2020 06 14th June Trinity 1...King of Kings Majesty Love Divine Sunday 21st June – Trinity 2 First...

Post on 04-Oct-2020

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Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020_Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing

1 Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG

(Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])

Welcome ... In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice. You can read the Church of England’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for churches at https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-churches

Sunday 14th June – Trinity 1 First Reading: Exodus 19.2-8a

Second Reading: Romans 5.1-8 Gospel: Matthew 9.35–10.8

Liturgical Colour Green First Reading Exodus 19:2-8a In response to God’s promise and loving care for them, the Israelites promised to be a holy nation, God’s priests to the whole earth. Second Reading Romans 5:1-8 God’s almost unbelievable love stretches even to sinners, proved in the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus and the Holy Spirit helping us to grow in faith. Gospel Matthew 9:35 – 10:8 [9-23] Despite the hardships they might face, Jesus first sends his disciples to the Jewish people, to prove the reality of God’s promise to be with them, by healing and helping.


God of truth, help us to keep your law of love and to walk in ways of wisdom, that we may find true life in Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.


Preparation - Here I am to worship What a friend we have in Jesus King of Kings Majesty Love Divine

Sunday 21st June – Trinity 2 First Reading: Jeremiah 20.7-13

Second Reading: Romans 6.1b-11 Gospel: Matthew 10.24-39


This week’s Diary Sat 20th June10:00 till 10:40 virtual Coffee Morning. Link will be sent out mid-week (see page 7) It’s good to know that although we cannot meet together, we are all thinking and praying for each other on a daily basis. Let’s continue to keep in touch as best we can. To those of you who can, do check your emails and check our website and Facebook pages for Church of England updates. We are working at ways of keeping everyone informed and up to date.

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020_Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing

2 Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG

(Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])


Use of Church buildings update

As you may be aware the government has announced that churches may look to open for particular circumstances (i.e. private prayer and funerals).

This is providing the transmission rate of the virus continues to remain static or fall, and a risk assessment takes place to determine what measures are necessary to maintain the hygiene and physical distance requirements. This Risk Assessment must be approved by the PCC, who with the Vicar make the decision as to when to re-open the Church Building.

It also necessitates that we are able carry out the essential checks and risk assessments on the building to ensure that it is safe for people to access.

Whilst the Government are announcing something new almost every day we, as a PCC, will be taking our lead from the Church of England advice and more directly the information for emergence coming from the leadership of our Diocese (The Anglican Diocese of Leeds).

The current situation is that we do not envisage our building being compliant for some time and we will try to keep you posted as to progress. The safety and well-being of our church family members and the members of our community must come first and we will not open our church until we are confident we can comply with all regulations and make it as safe as we can.

Please continue to pray for our church and our country at this time.

With love

Canon Angela and the members of the PCC.

Gardening Group. With social distancing starting to be relaxed, The PCC has agreed to the gardening group meeting again at church. As we are all aware we can only meet with no more than 6 people and we must remain 2m apart (unless you are from your own household or bubble). There will be NO access into church and you must provide your own equipment. Our first group is on Saturday 4th July, from 12 noon. If you would like to join us, please let Peter know, so we can work out the number of people interested. Detail will then be sent. Anyone who has not signed up, will be asked to leave. PCC minutes. The PCC are aware that at the moment the minutes are not available for you to read, and we are aware that a number of you do like to keep up to date with what is happening within the church. With this in mind, we have now made all of this year’s available. To access them, log onto your iknow account and click on the PCC minutes picture, this will take you to an unlisted part of the website, where you will find links to the minutes. Daily reflection and readings Every Morning, Revd Angela has been giving a daily reflection, which she has posted onto the WhatsApp Church prayer and support group. You can now listen to the daily readings via our website, but the page can only show the last 5 readings. If you are still having issues please do let me know. Thanks Peter

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020_Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing

3 Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG

(Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])

Monthly Giving Due to the current situation we are not making our monthly donation. Give as you Live: Are you currently doing your shopping online? If so, why not head to Give as you live first, at no extra cost to you the church gains a donation. Since we joined give as you live, we have raised an extra £487, we would never have had, see page 7 for more details, or our giving page on the website.

