23-Assurance Statement Quality in Environmental, Social and Sustainability Reporting a Cri

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  • 7/30/2019 23-Assurance Statement Quality in Environmental, Social and Sustainability Reporting a Cri


    No. 23-2004 ICCSR Research Paper Series - ISSN 1479-5116

    No. 23-2004 ICCSR Research Paper Series - ISSN 1479-5124

    Assurance Statement Quality in Environmental,Social and Sustainability Reporting: A Critical

    Evaluation of Leading Edge Practice

    David Owen and Brendan ODwyer

    Research Paper SeriesInternational Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility

    ISSN 1479-5116

    Editor: Dirk Matten

    International Centre for Corporate Social ResponsibilityNottingham University Business School

    Nottingham UniversityJubilee CampusWollaton Road

    Nottingham NG8 1BBUnited Kingdom

    Phone +44 (0)115 95 15261

    Fax +44 (0)115 84 66667Email dirk.matten@nottingham.ac.ukhttp://www.nottingham.ac.uk/business/ICCSR

  • 7/30/2019 23-Assurance Statement Quality in Environmental, Social and Sustainability Reporting a Cri


  • 7/30/2019 23-Assurance Statement Quality in Environmental, Social and Sustainability Reporting a Cri


    Assurance Statement Quality in Environmental, Social and SustainabilityReporting: A Critical Evaluation of Leading Edge Practice

    Professor David Owen and Dr. Brendan ODwyer


    Recent years have witnessed a continual growth in the number of companiesreporting publicly on various aspects of their environmental and socialperformance. Accompanying this growth has been a discernible rise in thenumber of these reports that are being verified by independent third parties inorder to increase the credibility of their contents for readers. In this paper weundertake a detailed critical analysis of assurance statements appearing inleading edge environmental, social and sustainability reports as represented bythose shortlisted for the 2002 ACCA UK and European Sustainability Reporting

    Awards scheme. Prior studies have questioned the credibility of statementswhich appeared in the mid to late 1990s, raising fundamental questions as totheir value for external stakeholders. Drawing on an evaluative frameworkcentrally informed by the recently issued AccountAbility, FEE and GRI guidelineson assurance, we advance previous work by assessing whether current leadingedge assurance practices offer more in terms of enhancing transparency andaccountability than did their predecessors.

    Our analysis indicates some improvement in terms of the rigour of workundertaken and independence of the assurance exercise. However, it alsoexposes a large degree of management control over the assurance process, as

    evidenced by a reluctance to address statements to specific stakeholderconstituencies and a general absence of stakeholder participation in assuranceprocesses. Distinct approaches to assurance among accountant and consultantassurers are also highlighted with the former primarily adopting a cautious,limited approach aimed at providing low assurance levels. While consultantassurers take a more evaluative approach and appear to provide higher levelassurance, their focus on aiding corporate strategic direction potentially blurstheir independence. We contend that their apparent intertwining of the conceptsof accountability and value added needs careful scrutiny as this may reflect anultimate accountability to corporate management as opposed to otherstakeholders.


    David Owen is Professor of Environmental and Social Accounting at theInternational Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) at NottinghamUniversity Business School.Brendan ODwyer, BComm MBS DPA PhD ACA lectures in the Department of

    Accountancy at the Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, University

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    College Dublin where he is Programme Director of the Master of Accounting.Brendans main research interests encompass: corporate social accountability,social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting, corporate governance,professional accounting body ethics, and qualitative research methods. His workhas been published widely in a number of leading international refereed

    academic journals includingAccounting, Auditing and Accountability JournalandThe European Accounting Review. He is a member of the editorial board ofAccounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. Prior to joining academia,Brendan worked as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst and Young in Dublin.

    Address for correspondence

    Professor David Owen, International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility,Nottingham University Business School, Nottingham University, Jubilee Campus,Wollaton Road, Nottingham NG8 1BB, United Kingdom, Emaildavid.owen@nottingham.ac.uk

    Dr. Brendan ODwyer, Department of Accountancy, Michael Smurfit GraduateSchool of Business, University College Dublin, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland, Email:brendan.odwyer@ucd.ie

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    1. Introduction

    Recent years have witnessed a steady growth in the number of companies reporting

    publicly on various aspects of their environmental and social performance. For

    leading edge reporters, predominantly, but not exclusively, large companies

    operating in sensitive industrial sectors the preferred means of dissemination has

    increasingly become the production of a substantial stand alone paper and/or web

    based report. Since 1993, KPMGs tri-annual survey of reporting practice has charted

    the steady growth in the number of reporters. In the latest (2002) survey, for

    example, it is noted that 45% of the top 250 companies of the Global Fortune 500

    (GFT250) now issue an environmental, social or sustainability report compared to

    35% in 1999 (KPMG, 2002). A significant growth rate is also noted in the number of

    reports issued by the top 100 companies in eleven countries (including nine from

    Europe together with the USA and Australia) up from 13% in 1993 to 28% in 2002.

    Accompanying the growth in reporting has been a discernible rise in the proportion of

    environmental, social and sustainability reports that are verified by independent third

    parties. This trend is primarily driven by a realisation that the growing levels of

    disclosure are being undermined by a credibility gap arising from a lack of confidence

    in both the data and the sincerity of reporting organisations (Doane, 2000; Swift and

    Dando, 2002; Dando and Swift, 2003). According to KPMGs figures, 29% of GFT250

    report issuers in 2002 had their reports verified (1999: 19%) whilst similarly 27% of

    top 100 companies included a third party verification statement in their report

    compared with just 18% in 1999 (see also, CSR Network, 2003; Kolk, 2003).

    Amongst leading edge reporters verification is significantly more prevalent, with

    SustainAbilitys (2002) analysis of sustainability reporting indicating that 68% of the

    worlds best sustainability reports feature some form of assurance statement. KPMG

    (2002) suggests that the increased prevalence of verification arises from the

    demand for reliable and credible information from management, for managing the

    companys environmental and social risks, and from stakeholders who want

    assurance that the report truly represents the companys efforts and achievements

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    (p.18). As Roger Adams, Technical Director of the Association of Chartered Certified

    Accountants (quoted in AccountAbility, 2003a) notes:

    All organisations want to show themselves in the best possible light. ACCA

    believes that independent external assurance is a vital part of the credibility

    and trust building process. The role of independent assurance is to ensure

    that the reporter presents an account that is fair, complete, unbiased and

    relevant. (p. 7)

    Significantly, in the light of Adams comments, studies of assurance practice in the

    context of environmental reporting have raised serious questions over the credibility

    of such exercises and fundamental doubts concerning any value thereby added to

    the reports produced from the perspective of external stakeholders. Kamp-Roelands

    (2002) highlights major inconsistencies in terms of subject matter addressed, audit

    scope, objectives and criteria employed, level of assurance provided, audit

    procedures employed and wording of audit opinions offered. In a more critical vein,

    Ball et al (2000) suggest that question marks over verifier independence and the

    degree of rigour applied to their work, evidence of auditee control over the process

    and an overriding emphasis on management systems as opposed to performance

    based issues are indicative of a managerial turn rather than the exercise

    representing any corporate commitment to external transparency and accountability

    (see also, Gray, 2000, 2001).

    Developments since the above two studies were carried out (for both the Kamp-

    Roelands and Ball et al. studies the most recent reporting year utilised was 1997-98)

    suggest that this is an opportune time to re-visit the issue of assurance statement

    quality in order to ascertain the degree to which current practice exhibits similarweaknesses to the ones they highlighted. One key development, accompanying the

    increased popularity of reportingper se referred to above, has been the introduction

    of a social, in addition to the longer standing environmental, component into reports

    as what is commonly termed sustainability reporting becomes ever more prevalent.

