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Message from the Principal…

I know it is hard to believe, but spring break is around the corner! Second semester always goes

by faster than we think.

The last weeks of the semester are important. Please encourage your son or daughter to stay focused on school

assignments right through to the very last day of school, May 23. I will be sending correspondence to 8th

grade families with information about promotion and end of year deadlines.

Our calendar for April and May is jam-packed with great activities and grade level history celebrations. We’ll

do our best to communicate important information about dates and times. Please check our website calendar

for the most up-to-date information. The Tri-School Track Meet has been rescheduled to April 13th due to a

conflict with Burbank On Parade which is scheduled for April 6th. Join us for the unveiling of the


CST Testing is scheduled for 4/22-4/26. Please encourage your students to be at school and to do their best!

Happy Spring!

Dr. O’

THE BUZZ Principal: Dr. Brian O’Rourke

PTSA President: Tammy Sparks

Facebook: Luther Burbank Office (818) 558-4646

From the PTSA President

Spring is upon us! Springtime is always an exciting time at school; you can practically smell

summer right around the corner. PTSA has one of our most exciting meetings in March, and I hope you can

join us on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:00 in the library. We will be presenting our annual Honorary Service

Awards to some very deserving volunteers, as well as holding our elections for next year’s Luther PTSA

Executive Board. Both events are important milestones during the year, so we hope you can share them with us.

Every year the PTSA hosts a Teacher & Staff appreciation luncheon, and we’re starting sign-ups at the March

meeting if you’d like to donate desserts for this fun event.

Get ready for grade-level festival fun, as the sixth graders celebrate Greek Day, the seventh graders

celebrate Medieval World Day, and the eighth graders celebrate History Day. Did you know that PTSA

donates funds each year to help cover expenses for these events? Greek Day is on March 15th and Medieval

World Day and History Day are on May 3rd.

Don’t forget, it’s never too late to join PTSA! It’s only $5 per person, and your membership grants you the

right to vote at meetings and be part of the PTSA’s mission to help children. Join today if you haven’t already!

Tammy Sparks

PTSA President

tamsparks@att.net or tammyptsa@att.net

Volume VI - Issue#7 - March 2013 Luther Burbank Middle School

3700 West Jeffries Ave., Burbank, CA 91505 - (818) 558-4646


Counselors’ Corner How did it get to be March so quickly!? These days it seems like families are busy, busy, busy: working, running

errands, taking part in sports and after-school activities, guitar lessons, karate, gymnastics, school projects!

Sometimes families need to step back and take a look at their schedules to make time for each other.

Over-scheduling leads to stress in both children and adults. Rushing to pick up kids after school, hurrying

through homework, tearing off to team practice, AND get dinner on the table can make for negative family

interactions. To improve the quality of your family time, try these tips:

~ Use car time. Turn off the radio and ask, “What would you like to talk about?” Then wait. Listen. Ask again if

needed. It’s the perfect place for a private conversation: no one can overhear, neither of you can get distracted,

and you don’t have to make eye contact, so your child might be more comfortable sharing.

~ Turn it off. To best communicate with your children, and to spend valuable time together, try to make just two

hours each night (including dinner time) an electronics-free zone. Turn off cell phones, stay away from the

computer, DVR your TV shows. Spend the time together working on homework, preparing dinner, and having dinner

at the table without interruptions. Let each family member share about their day. Listen. Ask questions. Those

facebook posts will still be there after dinner, and you’ll cut TV time by being able to zip through commercials.

~ If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! If your child is constantly playing video games or loves playing basketball for

hours and hours---play with them! Have your child teach you how to play their favorite video game and play against

them. Ask your daughter to show you her technique for free throws.

Let your child be the expert and teach you something new.

Make family time a priority, and you’ll see a positive difference in your time together

and experience less stress. That’s something every family member will enjoy!


ext. 20920 Traci Fellman (A-L)

ext. 20922 Michelle Hacking (M-Z)

Protect Your Investments

At this point in the school year, students are feeling comfortable in their routines and can begin to create some

bad habits. These habits develop when students are feeling lazy and they do not want to take the extra

precautions to lock up or keep track of their property. Leaving a back pack on the lunch yard or in the locker

room is an invitation for someone to look through it. Not turning the lock on a Gym locker makes it tempting

to others. A reminder to parents: the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items such as cell phones,

iPods, iPads, tablets, etc. Leave expensive electronic devices at home. If they are a learning necessity, then

make sure your child is being responsible to lock them up and keep them off before and during school.

