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FEBRUARY, 2015 1

In early January, I spoke at the Young Lawyers Section Annual Meeting regarding what to expect in

2015. My remarks highlighted two themes. First, as a member organization that operates largely through committees, the DCBA needs the participation of members with a variety of experience levels.

Second, I encouraged the Young Lawyers to attend the upcoming social events, including the Bench Bar in late July.

Our time is a precious and limited asset. An hour that we spend at a DCBA meeting or event is an hour that we are taking away from our work, our families or the other activities that sustain our lives. With

so many other priorities, organizations and causes, why devote time to the DCBA?

My involvement in the DCBA started very early in my career. I started by attending the Thursday evening Happy Hours at the Bar Association. As someone who was new to the legal profession and

new to Harrisburg, the DCBA social events were an opportunity to meet people. Some of those people would become future business contacts (referrals to and from), some would serve as informal men-

tors, some would become good friends, and some would be sounding boards and sympathetic ears regarding work-related gripes. After all, every lawyer has a horror story about the discovery pro-

cess, the opposing counsel who won't return phone calls, etc.

The members that I met encouraged me to get involved. My participation in DCBA committees and

sections taught me different skills. I joined the CLE Committee to have low-stress opportunities to work on my public speaking skills by introducing the speakers. Serving as Volleyball Czar and then

Young Lawyers Section Chair taught me valuable lessons about organization, working with groups, dealing with semi-crisis situations (e.g., beer keg failures and bad weather), and leadership. Finally,

working on various public service projects organized through the DCBA over the years, such as the Peoples' Law School, the Custody Clinic, and the Law Explorers program, showed me the intangible

benefits of giving back to the community and to the profession.

I can't guarantee that everyone will get the same benefits that I did from being active in the Bar Asso-ciation; however, I can guarantee that there are a variety of ways to get involved throughout the

year—Law Day, pro bono cases, Veterans Disability Claims Lawyer Referral Program, the St. Patty's

Day party, substantive sections, Social Committee, Young Lawyers Section, Senior Lawyers Section, volleyball. The list goes on and on.

Did I mention that we have a Bench Bar Conference this year?


213 North Front Street

Harrisburg, PA

(717) 232-7536

Fax: (717) 234-4582


Board of Directors



FEBRUARY, 2015 Pamela C. Polacek


J. Michael Sheldon President-Elect

Edward F. Spreha, Jr. Vice-President

Matthew M. Haar Secretary

Thomas P. Gacki Treasurer

John. D. Sheridan Past-President

Nicole R. Antos Young Lawyers Chair

Amanda A. Batz YL Chair-Elect


William L. Adler Charles O. Beckley II Robert E. Chernicoff Devin J. Chwastyk

Salvatore A. Darigo, Jr. Peter M. Good Joshua A. Gray

Paula J. McDermott Jeffrey T. McGuire

Tina L. Orndorff Richard L. Placey

Kimberly A. Selemba Margaret M. Simok

Leonard Tintner Bradley A. Winnick

Pamela C. Polacek President

FEBRUARY, 2015 2

YOUNG LAWYERS ANNUAL MEETING PHOTOS The Young Lawyers Section Annual Meeting occurred on Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at the DCBA. Anthony F. Andrisano, Jr.,

Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. He reported on the activities that the Section sponsored. Mr. Andrisano report-

ed that a new event – Senators Baseball night – held co-jointly with the Lebanon County Bar Association Young Lawyers was a

success and involved an event that young lawyers could bring their families to. Mr. Andrisano thanked all the Section officers

for their service during 2014. Joseph P. Cardinale, Treasurer, reported that the Section is in good financial shape. Anthony M.