    Significantly, KPMGs 2002 survey is described as being one of sustainability

    reporting whilst the previous ones were termed environmental reporting surveys.

    Figures produced in the 2002 survey indicate that 27% of the GFT250 and 35% of

    the top 100 company reports studied contained a significant social dimension. The

    2002 survey draws particular attention to an increasing focus on social issues,


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    like community involvement, equal opportunity, workforce diversity, human rights,

    supplier relations, child labour, freedom of association and fair trade, and goes on to

    note that we expect this trend to be continued in the following years and for

    sustainability reporting to become more integrated into business practice (p. 5).

    Such a major broadening of focus for the reporting exercise has clear implications for

    any accompanying assurance process, both in terms of scope of work carried out

    and constituencies placing reliance on it. Recognition of this fact seems apparent

    from the issuing of assurance practice guidance statements in recent years by

    influential bodies such as AccountAbility (1999, 2003b), the Federation des Experts

    Comptables Europeens (FEE, 2002) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI, 2002).

    Whilst apparently pursuing somewhat different agendas, all of these initiatives have

    the common aim of securing increased rigour in assurance practice, with a view to

    enhancing the credibility of the reporting exercise itself. Additionally, they provide a

    yardstick by which to judge the degree of reliance that can be placed on current

    assurance practice as being fair, complete, unbiased and relevant.

    Our aim in this paper is to undertake a critical analysis of assurance statements

    appearing in leading edge environmental, social and sustainability reports as

    represented by those shortlisted for the 2002 ACCA UK and European Sustainability

    Reporting Awards scheme. By investigating whether inconsistencies in approach and

    evidence of a managerial turn still permeate current practice we advance and

    update the work of Ball et al. (2000) in light of the recent increase in assurance

    practice. In addition, we also analyse the extent to which the contents of assurance

    statements satisfactorily address key elements forming the basis of the

    AccountAbility, FEE and GRI recommendations such as independence, clearidentification of the scope of the engagement together with standards and criteria

    employed, materiality, completeness and responsiveness. This represents the first

    comprehensive attempt to evaluate leading edge assurance practice drawing on

    guidance issued by these influential bodies. Underpinning our analysis is a concern

    to answer the question as to whether current leading edge assurance practices offer

    more in terms of enhancing transparency and accountability than did their

    predecessors (see, Ball et al., 2000; Owen et al 2000). Before turning our attention to

    the analysis of assurance statements we look in a little more depth at the


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    AccountAbility, FEE and GRI guidelines that centrally inform our evaluative


    2. The AccountAbility, FEE and GRI Guidelines

    AccountAbility issued an exposure draft of a Foundation Standard, AA1000, in

    November 1999, which was concerned with specifying the processes both

    organisations and assurance providers should employ to secure the quality of what

    they then termed social and ethical accounting, auditing and reporting. Subsequently

    a programme of work was begun to revise the standard via an envisaged AA1000

    Series which is intended to guide organisations in establishing systematic

    accountability processes that involve Stakeholders in the generation of strategies,

    policies and programmes as well as associated indicators, targets and

    communication systems, which effectively guide decisions, activities and overall

    organisational performance (AccountAbility, 2003b, p.33). As part of this process a

    stand alone Assurance Standard has been produced which provides the basis for

    assuring a sustainability report, together with underlying processes, systems and

    competencies, against the AA1000 series definition of accountability and associated

    principles. In addition to providing guidance for the assurance provider in applying

    the AA1000 principles and in evaluating evidence in the context of assessing report

    credibility, the standard specifies the following elements that the Assurance

    Statement itself should cover:

    A statement on the use of the AA1000 Assurance Standard.

    Description of work undertaken, the level of assurance pursued and

    description of the agreed criteria to be used during the assurance process.

    Conclusions as to the report quality and underlying organisational processes,

    systems and competencies which must cover whether:i. the report provides a fair and balanced representation of material

    aspects of performance (materiality)

    ii. the organisation has an effective process in place for identifying and

    understanding activities, performance, impacts and stakeholder views


    iii. the organisation has an effective process in place for managing aspects

    of sustainability performance and responding to stakeholder views,including any significant weaknesses in underlying processes, systems

    and competencies (responsiveness)


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    iv. the report can be used by stakeholders (responsiveness)

    It is further suggested that additional commentary may be offered highlighting

    progress in both reporting and assurance since the last report together with

    suggestions for improvements in reporting and underlying processes, systems and

    competencies for the next cycle. Finally, the standard requires assurance providers

    to make information publicly available, within the assurance statement or related

    public document, concerning their independence from the reporting organisation,

    impartiality towards stakeholders and their own competencies.

    FEEs 2002 Discussion Paper Providing Assurance on Sustainability Reports

    discusses three possible approaches to providing assurance on sustainability

    information, termed accountancy, social audit and consultancy. The accountancy

    approach, whereby the roles of report preparer and assurance provider are clearly

    distinguished, with the latter using a structured approach involving the analysis of risk

    and use of appropriate procedures to gather evidence prior to issuing a report stating

    the assurance given, is considered to fundamentally underpin the comprehensive

    assurance process advocated. The Discussion Paper notes that:

    In essence, the comprehensive approach is the accountancy approach,

    enhanced through accommodation of aspects of stakeholder dialogue taken

    from the social audit approach and the well-developed understanding of

    management systems and processes developed through consultancy

    methods (p.21).

    Significantly, the accountancy approach dictates the recommended way forcommunicating assurance to report users (in situations where the assurance provider

    is a professional accountant intending to convey a high level of assurance) with

    IFACs International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISA 100) providing the

    template. This calls for the assurance statement to include:

    A title

    An addressee

    A description of the engagement objective and subject matter


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    A statement identifying the party responsible for the subject matter of the

    report and the responsibilities of the assurance provider

    In cases where the report is for restricted purposes, identification of the parties

    to whom the report is restricted and for what purpose it was prepared

    Identification of the standards under which the engagement was conducted

    Identification of the criteria against which the subject matter of the report was


    A conclusion concerning the subject matter evaluated, indicating any

    reservations or denial of a conclusion

    The report date

    The name of the assurance provider and place of issue of the report

    In considering a number of practical difficulties which may arise in preparing an

    assurance statement some scope is offered for relaxing the rather constrained IFAC

    derived format outlined above. It is, for example, suggested that the credentials of the

    assurance provider may be disclosed in situations where users may be unaware of

    them, whilst it may also be necessary to explain the assurance providers degree of

    independence from the reporting company. Furthermore, whilst issues appertaining

    to stakeholder views and concerns do not feature centrally in assurance statement

    content, as is the case with AA1000, it is acknowledged that stakeholder dialogue is

    likely to be a significant issue in the reporting process itself and may therefore be

    referred to in the assurance statement, and indeed may be necessary in helping

    determine appropriate wording for the statement. Finally, scope is offered for

    providing some assessment of the companys sustainability performance, or

    reporting of that performance, although it is stressed that any such assessment must

    be clearly differentiated from the assurance on the sustainability report itself.

    Despite the above concessions, FEEs approach to sustainability assurance appears

    much more bounded by an attitude of caution than that of AccountAbility, with an

    overriding desire to avoid creating an expectation gap whereby a user mistakenly

    assumes that there is more assurance than is actually present (p. 17). Indeed much

    emphasis is placed on using the term assurance rather than audit or verification

    for the very reason that it conveys a lower level of endorsement than that of the lattertwo terms.


