28Mar -05Apr 2015 · Trick Eye Museum which features various optical illusions art all rendered in...

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SEOUL ����Everland ����Kimchi DIY ����Gyeongbock Palace ����Ice Gallery (DIY ice carving and drink)

����Trick Eye Museum ����Dongdaemun ����Myeongdong ����NANTA show

JEJU ����Jeju University Street (Cherry Blossom) ����Yongduam dragon head-rock

����Seongsan Sunrise Peak

����Horse Riding ����Hello Kitty Island ����Jeju Folk Village

JINHAE ����Cherry Blossoms Spots (Mt. Jangbock Sculpture Park, Yeojwacheon Bridge) ����Gyeonghwa

Station ����Chungmugong’s Bronze Status

BUSAN ����Haedong Yonggungsa Temple ����APEC House (Nurimaru)

����Elybaden Waterpark����Dongseongro Street

����Stone bibimbap with shabushabu

����Pan fried chicken ����Black pork bulgogi

����Abalone Ginseng Chicken soup

����Chinese set ����Fried Squid wit Pork

����Seafood Steamboat with Roasted Fish

����Hanjeongsik Meal ����Everland set menu

���� 3 color BBQ ( Galbi, Samgyeopsal, Chicken )

����Dumpling steamboat

Validity date:

28Mar -05Apr 2015



Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for

your flight to Seoul - The Land of Morning



Upon arrival, you will be greeted by our

friendly guide and transfer to capital city

Seoul. First you will visit the Gyeongbock

Palace (admission included). The palace

symbolizes the centralized power of the

Chosun Dynasty. Later proceed to Ice

Gallery (includes DIY ice carving and

drink) where you can really get your

hands on in learning the art of ice carving

with the help of the expert. Later you will

proceed to Dongdaemun Market where

you can get Koreans’ fashion and daily

necessities’ at both wholesale and retail

prices before transferring to Jeju Island

by domestic flight.

Accommodation: Jeju Ocean Suites Hotel

or similar


After breakfast, you will start the Jeju

sightseeing. Jeju’s King Cherry Tree

Blossoms can be seen all over Seogwipo’s

downtown area and you could enjoy the

cherry blossoms at Jeju University Street.

Later you will visit Seongsan Sunrise

Peak, With 99 sharp rocks surrounding

the crater; it looks like a gigantic crown.

Next, we will head for a spacious ranch

and competent trainer will make you

special Horse Riding experience in Korea.

We then move on to Jeju Folk Village to

understand the living culture of the

people there. The next destination is the

Hello Kitty Island theme park. Lastly, we

visit Yongduam dragon head-rock, which

looking out over the ocean. We move on to

APEC House (Nurimaru) was developed in

preparation for the 17th APEC (Asia Pacific

Economic Cooperation) summit on Nov 18-19

in 2005, as the conference hall for APEC.

Lastly, we head to Elybaden Waterpark and

Dongseongro Street for shopping.

Accommodation: Daegu Inter-burgo Exco

Hotel or similar


After breakfast at hotel, we will head back to

Seoul and visit to Everland (complimentary

ticket). It is Korea’s popular theme park and

the 4th largest theme park in the world. Next,

you will learn to make your own kimchi at a

Kimchi making session. Before leaving, do

not miss the opportunity to take a souvenir

photo of yourself dressed in traditional Korea


Accommodation: Best Western Premier

Seoul Garden Hotel or similar


After breakfast, visit to Ginseng Monopoly

Showroom and then to Beauty Academy and

get your free facial massage. After that we

will visit to The FACE SHOP and Amethyst

Factory for shopping spree. Next, visit the

Trick Eye Museum which features various

optical illusions art all rendered in 3D

dimension. Following that, head for some

shopping at Myeondong before enjoy NANTA

show (admission included), one of the

famous remarkable Korean show.

Accommodation: Best Western Premier

Seoul Garden Hotel or similar



After breakfast, you will proceed to Korea

Healthy Liver Centre and provincial shop until

transfer to Incheon International Airport for the

flight back to Singapore.


