2016 SparkLit Prayer Diary

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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Prayer Diary of SparkLit. Where the Gospel is preached, books are needed. SparkLit advances God’s Kingdom by empowering Christian writers, publishers and distributors. (The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Australia Incorporated and the Australian Christian Literature Society.)


S P A R K L I T P R A Y E R D I A R Y 2 0 1 6

Fan the flames of faithDon’t stop praying daily for the work of SparkLit and its partners around the world.

S P A R K L I T P R A Y E R D I A R Y 2 0 1 6

Where the gospel is preached, books are neededYou can help SparkLit advance God’s kingdom by empowering Christian writers, publishers and distributors.

Together we can make Christian books available, accessible and affordable where commitment is strong but support and resources are scarce.

Together we can provide Christian writing that helps people discover Jesus in a way that’s authentic and culturally meaningful. We direct funds, expertise and encouragement to publishers where indigenous Christian writing is needed most.

Your gifts are used to:

1. Supply books. We make theological texts and essential reference works available to students and pastors in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

2. Nurture emerging publishers. We encourage local initiative and kindle sustainable enterprises.

3. Equip publishing professionals. We invest in promising writers, editors and designers. We embrace strategic opportunities and love discovering hidden talent.

Cover. A Tharu pastor prepares a sermon using the Nepali edition of Preaching Philippians. SparkLit grants have made possible the preparation and publication in Kathmandu of a Nepali translation of titles in the Pray Prepare Preach series. Photo Philip Baarendse.

DAY 1 TrAiNiNg Former SparkLit intern Walter Saucedo is studying graphic design at the University of Buenos Aires. At Certeza he is responsible for flagship titles such as the New Bible Dictionary

and Contemporary Bible Commentary. SparkLit sponsors training opportunities for editors and designers working in strategic literature ministries. Please pray that these publishing professionals will be equipped to make vital Christian literature accessible to those who most need it.

DAY 2 NorThErN TErriTorY Pray for Troy Mardigan and the other graduates from Nungalinya College as they take up pastoral and teaching responsibilities in their communities. Many will exercise leadership in very

difficult situations. Pray that they will continue to grow in faith and understanding. Pray that they will become strong leaders and effective peacemakers. Pray for the development and implementation of more strategic course material and the training and encouragement of emerging indigenous teaching staff.

Walter Saucedo is responsible for the production of the Argentine edition of the New Bible Dictionary and the new single-volume Contemporary Bible Commentary by Latin American theologians.

DAY 3 PhiLiPPiNES Pray for Sherry Claire Domegyas and the other graduates from St Andrew’s Theological Seminary in Manila. We receive regular expressions of appre-ciation from final year students for the

provision of a Bible commentary and concordance upon graduation. As their personal resources are meagre, these gifts become indispensable tools. Please pray especially for the graduates who take up teaching and pastoral responsibilities in remote or unsympathetic locations.

DAY 4 LAoS In Laos, Christians are considered an enemy of the state and face growing persecution. A lack of training and Christian literature threatens the future of thriving Christian communities.

SparkLit has pledged to provide funding and training in support of local Christian publishing and literacy teaching initiatives. Pray that local leaders will grow in boldness and wisdom. ”We want to write and publish books that tell people about Jesus. With books we can train teachers, leaders and evangelists. We want our people to be able to know and worship God in our language. Pray that our Father will prepare the hearts of our people, so that when they hear God’s Word they will believe in him.”

DAY 5 MYANMAr Pray for the people and government of Myanmar following the historic general elections in November 2015. SparkLit sponsored the preparation and publication of English and

Burmese editions of a biography of the Most Revd Stephen Than Myint Oo, Anglican Archbishop of Myanmar. Archbishop Stephen’s wisdom, vision and courage are timely gifts. Pray that Dancing with Angels will support and reinforce his leadership as he guides his people through this time of transition and opportunity.

DAY 6 CAMboDiA Pray for Christian publisher Fount of Wisdom as it helps to recreate a national literature following the devas-tation wrought by the Khmer Rouge. SparkLit supports FoW with grants,

training and advice. Pray that under the leadership of director Tithmakara Chim revenue from book sales will grow so that dependence on foreign patronage can decline. Pray that FoW books will equip Christian leaders to teach, challenge and edify those entrusted to their care.

