2016 N5 Prelim Revision. HTML Absolute/Relative addressing in HTML.

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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2016 N5 Prelim Revision


Absolute/Relative addressing in HTML

Decimal into Binary

Advantages of High Level Languages


Assignment of variables

Boolean data types

Calculation of graphic file sizes

Decimal to binary conversion

Fixed loops

Floating point notation

Design Notations

Standard Algorithms -Input Validation• Eg input number in a range, 1-



IF statements (Selection – True/False)

Incrementing counters (plus 1 to a counter)

Logical Operators

Normal, Extreme and Exceptional test data

Readability of code

String data types

Unconditional loops

User Interface Design

Standard File format for Graphics P110

Calculation of file size for Graphics

Laws that effect Computer Use