20480 - PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH …educare-it.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ementa...Este...

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20480 - PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH JAVASCRIPT AND CSS3Conteúdo detalhadoEmenta completa Digital - Inglês

Material Didático20480Código do Curso

70-480Código Exame

Module 1: Overview of HTML and CSS

1. Overview of HTML2. Overview of CSS3. Creating a Web Application by Using Visual Studio 2012

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2. Styling Block Elements3. CSS3 Selectors4. Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3

Module 7: Creating Objects and Methods by Using JavaScript

1. Writing Well-Structured JavaScript2. Creating Custom Objects3. Extending Objects


Module 2: Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages

1. Creating an HTML5 Page2. Styling an HTML5 Page

Module 3: Introduction to JavaScript

1. Overview of JavaScript Syntax2. Programming the HTML DOM with JavaScript3. Introduction to jQuery

Module 4: Creating Forms to Collect Data and Validate User Input

1. Overview of Forms and Input Types2. Validating User Input by Using HTML5 Attributes3. Validating User Input by Using JavaScript

Module 5: Communicating with a Remote Data Source

1. Sending and Receiving Data by Using XML HTTP Request2. Sending and Receiving Data by Using jQuery AJAX operations

Module 6: Styling HTML5 by Using CSS3

1. Styling Text

Module 8: Creating Interactive Pages using HTML5 APIs

1. Interacting with Files2. Incorporating Multimedia3. Reacting to Browser Location and Context4. Debugging and Profiling a Web Application

Module 9: Adding Offline Support to Web Applications

1. Reading and Writing Data Locally2. Adding Offline Support by Using the Application Cache

Module 10: Implementing an Adaptive User Interface

1. Supporting Multiple Form Factors2. Creating an Adaptive User Interface

Module 11: Creating Advanced Graphics

1. Creating Interactive Graphics by Using Scalable Vector Graphics2. Programmatically Drawing Graphics by Using a Canvas


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3. Applying CSS Transitions2. Transforming Elements3. Applying CSS Key-frame Animations


Este curso é a primeira parte de uma série de três cursos que somados compõem a carreira MCSD. Este curso fornece uma introdução ao HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript, ajuda os alunos a adquirir habilidades básicas de programação HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript. Este curso é um ponto de entrada para o aplicativo Web.

Para novas inscrições de acordo com calendário sequencial da carreira, dependera de disponibilidade de vagas na turma.

Module 13: Implementing Real-Time Communications by Using Web Sockets

1. Introduction to Web Sockets2. Sending and Receiving Data by Using Web Sockets

Module 14: Creating a Web Worker Process

1. Introduction to Web Workers2. Performing Asynchronous Processing by Using a Web Worker