217614812 AC Performance Questions Bank for ATPL

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  • 8/16/2019 217614812 AC Performance Questions Bank for ATPL



    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.3.

    With regard to the climb performance chart for the single engine aeroplanedetermine the climb speed (ft min!.

    ".A.#$ %SA & 1' )* Pressure Altitude$ + ft* Aeroplane Mass$ 3,++ lbs*Flaps$ up. Speed$1++ -%AS 12/+ ft min

    » For this 0uestion use reference or Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.1

    With regard to the ta e off performance chart for the single engineaeroplane determine the ma imum allo able ta e off mass. 4i5en$ ".A.#$%SA* Pressure Altitude$ ,+++ ft* 6ead ind component$ ' t* Flaps$ up*7un a8$ #arred and 9r8. Factored run a8 length$ 2+++ ft* "bstacle height$'+ ft 32++ lbs

    » 4i5en$ #AS$ 2++ Still Air 4radient$ ': #ail ind$ '+ ts What is theeffecti5e ind gradient; ,:


  • 8/16/2019 217614812 AC Performance Questions Bank for ATPL


    » so stalling speed or minimum stead8 flight speed in the landingconfiguration. s Stalling speed or minimum stead8 flight speed at hichthe aircraft is controllable. s1 Stalling speed or minimum stead8 flightspeed obtained in a specific configuration. mc minimum control speed itthe critical engine inoperati5e.

    » Ma imum #ire Speed can limit the Bift?off Speed. Which ind of speed can be directl8 used to determine this limitation; 4roundspeed.

    » What is the influence of the mass on ma imum rate of climb (7")! speedif all other parameters remain constant; #he 7") speed increases ithincreasing mass.

    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP1 1 Figure 2.,. With regard tothe graph for landing performance* hat is the minimum head indcomponent re0uired in order to land at 6elgoland airport; 4i5en$ 7un a8

    length$ 13++ ft* 7un a8 ele5ation$ MSB* Weather$ assume %SA conditions*Mass$ 32++ lbs* "bstacle height$ '+ ft 1+ t.

    » 6o does the lift coefficient for ma imum range 5ar8 ith altitude; (Cocompressibilit8 effects.! #he lift coefficient is independent of altitude.

    » #he combination of factors that most re0uires a lo ?angled flap setting forta e?off is$ 6igh field ele5ation* distant obstacles in the climb?out path*long run a8 and a high ambient temperature.

    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.,.With regard to the landing chart for the single engine aeroplane determinethe landing distance from a height of '+ ft.

    4i5en $".A.# $ 2> )Pressure Altitude$ 3+++ ftAeroplane Mass$ 2/++ lbs#ail ind component$ ' tFlaps$ Banding position (do n!7un a8$ #arred and 9r8 appro imatel8 $ 1='+ feet

    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.,.With regard to the landing chart for the single engine aeroplane determinethe landing distance from '+ft.

    4i5en $".A.# $ %SA 1' )Pressure Altitude$ + ftAeroplane Mass$ 2/,+ lbs#ail ind component$ 1+ tFlaps$ Banding position (do n!7un a8$ #arred and 9r8 appro imatel8 $ 1/++ feet

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    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.2.With regard to the ta e off performance chart for the single engineaeroplane determine the ta e off distance to a height of '+ ft.4i5en $".A.# $ ?> )Pressure Altitude$ >+++ ftAeroplane Mass$ 2/'+ lbs6ead ind component$ ' tFlaps$ Approach setting7un a8$ #arred and 9r8 appro imatel8$ 2+'+ ft

    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.1.With regard to the ta e off performance chart for the single engineaeroplane determine the ta e off speed for (1! rotation and (2! at a height of '+ ft.4i5en $

    ".A.# $ %SA&1+ )Pressure Altitude$ '+++ ftAeroplane mass$ 3,++ lbs6ead ind component$ ' tFlaps$ up7un a8$ #arred and 9r8 >1 and =2 -%AS

    » At reference or see Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.2.With regard to the ta e off performance chart for the single engineaeroplane determine the ta e off distance to a height of '+ ft.4i5en $

    ".A.# $ 3= )Pressure Altitude$ ,+++ ftAeroplane Mass$ 3,++ lbs#ail ind component$ ' tFlaps$ Approach setting7un a8$ 9r8 4rass)orrection factor$ 1.2 3,++ ft 1.2 appro imatel8$ ,1'+ ft

    » A climb gradient re0uired is 3.3:. For an aircraft maintaining 1++ t trueairspeed * no ind* this climb gradient corresponds to a rate of climb ofappro imatel8$ 7") (fpm! )limb gradient (:! Airspeed ( ts!* 3.3 1++ 33+

    » An aircraft has t wo certied landing aps positions, 25° a nd 35°. If a pilotchooses 25° i nstead of 35°, the aircraft will have: an increased landingdistance and b etter go-around p erformance

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    » The t ake-off distance of an aircraft is 8 00m in standard a tmosphere, nowind at 0 ft pressure-altitude.Using the following corrections :"± 20 m / 1 000 ft eld elevation "

    "- 5 m / kt headwind ""+ 10 m / kt tail wind ""± 15 m / % runway slope ""± 5 m / °C deviation from standard temperature "The take-off distance from an airport at 2 000 ft elevation, temperature21°C, QNH 1013.25 h Pa, 2% up-slope, 5 kt tail wind is :

    Elevation =+40m (+20m per 1000ft)

    ISA deviation = +50m (temp is +1 0 on ISA / +5m per degree)

    Slope = +30m (+15m per % of slope)Tailwind= + 50m (+10m per knot of tailwind)

    Total correction =170m add this t o 800m = 970m» The t ake-off distance of an aircraft is 6 00m in standard a tmosphere, no

    wind at 0 ft pressure-altitude. Using the following corrections: ± 20 m / 1000 ft eld elevation, - 5 m / kt headwind,+ 10 m / kt tail wind, ± 15 m / %runway s lope,± 5 m / °C deviation from standard temperature. The take-offdistance from an airport at 1 000 ft elevation, temperature 17°C, QNH1013,25 hPa, 1% up-slope, 10 kt tail wind is:

    Altitude +1000ft = +20m

    Temp deviation from ISA at 1000ft is + 4C = +20m

    Slope = + 15m

    10kt tw = + 100m

    Total correction = 155m

    600m + 155m = 755m» An aircraft has t wo certied landing aps positions, 25° a nd 35°. If a pilot

    chooses 35° i nstead of 25°, the aircraft will have: a reduced landingdistance a nd degraded go-around performance

    » A runway is co ntaminated b y a 0, 5 c m layer of wet snow. The take-offdistance in relation to a dry r unway w ill be: increased

    » With an true airspeed of 194 kt and a vertical speed of 1 000 ft/min, theclimb gradient is about: 5.1%

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    » On a twin engined piston aircraf t with variable pitch propellers, for a givenmass a nd altitude, the minimum drag speed is 1 25 kt and the holdingspeed (minimum fuel burn p er hour) is 9 5 kt.

    The best rate of climb speed will be obtained for a speed: equal to 95 ktVmp

    » If the airworthiness documents d o not specify a correction for landing on awet runway; the landing distance must be increased by: 15 %

    » Climb limit is the weight limited by y our ability to satisfactorily comply withthe regulatory cl imb requirements b ased o n temperature, pressure a ltitudeand conguration/thrust. Wind has n o impact.

    » If the actual landing mass is h igher than planned: the landing distance willbe longer.

    » For this q uestion use reference or Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.4With regard to the l anding c hart for the single engine aeroplane d eterminethe landing distance from a height of 50 ft.Given :O.A.T : ISA,Pressure Altitude: 1000 ft, Aeroplane Mass: 3500 lbs,Tailwind component: 5 kt, Flaps: Landing position (down),Runway: Tarredand Dry = approximately : 1700 feet

    » For this q uestion use reference or Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.1With regard to the take off performance chart for the single engineaeroplane determine the take off distance to a height of 50 ft .Given :O.A.T

    : 30°C, Pressure Altitude: 1000 ft,Aeroplane Mass: 3450 lbs, Tailwindcomponent: 2.5 kt, Flaps: up,Runway: Tarred and Dry = approximately : 2500 feet

    » During a descent a headwind will: increases t he angle of the descent ightpath.Using the attached image: or Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .23Given the following data, determine the net level off altitude. Aircraft mass:52,000kg Engine: Anti Ice O n AC: Off ISA +20°C =

    First you must add the penalty for the engine anti ice on of 1950kg

    52 000 + 1950 = 53 950kg.