DAY 7 CAMboDiA Translations of the evergreen IVP New Bible Dictionary have proved to be a critical reference for young churches around the world and instrumental in establishing emerging Christian

publishers in difficult settings. A SparkLit grant helped finance the publication last year of the first volume of the Khmer edition. Please pray for Fount of Wisdom editor Dith Savy and her team as they work this year on the second volume of this ambitious project. Pray that the dictionary will be a blessing to the Cambodian church.

On your behalf, a Bridgeway Bible Commentary and Bible Dictionary are presented to students graduating from Holy Cross Anglican Theological College and the Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology.

DAY 8 ChiNA As laws regulating the religious instruction of children are relaxed, churches with no experience of teaching children struggle to cater for the sudden demand for Christian

education ministries for children and youth. Each year SparkLit sponsors the training of a cohort of Sunday school teacher trainers. Pray for these young leaders as they undertake this intensive training program and series of internships. Pray that in their home provinces they will model creative and engaging teaching methods and the effective use of Christian literature.

DAY 9 ChiNA This year a SparkLit grant will make possible the translation and publi-cation of a Simplified Chinese edition of Relational Leadership by Walter Wright and its distribution to 4000

graduates from 35 seminaries, Bible colleges and training centres. Please pray for these young leaders as they take up their teaching and pastoral duties. Pray that this book will help them develop sustainable ministries and empower and encourage their co-workers.

DAY 10 MoNgoLiA Timothy Byambatogtokh’s daily Bible-based talk-back show, The Love Project, is Mongolia’s most popular radio program. Pray that The Love Project will soon find a permanent

home and become economically sustainable. Timothy’s ambition to extend and consolidate his ministry by publishing books is supported by SparkLit. Please pray for the successful publication this year of Timothy’s first children’s book. Enuka, the protagonist, is an endangered mazaalai bear endemic to the Gobi Desert.

DAY 11 ArgENTiNA Paper and ink shortages, inflation, and importing and exporting restrictions threaten to bring local publishers to their knees. Pray that Certeza manager, Daniela Ortiz, will lead her team with

vision, creativity and courage. Thank God for Certeza’s progress in a volatile economy and growing influence in the Spanish-speaking world. Praise God that Certeza Argentina is in turn assuming a mentoring role with other developing publishers and booksellers.

DAY 12 ArgENTiNA The National Bible Teachers’ Network was formed in 2010 to encourage and train teachers in churches throughout Argentina. Pray for the director, Viviana Barrón de Olivares, as she

mentors teachers and supervises the production of innovative printed Bible study guides for all ages. SparkLit supports this initiative with publishing capital. Pray that the New Bible Training program will encourage and enable children, adolescents and adults to study God’s Word and to put it into practice.

At LittWorld 2015 in Singapore Daniela Ortiz was encouraged and inspired by 270 Christian publishing professionals from fifty countries. Nine delegates from seven nations were sponsored by SparkLit supporters.

DAY 13 CUbA A SparkLit grant has financed the publi-cation and distribution of a Spanish edition of The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne and Dig Deeper by Nigel Beynon and Andrew

Sach. These books have been published locally by Torrentes de Vida and made available to the 3000 church planters and pastors enrolled in the strategic, interdenom-inational Training the Trainers program. Praise God for the growth of his church and the hunger for teaching.

DAY 14 EThioPiA “Writing feels like breathing!” Hermela Solomon Mosisa is using her writing and translation skills to help the Ethiopian church address the challenges posed by post-modernism,

the prosperity gospel and militant Islam. Hermela left LittWorld 2015 with fresh insights into writing, editing, marketing and the use of social media. “I want to devote myself to writing and engaging with other Ethiopian writers. Writing is an excellent way to share the Gospel and instill Christian values. I am thankful for your prayers.”

DAY 15 KENYA Pray for Peter Ibui and his team at the Word of Life School of Theology in the Meru district of Kenya. Praise God for Peter’s vision to make theological education accessible to pastors who

cannot afford to relocate or study full-time. Pray for the successful completion of the school’s own facilities in Kianjai. SparkLit provides Bibles and training manuals for students and graduates, and office equipment to enable the economical preparation and printing of the school curriculum, correspondence course material and evange-listic tracts.

