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    Talanta 51 (2000) 645665

    Polarographic and voltammetric behavior of selenious acidand its use in analysis

    P. Zuman a,*, G. Somer b

    a Department of Chemistry, Clarkson Uniersity, Potsdam, NY13699-5810, USAb Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gazi Uniersity, Ankara 06500, Turkey

    Received 24 August 1999; received in revised form 25 October 1999; accepted 26 October 1999


    Solution chemistry of Se(IV), in particular the acid base properties, salt and complex formation, chemical

    reduction and reaction of Se(IV) with organic and inorganic sulfur compounds are briefly summarized. The

    electrochemical reduction of Se(IV) on dropping and stationary mercury electrodes is dealt with in some detail. The

    effects of antecedent acidbase equilibria and of consecutive reactions of the reduction product, Se2, adsorption of

    their products, and effects of added metal ions are discussed. The principles and applications of stripping analyses for

    determination of ultratraces of Se(IV) are summarized. The behavior on unreactive (Au, Pt, carbon) and reactive (Hg

    Ag, Cu) electrodes are compared. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Acidbase; Sulfur; Metal ions


    1. Introduction

    Selenium is present in the earth crust as the

    seventeenth most common element and occurs in

    volcanic eruptions, some minerals, soil and waters

    in variable quantities. In trace amounts it is a

    biologically essential element for vertebrates, but

    can be toxic when introduced in larger quantities.

    It is usually present as Se(VI) or Se(IV) and in

    organoselenium compounds.

    In this review, attention will be paid to electro-chemical properties of selenious(IV) acid and its

    anions as well as practical applications of electro-

    analytical techniques. As the electrochemical be-

    havior of Se(IV) is accompanied by chemica

    reactions, such reactions will be briefly mentioned


    2. General properties of Se(IV)

    2.1. Acidbase properties

    Selenious acid can undergo in aqueous solu-

    tions the following equilibria:H3SeO3


    H2SeO3+H+ (1)


    HSeO3+H+ (2)


    SeO32+H+ (3)

    * Corresponding author. Fax.: +1-315-2686610.

    0039-9140/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    PII: S 0 0 3 9 - 9 1 4 0 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 3 2 3 - 9

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665646

    For the individual dissociation steps the follow-

    ing pKa-values have been reported:

    pK3pK1 pK28.33 [1]2.72 [1]3.3 [1]

    8.32 [2]2.62 [2]

    The pK1-value has been determined [1] spec-

    trophotometrically using values of Hammett acid-

    ity functions Ho as a first approximation for

    logaH+. The existence of the protonated form

    of Se(IV) in solutions of sulfuric acid has been

    confirmed by cryoscopic and conductometric

    measurements and by 77Se NMR data [3].

    2.2. Salt and complex formation

    Solutions of selenious acid react with numerous

    metal cations to form slightly soluble, white pre-

    cipitates [4]. In unbuffered solutions formation of

    slightly soluble salt (K3=3.8109) o f C u2+

    with selenite has been confirmed using polarogra-

    phy [5]. On the other hand, Pb2+ forms under the

    same conditions a 1:1 complex (Kf=1.4104),

    which is relatively soluble [5]. Shifts of half-wave

    potentials of the polarographic wave of cadmiu-

    m(II) ions with increasing concentration of selen-

    ite indicates formation of soluble complexes

    between Cd2+ and SeO32 in ratio 1:1 with Kf=

    2104 ([6]).

    For electrochemical studies involving mercury

    electrodes, the formation of salts of Se(IV) specieswith mercury ions is of particular interest. For the

    slightly soluble [7] mercury(I) (Ks=2.31015)

    and mercury(II) (Ks=1.41014) compounds

    were proposed structures HgSeO3 ([8]) and Hg3(HSeO3)2(SeO3)2([9,10]). It has been suggested [4]

    that in the presence of calomel occurs a dispro-

    portionation of Se(IV) into Se(VI) and Se(0) to-

    gether with an oxidation of Hg(I) to Hg(II).

    2.3. Chemical reductions

    Most common metals(0), with the exception of

    Au, Pt and Pd, reduce Se(IV) in acidic media, as

    the cation H3SeO3+ (similarly as for example

    H3CrO4+) is a strong oxidizing agent. Reductions

    with Mg, Al and Zn yield both Se(0) and Se(2),

    whereas Raney nickel and Cu yield Se2 ([4])

    The reaction with Fe2+ yields Se(0) ([11]).

    Se(IV) can be reduced quantitatively to Se(0) by

    iodide[4,12] following reaction (4):

    H2SeO3(l)+4H++4I Se(0)+I2(s)+3H2O


    For the equilibrium constant K= [H2SeO3][H+

    ]4[I]42 was reported [13] the value 1.4

    1014. In order for the reaction between Se(IV)

    and I to be quantitative, pH should be smaller

    than 1.0 ([12]).

    This reaction can be used as a basis of titrimet-

    ric determination of Se(IV) using a thiosulfate

    solution [12] or an amperometric titration with

    two polarized electrodes [14] or potentiometric

    titration at constant current [14] using a Pt anode

    and C cathode. Iodide ions can be also generated

    electrochemically on a carbon electrode and this

    can be used for a coulometric titration with two

    platinum electrodes (E=0.1 V) for amperomet-ric end point detection [15,16]. Similarly, the cou-

    lometric titration can be carried out using

    electrogenerated titanium(III) [17].

    Both the hydrazinium ion and its aryl deriva-

    tives [4,18,19] yield predominantly Se(0), but un-

    der optimal conditions it is possible to reduce

    Se(IV) to Se2 ([18]). Se(0) is also obtained in the

    reduction of Se(IV) by protonated forms of hy-

    droxylamine and semicarbazide [4,20], together

    with a smaller amount [21] of H2Se. Reductions

    with sodium borohydride [22] and a mixture ofH3PO2 and HI [20] yields H2Se.

    Aldehydes reduce Se(IV) to Se(0) and do not

    form addition compound as with sulfites [4]

    Ascorbic acid reduces also Se(IV) to red form of

    Se(0); the reaction can be utilized for titrimetric

    determinations of Se(IV) [23].

    The complex reactions of Se(IV) with sulfur

    compounds will be discussed in Section 2.4.

    2.4. Reactions with sulfur compounds

    Among inorganic sulfur containing species con-

    siderable attention has been paid to the reaction

    of Se(IV) with sulfite. This reaction has been used

    in some analytical procedures to separate Se from

    other components of the analyzed sample. In this

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 647

    procedure elemental Se (obtained by reduction of

    Se(IV) with iodide) is extracted from the sample

    quantitatively at pH 89 by an excess of sodium

    sulfite. The reaction is chemically reversible, as

    upon acidification with hydrochloric acid the ele-

    mental selenium is again formed [12].

    There is a strong indication that the composi-

    tion of the reaction product may vary with a

    stoichiometric ratio of Se(IV) to S(IV). Unfortu-

    nately, the reaction between Se(IV) and S(IV) has

    been often carried out in unbuffered solutions.

    When SeO2 was mixed with solutions of H2SO3,

    NaHSO3 and Na2SO3 complex acid base and

    hydration-dehydration equilibria are established

    and the nature of the reacting species is difficult to


    Under conditions used in the most recent study

    [24] the predominant product has been proved to

    be selenotrithionate, with selenium as central

    atom to which two SO32 groups are linked, either

    by SeO or by SeS bonds. Based on an analogyof the reaction of Se(IV) with thiolates, the follow-

    ing reaction scheme (5)(8) has been proposed:


    +H2O (5)



    2+H2O (6)



    2 (7)


    Se(SO3)22 (8)

    Reactions (5) to (7) are supposed to be fast so that

    reaction (8) is the rate determining step. Neverthe-

    less, no evidence has been offered for the kinetics

    or intermediates involved in these processes.

    Similarly, the reaction of Se(IV) with thiosulfate

    [25] has also been carried out in unbuffered solu-

    tions. In a reaction mixture consisting of 0.5 M

    SeO2, 2 M N a2S2O3 and 2 M HCl selenopen-

    tathionate is formed (9):


    Se(S2O3)22+S4O92+3H2O (9)

    As selenopentathionate is formed [26] in reaction

    of selenotrithionate with thiosulfate, it is probable

    that selenotrithionate is an intermediate in the

    formation of selenopentathionate.