    On gure 4.23 move to the ISA +20°C line and then left to nd thestabilizing altitude

    Answer 15 400 ft

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    » An a irport has a 2 600 m eters long runway, and a 1000 meters cl earway a teach end of that runway. For the calculation of the maximum allowed take-off mass, the take-off distance available cannot be greater than: 3 600 m

    » Using the attached image: or Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .4

    Given the following, determine the take-off distance: TOM 58,500 kg OAT-7°C Press A lt 1,000 ft Flaps 15° H /W 10 kts Down slope 1 ° ACS OFF =5,500 ft

    » Given: TAS: 140 Still Air Gradient: 7.5% Wind component 25kt Headwind.What is t he effective wind gradient? 9.1 %

    » At reference or see Performance M anual SEP 1 Figure 2.3.With regard to the climb performance chart for the single engine aeroplanedetermine the climb speed (ft/min).O.A.T: ISA + 15°C, Pressure Altitude: 0 ft, Aeroplane Mass: 3400 lbs,

    Flaps: up. Speed:100 KIAS = 1290 ft/min» Given: TAS: 200 Still Air Gradient: 5% Tailwind: 50kts W hat is t he effective

    wind gradient? 5 % x 200 = 1000. 1000/250 = 4%

    » For this q uestion use reference or Performance Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.1

    With regard to the take off performance chart for the single engineaeroplane d etermine the m aximum allowable t ake off mass. Given: O.A.T:ISA, Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft, Headwind component: 5 kt, Flaps: up,

    Runway: Tarred and Dry. Factored runway length: 2000 ft, Obstacle height:50 ft = 3200 lbs

    » The determination of the maximum mass on brake release, of a certiedturbojet aeroplane with 5°, 15° an d 25° aps a ngles o n take-off, leads t othe following values, with wind:Flap angle: 5° 15° 25°FLLTOM (kg): 66 000 69 500 71 500CLTOM: 72 200 69 000 61 800

    Wind correction: Head wind:+120kg / kt, Tail wind: -360kg / kt. Given thatthe t ail wind component is eq ual to 5 kt, the m aximum mass o n b rakerelease and corresponding ap angle will be: 67 700 kg / 15 °

    » Given: VS= Stalling speed, VMCA= Air minimum control speed, VMU=Minimum unstick s peed (disregarding engine failure), V1= take-off

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    decision speed, VR= Rotation sp eed, V2 m in. = Minimum take-off safetyspeed, VLOF: Lift-off speed. The correct formula is: VS< VMCA< V2 min

    » Regarding take-off, the take-off decision speed V1: is t he airspeed on the

    ground at which the pilot is a ssumed to have made a decision to continue ordiscontinue the t ake-off.

    » During certication test ights f or a turbojet aeroplane, the actualmeasured take-off runs f rom brake release to a point equidistant betweenthe point at which VLOF is r eached and the point at which the aeroplane is35 feet above the take-off surface are:- 1747 m, all engines o perating- 1950 m, with the critical engine failure recognized at V1, the other factors

    remaining unchanged.Considering both possibilities t o determine the take-off run (TOR). Thecerticated value of the Take-off Run is: 1747 x 1 .15 = 2009 m

    » At reference o r see Performance M anual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .4. For a twinengine turbojet aeroplane two take-off ap settings ( 5° an d 15°) arecertied.Given: Field length available= 2400 m, Outside air temperature= -10°C,Airport pressure altitude= 7000 ft. The maximum allowed take-off mass is:

    56 000 kg

    » The lowest take-off safety sp eed (V2 min) is: 1.13 VSR for two- and three-engine turbo-propeller and turbojet aeroplanes.

    » Class A aircraft use VSR, the stall reference speed, rather than VS1 but itis s ubstantially the same thing. The take-off safety speed is the highest of:

    1.13 VSR for two-engined a nd three-engined turboprop poweredaeroplanes a nd jet aircraft without provisions f or obtaining a signicantreduction in the one-engine-inoperative power-on stall speed.

    1.08 VSR for turboprop aeroplanes w ith more than three engines a nd jetaircraf t with provisions f or obtaining a signicant reduction in the one-engine-inoperative power-on stall speed.


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    VR plus t he speed increment attained before reaching a height of 35 ftabove the take-off surface a speed that provides a dequate manoeuvringcapability

    » The n et ight path gradient after take-off compared to the actual climb

    gradient is: smaller.» If there is a tail wind, the climb limited TOM will: not be affected.» Which of the following sets o f factors w ill increase the climb-limited TOM

    (every factor considered independently)? Low ap s etting, low PA, lowOAT. / A lower ap setting means a longer takeoff roll but a better climbgradient. A lower pressure altitude and OAT also mean a higher air densitywhich means improved aircraft performance.

    » At which m inimum height will the second climb se gment end? 400 ft aboveeld elevation. / 2nd segment is f rom gear fully retracted to when theaircraft levels off to accelerate which is at a minimum height of 400 ftabove the take-off surface.

    » A head wind will: increase the c limb ight path angle.» An operator shall ensure that the net take-off ight path clears a ll

    obstacles. The half-width of the obstacle-corridor at the distance D fromthe end of the TODA is a t least: 90m + 0.125D / 2 formulae to consider;

    Wingspan less t han 60m then (0.125D +60m + 1/2 wingspan). Wing sp anmore than 60m (0.125D + 90m) (The fraction D/8 = 0.125 D as a decimal).


    What is t he effect of tail wind on the time to climb to a given altitude? Thetime to climb does not change.

    » How does TA S vary in a constant Mach climb in the troposphere (underISA conditions)? TAS decreases.

    » The optimum long-range cruise altitude for a turbojet aeroplane: increaseswhen the a eroplane mass decr eases.

    » Considering TAS for maximum range and maximum endurance, otherfactors r emaining c onstant, both will increa se with increa sing altitude.

    » A commercial ight is p lanned with a turbojet aeroplane to an aerodrome

    with a landing distance available of 2400 m. The aeroplane mass m ust besuch that on arrival the aeroplane can be landed within: The runway is d ry.

    2400/1.67 = 1437m

    » At the destination aerodrome the landing distance available is 3 000m. Theappropriate weather forecast indicates t hat the runway a t the estimated

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    time of arrival will be wet. For a commercial ight the mass of a turbojetaeroplane at landing must be such that the aeroplane can be landedwithin: The regulation factor for a jet is 1.67 and the wet factor is 1.15.Total factor 1.67 x 1 .15 = 1.92. SO; 3000/1.92 = 1562m

    » Two identical turbojet aeroplanes ( whose specic fuel consumptions a reconsidered to be equal) are at holding speed at the same altitude. Themass of the rst aircraft is 1 30 000 kg and its h ourly fuel consumption is4300 kg/h. The mass o f the second aircraft is 1 15 000 kg and its h ourlyfuel consumption is: 3804 kg/h. / 115/130 x 4300 = 3800 kg

    » A jet aeroplane equipped with old engines h as a specic fuel consumptionof 0.06 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour and, in a given yingcondition, a fuel mileage of 14 kg per Nautical Mile. In the same yingconditions, the same aeroplane equipped with modern engines w ith a

    specic fuel consumption of 0.035 kg per Newton of thrust and per hour,has a fuel mileage of: 0.035/0.06 x 14=8.17 kg/nm.

    » Given that the characteristics of a three engine turbojet aeroplane are asfollows: Thrust = 50 000 Newton / Engine, g = 10 m/s², Drag = 72 569 N,Minimum gross g radient (2nd segment) = 2.7%SIN (Angle of climb) = (Thrust- Drag) / Weight. The maximum take-offmass under 2nd segment conditions i s: Weight =(100000 – 72569)/ 0.027= 1015962N Then d ivide by 10m/sec² to get weight in kg = 101596 kg

    » Minimum control speed on the ground, VMCG, is ba sed on directional

    control being maintained by: primary a erodynamic co ntrol only.» Which of the following distances w ill increase if you increase V1, but VR

    remains unchan ged? Accelerate Stop Distance» V1 is l ower or equal to VR» A downhill slope increases a llowable take-off mass. / It will be easier to

    accelerate the a/c assisted by the downhill component of weight thereforewe can increase the mass a nd still make 35ft and V2 within TODA,however we will have t o reduce V1 in case we have to stop with a heaviera/c.

