2017 2018 Religious Education CCD Program · Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - January 1st The...

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Religious Education CCD Program

K-4 thru 8th grade

Sundays 10:15 am – 11:30 am

Sacred Heart Church 300 South Davis Drive, Suite 300

Warner Robins, GA 31088 Office: (478) 923 - 0124 ext. 103

Fax: (478)328-3078 Email: ccd@sacredheartwr.com


“As those first responsible for the education of their children, parents… should initiate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith… Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. Showing themselves obedient to the will of the Father in heaven (parents should) educate

their children to fulfill God's law.” (Entries taken from 2222 through 2229, Catechism of the Catholic Church)

August 2017

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Religious Education Program at Sacred Heart

Church. If you are new to the program or returning, you are

fulfilling your duty to God to take care of the learning of His

word for your children.

Your children have so many talents and gifts. Through the

years they will begin to develop these talents. Along with these

talents, they must learn the ‘purpose’ of their gifts and talents.

Yes, God has a plan for them and their lives. But if they never

learn who they are and whose they are, the world could very

well swallow them up.

Our Catechists are ready to lead your children into the world,

armed with the Word of God. However, they cannot do it

without you.

The lessons that your children learn during Religious

Education classes are only the beginning. You, parents, must

continue the learning at home—praying together as a family,

going over the lessons that they learned, attending Mass

together, answering your child’s questions as they arise---

there is so much that you can do.

The textbooks that are issued to your children hold a wealth

of information and knowledge for their benefit, and for yours.

Read with them. Make sure that they do their homework.

Study with them.

Everything that you do, starting today, should all be for the

Glory of God. Let us praise Him together.

Respectfully yours in Christ,

Tonya Soriano

DRE - Children

If you receive my words, and treasure my commands, turning your ear to wisdom, inclining your heart to understanding; Yes, if you call to intelligence and to understanding raise your voice...then you will understand the fear of the Lord; the knowledge of God you will find. Proverbs 2:1-5

Prayers and Reponses to Learn

Pre-kindergarten – Sign of the Cross, The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Grace before Meals, Grace after Meals

Kindergarten – Same as Pre-Kindergarten

First Grade - Glory Be, Morning Offering, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Diocesan Prayer for Vocations, and review of previously learned prayers.

Second Grade –Act of Contrition, Eucharistic Reponses at Mass, Ten Commandments, and review of previously learned prayers and responses.

Third Grade - Apostles’ Creed, Acts of Faith, Hope and Love, Mysteries of the Rosary, four types of prayer (praise, thanksgiving, contrition, and petitions), and review previously of learned prayers and responses.

Fourth Grade - Two Great commandments, Beatitudes, Holy Days of Obligation, Nicene Creed, and review of previously learned prayers and responses

Fifth Grade – Angelus, Rosary, Hail Holy Queen, Memorare, Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, the Seven Sacraments, and review of previously learned prayers and responses

Sixth Grade - Prayer to the Holy Spirit and review of previously learned prayers and responses

Seventh Grade – Prayer journaling, Stations of the Cross, and review of previously learned prayers

Eighth Grade – Creed and Liturgy of the Hours and review of previously learned prayers


Pre-Kindergarten (K-4): Text – “Seeds” by Pflaum.

Kindergarten: Text – “Promises” by Pflaum.

First Grade: Text – Faith and Life Series Our Heavenly Father by Ignatius Press

Second Grade: Text – Faith and Life Series Jesus our Life by Ignatius Press

Third Grade through Fifth Grade: Text - Faith First – Legacy Edition by Resources by Christian Living (RCL).

Sixth Grade: Text— We Believe, We Are God’s People by Sadlier

Seventh Grade: Text – Faith First – Mystery of God and Faith First – Jesus in the New Testament by RCL

Eighth Grade: Text – Faith First – Church and Sacraments by RCL and Faith First – Morality by RCL

Out of Cycle:

OCA (1st Yr.): Text – Our Catholic Faith by Sadlier

OCB (2nd Yr.): Text - The Catholic Bible Story Workbook by Fireside; Call to Celebrate: Reconciliation & Eucharist by Sunday Visitor and Supplements


Each year there are some prayers or responses that must be memorized. Previously learned prayers should also be reviewed each year. The best way for the child to learn these prayers is the family praying together. All prayers and responses can be found in the back of each textbook. Spanish versions are available upon request. Below is the “Diocesan Prayer for Vocations” ...

“Bless our Diocese of Savannah with many priestly and religious vocations. Give the men and women you call the light to understand your gift and the love to follow always in the footsteps of your priestly son. Amen.”