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    Whereas carrying out an assurance exercise is not mandatory under the GRI

    Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, auditability of information forms one of the laid

    down reporting principles considered essential for underpinning the production of a

    balanced and reasonable report. Furthermore, a working group was formed in 1999

    to explore issues and options for strengthening the credibility of sustainability

    reports through various assurance mechanisms (GRI, 2002, p. 25). Guidance as to

    what might be included in an independent assurance report arising as a result of the

    groups consultations is contained in annex four appended to the Guidelines

    document. The guidance has much in common with that provided by FEE including

    recommendations that:

    A separately identified assurance statement is produced with a specified

    addressee identified. (It is suggested that this will normally be the board of

    directors, or, if agreed, the organisations stakeholders.)

    The respective responsibilities of report preparer and assurance provider are

    clearly distinguished.

    A statement of the scope and objective of the assurance engagement is


    The criteria used in assessing evidence and reaching conclusions are


    Standards applied are disclosed.

    A statement of the conclusion reached concerning the subject matter

    evaluated (with encouragement to report constructively on any reservations) is


    The identity and location of the assurance provider together with date of report

    is included.

    The GRI guidance, however, goes a little further than that of FEE in a number of

    instances. Firstly, it is specified that a statement affirming the assurance providers

    independence and freedom from bias and conflicts of interest should, rather than

    may, be included. Secondly, a brief description, or outline, of how evidence providing

    the basis for the conclusion reached was obtained is called for. Significantly, it is

    noted that this will include the extent to which different categories of stakeholders

    participated in the planning and execution of the assurance process and indicate any

    constraints on this process (GRI, 2002, p. 79). Finally, the GRI guidance is a littlemore prescriptive than that of FEE concerning wording of any conclusion reached in


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    that this should address the accuracy, completeness, reliability and balance of

    the sustainability report, relative to the scope of the engagement (GRI, 2002, p. 79).

    3. Research Method and Sample

    As noted earlier, our sample of assurance statements for analysis comprises those

    appearing in environmental, social and sustainability reports shortlisted for the 2002

    ACCA UK and European Sustainability Reporting Awards. The total number of

    reports shortlisted was 81, of which 48 were from the UK. Of the UK reports 28

    contained assurance statements (58%), whereas for the European reports, 13

    assurance statements were located (34%). The latter figure, however, gives a rather

    understated picture of assurance practice within large European companies in that

    none of the seven companies shortlisted in the separate SME category for the

    European scheme featured an assurance statement within their report, whilst

    additionally we were unable to access English language versions of a further four

    reports. Excluding these eleven reports from the overall sample moves the

    percentage assured up to 59%, a figure much more in line with that observed in the


    In carrying out our analysis we have followed the practice of earlier researchers (Ball

    et al., 2000; Kamp-Roelands, 2002) in looking for variations in approach between

    accountant and consultant verifiers and draw attention to notable differences where

    appropriate. Additionally, we have looked for differences in assurance practice

    applied to environmental and social/sustainability reporting exercises. A priori we

    would expect some variation in the former instance, with accountant verifiers

    presumably more likely than consultants to be influenced by the accountancy

    approach of FEE and the GRI. In the case of type of report we wouldnt, however,necessarily expect much in the way of differences of approach, save except perhaps

    for more reference to issues of stakeholder engagement and dialogue in the case of

    social/sustainability reporting. This is for two reasons. Firstly, the FEE (and to a large

    extent the GRI) guidelines, as noted, draw on IFACs ISA 100 standard, which

    applies to any report intended to convey a high level of assurance. Secondly, the

    term sustainability report is increasingly being used to cover the broad range of

    formats in which companies are reporting on their social and environmental

    performance, whether within individual social, environmental, corporate

    citizenship or environmental, health and safety reports; as part of their corporate


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    annual report; or in designated triple-bottom line and sustainability reports.

    (AccountAbility, 2003a, p.3). By implication, therefore, it would appear that

    AccountAbility are assuming their own assurance standard to be applicable to a

    broad range of reports. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the number of assurance

    statements analysed in terms of type of report and assurance provider.

    Table 1: Assurance Statements Analysed

    Type of Report Total Assurance Provider

    Accountant Consultant

    Environmental 13 (32%) 9 4

    Social/Sustainability 28 (68%) 10 18

    Total 41 19 (46%) 22 (54%)

    Noteworthy from Table 1 is that the dominant position of consultant verifiers identified

    in the Ball et al. and Kamp-Roelands studies appears to have been significantly

    eroded (at least as far as our sample is concerned), although accountants seem

    more prominent in environmental rather than social/sustainability assurance

    provision. Also, the preponderance of social/sustainability reports contrasts

    somewhat with the picture painted by KPMGs (2002) survey referred to earlier, whilst

    however providing some support for AccountAbilitys assertion above.

    The evaluative framework employed for analysing our sample of assurance

    statements is developed from the AccountAbility, FEE and GRI guidelines outlined in

    the previous section. Key questions focussed upon are as follows:

    What level of basic information concerning the assurance provider and the

    assurance process is provided? Issues addressed are whether FEE and GRI

    stipulations as to clearly identifying the type of statement (title), the addressee

    and respective responsibilities of preparer and assurance provider are

    followed, and whether information concerning the assurance providers

    competencies is provided.


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    Is the degree of independence of the assurance provider from the reporting

    organisation made clear?

    Is a clear description of work undertaken offered, covering such issues as

    scope of the assurance exercise, criteria and standards employed, together

    with the level of assurance being given?

    To what extent do statements address the core assurance principles of

    materiality, completeness and responsiveness emphasised in AccountAbilitys

    AA1000 assurance standard?

    Is any assessment of underlying processes and systems, reporting procedures

    and performance itself made, with weaknesses highlighted and

    recommendations/ strategic commentary offered?

    In what form are opinions stated? For example, do conclusions reached on the

    report address issues such as accuracy, completeness, reliability and balance

    as called for in the GRI guidance?

    A detailed questionnaire was partially derived from the instrument used in Ball et al. (2000).

    However, this instrument was substantially revised to accord with the evaluative framework

    outlined above. The initial analysis was undertaken by a research assistant who read each

    assurance statement in detail on numerous occasions. Give that there is an element of

    subjectivity in the interpretation of aspects of the evaluative framework, both authors then re-

    checked these results by reading the statements independently on several occasions.

    Numerous changes were made to the overall analysis and the statements were again analysed

    in depth by the authors to confirm and agree these revised findings.

    4. Results

    4.1 Information Provision Relating to the Assurance Provider and Assurance


    As one would expect, all assurance providers clearly identified themselves (which

    allowed us to separately identify accountant and consultant verifiers) and in the

    overwhelming majority of cases their statements were dated. Information provided

    on competencies was however patchy. Generally, Big 4 accountant verifiers were


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    content for the very name of the firm to indicate competence to undertake the

    assurance process. We identified only two instances (11% of the accountant sample)

    in which some clear indication was given of past assurance experience and four

    examples (22% of the accountant sample) of the particular area of expertise brought

    to bear on the assurance process being mentioned. In the former case, for example,

    KPMGs attestation report for Volkswagen AG notes that experience and findings

    from previous audits of environmental reports assisted them in identifying critical

    areas for examination and drawing up an audit strategy. In terms of disclosing areas

    of expertise, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) review of Abbey Nationals corporate

    citizenship report is identified as being conducted by their environmental

    management consultancy arm, whilst in a similar vein the verification of BASFs

    social responsibility report is attributed to Deloitte and Touche Global Environment

    and Sustainability Services. For their part, KPMG refer to the assembly of a

    multidisciplinary team of social responsibility and assurance specialists to undertake

    work on the Co-operative Insurance Societys social accountability report.