    » The effect of increasing the ap setting, from zero to the recommendedtake-off se tting, on the length o f the Take-off Distance Required (TODR)and the Field-Length-Limited Take-off mass ( TOM) is: Decreased TODrequired and increased eld length limited TOM.

    » How is VMCA inuenced by increasing pressure altitude? VMCAdecreases w ith increasing pressure altitude.

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    » Which one of the following is n ot affected by a tail wind? The climb limitedtake-off mass.

    » VR must not be less t han 1.05 VMCA and not less t han V1.» Which of the following represents t he minimum for V1? VMCG / VR=V1.

    VMU>V1. VLOF >V1.» Which of the following represents t he maximum value for V1 assuming

    max tire speed and max brake energy speed are not limiting? VR

    » During certication ight testing on a four engine turbojet aeroplane theactual take-off distances m easured are:- 3050 m with failure of the critical engine recognized at V1- 2555 m with all engines o perating and all other things b eing equalThe take-off distance adopted for the certication le is: 3050 m

    » If the antiskid system is i noperative, which of the following statements i strue? The a ccelerate s top d istance increases.

    » During take-off the third segment begins: when a cceleration to apretraction speed is started.

    » Which of the following is t rue with regard to VMCA (air minimum controlspeed)? Straight ight can not be maintained below VMCA, when the critical

    engine h as failed.

    » Which of the following will decrease V1? Inoperative anti-skid.

    » In accordance with CS-25, the reference landing speed (VREF) has t hefollowing minimum margin above the reference stalling speed in thelanding co nguration (VSR0): 23% / VREF may not be less t han 1.23 xVSRO.

    » In relation to the net take-off ight path, the required 35 ft vertical distanceto clear all obstacles is: the minimum vertical distance between the lowestpart of the aeroplane and all obstacles w ithin the obstacle domain.

    » During certication ight testing of a transport aeroplane, the distancesmeasured from brake r elease to the 35 feet point are equal to:

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    - 1547 m with all engines r unning

    - 1720 m with failure of critical engine at V1, with all other things r emaining


    The take-off distance adopted for the certication le is: 1547x1.15= 1779m. You must choose the greatest distance 1 779m

    » For a t urboprop powered aeroplane (performance cl ass A ) on acommercial ight, a 2200 m long runway a t the destination aerodrome isexpected to be wet. It must be ensured that the landing mass o f theaeroplane allows a full stop landing on a dry runway within a landing

    distance of: 1339 m.

    » At reference o r see Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .5.

    With regard to the t ake-off performance of a twin jet aeroplane, why doesthe take-off performance climb limit graph show a kink at 30°C and PA 0ft? The engines a re pressure limited at lower temperature, at higher

    temperatures t hey are temperature limited.» At reference o r see Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .5.

    Consider the take-off performance for the twin jet aeroplane climb limitchart. Why has t he wind been omitted from the chart? The limitationpresented in this chart is t aken relative to air.

    » If the take-off mass of an aeroplane is b rake energy limited a higher uphillslope would increase t he maximum mass f or take-off.

    » If the take-off mass of an aeroplane is t yre speed limited, downhill slope

    would have n o effect on the maximum mass f or take-off.» The rst segment of the take-off ight path ends at completion of gear

    retraction.» You climb with a climb speed schedule 300/.78. What do you expect in the

    crossover altitude 29 200 ft (OAT = ISA) ? The rate of climb increases s incethe c onstant IAS-climb is r eplaced b y the c onstant Mach-climb.

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    » The climb limited take-off mass can be increased by a lower ap setting fortake-off and selecting a higher V2.

    » In the event that the take-off mass is o bstacle limited and the take-off ightpath includes a t urn, the b ank a ngle s hould n ot exceed 15 degrees up t o

    height of 400 ft.» At reference o r see Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .28.

    What is t he minimum eld length required for the worst wind situation,landing a twin jet aeroplane with the anti-skid inoperative?

    Elevation: 2000 ft, QNH: 1013 hPa, Landing mass: 50 000 kg. Flaps: asrequired for minimum landing distance. Runway condition: dry. Wind:Maximum allowable tailwind: 15 kt, Maximum allowable headwind: 50 kt =

    3100 m.» "Stepped climbs" are used on long-distance ights: to y a prole as cl ose

    as p ossible to the optimum altitude as t he aeroplane mass r educes.» The sp eed range b etween low speed buffet and high speed buffet

    decreases w ith increasing mass a nd increasing altitude.» The danger associated with low speed and/or high sp eed buffet limits t he

    manoeuvring load factor at high altitudes.» Which of the jet engine ratings b elow is n ot a certied rating? Maximum

    Cruise Thrust»

    At constant thrust and constant altitude the fuel ow of a jet engineincreases slightly with increasing airspeed.

    » The thrust of a jet engine at constant RPM increases i n proportion to theairspeed.

    » A higher altitude at constant mass and Mach number requires a h igherangle of attack.

    » "Maximum endurance" is a chieved in unaccelerated level ight with minimumfuel ow.

    » The spee d for maximum endurance: is a lways l ower than the speed for

    maximum specic range. / Maximum endurance speed is Vmd, whereasmax range speed is 1 .32 Vmd, therefore always h igher.

    » The long-range cruise speed is se lected because: the higher speedachieves 9 9% of the maximum still-air range.

    » The o ptimum altitude increases a s m ass decreases a nd is t he altitude atwhich the specic range reaches its m aximum.

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    » The engine failure take-off run is: the horizontal distance along the take-offpath from the start of the take-off to a point equidistant between the point atwhich VLOF is r eached and the point at which the aeroplane is 3 5 ft abovethe take-off surface.


    Reduced take-off thrust has the benet of improving engine life.» A higher outside air temperature (OAT) decreases t he brake energy l imited

    take-off mass.» Uphill slope increases t he take-off distance more than the accelerate stop

    distance.» V1 for a balanced-eld is c alculated when: the acceleration/stop distance

    available is e qual to the take-off distance available.» A 'Balanced Field Length' is said to exist where: The accelerate stop

    distance is equal to the take-off distance available.»

    V2 has t o be equal to or higher than 1.1 VMCA. / V2=1.1Vmca» The optimum cruise altitude increases if the aeroplane mass i s d ecreased.» Below the optimum cruise altitude the Mach number for long range cr uise

    decreases co ntinuously with d ecreasing a ltitude.» Under which condition should you y co nsiderably lower (4 000 ft or more)

    than the optimum altitude? If at the lower altitude either considerably lessheadwind or considerably m ore tailwind can be expected.

    » If, after experiencing an engine failure when cruising above the one-engine-inoperative ceiling, an aeroplane is unable to maintain its cruising

    altitude, the procedure that should be adopted is: Drift Down P rocedure.

    The maximum drift down altitude is the altitude to which, following thefailure of an engine above the one engine inoperative absolute ceiling, anaeroplane will descend and maintain, whilst using max a vailablethrust/power on the operating engine.

    » If the level-off altitude is below the obstacle clearance altitude during a driftdown procedure fuel jettisoning should be started at the beginning of driftdown.


    The maximum mass f or landing could b e limited by the c limb requirementswith one e ngine inoperative in the approach conguration.

    » The landing eld length required for turbojet aeroplanes a t the destination(wet condition) is t he demonstrated landing distance plus 92%

    » With one or two e ngines inoperative the b est specic range at highaltitudes i s ( assume altitude remains c onstant) reduced.

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    » Which of the equations b elow expresses a pproximately the unacceleratedpercentage climb gradient for small climb angles? Climb Gradient =((Thrust - Drag)/Weight) x 1 00

    » The maximum operating altitude for a certain aeroplane with a pressurized

    cabin is t he highest pressure altitude certied for normal operation.» If the eld-length-limited take-off mass a nd V1 were calculated using

    balanced eld-lengths, the use of any a dditional clearway in thecalculation would cause: an increased eld-length-limited take-off mass a nda r educed V1. / The FLLTOM has increased because o f the increase i nclearway; however the stopway has n ot increased so if stopping is r equiredthe V1 has t o be reduced.

    » #he ta e?off mass of an aeroplane is restricted b8 the climb limit. #he effect ahead ind has on the 5alue of this limit is$ None.


    Which of the following statements w ith regard to the actual accelerationheight at the beginning of the 3rd climb segment is co rrect? The minimumvalue according to regulations i s 4 00 ft.

    » According to E U-OPS 1, which one of the following st atements co ncerningthe landing distance for a turbojet aeroplane is c orrect? When de terminingthe maximum allowable landing mass a t destination, 60% of the availablelanding runway length should be taken into account.