COVID 19 Keep upto date with what is happening, by visiting the following sites for more information. Government advice: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus NHS advice: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ Information from the Diocese: https://www.leeds.anglican.org/covid-19 Information from the Church of England: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-churches

A prayer for all those affected by coronavirus

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious,

be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low;

that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from

your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Daily Hope phone line Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line. A Church of England initiative in partnership with CONNECTIONS at Holy Trinity Claygate, and Faith in Later Life

Subtitles on our online service. All of our video content is manually subtitled. To turn these on, go to the bottom left of the video and click the filled-in box with two broken lines inside

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020_Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing

4 Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG

(Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])

Prayer needs: Jean Angell; Shane & Sarah Badrick; Jocelyn Barker; Bethany Broadbent; Megan Broadbent; Christopher Brown; Ingrid Booth; Lucy Broadhead; Jeannie & Bob Butler; Angela Carden; Adam Day; Jim Doherty; Harry Dibb; Jack Foulds; Elaine Jackson; Graham K; Joyce Hallam; Julie Harrop; Elizabeth Hall; Gordon Howell; Andrea Lees; Robbie Martin; Beryl Murgatroyd; Winifred Myers; Nathan Newbould; Derek Nicholson; Geoff Holt; Pam; Michelle Parry; Maralyn Pawson; Ken Pickles; June Price; Hamish Reynolds-Talbot & family; Susan Sanderson; Pat Smith; Vanessa Starsmore; Max Swift (toddler); Alan Stears, Michael Thornber; Ken Tyson; Brendan Whelan; Cynthia Whitham; John Wilberforce. The Bereaved: Parish Prayer list 14th The Pastor and congregation of Elim Pentecostal Church; Lord Street; Lower Clifton Street; Lower Clyde Street ;Lower Hollins; Malton Street; Marina Gardens; Marton Heights; Mayfield Gardens

Take some time to reflect

This week's readings talk of sacrifice and serving God.The focus scripture in Matthew does not paint a peaceful, pretty picture of life for the disciples. They went out to the Jewish cities and towns to witness and heal and were not always welcomed. They gave up and sacrificed the safety and comfort of home and family to go on the road to spread the good news and to heal and cast out evil spirits. What are we called to sacrifice in the living out of our call to ministry as disciples today? When have you experienced suffering and been able to find hope and strength to endure? Prayer: God of Compassion, be with us in our struggles, and in our triumphs that we may be ministers of hope to others. Amen

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020_Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing

5 Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG

(Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])

Revd Canon Angela Dick The Vicarage 62 Park Road Sowerby Bridge HX6 2BJ

01422 831253 email:vicar@christchurchsb.org.uk

Churchwardens Mr Peter Henry (07720 745230) peter@christchurchsb.org.uk

Mr David Gill (07989 654311) dave@christchurchsb.org.uk

CCL license number 49015

www.christchurchsb.org.uk; www.leeds.anglican.org

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge

Ordinary people sharing God's love in our world. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God's word.

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020 Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing


Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG (Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])

Virtual Meetings. Another week in lockdown is over, but it’s nice to know that with the help of modern technology we can all still keep in touch with our family, friends and loved ones. This week the PCC met virtually and we held our weekly virtual coffee morning. If you would like to get involved, then click the link on the email which is sent out inviting you to attend. It would be lovley to see and speak to more of you.

Christ Church Sowerby Bridge Notice Sheet_2020 Year A Sharing God’s love. Growing in faith. Living by prayer. Loving God’s word.

Living Loving Learning Confident Growing Changing


Developing leaders – ‘I am a church member’ - Growing Disciples – LYCiG (Leading Your Church into Growth[ LYCiG])

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