    In selenopentathionate, the central Se can be

    bound either to two sulfurs (O3S-S-Se-S-SO3)

    to one sulfur and one oxygen atom (O3S-S-Se-

    O-SSO2), or to two oxygens (O2S-S-O-Se-O-

    SSO2). At higher pH-values the selenopentathion-

    ate is cleaved and yields Se(0):


    2+Se(0) (10)

    Finally, the reaction of Se(IV) with thiocyanate

    yields a selenium dithiocyanate [27] (11):


    Se(SCN)2+NCSSCN+H2O (11)

    For the reaction of thiolates with Se(IV) a 4:1

    stoichiometry was established and the following

    reaction scheme proposed [2831]:

    RSH+H2SeO3RSSeO2H+H2O (12)

    RSH+RSSeO3H(RS)2SeO+H2O (13)

    (RS)2SeORSH+RSSeOSR (14)

    RSH+RSSeOSR(RS)2Se+RSOH (15)

    RSH+RSOH(RSSR)+H2O (16)

    In a consecutive reaction Se(0) is formed (17):

    (RS)2Se RS

    Se+RSSR (17)

    This latter reaction is the basis of a spectropho-

    tometric procedure [32] for determination of

    Se(IV), in which elemental selenium is dissolved

    by an excess of thiolate (18):

    Se+nRS(RS)nSe (18)

    Formation of species of the type (RS)2SeO

    named selenotrisulfides or bis(thio)selenides, has

    been reported as products of reactions of alkylthi-

    ols [29], 2-mercaptoethanol [31], thiosalicylic

    [33,34] and thioglycolic [35] acids, but particularly

    (because of their physiological importance) for

    cysteine [36,37] and glutathione [36,38]. The mix-

    ture of Se(IV) and glutathione catalyzes genera-

    tion of superoxide radicals [39] and reacts withmercury compounds [40,41]. Se(IV) reacts also

    with methionine [42], but the product of this

    reaction was not identified. The reaction of Se(IV)

    with 1, 2-dimercaptoethane yielded in a pH-de-

    pendent reaction [43] the compound:

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665648

    The electrochemical reduction of (RS)2Se and of


    Se is assumed to involve a two-electron re-

    duction (19) followed by a reduction of RSSR by

    Se2 ions (20) [38]:


    Sen+2enRS (19)

    Se2+RSSR2RS+Se (20)

    Bis(alkylthio)selenides RSSeSR undergo also

    readily nucleophilic attacks, either on S or Se

    depending on substituent R [44]. For glutathione,

    formation of GSSeSG predominates at pH 2 and

    pH4 at a ratio [GSH]:[Se(IV)]4:1 and this

    species is reduced [45] by glutathione reductase

    (gl.r.) (21):



    +TPN+ (21)

    3. Electrochemical reduction

    3.1. Reductions on mercury electrodes

    3.1.1. Reduction at the dropping mercury


    In the first observation of polarographic reduc-tion of Se(IV) the indistinct waves in 1 M HCl

    were attributed to consecutive reductions to +2,

    0, and 2 oxidation states, the single wave in an

    ammonia-ammonium buffer to the formation of

    Se(0) [46]. All these attributions turned out to be

    wrong. Lingane and Niedrach [47] in a communi-

    cation well advanced for the time-period recog-

    nized correctly that between pH 0 and 11 the

    reduction of Se(IV) occurs in three different

    waves, i1, i2 and i3. These authors concluded

    correctly that in each of these waves anotherionized form of selenious acid is reduced. Never-

    theless, due to the less developed state of theory

    of polarographic processes that involve an-

    tecedent acid base equilibria at that time, their

    attribution of i1 to the reduction of H2SeO3, i2 to

    that of HSeO3 and i3 to that of SeO3

    2 was

    incorrect. These authors [47] proved that electrode

    processes in waves i3and i1 (the latter followed by

    a reaction of Se2 formed with mercury ions)

    correspond to a six-electron process, but their

    attribution of wave i2 to a four-electron reduction

    was incorrect. In the following group of studies

    [48 53], the role of interaction of Se2 ions

    formed by electrolysis with mercury ions was mis-

    understood and a process involving four-electron

    reduction of Se(IV) and a formation of elemental

    Se was erroneously proposed. Further studies of

    the reduction of Se(IV) in various buffers [5459]

    did not offer substantial new mechanistic


    The sharp-edged portion of wave i, in acidic

    media was correctly attributed to a formation of a

    mercury selenide [60] formed in an anodic process

    [61]. The selenide ions, formed in a six-electron

    reduction of Se(IV), react with mercury ions

    formed by anodic dissolution of mercury. Result-ing selenide is slightly soluble and adsorbed at the

    mercury surface. Similarly as sulfide ions, selenide

    ions are manifested on polarographic current

    voltage curves by at least two anodic waves

    [47,62]: the wave with the characteristic sharp

    upper edge at about 0.6 V is formed at low

    concentrations of selenide first. At concentrations

    of selenide higher than about 12104 M an-

    other anodic wave increases with increasing con-

    centration of selenide at about 0.2 V (actual

    potentials depend on pH). The two anodic pro-cesses result in different adsorbed layers, but it is

    questionable, if these two adsorbates differ in the

    oxidation state of mercury, in the stoichiometry of

    the mercury selenide formed or just in the struc-

    ture of the adsorbate (e.g. surface orientation)

    The two adsorbates certainly occupy different ar-

    eas at the electrode surface. Both these anodic

    waves are superimposed on the cathodic wave of

    the reduction Se(IV)Se(2). The description of

    the process occurring at 0.7 V depends on the

    direction of the voltage scan: When the potentialis scanned from negative (e.g. 1.0 V) to more

    positive potentials (e.g. 0.0 V), the anodic current

    corresponds to an oxidation of mercury and for-

    mation of an adsorbate, as corresponds to Eqs

    (22)(24) from left to right. When the potential is

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 649

    oppositely scanned from more positive to more

    negative potentials, the increase in current at

    about 0.7 V corresponds to a desorption of the

    selenide and reduction of mercury ions, corre-

    sponding to Eqs. (22)(24) from right to left:

    nHgHgn2++2e (n=1 or 2) (22)




    HgnSe (HgnSe)ads (24)

    In 3 M H2SO4 the limiting current of Se(IV)

    decreased over period of hours when standing in

    the presence of metallic mercury. The decrease

    was larger when a dropping mercury was im-

    mersed into the standing solution than in the

    presence of an unstirred mercury pool. The pas-

    sage of drops of mercury through the solution

    was hence more effective than the contact with the

    mercury pool surface [61]. The white precipitate

    formed was attributed to a formation of a mer-

    cury selenite.A formation of mercury selenide in the course

    of reduction of Se(IV) in a perchloric acid solu-

    tion has been confirmed [63] by controlled poten-

    tial electrolysis at concentrations of Se(IV) lower

    than about 5104 M. At higher concentrations

    of Se(IV) and vigorous stirring, Se(0) is formed,

    possibly by reaction (25)

    H2SeO3+2H2Se3Se+3H2O (25)

    There is a competition between reactions (25)

    and (23) involving Hg22+

    or Hg2+

    .The overall shape of the part of wave i1 more

    positive than about 0.5 V is qualitatively simi-

    lar for solutions of Se(IV) in HNO3, HClO4,

    H2SO4 and HCl at comparable acidities [60,64],

    but quantitatively the current at a given potential

    depends on the nature of the acid [65]. Changes in

    the limiting current of wave i3 observed in ammo-

    niacal buffer pH 8.5 in wateralcoholic mixtures

    [66] are either due to changes in viscosity or of

    solvation of SeO2.

    The decrease of current with increasing pHcorresponds to a decrease of the peak at about

    0.6 V observed when DPP was used. The shape

    of this peak and observed decrease of ip1 with

    increasing scan rate [67] indicates the role of


    Based on a comparison of the shape of i=f

    (pH) plots with equilibrium pKa values [1] (Sec-

    tion 2.1) for H3SeO3+, H2SeO3, and HSO3

    and on

    the kinetic character of i1, i2, and i3 when i0.15

    id it was possible to show [68] that wave i1 corre-

    sponds to the reduction of H3SeO3+, wave i2 to

    that of H2SeO3 and wave i3 to that of HSeO3

    The dianion SeO32 is not reducible within the

    accessible potential range, similarly as SO32 is

    not reduced. Limiting currents are controlled by

    the rate of protonation, which can be accom-

    plished by interactions with both the hydrogen

    ions and acid buffer components [65,69]. The

    shape of i1 at pH3 is complicated not only by

    the additivity of the wave of reduction of H3SeO3+

    to Se2 and the two anodic waves mentioned

    above, but also by current due to a nonfaradaic

    oxidation of mercury(0) by H3SeO3+ and reduc-

    tion of mercury ions formed [70].

    A.C. polarography of acidic solutions of Se(IV)

    shows a round, kinetic peak at 0.1 V and anadsorption-desorption peak of HgSe at 0.65 V

    [53,71]. Linear sweep and cyclic voltammograms

    obtained on a single drop show three or more

    cathodic peaks in acidic media resulting from

    reduction of Se(IV) to selenide and reactions with

    mercury. These peaks are replaced with increasing

    pH first by peak ip2 and then by a small peak ip3Only the peak at about 0.65 V corresponding

    to adsorptiondesorption of the mercury salt has

    an anodic counterpeak [72]. studies of Se(IV)in the pres-

    ence of heay metal ions. Lingane and Niedrach

    [47] observed that in ammoniacal buffer pH 8.4

    polarographic waves of Cu2+ and Se(IV) are not

    additive. With increasing concentration of Cu2+

    the wave i3 of Se(IV) decreased. They correctly

    concluded that Se2 ions formed at the electrode

    surface react with Cu2+ transported toward the

    electrode. As the reduction in wave i3 occurs at

    negative potentials, where practically no mercury

    ions are formed, the decrease of current in thepotential range where Se(IV) is reduced is actually

    due to a decrease in Cu2+ ions reduced caused by

    formation of slightly soluble CuSe. This is an

    early example of a system, called by Kemula [73]

    latent limiting currents. In acidic media addition

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665650

    of Cu2+ ions resulted in a decrease of the more

    negative portion of wave i1, due to a precipitation

    of CuSe [61]. The reaction of Cu2+ transported to

    the electrode by diffusion with Se2 generated at

    the electrode has not recently been considered [5]

    in the interpretation of the variation of the cur-

    rent of Cu2+ in the presence of excess of SeO32.