    » Which one of the following statements c oncerning drift-down is co rrect?When determining the obstacle clearance during drift-down, fuel dumping

    may b e taken into a ccount.» In a ccordance with C S 25 the t ake-off sa fety sp eed V2min for turbo-

    propeller powered aeroplanes with more than three engines m ay n ot beless than: 1.08 VSR

    » If the climb speed schedule is ch anged from 280/.74 to 290/.74 the newcrossover altitude will be lower.

    » The optimum cruise altitude is the pressure altitude at which the bestspecic range can be achieved.

    » Which speed provides m aximum obstacle clearance during climb? The

    speed at which the excess of thrust available over thrust required is greatest.» Which of the following statements w ith regard to the optimum cruise

    altitude (best fuel mileage) is c orrect? An aeroplane sometimes ies a bovethe optimum cruise altitude, because ATC normally d oes n ot allow to ycontinuously a t the optimum cruise altitude.

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    » Which of the following statements i s a pplicable to the acceleration heightat the beginning of the 3rd climb segment? The maximum accelerationheight depends on the maximum time take-off thrust may b e a pplied.There is a maximum time that that t/o thrust can be set, usually 5 mins

    AEO and 10 mins OEI.By the end of segment 3 you must go from Max t /o thrust to MCT thereforeyou must limit the height at the start of segment 3 to ensure that the a/c isclean at VFTO (Vzf +10kts) at the end of segment 3 with MCT set.

    » Which statement regarding the inuence of a r unway d own-slope is co rrectfor a balanced take-off? Down-slope... reduces V1 a nd reduces take-offdistance required (TODR).

    » The correct formula is: (Remark: "

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    » When determining the maximum allowable landing mass a t destination, 60%of the available distance is taken into account, if the runway is expected to bedry.

    » The c limb limited take-off mass d ecreases w ith increasing OAT.»

    Reduced take-off thrust should normally n ot be used when: the runway iscontaminated.» Reduced take off thrust is n ot to be used on contaminated runways, if wind

    shear is r eported, when anti-skid is unserviceable, or when reverse thrustis unserviceable.

    » Which of the following statements regarding the reduced thrust take-offtechnique is c orrect? Reduced thrust can be used when the actual take-offmass i s less t han the p erformance limited take-off mass.

    » Which of the following statements i s t rue regarding a balanced eld-

    length? A balanced eld length provides t he minimum required eld length inthe event of an engine failure.

    » During the ight preparation the climb limited take-off mass (TOM) is f oundto be much greater than the eld length limited TOM using 5° ap. In whatway can the performance limited TOM be increased? There are no limitingobstacles. By se lecting a higher ap setting.

    » Why s hould the t emperature o f the wheel brakes b e c hecked p rior to take

    off?" Because overheated brakes w ill not perform adequately in the event of arejected take-off.

    » The tangent from the origin to the power required against true airspeedcurve, for a jet aeroplane, determines the speed for: maximum endurance.

    The t angent to the power required curve gives t he b est ratio of drag x TASto TAS. Cancel out the TAS (mathematically) and we're left with drag, andas t his w as t he best ratio of drag x TAS to TAS then it must be the point of

    least drag, Vmd.A jet ies a t Vmd for max e ndurance

    » Using the attached image o r CAP 698 F ig 4 .30: Given: AerodromePressure Altitude: 3000 ft Temperature: 30°F Downslope 1.5% Headwind:10kt Flaps: 40° Find the Maximum Quick Turnaround Mass. = 56 375 kg

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    » Using the attached image: or Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .24Given the following data, determine the driftdown time, fuel burn anddistance own to clear the obstacle by the statutory m inimum. FL 370

    Mass 44 ,000 kg E ngine Anti-Ice O N Wing Anti-Ice O FF Temp ISA -10°CObstacle 2 3,000’ amsl H/W 30 kts = 24 minutes, 600 kgs, 122 NM

    » When V1 has t o be reduced because o f a wet runway the one en gine outobstacle c learance / climb p erformance: de creases / remains co nstant.

    » A jet aeroplane i s yi ng long range c ruise. How does t he specic range /fuel ow change? Increase / decrease.So, Flying LRC (or ying whatever) the Specic Range

    INCREASES a long the ightNow as t he a/c i s l ighter along the ight, to maintain a given speed,the Fuel Flow DECREASES

    So INCREASES / DECREASES would be the correct answer

    » The correct formula is: (Remark: "

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    » If on a particular ight the value of V1 used on take-off exceeds t he correctvalue of V1, if an engine fails a t a speed immediately a bove the correctvalue of V1 then: the accelerate/stop distance will exceed the accelerate/stopdistance available.

    » In certain conditions V2 can be l imited by VMCA Low take-off mass, largeap extension, low eld elevation.

    » Which combination of answers o f the following parameters g ive anincrease or decrease of the take off ground run: 1 decreasing take offmass 2 increasing take off mass 3 increasing density 4 decreasing density5 increasing ap s etting 6 d ecreasing ap setting 7 increasing pressurealtitude 8 decreasing pressure altitude. 1, 3, 5 and 8

    » With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, whydoes t he curve representing 35 000 kg gross mass i n the chart for driftdown net proles st art at approximately 4 minutes a t FL370? Because atthis m ass i t takes a pproximately 4 minutes t o decelerate to the o ptimumspeed for drift down at the original cruising level.

    » In accordance to CS-25 which of the following listed speeds a re used fordetermination of V2min: VSR, VMC / V2min = 1. 2 Vs. V2min = 1. 1 Vmc

    » A jet aeroplane descends with constant Mach number. Which speed limitwill be e xceeded? Maximum operating spee d

    » Which is t he correct sequence of speeds d uring take-off? VMCG, V1, VR,V2.

    » VR cannot be lower than: V1 and 105% of VMCA.

    » Select from the following list of conditions t hose that must prevail in thesecond segment of the take-off net ight path for a Class A aeroplane are:1. Undercarriage retracted. 2. Undercarriage extended. 3. Flaps u p. 4.

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    Flaps i n take-off position. 5. All engines a t take-off thrust. 6. Operativeengine(s) at take-off thrust. 7. Climbing speed of V2 + 10kts. 8. Climbingspeed of 1.3VS. 9. Climbing speed of V2. 10. Commencing height 35ft.1, 4, 6, 9

    » An a eroplane descends from FL 410 to FL 270 at its cruise M ach numberand from FL 270 to FL 100 at the IAS achieved at FL 270. Assuming idlethrust, a clean conguration and ignoring compressibility e ffects, how doesthe angle of descent change (i) in the rst and (ii) in the second part of thedescent? (i) Increases (ii) Remains c onstant

    » (Refer to CAP698 Section 4 Pages 17 –19)

    Given the following data ca lculate Vmcg a nd V1: 3000 ft PA OAT +30º CRLTOM 60,000 kg RW 2% Upslope Flaps 5º 5kt TW PMC ON AC PacksOff = Vmcg 111kts V1 147 kts

    » How is V2 affected if a T /O ap 20° is cho sen instead o f T/O aps 10 °? V2decreases i f not restricted by VMCA.

    » Which of the following speeds m ay vary if a stopway or clearway isavailable? V1

    » The value of V1 has t o be equal to or higher than: VMCG.

    » A jet aeroplane is cl imbing at a constant IAS and maximum climb thrust,how will the climb angle / the pitch angle change? Reduce / decrease.

    » The d rift down requirements a re b ased o n: the obstacle clearance during adescent to the new cruising altitude if an engine has failed.

    » What effect has a d ownhill slope o n the take-off speeds? T he sl opedecreases t he take-off speed V1.

    » The effects o f an increased ambient air temperature beyond the at ratingcut-off temperature of the engines o n (i) the eld-length-limited take-offmass and (ii) the climb-limited take-off mass are: (i) Decrease (ii) Decrease.

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    » V1 for a balanced-eld is c alculated when: the acceleration/stop distanceavailable is e qual to the take-off distance available.

    » To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing the pilot should: makea "positive" l anding and apply m aximum reverse thrust and brakes a s q uicklyas p ossible.

    » The a pproach climb requirement has be en e stablished s o that theaeroplane will achieve: minimum climb g radient in the e vent of a g o-aroundwith one engine inoperative.

    » For a jet transport aeroplane, which of the following is t he reason for the

    use o f ‘maximum range sp eed’?? Minimum specic fuel consumption.

    » Which of the following statements, concerning the obstacle limited take-offmass f or performance class A aeroplane, is co rrect? It should bedetermined on the basis o f a 35 ft obstacle clearance with the respect to the"net take-off ight path".

