· 2018-09-06 · The Egyptians...

Post on 26-Jul-2020

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Egyptians believed that the burial sites, specially royal tombs, were very important. As a result, they built spectacular monuments in which to

bury their rules. The most spectacular of all were the pyramids, huge stone tombs with four triangle-shaped walls that met in a point on top.

The Egyptians began to build pyramids during the Old Kingdom. Some of the largest pyramids ever constructed were built during this time. Many of

these huge structures are still standing. The largest is the Great Pyramid of Khufu near the town of

Giza. It covers more than 13 acres at its base and stands 481 feet high. This single pyramid took more than 2 million limestone blocks to build.

Historians are still not sure exactly how Egyptians built the pyramids. They are, however amazing feats of engineering, the application of

scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

Burial in a pyramid demonstrated a pharaoh’s importance. The size was symbol of the

pharaoh's greatness. The pyramid’s shape, pointing to the skies, symbolized the pharaoh’s journey to the afterlife. The Egyptians wanted the pyramids to be spectacular because they believed that the pharaoh, as their link to the

gods, controlled everyone’s afterlife. Making the pharaoh’s spirit happy was a way of ensuring a

happy afterlife for every Egyptian.


Temples and Tombs

The Egyptians are famous for their architecture and art. The walls of Egypt’s magnificent

temples and tombs are covered with impressive paintings and carvings.

Egypt’s Great Temples

Along with building pyramids, the Egyptians also built massive temples. Those that survive are among the most spectacular in the world.

The Egyptians believed that temples were the homes of the gods. People visits the temples to worship, offer the gods gifts, and ask for favors.

Many Egyptian temples shared similar features. Rows of stone sphinx-imaginary creatures with the bodies of lions and heads of other animals

or humans-lined the path leading to the entrance.

The entrance itself was a huge, thick gate. On either side of the gate might stand an obelisk

(Ah-buh-lisk), a tall four-sided pillar that is pointed on top.

Inside, temples were lavishly decorated. Huge columns supported the temple’s roof. In many

cases, these columns were covered with paintings and hieroglyphics, as were the temple


Statues of gods and pharaohs often stood along the walls as well. The sanctuary, the most sacred

part of the building, was at the far end of the temple.

Temple of Karnak

Temples built by Ramses the Great

What makes the temple of Abu Simbel so impressive is that it is carved out of sandstone cliffs. At the temples entrance, four 66-foot-tall statues show Ramses as pharaoh. Nearby are

some small statues of his family.


The entrance of the Luxor temple is decorated with statues of Ramses II displaying his own

bravery at the battle of Kadesh.

Hatshepsut’s Temple