    In acidic media, where any ZnSe formed is rela-

    tively soluble, the addition of Zn2+ ions does not

    affect the wave i1 of Se(IV). An addition of Hg2+

    ions decreases the wave at 0.6 V and its pre-

    wave at about 0.4 V, but has little effect on

    current of Se(IV) at potentials more positive than

    about 0.3 V [56].

    Measurements of limiting currents (as obtained

    by d.c., sampled, or normal pulse polarography)

    as a function of the composition of the reaction

    mixture containing varying ratio of Se(IV) and

    Men+-ions is the simplest starting point for inves-

    tigations of complex processes occurring in such

    mixtures. Other techniques, such as a.c. polarog-raphy (ACP), differential pulse polarography

    (DPP) or square-wave polarography (SWP) are

    less suitable for this task. This is due to (a) the

    difficulty to distinguish between cathodic and an-

    odic processes, when these techniques are used.

    This reflects the fact that in these techniques

    principally derivatives of the iE curve are

    recorded. But more importantly these techniques

    are less suitable, because for ACP, DPP and SWP

    a theoretical treatment for the transport phenom-

    ena has not yet been developed for systems whereelectrolysis product may react with species trans-

    ported from the bulk. In particular, such treat-

    ment is needed for a situation where

    electrogenerated selenide ions may be involved in

    competing reactions with Hgn

    2+ (formed at the

    electrode) and Men+ (transported from the bulk

    of the solution). In the investigated potential

    range, which is several hundred millivolts more

    negative than the standard potential of the Hgn


    +2eHg couple, the surface concentration of


    will be several orders of magnitude smallerthan that of the Men+ ion transported from the

    bulk of the solution. Moreover, interactions be-

    tween Se2 and metal cations in the vicinity of

    the electrode will most probably be controlled by

    kinetics rather than thermodynamics.

    For these reasons various observations ob-

    tained by ACP, DPP, and SWP in mixtures of

    Se(IV) and Men+ are currently difficult to inter-

    pret and thus only results will be reported here.

    When ACP is used, Se(IV) yields in 0.03 M

    HNO3, 0.08 M KNO3 an adsorption-desorption

    peak at 0.64 V. Addition of Pb2+ results in a

    decrease of this peak to practically zero at

    [Se(IV)]= [Pb2+]. Simultaneously, an increase of

    two new peaks at 0.68 and at 0.29 V is

    observed. Both these peaks reach a limiting height

    at [Se(IV)]= [Pb2+]. With a further increase in

    [Pb2+] the peak at 0.29 V remains unchanged

    but the peak at 0.68 V shows a decrease with

    increasing [Pb2+]; moreover, the peak of the re-

    duction of free Pb2+ ions at 0.47 V also in-

    creases [71].

    The ACP peak at 0.44 V in a solution of

    Se(IV) (at concentration of the order of 107 M)

    is a linear function of [Se(IV)], when 104 M

    Cd(II) and Cu(II) are present. In a solution con-taining 0.1 M HClO4, 0.1 M NaClO4, 0.043 M

    EDTA and 105 M Pb2+, Se(IV) yielded a single

    ACP peak at 0.62 V, the height of which is a

    linear function of [Se(IV)]. In the same solution

    DPP yielded two peaks at 0.53 and 0.62 V

    which both increased with increasing [Se(IV)] [74]

    The addition of Hg2+ to a solution of Se(IV) in

    0.1 M HClO4 results in a slight decrease of the

    ACP peak at 0.6 V, but a marked decrease of

    the peak at 0.0 V [63].

    At low concentration of Se(IV) [6.3107

    M]addition of excess Cu2+ ions results in a decrease

    of DPP ip1 current, whereas at higher concentra-

    tion of Se(IV) [1.3106 M] addition of Cu2+

    results first in a decrease in ip1, followed by an

    increase at higher [Cu2+] [75].

    In ammonical buffers the peak ip3 is not af-

    fected by the presence of Fe(III), Pb(II) and

    Cu(II), which interfere with ip1 when added in

    acidic media [75]. Similarly in BrittonRobinson

    buffer pH 4 addition of Cu(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II)

    resulted in a decrease of the DPP Se(IV) peak at0.6 V, but had no effect on ip2 at 1.3 V [76]

    The addition of Pb2+ to a 3105 M solution

    of Se(IV) in 0.1 M HCl results in a decrease of the

    adsorption-desorption peak at 0.54 V. In the

    presence of 3105 M Pb2+ the adsorption

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 651

    component of this peak is practically eliminated

    and only a small, probably faradaic peak remains

    at 0.54 V. Further increase in [Pb2+] results in

    a small gradual decrease of the reduction peak at

    0.54 V. In the absence of Pb2+, Se(IV) yields a

    small peak at 0.33 V. The height of this peak

    increases with increasing [Pb2+] as the peak at

    0.54 V decreases. The maximum height is

    reached when [Se(IV)]= [Pb2+]. This peak at

    0.33 V is sharp and may be affected by adsorp-

    tion. In the presence of excess [Pb2+], a peak of

    free Pb2+ ions appears at 0.41 V. At a twofold

    excess of Pb2+, the peak at 0.41 V is smaller

    than the peak at 0.33 V.

    The addition of Se(IV) solutions to a solution

    of 3105 M Pb2+ results in a replacement of

    the peak of free Pb2+ ions at 0.41 V by a peak

    at 0.33 V and in an increase of the peak at

    0.54 V. At an excess of Se(IV) the peak at

    0.33 V does not increase with increasing

    [Se(IV)]. This tendency to reach a limiting heightindicates effect of adsorption. This is further sup-

    ported by the effect of temperature. An increase

    of temperature from 25 to 45C results in an

    elimination of the peak at 0.33 V. On cooling

    to 25C the peak at 0.33 V reappears.

    The addition of Se(IV) to a solution of Cd2+

    ions that are reduced at 0.62 V results in a

    decrease of this peak and formation of a new

    peak at 0.41 V. Addition of Cu2+ ions has a

    relatively small effect on the peak ip1 at 0.54 V

    [77].In cyclic voltammetry carried out at a single

    mercury drop [72] addition of Cu2+ results at pH

    1.5 in a shift of the adsorptive peak at 0.7 V to

    more positive potentials, increase in the small

    peak at 0.3 V and formation of a new peak at

    about 0.0 V. When Cu2+ was added at pH 6.0 the

    sharp adsorptive peak at 0.8 V disappears and

    new peaks at about 0.1 and 0.0 V are formed.

    Addition of Hg2+ resulted in a decrease of peaks

    at 0.7 and 0.3 V. Applications of polarographic methods for

    determination of Se(IV). For analysis of relatively

    pure samples, recording of currentvoltage curves

    in ammoniacal buffers has been recommended

    [47,78]. As selenates are not reduced at the DME,

    determination of Se(IV) in the presence of Se(VI)

    is straightforward [64]. After a conversion of

    Se(VI) into Se(IV) in 3.6 M HCl the total amount

    of Se can be determined. Simultaneous determina-

    tion of Se(IV) and Te(IV) is possible in support-

    ing electrolytes containing 1 M ammonium salts

    of various organic acids [79].

    The most common interference in the determi-

    nation of Se(IV) are Cu(II) ions. To determine

    Se(IV) in the presence of Cu2+ ions the sum of

    Se(IV) and Cu(II) was determined in solution of

    perchloric acid at pH 23 and Cu2+ had to be

    determined separately in an ammoniacal buffer

    pH 8.39. From the difference the concentration

    of Se(IV) can be obtained [80]. Alternatively, it is

    possible to use the reaction of 4-chloro-1, 2-

    phenylpiazselenol [81]. In a formate buffer pH 2.5

    this compound yields two peaks at 0.11 and

    0.62 V, which depend on [Se(IV)]. In the ab-

    sence of Se(IV) in the solution of the diamine

    ligand two other peaks at 0.41 and 0.97 Vare present. The peak at 0.97 V may corre-

    spond to a catalytic hydrogen evolution, that at

    0.41 V to an oxidation of the phenylenediamine

    (as DPP does not allow distinguishing between

    cathodic and anodic processes). But even this

    procedure shows interferences by Cu2+, Sn2+

    and Ni2+; these ions must be separated using a

    Chelex-100 resin column.