Hoover, Social Chair, reported that the Section has great success with volleyball sponsorship this year. After the reports, elec-

tions were held with election of the following officers: Chair-Elect - Amanda A. Batz, Secretary - Joseph P. Cardinale, Treasurer

- Anthony M. Hoover, and Social Chair - Kristen Sinisi. Nicole R. Antos assumed the role of Chair. The guest speaker was DCBA

President-Elect Pamela C. Polacek who urged the young lawyers to get involved not only with Young Lawyer Section activities,

but also with DCBA committees. Ms. Polacek urged young lawyers to attend the upcoming Bench/Bar Conference being held

July 31, August 1, and August 2, at Bedford Springs where there will be many diverse activities with the theme of healthy ways to

manage stress as the practice of law is filled with deadlines. After the guest speaker, Nicole R. Antos, Chair, spoke about starting a new project for 2015 – Bar Buddies, whereby new young lawyers will have the opportunity to acquire a “buddy” to attend DCBA functions with so that a new lawyer is not alone and has the

opportunity to meet other DCBA members. Ms. Antos would also like to involve the section with other county bar young lawyers sections.

FEBRUARY, 2015 3


The DCBA and Widener Law have launched a new partnership whereby three new

lawyers will take up space in the DCBA building and learn the practice of law.

Starting a solo practice is often difficult but Mark Calore, Patrick Daniels and John

Sweet have undertaken this task and will work with Widener Law and MidPenn to

learns the ins and outs of running a small firm.

As a part of this experience, they will each be providing pro bono service to

MidPenn over the course of their time in the Incubator. We are pleased to have

them here and agree this is a win-win for the DCBA and these new attorneys.

DCBA PARTNERSHIP WITH LA TORRE COMMUNICATIONS DCBA is excited to announce its new partnership with La Torre Communications, a Harrisburg based public rela-

tions/public affairs firm. La Torre will use its experience and strategies to help the association and its members

communicate better with the public on the critical issues facing our community. For more information about La

Torre Communications, visit their website: www.latorrecommunications.com or like them on Facebook

(www.facebook.com/LaTorre.Communications) or Twitter (LA_TC).




Prof. Palmer Lockard, John Sweet, Patrick Daniels, Mark Calore, John Talbler, DCBA President John D. Sheridan

and Executive Director Elizabeth Simcox


The Honorable Clarence C. Morrison Award was presented at the Annual Meeting to the firm of Stevens & Lee.

Accepting the award on behalf of the firm was Charlie Suhr. Stevens & Lee has been a strong supporter of the DCBA CAMP

1L Program since 2008 and has routinely taken 2 students each summer.

The firm is committed to diversity in all areas and we thank them for their continuing commitment to this program. (left)

Jeremiah Underhill was presented with

the DCBA Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year

Award for his work on the DCBA Veterans

Disability Appeals Lawyer Referral Pro-

gram. The new program was officially

launched in January of 2014 and includes

the assistance of six DCBA members who are certified to take on these appeals cas-

es. Fourteen cases are being worked under Jeremiah’s supervision and two have been

successfully resolved. He has been working in this area for a number of years now

and is committed to assisting area vets with these issues. We thank him and the volun-

teers for this important work. (right)

FEBRUARY, 2015 4


Hon. Richard A. Lewis; John D. Sheridan, DCBA President and new members Janel M. Gleeson, Christopher J. Gleeson, Mark Calore and Patrick J.

Daniels with Edward F. Spreha, Jr., DCBA Secretary.

Judge Turgeon thanks Mark Silliker and Sandy Meilton for their assistance with new Family Court organization. Other attorneys

recognized but not shown in photo include John Connolly, Theresa Male, Tina Laudermilch, Deb Cantor and Jack Howett

FEBRUARY, 2015 5

FEBRUARY, 2015 6

FEBRUARY, 2015 7

FEBRUARY, 2015 8

FEBRUARY, 2015 9










The DCBA will hold a training to members free of charge to become certified to accept Veterans

Disability Appeals cases on

APRIL 23, 2015 at the DCBA from 2-5:30 pm.

Training will be provided by Jeremiah Underhill who currently oversees the DCBA program cur-

rently in place to assist local vets.

Those who take advantage of this training and the accompanying CLE credits are required to take on one case in the following 12 months. In order to attend the training

and be certified, please follow the instructions listed below.

REMINDER for Anyone seeking to practice in Veterans Law

1) You must get their DVA Accreditation form at http://www.va.gov/ogc/accreditation.asp and have their accreditation notice back from the DVA before

the CLE.