    » At reference or see Performance M anual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .24.With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, what is

    meant by "equivalent gross m ass a t engine failure”? The equivalent grossmass a t engine failure is t he a ctual gross m ass c orrected for OAT higher thanISA +10°C.

    » The ' maximum tyre speed' limits: VLOF in terms of ground speed.

    » If all other parameters r emain constant, what is t he inuence of mass o nthe maximum rate o f climb (ROC) speed? The ROC speed increases w ithincreasing mass.

    » Which of the following sequences o f speed for a jet aeroplane is c orrect?(from low to high speeds) Vs, maximum angle climb speed , maximum rangespeed.

    » For a take-off from a contaminated runway, which of the followingstatements is correct? The take-off performance data for take-off must be

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    determined in general by means o f calculation, only a few values a re veriedby ight tests.

    » If a ight is p erformed with a higher "Cost Index" at a given mass w hich of

    the following will occur? A higher cruise m ach number.

    » Which of the following is a reason to operate an aeroplane at 'long rangespeed'? It is e fficient to y slightly faster than with maximum range speed.

    » Which of the following is t rue according to EASA regulations f or turbopropeller powered a eroplanes n ot performing a steep a pproach? MaximumLanding Distance at the destination aerodrome and at any alternateaerodrome is 0 , 7 x L DA (Landing Distance Available).

    » Which of the alternatives r epresents t he correct relationship? VMCG andV1 sho uld not exceed V R

    » According to EU-OPS 1, for turbo-prop aeroplanes, the required runwaylength at a destination airport is: the same as t hat required at an alternateairport.

    » The lift coefficient decreases d uring a glide with constant Mach number,

    mainly because the: IAS increases.

    » The climb limited take-off mass d epends on pressure altitude and outer airtemperature

    » Using the attached image: or CAP 698 Fig 3.10 Given the following data,what is t he FLLLM? Aerodrome pressure altitude 80ft AmbientTemperature: 10 °C Landing distance available : 3080 ft Wind: 12 kt HeadRunway slope: 1.5% down Runway sur face: Grass C ondition: Wet Short

    eld = 3 4 50 lbs

    » Which of the following statements, concerning the obstacle limited take-offmass f or performance class A aeroplane, is co rrect? It should bedetermined on the basis o f a 35 ft obstacle clearance with the respect to the"net take-off ight path".

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    » The minimum value of V2 must exceed VMC by: 10% / V2 may not be lessthan 1.1 Vmc

    » On a segment of the take-off ight path an obstacle requires a minimum

    gradient of climb of 2.6% in order to provide an adequate margin of safeclearance. At a mass o f 110000 kg the gradient of climb is 2 .8%. For thesame p ower and a ssuming that the sine of the angle o f climb variesinversely with mass, at what maximum mass will the aeroplane be able toachieve the minimum gradient?

    At 110000kgs t he gradient is 2 .8%.

    What mass increase will put the gradient down to 2.6%?

    2.8/2.6 x 11 0000 = 118455kgs

    » Which of the following factors d etermines t he maximum ight altitude inthe "Buffet Onset Boundary" graph? Aerodynamics.

    » During a cruise ight of a jet aeroplane at constant ight level and at themaximum range s peed, the IAS / the d rag will: decrease / decrease.

    » The v ertical interval by which a Class A aeroplane must avoid a ll obstaclesin the drift-down path, during the drift-down following an engine failure is:The net ight path must permit the aeroplane to continue ight from thecruising altitude to an aerodrome with the net ight path clearing vertically,by a t least 2000ft all terrain and obstructions a long the route within 5nm oneither side of the intended track.

    » Which of the following three speeds o f a jet aeroplane are basicallyidentical? The speeds f or: holding, maximum climb a ngle a nd minimum glideangle.

    » During a descent at constant Mach Number, the margin to low speedbuffet will: increase, because the lift coefficient decreases.

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    » Reduced take-off thrust should normally n ot be used when: windshear isreported o n the t ake-off path.

    » A jet aeroplane is c limbing with constant IAS. Which operational speed

    limit is m ost likely t o be reached? The Maximum operating Mach number.

    » Compared with b alanced-eld calculations for an aerodrome with nostopway o r clearway, the use of a clearway in the take-off calculations w ill:Increase the eld-length-limited take-off mass.

    » The angle of attack required to attain the maximum still-air range for aturbo-jet aeroplane is: less than that for the maximum lift to drag ratio.

    » Which cruise system gives minimum fuel consumption during cruisebetween top of climb and top of descent? (Still air, no turbulence)?Maximum range.

    » During a glide at constant Mach number, the pitch angle of the aeroplanewill: decrease.

    » The one engine out take-off run is t he distance between the brake releasepoint and: the middle o f the segment between VLOF point and 3 5 ft point.

    » Regarding the o bstacle limited take-off mass, which of the followingstatements is correct? A take-off in the direction of an obstacle is a lsopermitted in tail wind condition.

    » The relationship of the reference landing speed (VREF) to the referencestalling speed in the landing conguration (VSRO) is t hat VREF may n otbe below: 1.23VSRO

    » The speed for maximum lift/drag ratio will result in: The maximum range fora propeller driven aeroplane.

    » A twin jet aeroplane is in cruise, with one engine inoperative, and has toovery a high terrain area. In order to allow the greatest clearance height,the a ppropriate a irspeed m ust be t he a irspeed of greatest lift-to-drag ratio.

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    » Which combination of circumstances o r conditions w ould m ost likely leadto a tyre speed limited take-off? A high runway elevation and tail wind.

    » Using the attached image: or CAP 698 Fig 4 .5 Given: CLTOM: 48020 kgsFlaps: 15° Airport pressure a ltitude: 6000 ft PACKS OFF PMC ON ANTIICE OFF Find the maximum airport OAT with these conditions. = 30°C

    » The long range cruise speed is in relation to the speed for maximum rangecruise. Higher

    » Which statement relating to a take-off from a wet runway is co rrect? Areduction of screen height is a llowed in order to reduce weight penalties

    » Which d ata ca n be e xtracted from the Buffet Onset Boundary Chart? Thevalues of the Mach number at which low speed a nd Mach b uffet occur atvarious m asses a nd altitudes.

    » For an aircraft climbing at a constant IAS and a constant mass t he dragwill: remain a lmost constant.

    » The pilot of an aircraft has c alculated a 4 000 m service ceiling, based on

    the forecast general conditions f or the ight and a take-off mass of 3250kg. If the take-off mass is 3 000 kg, the service ceiling will be: higher than4000 m.

    » Considering a rate o f climb d iagram (ROC versus TAS) for an a eroplane.Which of the diagrams sh ows t he correct curves for "aps d own"compared to "clean" conguration? A

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    » Which of the following are to be taken into account for the runway in usefor take-off? Airport elevation, runway s lope, outside air temperature,pressure altitude and wind components.

    » In which of the ight conditions listed below is the thrust required equal tothe d rag? In level ight with constant IAS

    » With a true airspeed of 194 kt and a vertical speed of 1 000 ft/min, the

    climb angle is a bout: 3° / ROC/TAS = 1000/194 = 5.15% Each 5% ofgradient is roughly e qual to a 3 degree climb.

    » When ying the "Backside of Thrust curve" means a lower airspeedrequires m ore thrust.

    » The e ffect of a higher take-off ap setting u p to the maximum certiedtake-off ap setting is: an increase of the eld length limited take-off massbut a decrease of the climb limited take-off mass.

    A higher ap setting for takeoff result in a shorter take off roll, therefore theeld length take-off mass increases. The climb gradient is l ess whichdecreases t he climb limited take off mass.

    » For this q uestion use Reference CAP698 third edition July 2 006 SEP 1Figure 2.3. Using the climb performance chart, for the single engineaeroplane, determine the rate of climb and the gradient of climb in thefollowing conditions: Given: O.A.T at Take-off: ISA, Airport pressure

    altitude: 3000 ft, Aeroplane mass: 3450 lbs,

    Speed:100 KIAS.= 1120ft/min a nd 9 .3%

    » The maximum rate of climb that can be maintained at the absolute ceilingis: 0 ft/min

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    » Compared to a more forward position, a Centre of Gravity cl ose to, but notbeyond, the aft limit: improves the maximum range.

    » Which of the following statements i s c orrect? A stopway means an ar eabeyond the take-off runway, able to support the aeroplane during an abortedtake-off.