    Two main areas of applications of polaro-

    graphic determination of Se(IV) are the analyses

    of waters and soils. In a procedure using dcpolarography Se(IV) was chemically reduced to

    Se(0), separated by filtration and dissolved in a

    solution containing HBr and Br2. After removal

    of excess of Br2 by CO2 Se(IV) was determined in

    2 M HCl [82].

    To determine Se(IV) in contaminated water

    adsorption-desorption DPP peak at 0.63 V in

    0.1 M HNO3 can be used after heavy metal ions

    are removed on Chelex-100 resin [67]. When an

    ammoniacal buffer containing Na2SO3is used [76]

    the peaks at 0.6 and 0.8 V, attributed to thereduction of the SeSO ion, are not affected by

    heavy metal ions which need not to be removed

    prior to recording of the DPP iE curve. This

    procedure was used for analyses of Asian river-

    waters. A similar approach was used for analyses

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665652

    of waters from Chinese rivers [83]. When the

    determination of Se(IV) was carried out in soil

    using as a supporting electrolyte a buffer pH 8.0

    consisting of 1.0 M ammonium acetate and 0.01

    M EDTA, no serious inorganic interferences were

    encountered [75].

    Using a linear sweep voltammetry with a DME

    for determination of Se(IV) in vegetables [84],

    Se(0) obtained by reduction with ascorbic acid

    was oxidized by bromine in hydrobromic acid.

    After removal of excess bromine the peak at

    0.35 V was measured.

    In spite of the complex nature of the reaction

    between Se(IV) and SO2 (Section 2.4), such reac-

    tion between Se(IV) and SO2 in 3.04.0 M HCl

    was reported to be fast and quantitative. From

    the decrease in the DPP adsorption-desorption

    peak at 0.5 V it was possible to determine SO2in air [85].

    For the determination of Se(IV) in biological

    material, a catalytic electrochemical processeshave recently been used. The sample is first

    treated with permanganate in a mixture of sulfuric

    and perchloric acid and left to react for 20 min.

    Then a mixture of sodium sulfite, thiocyanate,

    mandelic acid and potassium chlorate is added,

    left to react for 1 h at 75C, some more thio-

    cyanate is added and a peak at 0.2 V on DPP

    current voltage curve measured [86]. It is as-

    sumed that Se(IV) oxidizes mandelic acid to ben-

    zaldehyde and Se(0) formed is reoxidized by

    chlorate to Se(IV). Nevertheless, in the presenceof sulfite and CNS ions other reactions men-

    tioned in Section 2.4 may be involved. In a

    medium containing sodium sulfite and potassium

    periodate Se(IV) yields a catalytic wave which can

    be used for analysis of hair [87]. A similar reac-

    tion has been carried out in a mixture containing

    HNO3, HClO4, HCl, citric acid, Na2SO3 and

    EDTA, which is added to a ammoniacal buffer

    containing phenolphalein and potassium iodate

    [88]. Peak currents obtained by LSV were mea-

    sured at 0.8 V. Use of EDTA eliminates inter-ferences by many metals. The linear dependence

    on mercury pressure (h) indicates that the current

    depends on the surface area and is most probably

    controlled by adsorption. This conclusion is sup-

    ported by the decrease of ip in the presence of

    surfactants. It is assumed [88] that the reaction of

    Se(0) with SO32 yields SeSO3

    2 which is consid-

    ered to be the reducible species (26). Selenide

    formed is then reoxidized by iodate (27):


    2 (26)

    Se2+IO3+12H+Se(0)+I2+6H2O (27)

    Finally, a catalytic wave obtained by treatment ofthe blood serum with a mixture of H2SO4, HClO4and ammonium molybdate has been used to de-

    termine Se(IV) in blood serum [89].

    3.1.2. Behaior of Se(lV) on static mercury


    The majority of electrochemical studies with

    mercury electrodes, the surface of which is not

    renewed, involved the use of a hanging mercury

    drop electrode (HMDE) and the most common

    technique was the linear sweep (LSV) or cyclicvoltammetry (CV). The current-voltage curves ob-

    tained by CV using HMDE in acidic media are

    characterized by a sharp peak at about 0.6 V

    the potential of which depends on pH and con-

    centration of Se(IV) [53,63,72,90 94]. This peak

    corresponds to an adsorption-desorption process

    involving one or more layers of mercury selenide

    which is accompanied by an oxidation reduction

    of the couple Hgn

    2+/Hg(0), as was indicated in

    Section 3.1.1 and Eqs. (22) (24). This peak ap-

    pears in the same potential range where in dcpolarography the most negative, sharp-edged an-

    odic wave is observed, which corresponds to an

    anodic dissolution of mercury and formation of a

    slightly soluble mercury selenide at the electrode

    surface. A corresponding anodic peak is also ob-

    served on cyclic voltammograms in solutions of

    H2Se, which on reverse sweep yields a sharp ca-

    thodic desorption-reduction (further des-red)

    peak. Nevertheless, the ratio icath:ianod which in

    solutions of Se2 is close to 1.0, is in solutions of

    Se(IV) usually smaller than 0.1 [90,93]. This indi-cates that during the scan from about 0.5 to

    1.2 V and back to 0.5 V Se2 ions can

    undergo competitive processes. This is supported

    also by the dependence of the ratio oficath:ianod on

    the rate of voltage scanning.

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 653

    Depending on concentration of Se(IV) the

    sharp cathodic des-red peak can be split into two

    or even three peaks. The number of peaks ob-

    served by individual authors differs: in 1 3

    106 M Se(IV) were reported two peaks [90,93],

    at 1105 M Se(IV) two [93] or three [90] peaks,

    in 1104 M Se(IV) two [63,90,92] or three [93]

    peaks and in 1103 M Se(IV) one [93], two

    [63], or three peaks [90]. The role of voltage scan

    rate and drop-size cannot be excluded in explana-

    tion of these differences.

    At potentials more negative than about 0.8

    V H2Se is the main reduction product and no

    interaction with mercury takes place. The H2Se

    formed at the electrode can react with Se(IV)

    transported to the electrode and form Se(0) ac-

    cording to reaction (25). This is demonstrated by

    formation of a red, colloidal precipitate in the

    vicinity of the electrode [47,50,72,90,92].

    The iEcurve at potentials more positive than

    about 0.6 V has a peculiar shape [47,63,9094]which indicates an overlap of several processes.

    First indication that different processes play a role

    in this potential range was the dependence of the

    height of the stripping peak (Section on

    the accumulation potential [95], which indicated

    different reactions occurring in three potential

    ranges: (A) between +0.2 and 0.15 V; (B)

    between 0.15 and 0.35 V, and (C) between

    0.35 and 0.5 V. Only the accumulation in the

    (A) and (C) range yielded a single, well defined

    cathodic des-red peak [63].Repeated cyclic scans between 0.0 and 1.2 V

    resulted in a marked decrease of current in the

    range A and a small decrease in range C [92].

    Increase in pH in acetate buffers at pH3.8 (in

    the presence of 0.01 M EDTA) resulted in a

    decrease in current larger in range A than in C

    [92]. Current in range A increases markedly with

    decreasing temperature, but shows little change in

    range C [92]. When the adsorbate was generated

    at +0.2 V, then chronoamperometric reduction

    at potentials in the range A indicated complexkinetics, whereas at potentials in the range C the

    decrease in current followed simple kinetics [93].

    In range A also the formation of Se(0) has been

    reported [50]. Whereas current in ranges B and C

    was found to be independent of the nature of the

    strong acid used, current in range A varied de-

    pending on if 0.1 M HClO4, 0.1 M HNO3 and

    most markedly if 0.1 M H2SO4 was used [90].

    D.C. anodic waves of selenides with a sharp

    edge [47], observed at about 0.6 V, are a linear

    function of selenide concentration only below

    about 1104 M. At higher concentration of

    Se2 this wave reaches a limiting value and an-

    other wave at more positive potentials increases.

    The presence of two waves is attributed to a

    formation of two different adsorbates. The pro-

    cess occurring in the more positive wave may

    correspond to one of the process in the potential

    range B or A.

    A microscopic observation of the surface of the

    HMDE in the course of controlled potential elec-

    trolysis of 1103 M Se(IV) indicated different

    appearances of deposits obtained at different po-

    tentials [90]. Under above conditions multilayer

    deposits are formed. On top of such deposits

    formation of some Se(0) was assumed [93], butexperimental evidence based on photocurrent

    measurement is not unequivocal. The surface of

    these films is namely black rather than red.

    When the electrolysis of 1103 M Se(IV)

    was carried out with HMDE for 4 min at 0.34

    V in an unstirred solution, deposit corresponding

    to about 40 monolayers was formed [90]. When

    now some mercury was drawn from the drop, a

    wrinkled bag was formed. This demonstrates that

    the slightly soluble deposit is strongly adsorbed at

    the surface of the mercury drop. When the chosenpotential for electrolysis was more negative than

    about 0.7 V, removal of some mercury from

    HMDE resulted in a smaller perfect sphere rather

    than in a bag. In this potentials range all of HgSe

    is desorbed and no deposit is formed.