Cell phones must remain OFF at all times while on campus. Phones found to be on or used - even to call a

parent - while on campus will be confiscated and returned after five school days. For your child’s protection

we enforce these rules at school to make sure no one’s rights are being violated through defamation, cyber-

bullying, threats, or gossip.

Thanks for your continued support,

Robyn A. Anders – Asst. Principal of Discipline

To view a color version of the

BUZZ, go to Burbankusd.org;

click on Schools, drag to Middle

Schools, click on Luther Burbank,

click on the BUZZ.


Go to



A Note from the School Nurse By Peggy Kurihara, RN and Josh Isip, Mt. St. Mary's School Nursing Student

Concussions are common among school age children. It can happen at school, at home, or at the park.

A concussion is an injury to the head that can affect the brain. It is caused by a bump, a jolt or a sudden blow to the head/body and usually happens during a sports or recreational activity. It may or may not involve a black out or loss of consciousness. All concussions should be taken seriously no matter how mild or severe the injury may feel.

According to the CDC:

· Each year, U.S. Emergency Departments (EDs) treat an estimated 173,285 sports- and recreation-related concussions among children and adolescents from birth to 19 years.

· During the last decade, ED visits for sports- and recreation-related concussions among children and adolescents increased by 60%.

· Numbers and rates are highest in football and girls’ soccer

· Children from birth to 9 years commonly sustain injuries during playground activities or while bicycling.

Symptoms of concussions include:

Be mindful that symptoms may not occur immediately but may appear hours or even days later.

Repeat concussions can prolong recovery time and may cause more long term injury to the brain.

Ways to prevent concussion can include:


headache or pressure in the head

nausea or vomiting

balance problems or dizziness

blurred vision

feeling sluggish, foggy, groggy, tired

just "not feeling well"

wearing proper sports equipment and personal protective equipment such as helmets, pads, wrist guards/knee pads

following rules of safety and rules of the sport

listening to coach/PE teacher's instructions

practicing good sportsmanship

knowing your concussion "ABC's"

If you think you have had a concussion, don't hide it.

Reminder, ALL current 6th grade students must

bring in proof of having the TDap Vaccine by


"No shot, No Fall Registration packet."

"Remember, healthy children learn


Concussion ABC’s

A—Assess the situation B—Be alert for signs and symptoms C—Contact a health care professional adult, teacher, or parent.


by Lisa Dyson, your Arts for All Chair

LUTHER’S MUSICAL THEATRE SHOW is “You're A Good Man Charlie Brown!”

Rehearsals are under way with direction by Ms. Heather Good and musical

direction by Mr. Tony Redman. The cast includes; Andy Kukawski as Charlie Brown,

Lucy Brooke as Sally Brown, Maddie Seiffert as Lucy Van Pelt, Jacob Purdy as Linus, Jordan Aviles as

Schroeder, and Kat Cox as Snoopy, ensemble players are Sarah Bruno, Haley Carroll, Kendelle Dickens,

Tabby Dietz, Katy Durrance, Samantha Gallegos, Tien

Hernandez, Franklin Holder, Mykala Listorti, Abby

Marsden, Lindsey Mauricio, Nessa Moynahan and

Jenell Norvell. As a special treat our cast got to visit

a production of “Charlie Brown”, performed at Theatre

Banshee. Our tech crew, under the supervision of Ms.

Stefanie Enokian and Mrs. Theresa Nicoloau includes,

Daniel Han, Zach Morales, Jacob Morales, Nadime

Younan, Rebecca Stewart, Josh Bozarth, Adam

Orozco, and Adrian DeLeon. Rehearsals are held every

Monday and Wednesday after school.

SHOW DATES: APRIL 18TH & 19TH AT 6:30 pm.

Tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Lusby in our Finance Office starting Monday, March 25th.

MR. TONY REDMAN’S VMA kicks off competition season on March 15 when Spotlight Show Choir will

travel to Travis Ranch Middle School for the Illusion Show Choir Competition. They will also compete

March 22 in Los Alamitos’ Xtravaganza at Los Alamitos HS. On April 12th, Starlight and Spotlight will

compete in John Burroughs High School Showcase Competition closely followed by the Southern

California Middle School Show Choir Competition at Fullerton HS April 13. Busy season!


Tickets are available to purchase from Mrs. Lusby in our Finance Office and at the door.

MS. DEBRA REYNOLDS will have some students entered in the 2012-2013 Youth Art Expo, to be held

at the Burbank Creative Arts Center April 11th – 25th. Go check out the work of our kids. The second

yearly field trip is coming up for the yearbook/art class to MOCA for their CAS (Contemporary Art

Start) program. The class will also be able to tour

artistic locations around the down town area.

MRS. CATHY KIM just celebrated the birth of her

baby boy Benjamin! Congratulations to the entire Kim


MS. LISA RALUY'S catering class went on a field

trip Feb. 25th. They went to Burbank's very own

Porto's and received complimentary Porto's aprons

from host Betty Porto. They all had a great time and

saw how Porto's works behind the scenes.

Cast of You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown

Article continues on page 5 4

Catering Class sporting new Porto’s aprons

Cheer News Congratulations to our squad for taking home lots of

trophies at their February 10th competition at CV High.

1st & 2nd place Stunt Down 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Tumble Down

1st place division 1st place overall - Jr High division Competition Grand Champions!

Our squad placed 7th out of 13 at their very first USA Jr. Nationals Sunday at Disney's California Adventure.

Way to go!



Our Upholstery Team recently went to Ghostlight Industries

in San Fernando where they toured the facility and learned

about the varied operations that take place there to get cars

ready for the movies! The kids got to go into the paint booth

with it's huge fan and vacuum system, they spoke with the

upholstery artists who create custom upholstery for the

Ghostlight cars, and finally they were able to meet with the

graphic arts department people to see how the Luther Logo

will be converted to a giant decal/sticker ready for

application to the sides of the Luther Mobile. We can't

thank owner, Cyril O'Neill enough for taking his time to show

our students how his operation works.

Our Graphic Arts/Computer Team visited Burbank HS on Tuesday, February 19, 2013. The students

spent the afternoon with Mrs. Pickett the Animation teacher at BHS. Mariah Woods, the BHS student

who designed our Luther Mobile logo was also there. Mrs. Pickett and Mariah explained the very

complex process for designing our logo. Mariah spent over 25 hours refining our logo! It truly looks

amazing and the subtle touches in the logo look great.

The Electrical Team went to Warner Bros. on Tuesday, February 26 for the final visit. The last

electrical repairs have been made and the Luther Mobile logo was installed on the sides of the car. You

may follow the process at the website: www.luthermobile.com. Be watching for the Luther Mobile to

make an appearance in the near future.


And, as usual, if you have any questions about the Burbank Arts for All Foundation or wish to become a member or

volunteer your time, please click on the website at www.burbankartsforall.com or contact me directly


Continued from page 4


Crescenta Valley High School Competition Grand Champions

Glimpse of Luther Mobile Upholstery





“It is better to give than to receive.” PTA’s

Honorary Service Award (HSA) “recognizes an

individual or organization for outstanding service

to children and youth in your community by going

above and beyond what is asked of them.” I spent

six years as a field rep attending events & handing

out certificates of recognition. So when my name

was called last year for recognition, it blew my

mind. I realized the person who coined that

phrase never worked as a field rep. At the March

PTSA meeting we hope to blow someone else’s

mind with an HSA award. Be there on March 12th

and find out who is recognized.

Suzy Jacobs,

HSA Chairperson

Shake Out Your Chitons ,

Dust Off Your Sandals


Get Your Greek On! Our annual 6th grade event, Greek Day, is coming up

this month! Greek Day will take place on March 15th,

all day! Students should come to school dressed and

ready to participate in a day full of Greek fun. They’ll

see a one-man show, make ambrosia, participate in the

Olympics, create crafts and enjoy a Greek lunch

provided by the district catering service. The menu

includes Lemon Herb Roasted

Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Greek

Salad, Hummus, Pita, Fresh

Fruit, Tzaziki Sauce, Milk, Juice.