    Consultant verifiers were more likely to disclose details of past assurance

    experience, areas of expertise and relevant qualifications for undertaking the

    assurance exercise with almost half (48%) disclosing in this vein. For example,

    Ashridges verification report for Camelot refers to the verification team leader being

    a Certified Member and Director of AccounAbility while Casella-Stanger append to

    their verification statement for BAAs sustainability disclosures a note that they are a

    UK based environmental consultancy which has expertise in a wide range of areas,

    such as corporate social responsibility, EMS, risk, air quality, noise, water quality and

    ecology. Additionally, the company has experience in the design, development and

    verification of sustainability reports in a wide range of sectors, and several staff areregistered with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (EMA)

    as qualified auditors and members of AA1000.

    Turning to information provision concerning the assurance process itself, we were

    somewhat surprised to note that, notwithstanding the cautionary approach to

    terminology adopted in the FEE guidelines, verification statement or verifiers report

    was by a considerable margin the most popular term employed for independent

    opinion statements. This term was used on twenty occasions (49% of overall sample)

    which contrasts somewhat with the relative unpopularity of the term assurance


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    which appeared only six times (17%). It should however be noted that accountants

    were much less likely to employ the term verification, using it in just five cases (26%

    of accountants sample). Significantly, the accountant verifiers were also far more

    likely to draw attention to the respective responsibilities of report verifiers and

    preparers than were consultants. Indeed, we found only one occasion where no

    specific reference was made identifying responsible parties. This was in the context

    of Deloitte and Touches checking of certain data control procedures operated by

    Grundfos, in which case the firm is at pains to point out that neither an audit or review

    has been carried out in accordance with Danish accounting standards and that no

    assurance is provided on the correctness of the total report. For consultants, by

    contrast, on nine occasions (41%) no specific reference is made to the


    of corporate management for report preparation, although it should be acknowledged

    that the responsibilities undertaken by the verifier are generally most clearly spelt out.

    One significant area where FEE and GRI guidelines seem to be having little impact is

    in the specification of an addressee for the assurance statement. In only eleven

    instances (27% of sample) did this occur and this was exclusively among the

    accountant verifiers. They identified the board of directors on seven occasions, the

    company itself on three and, rather quaintly, the readers of the report on the

    remaining one. Intriguingly, when looking at the constituencies the organisations

    report itself purports to address we see that employees are identified in 66% of

    cases, customers 59%, the local community 54% and shareholders 49%. We can but

    contrast the situation here with that of financial reporting where the report is prepared

    for shareholders and the audit report is also clearly addressed to the same

    constituency. There are significant issues of corporate governance to unpick in therealm of sustainability reporting that presently go somewhat unacknowledged.

    4.2 Independence of the Assurance provider

    In total, just under half (46%) of assurance statements made some reference to the

    providers independence from the reporting organisation. Consultant verifiers (65% of

    cases) were more likely than accountant verifiers (39%) to provide such a statement

    or reference, particularly in the context of verifying social/sustainability reports.

    Indeed, for accountants, in the majority of cases simply labelling their statement as

    being independent was deemed to suffice. Generally, by contrast, the consultant


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    group offered a more complete description of the degree of independence prevailing

    in the reporter-assurance provider relationship. One example here is provided by

    ethics etcs statement on the Co-operative Banks partnership report that they hold

    a Business Direct account, but no other business or personal relationship with the

    bank or its directors and managers.

    Despite the accountant groups reluctance to provide a detailed statement of

    independence from the client company, it is easy to draw an inference of an arms

    length relationship from the generally detailed description provided of the respective

    responsibilities of report preparer and assurance provider drawn attention to earlier.

    Indeed, we came across no examples of accountant verifiers performing services for

    the client other than assurance provision in the context of the environmental and

    social reporting process. Whilst the overriding majority of the assurance statements

    from the consultant group suggested a similar arms length relationship, we did

    discover four instances where independence, either currently or potentially, was less

    than complete. The clearest example of this comes from csr networks validation of

    Balfour Beattys safety, environment and social report where ongoing consultancy

    contracts with the company are referred to:

    In 2002 these included advice on environmental metrics and data collection,

    and a third annual environmental management benchmarking exercise.

    Significantly, it is then noted that:

    Taken together, these contracts add depth to our appreciation of governance

    arrangements within the Group, but they also mean that our opinion cannot be

    viewed as fully independent(emphasis added).

    Interestingly, Ashridges verification of Camelots social and environmental report

    draws attention to the offering of advice and guidance on the appropriate

    performance measures to be included in the report but makes no similar

    acknowledgement of their independence being possibly compromised. The contrast

    with csr networks procedures is further highlighted by another instance, the latters

    assurance statement appended to FRC Groups social report, where it is stated that

    FRC have commissioned csr network to provide advice on social accounting


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    throughout the coming year. This presents a conflict of interest, particularly in relation

    to future assurance exercises (emphasis added).

    The final example of a less than fully independent relationship is provided by The

    Corporate Citizenship Companys attestation statement for South African Breweries

    corporate accountability report where attention is drawn to the fact that they have

    acted as consultants to the company since 1999. The nature of the relationship is

    rather underlined by Michael Tuffreys (co-founder of The Corporate Citizenship

    Company) external commentary on the report which commences with the

    resounding statement:

    Having worked with SAB since soon after its London listing, it is personally

    pleasing to see how frequently the company is now cited as a leader in social


    We would suggest that this is not the ideal way to commence an attestation

    statement if one wants to achieve credibility with ones readership. Indeed, the rest of

    the commentary does rather tend to accentuate the positive and ends with the

    rallying call that SABs record is already a strong one. Meeting the social challenge

    will make it stronger still.

    Whilst we have drawn particular attention to situations where the relationship

    between the company and its assurance provider may fall short of one of full

    independence, it must be acknowledged that these now appear to be very much the

    exception. However, similar issues of corporate governance that we drew attention to

    in the previous sub-section are again relevant when considering the concept ofindependence in the fullest sense of the term. Put simply, the assurance exercise is

    commissioned by corporate management, rather than individual stakeholder groups,

    who are thus able to place restrictions on the areas of performance and reporting

    upon which the assurance provider can bring to bear independent judgement. An

    example of this is provided in a footnote to Lloyds Register Quality Assurance

    Limiteds (LROA) verification statement on BT Groups 2002 social and

    environmental report where it is noted that:


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    [v]erification scope is to confirm that the information presented is right.

    LRQA had no input to topics chosen or their content, this is the responsibility

    of BT, with support from the Independent Advisory Panel (emphasis added).

    4.3 Description of Work Undertaken

    Whereas all assurance statements make some reference to the scope of the

    exercise undertaken, only fifteen statements (37%) go on to provide clear and

    specific information on areas not reviewed or assessed. Information provision on the

    level of assurance provided and specific criteria employed is provided by less than

    half of the sample (41%).