    Thus at potentials more positive than about

    0.6 V at least three different processes take

    place. The process occurring at potentials more

    positive than about 0.15 V is limited by the rate

    of a chemical reaction. This is indicated mainly by

    its dependence on pH and temperature. Our pre-liminary results [70] suggest a reaction between

    H3SeO3+ and metallic mercury. Other processes

    involved result in a formation of several different

    adsorbates of mercury selenides. The differences

    between these adsorbates may be caused by for-

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665654

    mation of mono- and multilayers, of adsorbates

    forming islands rather than a monolayer instead

    of growing larger these islands can grow higher by

    forming multilayers. When islands are formed,

    electrochemical reactions can occur between these

    islands or through these islands. The adsorbates

    can also differ in orientation of monomers and/or

    chemical composition of monomers, for example

    in the oxidation state of mercury and/or stoi-

    chiometry of slightly soluble species. To make

    decision between these alternatives can be further

    complicated by aging of adsorbates, both in solu-

    tion and by solid state reactions.

    The adduct of Se(IV) and glutathione (Section

    2.4) yields in 0.04 M NaOH, 0.1 M KCl an

    irreversible cathodic peak at 0.89 V. To convert

    all Se(IV) into the adduct a tenfold excess of

    glutathione is needed [38].

    Differential pulse linear sweep voltammetry of

    Se(IV) in 0.2 M HCl yielded very large des-red

    peak at 0.45 V, smaller sharp peak at 0.07 Vand a very small peak at 0.14 V 96. Square-

    wave voltammetry on HMDE yielded in the range

    A to C one or two peaks depending on the

    frequency of the square wave [91].

    Controlled potential electrolysis at a mercury

    pool electrode in a 1104 M solution of Se(IV)

    at pH 4.2 yielded at potentials more positive than

    0.6 V a black film and at more negative poten-

    tials a thin layer of colloidal Se(0) formed by

    reaction (25).

    3.1.3. Stripping analysis using mercury electrodes

    To increase the sensitivity and possibly also

    selectivity of electroanalytical determination of

    Se(IV), selenium is accumulated at the mercury

    electrode, usually as a mercury selenide, by elec-

    trolysis at a constant potential. The accumulated

    mercury compound is then dissolved using a po-

    tential sweep, using either a dc voltage (in LSV or

    CV), differential pulse, square wave or ac super-

    imposed voltage. Principles. In spite of the wide use of

    stripping determination of Se(IV) in various mate-

    rials (Section only limited attention has

    been paid to a systematic evaluation of factors, on

    which this determination is based. In cathodic

    stripping voltammetry of Se(IV) the number

    shape and height of reduction peaks depends on

    deposition potential, time-period of accumulation,

    and equilibration, the rate of stirring of the solu-

    tion during the accumulation, composition of the

    analyzed solution particularly on acidity, pres-

    ence and concentration of complexing agents

    presence of other cations and the concentration

    range of Se(IV) as well as on conditions of the

    stripping, such as the shape of the voltage ramp,

    potential range and direction of the voltage scan

    and duration of the period between application of

    the starting potential and beginning of the record-

    ing of the current voltage curve. Rarely the

    choice of working conditions has been based on

    systematic optirnization of the above parameters

    Usually such conditions were selected empirically

    using trial and error approach and all conse-

    quences of the choice made were not fully

    understood.Among the above factors perhaps the most

    important is the choice of the deposition potential

    (Ed). The electrodeposition must be carried out at

    a potential at which the mercury selenide is

    formed, for example in 0.1 M HClO4 at a poten-

    tial more positive than about 0.6 V. In the

    available scope of potentials it is possible to dis-

    tinguish three ranges, as discussed in Section

    3.1.2: (A) between +0.2 and 0.15 V; (B) be-

    tween 0.15 and 0.35 V; (C) between 0.35

    and 0.5 V.When Ed is chosen in the range A, a single

    stripping des-red peak at about 0.65 V is ob-

    served. The height of this peak varies with poten-

    tial Ed between +0.05 and 0.15 V. The plot of

    ip as a function of Ed is a bell-shaped curve with

    a maximum at about 0.05 V [95,96]. The de-

    pendence of ip on [Se(IV)] is non-linear with two

    linear segments, one up to 2107 M Se and the

    other above 3107 MSe [63].

    The adsorbate formed under these conditions

    adheres so strongly to the electrode surface, thatthe drop with the adsorbate can be transferred

    into another solution and the stripping can be

    carried out in a blank supporting electrolyte [94].

    As an electrolyte either 0.1 M HClO4 ([63]) or

    preferably 0.1 M HCl [94,95] are used. The peak

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665656

    on the ratio [Se(IV)]:[Cu(II)], on composition of

    the supporting electrolyte, on the deposition po-

    tential used, on the duration of accumulation and

    on the stripping peak observed.

    The increase of the height of the Se(IV) strip-

    ping peak reaches with increasing concentration

    of Cu(II) a limiting value, above which the peak-

    height is independent of concentration of Cu(II).

    In the presence of 3105 M Cu2+ and 8

    103 M EDTA the height of the Se(IV) stripping

    peak is independent ofEd from 0.0 V to 0.4 V


    The independence of the peak of Se(IV) of a

    sufficiently high concentration of Cu2 is the basis

    of numerous recent analytical applications of the

    Se(IV) stripping peak. At sufficient excess of

    Cu(II) the height of the Se(IV) stripping peak is a

    strictly linear function of [Se(IV)] and indepen-

    dent of smaller variations in [Cu2+]. To samples,

    which do not contain a sufficiently high concen-

    tration of Cu2+, excess of a Cu(II) compound isadded.

    Using square wave cathodic stripping voltam-

    metry the influence of Cu2+ on stripping peaks of

    Cu2+ has been studied in some detail [91]. Addi-

    tion of Cu(II) ions to a solution of 3108 M

    Se(IV) results at low concentrations of Cu2+ in a

    stripping peak at about 0.5 V to be at concen-

    tration larger than about 1106 M gradually

    replaced by a sharp peak at 0.6 V. This latter

    peak is at concentrations larger than 7105 M


    the predominant one and is about four-times higher than the peak at concentration of

    Cu2+ smaller than 1106 M. The potential of

    the peak at 0.5 V is independent of concentra-

    tion of Cu2+, that of the peak at 0.6 V is

    shifted to more negative potentials with increasing

    concentration of Cu2+. The peak current at 0.6

    V is a linear function of the logarithm of the

    frequency. The peak current at 0.6 V also

    increases with scan increment and depends on the

    amplitude of the square wave in a bell-shaped

    curve [91].At higher concentrations of Se(IV), such as

    1105 M, and at shorter deposition times,

    different results are obtained. The peak height

    does not increase with scan increment and no split

    of the peak is observed at high amplitude. At

    1105 M Se(IV) and deposition time of 2 s the

    electrode reaction at 0.6 V is reversible both in

    the absence and presence of Cu2+: product and

    reactant are adsorbed in the absence, but only the

    reactant in the presence of Cu2+. On the other

    hand at 1107 M Se(IV) and much longer

    deposition time (60 s) the electrode process is

    reversible in the absence, but irreversible in the

    presence of Cu2+. Under these conditions the

    product and reactant are both adsorbed in the

    absence, whereas only the reactant in the presence

    of Cu2+.

    Stripping peaks of Se(IV) and As(III) are non-

    additive. Peak of As(III) in 0.18 M H2SO4 at

    0.72 V increases with increasing concentration

    of Se(IV), even if Se(IV) yields in this medium

    using a linear voltage sweep a peak at 0.58 V

    [106]. In 1 M HCl containing 2103 M Cu2+

    and 3108 M As(II) addition of Se(IV) re-

    sulted in an increase of the Se(IV) peak at 0.6

    V and a decrease of the As(III) peak at 0.75 V[107].

    In 0.1 M H2SO4 containing 1107 Rh(III) a

    large, sharp stripping peak at about 1.0 V is

    observed in the presence of 3109 M Se(IV)

    after accumulation at 0.20 V for 60 s. This

    peak, attributed to desorption-reduction of

    Rh2Se3, is a nonlinear function of the scan rate.

    Its peak current varies with Ed in a bell-shaped

    curve with a maximum at 0.2 V and increases

    by about 50% when the concentration of sulfuric

    acid is increased from 0.01 to 0.2 M.Analytical method based on this peak is much

    more (at least 10 times) more sensitive than the

    determination of Se(IV) in the presence of Cu2+

    and enables 1010 to 1011 M Se(IV) solutions to

    be analyzed. No interference is observed for 100

    fold excess of Cu(II), Zn(II), Pb(II), Cd(II)

    Co(II), Ni(II), Bi(III), Mn(II), Fe(III), Tl(I)

    As(III), Mo(VI), Ti(IV), V(V), Cr(VI), In(III)

    Pd(II), U(VI), Pt(II), Zr(IV), Ge(IV), Nb(V) and

    La(III). Only Te(IV) is limited to a fivefold excess

    [108]. Applications of stripping analyses. In prac-

    tical applications, the sensitivity of the determina-

    tion of Se(IV), which is often present in ultralow

    levels, is essential. This can be achieved by reduc-

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 657

    ing Se(IV) and accumulating mercury selenide in

    one of the potential ranges mentioned in Section and measuring the desorption reduction

    current (des-red) usually at about 0.6 V. This

    accumulation, together with a stripping procedure

    using pulse and square-wave techniques and the

    effect of some metal ions, allows to reach suffi-

    cient sensitivity, in some cases up to 1011 M.

