226 F14 Lesson10 Nabucco2

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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“Valiant soldier!”

Abigaille comes to rescue Fenena, but finds her in the embrace of Ismaele (for whom she has a secret love)

vows vengeance

extremes of her emotions: horror, jealousy, vengeance, reminiscences of her love

“Valiant soldier!”

double aria

begins in lower register

brass and loud orchestral accents on “tomb” and “thunderbolt”

fast descending lines at end of first aria reminiscent of bel canto fiorito style

“Valiant soldier!”

second aria, “I loved you”, begins with flutes and more consistent accompaniment, but agitated rhythms

when Isamaele sings, uses same melody as Abigaille, but with some embellishments (indication of strophic form)

“Valiant soldier!”

breaks into a trio with Fenena, who introduces a new melody

Abigaille exploits higher register more in the trio

“Let the madmen trembleat my anger”

begins as a Nabucco aria

waltz accompaniment

quick string rhythms similar to beginning of Abigaille’s “Valiant soldier” aria

evolves into quartet and chorus

“Who is it that takes my royal scepter from me?”

Nabucco has been zapped, loses crown

alternates between agitated, faster rhythmic motion and sweeter, more legato melodies

pizzicatos - tears

tremolos - loss of support

“Va pensiero”


waltz - nostalgic, very quiet

increase in dynamics on “Oh, my country” and suddenly soft on “lost” - using same opening melody

second stanza has new music, but last two lines use same melody as very beginning