25 Celebrities That Endorse Network Marketing

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Created by: Gordon AttardHome Business Coach | Trainer | Social Media Marketer





For More Information:-gordonattard.com/network-marketing


BILL GATESAmerican Business Magnet & Philanthropist

“If I would be given a chance to start all over again, I would choose Network Marketing.”

BILL CLINTONFormer US President

“You strengthen our country and oureconomy, not just by striving for your own success, but by offering the opportunityto others. Your industry gives people a chance, after all, to make the most of theirown lives. And to me, that’s the heart ofthe American Dream.”

HARRY S. DENT. JREconomist & New York Times Best Selling Author

“The advantage of Network Marketing is the ease of entry, low risk, and low startup cost. Almost everything else has very high risk.”

BRIAN TRACYMotivational Speaker & Best Selling Author

“The future of Network Marketing is unlimited. It has probably made more millionaires of more people in more countries than any other form of business starting from nothing. There’s no end in sight. It will continue to grow, because better people are getting into it. It will become one of the respected business methods in the world.”

ROBERT KIYOSAKIBest Selling Author & Financial Literacy Expert

“Network Marketing gives peoplethe opportunity with very low riskand very low financial commitment,to build their own income-generating asset, and acquire great wealth. It has the potential to save the United States and the world, because it teaches people not to be employees, but to be entrepreneurs”

JACK CANFIELDBest Selling Author & Success Coach

“Network Marketing has been nothing but good for everyone I know who’s been involved with it, because they did it seriously. They played full out and they have been very successful. It’s a constant barrage of success stories. I would get involved you can always test drive anything, the product, the service, the community. And then lean into it a bit, and if it feels good, lean into it a lot.”

WARREN BUFFETTBillionaire Investor

“The best investment I’ve ever made.”

DONALD TRUMPBillionaire Investor & Best Selling Author

“If I were starting overtoday, I would make

millions in the NetworkMarketing Industry.”

JIM ROHNMotivational Speaker & Best Selling Author

“Network Marketing is really the greatest source of grass root capitalism, because it

teaches people how to take a small bit of capital, that is your time, and build the

American Dream.”

LES BROWNMotivational Speaker & TV Personality

“Network Marketing has produced more millionaires than any other industry in the history of the world.”

STEPHEN COVEYBest Selling Author & University Professor

“I think Network Marketing has come of age. It’s become undeniable that it’s a viable way to entrepreneurship and independence for millions of people.”

TONY BLAIRFormer Prime Minister of Great Britain

“Network Marketing is a tremendouscontribution to the overall prosperityof the economy.”

BOB PROCTORChairman Proctor Gallagher Institute

“I would go in Network Marketingimmediately. I think if it didn’t exist,we should invent it. It is that good.”

DR. IVAN MISNERFounder & Chairman, BNI – Business Networking Expert

“I think that Network Marketing is a great way to do business today. It is very easy to get into the industry, and you can be self-employed and an entrepreneur.”

ANTHONY ROBBINSMotivational Speaker & Personal Life-Finance Instructor

“What’s beautiful about Network Marketingis that you’ve got all the benefits of being an owner but you do not have to worry about supply chain, you do not have to worry about accounting especially in the world we are today. There are really some great companies out there. Network Marketing is amazing.”

MEGAN FOXHollywood Actress

AVON Endorser

CHUCK NORRISHollywood Actor

Max Int. Endorser

CHRIS & HEIDI POWELLPersonal Trainers & ABC’s Extreme Weight Loss Hosts

Vemma Bod.e Endorsers

MANNY PACQUIAOFilipino World Champion Professional Boxer

Organo Gold Endorser

CARMEN ELECTRAHollywood Actress

Global World Trade Endorser

CRISTIANO RONALDOProfessional Football Player & Twice FIFA Ballon d’Or Winner

Herbalife Endorser

CARL ICHANBillionaire Investor

Invested Millions in Herbalife

GEORGE SOROSBillionaire Investor

Invested Millions in Herbalife

Dr. Eric Thomas (Hip Hop Preacher)Motivational Speaker, Author & YouTube Sensation

Sir RICHARD BRANSONFounder Virgin Group

One branch of the Virgin Group that often goes unmentioned is Vie at Home, a network marketing company formerly known as Virgin Vie. Vie at Home made over $60 million its first year of existence.

Total Global Sales for 2013


Music Industry: $15 BILLION

Video Gaming: $76 BILLION

Movie Industry: $88 BILLION

Natural Foods Industry: $90 BILLION

Network Marketing: $178 BILLION

Did You Know?Network Marketing companies PAYS

about 40% in commissions to distributors from those $178 BILLION which adds up to

Over 80+ Million people are involved in Network Marketing around the world!


$200 MILLION/day

Created by: Gordon AttardHome Business Coach | Trainer | Social Media Marketer


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