20170529 clem kazuaki_matsuo

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Tips for stable UI Testing#5.2 Creators Learning English Meetup for Mobile

by @Kazu_cocoa

Kazuaki Matsuo( @Kazu_cocoa)

🏢: Cookpad Inc.

Test Engineer / Software Engineer in Quality

Lang: / / /

Maintainer: Appium Ruby binding

Have you heard the word,flaky tests?

Do you know offlaky tests?

A definition

We define a "flaky" test result as a testthat exhibits both a passing anda failing result with the same code.

by John Micro


User Interface Testing

User Interface Testing

User interface (UI) testing lets you ensure that your app meets its functional requirements and achieves a high standard of quality such that it is more likely to be successfully adopted by users.


User Interface Testing

One approach to UI testing is to simply have a human tester perform a set of user operations on the target app and verify that it is behaving correctly.


User Interface TestingA more efficient approach is to write your UI tests such that user actions are performed in an automated way. The automated approach allows you to run your tests quickly and reliably in a repeatable manner.


Automated UI tests have many flakinesses

Flakinesses in UI Tests

• animations• network• and other environments…

Flakinesses in UI Tests

• animations• network• and other environments…

How to reduce the flakiness


Only by manual

Can’t we automate it,can we?

Yes, we can.

Automation at Cookpad


adb commands

$ add shell settings put global window_animation_scale 0

$ add shell settings put global transition_animation_scale 0

$ add shell settings put global animator_duration_scale 0




For iOS Engineers

We can implement similar tips for the iOS platform

With EarlGrey

Step into enableFastAnimation


Have a good CLEM time