DAY 16 Dr CoNgo Daphrose Kyakimwa Muteho and her team at the Gratia Counselling Centre seek to introduce a redemptive and transformational approach to school chaplaincy throughout the Democratic

Republic of Congo. Pray that the skills and contacts that Daphrose acquired at LittWorld will strengthen her ministry. “We publish books and magazines to share the Gospel with children and equip our staff. We long to see a new generation redeemed by Jesus and eager to transform their families and heal our society. Pray that we will be a light in the DRC.”

DAY 17 TANzANiA Please pray for Yusto Juma Mkombe and the other graduates of the Theological Faculty at St Mark’s University College in Dar es Salaam. Pray that they will be equipped to

teach, serve and encourage their congregations with grace and love. SparkLit has restocked the college’s theological library and provides book prizes to graduates.

Thanks to your support, theological textbooks are presented to graduating students from Carlile College in Nairobi Kenya. Carlile College School of Missiology has trained evangelists from twelve African countries.

DAY 18 KENYA Pray for Rose Odwar and the other graduates from Carlile College as they assume their preaching and pastoral responsibilities. After studying for three years Rose leaves with a diploma

in missiology and a copy of An Introduction to the New Testament. “I believe that this book will reveal much to me about the good news of salvation. It is going to have a great impact on my ministry.”

DAY 19 SoUTh SUDAN Pray for the contribution that Chris-tians will make to the development of this new nation. A SparkLit grant has made possible the publication of the Dinka Book of Prayers and Hymns.

Pray for Abraham Ayur Mayor Dit and his team as they prepare a second edition. Pray that this liturgical resource will be a blessing to Dinka-speaking Christians in South Sudan and the diaspora in Australia and elsewhere.

DAY 20 EgYPT With the help of SparkLit grants, the Episcopal Publishing House has been re-established in Cairo with a new management team and a fresh vision. Pray for graphic designer Yasmin

Talaat and her colleagues as they build a catalogue of key books in Arabic. “Please pray that we will find imaginative ways to promote our books and reach new audiences.”

DAY 21 PAKiSTAN A SparkLit grant will provide the Open Theological Seminary in Lahore with a high-speed, heavy-duty digital printer. The ability to print on demand will mean that sensitive material need not

be stored in the OTS office or trusted to commercial printers. Sajid Imdad is responsible for the development and publication of course material. “Please pray that I will apply with OTS what I learned at LittWorld. Pray that we will write with a local accent so that we can reach the heart of a church under pressure.”

DAY 22 iNDiA A SparkLit loan has financed the publi-cation of the first two titles in the India Commentary on the New Testament, First Corinthians and Timothy and Titus. The third volume, Acts, was written by

the new series editor Babu Immanuel. Please pray for the development of this strategic resource under his leadership. Pray that these commentaries will enable Indian pastors and teachers to deepen their under-standing and application of God’s Word.

DAY 23 NEPAL Thank God for the initiative and diligence of Ram Kumar Budhathoki. SparkLit grants have made possible the preparation and publication in Kathmandu of a Nepali translation of

Preaching Philippians and Preaching Mark. Preaching Deuteronomy and Preaching God’s Big Story are currently being prepared for publication. Please pray that these books will enable leaders and pastors to teach their congregations and fellowship groups faithfully and confi-dently so that God’s kingdom will flourish in Nepal.

Qaiser Julius has completed his doctoral studies in Australia and this year resumes his responsibilities as director of the Open Theological Seminary in Lahore. Qaiser was a guest speaker at the 2015 SparkLit awards event.

DAY 24 CENTrAL ASiA Theological college staff in a former Soviet republic are working with an emerging local publisher to make N T Wright’s popular New Testament For Everyone series of commentaries

available in the predominant language. A SparkLit grant has made possible the publication of the first volume in the series, Matthew For Everyone. Pray that these books will encourage first generation Christians to grow in maturity and equip them to advance God’s kingdom.

DAY 25 TUrKEY Gökhan Talas is a broadcaster and publisher of Turkish Christian magazine Miras. Pray for Gökhan and his team in Istanbul as they face daily persecution and economic challenges.

“Our magazine is easy to read, easy to carry and easy to hide. It tells the Gospel story and explains how a Turk can become a Christian. Please pray that God will provide professional workers to help train and support us. Please pray that we will unite and strengthen isolated Turkish Christians and lead people to Jesus.”