    » An a irport has a 3 000 m eters long runway, and a 2000 meters cl earway a teach end of that runway. For the calculation of the maximum allowed take-off mass, the take-off distance available cannot be greater than: 4500meters.

    The clearway used can' t exceed 50% of the TORA. If TORA is 3000 m and50% of that is 15 00m this m eans you can't use more than 1500m of theclearway. TODA is 3000 + 1500 = 4500m.

    » Assuming that the required lift exists, which forces determine anaeroplane's angle of climb? Weight, drag a nd thrust.

    » How does t he best angle of climb and best rate of climb vary withincreasing altitude for an aeroplane with a normal aspirated piston engine?Both de crease.

    » The a ngle of climb with aps ext ended, compared to that with aps

    retracted, will normally be: smaller.

    » How does t he specic range change when the altitude increases for jetaeroplane ying with the speed for maximum range? First increases t handecreases.

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    » The length of a clearway may b e included in: the take-off distance available.

    » Changing the take-off ap setting from ap 15° to ap 5° will normallyresult in: a longer take-off distance and a better climb.

    » What will be t he e ffect on a n a eroplane's p erformance if aerodromepressure altitude is d ecreased? It will decrease the take-off distancerequired.

    » If the aerodrome pressure altitude increases i t will: increase the take-offdistance.

    » What is t he most important aspect of the 'backside of the power curve'?

    The speed is un stable.

    The faster the airspeed is a bove Vmd, the greater the speed stability.Conversely the s lower the a irspeed is b elow Vmd the g reater the s peedinstability.

    » What is t he effect of increased mass o n the performance of a glidingaeroplane? The sp eed for best angle o f descent increases.A heavier aircraft has t o glide at a faster speed to be at Vmd because thedrag curve h as m oved up and to the right.

    » Which force compensates t he weight in unaccelerated s traight and levelight? the lift

    » The load factor in a turn in level ight with constant TAS depends o n thebank an gle o nly.

    » The induced drag of an aeroplane decreases w ith increasing a irspeed.

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    » The induced d rag o f an aeroplane a t constant mass i n u n-acceleratedlevel ight is greatest at: the lowest achievable s peed in a given c onguration

    » The lowest point of the thrust required curve of a jet aeroplane is t he point

    for: minimum drag.

    » The p oint where Drag c oefficient/Lift coefficient is a minimum is the lowestpoint of the drag curve.

    » The airspeed for jet aeroplanes a t which "power required" is m inimum isalways lower than the minimum drag speed.

    » On the Power versus TA S graph for level ight, the point at which a

    tangent from the origin touches t he power required curve: is t he pointwhere the Lift to Drag ratio is a maximum.

    » At a h igher gross m ass o n a p iston-engined aeroplane, in o rder tomaintain a given angle of attack, conguration and altitude: the airspeedmust be increased a nd the d rag will also increase.

    » On a reciprocating engine aeroplane, to maintain a given angle of attack,conguration and altitude at higher gross mass: an increase in airspeed

    and power is r equired.

    » An aeroplane with reciprocating engines i s y ing at a constant angle ofattack, mass and conguration. With increasing altitude the drag: remainsunchanged but the TAS increases.

    » On a reciprocating engine aeroplane, with increasing altitude at constantgross mass, angle of attack and conguration the power required:increases a nd the TAS increases b y the same p ercentage.

    » Assuming the g ross m ass, altitude and airspeed remain unchanged,moving the Centre of Gravity from the forward safe limit to the aft safelimit: decreases the induced d rag and reduces the p ower required.

    » The intersections of the thrust available and the drag curve are theoperating points of the aeroplane: in unaccelerated level ight.

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    » In straight horizontal steady ight, at speeds b elow that for minimum drag:a lower speed requires a higher thrust.


    A lower airspeed at constant mass and altitude requires: a h ighercoefficient of lift.

    » The coefficient of lift can be increased either by a p extension or by:increasing the angle of attack.

    » Which o f the e quations be low denes spe cic range (SR)?SR = True Airspeed/Total Fuel Flow


    Can the length of a stopway b e added to the runway length to determinethe take-off distance available? No.

    » The take-off distance available is: the length of the take-off run available plusthe length of the clearway available.

    » A higher pressure altitude at ISA temperature: decreases t he eld lengthlimited take-off mass.

    » The take-off distance required increases: due to slush on the runway.

    » Due to standing water on the runway the eld length limited take-off masswill be: lower.

    » On a dry runway the accelerate stop distance is i ncreased: by u phill slope.

    » On a long distance ight the gross mass decreases co ntinuously a s aconsequence of the fuel consumption. The result is: The sp ecic range andthe optimum altitude increases.

    » In unaccelerated climb: thrust equals d rag p lus t he d ownhill component ofthe gross weight in the ight path direction.

    » The rate of climb is approximately equal to: the still-air gradient multiplied bythe TAS.

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    » If the thrust available exceeds the thrust required for level ight: theaeroplane accelerates i f the altitude is m aintained.


    Any acceleration in climb, with a constant power setting, decreases t he rateof climb and the angle of climb.

    » The 'climb gradient' is d ened as t he ratio of: the increase of altitude tohorizontal air distance expressed as a percentage.

    » A higher outside air temperature: reduces t he angle and the rate o f climb.

    » A headwind c omponent increasing with a ltitude, as co mpared to zero wind

    condition, (assuming IAS is constant): has no effect on rate of climb.

    » A constant headwind: increases t he angle of the descent ight path.

    » The absolute ceiling: is the altitude at which the rate of climb theoretically iszero.

    » The a erodynamic ce iling: is t he altitude at which the speeds for low speedbuffet and for high speed buffet are the same.

    » In a given conguration the endurance of a piston engine aeroplane onlydepends on: altitude, speed, mass a nd fuel on board.

    » For a jet aeroplane, the m aximum climb a ngle is a chieved a t a sp eedcorresponding to: the m aximum CL/CD ratio

    » What is t he equation for the climb gradient expressed in percentage duringunaccelerated ight (applicable to small angles o nly):Climb Gradient = ((Thrust - Drag)/Weight) x 100

    » At reference or use Performance M anual SEP 1 Figure 2.1

    Airport characteristics: hard, dry a nd runway sl ope zero

    Actual conditions are:

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    pressure altitude: 1500 ft

    outside temperature: 18°C

    wind c omponent: 4 knots t ailwind

    For a take-off mass of 2800 lbs, the take-off distance will be: 1500 ft

    » Density altitude is the: pressure altitude corrected for 'non standard'temperature

    » The Density Altitude: is us ed to d etermine the a eroplane p erformance.

    » Which of the following combinations a dversely a ffects take-off and initialclimb pe rformance? High temperature and high relative humidity

    » During climb to the cruising level, a headwind component: decreases theground distance own during that climb.

    » The effect that a t ailwind has on the value o f the m aximum endurancespeed is: none.

    » During climb with all engines, the altitude where the rate of climb reducesto 100 ft/min is called: Service ceiling.

    » Take-off run is d ened as t he: horizontal distance along the take-off pathfrom the start of the take-off to a point equidistant between the point at whichVLOF is r eached a nd the point at which the aeroplane is 3 5 ft above the take-off surface.

    TOR is t he total distance from brake release o the screen height.

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    » In a steady descending ight (descent angle GAMMA) equilibrium offorces a cting on the aeroplane is g iven by: (T = Thrust, D = Drag, W =Weight): T + W sin GAMMA = D


    An a eroplane e xecutes a st eady glide a t the s peed for minimum glideangle. If the forward speed is ke pt constant, what is t he effect of a lowermass? Rate of descent / Glide angle / CL / CD ratio:Increases / increases / decreases

    » An aeroplane is i n a power off glide at speed for minimum glide angle. Ifthe pilot increases p itch attitude the glide distance: decreases.

    » The m aximum indicated a ir speed o f a p iston e ngine a eroplane withoutturbo charger, in level ight, is r eached: at the lowest possible altitude.

    » Which of the following combinations b asically has a n effect on the a ngle ofdescent in a glide? (Ignore compressibility effects.) Conguration and a ngleof attack.

    » Two identical aeroplanes a t different masses a re descending at zero windand zero thrust. Which of the following statements c orrectly d escribes t heirdescent characteristics?At a given angle of attack, both the vertical and the forward speed are greaterfor the heavier aeroplane.

    » Compared with still-air, the effect a headwind has on the values o f themaximum range speed and the maximum gradient climb speedrespectively is that: the maximum range speed increases and the m aximumgradient climb speed is n ot affected.