    The reliability of such determinations is neverthe-less limited by changes in the measured signal

    (peak current) in the presence of some metal ions,

    as well as As(III) and Te(IV), in the sample. To

    minimize these interferences several physical,

    chemical, and electrochemical approaches have

    been proposed.

    In some instances it was possible to carry out

    the stripping analysis directly in the analyzed

    sample, probably because the samples contain a

    sufficient excess of Cu2+. The stripping can be

    carried out in HCl using a linear potential sweep[99,109112] as well as in 1 M (NH4)2SO4 con-

    taining 0.4 M EDTA [113]. In the presence of an

    excess of thioglycolic acid the observed des-red

    peak of the reaction product was 23 times higher

    than the peak of free Se(IV). Moreover, the peak

    of the product is unaffected by a 100-fold excess

    of Cd(II), Pb(II), Ni(II), Cr(III) and Sb(III) and

    its height decreases only in the presence of Cu(II)

    [35]. When a graphite wax electrode coated with

    mercury [114] was used for the stripping at ED=

    0.6 V, following the peak at 0.1 V enableddetermination of Se(IV) without interference from

    Fe(III), Cu(II), and Pb(II) [115]. Differential pulse

    stripping voltammetry has also been successfully

    used for such direct analyses [116118].

    In the presence of excess of Cu2+ ions, the

    stripping can be followed using a linear voltage

    ramp [98,100,109], possibly in the presence of

    citrate as complexing agent [120]. Alternatively,

    differential pulse [103,107] or square wave voltam-

    metry [91] can be used. Stripping was also carried

    out in the presence both of Cu


    and EDTA,using linear voltage ramp [97,121], differential

    pulse [97] or ac voltammetry [121]. Differential

    pulse voltammetry was also used for stripping in

    the extremely sensitive procedure in the presence

    of Rh(III) [108].

    Anion-exchange resins were used to separate

    Se(IV) from the sample [95] and cation-exchange

    resins for removal of interfering cations [102]

    Another example of pre-separation based on

    physicochemical principles is the application of

    extraction using pentanol [122,123] and accumula-

    tion on a mercury plated graphite wax electrode

    [114]. Esterification of selenious acid by the alco-

    hol is assumed. When oxygen flask combustion

    was used for sample decomposition, volatile Se

    was absorbed in a persulfate sulfuric acid mix-

    ture. Treatment with HCl enabled cleavage of the

    excess of persulfate and conversion of Se(VI) into

    Se(IV), which was determined by stripping analy-

    sis [102]. Alternatively, after wet ashing selenium

    was converted into 3, 4-diaminophenylpiazse-

    lenol and extracted into benzene. Back extraction

    into dilute acid enabled selective stripping analysis


    In a unique approach, Se(IV) was reduced with

    borohydride to Se2, converted into volatile H2Sewhich was separated by a stream of a gas from

    the sample, trapped in an alkaline solution and

    analyzed by differential pulse cathodic stripping

    voltammetry [126].

    Stripping peaks were also used in detectors for

    HPLC [127] and flow injection analysis [128130].

    Because of its physiological importance, numer-

    ous stripping determinations of Se(IV) were used

    for analyses of biological material. Thus analyses

    were carried out of blood and serum

    [99,109,115,123], urine and liver [110,118], andfood, in particular of milk [95,130], bovine liver

    [95,110 112,118], animal muscle [95,110,118]

    sausage and pig kidney [130], seafood and fish

    [110 112], rapeseed oil [124] and brewers yeast

    [103]. It had also been used for analyses of plants

    [120], seed [124] and orchard leaves [110,118] as

    well as of soils [102].

    Another area of frequent applications are deter-

    mination of Se(IV) in waters, such as rain and

    snow [91,117,118], ground, well and river water

    [108,128], tap water [119,128] and seawater[98,125].

    Cathodic stripping can be used for analyses of

    samples containing both Se and Te [97,121] and

    was used for analyses of minerals, such as basalt

    [107] and also of semiconductor alloys [113].

  • 8/11/2019 216804


    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665658 Adsorptie stripping. The adsorptive strip-

    ping is based either on adsorption of a compound

    (usually organic) at the surface of an electrode or

    on conversion of an ion into a bulky, usually

    uncharged, hydrophobic species which is ad-

    sorbed at an electrode. Such adsorption results in

    an accumulation of the species at the electrode

    surface. Potential sweep is then applied and the

    peak current at the potential where the desorption

    occurs is used for analysis.

    For the determination of Se(IV) the adsorbed

    species was in most instances a piazselenol,

    formed in a reaction of an aromatic diamine with

    Se(IV). As the reagent, 3, 3-diaminobenzidine

    [101],o -phenylenediamine [131], or 2, 3-diaminon-

    aphthalene [132] were used for this purpose. For

    o-phenylenediamine in Britton Robinson buffer

    pH 2.0 the peak stripping current at 0.62 V

    changes with Ed in the bell-shaped curve with a

    maximum at 0.45 V [131]. At 6106 M

    Se(IV) a smaller peak at 0.13 V was observed,controlled by adsorption. For 3107 M Se(IV)

    in the presence of 2, 3-diaminonaphthalene the

    peak at 0.06 V was predominant and its peak

    current in 0.1 M HClO4 or HNO3 and in acetate

    buffer pH 4.5 was independent of Ed between

    +0.2 and 0.0 V. In 0.1 M HCl the dependence of

    ip on Ed had a maximum at +0.05 V [132].

    Neither the mechanism of the process involved in

    the desorption-reduction peak at 0.62 V nor

    that at 0.06 V is understood, as the electro-

    chemical reduction of piazselenol also is not un-derstood in sufficient detail, but it seems that in

    the electroreduction of piazselenol HgSe is formed

    which is adsorbed at more positive potentials, but

    desorbed and reduced at 0.6 V. Similarly, HgSe

    can be formed and stripped at about 0.65 V,

    when Se(IV) is reacted with 2, 5-dimercapto-

    1, 3, 4-thiadiazole [133].

    3.2. Electroanalytical behaiors of Se(IV) on

    other metals and their applications

    Most attention has been paid to reduction of

    Se(IV) and properties of its reduction products on

    gold and carbon electrodes, but some reports deal

    with electrochemistry of Se(IV) on other metals

    and metal oxide electrodes.

    3.2.1. Behaior on gold and siler electrodes

    Contrary to an earlier report [134], the reduc-

    tion of Se(IV) on gold (and similarly on carbon

    and platinum, see below) electrodes is a six-elec-

    tron process yielding Se2 [135]. Any formation

    of Se(0) which can be observed, is due to a

    chemical reaction between Se2 formed at the

    electrode and Se(IV) transported to the electrode

    by diffusion from the bulk of the solution [135],

    following Eq. (25). The reaction takes place in

    acidic solutions and Se(IV) acts as oxidant proba-

    bly in the form of H3SeO3+.

    Under comparable conditions, namely, similar

    surface area, central rotation speed and scan rate

    of 33 mV s1 [134] or 10 mV s1 [135] peak-

    shaped current voltage curves were recorded in

    0.1 M HClO4 containing 5105 M Se(IV)

    [134], whereas in 5103 M solutions of Se(IV)

    i n 1 M H2SO4 limiting currents were observed

    [135]. In the latter case, a single wave with E1/2

    about 0.4 V was observed, which appeared in asimilar potential range as corresponding waves

    obtained with platinum or carbon electrodes. The

    process at 0.4 V was earlier [134] erroneously

    attributed to H2-evolution. In the 5105 M

    solution a cathodic adsorption desorption peak

    at +0.25 V and a wave at about 0.0 V were

    observed [134]. On the reverse sweep appeared

    three anodic peaks at +0.63, +0.8 and +1.15

    V. Their attribution to oxidation of Se(0) in view

    of the above observation is doubtful. On gold

    plated glassy carbon electrode only an indistinctcathodic wave at 0.0 V occurred together with

    anodic peaks at +0.67, +0.8 and +1.0 V on the

    reverse sweep.

    No interference was observed for Pb(II), Cd(II)

    and even Cu(II) which was anodically stripped at

    +0.1 V. No evidence for multiple peaks for Cu or

    Se was reported. Determination of Se(IV) based

    on anodic stripping using the peak at 0.8 V was

    used for analysis of bovine liver and gave excel-

    lent agreement with certificate value [134].