2) The CLE is required pursuant to 38 C.F.R. § 14.629(b)(1)(iii) and (iv), (a qualifying CLE course must be approved for a minimum of 3 hours of CLE credit

by any State bar association)

The PLI continues to offer this training online for free and they will even report the CLE credits to the PACLE for free. Anyone interested is this training can go

to: http://www.pli.edu/Content/OnDemand/Advocating_for_Veterans_The_Basics_on_VA//N-4nZ1z12f57?fromsearch=false&ID=174214

To register please click here: https://www.dcba-pa.org/Calendar/Signup.aspx?EventNo=391


Veterans, the dedicated men and women who were willing to die in their service to our country, deserve our support and assistance. We hope you will consider one of

these opportunities to give back some of your time and talent to those who have given us so much!

A. Help Homeless Veterans

Last year, nineteen (19) compassionate pro bono attorneys, paralegals and law students assisted Homeless Veterans at the annual Stand

Down at the Harrisburg Military Post Armory.

This year, pro bono attorneys are again needed for the Homeless Veterans Stand Down on Saturday, February 7 from 10 to 5 PM at the Har-

risburg Military Post Armory located at 14 th and Calder Streets, Harrisburg. To date, we only have THREE (3) pro bono names on the list for

this effort.

Can we add YOUR name for a two-hour slot on February 7?

Stand Downs are typically one to three day events providing services to homeless military veterans such as food, shelter, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social

Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment. They are collabora-

tive events, coordinated between local VAs, other government agencies, and community agencies. For more information go to: http://www.va.gov/homeless/


Pro bono attorneys, paralegals and law students are needed to staff a Legal Information Table on February 7 during these time slots:

10 to Noon;

Noon to 2 PM; and

2 to 4 PM.


We hope to have four attorneys for each time slot (which ensures that at least 3 will usually be there – as one could have a sick child, etc.).

We will have a table and chairs for the attorneys (and the folks they speak with) to use. We will bring some simple brochures on legal topics (Custody, Expungement,

Landlord/Tenant, etc.). Much of the information is also online via www.PaLawHelp.org, so attorneys could use that on their smart phones. The event could be compared

to “Ask a Lawyer” at Strawberry Square or our Pro Bono Homeless Outreach Project. The attorneys would help point the veterans in the right direction but would not

represent the veterans.

Since it is not a MidPenn Legal Services program, attorneys are not covered by MidPenn’s malpractice insurance. Please contact Sandy Ballard (232-7536 ext. 7 or

sandy@dcba-pa.org) for more information or to sign up.

B. Veterans Disability Appeals

Another way to assist veterans is by helping veterans obtain the disability benefits that they deserve. The DCBA will hold a free training for

members to become certified to accept Veterans Disability Appeals cases on April 23 from 2 to 5:30 pm. at the DCBA. See more information

in box on page 14.

C. Help Vets with Other Legal Issues

The Pennsylvania Bar Association offers another way to use your time and talents to help veterans. Through the PBA Lawyers Saluting Veter-

ans (LSV) Program, pro bono attorneys handle cases in their areas of practice or expertise for Pennsylvania's military veterans, free of

charge. The PBA's Pro Bono Office and Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee are coordinating the program.

After you register for the program, you will receive electronic documents such as an agreement of representation, a pro bono checklist and a termination letter for use

with your veteran pro bono clients. You will receive an official certificate of participation to publicize your involvement in the program.

The PBA offers other resources for interested attorneys, including:

LSV Pro Bono Guidelines

Sample Pro Bono Retainer Letter

Sample Pro Bono Termination Letter

LSV Pro Bono Case Tracking Form Pro Bono Completion Certificate

Registration will require certification of malpractice insurance. Since it is not a MidPenn Legal Services program, attorneys are not covered by MidPenn’s malpractice

insurance. For more information or to register, go to: http://www.pabar.org/public/lsv.asp

D. The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program

Finally, a nation-wide pro bono program, the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program provides: free

attorneys to veterans and their qualifying family members who have an appeal pending at the U.S.

Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (Court). The Veterans Consortium recruits and trains volunteer

attorneys to help appellants, free of charge, with their appeals at the Court.

The program screens appeals so that pro bono representation can be provided in meritorious cases, and offers comprehensive training and support to participating

attorneys. Private attorneys with no veterans law experience have demonstrated their ability to capably represent appellants in the Court. Most cases can be completed

in 50 hours.

Before accepting an appeal, all attorneys will have the opportunity to attend a training program conducted by experts in the field. Each participating attorney will also

receive a free copy of the latest version of the Veterans Benefit Manual (in both a bound version as well as CD-ROM with on-line research capability), a comprehensive

guide to litigating veterans benefits claims.

Upon accepting a referral, each attorney will receive a memorandum discussing the facts and legal issues in the appeal, and the name and telephone number of an as-

signed mentor who specializes in this area of the law from one of the sponsoring organizations. Mentors will be available to discuss litigation strategy, provide sample

briefs, review draft pleadings, and conduct a moot court if oral argument is granted. For more information, go to: http://www.vetsprobono.org/

Sandy Ballard

DCBA Pro Bono Coordinator


CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS John D. Sheridan passed on the gavel to our new incoming president Pamela C. Polacek at our Annual Meeting on Wednesday, January 21, 2015

at the National Civil War Museum.

Others assuming office include: J. Michael Sheldon, President Elect; Edward F. Spreha, Jr., Vice President; Matthew M. Haar, Secretary; Thomas P. Gacki, Treasurer.

New Directors on the Board include: Charles O. Beckley, II, Devin J. Chwastyk, Jeffrey T. McGuire, Paula J. McDermott and Leonard Tintner.


All 2015 dues invoices were mailed to members in November, 2013 and are due in at the Bar Association by March 31, 2015. If you have not re-

ceived your invoice, please call the Bar Association today to get a copy.



Below is a link for new rules 4000-4016 and an announcement of the rescission of Rules 5000.1-5000.3 of the PA Rules

of Judicial Administration. Please note these are effective June 1, 2015.

It requires redaction of personal information from transcripts therefore lawyers need to be alerted to remove this

from their exhibits also.



C. Lee Anderson has retired from practicing law.

Stephanie L. Cesare has become an Associate with Abom & Kutulakis, L.L.P. (No photo available)

Stephen I. McLendon has joined the Dauphin County District Attorney’s office. Steve is a former volunteer for Sandy Ballard, worked for Silliker & Rein-

hold and was a 2012 CAMP 1L intern.



If you are a Family Law Section member in good standing, beginning in 2015, you will receive all headnotes for opinions

published by Judge Turgeon over the past 20 years. This is a concise listing of all opinions the Judge has issued. This will be

periodically updated as new opinions from the Family Court are handed down.

This is an excellent benefit for section members and I hope if you practice in this area that you will be sure to pay your section

dues in order to receive this information.

Watch for the first installment coming soon.







Time is running out to sign up for our trip to The Supreme Court of the United States on May 18th.

The DCBA will do a group admission and it is a great experience! Deadline to register is March 2nd.

A Certificate of Good Standing from the PA Supreme Court is required in your application.

Please email Bridgette@dcba-pa.org for more information.

William L. Adler

Karen M. Balaban

Norris E. Benns. Jr.

C. Grainger Bowman

Guy H. Brooks

Hon. Martin Carlson

Donald L. Carmelite

Christopher D. Carusone

Joseph T. Cawley

Hon. John F. Cherry

Robert R. Church

Robert H. Davis, Jr.

Allison M. Domday

Judge Brian Eader

Patricia Fox

Harvey Freedenberg

Kristen M. Furlan

Judge Robert Goduto

Susan E. Good

Joshua A. Gray

David Jones

James K. Jones

Paul J. Killion

Elizabeth A. Kramer

Liz Laribee

Erika Lauer

Robert Lawton

Gen. William Lynch

Kathy Speaker MacNett

Edward M. Marsico, Jr.