    Accountant verifiers (53%) seem more likely than their consultant counterparts (30%)

    to spell out the exact level of assurance pursued. In a number of cases, notably in

    work performed by PwC, it is indicated that there are limitations in the degree of

    assurance being offered. Thus, for example, in their review of Abbey Nationals

    corporate citizenship report it is clearly stated that, we have not conducted an

    audit, as defined in auditing standards, and we do not express an audit opinion on

    the performance data and information in the Report. The same phrase appears in

    the firms review of BG Groups social and environmental report, with the additional

    information provided that work had been planned and performed, in order to

    obtain reasonable, rather than absolute, assurance on the information tested,

    although a belief is stated that the work carried out, provides a reasonable basis

    for our findings. The health warning appended to the attestation statement for BPs

    environmental and social review is rather more stark, indicating that the statement in

    itself, should not be taken as a basis for interpreting BPs performance in relation

    to its non-financial policies. By contrast, in a rare example of a non Big 4accountants verification exercise, Rainbow Gillespie convey the fact that they have

    audited the social accounts of Traidcraft in accordance with AccountAbility 1000

    Section 3 - Guidelines for the social and ethical auditor. Interestingly, the only two

    other examples of (Big 4) verification exercises offering a high level of assurance are

    both confined to environmental reports. PwC give an audit opinion concerning

    environmental and safety indicators published in Rhodias sustainable development

    report, whilst KPMG are clear that they are performing an audit of Volkswagens

    environmental report. Significantly, the existence of Generally Accepted Audit

    Standards for Audits of Environmental reports (IDW PS 820), issued by the German


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    Institute of Accountants, was instrumental in enabling the latter exercise to be carried


    Clearly, the lack of specific criteria, in terms of directly applicable auditing standards,

    is a major constraint on the level of assurance offered. The criteria employed by

    accountants are generally stated as reflecting emerging best practice together with

    the underlying principles within international standards for assurance engagements.

    We came across only twelve cases (29% of sample) where the verifier clearly

    indicated that a particular standard had provided the criteria employed in the

    assurance engagement. In the case of environmental report verification, in addition to

    the use of IDW PS 820 observed above we also noted three references to

    environmental management certification. For social/sustainability report verification

    the AA1000 Framework Standardand the recently issued Accountability Assurance

    standard are clearly achieving a position of some influence, being used substantially

    to guide the assurance process on eight occasions (29% of this sample) and partially

    once (URS Verifications assurance of Unilevers web based environment and society

    disclosures). Generally consultants were to the fore in using this standard, with

    assurance work at BAA, BAT, BT, Camelot, FRC and the Co-operative Bank being

    driven by the AA1000 approach. In addition to Rainbow Gillespies verification of

    Traidcraft, referred to above, the only other example we came across of an

    accounting firms use of the AA1000 standards is KPMGs statement on the Co-

    operative Insurance Societys social accountability report. In this case the three page

    verification draws particularly heavily on the provisions of the AA1000 Framework

    Standardand features a detailed review of improvements achieved by the society

    against the eight core principles of 1999 draft of the Standard.

    Whilst criteria underpinning verification work, as may be seen from the above, aregenerally not clearly specified, an overwhelming majority of statements do provide

    details of work undertaken on the assignment as Table 2 indicates.


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    Table 2: Nature of Assurance Work Undertaken

    Nature of Work


    % ofTotal



    % ofEnvironmental


    (13 reports)

    % ofSocial/Sustainability


    (28 reports)

    Validation of data inreport

    93 93 93

    Validation of datacollection systems

    85 69 93

    Validation of achievementof targets

    12 15 11

    Validation of governancearrangements

    17 8 21

    Site visit(s) carried out 56 69 50

    Staff interviewed 85 77 89

    Stakeholders interviewed 10 8 11

    Comparing figures on work undertaken during the assurance process in the above

    table with those appearing in Ball et al.s (2000) study suggests that a discernible

    improvement in the rigour with which the process is conducted has taken place.

    Notably, for our sample 93% of assurance providers make reference to having

    undertaken a review of data in arriving at an opinion as against 70% in Ball et al.s

    study. Additionally, 85% refer to having undertaken a review of systems (Ball et al.

    43%), 56% to site visits (Ball et al. 32%) and 85% to having interviewed client staff

    (Ball et al. 61%). Significantly, the latter figure contrasts somewhat starkly with the

    number of statements (10%) that refer to interviews being carried out with

    stakeholders as part of the assurance process. Interestingly, however, for the few

    assurance providers commenting on governance issues, reference is generally made

    to the need for involving stakeholders more closely in the reporting process. Thus, for

    example, URS Verification Ltd note that the process of evaluation of stakeholder

    opinion is emerging and the link to reporting is yet to be clearly established in their

    verification of Unilevers report. In similar vein Bureau Veritass verification of BATs


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    social report refers to a need for the company to demonstrate actionable

    commitment to stakeholder issues if they are to build trust, and so improve


    4.4 Materiality, Completeness and Responsiveness

    The core principles of AccountAbilitys AA1000 Assurance Standard providing

    guidance to the assurance provider in reaching an opinion, those of materiality,

    completeness and responsiveness, are centrally concerned with issues of

    stakeholder engagement and inclusivity. The materiality principle requires the

    assurance provider to state whether the organisations report contains information

    about sustainability performance required by its stakeholders for them to be able

    to make informed judgements, decisions and actions (p. 14). According to the

    AA1000 Assurance Standard, information is material if its omission or

    misrepresentation in the Report could influence the decisions and actions of the

    Reporting Organisations stakeholders (AccountAbility, 2003b, p. 15). The

    completeness principle calls for an evaluation of the extent to which the reporting

    organisation can identify and understand material aspects of its sustainability

    performance (p. 17) which encompasses activities, impacts and stakeholder views.

    Finally, the responsiveness principle requires the assurance provider to evaluate

    whether the reporting organisation has responded to stakeholder concerns, policies

    and relevant standards, and adequately communicated these responses in its report

    (p. 18).

    We found instances of specific reference being made to materiality issues in thirteen

    assurance statements (31% of sample). However, the general procedure adopted

    was to offer a very broad statement rather than specific details of how materialitylevels had been set or indeed what exactly material implied. For example, PwCs

    review of BG Groups social and environmental report notes simply that it

    addresses the material Health, Safety, Security and Environmental issues associated

    with BGs operations, whilst Ernst and Youngs attestation of BPs environmental

    and social review states that we are not aware of any material modifications that

    should be made to the HSE data which would affect assessment of group-wide HSE

    performance. Significantly, the latter report also points out that decisions regarding

    matters included in the review have been made by the company and that the

    degree to which the Review contents address key stakeholder concerns are based


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    on BPs judgement. We could find only two assurance statements which specifically

    and unambiguously addressed the issue of materiality from a stakeholder

    perspective. These were Bureau Veritas verification statement for BATs social

    report which focussed centrally on the stakeholder dialogue process employed by the

    company and KPMGs statement on CIS social accountability report which in

    drawing attention to improvements made by the company against the eight AA1000

    (1999) principles noted under the materiality heading that:

    CIS is integrating social, ethical and environmental risks into a new risk

    management process. Stakeholder dialogue is used in risk identification and

    CIS is experimenting with various techniques of stakeholder dialogue with

    different groups and issues.

    One further example of reference being made to a stakeholder centred notion of

    materiality worthy of particular mention is PwCs review of Cable and Wirelesss

    environment report which notes that further work is required to strengthen the

    framework for gathering and reporting environmental information including:

    Development of a Group-wide approach to stakeholder engagement to

    confirm the material environmental issues at Group, business and site level.

    Turning to the issue of completeness, we found fourteen instances (34% of sample)

    where the assurance provider offered some specific degree of assessment of the

    extent to which the reporting organisation is able to identify and understand its own

    sustainability performance. Consultant assurance providers (39% of cases) appeared

    more likely to offer comment in this vein than accountant assurance providers (27%).

    Specific comment was made suggesting that all information was provided to enablestakeholders to make informed judgements on only four occasions (10% of sample).