    In a solution of 5104

    M Se(IV) in 1 MH2SO4 in the presence of 0.1 M CdSO4, the

    six-electron reduction of Se(IV) occurs at 0.5

    V, followed by an increase in current at 0.7 V

    due to the reduction of Cd2+. Reversal of the

    scan-direction at 0.7 V yields a sharp anodic

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 659

    peak, which corresponds to a re-oxidation of Cd

    superimposed on the Se(IV) reduction wave. The

    potential of the Se(IV) reduction wave is shifted

    to 0.4 V. This shift is caused by the reduction

    of Se(IV) not on the gold surface, but on a

    deposited layer of CdSe. The shift is attributed to

    a high nucleation over-potential caused by the

    layer of CdSe on the gold surface. Similar effect

    was observed also on a carbon electrode [135].

    At low concentrations of Se(IV) the CdSe film

    formed contains only a small excess of Se(0). On

    the other hand at concentrations of Se(IV) be-

    tween 1 and 3103 M (in the same supporting

    electrolyte as above), it is possible to deposit CdSe

    films on both gold and carbon surfaces. Such

    films contain usually larger amount of Se(0). This

    is supported by a p-type behavior after illumina-

    tion with white light.

    When Se(IV) was deposited at 0.4 V on a

    glassy carbon electrode plated with gold, a single

    anodic stripping peak was observed at about +1.0 V, if the concentration of Se(IV) was lower

    than about 5106 M. At higher concentrations

    of Se(IV) another anodic peak increased at poten-

    tials by about 0.2 V more negative. Using the

    peak at 1.0 V it was possible to carry out determi-

    nation of Se(IV) in the range from 2109 M to

    2106 M. This procedure too showed an excel-

    lent agreement with certificate value for determi-

    nation of Se(IV) [136].

    To determine selenium and tellurium in elec-

    trolytic copper, the sample is dissolved in nitricacid. To eliminate interferences due to nitrite (lib-

    erated during dissolution of the metal sample in

    nitric acid), antimony and arsenic, hydrogen per-

    oxide is added. After addition of ammonia, the

    solution is passed through a Chelex-100 resin

    column. From the eluate, Se and Te are deposited

    on a gold film electrode at 0.1 V. On linear

    sweep voltammogram on the anodic branch, the

    oxidation stripping peak of Te is at +0.65 V that

    of Se at +0.95 V. Analysis of certified samples of

    electrolytic copper shows a very good agreementboth for the Se and Te content [137].

    Investigations of the reduction of Se(IV) using

    CV and electrochemical quartz crystal micro-

    gravimetry were marred by using an unbuffered

    solution of 0.5 M Na2SO4 as supporting elec-

    trolyte [138]. Due to variations of pH during the

    voltage scan the obtained results have no simple


    Anodic stripping voltammetry with a gold disk

    electrode was used for determination of traces of

    Se(IV) in bodily fluids [139]. Gold electrode

    modified by poly(3, 3-diaminobenzidine) interacts

    with Se(IV) to form piazselenol at the electrode

    surface. Such electrode was used for selective ac-

    cumulation and stripping analysis of Se(IV) [140].

    Anodic stripping from a tubular gold electrode

    [141] or an ultramicroelectrode [142] was used to

    determine Se(IV) in a chromatographic effluent

    [141] or in flow injection analysis [142].

    The reduction of Se(IV) on a silver electrode

    involves also a six-electron reduction, but Se2

    ions formed interact with Ag+ ions and form

    several types of adsorbates, similarly as on Hg

    and Cu electrodes [135]. Accumulation of about

    +0.35 V in the presence of potassium acetate at

    pH 910 (where the buffer capacity is very small)and stripping at about +0.1 V is claimed to be

    suitable for determination of Se(IV) [143].

    3.2.2. Reduction on Carbon electrodes

    An investigation of the reduction of Se(IV)

    using a rotating disk carbon electrode indicated

    that the reduction occurs in a six-electron transfer

    [135]. On carbon electrodes no interaction of

    Se2 with the material of the electrode material

    takes place, similarly as for gold and platinum

    electrodes. Any Se(0) observed results from areaction of Se2 with Se(IV) following Eq. (25)


    The reduction of Se(IV) on stationary carbon

    rod electrodes yielded well developed CV and

    stripping voltammetry curves, when a soft

    graphite electrode was used [144]. When a glassy

    carbon electrode was used, only poorly defined

    i-E curves were obtained. Authors concluded, that

    red form of Se(0) is formed by a chemical reaction

    (25) at some distance from the electrode and only

    a small part of it is further reduced to Se2

    Electrochemically generated grey form of Se(0) on

    the other hand is assumed to be further reduced

    to Se2. This form of Se(0) is assumed to be

    generated only by reduction of the conjugate acid

    form of Se(IV) (actually H3SeO3+) as its produc-

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665660

    tion decreases with increasing pH. At pH4 where

    the reduction of H2SeO3predominates, Se2 is the

    major product. But all these conclusions are based

    on visual observations of some Se(0) formed, on

    total charges that may be affected by adsorption

    and on attribution of CV-peaks to consecutive

    electron transfers rather than formation of different

    adsorbates. Whereas these authors [144] claim that

    neither cathodic nor anodic stripping using carbon

    electrodes can be recommended [144], others [145]

    used deposition at 0.6 V on such electrodes and

    a stripping peak at +0.22 V for determination of

    selenium in highly pure copper [145].

    When solid Na2SeO3 was dispersed in a carbon

    paste electrode, a well developed, probably adsorp-

    tive cathodic peak was observed at 0.02 V,

    followed by an ill developed one at 0.45 V. On

    the reverse sweep anodic peaks at 0.11 V (the

    shape of which indicates a role of adsorption

    phenomena) were followed by peaks at +0.98 and

    +1.07 V. The authors [146] did not consideradsorption and attributed individual peaks to con-

    secutive electron transfers, involving formation of

    Se(0) as an intermediate. When a 0.02 M solution

    of selenite was dispersed into carbon paste, a

    similar CV was obtained as with the solid selenite


    A very similar pattern of CV curves was observed

    when a potential scan 0 V+1.2 V0.8 V0.0

    V was applied to a carbon paste electrode, in which

    CuSe was dispersed [147]. In 2 M H2SO4 anodic

    peaks were observed at +0.92 and +1.05 V andcathodic peaks at +0.05 and 0.35 V, so that

    only the anodic peak at 0.11 V was missing,

    when compared with the carbon electrode with

    dispersed solid selenite [146]. As in the previous

    case, attempts were made to attribute individual

    peaks to consecutive electron transfers and the

    possible role of adsorption was neglected. Authors

    used total charges in their interpretation, but due

    to the lack of consideration of the nonfaradaic

    component of the current the conclusions are

    doubtful. When the ratio Cu: Se was varied from2.0 to 3.55, several additional anodic peaks ap-

    peared between 0.0 and +0.4 V [147]. A dispersion

    of elemental Se(0) into graphite paste electrode

    [148,149] was electroinactive and showed no oxida-

    tion or reduction signals.

    Adsorption desorption phenomena play evi-

    dently an important role in processes leading to a

    formation of copper selenide, which were followed

    using cyclic voltammetry on a vitreous carbon

    rotating disk electrode [150]. The deposition of

    copper selenide occurs at potentials which are more

    positive than required both for deposition of cop-

    per and formation of selenide. The primary product

    formed is Cu2Se, which is first oxidized to CuSe,

    then to Cu2+ and Se.

    3.2.3. Reduction on Platinum electrodes

    At high concentration of Se(IV) (5 mM) the

    reduction on a rotating platinum disk occurs in a

    single six-electron step to Se2. Similarly as on gold

    or carbon electrodes, selenide ions formed on

    platinum electrodes do not undergo consecutive

    reaction involving the metal of the electrode [135]

    No experimental evidence is offered to support

    assumption [150] that electroreduction of Se(IV) on

    platinum electrodes yields in an electrochemicaprocesses Se(0). When the reduction of Se(IV) at

    constant current on a rotating wire platinum elec-

    trode in 1 M H2SO4was carried out in the presence

    of a threefold excess of Cu(II), the stripping re-

    sulted in a peak at +1.2 V which is proportional

    to concentration of Se(IV) [151].

    3.2.4. Reduction on other metals and metal oxides

    Considerable attention has been paid [152159]

    to the effect of Se(IV) on the reduction of Cu2+

    ions on a copper electrode. On such electrode in 0.1M H2SO4 the reduction of Se(IV) occurs in two

    steps [135,160,161]. In the first step, Se2 ions

    formed in a six-electron reduction of Se(IV) react

    with Cu ions to yield CuSe(or Cu2Se). This reduc-

    tion current at potentials more positive than about

    0.65 V is superimposed on current of the

    anodic dissolution of copper following Cu

    Cu2++2e. Due to additivity of these two cur-

    rents, the limiting current at potentials between

    0.1 and 0.65 V corresponds to a four-elec-

    tron process. At potentials more negative than0.65 V such interaction between Cu2+ and

    Se2 cannot take place, as the concentration of

    Cu2+ ions is too low. Consequently, a six-elec-

    tron limiting current is observed at potentials

    more negative than 0.65 V. When a copper

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 661

    amalgam electrode is used, the current voltage

    curve is complicated by adsorption peaks, corre-

    sponding to a formation of mercury or mixed

    selenides. Reductions of Se(IV) on nickel and tin

    electrodes were unfortunately studied only in un-

    buffered solutions of 0.1 M LiClO4 in water [160]

    and mixed solvents [162] and due to changes in

    acidity at the electrode surface cannot be simply

    interpreted [160,162].