Christopher J. Marzzacco

Stephen Matzura

Marisa McClellan

Joseph U. Metz

Alexis M. Miloszewski

Kathleen Misturak-Gingrich

Juliette M. Moringiello

David L. Narkiewcz

Judge Robert O’Donnell

Gail Partin

Mark Podiva

Judson B. Perry

Amara Riley

Judge Patrick Sheldon

John D. Sheridan

Barbara Siebert

Craig A. Stone

Hon. Jeannine Turgeon

Catherine E. Wagner

John P. Weidman

Michael W. Winfield

Marc W. Witzig

Brett Woodburn



Diane Sommers Baker John J. Cantwell

Joanne Harrison Clough

Susana Cortina de Cárdenas Diane M. Dils

Patrick J. Daniels James R. Demmel

Susan E. Etter

Donna L. Fisher Wendy J. F. Grella

Steven Baker Kensinger Stephen R. Krone

Marshall Dennehey Warner Cole-

man & Goggin Francis X. O'Brien Jr.

Douglas R. Roeder Laurie A. Saltzgiver

Paula G. Sanders

Jean D. Seibert D. Troy Sellars

Heidi Hamman Shakely James Powel Sheppard

Mark T. Silliker

Gail Guida Souders Richard B. Swartz


Rose Merrick


Dillion Epler

Amber Fye

Erika McLain

Melissa J. Miller

Mara Myers

Jonette Taylor

Grant Wicklem


Th e f o l l ow in g p a r t ic i p a nts p r o v i d ed p r o bo n o s e r v ic e d u r i n g

th e m o nt h o f J an ua r y b y ac c ep t i n g new c l i en ts , ma k i n g a

f i n a n c i a l c o n t r i b u t i o n t o M i dP e n n L e g a l S e r v i c e s ,

pa r t ic i p a t i n g i n o ne o f o u r p ro bo n o p r o g ra ms , o r

c o n du c t i n g o n e o f o u r f a m i l y l aw c l i n ic s :

PRO BONO PERFORMANCE In 2015, our Pro Bono Program has:

Assisted 27 clients (based on new cases)

Donated 52 hours of legal services

Valued at $7,800

Conducted 2 Pro Se Clinics

Additionally, our Lawyer Referral Program has fielded 50

calls and referred 48 clients, including 2 clients who quali-

fied for Modest Means Panel. Thanks to all those who

helped maintain this tradition of community service.


2015 BENCH BAR Fr ida y, Ju l y 3 1 , 2 015 through S unda y, Augus t 2 , 2 015


Omni Bedford S prings Resort

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February 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 8:00am DCBA Public Services Committee Meeting (McNees)


12:00pm Young Lawyers Executive Committee Meeting

5 6 7

6:00pm Presidents Gala - West Shore

Country Club




8 9

9:00am - CAMP Interviews

5:00pm Lipsitt Inn of Court


9:00am - CAMP Interviews

Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch

12 Noon program

“Private Actions Under the PA Unfair Trade Practices and

Consumer Protection Law”




9:00am - CAMP Interviews

5:00pm Bowman

Inn of Court


9:00am - CAMP Interviews

13 14

15 16

President’s Day DCBA Closed

17 18

9:00am. Custody Clinic

12:00pm Family Law

Subcommittee Meeting


Government Law Section Lunch &

Learn 11:30am Lunch

12 Noon program

“Legislation Leader-ship Lawyering”



4:30pm Board of Directors Meeting

20 21

22 23 24

Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch

12 Noon program

“Legal Concerns in a Paperless Office Environment”




12:00pm CLE Committee Meeting


12:00pm Small & Solo Committee


27 28


March 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

9:00am Custody Clinic

5 6 7

8 9

5:00pm Lipsitt Inn of Court

10 11

5:00pm Bowman Inn of Court

12 13 14

15 16 17 18

Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch

12 Noon program

“The Amazing Life of Justice SDOC”



19 20 21

22 23 24

Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch

12 Noon program

Topic to be Determined

25 26 27 28

29 30 31


UPCOMING NON-DCBA EVENTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2015, 4:00p.m.: “Rethinking the Energy-Environment Divide” : Widener Law—Administration Building-A180. Environmental Law scholar

and Villanova Professor of Law Todd Aagaard will be the first speaker in the 2015 Environmental Law Distinguished Speaker Series. One free substantive CLE. Please

contact slgraeff@widener.edu for more information.

