 Reading 52.3 52.9 72.3 Writing 61.6 77.1 80.4

% of students that are proficient in 4th Grade Subject Windham Compañeros State Math 70.5 92.6 83.8 Reading 60.1 63 77.6 Writing 66.3 75.9 83.5

% of students that are proficient in 5th Grade Subject Windham Compañeros State Math 75.2 73.3 82.7 Reading 52.3 40 72.3 Writing 61.6 81.3 80.4

Key Green Exceeded district and state Yellow Exceeded district, below state Red/Pink Below district and state

Dual  Trajectory  

Toward  Biliteracy  

Using  data  to  educate  and  mobilize  

           Know  your  audience                Build  their  contextual  base        3.  Give  them  the  answer  to  their  quesPon    

Answer  the  quesPon  

•  Refer  back  to  the  context  •  Explain  the  results  as  related  to  the  context  •  Present  in  visual  form  whenever  possible  

Parent  Concern  


District  Plan  

Using  data  to  educate  and  mobilize  

1.         Know  your  audience    2.         Build  their  contextual  base    3.           Answer  their  quesPon    

Sources  Escamilla,  K.  (2014).  Biliteracy  from  the  start:  Literacy  squared  in  ac6on.    Howard,  E.  R.,  Sugarman,  J.,  ChrisPan,  D.,  Lindholm-­‐Leary,  K.  J.,  Rogers,  D.,  &  Center  for  Applied  LinguisPcs.  (2007).  Guiding  principles  for  dual  language  educa6on.    Thomas,  W.  P.,  &  Collier,  V.  P.  (2012).  Dual  language  educa6on  for  a  transformed  world.      Thomas,  W.  P.,  Collier,  V.  P.,  &  Center  for  Research  on  EducaPon,  Diversity  &  Excellence.  (2002).  A  na6onal  study  of  school  effec6veness  for  language  minority  students'  long-­‐term  academic  achievement.  Washington,  DC:  Center  for  Research  on  EducaPon,  Diversity  &  Excellence.