It’s sure to be a great Greek Day!

Three Luther Students Honored at the First District PTA Reflections Awards

Three of our very own Luther students received awards on Saturday, February 23rd at the First District PTA

Reflections Awards. Their Reflections entries were judged against thousands of other entries from all over

Southern California.

Mia Staub won an Award of Excellence in Film Production

Melissa Cova won an Award of Merit in Literature and

Zoe Sparks won an Award of Excellence in Photography

Their pieces were on display during the reception that was held at Woodbury University.

Congratulations to our hard-working artists!





Results and photos from LBMS

Track Meet available on Luther

Lowdown and on Luther Website.




"Support Our Schools Award 2013"

The Burbank Business Partners have revealed the

eight finalists for this year's award! The winner will

receive a cash prize of $ 1,000 for their program. All

parents and students are encouraged to go online

and vote during the month of March. All the

programs are worthy, but of course we want Luther

to win! Click on the link below to go to the Burbank

Business Partner's website. You will need to watch

the video first, which describes the eight finalists. At

the end of the video, you will be redirected to a

ballot, where you can cast your vote.



Thanks for supporting our wonderful Luther Burbank

Middle School ASB Student Store Project!

Mission Statement of the California State PTA The mission of the California State PTA is to positively impact the lives of all children and families by representing

our members and empowering and supporting them with skills in advocacy, leadership, and community.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 12th at 7:00 in Library


5 “Surviving Adolescence” 6:30 pm Library

12 Parents and Students PTSA Meeting 7:00 pm Library

15 On Campus Lunch 12:00-1:00

15 6th Grade Greek Day

18-22 Spring Break

26 College T-Shirt Day


1 Furlough Day - No School

4&5 LBMS Pop Show 6:30 pm

9 Parents and Students PTSA Meeting 7:00 pm Library

13 Tri-School Track Meet 8:30-1:00 Burbank High School

18&19 Charlie Brown Musical 6:30 pm

19 On Campus Lunch 12:00-1:00

19 Staff Appreciation Luncheon

22-26 CST Testing (no testing on Wed, 4/24)

23 College T-Shirt Day


President: Tammy Sparks


1st VP/Family Picnic: Gabriella Platten


2nd VP/Membership: Magda Sellon


3rd VP/Fundraising: Amy Phelps


Treasurer: Annette Fiol


Financial Secretary: Nancy Kim


Recording Secretary: Laurette Cano


Historian: Ilya Mindlin


Parliamentarian: Tami Bercini


Auditor: Carol Skaar


Corresponding Secretary: Kate Platten


It's Time For Some Spring Shopping during Spring Break! It's time to clean out those closets and buy something new or fill their Easter baskets with a fun

surprise from the mall. The My School's Cool program is still going so we need your continued

support. Remember, we are competing with all of the other middle and high schools. The school with

the most points from January to March will win $500.00. All mall retailers are part of the program,

including IKEA, AMC 6 and 8, Baja Fresh, Barnes & Noble, California Pizza Kitchen, Chevy's, El

Pollo Loco, In-N-Out Burger, Crunch Fitness and Office Depot. The double point retailers for the

month of March are Andres' Martial Arts, Baja Fresh Mexican Grill, Bath and Body Works,

Burlington Coat Factory, Crunch Fitness, Fashion Nova, Foot Action, Forever 21, Game Stop, Gloria

Jeans Coffee, Halo 13, Hot Dog on a Stick, Journeys, Lane Bryant, Payless Shoes, Sears, See's

Candy, Sheikh Shoes, Stein Optometric, The Baby Shop, Tuxedo Junction, Vitamin World and Zumiez.

So "hop" on up to the mall and help earn extra money for our school by collecting those receipts!

Turn them in at the mall or there is a labeled, clear box in the school office as well. Any questions,

please call Tami Bercini (818)848-5378.