    » The maximum speed in horizontal ight occurs when: The maximum thrust

    is e qual to the total drag.

    » Which of the following factors will lead to an increase of ground distanceduring a g lide, while m aintaining the appropriate minimum glide anglespeed? Tailwind.

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    » Which of the following factors l eads t o the maximum ight time of a glide?Low mass.

    » When a n a ircraft takes off with the m ass l imited b y the TODA: the actualtake-off mass e quals t he eld length limited take-off mass.

    » A four jet-engine aeroplane (mass = 150 000 kg) is e stablished on climbwith all engines operating. The lift-to-drag ratio is 14. Each engine has athrust of 75 000 Newton. The gradient of climb is: (given: g= 10 m/s²) 12.86%. /First we need to convert the weight into Newtons

    150 000 kgs x 10m/s² = 1 500 000 N

    L/D ration is 1 4:1 so the drag will be 1 500 000 / 14 = 107142.85 N

    Substitute values in formula(T-D) / W = SIN THETA x 100 (as t he questions wants a percentage)

    (300 000 - 107 142.85)/1 500 000 = 0.1285714 X 100

    = 12.86%

    » Regarding unaccelerated horizontal ight, Minimum Drag is: proportional toaircraft mass.


    VR is t he speed at which the pilot should start to rotate the aeroplane.

    » If the aircraft mass, in a horizontal unaccelerated ight, decreases: theminimum drag decreases an d the IAS for minimum drag decreases.

    » The stopway is a n area which allows a n increase only in the: accelerate-stop distance available.

    » Take-off performance data, for the ambient conditions, show the following

    limitations with ap 10° se lected: - runway l imit: 5 270 kg - obstacle limit: 4630 kg Estimated take-off mass i s 5 0 00kg. Considering a take-off withaps a t: 5°, the obstacle limit is i ncreased but the runway limit decreases

    » A runway is con taminated with 0 .5 cm of wet snow. The ight manual of alight twin nevertheless authorizes a landing in these conditions. Thelanding distance will be, in relation to that for a dry runway: increased

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    » An increase in atmospheric p ressure has, among other things, thefollowing co nsequences on landing performance: a reduced landingdistance and improved go-around performance

    » A decrease in atmospheric p ressure has, among other things, thefollowing co nsequences on take-off performance: an increased take-offdistance and degraded initial climb performance

    » A decrease in atmospheric p ressure results i n a decrease in air densitywhich therefore means a decrease in aircraft performance. These resultsin an increased take off distance required and degraded climbperformance.

    » The pilot of a single engine aircraft has e stablished the climb performance.The carriage of an additional passenger will cause the climb performanceto be: Degraded

    » Which one of the following statements i s t rue concerning the effect ofchanges o f ambient temperature on an aeroplane's p erformance,assuming a ll other performance p arameters remain co nstant? A decreasewill cause an increase of the climb gradient.

    » Ignoring the effect of compressibility, the effect a change of altitude has o nthe value of the coefficient of lift is that it: is independent of altitude.

    » The following parameters a ffect the take off ground run: 1 decreasing takeoff mass, 3 increasing density, 5 increasing ap setting, 8 decreasingpressure altitude.

    » Besides l ift, the forces t hat determine the gradient of climb of an aeroplane

    are: Weight, drag and thrust.

    » The effect that an increased outside air temperature has o n the climbperformance of an aeroplane is that it: reduces b oth the climb gradient andthe rate of climb.

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    » The e ffect of a higher take-off ap setting u p to the maximum certiedtake-off ap setting is: an increase of the eld length limited take-off massbut a decrease of the climb limited take-off mass.

    » Which of the following are to be taken into account for the runway in usefor take-off? Airport elevation, runway s lope, outside air temperature,pressure altitude and wind components.

    » In which of the ight conditions listed below is the thrust required equal tothe d rag? In level ight with constant IAS

    » When ying the "Backside of Thrust curve" means a lower airspeedrequires m ore thrust.

    » The maximum rate of climb that can be maintained at the absolute ceilingis: 0 ft/min

    » In which of the following distances c an the length of a stopway beincluded? In the accelerate stop distance available.

    » Other factors r emaining c onstant and not limiting, how does increasingpressure altitude affect allowable take-off mass? Allowable take-off mass


    » The requirements w ith regard to take-off ight path and the climbsegments a re o nly sp ecied for: the failure of the critical engine on a multi-engines ae roplane.

    » Vx a nd Vy with take-off aps w ill be: lower than that for clean conguration.

    » Other factors remaining constant, how does i ncreasing altitude affect Vx

    and Vy in terms of TAS? Both will increase.

    » Long range cruise is a ight procedure which gives: a sp ecic range whichis ap proximately 99% of maximum specic range and a higher cruise speed.

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    » With zero wind, the angle of attack for maximum range for an aeroplanewith turbojet engines is: lower than the angle of attack corresponding tomaximum endurance

    » In the event of engine failure below V1, the rst action to be taken by t hepilot in order to decelerate the aeroplane is t o: reduce the engine thrust.

    » At a g iven altitude, when a turbojet aeroplane mass i s increased by 5% -assuming the engines sp ecic co nsumption remains unchanged, its h ourlyconsumption is a pproximately increased b y: 5%

    » An a eroplane o perating under the 180 minutes E TOPS rule m ay be up to:180 minutes ying time from a suitable airport in still air, with one engine


    » ETOPS ight is a twin engine jet aeroplane ight conducted over a route,where no suitable airport is w ithin an area of: 60 minutes ying time in stillair at the approved one engine out cruise speed.

    » At reference o r see Performance Manual MRJT 1 Figure 4 .24.

    With regard to the drift down performance of the twin jet aeroplane, why

    does t he curve representing 35 000 kg gross mass i n the chart for driftdown net proles st art at approximately 3 minutes a t FL370? Because atthis m ass i t takes a bout 3 minutes t o decelerate to the optimum speed for driftdown at the original cruising level.

    » You climb with a climb speed schedule 300/.78. What do you expect in thecrossover altitude 29 200 ft (OAT = ISA)? The rate of climb increases si ncethe c onstant IAS-climb is r eplaced b y the c onstant Mach-climb.

    » At reference o r see Performance Manual MEP1 Figure 3 .2.

    With regard to the graph for the light twin aeroplane, will the accelerateand stop distance be achieved in a t ake-off where the brakes are r eleasedbefore take-off power is se t? No, the performance will be worse than in thechart.

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    » The critical engine inoperative: increases t he power required and the totaldrag due to the additional drag of the windmilling engine and thecompensation of the yaw moment.


    To achieve t he maximum range over ground with headwind the airspeedshould be: higher compared to the speed for maximum range cruise with nowind.

    » How wind is co nsidered in the t ake-off performance data o f the AeroplaneOperations Manuals? Not more than 50% of a h eadwind and not less t han150% of the tailwind.

    » V1 h as t o be: equal to o r higher than VMCG.

    » Which statement is c orrect for a descent without engine thrust atmaximum lift to drag ratio speed? The higher the gross m ass t he greater isthe s peed for descent.

    » As l ong as a n aeroplane is i n a steady cl imb: VX is al ways l ess t han VY.

    » The b est rate of climb at a c onstant gross m ass: decreases w ith increasingaltitude since the thrust available decreases d ue to the lower air density.

    » Higher gross m ass a t the s ame altitude decreases t he gradient and therate of climb whereas: VY and VX are increased.

    » The s peed V2 is d ened for jet aeroplane as: take-off climb sp eed o r speedat 35 ft.

    » VX is: the speed for best angle of climb.

    » The speed for best rate of climb is c alled: VY.

    » What percentages o f the h ead wind and tail wind component are takeninto account when calculating the take off eld length required? 50% headwind and 150% tail wind.

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    » For a jet aeroplane, the speed for maximum range is: that corresponding tothe point of contact of the tangent from the origin to the Drag versus T AScurve.


    The take-off runway performance requirements f or transport categoryaeroplanes are based upon: failure of the critical engine or all enginesoperating whichever requirement gives t he greater distance.

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.7Given:OAT: 0°CPressure Altitude: 18000 ftGross M ass: 3750 lbs

    Mixture: leaned to 25°F rich of peak E GTOther conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.What is t he two engine rate of climb for the conditions g iven? 1050 ft/min

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.7 Given: OAT: 10°C PressureAltitude: 2000 ft Gross Mass: 3750 lbs O ther conditions a s a ssociated inthe header of the graph. What is t he one engine inoperative rate of climbfor the conditions g iven? 430 ft/min

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2Given:OAT: 20°C

    Pressure Altitude: 2000 ftRWY: 24LWind: 120°/ 8 k tsTake off Mass: 4500 lbsHeavy Duty Brakes installed.Other conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.