    In particularly forthright style in this context Ashridges verification of Camelots social

    and environmental report claims confidence that:

    this report presents a true, complete, balanced and accurate account of

    how the organisation is implementing the values and principles stated in the

    success models relevant to each stakeholder group.

    However, their statement goes on to express two minor qualifications relating to the

    level of detail of data provision, making the full report difficult for all but the most


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    informed audience to read, and the identification of areas of performance where

    additional indicators would give a more complete picture of the companys

    environmental impact. A similar concern with report complexity causing difficulties for

    certain stakeholder groups is conveyed by csr networks assurance statement on

    FRC Groups social and environmental performance report which also expresses

    some reservations over completeness in noting that:

    The report goes some way towards covering the impacts of both the activity of

    the business and its governance and management. Areas for the future might

    include the benefits to society as a whole of taking materials out of the waste

    stream and further analysis of stakeholders such as policy makers.

    In all, we identified just thirteen instances (32%) where the assurance provider

    expresses some degree of uncertainty or reservation as to the accessibility of the

    report to stakeholders or possible areas of incompleteness in reporting.

    Finally, as far as responsiveness is concerned, in twelve (29%) of the assurance

    statements analysed clear reference was made by the assurance provider to the fact

    that an evaluation had been made of the extent to which the organisation had sought

    to identify stakeholder interests and concerns. Significantly, most statements refer to

    the need for the organisations concerned to do more in this regard. Fairly typical

    comments here appear in two reviews carried out by PwC. Firstly, in the case of BG

    Group it is noted that further work is required in terms of:

    development of a systematic Group-wide approach to engaging with

    relevant stakeholder groups to confirm the material social issues for BG and

    communication of the results of this engagement in future reports.

    Similarly, for Lattice Group attention is drawn to the need for:

    formalising the Group level approach to stakeholder engagement,

    particularly in order to confirm the material non- financial issues for the Group.

    Whereas reference to the organisations procedures (or lack of them) for identifying

    stakeholder interests and concerns features in assurance statements appended to

    both environmental and social/sustainability reports, far more detail appears in the

    latter cases, particularly in the relatively few instances where the assurance provider


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    has adopted the AA1000 Assurance Standard. In these cases reference is generally

    made to evaluation of the reporting organisation having:

    decided how to respond to expressed interests and concerns

    established associated policies, targets and indicators

    demonstrated that adequate resources have been allocated for their

    implementation, and

    communicated the above in its report in a manner that is both timely and

    accessible to stakeholders.

    Bureau Veritas verification of BATs social report provides a particularly good

    illustration here. Amongst statements made are the following:

    British American Tobacco has not yet defined and developed indicators and

    targets for areas or issues raised in dialogue and we would have liked to see

    more qualitative and substantial indicators included in this report, including

    time commitments and performance targets. British American Tobacco states

    it aims to move forward with a wider and more diverse means of stakeholder

    engagement, to review and communicate a broader set of values and to

    develop indicators and targets with stakeholders during the second reporting


    A clear budgetary commitment has been made to continue the accounting and

    reporting process.

    [Information conveyed in this social report] is both understandable and

    accessible to stakeholders who wish to gain a better understanding of the

    social and ethical issues facing British American Tobacco Group companies in

    the UK and how those companies plan to address the issues.



    Twenty-two assurance statements (54% of sample) made specific reference to

    instances of weaknesses in the organisations underlying systems, management

    practices, reporting procedures or overall performance. In all but one case (Ernst &Youngs attestation of BPs environmental and social review) some form of


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    recommendation for improvement was offered. Significantly, consultant assurance

    providers (70% of sample) were far more likely to go down this route than

    accountants (33%) with the procedure being adopted more commonly in

    social/sustainability report assurance (68% of sample) than for environmental reports

    (38%). In the main, recommendations were couched in fairly general terms. A fairly

    typical example here, albeit one that specifies a time scale for implementation, is csr

    networks validation of Balfour Beattys safety, health and environmental disclosures:

    Over the next year, we recommend that the company should assess the

    information that has been collated, progressively improve its completeness

    and quality, and set relevant improvement targets. The challenge now is to

    embed environmental management consistently in UK operations and to

    progressively extend these requirements to new acquisitions and the

    international businesses.

    The same consultants assurance statement for Musgrave Group is a little more

    specific in terms of recommending further development of key performance


    In particular, Musgrave Group should seek to develop relevant indicators of

    social and economic performance, for example group-wide health and safety,

    and the positive impacts on local (rural) communities through indirect job

    creation and support to social infrastructure.

    Some assurance providers went so far as to recommend specific reporting

    developments. For example, URS verification of Unilevers web based report

    recommended that the company consider reporting incidents in addition toprosecutions and fines in order to conform with emerging best practice. An even

    more hands on approach was adopted by Arthur D. Little in their verification of

    Novartis health, safety and environment report, where it is noted that:

    An example of the omission of relevant life cycle impact is the CO2 emission

    since it addresses only the emissions from energy generated by Novartis. To

    ensure that CO2 emissions from energy consumed from external suppliers is

    also addressed wepropose to redefine the CO2 target accordingly(emphasis



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    In terms of the areas in which weaknesses were noted, and associated

    recommendations offered, most commonly addressed were underlying processes

    and systems (39% of cases) followed by issues relating to report content (34%) and

    the preparation process (22%). In six cases verifiers went further in providing views

    on the acceptability of the reporting organisations performance. Most specific were

    Casella Stangers verification of Canary Wharfs environment and social report and

    Entecs verification of The Environment Agencys report which both commented in

    some detail on the organisations record in achieving performance targets. The only

    reference we came across to acceptability of social performance, however, was Earth

    Tecs verification of Pennon Groups environmental and social report where it is

    noted that:

    The Groups strong social performance in the sector has been recognised by

    the Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Indexes.

    Whereas, in the main, observations on, and recommendations for improving, systems

    and reporting procedures were fairly brief, there were three examples of substantial

    strategic commentary being offered. Significantly, all were by consultants - csr

    network for BA, LE Group and United Utilities, together with Casella Stangers

    Strategic Overview of BAAs Long Term Progress Since 1997 (the year that the firm

    were appointed as verifiers). The latter, in particular, is a particularly detailed

    commentary which offers analysis of BAAs sustainable development programme,

    success in achieving environmental targets, progress in developing environmental

    key performance indicators and progress made in implementing recommendations

    from the previous years verification exercise. Clearly, informed comment of this

    nature may be regarded as adding value for the reports readership. At the sametime, however, questions are inevitably raised as to whether combining what is

    essentially a consultancy function with a separate arms length assurance exercise

    compromises the integrity of the latter, particularly when no indication of fee levels for

    the respective commissions is offered.

    4.6 Nature of Assurance Opinions Offered

    One of the more illuminating features of our analysis was the rather terse use of

    wording in the opinions of most Big 4 accountant assurance providers. Significantly,

    there was an absence of the use of the term true and fair in these opinions despite


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    its ubiquity in financial statement opinions. Whilst most accountants opinions

    addressed issues surrounding the accuracy and reliability of the transfer of

    information from management systems to reports, their explicit limitations of scope,

    referred to earlier, tended to lead to the crucial issue of completeness of reporting

    being ignored in their opinions.