CLASS GOALS (Provided by Savannah Diocese)

Pre-Kindergarten – Help children develop an understanding and awareness of God’s creation and His continual love of them. Kindergarten – Help children develop a relationship with God through knowledge and experience. First Grade – Help children to know and appreciate that God is their loving Father and the Creator of all things. Second Grade – To further the understanding that the Church is a community of God’s people. We become a member of the Church family through the sacrament of Baptism, are reconciled through the sacrament of Reconciliation, and are strengthened through the sacrament of Eucharist. Third Grade – To help students understand the revelation of God: through Jesus Christ, Sacred Scripture, and through Church Traditions. Fourth Grade – To help students live more fully with their Christian faith through participation in the life of the church and the understanding of sacred scripture, as a means of growing closer to God. Fifth Grade – To help students become more responsible members of the church and their family through the study of the Sacraments. Sixth Grade – To enable the students to recognize and understand that their faith journey is a covenant process beginning with the Old Testament, fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament, and lived out in stewardship, communal worship, and prayer. Seventh Grade – To enable the students to understand the life and ministry of Jesus as revealed in scripture and to help them appreciate the meaning and significance of the sacramental life of the Church. Eighth Grade – To enable the students to trace the historical development of the Church from the time of Jesus to the present and to understand the mission and ministry of the Church to which we are all called.

ATTENDANCE: It is essential that your child attends all classes and arrives on time,

10:15 am. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. More than two (2) unex-cused absences in a row will require a consultation with the Religious Education Director and/or the Priests.

Excused Absences:

Illness of student

Death in the family

Unexcused Absences:

Absences other than illness or death in the family. This includes classes

missed prior to or immediately after a scheduled holiday or vacation.

Absences because of parental neglect and truancy.

CLASSROOM GUIDELINES: Parents, please review these rules with your child:

Arrive to class promptly so that classes may begin on time (10:15 am).

No loud talking, running, or pushing in the hallways or classrooms.

Disrespecting the teachers, teachers aides, or other children or adults will not be


Putting your hands on another person will not be tolerated

If any of the priests or deacons enter the classroom, children are expected to stand

and greet them accordingly.

No chewing gum, toys or cell phones in class.

Put all paper in the trash can, not on the floor.

Do not stand on chairs or sit on desks.

If a student disrupts the class because of poor behavior, he/she will be sent to the

office and parents will be notified.

Students may or may not have take-home assignments—please ask them, and assist them in completing any homework assignments.

Remind your children that we are sharing our facility. As a result, we need to respect other children’s desks and books. Please remind them to behave and treat everyone and everything with respect.

DROP OFF AND PICK UP: Classes start at 10:15 AM and end at 11:30 AM. The school

building will be open by 10:10 a.m. However, your child will not be permitted to enter their classroom until after 10:15 and when the teacher or aide is present. (Because some of our teachers also serve at the Masses, there may be times when class begins late as a result. We welcome parents to stay in the classroom until the teacher arrives.) Parents that have children in K-4 thru 3rd grade are required to come to the classroom to pick up their child. We cannot send a child out to the parking lot without a chaperone. This is for the safety of your child.

Parents are always welcome to share and sit in on any of your children’s classes.

SACRAMENTAL YEARS: * 1st Reconciliation - 2nd grade or higher * 1st Holy Communion - 2nd grade or higher * Confirmation - 8th grade or higher

Baptismal certificates and completion of a separate registration form are required for all children preparing to receive the Sacrament of 1st Reconciliation, 1st Holy Communion, and Confirmation, even if previously provided.

The Sacramental Preparation Policy of Sacred Heart Church requires that the child have two (2) consecutive years of Religious Education.

For 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion, parents are expected to attend the parent meetings and workshops held throughout the year.

In addition to religious education classes, all Confirmation candidates must attend Confirmation sessions scheduled once a month from October through April, Sunday, 4:00-6:00 pm, and various other mandatory Retreats and events. An additional fee applies for Confirmation.

More information regarding Sacramental Preparation will be distributed throughout the year.

HOLY DAYS of Obligation: Along with every Sunday, the following days are holy days of obligation that are celebrated at Sacred Heart.

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - January 1st The Assumption of Mary - August 15th All Saints’ Day - November 1st Mary’s Immaculate Conception - December 8th Christmas - December 25th

MISSION: Children can voluntarily give money to the mission fund. This can be accomplished by giving in the classroom collection. If your child receives an allowance, please encourage him or her to be a good steward. Mission money will go to benefit the many needy families helped by the Christian Service Center.

OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: We distribute youth offertory envelopes to each child. Please encourage your child to use them during Mass.

FEES: Book Fee and material costs per child for grades K-4 though 8: One child, $30.00; Two children, $55.00; Three children, $75.00; Four or more $100.00. Sacramental preparation may require additional fees.

Please know that, in order to maintain our current levels of education for the children, all are expected to pay their book and material fees on or before the day of registration. If your budget does not permit full payment at one time, arrangements can be made through the Religious Education office for a suitable payment plan. There is a fee to replace lost or damaged text books. Please stress to your child the importance of taking care of their belongings.