2nd Annual Class of "74" get together in Barre Vemont

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Kimball High School Class of “74” get together in Barre, Vermont Sept.

14th,15th and 16th 2007

Welcome to the 2nd Annual

The slide show will begin with our alternate class song for Manny. For all who were in Vermont you

will understand.

Also all of us who were there would like to thank Connie. With out her many of the group shots would not have been


The weekend started off with Patty, Shelle, Deb, Connie and Manny taking in some of the local scenery.

They also sat around Patty's for a while waiting for Ken and Joanne to arrive looking through the year book.

On the way to meet Joanne and Ken They stopped off at the local libation center to stock up on some adult beverages.

So many to choose from, so little time

While they were getting the adult beverages Ken and Joanne showed up and Manny was able to capture a quick snap shot. Then it was of to Patty’s house.

After a little stay at Pat’s place a couple of us went back to the hotel for a little rest and to get freshened up before we went out to dinner at Sarducci’s.

The next morning we had breakfast together and then made our way to Patty’s house.

At patty’s we got everyone together and headed off to where Patty worked.

After a great time seeing how the furniture at Patty's place of business was made we moseyed on down the road to Shed’s restaurant for a great lunch.

After a great lunch it was time to drive up the mountain.

After a trip to the top of the mountain we were off to Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream factory. On the way to Ben and Jerry’s we made a stop at the Trapp Family Lodge.

After waiting like seemed an eternity for Patty’s car to show up Manny finally decided to climb up on a rock and look for them.

After a walk around the Trapp Family Lodge we took a tour of Ben & Jerry's ice cream factory.

After the tour, we went back to Patty's house for a great dinner cooked by her neighbor. Then we sat around had drinks and some great conversation.

After dinner Manny decided to clean up the floor.

After Manny was finished Debbie decided it was not done quite right so she sat Manny down and showed him.

The next morning after having breakfast together Manny had to say goodbye. The rest of us went to town to do a little shopping. From there Ken and Joanne left and the rest of the group did a little more touring of the town and a Maple syrup factory.

Last looks at Vermont before getting on the plane for home.

We made it!

You mean we get to do this again next

year YIPPIE !!!!!

A toast to all our friends that were unable to make it to Vermont. Stay safe and healthy. We hope to see you all in Atlanta in 2008. Debbie, Ken, Shellee, Rob, Patty and Manny