    Consistency was the term generally favoured by accountant assurance providers in

    the wording of their opinions. A fairly typical statement is that provided by Deloitte

    and Touche in Denmark which focussed on confirming that submitted data were

    consistent with the source documentation presented to us and thereby provided

    some confirmation of data collection procedures. However, a reader might be more

    comfortable if the wording requested by them was used instead of presented to

    them, as the latter could easily imply that the companydecided what information

    would be presented hence making a mockery of the assurance procedures. It is

    also interesting to contrast the use of the term consistent here to that used by PwC

    in their opinions on Cable and Wireless, Volkswagen AG, BG Group and Lattice

    Group. Here, the information in the reports is deemed not inconsistent with the

    findings from PwCs work. Whether not inconsistent equates with consistent is left

    up to the reader to decide. Additionally, PwC in London favoured the use of the term

    appropriate representation when assessing how the reports of BG Group and

    Lattice Group reflected social and environmental policies and governance

    arrangements. However, from reading the assurance statements in full it is difficult to

    understand how appropriate is to be defined, and by whom.

    Whereas few accountant assurance providers explicitly addressed the issue of

    completeness in their opinions, KPMGs opinion on Volkswagen AG provided anexception in stating that the report is a complete and appropriate representation

    insofar as materially relevant of the impact of on the environment of the Volkswagen

    Marque. As we noted earlier, KPMGs opinion on CIS social accountability report

    also assessed the report against the AA1000 principles, one of which is


    The KPMG/PwC opinion on Shell Internationals report is one of the few to deal

    explicitly with performance issues in noting that in the case of certain information

    appearing in the report, for which page number references are given, the data


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    properly reflect(s) the performance of the reporting entities. Additionally, Rainbow

    Gillespie provide an opinion on Traidcrafts social accounts that, the companies

    social impact on the stakeholder groups reported upon has been fairly presented .

    However, the desire of most accountant assurance providers to warn against placing

    too much reliance on their reviews is evident in the final statement contained within

    PwCs opinion on sections of Unique Zurich Airports environmental report:

    Our statement should be read in conjunction with the inherent limitations of

    accuracy and completeness for environmental data, as well as in connection

    with the scope of reporting on page 5.

    The opinions of consultant verifiers tended to portray a more re-assuring picture for

    the reader, with statements predominantly attesting to the accuracy, reliability and

    completeness of reporting by companies. For example, csr network, who provided

    assurance for six (15%) companies in our sample, had a separate section entitled

    accuracy and completeness in all of their statements. Fairly typical of the opinions

    offered in this section is the following extract from their assurance statement for BAs

    social and environmental report:

    For the air emissions, fuel efficiency, energy, noise, people relationships and

    citizen report sections, we have found the data collection systems to be robust

    and that the underlying trends are substantially correct.

    However, later in the section a greater degree of reservation is expressed when they

    refer to BAs environmental indicators only representing a reasonable overview of

    the companys key impacts. The word reasonable is used in a similarly (at least

    implicitly) negative manner by the same firm in noting that FRCs social report provides a reasonable basis for understanding the key aspects of the companys

    behaviour and social and environmental impact.

    In contrast to the accountant assurance providers, we found only one instance where

    the term consistent was used by consultants in relation to information reported. Far

    more common was mention of fairness and balance in terms of information

    presented, significantly, words that accountants generally refrained from using. For

    example, RPS Consultants speak of Countryside Properties report providing a fair

    reflection of the environmental, social and community activities undertaken by the


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    company, whilst Arthur D Little note that Novartis HSE report contains a fair

    summary of relevant HSE impacts at Novartis own sites. For their part, Earth Tech

    in their verification of Pennon Groups environmental and social report find that it

    provides a fair and balanced representation of the significant environmental and

    social sustainability issues and actions being taken under the control of the Pennon

    Group. Finally in this context, a particularly strong endorsement of Unilevers web

    based disclosures is offered by URS Verification:

    URSVL considers that the report text and data relating to environmental

    performance and management addresses the significant environmental

    aspects of the business and these have been reported in a fair and balanced


    In summary, clear distinctions between accountant and consultant assurance

    provider opinions pervade our sample. From our analysis, a greater level of

    assurance can be gleaned from the opinions of consultants, which certainly offer

    more in terms of robustness and fullness of commentary. This review of opinions, of

    course, is simply consistent with our earlier impression that there are very few

    instances where Big 4 assurance providers are prepared to offer a high level of

    assurance to report readers. Consultant assurance providers seemingly have far

    fewer inhibitions. Whether their boldness is fully justified would be easier to ascertain

    if details of fees paid for such assurance work were routinely disclosed, as is the

    case with financial audit engagements.

    5. Discussion and Conclusions

    Our objective in this paper was to carry out a critical analysis of assurance

    statements appearing in leading edge environmental, social and sustainability reports

    as represented by those shortlisted for the 2002 ACCA UK and European

    Sustainability Reporting Awards scheme. Using an evaluative framework centrally

    informed by the AccountAbility, FEE and GRI guidelines, we examined the extent to

    which the contents of assurance statements satisfactorily address key elements of

    these guidelines such as independence, clear identification of the scope of the

    engagement together with standards and criteria employed, materiality,completeness and responsiveness. This represents the first comprehensive attempt


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    to evaluate leading edge assurance practice drawing on guidance issued by these

    influential bodies. Underpinning this analysis was a concern to ascertain whether

    current leading edge assurance practices offer more in terms of enhancing

    transparency and accountability than did their predecessors. Hence, our analysis

    significantly advances the work of Ball et al. (2000) in light of the recent increase in

    assurance practice.

    Contrasting the findings of this study with those of Ball et al. (2000), which utilised a

    similar sample of assurance statements drawn from the ACCA Environmental (now

    Sustainability) Awards Scheme shortlists, appears to indicate some improvement in

    terms of rigour of work undertaken and independence of the exercise. Additionally, a

    greater degree of focus on the performance (as opposed to simply management

    systems) dimension is discernible, particularly in the case of assurance exercises

    conducted on social/sustainability reports which employ AA1000 methodology.

    However, even in these cases, stakeholder input into the assurance process is very

    much the exception despite Henriques (2003) assertion that in order to enhance

    trust in reporting assurers [need to] be well connected to the stakeholders and

    understand their issues well. Moreover, stakeholder engagement with the reporting

    organisationper se is often minimal (an issue mentioned in a number of assurance

    statements), which, in itself threatens the credibility of these exercises. Hence, there

    is still a large degree of management control over the reporting, and indeed

    assurance, process. Assurance providers are appointed by management, who may

    place any restrictions they choose on the assurance exercise, and they effectively

    report to management. Significantly in this latter context, save for one mention of the

    assurance statement being directed at its readership, on the few occasions that an

    addressee is specified it is corporate management. The contrast here with

    governance structures underpinning the financial audit process is only too clear. Thisreluctance to address the assurance statement to specific constituencies seems to

    imply they are primarily providing value to management thereby reflecting a

    perceived demand for verification of this information from management as opposed

    to stakeholders (see, KPMG, 2002, p. 18).

    The reluctance to address assurance statements to specific stakeholder

    constituencies also has implications for assurance on the materiality of the

    information provided. In the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000b, p. 15),

    information is deemed material if its omission or misrepresentation could influence


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    the decisions and actions of stakeholders. From this, we can assume that identified

    stakeholders are viewed as the key users of these reports, so why the reluctance to

    address assurance statements to them? If these reports are addressed only to

    management they merely represent an internalassurance exercise being published

    externally. If credibility and trust are to be enhanced, the next wave of assurance

    statements will need to move beyond this restrictive approach which implicitly defines

    materiality as it pertains to management. Providing statements to management for

    management is hardly likely to counter the apparent scepticism surrounding social/

    sustainability reporting (Dando and Swift, 2003).