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    What is t he Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions g iven?4200 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2

    Given:OAT: -10°CPressure Altitude: 4000 ftRWY: 30LWind: 180°/10 ktsTake off Mass: 4600 lbsHeavy Duty Brakes installed.Other conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.What is t he Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions g iven?

    4250 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2Given:OAT: 25°CPressure Altitude: 3000 ftRWY: 24LWind: 310°/20ktsTake off Mass: 4400 lbs

    Heavy Duty B rakes installedOther conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.What is t he Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions g iven?3750 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2Given:OAT: 20°CPressure Altitude: 2000 ft

    RWY: 07RWind: 120°/ 15 ktsTake off Mass: 4500 lbsHeavy Duty Brakes installed.Other conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.

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    What is t he Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions g iven?3450 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2

    Given:OAT: 25°CPressure Altitude: 3000 ftRWY: 26LWind: 310°/20ktsTake off Mass: 4400 lbsHeavy Duty B rakes installedOther conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the of the graph.What is t he Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions g iven?

    3500 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.2Given:OAT: -10°CPressure Altitude: 4000 ftRWY: 12RWind: 180°/10 ktsTake off Mass: 4600 lbs

    Heavy Duty Brakes installed.Other conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.What is t he Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions g iven?3550 ft

    » How does t he thrust of a propeller vary d uring take-off run, assumingunstalled ow conditions at the propeller blades? The thrust: decreaseswhile the aeroplane speed builds u p.

    » A twin engine aeroplane is yi ng at the minimum control speed with take-off thrust on both engines. The critical engine suddenly fails. Afterstabilizing the engine failure transient which parameter(s) must bemaintainable? Straight ight.

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    » Approaching in turbulent wind conditions d uring manual ight requires: anincrease in approach speed

    » What happens to the drag of a jet aeroplane if, during the initial climb after

    take off, constant IAS is m aintained? (Assume a constant Mass.): The dragremains al most constant.

    » What happens when an aeroplane climbs at a con stant Mach n umber?The lift coefficient increases.

    » Which of the following provides m aximum obstacle clearance duringclimb? The speed for maximum climb a ngle Vx.

    » If the value of the balanced V1 is found to be lower than VMCG, which ofthe following is c orrect? V1 must be increased to a t least the value of VMCG.

    » Which statement concerning the inclusion of a clearway in take-offcalculation is correct? The eld length limited take-off mass will increase.

    » The a pproach c limb requirement has be en e stablished to e nsure: minimumclimb gradient in case of a go-around with one engine inoperative.

    » Following a take-off determined by the 50ft (15m) screen height, a lighttwin climbs o n a 10% over-the-ground climb gradient.

    It will clear a 900 m high obstacle in relation to the runway (horizontally),situated at 10 000 m from the 50 ft clearing point with an obstacleclearance of: 115 m / Change in ht = gradient x d istance travelled/100Change in h t = 10 x 10000/100 = 1000 m Add to this t he s tart height at thescreen o f 15m = 1015 m. So the a/c will clear the 900m obstacle by 1 15m

    » The drift down procedure species r equirements c oncerning the: obstacleclearance after engine failure.

    » Given a jet aircraft. Which order of increasing speeds i n the performancediagram is co rrect? Vs, Vx, Maximum range speed

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    » Is t here any difference between the vertical speed versus f orward speedcurves for two identical aeroplanes h aving different masses? (Assumezero thrust and wind): Yes, the difference is that for a given angle of attackboth the vertical and forward speeds o f the heavier aeroplane will be larger.

    » Following a take-off, limited by the 50 ft screen height, a light twin climbson a gradient of 5%. It will clear a 160 m obstacle in relation to the runway(horizontally), situated at 5 000 m from the 50 ft point with an obstacleclearance margin of: 105 m

    » The ight manual of a light twin engine recommends t wo cruise powersettings, 65 a nd 75 %. The 7 5% power setting in relation to the 6 5 %results in: an increase in speed, fuel consumption and fuel-burn/distance.

    » At a given mass, the reference stall speed of a twin engine turbo-propaeroplane is 10 0 kt in the landing conguration. The m inimum speed apilot must maintain in short nal is: 123 kt

    » Which statement is c orrect for a descent without engine thrust atmaximum lift to drag ratio speed? A tailwind c omponent increases t heground distance.

    » According to CS-25 the landing reference sp eed VREF may n ot be lessthan: 1.23 VSRO and must be maintained down to 50 ft height

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.1 Given: OAT: 24°C PressureAltitude: 3000 ft RWY: 30R Wind: 060°/4 kts Ta ke off Mass: 3800 lbs O therconditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t he Take-offDistance under the conditions g iven? 2000 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3 .7 Given: OAT: - 20°C Pressure

    Altitude: 14000 ft Gross Mass: 4000 lbs M ixture: full rich Other conditionsas a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t he two engine rate ofclimb for the conditions g iven? 1300 ft/min

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.1 Given: OAT: 24°C PressureAltitude: 3000 ft RWY: 12L Wind: 080°/12 kts Ta ke o ff Mass: 3800 lbs

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    Other conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t heGround Roll Distance under the conditions g iven? 1350 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.7 Given: OAT: 10°C Pressure

    Altitude: 2000 ft Gross Mass: 3750 lbs M ixture: full rich Other conditionsas a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t he two engine rate ofclimb for the conditions g iven? 1770 ft/min

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3 .1 Given: OAT: -15°C PressureAltitude: 4000 ft RWY: 12R Wind: 080°/12 kt s Ta ke o ff Mass: 4000 lbsOther conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph.What is t he Ground Roll Distance under the conditions g iven? 1270 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.1 Given: OAT: 24°C PressureAltitude: 3000 ft RWY: 12L Wind: 080°/12 kts Ta ke o ff Mass: 3800 lbsOther conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t heTake-off Distance under the conditions given? 1700 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3 .7 Given: OAT: - 20°C PressureAltitude: 18000 ft Gross Mass: 4000 lbs Mixture: leaned to 25°F rich ofpeak EGT Other conditions a s a ssociated in the h eader of the g raph.What is t he two engine rate of climb for the conditions g iven? 1050 ft/min

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3 .1 Given: OAT: -15°C PressureAltitude: 4000 ft RWY: 12R Wind: 080°/12 kts Ta ke o ff Mass: 4000 lbsOther conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t heTake-off Distance under the conditions given? 1550 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3 .7 Given: OAT: - 20°C PressureAltitude: 14000 ft Gross Mass: 4000 lbs O ther conditions a s a ssociated inthe header of the graph. What is t he one engine inoperative rate of climbfor the conditions g iven? 175 ft/min

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.1 Given: OAT: 24°C PressureAltitude: 3000 ft RWY: 30R Wind: 060°/4 kts Ta ke off Mass: 3800 lbs O ther

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    conditions a s a ssociated in the header of the graph. What is t he GroundRoll Distance under the conditions g iven? 1670 ft

    » Use P erformance Manual MEP1 Figure 3 .2 With regard to the graph for

    the light twin aeroplane, if the brakes are released before take-off power isachieved, the accelerate/stop distance will be: longer than the graphicaldistance.

    » Assuming other factors r emain constant and not limiting, increasing theaerodrome p ressure a ltitude: Will cause the maximum permitted take-offmass t o de crease.

    » The engine failure during take-off run results in: A longer ground roll.

    » When ca rrying out Short Landing Operations what is the maximum lengthof the Declared Safe Area? 90m

    » You are ying at minimum drag speed of 230 kts i n a jet, if you y a tmaximum range spe ed what is your speed? 1 .32 x 230 = 304 kts

    » Using the a ttached image: or CAP 698 F ig 4 .28 G iven the following d atadetermine the Field Length Limiting Landing Mass. Runway: Dry Manual

    spoilers Anti-skid: Operative Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft Headwind: 30 ktsField Length: 2100 meters F laps: 15° = 57 200 kg

    » What is m aximum range speed for a Turbo Prop aircraft with a VMD of143kts? 143 kts

    » If you experience an engine failure before speed (1)... the pilot must, witha reaction time of (2).... be able to stop the plane within (3).... (1) V1 (2) 2 se cs ( 3) ASDA.