*It is compulsory tip (US$40 per pax your guide and driver to show your appreciation. The Company reserves the right to alter itinerary without prior notice to ensure

the smooth running of the tour. In the event of discrepancy between the Chinese and English itineraries, please refer to the latter for accuracy. 20012015

resembles a dragon with its mouth open

ready to roar. Behind this magnificent rock

holds an incredible legend for you to find


Accommodation: Jeju Ocean Suites Hotel

or similar



After breakfast, you will transfer to Busan

by domestic flights. Upon arrival, transfer

to Jinhae where the Great Cherry Blossom

City is. More than 220,000 cherry trees

blooming, the whole city of Jinhae is

covered in pink and white. The most

popular sightseeing spots include Mt.

Jangbock Sculpture Park, Yeojwa Stream

and Bridge, Kyunghwa Train Station and

Chungmugong’s Bronze Statue. Jinhae is

the hometown of Korea Naval Academy

and only open to public during the cherry

blossom festival. Mt. Jangbok Sculpture

Park is filled with clean wooden benches

and has a more subtle and peaceful

atmosphere. Gyeonghwa Station displays a

line of cherry blossoms along the train

tracks. Yeojwa Stream is known as one of

the locations for drama romance. So the

bridge on Yeojwa Bridge is name as

Romantic Bridge and become a perfect

place for couple. Accommodation: Busan ISquare Hotel or



In the morning, we will visit Haedong

Yonggungsa Temple. It was first built in

1376 by the great Buddhist teacher known

as Naong during the Goryeo Dynasty. Haesu

Gwaneum Daebul (Seawater Great Goddess

Buddha), Daeungjeon Main Sanctuary,

Yongwangdang Shrine, Gulbeop Buddhist

Sanctum (enclosed in a cave), and a three-

story pagoda with four lions can all be seen

8888 天天天天 浪漫浪漫浪漫浪漫韩国樱花韩国樱花韩国樱花韩国樱花游游游游 首首首首尔尔尔尔�爱宝乐园(自由券)�景福宫�Trick Eye 绘画博物馆�冰世界(冰雕与冰饮)�东大门 �明洞购物街�韩国乱打秀�韩国文化体验馆(泡菜制作与韩服体验) 济济济济州州州州�济州大学街(赏樱点)�城山日出峰�龙头岩�骑马�济州民俗村�HELLO KITTY主题公园 镇镇镇镇海海海海�赏樱地点包括(�长富山公园�庆和火车站�余佐川沿岸与余佐桥�忠武公李舜臣铜像) 釜釜釜釜釜釜釜釜�海东龙宫寺 �APEC HOUSE (NURIMARU) 世峰楼 大大大大大大大大�ELYBADEN 温泉水世界 �东城路逛街

观观观观光光光光光光光光光光光光 精精精精精精精精精精精精精精精精

行程有效期:2015 3 月 28 日 - 4 月 5 日 �石锅拌饭+涮涮锅 �春川炒鸡排

�济洲黑猪烤肉 �鲍鱼人参鸡汤 �中华料理 �鱿鱼家烤肉

�海鲜火锅 + 烤鱼 �高级韩定食 �爱宝乐园套餐 �三色烤肉(猪排,五花肉,鸡肉)�饺子火锅


第一天 (飞机餐) 新加坡 - 首尔(仁川) 在飞机起飞的两小时前在樟宜机场的指定柜台集合,并与我们的机场代表会面.办理离境手续后就启程飞往韩国首尔。

第二天 仁川- 首尔-济州 (午/晚餐) 抵达仁川机场后,将与当地导游会面,首先参观韩国文化遗产之一的景福宫,也是韩剧“宫-我的野蛮王妃”的拍摄地.室内有传统特色的韩式建筑物,让您一次游尽。在樱花绽放的季节,随风飘的樱花瓣与景福宫形成一幅风景画.接着到“冰世界”, 您可以向冰雕师傅学习冰雕技术和品尝一杯特别的饮料.接着前往东大门批发市场购物.之后, 将乘搭内陆班机飞往韩国最大的岛屿济州岛. 住宿:济州海洋套房酒店或同级