    This reluctance to identify key constituents is also reflected in the lack of any

    substantive consideration of materiality, defined in stakeholder terms, in assurance

    statements. Materiality is a thorny and emerging issue in the area of assurance

    (Zadek, 2003) but as Zadek (2003) points out:

    if stakeholders dont think the information is relevant [or material], it just

    wont count [and] public reporting [will] flunk as an accountability


    AccountAbilitys recent attempt to provide a five part test of materiality may provide

    for improved assurance by guiding providers more specifically, as well as providing

    greater legal protection for reluctant directors (AccountAbility, 2003d). However, this

    would also mean involving stakeholders more in assurance processes (see

    JustAssurance, 2003), which, as we outline above, is not prevalent among our


    An increasingly clear distinction is emerging between the approaches of accountant

    and consultant assurance providers. The former tend to adopt a cautious approach

    that largely focuses on the issue of consistency of information appearing in the

    organisations report with underlying data sets. The phrase true and fair is

    conspicuously lacking in accountants opinion statements, whilst completeness of

    information provision is generally not attested to. Indeed, accountant assurance

    providers are in many cases at pains to point out that, in the absence of generally

    accepted social audit standards, high level assurance cannot be offered. The only

    exceptions to this rule occurred in two instances of clearly delineated assurance


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    exercises conducted on environmental reports and two further occasions when

    assurance of sustainability reports was conducted under AA1000 provisions.

    However, despite this, recent evidence produced by Accountability (2003c) suggests

    that early adopters of the AA1000 Assurance Standard perceive mainstream

    accountancy bodies as reluctant to provide a statement of assurance that goes

    beyond an opinion on the accuracy of the data included in the report (Accountability,

    2003c, p.6). They tend to engage in little real time assurance (for example, by

    attending stakeholder engagement meetings, where they occur) and in their concern

    for a high level of detail in the assurance process are accused of reducing it to a

    mere data checking exercise. This trend stands in stark contrast to the broader

    holistic strategic risk based approaches to financial audit that have been

    promulgated by the Big 4 over the past decade which take a big picture view of

    enterprises and focus on audits adding value to clients (Higson, 1997; Winograd,

    Gerson and Berlin, 2000; Solomon and Peecher, 2001). In fact, the accountants

    approach to assurance in this study bears a striking resemblance to an equivalent of

    the outmoded first generation financial auditing approach where transactions in

    books were directly verified (Higson, 1997, p. 200). In conjunction with the

    reluctance to consult stakeholders, their approach also resists providing assurance

    on information chosen by user[s] (Elliott, 2002, p. 139), which has been deemed

    part of the future of 21st century assurance for accountancy firms (Elliott, 2002).

    Given the recent emergence of standards such as AA1000 it will be interesting to

    track if these accountancy firms are willing to start providing more high level

    assurance involving stakeholders in the near future and why, outside of their

    complaints regarding the non-existence of appropriate standards, they have been

    reluctant to do so to date.

    In contrast to the accountant assurance providers, consultant assurance providers

    tend to focus much more on the issues of completeness, fairness and overall balance

    within their opinion statements. Furthermore, they tend to provide more in the way of

    commentary on systems, reporting and performance weaknesses. Consultants also

    tended to take more of an evaluative approach and in contrast to many of the

    accountant assurers were involved as the reporting process emerged as opposed to

    merely arriving at the end to verify data collection procedures and accuracy. In sum,

    consultants would appear to adopt a more strategic approach to the audit exercise,

    which might be considered as adding value to the process from the perspective of


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    external stakeholder groups (Investment Responsibility Research Center [IRRC]

    1996). Ironically, this is exactly the approach one might have expected from the Big 4

    providers given the recent trends in financial audit assurance.

    There is some indication, particularly from our analysis of the accountant assurers,

    that little thought has gone into what assurance statements are supposed to be

    providing. The accountants reluctance to mention their credentials suggests that

    they may rely on their brand name as opposed to any substantive work to covey an

    impression of assurance in reporting. In the recent study of early adopters of the

    AA1000 Assurance Standard referred to above, one participant stated that we need

    the assurance provider to provide a brand that is trusted by stakeholders (AA1000,

    2003c). From our analysis, we can only conclude that the reluctance to specify

    credentials may reflect the symbolic nature of these exercises. It seems to be the

    case that, in many instances, indicating that a social/sustainability report is assured

    by a respected assurer is deemed enough to convey the credibility required on the

    report. It is a mere badge of approval, whatever its substantive content.

    On a cautionary note, from the perspective of assurance being viewed as a central

    element in holding powerful economic entities accountable to their stakeholders, the

    added value approach of consultants referred to above seems highly problematical.

    As Gray (2000) points out, once social accounting and auditing moves away from its

    focus on holding the organisation to account it operates largely as a management

    tool rather than a mechanism of democratic society. Wheeler and Elkington (2001),

    for example, write in gushing terms of the accountability agenda being superseded

    by a value adding agenda for companies, their markets and their main stakeholders.

    For them, the term assurance, rather than portraying a lower level of endorsement is, a more powerful and strategically relevant alternative to audit or verification,

    carrying as it does the sense of governance, stewardship and strategic risk

    management (p. 10). Significantly, what this will entail for the assurance process will


    partnerships with public relations and communications professionals and

    with other agents and brokers (i.e. not just company managements) who can assist

    in designing what should and should not be part of the assurance framework. (p.12)


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    To us, this suggests that, to quote Power (1997, p. 127), more [assurance will] not

    necessarily mean more and better accountability merely more value added for

    management as they manage key risks imposed by various stakeholder groups who

    need to be controlled.

    However, a key irony in the added value approach of consultants in our sample is

    that, despite the potentially compromising position they find themselves in, they tend

    to, through their assurance statements, provide the reader with higher levels of

    assurance on the reports and processes they assess. This is an issue that would

    benefit from more in-depth exploration with these assurance providers in order to

    ascertain how they juggle these potentially sensitive roles.

    In our view, it is, however, very difficult to envisage how more robust levels of

    assurance can be brought about when the assurance provider is effectively

    accountable to corporate management (the paymaster) and in the absence of any

    countervailing power (Frank, 2001) to which he or she may have recourse in the

    case of dispute. This has been an ongoing concern in financial auditing for many

    years given that, despite shareholders legally appointing auditors, corporate

    management effectively undertake this role with shareholders mostly rubber

    stamping their recommendation thus leaving auditors at the mercy of management.

    As others have pointed out, any dependence on the organisation by assurors could

    lead to sensitive issues being ignored in the assurance processes (ODwyer, 2001)

    with materiality being defined in narrow terms. The nature of these power relations

    and their potential influence on the reporting process need greater in-depth

    exploration and also bring us back to our concern for greater stakeholder

    involvement and empowerment in assurance. If crucial governance issues and theintertwining of the very different concepts of accountability and value added

    continue to be ignored then current efforts to standardise environmental and social

    auditing practice will sow the seeds of their own failure and an ongoing expectations

    gap will evolve.

    We fully accept that our analysis above, while detailed and comprehensive, is based

    on a specific sample, albeit that of recognised leading edge practitioners, and infers

    levels of assurance based on statements released externally. In order to examine in

    greater depth the complexities and challenges involved within these assurance


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    processes we need to engage with assurance providers directly to obtain their

    perspectives on the processes they undertake. Issues such as the assuror

    appointment process, perceived threats to their independence, their relationship with

    top management, the potential for conflict and their commitment to assuring

    accountability need exploration. Given the assurance statements merely provide us

    with some output on the nature of the work undertaken, we need to also investigate

    assurers evolving relationships with management, the means by which assurance

    statements are drafted and approved, assurers perceptions of their key

    responsibilities and of the value they add to the credibility of the reporting process

    from the perspective of key stakeholder groups.

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