21 Periscope Tips for Winning Broadcasts

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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21 TIPS for Winning



couldn’t BE any hotter right now.

Sharing our world in real time with

the world.

Periscope is fast becoming the

video broadcasting tool of choice and

is on a huge trajectory.

But to press that BROADCASTbutton can be

intimidating at first.

It’s a bit like ripping off a

band aid – theearlier you

jump in, the easier it is!

Here are 21things I’ve

learned from diving into Periscope !

Set Up Your Profilethe Smart Way

Tailor your Bio for Periscope.


Include what you like to talk about, your website URL

(use http://) & some emojis to catch attention.

Watch Other Broadcasts First2

See how others do it well, how it works, how the chat works,

and get a feel for the platform.

Create a Catchy Titlefor Your Broadcast

Draw us in with your title.


Be super obvious... or

tease us! Make us want to watch your broadcast.

Add Emojis to Your Title

Emojis catch attention…


…and make your title

stand out on the Periscope


Be Discoverable

Set your broadcast to auto-post to Twitter before you

start live streaming.


This setting sits just above

the “Start Broadcast”


Start Simply

Jump in slowly with a short broadcast! Just a few

minutes is fine.


Allow time for people to join in, say hi as they do, talk for a while (or show the view) &

say goodbye.

Start talking as soon as you hit

Start Broadcast… and welcome

people in!

Consider NotShowing Your Face … at First

Start out by showing what you see, not your face. It

takes the pressure off!



around Paris and he’s rockin’ it.

He doesn’t show his face. And

that’s kinda cool!

Announce YourBroadcast

You will get more viewers if you announce it first.


Give a “heads up” on Facebook or


Ease Into the Chat

Managing the chat and talking can be tricky. Focus on interacting with viewers at the start and end of your scope - and

your content in the middle.


People like to be acknowledged

but they also want to listen to


Give Hearts to Other Broadcasters

Focus on giving hearts to others. Good deeds often get



Tap the right-hand bottom corner of the

screen to release hearts (up to 500 in one session).

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Content here. FollowDonna Moritz


on Periscope!

Heart the Hearts But Don’t Beg for Them!

Ask for hearts in context but don't beg for them. Don't make content

conditional on hearts. Organic is best. Focus on value!


Focus on Followersand Shares Instead

Hearts are nice but quality followers who engage and

share your broadcasts are what count the most!


Write Down What You Want To Cover in Your Scope13When you're juggling a smart

phone + key points + bunch of funpeople wanting to interact with

you, you’ll be glad you wrote down 2-3 points to cover!

Have a “Welcome” Placeholder Image

The broadcast will stream what YOU see first, not your face. Consider

having an image on your screen with the title of your topic.


If you’re outside, use the beauty around you as

your intro image!

TIP: Double tap the screen

to change camera views.

@ChocolateJohnnyat Rose Bay

Ask People to Share the Scope with Their Followers

Remind your followers that they can share your scope live or

during a replay:


Swipe right (iOS) or swipe

up (Android) to share the scope

and invite viewers.

Give first when asking for shares.

Share other broadcasts first

– it builds relationships!

Scope Your Passion

Not sure what to talk about? Scope the topic that you can talk about “underwater” - if you love

the topic it will be natural for you.. like talking with a friend.


Be Consistent

Consistency attracts viewers like they are attracted to their

favorite TV show!


Be consistent (with style, clothing,

location, message). Your audience will tune for “you” and

“your style”. Be you and

find your “thing”.

But… Mix it Up

Go outside vs inside your office. Show your “casual” after hours

self. Change up your topics. Take us live to an event.


Remember that Periscope is “Real Time Moments” ON Steroids

Periscope has HUGE potential for a number of industries. It’s not just

about taking us on a tour, it’s about taking us on a tour RIGHT NOW.


In events, tourism, real estate or

music industry? Start scoping


“Product” Businesses

can rock Periscope too.

Watch @ChocolateJohnnyin his offline shop, Perfection Chocolates in Sydney, Australia.

Involve Your Followers

Periscope is interactive. It's about people.


Not sure what to talk about? Ask people – do a

Q&A session or announce a topic that they can ask

you about!

Promote Your Scope

Share the link to your replay with your social networks. Don’t like the scope?

No sweat, you can delete the replay (it’s only up for 24 hours anyway).


Set up a Periscope landing page on your

website like this one at bit.ly/visualscope. Direct viewers to it.

Mention it during your scopes.

Hot Tip:

Hot Tips to Finish

Periscope uses a LOT of data juice on your phone. Use WiFi where you can.

Need to hide your location? Switch off location services before broadcasting.

Switch phone to airplane mode then put WiFi on to stop call interruption.

Use an external lapel microphone for better audio quality.

Want to learn more about

Periscope? Get More Great

Content here. Follow

Donna Moritz @SociallySorted

on Periscope!