TURSDAY, MARCH 19, 2015, 5:00 p.m.: Law Firm Leadership Dinner: Central PA Chapter of ALA, Hershey Country Club, 1000 East Derry Street, Hershey, PA 17033;

Reception: 5:00p.m.; Dinner 6:15p.m.; Speaker 7:00-8:00p.m. $60 per person. ALA Member may bring one guest lawyer free of charge. RSVP to Patricia A. Patton,

ppatton@dzmmlaw.com; Daley Zucker Meilton & Miner, LLC, 635 N. 12th Street, Suite 101; Lemoyne, PA 17043 by Friday, March 6, 2015. Make checks payable to: CENTRAL




The DCBA has negotiated a special rate on our members’ behalf for DataMotion SecureMail.

If you are like most professional practices then you handle clients’ sensitive personal information every day. Due to industry regulations and privacy reasons this infor-

mation cannot be sent through regular email. The American Bar Association published an article in September that stated, “…attorneys have duties to take competent

and reasonable measures to safeguard information relating to clients…” [read more].

To help conform to ABA rules, DataMotion SecureMail provides you with an easy to use tool that automatically encrypts your sensitive information to help keep you in


It can also help you reduce costs associated with couriers, faxes, etc. as it provides proof of delivery.

Click to learn best practice tips you can use to protect your outbound communications and your Firm’s reputation.

For pricing and more information about DataMotion SecureMail click here.

Andrea Raglione - DataMotion


You may have noticed that we have NOT listed the 2014 Pro Bono Honor Roll of pro bono attorneys, paralegals and law students who will be invited to the annual judges

reception. Does that mean that we had no pro bono participants? Did Sandy accidentally delete the list and all the database records? Don’t the judges want to recog-

nize the wonderful pro bono lawyers this year?

Rest assured, all is well. We have a wonderful list of pro bono attorneys, paralegals and law students which Sandy (luckily) did not delete. And the judges do want to

recognize your service at the annual invitation-only reception. However, due to the scheduling difficulties and uncertain winter weather, we have decided to host the

reception in the spring.

Thus, we are delighted to report that the Annual Pro Bono Reception is scheduled for April 1 from 5 to 7 PM at the DCBA. All the wonderful, dedicated pro bono attor-

neys, paralegals and law students will be listed in the March newsletter and will receive a wonderful invitation from President Judge Richard Lewis to join him and other

members of the bench so they may thank you in person for your pro bono service to the community.


“The purposes of the Dauphin County Bar Association are to advance the

science of jurisprudence, to promote the administration of justice, to

encourage a thorough legal education, to promote continuing legal edu-cation, to uphold the honor and dignity of the Bar, to encourage the ful-

fillment of the obligations of the profession among its members to the courts and to society, to promote programs to provide effective, afford-

able legal services to all segments of society, to cultivate cordial inter-course among the members of the Association and to perpetuate the history of the profession and the memory of its members and such kin-

dred purposes as the Association may from time to time determine.”


Elizabeth G. Simcox Executive Director Liz@dcba-pa.org

Joyce A. Tambolas Administrative Assistant Joyce@dcba-pa.org

Bridgette L. Hilbish Receptionist/CLE Coordinator Bridgette@dcba-pa.org

Sandra A. Ballard Public Services Coordinator Sandy@dcba-pa.org

Michael P. Furjanic Accountant Mike@dcba-pa.org

Jose Burgos Maintenance



213 North Front Street

Harrisburg, PA 17101

Phone: 717-232-7536

Fax: 717-234-4582



If you would like an event or member update advertised in our next newsletter, please submit it NO LATER THAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2015 to bridgette@dcba-pa.org.

Newsletter set up and designed by Bridgette. Thank you.