    Using a copper microelectrode with 5 m di-

    ameter and accumulation of Se at +0.1 V, ca-

    thodic stripping yielded a sharp peak at 0.05 V,

    which is a linear function of concentration of

    Se(IV) [163].

    This determination is unaffected by the pres-

    ence of Cu2+ ions and enables determination of

    Se(IV) between 5106 and 3105 M Se(IV).

    A titanium electrode was used [42] to study the

    electroreduction of Se(IV) in the presence of me-

    thinonine. The reduction is manifested by two

    pH-dependent peaks in acidic media, one between0.3 and 0.4 V, the other between 0.5 and

    0.6 V.

    In a solution containing 0.01 M H2SO4, 0.1 M

    K2SO4 and 1103 M Se(IV) the reduction of

    Se(IV) at a rotating tin oxide electrode occurs in a

    single peak at about 0.5 V (SCE), superim-

    posed on a limiting current. The limiting current

    is about ten times smaller than the sixelectron

    diffusion controlled current observed under the

    same conditions for reduction of Se(IV) on a

    rotating copper electrode. On the tin oxide elec-trode Cu(II) is reduced in a wave at about 0.15

    V. Addition of Se(IV) does not practically affect

    the limiting current of the Cu(II) wave, but results

    in a wave at about 0.3 V. The height of this

    wave increases with increasing concentration of

    Se(IV) and reaches a maximum height at [Cu2+

    ]:[Se(IV)]1:0.9. Further increase in concentra-

    tion of Se(IV) results in an increase in peak

    current at about 0.5 V. This peak, on an elec-

    trode covered with copper selenide is about ten

    times higher than the peak of Se(IV) on a cleanSnO2 electrode. A reverse scan results in a forma-

    tion of a single anodic peak at about 0.15 V

    corresponding to a stripping of Cu2+ ions. Ex-

    trapolation of currents to equilibrium conditions

    results in a current-voltage curve showing a two-

    electron reduction of Cu(II) withE1/2about 0.1

    V and a six-electron reduction of Se(IV) at about0.2 V [164].

    The product of electroreduction at 0.3 V wasidentified as Cu3Se2 by X-ray diffractometry. At

    more negative potentials only Cu2Se is formed. Inthe presence of excess Se(IV), it reacts with copperselenide and forms a red suspension of Se(0) at

    the surface.

    On a stationary tin oxide electrode in 0.4 Mcitric acid containing 1103 M Cu2+ the depo-sition of Cu is observed at about 0.3 V (SCE)

    with a sharp anodic peak at about 0.0 V afterreversal of the voltage scan [165]. An addition ofSe(IV) results in a small shift of the cathodic peak

    of Cu(II) to about 0.25 V with peak currentremaining constant. With increasing [Se(IV)] isformed another increasing cathodic peak at about0.35 V. On the reverse scan the anodic peak,

    corresponding to the oxidation of Cu to Cu2+

    decreases in the presence of Se(IV) and its peakpotential is shifted by about 0.05 V to more

    negative potentials. A new anodic peak is formedat about +0.15 V (SCE) the height of whichincreases slightly with increasing concentration ofSe(IV). An indistinct peak, probably correspond-

    ing to an anodic stripping of a selenide, is ob-served at +1.0 V. With varying the ratio[Cu(II)]:[Se(IV)] and applied potential, forma

    numbers of transferred electrons varied for Cufrom 2.0 to 0.95 and for Se from 4 to 5.3. Filmsformed at various potentials and at varying the

    ratio [Cu(II)]: [Se(IV)] were analyzed using polar-ography and X-ray fluorescence. With increasingconcentration of Cu(II) in the solution, the com-position of the solid phase varied. The ratio

    wCu:wSe in the solid phase was found at about 0.0V (SCE) varying from 0.14 to 1.87 and at 0.4 Vfrom 0.16 to 2.76. The composition of the solid

    phase depends on initial concentrations of Cu(II)and Se(IV) in the solution. For ratio [Cu(II)][Se(IV)] between 0.0 and 1.5, CuSe and Se are ata predominating species, for the ratio between 1.5

    and 2.2 a mixture of CuSe and Cu3Se2 was found,for the ratio from 2.2 to 2.9 the solid phase atelectrode surface contained Cu3Se2and Cu2Se and

    at a larger excess of Cu(II) and ratio from 2.9 to4.0, the composition of the surface layer wasCu2Se and Se.

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665662

    Films prepared at 0.2 V and transferred to a

    solution containing only 0.4 M citric acid yield

    three anodic peaks-sharp peaks at about 0.0 and

    +0.1 V. The shape of these peaks indicates role of

    adsorption-desorption phenomena. The third peak

    at +0.3 V is diffusion controlled. The peak at 0.0

    V is attributed to an oxidation of Cu in the film

    consisting of Cu2Se following (28) and peak at

    +0.3 V to oxidation of Cu3Se (29) and of CuSe


    Cu2SeCu3Se2+Cu(II)+2e (28)

    Cu3Se22CuSe+Cu(II)+2e (29)

    CuSeSe+Cu(II)+2e (30)

    The composition of the deposit is controlled

    between 0.2 and 0.4 V by diffusion, but at

    potential more positive than 0.2 V also by the

    kinetics of the charge transfer. At potentials more

    negative than 0.4 V Cu2Se is the predominant

    product in the solid phase, as CuSe and CuxSe(where X2) are not stable and are reduced to

    Cu2Se [165].

    Investigations of the reduction of Se(IV) Bi, Pb,

    Cd, Zn and Nu amalgams [166168] did not offer

    additional information.

    4. Conclusions

    Se(IV) is reduced in aqueous solutions in forms


    , H2SeO3 and HSeO3

    . All these threeforms are reduced in a six-electron process to Se2.

    The dianion SeO32 is not reducible. Reductions of

    H2SeO3and HSeO3, observed at pH5, occur at

    such negative potentials that electrogenerated Se2

    ions do not react with material of any studied

    electrode. At pH4, where H3SeO3+ is the pre-

    dominating reducible form, the reduction of Se(IV)

    on Au, Pt, and carbon electrodes forms Se2 which

    on these electrodes does not react with the material

    of the electrode. Electrogenerated Se2 can react

    in solution in a homogeneous reaction withH3SeO3+ and yield Se(0) which forms colloidal

    species in the solution in the vicinity of the elec-


    On Hg, Ag and Cu electrodes at pH4 at

    potentials more positive than about 0.6 V (SCE),

    the generated selenide ions can interact with elec-

    trochemically dissolved metal ions and form

    slightly soluble selenides. This composition can

    vary with the metal ion-Se(IV) ratio and with

    potential of generation of Se2. These selenides are

    adsorbed at the electrode surface. Depending on

    the potential applied and on concentration of

    Se(IV) one, two or more types of adsorbates can

    be formed. These adsorbates may differ in chemical

    composition and/or physical properties. On the

    surface of these adsorbates elemental Se(0) can be

    formed. H3SeO3+ is a strong oxidizing agent and

    can dissolve in a chemical reaction the material of

    the electrode. Thus Se(IV) in acidic solutions reacts

    with metallic Hg and resulting mercury ions are

    reduced at positive potentials. In solutions contain-

    ing in addition to Se(IV) also Cu2+, Cd2+, orP b2+

    ions underdeposition is observed. Mechanism of

    the involved process is not yet fully understood.

    Electrochemical properties of Se(IV) enable use

    of electroanalytical techniques for determination ofSe(IV) in various materials.

    The choice of the technique depends on sample

    composition and concentration levels. For ultra-

    trace determination cathodic stripping methods

    offer sensitivity enabling analyses of solutions con-

    taining up to 1011 M Se(IV).

    5. Note

    After this paper was accepted, the authors weresent a manuscript by B. Lange and MG. van den

    Berg submitted to Analytica Chimica Acta, de-

    scribing determination of Se(IV) by cathodic strip-

    ping voltammetry. The method is based on

    measurement of a catalytic hydrogen wave at 1.5

    V in the presence of 0.3 M HCl and 75 ppb Rh(III),

    which enables to reach a detection limit of 2.4

    1012 M Se(IV), when deposition at 0.2 V was

    used. As organic substances can be surface and

    catalytically active, they were eliminated by UV-di-

    gestion, which also reduced Se(VI) to Se(IV)Cu(II), Pt(II), and Fe(III) increased the peak at

    concentrations higher than 5109 M, As(III)

    decreased it when present in concentration higher

    than 3109 M. Method was used for determina-

    tion of selenium in sea and lake waters.

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    P. Zuman, G. Somer/Talanta 51 (2000) 645665 663


    This publication was made possible by award-

    ing the Senior Fulbright Fellowship to one of us



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