DAY 26 LETrAViVA is a network of forty Latin American Christian publishers that exercises a ministry of logistical support, professional devel-opment and mutual encouragement. Please pray for the LetraViva coordi-

nator, Ian Darke, based in Costa Rica. Pray especially for the effective functioning of the LetraViva dispatch centre in Miami, an essential means of book distribution run cooperatively by member publishers.

DAY 27 ThE AUSTrALiAN ChriSTiAN booK oF ThE YEAr AwArD was won in 2015 by Michael Gladwin. Captains of the Soul: A History of Australian Army Chaplains (Big Sky Publishing) is a history of national

significance and an insight into the Australian character. Please pray for the judges and team responsible for

administering the SparkLit Australian Christian Literature Awards this year. Pray that Australian Christian writers and publishers will be used by God to advance his kingdom.

DAY 28 ThE YoUNg AUSTrALiAN ChriSTiAN wriTEr AwArDS are given annually for unpublished manuscripts by young writers. Tim Sharp from Victoria was awarded the 2015 SparkLit Young Australian

Christian Writer Award for his bold novel Undying. Pray that Tim and other emerging Christian writers will fulfil their calling to contribute both to public debate and to the church’s written testimony.

DAY 29 NATioNAL DirECTor Please pray today for the SparkLit national director, Michael Collie. Pray that Michael will lead the SparkLit team with professionalism, vision and godliness. Pray that he will build open

and enduring relationships with those we serve. Pray that under his guidance our Grants Committee will respond wisely to the many requests we receive for assistance.

SparkLit national director Michael Collie exercises a ministry of encouragement among Fount of Wisdom staff in Phnom Penh. SparkLit assists FoW with publishing capital, training and advice.

DAY 30 NATioNAL CoUNCiL Please pray today for the SparkLit president, Bishop John Harrower, and the members of the National Council who guide the work of SparkLit and support our national director,

Michael Collie. Pray also for those who serve on our Grants and Management Committees as we seek to faithfully fulfil our purposes under God.

DAY 31 oThEr MiNiSTriES Colleagues from a variety of denominations, organisations and mission agencies including ABM, BCA, CMS, Interserve and Pioneers draw our attention to opportunities to support

strategic Christian literature work. Please pray for these co-workers and also for our sister societies: SPCK (UK), ISPCK (India) and SPCK USA. Pray that we will all be Christ-focussed in our work and purpose. Pray today for SPCK (UK) as it embraces the opportunities and challenges presented by digital publishing technologies under the leadership of its chief executive, Sam Richardson.

A prayer for SparkLit

Your Word, O God, is the spark of life. Through the prophets of old, in the person of your Son, on the written page, and in the power of your Spirit, your Word goes out across time and space.

Bless all who write, publish and share your truth, especially through SparkLit and its partners.

By your creative Spirit, empower them to work with skill and courage.

Through their ministry, make the hearts of readers wise, their minds sound, and their living true, so that the whole earth may hear the Good News.

We pray in the name of your Word made flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

S P A R K L I T P R A Y E R D I A R Y 2 0 1 6

You can fan the flames of faithour ministry depends on your prayers. At all times we seek to prayerfully discern God’s work in the world. We have seen time and time again that when prayer is matched by careful research and wise counsel, surprising opportunities and fresh solutions abound. Thank you for your concern and faithfulness. May God richly bless you.

we rely on the generosity of donors like you. If you would like to financially support the work of SparkLit and its partners in difficult places, please consider the following options:

1. giving regularly increases the effectiveness of your investment by enabling us to budget for new initiatives and plan ongoing project support. Regular giving also reduces our administrative burden. For more information telephone 1300 13 7725 or email us at: admin@sparklit.org

2. Transfer your gift directly to our bank account. Our bank account details are as follows. Account name: SparkLit BSB: 085-005 Account number: 516 701 561 Reference: Your Name Please send us the transaction details by email so that we can acknowledge your donation.

3. Cheques can be sent to: SparkLit, PO Box 198, Forest Hill, Victoria 3131, Australia.

4. online. Grab your credit card and visit: www.sparklit.org/donate/

PO Box 198, Forest Hill, Victoria 3131, Australia Telephone 1300 13 7725 admin@SparkLit.org www.SparkLit.org ARBN 119 800 645 Formerly the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Australia and the Australian Christian Literature Society.