第三天 济州 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后前往济州大学校街欣赏济州岛最漂亮的樱花.随后, 您将参观城山日出峰,与周围的火山岩石,它看起来像一个巨大的皇冠。随后来到骑马场, 让您体验骑马乐趣.继续参观济州民俗村, “大长今”的拍摄景点, 让我们通过民俗村的民房, 习作蜡像等等, 来了解济州岛上独有的生活特色和方式.下一个目的地 HELLO KITTY ISLAND主题公园, 享受一系列有趣的活动如立体动画影,Kitty 屋等等.之后我们将前往龙头岩参观。 住宿:济州海洋套房酒店或同级

第四天 济州 - 釜山 - 镇海市 - 釜山

(早/午/晚餐) 早餐后,乘搭内陆班机飞回釜山.抵达之后乘车前往镇海市,全球独一无二的樱花海洋.超过 22 万的樱花树, 使得整个城市沉浸在粉红和白色之中.著名的赏樱地点包括:忠武公李舜臣铜像周围的街道.长富山公园里有许多木椅让人坐着赏樱.庆和火车站里, 铁轨的两边铺满樱花, 是赏樱的最佳地点之一.余佐川沿岸一片粉白色樱花, 其中的余佐川桥更被誉为浪漫之桥.最后前 往 釜 山 . 住宿:釜山 ISQUARE HOTEL酒店或同级

第五天 釜 山 - 大 邱 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 餐 ) 当天上午,我们参观海东龙宫寺,这座寺位于釜山东海岸,是韩国唯一建于海边的寺庙,周边景色非常优美,寺庙依山傍海,内有海水观音、大雄殿、龙王堂、窟法堂、四狮子三层石塔等景.之后参观 APEC HOUSE

(NURIMARU) 世峰楼是为 2005 年召开的世界首脑峰会而建, 是日均客流量达四五千人的知名景点.下午我们乘车前往大邱参观 ELYBADEN 溫泉水世界, 体验韩国传统的汗蒸幕 .之后前往东城路逛街 . 住宿:大邱 INTERBURGO EXCO 大酒店或 同级

第六天 大邱-首尔 (早/午/晚餐) 早餐后,回到韩国首都.随后到世界排行第四大主题乐园爱宝乐园(含自由券)。

它拥有四大园区,跟着四季的变化,改变园内的主题装饰.它也是”红豆女之恋”的外景拍摄地.您可乘搭透视巴士,穿梭在可爱动物园区,观赏行走自如的韩国黑熊,狮子,老虎还有狮虎兽等等.您可自由选择你所喜爱的游乐设施,包括刺激动感的大型娱乐与动静皆宜的家庭娱乐.接着前往韩国文化体验馆,在专家的指导下,采用正宗韩国配料,亲自体验制作泡菜的乐趣.您也可以自费选购不同的泡菜带回家.此外,您也可在韩屋式场景里试穿韩国传统服装,拍摄记录最美丽的回忆. 住宿:首尔最佳西方花园大酒店或同级

第七天 首尔市内观光 (早/午餐) 早餐后,抵达韩国高丽参专卖厅,了解高丽参的价值.接着到“知&美”护肤保养基础学院, 学习一些美容知识和亲手享用一次的美容.续往 FACE SHOP专卖, 一站式的美容护肤产品和紫水晶加工厂购物。接着游览 Trick Eye立体绘画博物馆,是韩国第一个可以体验到错觉艺术和立体绘画的博物馆.然后到明洞购物区, 让您可以尽情地购物.最后欣赏韩国最知名的乱打秀(NANTA SHOW)。 住宿:首尔最佳西方花园大酒店或同级

第八天 首尔 - 新加坡 (早餐/飞机餐) 早餐后,前往健肝宝专卖店和土产品店,直到下午集合时间,送往仁川国际机场,返回温暖的家园.希望这次的旅游能让您留下美好的回忆.
